Theory Big_Step_Sterm
section ‹Big-step semantics›
theory Big_Step_Sterm
subsection ‹Big-step semantics evaluating to irreducible @{typ sterm}s›
inductive (in constructors) seval :: "srule list ⇒ (name, sterm) fmap ⇒ sterm ⇒ sterm ⇒ bool" ("_, _/ ⊢⇩s/ _ ↓/ _" [50,0,50] 50) for rs where
const: "(name, rhs) ∈ set rs ⟹ rs, Γ ⊢⇩s Sconst name ↓ rhs" |
var: "fmlookup Γ name = Some val ⟹ rs, Γ ⊢⇩s Svar name ↓ val" |
abs: "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s Sabs cs ↓ Sabs (map (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ))) cs)" |
comb: "
rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ Sabs cs ⟹ rs, Γ ⊢⇩s u ↓ u' ⟹
find_match cs u' = Some (env, _, rhs) ⟹
rs, Γ ++⇩f env ⊢⇩s rhs ↓ val ⟹
rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t $⇩s u ↓ val" |
constr: "
name |∈| C ⟹
list_all2 (seval rs Γ) ts us ⟹
rs, Γ ⊢⇩s name $$ ts ↓ name $$ us"
lemma (in constructors) seval_closed:
assumes "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ u" "closed_srules rs" "closed_env Γ" "closed_except t (fmdom Γ)"
shows "closed u"
using assms proof induction
case (const name rhs Γ)
thus ?case
by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
case (comb Γ t cs u u' env pat rhs val)
hence "closed (Sabs cs)" "closed u'"
by (auto simp: closed_except_def)
moreover have "(pat, rhs) ∈ set cs" "match pat u' = Some env"
using comb by (auto simp: find_match_elem)
ultimately have "closed_except rhs (frees pat)"
by (auto dest: closed_except_sabs)
show ?case
proof (rule comb)
have "closed_env env"
by (rule closed.match) fact+
thus "closed_env (Γ ++⇩f env)"
using ‹closed_env Γ› by auto
have "closed_except rhs (fmdom Γ |∪| frees pat)"
using ‹closed_except rhs _›
unfolding closed_except_def by auto
hence "closed_except rhs (fmdom Γ |∪| fmdom env)"
using ‹match pat u' = Some env› by (metis match_dom)
thus "closed_except rhs (fmdom (Γ ++⇩f env))"
using comb by simp
qed fact
case (abs Γ cs)
show ?case
apply (subst subst_sterm.simps[symmetric])
apply (subst closed_except_def)
apply (subst subst_frees)
apply fact+
apply (subst fminus_fsubset_conv)
apply (subst closed_except_def[symmetric])
apply (subst funion_fempty_right)
apply fact
case (constr name Γ ts us)
have "list_all closed us"
using ‹list_all2 _ _ _› ‹closed_except (list_comb _ _) _›
proof (induction ts us rule: list.rel_induct)
case (Cons v vs u us)
thus ?case
using constr unfolding closed.list_comb
by auto
qed simp
thus ?case
unfolding closed.list_comb
by (simp add: closed_except_def)
qed auto
lemma (in srules) seval_wellformed:
assumes "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ u" "wellformed t" "wellformed_env Γ"
shows "wellformed u"
using assms proof induction
case (const name rhs Γ)
thus ?case
using all_rules
by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
case (comb Γ t cs u u' env pat rhs val)
hence "(pat, rhs) ∈ set cs" "match pat u' = Some env"
by (auto simp: find_match_elem)
show ?case
proof (rule comb)
show "wellformed rhs"
using ‹(pat, rhs) ∈ set cs› comb
by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
have "wellformed_env env"
apply (rule wellformed.match)
apply fact
apply (rule comb)
using comb apply simp
apply fact+
thus "wellformed_env (Γ ++⇩f env)"
using comb by auto
case (abs Γ cs)
thus ?case
by (metis subst_sterm.simps subst_wellformed)
case (constr name Γ ts us)
have "list_all wellformed us"
using ‹list_all2 _ _ _› ‹wellformed (list_comb _ _)›
proof (induction ts us rule: list.rel_induct)
case (Cons v vs u us)
thus ?case
using constr by (auto simp: wellformed.list_comb app_sterm_def)
qed simp
thus ?case
by (simp add: wellformed.list_comb const_sterm_def)
qed auto
lemma (in constants) seval_shadows:
assumes "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ u" "¬ shadows_consts t"
assumes "list_all (λ(_, rhs). ¬ shadows_consts rhs) rs"
assumes "not_shadows_consts_env Γ"
shows "¬ shadows_consts u"
using assms proof induction
case (const name rhs Γ)
thus ?case
unfolding srules_def
by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
case (comb Γ t cs u u' env pat rhs val)
hence "¬ shadows_consts (Sabs cs)" "¬ shadows_consts u'"
by auto
moreover from comb have "(pat, rhs) ∈ set cs" "match pat u' = Some env"
by (auto simp: find_match_elem)
ultimately have "¬ shadows_consts rhs"
by (auto simp: list_ex_iff)
moreover have "not_shadows_consts_env env"
using comb ‹match pat u' = _› by (auto intro: shadows.match)
ultimately show ?case
using comb by blast
case (abs Γ cs)
show ?case
apply (subst subst_sterm.simps[symmetric])
apply (rule subst_shadows)
apply fact+
case (constr name Γ ts us)
have "list_all (Not ∘ shadows_consts) us"
using ‹list_all2 _ _ _› ‹¬ shadows_consts (name $$ ts)›
proof (induction ts us rule: list.rel_induct)
case (Cons v vs u us)
thus ?case
using constr by (auto simp: shadows.list_comb const_sterm_def app_sterm_def)
qed simp
thus ?case
by (auto simp: shadows.list_comb list_ex_iff list_all_iff const_sterm_def)
qed auto
lemma (in constructors) seval_list_comb_abs:
assumes "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s name $$ args ↓ Sabs cs"
shows "name ∈ dom (map_of rs)"
using assms
proof (induction Γ "name $$ args" "Sabs cs" arbitrary: args cs)
case (constr name' _ _ us)
hence "Sabs cs = name' $$ us" by simp
hence False
by (cases rule: list_comb_cases) (auto simp: const_sterm_def app_sterm_def)
thus ?case ..
case (comb Γ t cs' u u' env pat rhs)
hence "strip_comb (t $⇩s u) = strip_comb (name $$ args)"
by simp
hence "strip_comb t = (Sconst name, butlast args)" "u = last args"
apply -
apply (simp add: strip_list_comb_const)
apply (fold app_sterm_def const_sterm_def)
by (auto split: prod.splits)
apply (simp add: strip_list_comb_const)
apply (fold app_sterm_def const_sterm_def)
by (auto split: prod.splits)
hence "t = name $$ butlast args"
apply (fold const_sterm_def)
by (metis list_strip_comb fst_conv snd_conv)
thus ?case
using comb by auto
qed (auto elim: list_comb_cases simp: const_sterm_def app_sterm_def intro: weak_map_of_SomeI)
lemma (in constructors) is_value_eval_id:
assumes "is_value t" "closed t"
shows "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ t"
using assms proof induction
case (abs cs)
have "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s Sabs cs ↓ Sabs (map (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ))) cs)"
by (rule seval.abs)
moreover have "subst (Sabs cs) Γ = Sabs cs"
using abs by (metis subst_closed_id)
ultimately show ?case
by simp
case (constr vs name)
have "list_all2 (seval rs Γ) vs vs"
proof (rule list.rel_refl_strong)
fix v
assume "v ∈ set vs"
moreover hence "closed v"
using constr
unfolding closed.list_comb
by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
ultimately show "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s v ↓ v"
using ‹list_all _ _›
by (force simp: list_all_iff)
with ‹name |∈| C› show ?case
by (rule seval.constr)
lemma (in constructors) ssubst_eval:
assumes "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ t'" "Γ' ⊆⇩f Γ" "closed_env Γ" "value_env Γ"
shows "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s subst t Γ' ↓ t'"
using assms proof induction
case (var Γ name val)
show ?case
proof (cases "fmlookup Γ' name")
case None
thus ?thesis
using var by (auto intro: seval.intros)
case (Some val')
with var have "val' = val"
unfolding fmsubset_alt_def by force
show ?thesis
apply simp
apply (subst Some)
apply (subst ‹val' = _›)
apply simp
apply (rule is_value_eval_id)
using var by auto
case (abs Γ cs)
hence "subst (subst (Sabs cs) Γ') Γ = subst (Sabs cs) Γ"
by (metis subst_twice fmsubset_pred)
moreover have "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s subst (Sabs cs) Γ' ↓ subst (subst (Sabs cs) Γ') Γ"
apply simp
apply (subst map_map[symmetric])
apply (rule seval.abs)
ultimately have "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s subst (Sabs cs) Γ' ↓ subst (Sabs cs) Γ"
by metis
thus ?case by simp
case (constr name Γ ts us)
hence "list_all2 (λt. seval rs Γ (subst t Γ')) ts us"
by (blast intro: list.rel_mono_strong)
with constr show ?case
by (auto simp: subst_list_comb list_all2_map1 intro: seval.constr)
qed (auto intro: seval.intros)
lemma (in constructors) seval_agree_eq:
assumes "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ u" "fmrestrict_fset S Γ = fmrestrict_fset S Γ'" "closed_except t S"
assumes "S |⊆| fmdom Γ" "closed_srules rs" "closed_env Γ"
shows "rs, Γ' ⊢⇩s t ↓ u"
using assms proof (induction arbitrary: Γ' S)
case (var Γ name val)
hence "name |∈| S"
by (simp add: closed_except_def)
hence "fmlookup Γ name = fmlookup Γ' name"
using ‹fmrestrict_fset S Γ = _›
unfolding fmfilter_alt_defs
including fmap.lifting
by transfer' (auto simp: map_filter_def fun_eq_iff split: if_splits)
with var show ?case
by (auto intro: seval.var)
case (abs Γ cs)
have *: "fmdrop_fset S (fmrestrict_fset T m) = fmrestrict_fset (T |∪| S) (fmdrop_fset S m)" for S T m
unfolding fmfilter_alt_defs fmfilter_comp
by (rule fmfilter_cong) auto
fix pat t
assume "(pat, t) ∈ set cs"
with abs have "closed_except t (S |∪| frees pat)"
by (auto simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps list_all_iff)
"subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) (fmrestrict_fset S Γ)) = subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ)"
apply (subst *)
apply (rule subst_restrict_closed)
apply fact
moreover have
"subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) (fmrestrict_fset S Γ')) = subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ')"
apply (subst *)
apply (rule subst_restrict_closed)
apply fact
ultimately have "subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ) = subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ')"
using abs by metis
hence "map (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ))) cs =
map (λ(pat, t). (pat, subst t (fmdrop_fset (frees pat) Γ'))) cs"
by auto
thus ?case
by (metis seval.abs)
case (comb Γ t cs u u' env pat rhs val)
have "fmdom env = frees pat"
apply (rule match_dom)
apply (rule find_match_elem)
apply fact
show ?case
proof (rule seval.comb)
show "rs, Γ' ⊢⇩s t ↓ Sabs cs" "rs, Γ' ⊢⇩s u ↓ u'"
using comb by (auto simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps)
show "rs, Γ' ++⇩f env ⊢⇩s rhs ↓ val"
proof (rule comb)
have "fmrestrict_fset (S |∪| fmdom env) (Γ ++⇩f env) = fmrestrict_fset (S |∪| fmdom env) (Γ' ++⇩f env)"
using comb(8)
unfolding fmfilter_alt_defs
including fmap.lifting fset.lifting
by transfer' (auto simp: map_filter_def fun_eq_iff map_add_def split: option.splits if_splits)
thus "fmrestrict_fset (S |∪| frees pat) (Γ ++⇩f env) = fmrestrict_fset (S |∪| frees pat) (Γ' ++⇩f env)"
unfolding ‹fmdom env = _› .
have "closed_except t S"
using comb by (simp add: Sterm.closed_except_simps)
have "closed (Sabs cs)"
apply (rule seval_closed)
apply fact+
using ‹closed_except t S› ‹S |⊆| fmdom Γ›
unfolding closed_except_def apply simp
have "(pat, rhs) ∈ set cs"
using ‹find_match _ _ = _› by (rule find_match_elem)
hence "closed_except rhs (frees pat)"
using ‹closed (Sabs cs)› by (auto dest: closed_except_sabs)
thus "closed_except rhs (S |∪| frees pat)"
unfolding closed_except_def by auto
show "S |∪| frees pat |⊆| fmdom (Γ ++⇩f env)"
apply simp
apply (intro conjI)
using comb(10) apply blast
unfolding ‹fmdom env = _› by blast
have "closed_except u S"
using comb by (auto simp: closed_except_def)
show "closed_env (Γ ++⇩f env)"
apply rule
apply fact
apply (rule closed.match[where t = u' and pat = pat])
by (rule find_match_elem) fact
apply (rule seval_closed)
apply fact+
using ‹closed_except u S› ‹S |⊆| fmdom Γ› unfolding closed_except_def by blast
qed fact
qed fact
case (constr name Γ ts us)
show ?case
apply (rule seval.constr)
apply fact
apply (rule list.rel_mono_strong)
apply fact
using constr
unfolding closed.list_comb list_all_iff
by auto
qed (auto intro: seval.intros)
subsubsection ‹Correctness wrt @{const srewrite}›
context srules begin context begin
private lemma seval_correct0:
assumes "rs, Γ ⊢⇩s t ↓ u" "closed_except t (fmdom Γ)" "closed_env Γ"
shows "rs ⊢⇩s subst t Γ ⟶* u"
using assms proof induction
case (const name rhs Γ)
have "srewrite_step rs name rhs"
by (rule srewrite_stepI) fact
thus ?case
by (auto intro: srewrite.intros)
case (comb Γ t cs u u' env pat rhs val)
hence "closed_except t (fmdom Γ)" "closed_except u (fmdom Γ)"
by (simp add: Sterm.closed_except_simps)+
moreover have "closed_srules rs"
using all_rules
unfolding list_all_iff by fastforce
ultimately have "closed (Sabs cs)" "closed u'"
using comb by (metis seval_closed)+
from comb have "(pat, rhs) ∈ set cs" "match pat u' = Some env"
by (auto simp: find_match_elem)
hence "closed_except rhs (frees pat)"
using ‹closed (Sabs cs)› by (auto dest: closed_except_sabs)
hence "frees rhs |⊆| frees pat"
by (simp add: closed_except_def)
moreover have "fmdom env = frees pat"
using ‹match pat u' = _› by (auto simp: match_dom)
ultimately have "frees rhs |⊆| fmdom env"
by simp
hence "subst rhs (Γ ++⇩f env) = subst rhs env"
by (rule subst_add_shadowed_env)
have "rs ⊢⇩s subst t Γ $⇩s subst u Γ ⟶* Sabs cs $⇩s u'"
using comb by (force intro: srewrite.rt_comb[unfolded app_sterm_def] simp: Sterm.closed_except_simps)
also have "rs ⊢⇩s Sabs cs $⇩s u' ⟶* subst rhs env"
using comb ‹closed u'› by (force intro: srewrite.beta find_match_rewrite_first)
also have "rs ⊢⇩s subst rhs env ⟶* subst rhs (Γ ++⇩f env)"
unfolding ‹subst rhs (Γ ++⇩f env) = _› by simp
also have "rs ⊢⇩s subst rhs (Γ ++⇩f env) ⟶* val"
proof (rule comb)
show "closed_except rhs (fmdom (Γ ++⇩f env))"
using comb ‹match pat u' = Some env› ‹fmdom env = _› ‹frees rhs |⊆| frees pat›
by (auto simp: closed_except_def)
show "closed_env (Γ ++⇩f env)"
using comb ‹match pat u' = Some env› ‹closed u'›
by (blast intro: closed.match)
finally show ?case by simp
case (constr name Γ ts us)
show ?case
apply (simp add: subst_list_comb)
apply (rule srewrite.rt_list_comb)
apply (simp add: list.rel_map)
apply (rule list.rel_mono_strong[OF constr(2)])
apply clarify
apply (elim impE)
using constr(3) apply (erule closed.list_combE)
apply (rule constr)+
apply (auto simp: const_sterm_def)
subgoal by auto
qed auto
corollary seval_correct:
assumes "rs, fmempty ⊢⇩s t ↓ u" "closed t"
shows "rs ⊢⇩s t ⟶* u"
proof -
have "closed_except t (fmdom fmempty)"
using assms by simp
with assms have "rs ⊢⇩s subst t fmempty ⟶* u"
by (fastforce intro!: seval_correct0)
thus ?thesis
by simp
end end