Theory Gcd_Finite_Field_Impl

    Authors:      Jose Divasón
                  Sebastiaan Joosten
                  René Thiemann
                  Akihisa Yamada
subsection ‹A fast coprimality approximation›

text ‹We adapt the integer polynomial gcd algorithm so that it 
  first tests whether $f$ and $g$ are coprime modulo a few primes.
  If so, we are immediately done.›

theory Gcd_Finite_Field_Impl
  "HOL-Library.Code_Target_Int" (* to be able to efficiently primality of medium large numbers *)

definition coprime_approx_main :: "int  'i arith_ops_record  int poly  int poly  bool" where
  "coprime_approx_main p ff_ops f g = (gcd_poly_i ff_ops (of_int_poly_i ff_ops (poly_mod.Mp p f))
     (of_int_poly_i ff_ops (poly_mod.Mp p g)) = one_poly_i ff_ops)" 

lemma (in prime_field_gen) coprime_approx_main: 
  shows "coprime_approx_main p ff_ops f g  coprime_m f g"
proof -
  define F where F: "(F :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly (Mp f)"
  define G where G: "(G :: 'a mod_ring poly) = of_int_poly (Mp g)"  let ?f' = "of_int_poly_i ff_ops (Mp f)" 
  let ?g' = "of_int_poly_i ff_ops (Mp g)" 
  define f'' where "f''  of_int_poly (Mp f) :: 'a mod_ring poly"
  define g'' where "g''  of_int_poly (Mp g) :: 'a mod_ring poly"
  have rel_f[transfer_rule]: "poly_rel ?f' f''" 
    by (rule poly_rel_of_int_poly[OF refl], simp add: f''_def)
  have rel_f[transfer_rule]: "poly_rel ?g' g''" 
    by (rule poly_rel_of_int_poly[OF refl], simp add: g''_def)
  have id: "(gcd_poly_i ff_ops (of_int_poly_i ff_ops (Mp f)) (of_int_poly_i ff_ops (Mp g)) = one_poly_i ff_ops)
    = coprime f'' g''" (is "?P  ?Q")
  proof -
    have "?P  gcd f'' g'' = 1"
      unfolding separable_i_def by transfer_prover
    also have "  ?Q"
      by (simp add: coprime_iff_gcd_eq_1)
    finally show ?thesis .
  have fF: "MP_Rel (Mp f) F" unfolding F MP_Rel_def
    by (simp add: Mp_f_representative)
  have gG: "MP_Rel (Mp g) G" unfolding G MP_Rel_def
    by (simp add: Mp_f_representative)
  have "coprime f'' g'' = coprime F G" unfolding f''_def F g''_def G by simp
  also have " = coprime_m (Mp f) (Mp g)"
    using coprime_MP_Rel[unfolded rel_fun_def, rule_format, OF fF gG] by simp
  also have " = coprime_m f g" unfolding coprime_m_def dvdm_def by simp
  finally have id2: "coprime f'' g'' = coprime_m f g" .
  show "coprime_approx_main p ff_ops f g  coprime_m f g" unfolding coprime_approx_main_def
    id id2 by auto

context poly_mod_prime begin

lemmas coprime_approx_main_uint32 = prime_field_gen.coprime_approx_main[OF 
        prime_field.prime_field_finite_field_ops32, unfolded prime_field_def mod_ring_locale_def
   poly_mod_type_simps, internalize_sort "'a :: prime_card", OF type_to_set, unfolded remove_duplicate_premise, cancel_type_definition, OF non_empty]

lemmas coprime_approx_main_uint64 = prime_field_gen.coprime_approx_main[OF 
        prime_field.prime_field_finite_field_ops64, unfolded prime_field_def mod_ring_locale_def
   poly_mod_type_simps, internalize_sort "'a :: prime_card", OF type_to_set, unfolded remove_duplicate_premise, cancel_type_definition, OF non_empty]


lemma coprime_mod_imp_coprime: assumes 
  p: "prime p" and 
  cop_m: "poly_mod.coprime_m p f g" and 
  cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p  coprime (lead_coeff g) p" and
  cnt: "content f = 1  content g = 1" 
  shows "coprime f g"
proof -
  interpret poly_mod_prime p by (standard, rule p)
  from cop_m[unfolded coprime_m_def] have cop_m: " h. h dvdm f  h dvdm g  h dvdm 1"  by auto
  show ?thesis 
  proof (rule coprimeI)
    fix h
    assume dvd: "h dvd f" "h dvd g" 
    hence "h dvdm f" "h dvdm g" unfolding dvdm_def dvd_def by auto
    from cop_m[OF this] obtain k where unit: "Mp (h * Mp k) = 1" unfolding dvdm_def by auto
    from content_dvd_contentI[OF dvd(1)] content_dvd_contentI[OF dvd(2)] cnt
    have cnt: "content h = 1" by auto 
    let ?k = "Mp k" 
    from unit have h0: "h  0" by auto
    from unit have k0: "?k  0" by fastforce
    from p have p0: "p  0" by auto
    from dvd have "lead_coeff h dvd lead_coeff f" "lead_coeff h dvd lead_coeff g" 
      by (metis dvd_def lead_coeff_mult)+
    with cop have coph: "coprime (lead_coeff h) p"
      by (meson dvd_trans not_coprime_iff_common_factor)
    let ?k = "Mp k"  
    from arg_cong[OF unit, of degree] have degm0: "degree_m (h * ?k) = 0" by simp
    have "lead_coeff ?k  {0 ..< p}" unfolding Mp_coeff M_def using m1 by simp
    with k0 have lk: "lead_coeff ?k  1" "lead_coeff ?k < p"
      by (auto simp add: int_one_le_iff_zero_less order.not_eq_order_implies_strict)
    have id: "lead_coeff (h * ?k) = lead_coeff h * lead_coeff ?k" unfolding lead_coeff_mult ..
    from coph prime lk have "coprime (lead_coeff h * lead_coeff ?k) p" 
      by (simp add: ac_simps prime_imp_coprime zdvd_not_zless)
    with id have cop_prod: "coprime (lead_coeff (h * ?k)) p" by simp
    from h0 k0 have lc0: "lead_coeff (h * ?k)  0"
      unfolding lead_coeff_mult by auto
    from p have lcp: "lead_coeff (h * ?k) mod p  0"
      using M_1 M_def cop_prod by auto
    have deg_eq: "degree_m (h * ?k) = degree (h * Mp k)" 
      by (rule degree_m_eq[OF _ m1], insert lcp)
    from this[unfolded degm0] have "degree (h * Mp k) = 0" by simp
    with degree_mult_eq[OF h0 k0] have deg0: "degree h = 0" by auto
    from degree0_coeffs[OF this] obtain h0 where h: "h = [:h0:]" by auto
    have "content h = abs h0" unfolding content_def h by (cases "h0 = 0", auto)
    hence "abs h0 = 1" using cnt by auto
    hence "h0  {-1,1}" by auto
    hence "h = 1  h = -1" unfolding h by (auto)
    thus "is_unit h" by auto

text ‹We did not try to optimize the set of chosen primes. They have just been picked 
  randomly from a list of primes.›

definition gcd_primes32 :: "int list" where
  "gcd_primes32 = [383, 1409, 19213, 22003, 41999]" 
lemma gcd_primes32: "p  set gcd_primes32  prime p  p  65535" 
proof -
  have "list_all (λ p. prime p  p  65535) gcd_primes32" by eval
  thus "p  set gcd_primes32  prime p  p  65535" by (auto simp: list_all_iff)

definition gcd_primes64 :: "int list" where
  "gcd_primes64 = [383, 21984191, 50329901, 80329901, 219849193]" 

lemma gcd_primes64: "p  set gcd_primes64  prime p  p  4294967295" 
proof -
  have "list_all (λ p. prime p  p  4294967295) gcd_primes64" by eval
  thus "p  set gcd_primes64  prime p  p  4294967295" by (auto simp: list_all_iff)

definition coprime_heuristic :: "int poly  int poly  bool" where
  "coprime_heuristic f g = (let lcf = lead_coeff f; lcg = lead_coeff g in 
    find (λ p. (coprime lcf p  coprime lcg p)  coprime_approx_main p (finite_field_ops64 (uint64_of_int p)) f g) 
    gcd_primes64  None)" 

lemma coprime_heuristic: assumes "coprime_heuristic f g" 
  and "content f = 1  content g = 1" 
  shows "coprime f g" 
proof (cases "find (λp. (coprime (lead_coeff f) p  coprime (lead_coeff g) p) 
            coprime_approx_main p (finite_field_ops64 (uint64_of_int p)) f g)
  case (Some p)
  from find_Some_D[OF Some] gcd_primes64 have p: "prime p" and small: "p  4294967295" 
    and cop: "coprime (lead_coeff f) p  coprime (lead_coeff g) p" 
    and copp: "coprime_approx_main p (finite_field_ops64 (uint64_of_int p)) f g" by auto
  interpret poly_mod_prime p using p by unfold_locales
  from coprime_approx_main_uint64[OF small copp] have "poly_mod.coprime_m p f g" by auto
  from coprime_mod_imp_coprime[OF p this cop assms(2)] show "coprime f g" .
qed (insert assms(1)[unfolded coprime_heuristic_def], auto simp: Let_def)

definition gcd_int_poly :: "int poly  int poly  int poly" where
  "gcd_int_poly f g =
    (if f = 0 then normalize g
     else if g = 0 then normalize f
          else let 
            cf = Polynomial.content f;
            cg = Polynomial.content g;
            ct = gcd cf cg;
            ff = map_poly (λ x. x div cf) f; 
            gg = map_poly (λ x. x div cg) g
          in if coprime_heuristic ff gg then [:ct:] else smult ct (gcd_poly_code_aux ff gg))" 

lemma gcd_int_poly_code[code_unfold]: "gcd = gcd_int_poly" 
proof (intro ext)
  fix f g :: "int poly"
  let ?ff = "primitive_part f" 
  let ?gg = "primitive_part g" 
  note d = gcd_int_poly_def gcd_poly_code gcd_poly_code_def
  show "gcd f g = gcd_int_poly f g" 
  proof (cases "f = 0  g = 0  ¬ coprime_heuristic ?ff ?gg")
    case True
    thus ?thesis unfolding d by (auto simp: Let_def primitive_part_def)
    case False
    hence cop: "coprime_heuristic ?ff ?gg" by simp
    from False have "f  0" by auto
    from content_primitive_part[OF this] coprime_heuristic[OF cop]
    have id: "gcd ?ff ?gg = 1" by auto
    show ?thesis unfolding gcd_poly_decompose[of f g] unfolding gcd_int_poly_def Let_def id
      using False by (auto simp: primitive_part_def)
