Theory AutoCorres2.StructSupport

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory StructSupport
imports SepCode SepInv

lemma field_lookup_list_Some2:
  "fn  dt_snd ` set ts 
   field_lookup_list (ts@[DTuple t fn d]) (fn # fs) m = field_lookup t fs (m + size_td_list ts)"
  apply(induct ts arbitrary: m; clarsimp split: option.splits)
  subgoal for a list m
    apply(safe; cases a; clarsimp simp: ac_simps split: if_split_asm)

lemma field_lookup_list_mismatch:
  "f  fn  field_lookup_list (ts@[DTuple t f d]) (fn # fs) m =
      field_lookup_list ts (fn # fs) m"
  by (induct ts arbitrary: m, auto split: option.split)

lemma fnl_set:
  "set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list (TypDesc algn (TypAggregate xs) tn)) = dt_snd ` set xs"
  by (auto simp: CompoundCTypes.field_names_list_def)

lemma fnl_extend_ti:
  " fn  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list tag); aggregate tag  
    field_lookup (extend_ti tag t algn fn d) (f # fs) m =
      (if f=fn then field_lookup t fs (size_td tag+m) else field_lookup tag (f # fs) m)"
  apply(cases tag)
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs
    apply(cases typ_struct; simp)
    apply(simp add: ac_simps field_lookup_list_Some2 fnl_set)
    apply(clarsimp simp: field_lookup_list_append split: option.splits)

lemma fnl_extend_ti_mismatch:
  "f  fn  field_lookup (extend_ti tag t algn fn d) (f # fs) m = field_lookup tag (f # fs) m"
  apply (cases tag)
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs
    apply (cases typ_struct)
     apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: field_lookup_list_mismatch)

lemma fl_ti_pad_combine:
  " hd f  CHR ''!''; aggregate tag  
      field_lookup (ti_pad_combine n tag) (f#fs) m = field_lookup tag (f#fs) m"
  by (auto simp: ti_pad_combine_def Let_def fnl_extend_ti foldl_append_nmem)

lemma fl_ti_typ_combine:
  " fn  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list tag); aggregate tag  
      field_lookup (ti_typ_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f_ab f_upd_ab algn fn tag) (f#fs) m =
        (if f=fn
         then field_lookup (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f_ab f_upd_ab) fs (size_td tag+m)
         else field_lookup tag (f # fs) m)"
  by (simp add: ti_typ_combine_def Let_def fnl_extend_ti)

lemma fl_ti_typ_combine_match:
  " fn  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list tag); aggregate tag  
      field_lookup (ti_typ_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f_ab f_upd_ab algn fn tag) (fn#fs) m =
        field_lookup (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f_ab f_upd_ab) fs (size_td tag+m)"
  by (simp add: fl_ti_typ_combine)

lemma fl_ti_typ_combine_mismatch:
  " f  fn  
    field_lookup (ti_typ_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f_ab f_upd_ab algn fn tag) (f#fs) m =
        field_lookup tag (f # fs) m"
  unfolding ti_typ_combine_def Let_def by (erule fnl_extend_ti_mismatch)

lemma fl_ti_typ_pad_combine:
  " fn  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list tag); hd f  CHR ''!''; hd fn  CHR ''!'';
      aggregate tag  
      field_lookup (ti_typ_pad_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f_ab f_upd_ab algn fn tag) (f#fs) m =
        (if f=fn
         then field_lookup (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f_ab f_upd_ab) fs
                                      (padup (max (2 ^ algn) (align_of TYPE('b)))
                           (size_td tag) + size_td tag+m)
         else field_lookup tag (f # fs) m)"
  unfolding ti_typ_pad_combine_def Let_def
  by (subst fl_ti_typ_combine; clarsimp) (simp add: fl_ti_pad_combine size_td_ti_pad_combine)

lemma fl_ti_typ_pad_combine_match:
  " fn  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list tag); hd fn  CHR ''!'';
      aggregate tag  
      field_lookup (ti_typ_pad_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f_ab f_upd_ab algn fn tag) (fn#fs) m =
        field_lookup (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f_ab f_upd_ab) fs
                                (padup (max (2 ^ algn) (align_of TYPE('b)))
                     (size_td tag) + size_td tag+m)"
  by (simp add: fl_ti_typ_pad_combine)

lemma fl_ti_typ_pad_combine_mismatch:
  " hd f  CHR ''!'';
      aggregate tag; f  fn  
      field_lookup (ti_typ_pad_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f_ab f_upd_ab algn fn tag) (f#fs) m =
        field_lookup tag (f # fs) m"
apply(unfold ti_typ_pad_combine_def Let_def)
apply(subst fl_ti_typ_combine_mismatch)
 apply assumption
apply(simp add: fl_ti_pad_combine size_td_ti_pad_combine)

lemma field_lookup_map_align_cons: "field_lookup (map_align g t) (f#fs) m = field_lookup t (f#fs) m"
  by (cases t) clarsimp

lemma fl_final_pad:
  " hd f  CHR ''!''; aggregate tag  
      field_lookup (final_pad algn tag) (f#fs) m = field_lookup tag (f#fs) m"
  by (clarsimp simp: final_pad_def Let_def fl_ti_pad_combine field_lookup_map_align_cons)

lemma field_lookup_adjust_ti2' [rule_format]:
  "fn m s n. field_lookup ti fn m = Some (s,n) 
      (field_lookup (adjust_ti ti f g) fn m = Some (adjust_ti s f g,n))"
  "fn m s n. field_lookup_struct st fn m = Some (s,n) 
      field_lookup_struct (map_td_struct (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g) st) fn m = Some (adjust_ti s f g,n)"
  "fn m s n. field_lookup_list ts fn m = Some (s,n) 
      field_lookup_list (map_td_list (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g) ts) fn m = Some (adjust_ti s f g,n)"
  "fn m s n. field_lookup_tuple x fn m = Some (s,n) 
      field_lookup_tuple (map_td_tuple (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g) x) fn m = Some (adjust_ti s f g,n)"
  apply(induct ti and st and ts and x, all clarsimp)
    apply(clarsimp simp: adjust_ti_def)
   apply(clarsimp split: option.splits)
   apply(fastforce simp: split_DTuple_all simp flip: adjust_ti_def split: if_split_asm
                   dest: field_lookup_adjust_ti)
  apply (clarsimp simp flip: adjust_ti_def)

lemma field_lookup_adjust_ti2:
  "field_lookup t fn m = Some (s,n) 
      field_lookup (adjust_ti t f g) fn m = Some (adjust_ti s f g,n)"
  by (simp add: field_lookup_adjust_ti2')

lemma fl_update:
  "field_lookup (adjust_ti ti f g) fs m =
      (case_option None (λ(t,n). Some (adjust_ti t f g,n)) (field_lookup ti fs m))"
  apply(clarsimp split: option.splits)
  apply safe
   apply(rule ccontr, clarsimp)
   apply(drule field_lookup_adjust_ti, clarsimp)
  apply(erule field_lookup_adjust_ti2)

lemmas fl_simps = fl_final_pad fl_ti_pad_combine
    fl_ti_typ_combine_match fl_ti_typ_combine_mismatch
    fl_ti_typ_pad_combine_match fl_ti_typ_pad_combine_mismatch

lemma access_ti_props_simps [simp]:
  "g x. access_ti (adjust_ti (tag::'a xtyp_info) (f::'b  'a) g) x = access_ti tag (f x)"
  "g x. access_ti_struct (map_td_struct (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g) (st::'a xtyp_info_struct)) x = access_ti_struct st (f x)"
  "g x. access_ti_list (map_td_list (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g) (ts::'a xtyp_info_tuple list)) x = access_ti_list ts (f x)"
  "g x. access_ti_tuple (map_td_tuple (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g) (k::'a xtyp_info_tuple)) x = access_ti_tuple k (f x)"
  unfolding adjust_ti_def
  by (induct tag and st and ts and k) (auto simp: update_desc_def)

lemma field_norm_blah:
  " u v. f (g u v) = u; fd_cons_access_update d n  
       field_norm  n algn (update_desc f g d) = field_norm  n algn d"
  by (auto simp: update_desc_def field_norm_def  fd_cons_access_update_def)

(* fixme: should be generalised to just an extensionality principle on the
   map function, but to be usable here we'd need to rewrite the wf_fdp
   property in that way *)
lemma map_td_ext':
  "wf_fd t  (n algn d. fd_cons_access_update d n  (f n algn d = g n algn d))  map_td f h t = map_td g h t"
  "wf_fd_struct st  (n algn d. fd_cons_access_update d n  (f n algn d = g n algn d))  map_td_struct f h st = map_td_struct g h st"
  "wf_fd_list ts  (n algn d. fd_cons_access_update d n  (f n algn d = g n algn d))  map_td_list f h ts = map_td_list g h ts"
  "wf_fd_tuple x  (n algn d. fd_cons_access_update d n  (f n algn d = g n algn d))  map_td_tuple f h x = map_td_tuple g h x"
  by (induct t and st and ts and x)
     (auto simp: fd_cons_struct_def fd_cons_access_update_def fd_cons_desc_def)

lemma map_td_extI:
  " wf_fd t; (n algn d. fd_cons_access_update d n  (f n algn d = g n algn d)) 
       map_td f h t = map_td g h t"
  by (simp add: map_td_ext')

lemma comp_unit: "(λ_. ())  f = (λ_. ())"
  by (simp add: comp_def)

lemma export_tag_adjust_ti2:
  " u v. f (g u v) = u; wf_lf (lf_set t []); wf_desc t  
      export_uinfo (adjust_ti t f g) = (export_uinfo t)"
  unfolding export_uinfo_def adjust_ti_def map_td_map comp_unit
  by (fastforce simp: field_norm_blah intro: wf_fdp_fdD map_td_extI elim: wf_lf_fdp)

lemma field_names_list:
  "field_names_list (xs@ys) t = field_names_list xs t @ field_names_list ys t"
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma field_names_extend_ti:
  "typ_name t  typ_name ti 
   field_names (extend_ti ti xi algn fn d) t = field_names ti t @ (map (λfs. fn#fs) (field_names xi t))"
  apply (cases ti) 
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs
    by (cases typ_struct; fastforce simp: field_names_list)

lemma field_names_ti_pad_combine:
  " typ_name t  typ_name ti; hd (typ_name t)  CHR ''!''  
      field_names (ti_pad_combine n ti) t = field_names ti t"
  by (clarsimp simp: ti_pad_combine_def Let_def field_names_extend_ti export_uinfo_def size_map_td)

lemma export_uinfo_map_align_commute: "export_uinfo (map_align f t) = map_align f (export_uinfo t)"
  by (cases t) auto

lemma field_names_map_align: "typ_name t  typ_name ti   field_names (map_align f ti) t = field_names ti t"
  apply (cases ti)
  apply auto

lemma typ_name_map_align [simp]: "typ_name (map_align f t) = typ_name t"
  by (cases t) auto

lemma typ_name_ti_pad_combine [simp]:
  "typ_name (ti_pad_combine n ti) = typ_name ti"
  by (cases ti) (simp add: ti_pad_combine_def Let_def)

lemma field_names_final_pad:
  " typ_name t  typ_name ti; hd (typ_name t)  CHR ''!''  
      field_names (final_pad a ti) t = field_names ti t"
  by (clarsimp simp: final_pad_def Let_def field_names_ti_pad_combine field_names_map_align)

lemma field_names_adjust_ti:
  assumes "fg_cons f g"
  "wf_fd ti 
     field_names (adjust_ti (ti::'a xtyp_info) f g) t = field_names ti t"
  "wf_fd_struct st 
     field_names_struct ((map_td_struct (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g)
                                        (st::'a xtyp_info_struct))) t =
       field_names_struct st t"
  "wf_fd_list ts 
     field_names_list (map_td_list (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g)
                                   (ts::'a xtyp_info_tuple list)) t =
       field_names_list ts t"
  "wf_fd_tuple x 
     field_names_tuple (map_td_tuple (λn algn d. update_desc f g d) (update_desc f g)
                                   (x::'a xtyp_info_tuple)) t =
       field_names_tuple x t" using assms
  by (induct ti and st and ts and x) (auto simp: adjust_ti_def export_tag_adjust_ti)

lemma field_names_ti_typ_combine:
  " typ_name t  typ_name ti; fg_cons f g  
      field_names (ti_typ_combine (t_b::'b::mem_type itself) f g algn fn ti) t =
        field_names ti t @ map ((#) fn) (field_names (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) t)"
  by (clarsimp simp: ti_typ_combine_def Let_def field_names_adjust_ti field_names_extend_ti
                     export_uinfo_def size_map_td)

lemma size_empty_typ_info [simp]:
  "size (empty_typ_info algn tn) = 2"
  by (simp add: empty_typ_info_def)

lemma list_size_char:
  "size_list (λc. 0) xs = length xs"
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma size_ti_extend_ti [simp]:
  "aggregate ti  size (extend_ti ti t algn fn d) = size ti + size t + 2"
  apply (cases ti)
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs 
    by (cases typ_struct, auto simp: list_size_char)

lemma typ_name_empty_typ_info [simp]:
  "typ_name (empty_typ_info algn tn) = tn"
  by (clarsimp simp: empty_typ_info_def)

lemma typ_name_extend_ti [simp]:
  "typ_name (extend_ti ti t algn fn d) = typ_name ti"
  by (cases ti, simp)

lemma typ_name_ti_typ_combine [simp]:
  "typ_name (ti_typ_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f g algn fn ti) = typ_name ti"
  by (clarsimp simp: ti_typ_combine_def Let_def)

lemma typ_name_ti_typ_pad_combine [simp]:
  "typ_name (ti_typ_pad_combine (t_b::'b::c_type itself) f g algn fn ti) = typ_name ti"
  by (clarsimp simp: ti_typ_pad_combine_def Let_def)

lemma typ_name_ti_final_pad [simp]:
  "typ_name (final_pad algn ti) = typ_name ti"
  by (clarsimp simp: final_pad_def Let_def)

lemma typ_name_map_td [simp]:
  "typ_name (map_td f g td) = typ_name td"
  by (cases td, simp)

lemma field_names_ti_typ_pad_combine:
  " typ_name t  typ_name ti; fg_cons f g; aggregate ti; hd (typ_name t)  CHR ''!''  
      field_names (ti_typ_pad_combine (t_b::'b::mem_type itself) f g algn fn ti) t =
        field_names ti t @ map ((#) fn) (field_names (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) t)"
  by (auto simp: ti_typ_pad_combine_def Let_def field_names_ti_typ_combine field_names_ti_pad_combine)

lemma field_names_empty_typ_info:
  "typ_name t  tn  field_names (empty_typ_info algn tn) t = []"
  by(clarsimp simp: empty_typ_info_def)

lemma sep_heap_update_global_super_fl':
  " (p ↦⇩g u * R) (lift_state (h,d));
      field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('b::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (t,n);
      export_uinfo t = (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a));
      w = update_ti_t t (to_bytes_p v) u  
      ((p ↦⇩g w) * R)
      (lift_state (heap_update (Ptr &(pf)) (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
  by (auto dest: sep_heap_update_global_super_fl)

lemma sep_heap_update_global_super_fl'_inv:
  " (p ig u * R) (lift_state (h,d));
      field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('b::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (t,n);
      export_uinfo t = (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a));
      w = update_ti_t t (to_bytes_p v) u 
   ((p ig w) * R) (lift_state (heap_update (Ptr &(pf)) (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
  unfolding sep_map_inv_def
  by (simp only:sep_conj_assoc) (erule (2) sep_heap_update_global_super_fl)

lemma sep_map'_field_map':
  " ((p::'b::mem_type ptr) ↪⇩g v) s; field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f 0
      = Some (d,n); export_uinfo d = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a);
      guard_mono g h  
      ((Ptr (&(pf))::'a::mem_type ptr) ↪⇩h from_bytes (access_ti0 d v)) s"
  by (subst sep_map'_unfold_exc, subst (asm) sep_map'_def)
     (fastforce simp: sep_map'_def elim: sep_conj_impl sep_map_field_map')

lemma sep_map'_field_map:
  " ((p::'b::mem_type ptr) ↪⇩g v) s; field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f 0
      = Some (d,n); export_uinfo d = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a);
      guard_mono g h; w=from_bytes (access_ti0 d v)  
      ((Ptr (&(pf))::'a::mem_type ptr) ↪⇩h w) s"
  by (simp add: sep_map'_field_map')

lemma inter_sub:
  " Y  X; Y = Z   X  Y = Z"
  by fast

lemma sep_map'_field_map_inv:
  " ((p::'b::mem_type ptr) ig v) s; field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f 0 = Some (d,n);
     export_uinfo d = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a); guard_mono g h; w=from_bytes (access_ti0 d v)  
   ((Ptr &(pf)::'a::mem_type ptr) ih w) s"
  apply(unfold sep_map'_inv_def)
  apply(drule sep_conjD, clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac)
  subgoal for s0 s1
    apply(subst sep_map'_unfold_exc)
    apply(subst sep_conj_assoc [symmetric])
    apply(rule sep_conjI [where s0="(s1 ++ s0) |` {(x,y) | x y. x  {&(pf)..+size_td d}}" and
          s1="(s1 ++ s0) |` (dom (s1 ++ s0) - {(x,y) | x y. x  {&(pf)..+size_td d}})"
       apply(subst sep_conj_com)
       apply(rule sep_conjI [where s0="(s1 ++ s0) |` s_footprint ((Ptr &(pf))::'a::mem_type ptr)" and
          s1="(s1 ++ s0) |` ({(x, y) |x y. x  {&(pf)..+size_td d}} -
                                       s_footprint ((Ptr &(pf))::'a::mem_type ptr))" ])
          apply(drule (3) sep_map'_field_map')
          apply(clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac sep_map'_def sep_conj_def)
    subgoal for s0' s1'
      apply(rule exI [where x="s0' |` s_footprint ((Ptr &(pf))::'a::mem_type ptr)"])
      apply(rule exI [where x="s1'"])
      apply(clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac)
      apply(rule conjI)
       apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def sep_conj_ac)
      apply(subst map_add_com[where h0="a ++ b" for a b])
       apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def sep_conj_ac)
      apply(subst map_add_assoc)
      apply(simp add: map_add_restrict)
      apply(frule sep_map_dom_exc)
      apply(rotate_tac -1)
      apply(drule sym)
      apply(thin_tac "s = x" for x)
      apply(fastforce simp: restrict_map_disj_dom_empty map_ac_simps sep_conj_ac)
         apply(clarsimp simp: inv_footprint_def sep_conj_ac)
         apply(rule inter_sub)
          apply(clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac)
          apply(frule_tac p=p in field_tag_sub)
          apply(drule (1) subsetD)
          apply(clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac)
          apply(clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac sep_map'_def sep_conj_def)
          apply(drule sep_map_dom_exc)
    subgoal for x y s0' s1'
      apply(subgoal_tac "s1' (x,y)  None")
       apply(clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac)
       apply(subst map_add_comm)
        apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def sep_conj_ac)
       apply simp
      apply(clarsimp simp: sep_conj_ac, fast)
         apply(fastforce dest: export_size_of)
        apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def)
       apply clarsimp
       apply(subst subset_map_restrict_sub_add; simp?)
       apply(fastforce intro!: intvlI dest: export_size_of
        simp: size_of_def s_footprint_def s_footprint_untyped_def)
      apply simp
     apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def)
    apply (metis (lifting) map_add_com map_add_restrict_comp_right_dom map_le_iff_map_add_commute
        restrict_map_sub_add restrict_map_sub_disj)

lemma guard_mono_True [simp]:
  "guard_mono f (λx. True)"
  by (simp add: guard_mono_def)

lemma access_ti0_to_bytes [simp]:
  "access_ti0 (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type)) = (to_bytes_p::'a  byte list)"
  by (auto simp: to_bytes_p_def to_bytes_def access_ti0_def size_of_def)

lemma update_ti_s_from_bytes:
  "length bs = size_of TYPE('a) 
      update_ti_t (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) bs x = from_bytes bs"
  by (simp add: from_bytes_def upd)

lemma access_ti0_update_ti [simp]:
  "access_ti0 (adjust_ti ti f g) = access_ti0 ti  f"
  by (auto simp: access_ti0_def)

lemma update_ti_s_adjust_ti:  (* fixme: eliminate; first assumption redundant *)
  " length bs = size_td ti; fg_cons f g  
      update_ti_t (adjust_ti ti f g) bs v = g (update_ti_t ti bs (f v)) v"
  by (rule update_ti_t_adjust_ti)

lemma update_ti_s_adjust_ti_to_bytes_p [simp]:
  "fg_cons f g 
   update_ti_t (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f g) (to_bytes_p (v::'a::mem_type)) w = g v w"
  apply(simp add: update_ti_t_adjust_ti to_bytes_p_def to_bytes_def)
  apply(subst upd_rf; simp add: size_of_def fd_cons_length)
  apply(subst fd_cons_update_access; simp)

(* td_names stuff *)

  "pad_typ_name  ''!pad_typ''"

  td_names :: "('a,'b) typ_desc  (char list) set" and
  td_names_struct :: "('a,'b) typ_struct  (char list) set" and
  td_names_list :: "('a,'b) typ_tuple list  (char list) set" and
  td_names_tuple :: "('a,'b) typ_tuple  (char list) set"
  tnm0:  "td_names (TypDesc algn st nm) = ({nm}  td_names_struct st) - {pad_typ_name}"

| tnm1:  "td_names_struct (TypScalar n algn d) = {}"
| tnm2:  "td_names_struct (TypAggregate xs) = td_names_list xs"

| tnm3:  "td_names_list [] = {}"
| tnm4:  "td_names_list (x#xs) = td_names_tuple x  td_names_list xs"

| tnm5:  "td_names_tuple (DTuple t nm d) = td_names t"

lemma td_set_td_names:
  "(tp :: ('a,'b) typ_desc) n m. (tp, n)  td_set tp' m; typ_name tp  pad_typ_name  
     typ_name tp  td_names tp'" and
  "(tp :: ('a,'b) typ_desc) n m. (tp, n)  td_set_struct tps m; typ_name tp  pad_typ_name  
     typ_name tp  td_names_struct tps" and
  "(tp :: ('a,'b) typ_desc) n m. (tp, n)  td_set_list tpl m; typ_name tp  pad_typ_name  
     typ_name tp  td_names_list tpl" and
  "(tp :: ('a,'b) typ_desc) n m. (tp, n)  td_set_tuple tpr m; typ_name tp  pad_typ_name 
     typ_name tp  td_names_tuple tpr"
  by (induct tp' and tps and tpl and tpr) auto

lemma td_names_map_td [simp]:
  "td_names (map_td f g tp) = td_names tp"
  "td_names_struct (map_td_struct f g tps) = td_names_struct tps"
  "td_names_list (map_td_list f g tpl) = td_names_list tpl"
  "td_names_tuple (map_td_tuple f g tpr) = td_names_tuple tpr"
  by (induct tp and tps and tpl and tpr) simp_all

lemma td_names_list_append [simp]:
  "td_names_list (a @ b) = td_names_list a  td_names_list b"
  by (induct a; simp add: Un_assoc)

lemma pad_typ_name_td_names: (* dangerous in [simp]? *)
  "A - {pad_typ_name}  td_names tp = (A  td_names tp) - {pad_typ_name}"
  by (cases tp) fastforce

lemma td_names_extend_ti [simp]:
  shows "td_names (extend_ti tp tp' algn ls d) = td_names tp  td_names tp'" and
  "td_names_struct (extend_ti_struct tps tp' ls d) = td_names_struct tps  td_names tp'"
  by (induct tp and tps) (simp_all add: pad_typ_name_td_names)

lemma td_names_pad_combine [simp]:
  "td_names (ti_pad_combine m td) = td_names td"
  unfolding ti_pad_combine_def
  by (simp add: Let_def pad_typ_name_def)

lemma td_names_map_align [simp]:
  "td_names (map_align f td) = td_names td"
  by (cases td) simp

lemma td_names_final_pad [simp]:
  "td_names (final_pad algn td) = td_names td"
  unfolding final_pad_def
  by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma td_names_adjust_ti [simp]:
  "td_names (adjust_ti td f u) = td_names td"
  unfolding adjust_ti_def
  by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma td_names_typ_combine [simp]:
  fixes its :: "('a :: c_type) itself"
  shows "td_names (ti_typ_combine its f u algn fn td) = (td_names (typ_info_t TYPE('a))   td_names td)"
  unfolding ti_typ_combine_def
  by (simp add: Let_def Un_ac)

lemma td_names_typ_pad_combine [simp]:
  fixes its :: "('a :: c_type) itself"
  shows "td_names (ti_typ_pad_combine its f u algn nm td) = td_names (typ_info_t TYPE('a))  td_names td"
  unfolding ti_typ_pad_combine_def
  by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma td_names_empty_typ_info [simp]:
  shows "td_names (empty_typ_info algn nm) = {nm} - {pad_typ_name}"
  unfolding empty_typ_info_def
  by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma td_names_ptr [simp]:
  "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(('a :: c_type) ptr)) = {typ_name_itself TYPE('a) @ ''+ptr''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def)

lemma td_names_word8 [simp]:
  fixes x :: "byte itself"
  shows "td_names (typ_info_t x) = {''word00010''}"
 by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_word8' [simp]:
  shows "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(8 word)) = {''word00010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_signed_word8 [simp]:
  shows "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(8 signed word)) = {''word00010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_word16 [simp]:
  shows "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(16 word)) =  {''word000010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_signed_word16 [simp]:
  shows "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(16 signed word)) =  {''word000010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_word32 [simp]:
  "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(32 word)) = {''word0000010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_signed_word32 [simp]:
  "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(32 signed word)) = {''word0000010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_word64 [simp]:
  "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(64 word)) = {''word00000010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_signed_word64 [simp]:
  "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(64 signed word)) = {''word00000010''}"
  by (simp add: pad_typ_name_def nat_to_bin_string.simps)

lemma td_names_export_uinfo [simp]:
  "td_names (export_uinfo td) = td_names td"
  unfolding export_uinfo_def
  by simp

lemma typ_name_export_uinfo [simp]:
  "typ_name (export_uinfo td) = typ_name td"
  unfolding export_uinfo_def
  by simp

lemma replicate_Suc_append:
  "replicate (Suc n) x = replicate n x @ [x]"
  by (induct n; simp)

lemma list_eq_subset:
  "xs = ys  set ys  set xs" by simp

lemma td_names_array_tag_n:
  "td_names ((array_tag_n n) :: (('a::c_type,'b::finite) array xtyp_info)) =
     {typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) @ ''_array_'' @ nat_to_bin_string (card (UNIV :: 'b set))} 
     (if n = 0 then {} else td_names (typ_info_t TYPE('a)))"
  apply (induct n; simp add: array_tag_n.simps pad_typ_name_def)
  apply (subst Diff_triv; clarsimp simp: typ_uinfo_t_def)
  apply (fastforce dest: list_eq_subset)

lemma td_names_array [simp]:
  "td_names (typ_info_t TYPE(('a :: c_type)['b :: finite])) =
     {typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) @ ''_array_'' @ nat_to_bin_string (card (UNIV :: 'b set))} 
     td_names (typ_info_t TYPE('a))"
  by (simp add: typ_info_array array_tag_def td_names_array_tag_n)

lemma tag_disj_via_td_name:
  assumes ta: "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type))  pad_typ_name"
  and     tb: "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('b :: c_type))  pad_typ_name"
  and   tina: "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type))  td_names (typ_info_t TYPE('b :: c_type))"
  and   tinb: "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('b :: c_type))  td_names (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type))"
  shows   "typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a :: c_type) t typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b :: c_type)"
  by (auto simp add: typ_simps dest: td_set_td_names simp: ta tb tina tinb)

lemma lift_t_hrs_mem_update_fld:
  fixes val :: "'b :: mem_type" and ptr :: "'a :: mem_type ptr"
  assumes   fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 
                   Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) xf (xfu  (λx _. x)), m')"
  and   xf_xfu: "fg_cons xf (xfu  (λx _. x))"
  and       cl: "lift_t g hp ptr = Some z"
  shows "(lift_t g (hrs_mem_update (heap_update (Ptr &(ptrf)) val) hp)) =
         (lift_t g hp)(ptr  xfu (λ_. val) z)"
  (is "?LHS = ?RHS")
proof -
  let ?ati = "adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) xf (xfu  (λx _. x))"
  have eui: "typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b) = export_uinfo (?ati)" using xf_xfu
    by (simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def export_tag_adjust_ti)

  have cl': "lift_t g (fst hp, snd hp) ptr = Some z" using cl by simp

  have "?LHS = super_field_update_t (Ptr &(ptrf)) val (lift_t g (fst hp, snd hp))"
    unfolding hrs_mem_update_def split_def
  proof (rule lift_t_super_field_update [OF h_t_valid_sub])
    from cl' show "snd hp, g t ptr" by (rule lift_t_h_t_valid)

    show fti: "field_ti TYPE('a) f = Some ?ati"
      by (simp add: field_ti_def fl)

    moreover show "export_uinfo (?ati) = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)"
      by (rule eui [symmetric])

    ultimately show "TYPE('b) τ TYPE('a)" by (rule field_ti_sub_typ)

  have " = (lift_t g hp)(ptr  update_ti_t (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) xf (xfu  (λx _. x)))
                                            (to_bytes_p val) z)"
    by (simp add: cl eui fl super_field_update_lookup)

  also have " = ?RHS" using xf_xfu
    by (simp add: update_ti_t_adjust_ti update_ti_s_from_bytes)

  finally show ?thesis .

declare pad_typ_name_def [simp]

lemma typ_name_array_tag_n:
  "typ_name (array_tag_n n :: ('a ::c_type ['b :: finite]) xtyp_info) =
     typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) @ ''_array_'' @ nat_to_bin_string (card (UNIV :: 'b set))"
  by (induct n; clarsimp simp: array_tag_n.simps typ_uinfo_t_def)

lemma typ_name_array [simp]:
  "typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type['b :: finite])) =
    typ_name (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) @ ''_array_'' @ nat_to_bin_string (card (UNIV :: 'b set))"
  by (simp add: typ_info_array array_tag_def typ_name_array_tag_n)

(* Support for UMM_Proofs.ML. We assume that struct support requires only ti_typ_pad_combine, final_pad, and empty_typ_info *)
  size_align_td :: "('a,'b) typ_desc  nat  nat  bool"
  "size_align_td t s a  size_td t = s  align_td t = a"

lemma size_align_td_size_td:
  "size_align_td t s a  size_td t = s"
  unfolding size_align_td_def by simp

lemma size_align_td_align_td:
  "size_align_td t s a  align_td t = a"
  unfolding size_align_td_def by simp

lemma size_align_td_empty_typ_infoI:
   "size_align_td (empty_typ_info algn l) 0 algn"
  unfolding size_align_td_def by simp

lemma size_align_td_ti_typ_pad_combineI:
  fixes t :: "('a :: c_type) itself"
  shows " size_align_td t' s' a'; aggregate t'
         ; s' + size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) + padup (2 ^ (max algn (align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a))))) s' = s
         ; max a' (max algn (align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a)))) = a
    size_align_td (ti_typ_pad_combine t fa fu algn nm t') s a"
  unfolding size_align_td_def
  by (simp add: size_td_lt_ti_typ_pad_combine)

lemma size_align_td_ti_final_padI:
  fixes t :: "('a :: c_type) xtyp_info"
  shows " size_align_td t' s' a'; aggregate t'; s' + padup (2 ^ max algn a') s' = s; max algn a' = a 
         size_align_td (final_pad algn t') s a"
  unfolding size_align_td_def
  by (simp add: size_td_lt_final_pad align_of_final_pad)

lemma field_lookup_empty_typ_infoI:
  "field_lookup (empty_typ_info algn l) [fld] m = None"
  unfolding empty_typ_info_def
  by simp

lemma field_lookup_ti_typ_pad_combine_matchI:
  "  n # nm  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list t'); aggregate t'; size_align_td t' s a
   ; padup (max (2 ^ algn) (align_of TYPE('b))) s + s = m';  n  CHR ''!'' 
   field_lookup (ti_typ_pad_combine (t :: 'b itself) fa fu algn (n#nm) t') [(n#nm)] 0 = Some (adjust_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b :: c_type)) fa fu, m')"
  by (simp add: fl_simps size_align_td_def)

lemma field_lookup_ti_typ_pad_combine_nomatchI:
  " aggregate t'; f  CHR ''!''; f # fld  nm ; field_lookup t' [f # fld] 0 = R 
   field_lookup (ti_typ_pad_combine t fa fu algn nm t') [f # fld] 0 = R"
  by (simp add: fl_simps)

lemma field_lookup_final_padI:
  " aggregate t'; f  CHR ''!''; field_lookup t' [f # fld] 0 = R   field_lookup (final_pad algn t') [f # fld] 0 = R"
  by (simp add: fl_simps)

(* Order is important here *)
lemmas field_lookup_ti_intros =
  field_lookup_ti_typ_pad_combine_matchI field_lookup_ti_typ_pad_combine_nomatchI
  field_lookup_final_padI field_lookup_empty_typ_infoI

lemma notin_field_names_list_empty_typ_info:
  "fld  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list (empty_typ_info algn l))"
  by simp

lemma notin_field_names_list_ti_typ_pad_combine:
  " f#fld  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list t'); f#fld  nm; f  CHR ''!'' 
   f#fld  set (CompoundCTypes.field_names_list (ti_typ_pad_combine t fa fu algn nm t'))"
  by simp

lemma fold_typ_uinfo_t: "export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type)) = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)"
  by (simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def)
