Theory AutoCorres2.Arrays

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

(* Port of Anthony Fox's HOL4 realisation of John Harrison's paper
   in TPHOLs 2005 on finite cartesian products *)

theory Arrays

definition has_size :: "'a set  nat  bool" where
   "has_size s n = (finite s  card s = n)"

― ‹If @{typ 'a} is not finite, there is no @{term "n < CARD('a)"}
definition finite_index :: "nat  'a::finite" where
  "finite_index = (SOME f. x. ∃!n. n < CARD('a)  f n = x)"

lemma card_image_inj:
  " finite S; x y.  x  S; y  S; f x = f y   x = y   card (f ` S) = card S"
  by (induct rule: finite_induct) (auto simp: card_insert_if)

lemma has_size_image_inj:
  " has_size S n; x y. x  S  y  S  f x = f y  x = y   has_size (f ` S) n"
  by (simp add: has_size_def card_image_inj)

lemma has_size_0[simp]:
  "has_size S 0 = (S = {})"
  by (auto simp: has_size_def)

lemma has_size_suc:
  "has_size S (Suc n) = (S  {}  (a. a  S  has_size (S - {a}) n))"
  unfolding has_size_def
  by (metis Diff_empty Suc_not_Zero bot_least card_Suc_Diff1 card_gt_0_iff finite_Diff_insert
            nat.inject neq0_conv subsetI subset_antisym)

lemma has_index:
  " finite S; card S = n  
   (f. (m. m < n  f m  S)  (x. xS  (∃!m. m < n  f m = x)))"
proof (induct n arbitrary: S)
  case 0 thus ?case by (auto simp: card_eq_0_iff)
  case (Suc n)
  then obtain b B where
    S: "S = insert b B  b  B  card B = n  (n = 0  B = {})"
    by (auto simp: card_Suc_eq)
  with finite S Suc.hyps [of B]
  obtain f where IH: "(m<n. f m  B)  (x. x  B  (∃!m. m < n  f m = x))" by auto
  define f' where "f'  λm. if m = card B then b else f m"
  from Suc.prems S IH
  have "(m<Suc n. f' m  S)  (x. x  S  (∃!m. m < Suc n  f' m = x))"
    unfolding f'_def
    apply (clarsimp)
    apply (rule conjI, metis less_SucE)
    apply (metis less_SucE less_SucI nat_neq_iff)
  thus ?case by blast

lemma finite_index_works:
  "∃!n. n < CARD('n::finite)  finite_index n = (i::'n)"
proof -
  have "f::nat  'n. i. ∃!n. n < CARD('n)  f n = i"
    using has_index[where S = "UNIV :: 'n set"] by simp
  hence "i. ∃!n. n < CARD('n::finite)  finite_index n = (i::'n)"
    unfolding finite_index_def by (rule someI_ex)
  thus ?thesis ..

lemma finite_index_inj:
  " i < CARD('a::finite); j < CARD('a)  
   ((finite_index i :: 'a) = finite_index j) = (i = j)"
  using finite_index_works[where i = "finite_index j"] by blast

lemma forall_finite_index:
  "(k::'a::finite. P k) = (i. i < CARD('a)  P (finite_index i))"
  by (metis finite_index_works)

section ‹Finite Cartesian Products›

typedef ('a,'n::finite) array ("_[_]" [30,0] 31) = "UNIV :: ('n => 'a) set"
  by simp
setup_lifting type_definition_array

lift_definition index :: "('a,'n::finite) array  nat  'a" ("_.[_]" [900,0] 901) is
  "λf i. f (finite_index i)".
lemma index_legacy_def: "index x i = Rep_array x (finite_index i)"
  by (transfer) simp

theorem array_index_eq:
  "((x::'a['n::finite]) = y) = (i. i < CARD('n)  x.[i] = y.[i])"
  by (auto dest!: forall_finite_index [THEN iffD2]
           simp: index_def Rep_array_inject [symmetric])

(* fixme: legacy name *)
lemmas cart_eq = array_index_eq

lemma array_ext:
  fixes x :: "'a['n::finite]"
  shows "(i. i < CARD('n)  x.[i] = y.[i])  x = y"
  by (simp add: array_index_eq)

definition FCP :: "(nat  'a)  'a['b::finite]" (binder "ARRAY " 10) where
  "FCP  λg. SOME a. i. i < CARD('b)  a.[i] = g i"

definition update :: "'a['n::finite]  nat  'a  'a['n]" where
  "update f i x  FCP ((index f)(i := x))"

definition fupdate :: "nat  ('a  'a)  'a['b::finite]  'a['b]" where
  "fupdate i f x  update x i (f (index x i))"

lemma fcp_beta[simp]: "i < CARD('n :: finite)  (FCP g :: 'a['n]).[i] = g i" 
proof -
  have "i < CARD('n). (FCP g :: 'a['n]).[i] = g i"
    unfolding FCP_def
  proof (rule someI_ex)
    let ?g' = "λk::'n. g (SOME i. i < CARD('n)  finite_index i = k)"
    have "i<CARD('n). (Abs_array ?g').[i] = g i"
      by (clarsimp simp: index_def Abs_array_inverse)
        (metis (mono_tags, lifting) finite_index_inj someI_ex)
    thus "x::'a['n]. i<CARD('n). x.[i] = g i" ..
  thus "i < CARD('n :: finite)  (FCP g :: 'a['n]).[i] = g i" by auto

lemma fcp_unique:
  "(i. i < CARD('b::finite)  index f i = g i) =
   (FCP g = (f :: ('a,'b) array))"
  by (fastforce simp: cart_eq)

lemma fcp_eta[simp]:
  "(ARRAY i. g.[i]) = g"
  by (simp add: cart_eq)

lemma index_update[simp]:
  "n < CARD('b::finite)  index (update (f::'a['b]) n x) n = x"
  by (simp add: update_def)

lemma index_update2[simp]:
  " k < CARD('b::finite); n  k   index (update (f::'a['b]) n x) k = index f k"
  by (simp add: update_def)

lemma update_update[simp]:
  "update (update f n x) n y = update f n y"
  by (simp add: cart_eq update_def)

lemma update_comm[simp]:
  "n  m  update (update f m v) n v' = update (update f n v') m v"
  by (simp add: cart_eq update_def)

lemma update_index_same [simp]:
  "update v n (index v n) = v"
  by (simp add: cart_eq update_def)

function foldli0 :: "(nat  'acc  'a  'acc)  'acc  nat  'a['index::finite]  'acc" where
  "foldli0 f a i arr = (if CARD('index)  i then a else foldli0 f (f i a (index arr i)) (i+1) arr)"
  by pat_completeness auto

  by (relation "measure (λ(f,a,i,(arr::'b['c::finite])). CARD('c) - i)") auto

definition foldli :: "(nat  'acc  'a  'acc)  'acc  ('a,'i::finite) array  'acc" where
  "foldli f a arr = foldli0 f a 0 arr"

(* for a traditional word presentation, with MSB on the left, you'd
   want a fold that numbered in the reverse direction (with element 0
   on the right rather than the left) *)

definition map_array :: "('a  'b)  'a['n::finite]  'b['n]" where
  "map_array f a  ARRAY i. f (a.[i])"

definition map_array2 :: "('a  'b  'c)  'a['n::finite]  'b['n]  'c['n]" where
  "map_array2 f a b  ARRAY i. f (a.[i]) (b.[i])"

definition zip_array :: "'a['b::finite]  'c['b]  ('a × 'c)['b]" where
  "zip_array  map_array2 Pair"

definition list_array :: "('a,'n::finite) array  'a list" where
  "list_array a = map (index a) [0..<CARD('n)]"

lift_definition set_array :: "'a['n::finite]  'a set" is range .

lemma set_array_list:
  "set_array a = set (list_array a)"
  by (simp add: list_array_def index_def set_array.rep_eq image_def)
     (metis atLeast0LessThan finite_index_works lessThan_iff)

definition rel_array :: "('a  'b  bool)  'a['n::finite]  'b['n]  bool" where
  "rel_array f a b  i < CARD('n). f (a.[i]) (b.[i])"

lemma map_array_index:
  fixes a :: "'a['n::finite]"
  shows "n < CARD('n)  (map_array f a).[n] = f (a.[n])"
  by (metis fcp_beta map_array_def)

lemma map_array2_index:
  fixes a :: "'a['n::finite]"
  shows "n < CARD('n)  (map_array2 f a b).[n] = f (a.[n]) (b.[n])"
  by (metis fcp_beta map_array2_def)

lemma zip_array_index:
  fixes a :: "'a['n::finite]"
  shows "n < CARD('n)  (zip_array a b).[n] = (a.[n],b.[n])"
  by (simp add: zip_array_def map_array2_index)

lemma map_array_id[simp]:
  "map_array id = id"
  by (auto simp: map_array_index array_ext)

lemma map_array_comp:
  "map_array (g  f) = map_array g  map_array f"
  by (auto simp: map_array_def intro!: array_ext)

lemma list_array_nth:
  fixes a :: "'a['n::finite]"
  shows "n < CARD('n)  list_array a ! n = index a n"
  by (simp add: list_array_def)

lemma list_array_length [simp]:
  "length (list_array (a :: 'a['n::finite])) = CARD('n)"
  by (simp add: list_array_def)

lemma in_set_array_index_conv:
  "(z  set_array (a :: 'a['n::finite])) = (n < CARD('n). z = a.[n])"
  by (metis in_set_conv_nth list_array_length list_array_nth nth_mem set_array_list)

lemma in_set_arrayE [elim!]:
  " z  set_array (a :: 'a['n::finite]); n . n < CARD('n); z = a.[n]  P   P"
  by (metis in_set_array_index_conv)

lemma map_array_setI:
  "(z. z  set_array x  f z = g z)  map_array f x = map_array g x"
  by (rule array_ext) (auto simp: map_array_index in_set_array_index_conv)

lemma list_array_map_array:
  "list_array (map_array f a) = map f (list_array a)"
  by (simp add: list_array_def map_array_index)

lemma list_array_FCP [simp]:
  "list_array (FCP f :: 'a['n]) = map f [0..<CARD('n::finite)]"
  by (simp add: list_array_def)

lemma set_array_FCP [simp]:
  "set_array (FCP f :: 'a['n]) = f ` {0..< CARD('n::finite)}"
  by (auto simp: set_array_list)

lemma map_array_set_img:
  "set_array  map_array f = (`) f  set_array"
  by (rule ext) (auto simp: map_array_def in_set_array_index_conv intro!: imageI)

lemma fcp_cong [cong]:
  "(i. i < CARD('n::finite)  f i = g i)  FCP f = (FCP g :: 'a['n])"
  by (rule array_ext) simp

bnf "('a,'n::finite) array"
  map: map_array
  sets: set_array
  bd: "card_suc (BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.csum natLeq (card_of (UNIV :: 'n set)))"
  rel: rel_array
proof -
  show "map_array id = id" by simp
  fix f :: "'a  'b" and g :: "'b  'c"
  show "map_array (g  f) = map_array g  map_array f"
    by (rule map_array_comp)
  fix x :: "'a['n::finite]" and f :: "'a  'b" and g
  assume "z. z  set_array x  f z = g z"
  thus "map_array f x = map_array g x"
    by (rule map_array_setI)
  fix f :: "'a  'b"
  show "set_array  map_array f = (`) f  set_array"
    by (rule map_array_set_img)
  show "card_order (card_suc (BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.csum natLeq (card_of UNIV)))"
    by (simp add: card_of_card_order_on card_order_card_suc card_order_csum natLeq_card_order)
  show " BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.cinfinite (card_suc (BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.csum natLeq (card_of UNIV)))"
    by (simp add: Card_order_csum Cinfinite_card_suc card_of_card_order_on card_order_csum 
        cinfinite_csum natLeq_Cinfinite natLeq_card_order)
  fix R :: "'a  'b  bool" and S :: "'b  'c  bool"
  show "rel_array R OO rel_array S  rel_array (R OO S)"
    by (force simp: rel_array_def)
  fix R :: "'a  'b  bool"
  { fix a :: "('a × 'b)['n::finite]" and i
    have "set_array a  {(x, y). R x y}; i < CARD('n)  R (fst (a.[i])) (snd (a.[i]))"
      by (meson Collect_case_prodD in_set_array_index_conv subset_iff)
  } note conv = this
  show "rel_array R =
         (λx y. z. set_array z  {(x, y). R x y}  map_array fst z = x  map_array snd z = y)"
    unfolding rel_array_def
    apply (intro ext iffI)
    subgoal for a b
     apply (rule exI [where x="zip_array a b"])
      by (auto intro!: array_ext simp: conv map_array_index zip_array_index)
      by (auto intro!: array_ext simp: conv map_array_index zip_array_index)
  show "regularCard (card_suc (BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.csum natLeq (card_of UNIV)))"
    by (simp add: Card_order_csum card_of_card_order_on card_order_csum cinfinite_csum 
        natLeq_Cinfinite natLeq_card_order regularCard_card_suc)
  fix x :: "'a['n::finite]"
  let ?U = "UNIV :: 'n set"
  have "ordLeq3 (card_of (set_array x)) (card_of ?U)" by transfer (rule card_of_image)
  have "ordLeq3 (card_of ?U) (BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.csum natLeq (card_of ?U))"
   by (rule ordLeq_csum2) (rule card_of_Card_order)
  have "ordLeq3 (card_of (set_array x)) (BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.csum natLeq (card_of ?U))" .
  then show "ordLess2 (card_of (set_array x))
          (card_suc (BNF_Cardinal_Arithmetic.csum natLeq (card_of ?U)))"
    using ordLeq_ordLess_trans card_suc_greater card_order_csum natLeq_card_order
    by blast

lemma arr_fupdate_same: "i < CARD('n)  
  index (fupdate i f (x::'a['n::finite])) i = f (index x i)"
  by (simp add: fupdate_def)

lemma arr_fupdate_other: "j < CARD('n)  i  j  
  index (fupdate i f (x::'a['n::finite])) j = (index x j)"
  by (simp add: fupdate_def)

lemmas arr_fupdate_simps = arr_fupdate_same arr_fupdate_other

lemma surj_finite_index: "surj finite_index"
  by (metis finite_index_works surj_def)

lemma finite_index_inj_on: "inj_on (finite_index::nat'a::finite) {i. i < CARD('a)}"
  by (simp add: finite_index_inj inj_on_def)

lemma finite_index_bij_betw: "bij_betw (finite_index::nat'a::finite) {i. i < CARD('a)} UNIV"
  using finite_index_inj_on
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) UNIV_I bij_betw_def finite_index_works imageI mem_Collect_eq subsetI subset_antisym)
