Theory AutoCorres2.PackedTypes

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

chapter "Packed Types (no implicit padding)"
theory PackedTypes
imports WordSetup CProof

section ‹Underlying definitions for the class axioms›

text constfield_access / constfield_update is the identity for packed types›

definition fa_fu_idem :: "'a field_desc  nat  bool" where
  "fa_fu_idem fd n 
     bs bs' v. length bs = n  length bs' = n  field_access fd (field_update fd bs v) bs' = bs"

(* Is it better to do this or to use a fold over td?  This seems easier to use *)
  td_fafu_idem :: "('a field_desc,'b)typ_desc  bool" and
  td_fafu_idem_struct :: "('a field_desc,'b) typ_struct  bool" and
  td_fafu_idem_list :: " (('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc, char list,'b) dt_tuple list  bool" and
  td_fafu_idem_tuple :: "(('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc, char list,'b) dt_tuple  bool"
  fai0: "td_fafu_idem (TypDesc algn ts n) = td_fafu_idem_struct ts"

| fai1: "td_fafu_idem_struct (TypScalar n algn d) = fa_fu_idem d n"
| fai2: "td_fafu_idem_struct (TypAggregate ts) = td_fafu_idem_list ts"

| fai3: "td_fafu_idem_list [] = True"
| fai4: "td_fafu_idem_list (x#xs) = (td_fafu_idem_tuple x  td_fafu_idem_list xs)"

| fai5: "td_fafu_idem_tuple (DTuple x n d) = td_fafu_idem x"

lemmas td_fafu_idem_simps = fai0 fai1 fai2 fai3 fai4 fai5

text constfield_access is independent of the underlying bytes›

definition  fa_heap_indep :: "'a field_desc  nat  bool" where
  "fa_heap_indep fd n 
     bs bs' v. length bs = n  length bs' = n  field_access fd v bs = field_access fd v bs'"

  td_fa_hi :: "('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc  bool" and
  td_fa_hi_struct :: "('a field_desc,'b) typ_struct  bool" and
  td_fa_hi_list :: "(('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc, char list,'b) dt_tuple list  bool" and
  td_fa_hi_tuple :: "(('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc, char list,'b) dt_tuple  bool"
  fahi0: "td_fa_hi (TypDesc algn ts n) = td_fa_hi_struct ts"

| fahi1: "td_fa_hi_struct (TypScalar n algn d) = fa_heap_indep d n"
| fahi2: "td_fa_hi_struct (TypAggregate ts) = td_fa_hi_list ts"

| fahi3: "td_fa_hi_list [] = True"
| fahi4: "td_fa_hi_list (x#xs) = (td_fa_hi_tuple x  td_fa_hi_list xs)"

| fahi5: "td_fa_hi_tuple (DTuple x n d) = td_fa_hi x"

lemmas td_fa_hi_simps = fahi0 fahi1 fahi2 fahi3 fahi4 fahi5

section ‹Lemmas about consttd_fafu_idem

lemma field_lookup_td_fafu_idem:
  shows "(s :: ('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc) f m n.
            field_lookup t f m = Some (s, n); td_fafu_idem t   td_fafu_idem s"
  and   "(s :: ('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc) f m n.
            field_lookup_struct st f m = Some (s, n); td_fafu_idem_struct st   td_fafu_idem s"
  and   "(s :: ('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc) f m n.
            field_lookup_list ts f m = Some (s, n); td_fafu_idem_list ts   td_fafu_idem s"
  and   "(s :: ('a field_desc,'b) typ_desc) f m n.
            field_lookup_tuple p f m = Some (s, n); td_fafu_idem_tuple p   td_fafu_idem s"
  by (induct t and st and ts and p) (auto split: if_split_asm option.splits)

lemma field_access_update_same:
  fixes t :: "('a :: mem_type field_desc,'b) typ_desc" and st :: "('a field_desc,'b) typ_struct" and
    ts:: "('a field_desc, 'b) typ_tuple list" and
    p:: "('a field_desc, 'b) typ_tuple"
  shows "(v :: 'a) bs bs'.  td_fafu_idem t; wf_fd t; length bs = size_td t; length bs' = size_td t
   access_ti t (update_ti t bs v) bs' = bs"
  and "(v :: 'a) bs bs'.  td_fafu_idem_struct st; wf_fd_struct st; length bs = size_td_struct st; length bs' = size_td_struct st 
   access_ti_struct st (update_ti_struct st bs v) bs' = bs"
  and "(v :: 'a) bs bs'.  td_fafu_idem_list ts; wf_fd_list ts; length bs = size_td_list ts; length bs' = size_td_list ts
   access_ti_list ts (update_ti_list ts bs v) bs' = bs"
  and "(v :: 'a) bs bs'.  td_fafu_idem_tuple p; wf_fd_tuple p; length bs = size_td_tuple p; length bs' = size_td_tuple p
   access_ti_tuple p (update_ti_tuple p bs v) bs' = bs"
proof (induct t and st and ts and p)
  case TypScalar thus ?case by (clarsimp simp: fa_fu_idem_def)
  case (Cons_typ_desc p' ts' v bs bs')
  hence "fu_commutes (update_ti_tuple_t p') (update_ti_list_t ts')" by clarsimp
  have "update_ti_tuple p' (take (size_td_tuple p') bs) = update_ti_tuple_t p' (take (size_td_tuple p') bs)"
    using Cons_typ_desc.prems by (simp add: update_ti_tuple_t_def min_ll)
  have "update_ti_list ts' (drop (size_td_tuple p') bs) = update_ti_list_t ts' (drop (size_td_tuple p') bs)"
    using Cons_typ_desc.prems by (simp add: update_ti_list_t_def)
  ultimately have updeq:
    "(update_ti_tuple p' (take (size_td_tuple p') bs) (update_ti_list ts' (drop (size_td_tuple p') bs) v))
    = (update_ti_list ts' (drop (size_td_tuple p') bs) (update_ti_tuple p' (take (size_td_tuple p') bs) v))"
    unfolding fu_commutes_def by simp

  show ?case using Cons_typ_desc.prems
    by (auto simp add: Cons_typ_desc.hyps) (simp add: updeq  Cons_typ_desc.hyps)
qed simp+

lemma access_ti_tuple_dt_fst:
  "access_ti_tuple p v bs = access_ti (dt_fst p) v bs"
  by (cases p, simp)

lemma wf_fd_tuple_dt_fst:
  "wf_fd_tuple p = wf_fd (dt_fst p)"
  by (cases p, simp)

lemma field_lookup_offset2:
  assumes fl: "(field_lookup t f (m + n) = Some (s, q))"
  shows   "field_lookup t f m = Some (s, q - n)"
proof -
  from fl have le: "m + n  q"
    by (rule field_lookup_offset_le)

  hence "q = (m + n) + (q - (m + n))"
    by simp

  hence "field_lookup t f (m + n) = Some (s, (m + n) + (q - (m + n)))" using fl by simp

  hence "field_lookup t f m = Some (s, m + (q - (m + n)))"
    by (rule iffD1 [OF field_lookup_offset'(1)])

  thus ?thesis using le by simp

lemma field_lookup_offset2_list:
  assumes fl: "(field_lookup_list ts f (m + n) = Some (s, q))"
  shows   "field_lookup_list ts f m = Some (s, q - n)"
proof -
  from fl have le: "m + n  q"
    by (rule field_lookup_offset_le)

  hence "q = (m + n) + (q - (m + n))"
    by simp

  hence "field_lookup_list ts f (m + n) = Some (s, (m + n) + (q - (m + n)))" using fl by simp

  hence "field_lookup_list ts f m = Some (s, m + (q - (m + n)))"
    by (rule iffD1 [OF field_lookup_offset'(3)])

  thus ?thesis using le by simp

lemma field_lookup_offset2_pair:
  assumes fl: "(field_lookup_tuple p f (m + n) = Some (s, q))"
  shows   "field_lookup_tuple p f m = Some (s, q - n)"
proof -
  from fl have le: "m + n  q"
    by (rule field_lookup_offset_le)

  hence "q = (m + n) + (q - (m + n))"
    by simp

  hence "field_lookup_tuple p f (m + n) = Some (s, (m + n) + (q - (m + n)))" using fl by simp

  hence "field_lookup_tuple p f m = Some (s, m + (q - (m + n)))"
    by (rule iffD1 [OF field_lookup_offset'(4)])

  thus ?thesis using le by simp

lemma field_access_update_nth_inner:
  shows "f (s :: ('a :: mem_type field_desc,'b) typ_desc) n x v bs bs'.
   field_lookup t f 0 = Some (s, n); n  x; x < n + size_td s; td_fafu_idem s; wf_fd s; wf_fd t;
  length bs = size_td s; length bs' = size_td t 
   access_ti t (update_ti s bs v) bs' ! x = bs ! (x - n)"

  and "f (s :: ('a  :: mem_type field_desc,'b) typ_desc) n x v bs bs'.
  field_lookup_struct st f 0 = Some (s, n); n  x; x < n + size_td s; td_fafu_idem s; wf_fd s; wf_fd_struct st;
  length bs = size_td s; length bs' = size_td_struct st 
   access_ti_struct st (update_ti s bs v) bs' ! x = bs ! (x - n)"

  and "f (s :: ('a  :: mem_type field_desc,'b) typ_desc) n x v bs bs'.
  field_lookup_list ts f 0 = Some (s, n); n  x; x < n + size_td s; td_fafu_idem s; wf_fd s; wf_fd_list ts;
  length bs = size_td s; length bs' = size_td_list ts
   access_ti_list ts (update_ti s bs v) bs' ! x = bs ! (x - n)"

  and "f (s :: ('a  :: mem_type field_desc,'b) typ_desc) n x v bs bs'.
  field_lookup_tuple p f 0 = Some (s, n); n  x; x < n + size_td s; td_fafu_idem s; wf_fd s; wf_fd_tuple p;
  length bs = size_td s; length bs' = size_td_tuple p
   access_ti_tuple p (update_ti s bs v) bs' ! x = bs ! (x - n)"
proof (induct t and st and ts and p)
  case (TypDesc algn typ_struct ls f s n x v bs bs')

  show ?case
  proof (cases "f = []")
    case False thus ?thesis using TypDesc by clarsimp
    case True
    thus ?thesis using TypDesc.prems
      by (simp add: field_access_update_same)
  case (Cons_typ_desc p' ts' f s n x v bs bs')
  have nlex: "n  x" and xln: "x < n + size_td s"
    and lbs: "length bs = size_td s" and lbs': "length bs' = size_td_list (p' # ts')" by fact+
  from Cons_typ_desc have wf: "wf_fd (dt_fst p')" and wfts: "wf_fd_list ts'" by (cases p', auto)

    assume fl: "field_lookup_list ts' f (size_td (dt_fst p')) = Some (s, n)"

    hence mlt: "size_td (dt_fst p')  n"
      by (rule field_lookup_offset_le)

    from fl have fl': "field_lookup_list ts' f 0 = Some (s, n - size_td (dt_fst p'))"
      by (rule field_lookup_offset2_list [where m = 0, simplified])

    hence atl: "access_ti_list ts' (update_ti s bs v) (drop (size_td (dt_fst p')) bs') ! (x - size_td (dt_fst p')) = bs ! (x - n)"
      using mlt nlex xln lbs lbs' wf wfts td_fafu_idem s wf_fd s
      by (simp add: Cons_typ_desc.hyps(2) [OF fl'] size_td_tuple_dt_fst)

    from mlt have "size_td (dt_fst p')  x"
      by (rule order_trans) fact

    hence ?case using wf lbs lbs' atl
      by (simp add: nth_append length_fa_ti access_ti_tuple_dt_fst size_td_tuple_dt_fst)
    note ih = Cons_typ_desc.hyps(1)[simplified access_ti_tuple_dt_fst wf_fd_tuple_dt_fst]

    assume fl: "field_lookup_tuple p' f 0 = Some (s, n)"

    hence "x < size_td (dt_fst p')"
      apply (cases p')
      apply (simp split: if_split_asm)
      apply (drule field_lookup_offset_size')
      apply (rule order_less_le_trans [OF xln])
      apply simp

    hence ?case using wf lbs lbs' nlex xln wf wfts td_fafu_idem s wf_fd s
      by (simp add: nth_append length_fa_ti access_ti_tuple_dt_fst size_td_tuple_dt_fst ih[OF fl])
  ultimately show ?case using field_lookup_list (p' # ts') f 0 = Some (s, n) by (simp split: option.splits)
qed (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)+

subsection td_fa_hi›

(* ⟦ size_of TYPE('a::mem_type) ≤ length h; size_of TYPE('a) ≤ length h' ⟧ ⟹ *)

lemma fa_heap_indepD:
  " fa_heap_indep fd n; length bs = n; length bs' = n  
  field_access fd v bs = field_access fd v bs'"
  unfolding fa_heap_indep_def
  apply (drule spec, drule spec, drule spec)
  apply (drule (1) mp)
  apply (erule (1) mp)

(* The simplifier spins on the IHs here, hence the proofs for each case *)
lemma td_fa_hi_heap_independence:
  fixes t::"('a::mem_type, 'b) typ_info" and
   st::"('a::mem_type,'b) typ_info_struct" and
   ts::"('a::mem_type, 'b) typ_info_tuple list" and
   p::"('a::mem_type, 'b) typ_info_tuple"

  shows "(v :: 'a :: mem_type) h h'.  td_fa_hi t; length h = size_td t; length h' = size_td t 
   access_ti t v h = access_ti t v h'"
  and   "(v :: 'a :: mem_type) h h'.  td_fa_hi_struct st; length h = size_td_struct st; length h' = size_td_struct st
   access_ti_struct st v h = access_ti_struct st v h'"
  and   "(v :: 'a :: mem_type) h h'.  td_fa_hi_list ts;  length h = size_td_list ts; length h' = size_td_list ts 
   access_ti_list ts v h = access_ti_list ts v h'"
  and   "(v :: 'a :: mem_type) h h'.  td_fa_hi_tuple p;  length h = size_td_tuple p; length h' = size_td_tuple p 
   access_ti_tuple p v h = access_ti_tuple p v h'"
proof (induct t and st and ts and p)
  case TypDesc
  from TypDesc.prems show ?case
    by (simp) (erule (2) TypDesc.hyps)
  case TypScalar
  from TypScalar.prems show ?case
    by simp (erule (2) fa_heap_indepD)
  case TypAggregate
  from TypAggregate.prems show ?case
    by (simp) (erule (2) TypAggregate.hyps)
  case Nil_typ_desc thus ?case by simp
  case Cons_typ_desc
  from Cons_typ_desc.prems show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (erule conjE)
    apply (rule arg_cong2 [where f = "(@)"])
    apply (erule Cons_typ_desc.hyps; simp)
    apply (erule Cons_typ_desc.hyps; simp)
  case DTuple_typ_desc
  from DTuple_typ_desc.prems show ?case
    by simp (erule (2) DTuple_typ_desc.hyps)

section ‹Simp rules for deriving packed props from the type combinators›

subsection td_fafu_idem›

lemma td_fafu_idem_map_align [simp]: "td_fafu_idem (map_align f t) = td_fafu_idem t"
  by (cases t) simp

lemma td_fafu_idem_final_pad:
  "padup (2 ^ max algn (align_td t)) (size_td t) = 0
   td_fafu_idem (final_pad algn t) = td_fafu_idem t"
  unfolding final_pad_def
  by (clarsimp simp add: padup_def Let_def)

lemma td_fafu_idem_ti_typ_pad_combine:
  fixes t :: "'a :: c_type itself" and s :: "('b :: c_type) xtyp_info"
  assumes pad: "padup (max (2 ^ algn) (align_of TYPE('a))) (size_td s) = 0"
  shows "td_fafu_idem (ti_typ_pad_combine t xf xfu algn nm s) = td_fafu_idem (ti_typ_combine t xf xfu algn nm s)"
  unfolding ti_typ_pad_combine_def using pad
  by (clarsimp simp: Let_def)

lemma td_fafu_idem_list_append:
  fixes xs :: "'a :: c_type xtyp_info_tuple list"
  shows "td_fafu_idem_list (xs @ ys) = (td_fafu_idem_list xs  td_fafu_idem_list ys)"
  by (induct xs) simp+

lemma td_fafu_idem_extend_ti:
  fixes t :: "'a :: c_type xtyp_info"
  fixes s :: "'a :: c_type xtyp_info"
  assumes as: "td_fafu_idem s"
  and     at: "td_fafu_idem t"
  shows "td_fafu_idem (extend_ti s t algn nm d)" using as at
  apply (cases s) 
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs
    apply (cases typ_struct; simp add: td_fafu_idem_list_append)

lemma fd_cons_access_updateD:
  " fd_cons_access_update d n; length bs = n; length bs' = n 
   field_access d (field_update d bs v) bs' = field_access d (field_update d bs v') bs'"
  unfolding fd_cons_access_update_def by clarsimp

lemma fa_fu_idem_update_desc:
  fixes a :: "'a field_desc"
  assumes fg: "fg_cons xf xfu"
  and     fd: "fd_cons_struct (TypScalar n n' a)"
  shows   "fa_fu_idem (update_desc xf xfu a) n = fa_fu_idem a n"
  assume asm: "fa_fu_idem (update_desc xf xfu a) n"

  let ?fu = "λbs. if length bs = n then field_update a bs else id"
  let ?a' = " field_access = field_access a, field_update = ?fu, field_sz = n "

  show "fa_fu_idem a n"
    unfolding fa_fu_idem_def
  proof (intro impI conjI allI)
    fix bs :: "byte list" and bs' :: "byte list" and v
    assume l: "length bs = n" and l': "length bs' = n"

    hence "(v. field_access a (field_update a bs (xf v)) bs' = bs)
           = (v. field_access a (?fu bs (xf v)) bs' = bs)" by simp

    also have " = (v. field_access a (field_update a bs v) bs' = bs)" using fd
      apply -
      apply (rule iffI)
       apply (rule allI)
       apply (subst (asm) fd_cons_access_updateD [OF _ l l', where d = ?a', simplified])
        apply (simp add: fd_cons_struct_def fd_cons_desc_def)
       apply (fastforce simp: l l')
      apply (fastforce simp: l l')

    finally show "field_access a (field_update a bs v) bs' = bs" using asm fg l l'
      by (clarsimp simp add: update_desc_def fa_fu_idem_def fg_cons_def)
  assume "fa_fu_idem a n"
  thus "fa_fu_idem (update_desc xf xfu a) n"
    unfolding fa_fu_idem_def update_desc_def using fg
    by (clarsimp simp add: update_desc_def fa_fu_idem_def fg_cons_def)

lemma td_fafu_idem_map_td_update_desc:
  assumes fg: "fg_cons xf xfu"
  shows  "wf_fd t  td_fafu_idem (map_td (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xf xfu) t) = td_fafu_idem t"
  and    "wf_fd_struct st  td_fafu_idem_struct (map_td_struct (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xf xfu) st) = td_fafu_idem_struct st"
  and    "wf_fd_list ts  td_fafu_idem_list (map_td_list (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xf xfu) ts) = td_fafu_idem_list ts"
  and    "wf_fd_tuple p  td_fafu_idem_tuple (map_td_tuple (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xf xfu) p) = td_fafu_idem_tuple p"
  by (induct t and st and ts and p) (auto elim!: fa_fu_idem_update_desc [OF fg])

lemmas td_fafu_idem_adjust_ti = td_fafu_idem_map_td_update_desc(1)[folded adjust_ti_def]

lemma td_fafu_idem_ti_typ_combine:
  fixes s :: "'b :: c_type xtyp_info"
  assumes fg: "fg_cons xf xfu"
  and    tda: "td_fafu_idem (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: mem_type))"
  and    tds: "td_fafu_idem s"
  shows "td_fafu_idem (ti_typ_combine TYPE('a :: mem_type) xf xfu algn nm s)"
  unfolding ti_typ_combine_def using tda tds
  apply (clarsimp simp: Let_def)
  apply (cases s)
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs
    apply (cases typ_struct)
     apply simp
     apply (subst td_fafu_idem_adjust_ti [OF fg wf_fd], assumption)
    apply (simp add: td_fafu_idem_list_append)
    apply (subst td_fafu_idem_adjust_ti [OF fg wf_fd], assumption)

lemma td_fafu_idem_ptr:
   "td_fafu_idem (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type ptr))"
  apply (clarsimp simp add: fa_fu_idem_def)
  apply (subst word_rsplit_rcat_size)
   apply (clarsimp simp add: size_of_def word_size)
  apply simp

lemma td_fafu_idem_word:
   "td_fafu_idem (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: len8 word))"
  apply(clarsimp simp: fa_fu_idem_def)
  apply (subst word_rsplit_rcat_size)
   apply (insert len8_dv8)
   apply (clarsimp simp add: size_of_def word_size)
   apply (subst dvd_div_mult_self; simp)
  apply simp

lemma td_fafu_idem_array_n:
  " td_fafu_idem (typ_info_t TYPE('a)); n  card (UNIV :: 'b set)  
   td_fafu_idem (array_tag_n n :: ('a :: mem_type ['b :: finite]) xtyp_info)"
  by (induct n; simp add: array_tag_n.simps empty_typ_info_def)
     (simp add: td_fafu_idem_ti_typ_combine)

lemma td_fafu_idem_array:
  "td_fafu_idem (typ_info_t TYPE('a))  td_fafu_idem (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: mem_type ['b :: finite]))"
  by (clarsimp simp: typ_info_array array_tag_def fa_fu_idem_def td_fafu_idem_array_n)

lemma td_fafu_idem_empty_typ_info:
  "td_fafu_idem (empty_typ_info algn t)"
  unfolding empty_typ_info_def
  by simp

subsection td_fa_hi›

(* These are mostly identical to the above --- surely there is something which implies both? *)

lemma td_fa_hi_final_pad:
  "padup (2 ^ max algn (align_td t)) (size_td t) = 0
   td_fa_hi (final_pad algn t) = td_fa_hi t"
  unfolding final_pad_def
  by (cases t) (clarsimp simp add: padup_def Let_def)

lemma td_fa_hi_ti_typ_pad_combine:
  fixes t :: "'a :: c_type itself" and s :: "'b :: c_type xtyp_info"
  assumes pad: "padup (max (2 ^ algn) (align_of TYPE('a))) (size_td s) = 0"
  shows "td_fa_hi (ti_typ_pad_combine  t xf xfu algn nm s) = td_fa_hi (ti_typ_combine t xf xfu algn nm s)"
  unfolding ti_typ_pad_combine_def using pad
  by (clarsimp simp: Let_def)

lemma td_fa_hi_list_append:
  fixes xs :: "'a :: c_type xtyp_info_tuple list"
  shows "td_fa_hi_list (xs @ ys) = (td_fa_hi_list xs  td_fa_hi_list ys)"
  by (induct xs) simp+

lemma td_fa_hi_extend_ti:
  fixes t :: "'a :: c_type xtyp_info"
  assumes as: "td_fa_hi s"
  and     at: "td_fa_hi t"
  shows "td_fa_hi (extend_ti s t algn nm d)" using as at
  apply (cases s) 
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs
    by (cases typ_struct; simp add: td_fa_hi_list_append)

lemma fa_heap_indep_update_desc:
  fixes a :: "'a field_desc"
  assumes fg: "fg_cons xf xfu"
  and     fd: "fd_cons_struct (TypScalar n n' a)"
  shows   "fa_heap_indep (update_desc xf xfu a) n = fa_heap_indep a n"
  assume asm: "fa_heap_indep (update_desc xf xfu a) n"

  have xf_xfu: "v v'. xf (xfu v v') = v" using fg
    unfolding fg_cons_def
    by simp

  show "fa_heap_indep a n"
    unfolding fa_heap_indep_def
  proof (intro impI conjI allI)
    fix bs :: "byte list" and bs' :: "byte list" and v
    assume l: "length bs = n" and l': "length bs' = n"
    with asm
    have "field_access (update_desc xf xfu a) (xfu v undefined) bs =
          field_access (update_desc xf xfu a) (xfu v undefined) bs'"
      by (rule fa_heap_indepD)

    thus "field_access a v bs = field_access a v bs'"
      unfolding update_desc_def
      by (simp add: xf_xfu)
  assume asm: "fa_heap_indep a n"
  show "fa_heap_indep (update_desc xf xfu a) n"
    unfolding fa_heap_indep_def update_desc_def
    apply (simp, intro impI conjI allI)
    using asm by (metis fa_heap_indepD)

lemma td_fa_hi_map_td_update_desc:
  assumes fg: "fg_cons xf xfu"
  shows  "wf_fd t  td_fa_hi (map_td (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xs xfu) t) = td_fa_hi t"
  and    "wf_fd_struct st  td_fa_hi_struct (map_td_struct (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xs xfu) st) = td_fa_hi_struct st"
  and    "wf_fd_list ts  td_fa_hi_list (map_td_list (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xs xfu) ts) = td_fa_hi_list ts"
  and    "wf_fd_tuple p  td_fa_hi_tuple (map_td_tuple (λ_ _. update_desc xf xfu) (update_desc xs xfu) p) = td_fa_hi_tuple p"
  by (induct t and st and ts and p) (auto elim!: fa_heap_indep_update_desc [OF fg])

lemma td_fa_hi_adjust_ti:
  assumes fg: "fg_cons xf xfu"
  assumes wf: "wf_fd t"
  shows "td_fa_hi (adjust_ti t xf xfu) = td_fa_hi t"
  using fg wf
  by (simp add: adjust_ti_def td_fa_hi_map_td_update_desc)

lemma td_fa_hi_ti_typ_combine:
  fixes s :: "'b :: c_type xtyp_info"
  assumes fg: "fg_cons xf xfu"
  and    tda: "td_fa_hi (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: mem_type))"
  and    tds: "td_fa_hi s"
  shows "td_fa_hi (ti_typ_combine TYPE('a :: mem_type) xf xfu algn nm s)"
  unfolding ti_typ_combine_def Let_def using tda tds
  apply (cases s) 
  subgoal for x1 typ_struct xs
    by (cases typ_struct; simp add: td_fa_hi_list_append td_fa_hi_adjust_ti[OF fg wf_fd])

lemma td_fa_hi_ptr:
   "td_fa_hi (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type ptr))"
  by (clarsimp simp add: fa_heap_indep_def)

lemma td_fa_hi_word:
   "td_fa_hi (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: len8 word))"
  by (clarsimp simp add: fa_heap_indep_def)

lemma td_fa_hi_array_n:
  "td_fa_hi (typ_info_t TYPE('a)); n  card (UNIV :: 'b set)   td_fa_hi (array_tag_n n :: ('a :: mem_type ['b :: finite]) xtyp_info)"
  by (induct n; simp add: array_tag_n.simps empty_typ_info_def td_fa_hi_ti_typ_combine)

lemma td_fa_hi_array:
  "td_fa_hi (typ_info_t TYPE('a))  td_fa_hi (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: mem_type ['b :: finite]))"
  by (clarsimp simp add: typ_info_array array_tag_def fa_fu_idem_def td_fa_hi_array_n)

lemma td_fa_hi_empty_typ_info:
  "td_fa_hi (empty_typ_info algn t)"
  unfolding empty_typ_info_def
  by simp

section ‹The type class and simp sets›

text ‹Packed types, with no padding, have the defining property that
        access is invariant under substitution of the underlying heap and
        access/update is the identity›

class packed_type = mem_type +
  assumes td_fafu_idem: "td_fafu_idem (typ_info_t TYPE('a))"
  assumes td_fa_hi:     "td_fa_hi (typ_info_t TYPE('a))"

lemmas td_fafu_idem_intro_simps =
  ― ‹Axioms›
  ― ‹Combinators›
  td_fafu_idem_final_pad td_fafu_idem_ti_typ_pad_combine td_fafu_idem_ti_typ_combine td_fafu_idem_empty_typ_info
  ― ‹Constructors›
  td_fafu_idem_ptr td_fafu_idem_word td_fafu_idem_array

lemmas td_fa_hi_intro_simps =
  ― ‹Axioms›
  ― ‹Combinators›
  td_fa_hi_final_pad td_fa_hi_ti_typ_pad_combine td_fa_hi_ti_typ_combine td_fa_hi_empty_typ_info
  ― ‹Constructors›
  td_fa_hi_ptr td_fa_hi_word td_fa_hi_array

lemma align_td_wo_align_array':
  "align_td_wo_align (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type['b :: finite])) = align_td_wo_align (typ_info_t TYPE('a))"
  by (simp add: typ_info_array array_tag_def align_td_wo_align_array_tag)

lemma align_td_array':
  "align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type['b :: finite])) = align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a))"
  by (simp add: typ_info_array array_tag_def align_td_array_tag)

lemmas packed_type_intro_simps =
  td_fafu_idem_intro_simps td_fa_hi_intro_simps align_td_wo_align_array' size_td_simps_3 size_td_array

lemma access_ti_append':
   access_ti_list (xs @ ys) t list =
     access_ti_list xs t (take (size_td_list xs) list) @
     access_ti_list ys t (drop (size_td_list xs) list)"
proof(induct xs)
  case Nil show ?case by simp
  case (Cons x xs) thus ?case by (simp add: min_def ac_simps drop_take)

section ‹Instances›

text ‹Words (of multiple of 8 size) are packed›

instantiation word :: (len8) packed_type
  by (intro_classes; rule td_fafu_idem_word td_fa_hi_word)

text ‹Pointers are always packed›

instantiation ptr :: (c_type)packed_type
  by (intro_classes; simp add: fa_fu_idem_def word_rsplit_rcat_size word_size fa_heap_indep_def)

text ‹Arrays of packed types are in turn packed›

class array_outer_packed = packed_type + array_outer_max_size
class array_inner_packed = array_outer_packed + array_inner_max_size

instance word :: (len8)array_outer_packed ..
instance word :: (len8)array_inner_packed ..

instance array :: (array_outer_packed, array_max_count) packed_type
  by (intro_classes; simp add: td_fafu_idem_intro_simps td_fa_hi_intro_simps)

instance array :: (array_inner_packed, array_max_count) array_outer_packed ..

section ‹Theorems about packed types›

subsection td_fa_hi›

lemma heap_independence:
  "length h = size_of TYPE('a :: packed_type); length h' = size_of TYPE('a) 
   access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v h = access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v h'"
  by (rule td_fa_hi_heap_independence(1)[OF td_fa_hi], simp_all add: size_of_def)

theorem packed_heap_update_collapse:
 fixes u::"'a::packed_type"
 fixes v::"'a"
 shows "heap_update p v (heap_update p u h) = heap_update p v h"
  unfolding heap_update_def
  apply(rule ext)
  subgoal for x
    apply(cases "x  {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}")
     apply(simp add: heap_update_mem_same_point)
     apply(simp add:to_bytes_def)
     apply(subst heap_independence, simp)
      prefer 2
      apply(rule refl)
    apply(simp add: heap_update_nmem_same)

lemma packed_heap_update_collapse_hrs:
  fixes p :: "'a :: packed_type ptr"
  shows "hrs_mem_update (heap_update p v) (hrs_mem_update (heap_update p v') hp) =
         hrs_mem_update (heap_update p v) hp"
  unfolding hrs_mem_update_def
  by (simp add: split_def packed_heap_update_collapse)

subsection td_fafu_idem›

lemma order_leE:
  fixes x :: "'a :: order"
  shows " x  y; x = y  P; x < y  P   P"
  by (auto simp: order_le_less)

lemma of_nat_mono_maybe_le:
  shows "X < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a); Y  X  (of_nat Y :: 'a :: len word)  of_nat X"
  apply (erule order_leE)
   apply simp
  apply (rule order_less_imp_le)
  apply (erule (1) of_nat_mono_maybe)

lemma intvl_le_lower:
  fixes x :: "'a :: len word"
  shows " x  {y..+n}; y  y + of_nat (n - 1); n < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)   y  x"
  apply (drule intvlD)
  apply (elim conjE exE)
  apply (erule ssubst)
  apply (erule word_plus_mono_right2)
  apply (rule of_nat_mono_maybe_le)
   apply simp
  apply simp

lemma intvl_less_upper:
  fixes x :: "'a :: len word"
  shows " x  {y..+n}; y  y + of_nat (n - 1); n < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)   x  y + of_nat (n - 1)"
  apply (drule intvlD)
  apply (elim conjE exE)
  apply (erule ssubst)
  apply (rule word_plus_mono_right; assumption?)
  apply (rule of_nat_mono_maybe_le; simp)

lemma packed_type_access_ti:
  fixes v :: "'a :: packed_type"
  assumes lbs: "length bs = size_of TYPE('a)"
  shows "access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v bs = access_ti0 (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v"
  unfolding access_ti0_def
  by (rule heap_independence; simp add: lbs size_of_def)

lemma c_guard_field_lvalue:
  fixes p :: "'a :: mem_type ptr"
  assumes cg: "c_guard p"
  and     fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
  and     eu: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b :: mem_type)"
  shows   "c_guard (Ptr &(pf) :: 'b :: mem_type ptr)"
  unfolding c_guard_def
proof (rule conjI)
  from cg fl eu show "ptr_aligned (Ptr &(pf) :: 'b ptr)"
    by (rule c_guard_ptr_aligned_fl)
  from eu have std: "size_td t = size_of TYPE('b)" using fl
    by (simp add: export_size_of)

  from cg have "c_null_guard p" unfolding c_guard_def ..
  thus "c_null_guard (Ptr &(pf)  :: 'b ptr)" unfolding c_null_guard_def
    apply (rule contrapos_nn)
    apply (rule subsetD [OF field_tag_sub, OF fl])
    apply (simp add: std)

lemma word_wrap_of_natD:
  fixes x :: "'a :: len word"
  assumes wraps: "¬ x  x + of_nat n"
  shows   "k. x + of_nat k = 0  k  n"
proof -
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule exI [where x = "unat (- x)"], intro conjI)
    show "x + of_nat (unat (-x)) = 0"
      by simp
    show "unat (-x)  n"
      by (metis add.commute no_plus_overflow_neg not_less olen_add_eqv word_unat_less_le wraps)

theorem packed_heap_super_field_update:
  fixes v :: "'a :: packed_type" and p :: "'b :: packed_type ptr"
  assumes fl: "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) f 0 = Some (t, n)"
  and   cgrd: "c_guard p"
  and     eu: "export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)"
  shows   "heap_update (Ptr &(pf)) v hp = heap_update p (update_ti t (to_bytes_p v) (h_val hp p)) hp"
  unfolding heap_update_def to_bytes_def
  apply (simp add: packed_type_access_ti, rule ext)
proof -
  fix x
  let ?LHS = "heap_update_list &(pf) (to_bytes_p v) hp x"
  let ?RHS = "heap_update_list (ptr_val p) (to_bytes_p (update_ti t (to_bytes_p v) (h_val hp p))) hp x"

  from cgrd have al: "ptr_val p  ptr_val p + of_nat (size_of TYPE('b) - 1)" by (rule c_guard_no_wrap)

  have szb: "size_of TYPE('b) < 2 ^ len_of TYPE(addr_bitsize)"
    apply (fold card_word)
    apply (fold addr_card_def)
    apply (rule max_size)

  have szt: "n + size_td t  size_of TYPE('b)"
    unfolding size_of_def
    by (subst add.commute, rule field_lookup_offset_size [OF fl])
  moreover have t0: "0 < size_td t" using fl wf_size_desc
    by (rule field_lookup_wf_size_desc_gt)
  ultimately have szn: "n < size_of TYPE('b)" by simp
  from szt have szt1: "n + (size_td t - 1)  size_of TYPE('b)"
    by simp

  have b0: "0 < size_of (TYPE ('b))" using wf_size_desc
    unfolding size_of_def
    by (rule wf_size_desc_gt)

  have uofn: "unat (of_nat n :: addr_bitsize word) = n" using szn szb
    by (metis le_unat_uoi nat_less_le unat_of_nat_len)

  from eu have std: "size_td t = size_of TYPE('a)" using fl
    by (simp add: export_size_of)

  hence "?LHS = (if x  {&(pf)..+size_td t} then (to_bytes_p v) ! unat (x - &(pf)) else hp x)"
    by (simp add: heap_update_mem_same_point heap_update_nmem_same)
  also have "... = ?RHS"
    apply (simp, intro impI conjI)
  proof -
    assume xin: "x  {&(pf)..+size_td t}"
    have "to_bytes_p v ! unat (x - &(pf)) = to_bytes_p (update_ti t (to_bytes_p v) (h_val hp p)) ! unat (x - ptr_val p)"
    proof (simp add: to_bytes_p_def to_bytes_def, subst field_access_update_nth_inner(1)[OF fl, simplified])

      have "c_guard (Ptr &(pf) :: 'a ptr)" using cgrd fl eu
        by (rule c_guard_field_lvalue)
      hence pft: "&(pf)  &(pf) + of_nat (size_td t - 1)"
        apply -
        apply (drule c_guard_no_wrap)
        apply (simp add: std)

      have szt': "size_td t < 2 ^ len_of TYPE(addr_bitsize)"
        apply (subst std)
        apply (fold card_word)
        apply (fold addr_card_def)
        apply (rule max_size)

      have ofn: "of_nat n  x - ptr_val p"
      proof (rule le_minus')
        from xin show "ptr_val p + of_nat n  x" using pft szt'
          unfolding field_lvalue_def field_lookup_offset_eq [OF fl]
          by (rule intvl_le_lower)
        from szb szn have "of_nat n  (of_nat (size_of TYPE('b) - 1) :: addr_bitsize word)"
          apply -
          apply (rule of_nat_mono_maybe_le)
           apply simp_all
        with al show "ptr_val p  ptr_val p + of_nat n"
          by (rule word_plus_mono_right2)

      thus nlt: "n  unat (x - ptr_val p)"
        by (metis uofn word_less_eq_iff_unsigned)

      have "x  ptr_val p + (of_nat n + of_nat (size_td t - 1))" using xin pft szt' t0
        unfolding field_lvalue_def field_lookup_offset_eq [OF fl]
        by (metis (no_types) add.assoc intvl_less_upper)
      moreover have "x  {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('b)}" using fl xin
        by (rule subsetD [OF field_tag_sub])
      ultimately have "x - ptr_val p  (of_nat n + of_nat (size_td t - 1))" using al szb
        by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' intvl_le_lower word_diff_ls(4))
      moreover have "unat (of_nat n + of_nat (size_td t - 1) :: addr_bitsize word) = n + size_td t - 1"
        using t0 order_le_less_trans [OF szt1 szb]
        by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc One_nat_def Suc_leI of_nat_add unat_of_nat_len)
      ultimately have "unat (x - ptr_val p)  n + size_td t - 1"
        by (simp add: word_le_nat_alt)
      thus "unat (x - ptr_val p) < n + size_td t" using t0
        by simp

      show "td_fafu_idem t"
        by (rule field_lookup_td_fafu_idem(1)[OF fl td_fafu_idem])

      show "wf_fd t"
        by (rule wf_fd_field_lookupD [OF fl wf_fd])

      show "length (access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v (replicate (size_of TYPE('a)) 0)) = size_td t"
        using wf_fd [where 'a = 'a]
        by (simp add: length_fa_ti size_of_def std)

      show "length (replicate (size_of TYPE('b)) 0) = size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))"
        by (simp add: size_of_def)

      have "unat (x - &(pf)) = unat ((x - ptr_val p) - of_nat n)"
        by (simp add: field_lvalue_def field_lookup_offset_eq [OF fl])
      also have " = unat (x - ptr_val p) - n"
        by (metis ofn unat_sub uofn)
      finally have "unat (x - &(pf)) = unat (x - ptr_val p) - n" .

      thus "access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v (replicate (size_of TYPE('a)) 0) ! unat (x - &(pf)) =
        access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v (replicate (size_of TYPE('a)) 0) ! (unat (x - ptr_val p) - n)"
        by simp

    thus "to_bytes_p v ! unat (x - &(pf)) = ?RHS"
      apply (subst heap_update_mem_same_point, simp_all)
    proof -
      show "x  {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('b)}" using fl xin
        by (rule subsetD [OF field_tag_sub])
    assume xni: "x  {&(pf)..+size_td t}"
    have "?RHS = (if x  {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('b)}
          then (to_bytes_p (update_ti t (to_bytes_p v) (h_val hp p))) ! unat (x - ptr_val p) else hp x)"
      by (simp add: heap_update_mem_same_point heap_update_nmem_same)

      assume xin: "x  {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('b)}"

      hence "access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b))
        (update_ti_t t (access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v (replicate (size_of TYPE('a)) 0)) (h_val hp p))
        (replicate (size_of TYPE('b)) 0) ! unat (x - ptr_val p) = hp x"
      proof (subst field_access_update_nth_disjD [OF fl])
        have "x - ptr_val p  of_nat (size_of TYPE('b) - 1)"
        proof (rule word_diff_ls(4)[where xa=x and x=x for x, simplified])
          from xin show "x  of_nat (size_of TYPE('b) - 1) + ptr_val p" using al szb
            by (subst add.commute, rule intvl_less_upper)
          show "ptr_val p  x" using xin al szb
            by (rule intvl_le_lower)
        thus unx: "unat (x - ptr_val p) < size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))" using szb b0
          apply (simp)
          by (metis nat_le_Suc_less add.right_neutral b0 id_apply
            len_of_addr_card max_size neq0_conv of_nat_Suc of_nat_eq_id size_of_def
            unat_of_nat_minus_1 word_less_eq_iff_unsigned)

        show "unat (x - ptr_val p) < n - 0  n - 0 + size_td t  unat (x - ptr_val p)" using xin xni
          unfolding field_lvalue_def field_lookup_offset_eq [OF fl]
          apply -
          apply (erule intvl_cut)
           apply simp
          apply (rule max_size)

        show "wf_fd (typ_info_t TYPE('b))" by (rule wf_fd)
            (* clag *)
        show "length (access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) v (replicate (size_of TYPE('a)) 0)) = size_td t"
          using wf_fd [where 'a = 'a]
          by (simp add: length_fa_ti size_of_def std)

        show "length (replicate (size_of TYPE('b)) 0) = size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))"
          by (simp add: size_of_def)

        have "heap_list hp (size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))) (ptr_val p) ! unat (x - ptr_val p) = hp x"
          apply (subst heap_list_nth)
           apply (rule unx)
          apply simp

        thus "access_ti (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) (h_val hp p) (replicate (size_of TYPE('b)) 0) ! unat (x - ptr_val p) = hp x"
          unfolding h_val_def
          by (simp add: from_bytes_def update_ti_t_def size_of_def field_access_update_same(1)[OF td_fafu_idem wf_fd])
    hence " = hp x"
      by (simp add: to_bytes_p_def to_bytes_def update_ti_update_ti_t length_fa_ti [OF wf_fd] std size_of_def)
    finally show "hp x = ?RHS" by simp
  finally show "?LHS = ?RHS" .

subsection ‹Proof automation for packed types›

definition td_packed :: "('a,'b) typ_info  nat  nat  bool"
  where "td_packed t sz al 
    td_fafu_idem t  td_fa_hi t  aggregate t  size_td t = sz  align_td t = al"

lemma packed_type_class_intro:
  "td_packed (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) s a
     OFCLASS('a::mem_type, packed_type_class)"
  by standard (simp_all add: td_packed_def)

lemma td_fa_hi_map_align[simp]:"td_fa_hi (map_align f t) = td_fa_hi t"
  by (cases t) auto

lemma td_packed_final_pad:
  "td_packed t s a; 2 ^ (max algn a) dvd s  td_packed (final_pad algn t) s (max algn a)"
  by (simp add: padup_dvd [symmetric] td_packed_def final_pad_def)

lemma td_packed_final_pad':
  assumes packed_t:  "td_packed t s a"
  assumes le: "algn  a"
  assumes dvd: "2 ^ a dvd s"
  shows "td_packed (final_pad algn t) s a"
proof -
  from le have "max algn a = a" by simp
  from td_packed_final_pad[OF packed_t, of algn, simplified this, OF dvd]
  show ?thesis .

lemma td_packed_ti_typ_combine:
  " td_packed (td::'a::c_type xtyp_info) s a;
     align_of TYPE('b::packed_type) dvd s; fg_cons xf xfu; aggregate td 
     td_packed (ti_typ_combine TYPE('b) xf xfu algn nm td)
                  (s + size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)))
                  (max a (max algn (align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)))))"
  unfolding td_packed_def
  apply safe
      apply (rule td_fafu_idem_ti_typ_combine; assumption?)
      apply (rule td_fafu_idem)
     apply (rule td_fa_hi_ti_typ_combine; assumption?)
     apply (rule td_fa_hi)
    apply simp
   apply (simp only: size_td_lt_ti_typ_combine)
  apply simp

lemma td_packed_ti_typ_pad_combine:
  " td_packed (td::'a::c_type xtyp_info) s a;
     align_of TYPE('b::packed_type) dvd s;  algn  align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)); fg_cons xf xfu; aggregate td
     td_packed (ti_typ_pad_combine TYPE('b) xf xfu algn nm td)
                  (s + size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)))
                  (max a (align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))))"
  apply (subgoal_tac "padup (max (2 ^ algn) (align_of TYPE('b))) (size_td td) = 0")
   apply (simp add: ti_typ_pad_combine_def Let_def td_packed_ti_typ_combine)
   apply (auto simp add: padup_dvd td_packed_def packed_type_intro_simps size_td_lt_ti_typ_combine
     max_2_exp max_absorb2)

lemma td_packed_ti_typ_combine_array:
  "td_packed (td::'a::c_type xtyp_info) s a;
    align_of TYPE('b::packed_type) dvd s; 0 < CARD('n); algn  align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)); fg_cons xf xfu
      (ti_typ_combine TYPE('b ['n :: finite]) xf xfu algn nm td)
      (s + size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) * CARD('n))
      (max a (align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))))"
  apply (clarsimp simp: ti_typ_combine_def td_packed_def
                     packed_type_intro_simps td_fafu_idem_extend_ti
                     td_fa_hi_extend_ti td_fa_hi_adjust_ti
                     size_td_extend_ti size_of_def
                     align_td_array_info max_absorb2)

lemma td_packed_ti_typ_pad_combine_array:
  " td_packed (td::'a::c_type xtyp_info) s a;
     align_of TYPE('b::packed_type) dvd s; 0 < CARD('n); algn  align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)); fg_cons xf xfu 
     td_packed (ti_typ_pad_combine TYPE('b ['n :: finite]) xf xfu algn nm td)
                  (s + size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) * CARD('n))
                  (max a (align_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))))"
  apply (subgoal_tac "padup (align_of TYPE('b['n])) (size_td td) = 0")
   apply (clarsimp simp add: ti_typ_pad_combine_def Let_def td_packed_ti_typ_combine_array
    align_td_array_info  align_of_def max_2_exp max_absorb2)
   apply (simp add: td_packed_ti_typ_combine_array)
  apply (simp add: align_of_def padup_dvd td_packed_def align_td_array)

lemma td_packed_empty_typ_info:
  "td_packed (empty_typ_info 0 fn) 0 0"
  apply (unfold td_packed_def, safe)
      apply (rule td_fafu_idem_empty_typ_info)
     apply (rule td_fa_hi_empty_typ_info)
    apply (rule aggregate_empty_typ_info)
   apply (rule size_td_empty_typ_info)
  apply (rule align_of_empty_typ_info')

lemmas td_packed_intros =
