Theory CZH_DG_Subdigraph

(* Copyright 2021 (C) Mihails Milehins *)

theory CZH_DG_Subdigraph


In this body of work, a subdigraph is a natural generalization of the concept 
of a subcategory, as defined in Chapter I-3 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010", 
to digraphs. 
It should be noted that a similar concept also exists in the conventional
graph theory, but further details are considered to be outside of the scope of 
this work.

named_theorems dg_sub_cs_intros
named_theorems dg_sub_bw_cs_intros
named_theorems dg_sub_fw_cs_intros
named_theorems dg_sub_bw_cs_simps

subsection‹Simple subdigraph›

subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

locale subdigraph = sdg: digraph α 𝔅 + dg: digraph α  for α 𝔅  +
  assumes subdg_Obj_vsubset[dg_sub_fw_cs_intros]: 
    "a  𝔅Obj  a  Obj"
    and subdg_is_arr_vsubset[dg_sub_fw_cs_intros]: 
      "f : a 𝔅b  f : a b"

abbreviation is_subdigraph ("(_/ DGı _)" [51, 51] 50)
  where "𝔅 DGα  subdigraph α 𝔅 "

lemmas [dg_sub_fw_cs_intros] = 


lemma (in subdigraph) subdigraph_axioms'[dg_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α" and "𝔅' = 𝔅"
  shows "𝔅' DGα'"
  unfolding assms by (rule subdigraph_axioms)

lemma (in subdigraph) subdigraph_axioms''[dg_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α" and "ℭ' = "
  shows "𝔅 DGα'ℭ'"
  unfolding assms by (rule subdigraph_axioms)

mk_ide rf subdigraph_def[unfolded subdigraph_axioms_def]
  |intro subdigraphI|
  |dest subdigraphD[dest]|
  |elim subdigraphE[elim!]|

lemmas [dg_sub_cs_intros] = subdigraphD(1,2)

text‹The opposite subdigraph.›

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_subdigraph_op_dg_op_dg: "op_dg 𝔅 DGαop_dg "
proof(rule subdigraphI)
  show "a  op_dg 𝔅Obj  a  op_dg Obj" for a
    by (auto simp: dg_op_simps subdg_Obj_vsubset)
  show "f : a op_dg 𝔅b  f : a op_dg b" for f a b
    by (auto simp: dg_op_simps subdg_is_arr_vsubset)    
qed (auto simp: dg_op_simps intro: dg_op_intros)

lemmas subdg_subdigraph_op_dg_op_dg[dg_op_intros] = 

text‹Further rules.›

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_objD:
  assumes "a  𝔅Obj" 
  shows "a  Obj"
  using assms by (auto intro: subdg_Obj_vsubset)

lemmas [dg_sub_fw_cs_intros] = subdigraph.subdg_objD

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_arrD[dg_sub_fw_cs_intros]:
  assumes "f  𝔅Arr" 
  shows "f  Arr"
  from assms obtain a b where "f : a 𝔅b" by auto
  then show "f  Arr"
    by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: subdg_is_arr_vsubset dg_cs_intros)

lemmas [dg_sub_fw_cs_intros] = subdigraph.subdg_arrD

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_dom_simp:
  assumes "f  𝔅Arr" 
  shows "𝔅Domf = Domf"
  from assms obtain a b where "f : a 𝔅b" by auto
  then show "𝔅Domf = Domf" 
    by (force dest: subdg_is_arr_vsubset simp: dg_cs_simps)

lemmas [dg_sub_bw_cs_simps] = subdigraph.subdg_dom_simp

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_cod_simp:
  assumes "f  𝔅Arr" 
  shows "𝔅Codf = Codf"
  from assms obtain a b where "f : a 𝔅b" by auto
  then show "𝔅Codf = Codf" 
    by (force dest: subdg_is_arr_vsubset simp: dg_cs_simps)

lemmas [dg_sub_bw_cs_simps] = subdigraph.subdg_cod_simp

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_is_arrD:
  assumes "f : a 𝔅b" 
  shows "f : a b"
  using assms subdg_is_arr_vsubset by simp

lemmas [dg_sub_fw_cs_intros] = subdigraph.subdg_is_arrD

subsubsection‹The subdigraph relation is a partial order›

lemma subdg_refl: 
  assumes "digraph α 𝔄" 
  shows "𝔄 DGα𝔄"
  interpret digraph α 𝔄 by (rule assms)
  show ?thesis by unfold_locales simp

lemma subdg_trans[trans]: 
  assumes "𝔄 DGα𝔅" and "𝔅 DGα"
  shows "𝔄 DGα"
  interpret 𝔄𝔅: subdigraph α 𝔄 𝔅 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔅ℭ: subdigraph α 𝔅  by (rule assms(2))
  show ?thesis
    by  unfold_locales
        insert 𝔄𝔅.subdigraph_axioms, 
        auto simp:

lemma subdg_antisym:
  assumes "𝔄 DGα𝔅" and "𝔅 DGα𝔄"
  shows "𝔄 = 𝔅"
  interpret 𝔄𝔅: subdigraph α 𝔄 𝔅 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔅𝔄: subdigraph α 𝔅 𝔄 by (rule assms(2))
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule dg_eqI)
    from assms show Arr: "𝔄Arr = 𝔅Arr"
      by (intro vsubset_antisym vsubsetI) 
        (auto simp: dg_sub_bw_cs_simps intro: dg_sub_fw_cs_intros)
    from assms show "𝔄Obj = 𝔅Obj"
      by (intro vsubset_antisym vsubsetI)
        (auto simp: dg_sub_bw_cs_simps intro: dg_sub_fw_cs_intros)
    show "𝔄Dom = 𝔅Dom"
      by (rule vsv_eqI) (auto simp: 𝔄𝔅.subdg_dom_simp Arr dg_cs_simps)
    show "𝔄Cod = 𝔅Cod" 
      by (rule vsv_eqI) (auto simp: 𝔄𝔅.subdg_cod_simp Arr dg_cs_simps)
  qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: dg_cs_intros)+

subsection‹Inclusion digraph homomorphism›

subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

text‹See Chapter I-3 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010".›

definition dghm_inc :: "V  V  V"
  where "dghm_inc 𝔅  = [vid_on (𝔅Obj), vid_on (𝔅Arr), 𝔅, ]"


lemma dghm_inc_components:
  shows "dghm_inc 𝔅 ObjMap = vid_on (𝔅Obj)" 
    and "dghm_inc 𝔅 ArrMap = vid_on (𝔅Arr)" 
    and [dg_cs_simps]: "dghm_inc 𝔅 HomDom = 𝔅"
    and [dg_cs_simps]: "dghm_inc 𝔅 HomCod = " 
  unfolding dghm_inc_def dghm_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)

subsubsection‹Object map›

mk_VLambda dghm_inc_components(1)[folded VLambda_vid_on]
  |vsv dghm_inc_ObjMap_vsv[dg_cs_intros]|
  |vdomain dghm_inc_ObjMap_vdomain[dg_cs_simps]|
  |app dghm_inc_ObjMap_app[dg_cs_simps]|

subsubsection‹Arrow map›

mk_VLambda dghm_inc_components(2)[folded VLambda_vid_on]
  |vsv dghm_inc_ArrMap_vsv[dg_cs_intros]|
  |vdomain dghm_inc_ArrMap_vdomain[dg_cs_simps]|
  |app dghm_inc_ArrMap_app[dg_cs_simps]|

Canonical inclusion digraph homomorphism associated with a subdigraph

sublocale subdigraph  inc: is_ft_dghm α 𝔅  dghm_inc 𝔅 
proof(intro is_ft_dghmI is_dghmI)
  show "vfsequence (dghm_inc 𝔅 )" unfolding dghm_inc_def by auto
  show "vcard (dghm_inc 𝔅 ) = 4"
    unfolding dghm_inc_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
  show " (dghm_inc 𝔅 ObjMap)  Obj"
    unfolding dghm_inc_components by (auto dest: subdg_objD)
  show "dghm_inc 𝔅 ArrMapf :
    dghm_inc 𝔅 ObjMapa dghm_inc 𝔅 ObjMapb"
    if "f : a 𝔅b" for a b f
    using that 
    by (cs_concl cs_simp: dg_cs_simps cs_intro: dg_cs_intros dg_sub_fw_cs_intros)
  show "v11 (dghm_inc 𝔅 ArrMap l Hom 𝔅 a b)"
    if "a  𝔅Obj" and "b  𝔅Obj" for a b
    using that unfolding dghm_inc_components by simp
qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: dg_cs_simps cs_intro: dg_cs_intros)+

lemmas (in subdigraph) subdg_dghm_inc_is_ft_dghm = inc.is_ft_dghm_axioms

subsubsection‹The inclusion digraph homomorphism for the opposite digraphs›

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_dghm_inc_op_dg_is_dghm[dg_sub_cs_intros]:
  "dghm_inc (op_dg 𝔅) (op_dg ) : op_dg 𝔅 ↦↦DG.faithfulαop_dg "
  by (intro subdigraph.subdg_dghm_inc_is_ft_dghm subdg_subdigraph_op_dg_op_dg)

lemmas [dg_sub_cs_intros] = subdigraph.subdg_dghm_inc_op_dg_is_dghm

lemma (in subdigraph) subdg_op_dg_dghm_inc[dg_op_simps]: 
  "op_dghm (dghm_inc 𝔅 ) = dghm_inc (op_dg 𝔅) (op_dg )"
  by (rule dghm_eqI, unfold dg_op_simps dghm_inc_components id_def)
        simp: subdg_dghm_inc_op_dg_is_dghm is_ft_dghmD 
        intro: dg_op_intros dg_cs_intros

lemmas [dg_op_simps] = subdigraph.subdg_op_dg_dghm_inc

subsection‹Full subdigraph›

text‹See Chapter I-3 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010".›

locale fl_subdigraph = subdigraph + 
  assumes fl_subdg_is_fl_dghm_inc: "dghm_inc 𝔅  : 𝔅 ↦↦DG.fullα" 

abbreviation is_fl_subdigraph ("(_/ DG.fullı _)" [51, 51] 50)
  where "𝔅 DG.fullα  fl_subdigraph α 𝔅 "

sublocale fl_subdigraph  inc: is_fl_dghm α 𝔅  dghm_inc 𝔅 
  by (rule fl_subdg_is_fl_dghm_inc)


lemma (in fl_subdigraph) fl_subdigraph_axioms'[dg_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α" and "𝔅' = 𝔅"
  shows "𝔅' DG.fullα'"
  unfolding assms by (rule fl_subdigraph_axioms)

lemma (in fl_subdigraph) fl_subdigraph_axioms''[dg_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α" and "ℭ' = "
  shows "𝔅 DG.fullα'ℭ'"
  unfolding assms by (rule fl_subdigraph_axioms)

mk_ide rf fl_subdigraph_def[unfolded fl_subdigraph_axioms_def]
  |intro fl_subdigraphI|
  |dest fl_subdigraphD[dest]|
  |elim fl_subdigraphE[elim!]|

lemmas [dg_sub_cs_intros] = fl_subdigraphD(1)

text‹Elementary properties.›

lemma (in fl_subdigraph) fl_subdg_Hom_eq:
  assumes "A  𝔅Obj" and "B  𝔅Obj"
  shows "Hom 𝔅 A B = Hom  A B"
  from assms have Arr_AB: "𝔅Arr  Hom 𝔅 A B = Hom 𝔅 A B" 
        intro vsubset_antisym vsubsetI, 
        unfold vintersection_iff in_Hom_iff; 
        (elim conjE)?; 
        (intro conjI)?
      (auto intro: dg_cs_intros)
  from assms have A: "vid_on (𝔅Obj)A = A" and B: "vid_on (𝔅Obj)B = B" 
    by simp_all
  from inc.fl_dghm_surj_on_Hom[OF assms, unfolded dghm_inc_components] show
    "Hom 𝔅 A B = Hom  A B"
    by (auto simp: Arr_AB A B)

subsection‹Wide subdigraph›

subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

See cite"noauthor_nlab_nodate"\footnote{

locale wide_subdigraph = subdigraph +
  assumes wide_subdg_Obj[dg_sub_bw_cs_intros]: "a  Obj  a  𝔅Obj"

abbreviation is_wide_subdigraph ("(_/ DG.wideı _)" [51, 51] 50)
  where "𝔅 DG.wideα  wide_subdigraph α 𝔅 "

lemmas [dg_sub_bw_cs_intros] = wide_subdigraph.wide_subdg_Obj


lemma (in wide_subdigraph) wide_subdigraph_axioms'[dg_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α" and "𝔅' = 𝔅"
  shows "𝔅' DG.wideα'"
  unfolding assms by (rule wide_subdigraph_axioms)

lemma (in wide_subdigraph) wide_subdigraph_axioms''[dg_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α" and "ℭ' = "
  shows "𝔅 DG.wideα'ℭ'"
  unfolding assms by (rule wide_subdigraph_axioms)

mk_ide rf wide_subdigraph_def[unfolded wide_subdigraph_axioms_def]
  |intro wide_subdigraphI|
  |dest wide_subdigraphD[dest]|
  |elim wide_subdigraphE[elim!]|

lemmas [dg_sub_cs_intros] = wide_subdigraphD(1)

text‹Elementary properties.›

lemma (in wide_subdigraph) wide_subdg_obj_eq[dg_sub_bw_cs_simps]: 
  "𝔅Obj = Obj"
  using subdg_Obj_vsubset wide_subdg_Obj by auto

lemmas [dg_sub_bw_cs_simps] = wide_subdigraph.wide_subdg_obj_eq

subsubsection‹The wide subdigraph relation is a partial order›

lemma wide_subdg_refl: 
  assumes "digraph α 𝔄" 
  shows "𝔄 DG.wideα𝔄"
  interpret digraph α 𝔄 by (rule assms)
  show ?thesis by unfold_locales simp

lemma wide_subdg_trans[trans]: 
  assumes "𝔄 DG.wideα𝔅" and "𝔅 DG.wideα"
  shows "𝔄 DG.wideα"
  interpret 𝔄𝔅: wide_subdigraph α 𝔄 𝔅 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔅ℭ: wide_subdigraph α 𝔅  by (rule assms(2))
  interpret 𝔄ℭ: subdigraph α 𝔄  
    by (rule subdg_trans) (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: dg_cs_intros)+
  show ?thesis
    by (cs_concl cs_intro: dg_sub_bw_cs_intros dg_cs_intros wide_subdigraphI)

lemma wide_subdg_antisym:
  assumes "𝔄 DG.wideα𝔅" and "𝔅 DG.wideα𝔄"
  shows "𝔄 = 𝔅"
  interpret 𝔄𝔅: wide_subdigraph α 𝔄 𝔅 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔅𝔄: wide_subdigraph α 𝔅 𝔄 by (rule assms(2))
  show ?thesis 
    by (rule subdg_antisym[OF 𝔄𝔅.subdigraph_axioms 𝔅𝔄.subdigraph_axioms])

