Theory SepTactic
theory SepTactic
imports SepInv
section ‹‹sep_point_tac››
:: "heap_assert ⇒ heap_assert" where
"sep_conj_extract ≡ id"
definition sep_points :: "heap_assert ⇒ heap_assert" where
"sep_points P ≡ P ∧⇧* sep_true"
lemma :
"(P ∧⇧* Q) s ⟹ sep_conj_extract (P ∧⇧* Q) s"
by (simp add: sep_conj_extract_def)
lemma :
"sep_conj_extract P s ⟹ P s ∧ (sep_conj_extract P ∧⇧* sep_true) s"
by (auto simp: sep_conj_extract_def elim: sep_conj_sep_true)
lemma :
"sep_conj_extract ((P ∧⇧* Q) ∧⇧* R) = sep_conj_extract (P ∧⇧* (Q ∧⇧* R))"
by (simp add: sep_conj_ac)
lemma :
"(sep_conj_extract (P ∧⇧* Q) ∧⇧* sep_true) s ⟹ sep_points P s ∧
(sep_conj_extract Q ∧⇧* sep_true) s"
apply (rule conjI)
apply(simp add: sep_conj_extract_def sep_points_def sep_conj_ac)
apply(erule (1) sep_conj_impl, simp)
apply(simp add: sep_conj_extract_def sep_conj_ac)
apply(subst (asm) sep_conj_assoc [symmetric])
apply(subst (asm) sep_conj_com)
apply(subst (asm) sep_conj_assoc)
apply(erule (1) sep_conj_impl)
apply simp
lemma :
"(sep_conj_extract P ∧⇧* sep_true) s ⟹ sep_points P s"
by (simp add: sep_conj_extract_def sep_points_def)
lemma sep_point_mapD:
"sep_points (p ↦⇧i⇩g v) s ⟹ (p ↪⇧i⇩g v) s"
by (simp add: sep_points_def sep_map_inv_def sep_map'_inv_def sep_map'_def
lemma sep_point_map_excD:
"sep_points (p ↦⇩g v) s ⟹ (p ↪⇩g v) s"
by (simp add: sep_points_def sep_map'_def)
lemma sep_point_otherD:
"sep_points P s ⟹ True"
by (rule TrueI)
ML ‹
val sep_point_ds = [@{thm sep_point_mapD}, @{thm sep_point_map_excD}]
fun sep_point_tacs ds ctxt = [
REPEAT1 (dresolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_conj_extract1D}] 1),
REPEAT1 (dresolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_conj_extract2D}] 1),
clarify_tac ctxt 1,
TRY (full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps
[@{thm sep_conj_extract_assoc}]) 1),
REPEAT (dresolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_conj_extract_decomposeD},
@{thm sep_conj_extract_decomposeD2}] 1 THEN
clarify_tac ctxt 1),
TRY (full_simp_tac ctxt 1),
REPEAT (dresolve_tac ctxt (sep_point_ds@ds) 1),
REPEAT (dresolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_point_otherD}] 1),
TRY (full_simp_tac ctxt 1)
fun sep_point_tac ds ctxt = EVERY (sep_point_tacs ds ctxt)
method_setup sep_point_tac =
"Attrib.thms >> (fn thms => Method.SIMPLE_METHOD o sep_point_tac thms)"
"extract points-to facts from separation assertions in assumptions"
lemma "(P ∧⇧* p ↦⇩g v ∧⇧* Q) s ⟹ (p ↪⇘g⇙ v) s"
by sep_point_tac
section ‹‹sep_exists_tac››
fun sep_exists_tac ctxt = full_simp_tac
(put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps [@{thm "sep_conj_exists1"}, @{thm "sep_conj_exists2"}])
method_setup sep_exists_tac =
"Scan.succeed (Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' o sep_exists_tac)"
"push existentials inside separation assertions to the outside"
lemma "(P ∧⇧* (λs. (∃x. Q x s))) s ⟹ ∃x. (P ∧⇧* Q x) s"
by sep_exists_tac
section ‹‹sep_select_tac››
definition sep_mark :: "heap_assert ⇒ heap_assert" where
"sep_mark ≡ id"
definition sep_mark2 :: "heap_assert ⇒ heap_assert" where
"sep_mark2 ≡ id"
lemma sep_mark2_id:
"sep_mark2 P = P"
by (simp add: sep_mark2_def)
lemma sep_markI:
"(□ ∧⇧* sep_mark (P ∧⇧* Q)) s ⟹ (P ∧⇧* Q) s"
by (simp add: sep_mark_def sep_conj_empty)
lemma sep_mark_match:
"(R ∧⇧* sep_mark2 P ∧⇧* Q) s ⟹ (R ∧⇧* sep_mark (P ∧⇧* Q)) s"
by (simp add: sep_mark_def sep_mark2_def)
lemma sep_mark_match2:
"(R ∧⇧* sep_mark2 P) s ⟹ (R ∧⇧* sep_mark P) s"
by (simp add: sep_mark_def sep_mark2_def)
lemma sep_mark_mismatch:
"((R ∧⇧* P) ∧⇧* sep_mark Q) s ⟹ (R ∧⇧* sep_mark (P ∧⇧* Q)) s"
by (simp add: sep_mark_def sep_conj_ac)
lemma sep_mark_mismatch2:
"(R ∧⇧* P) s ⟹ (R ∧⇧* sep_mark P) s"
by (simp add: sep_mark_def)
lemma sep_emp_rem:
"P s ⟹ (□ ∧⇧* P) s"
by (simp add: sep_conj_empty)
lemma sep_mark2_left:
"(P ∧⇧* (sep_mark2 Q ∧⇧* R)) = (sep_mark2 Q ∧⇧* (P ∧⇧* R))"
by (rule sep_conj_left_com)
lemma sep_mark2_left2:
"(P ∧⇧* sep_mark2 Q) = (sep_mark2 Q ∧⇧* P)"
by (rule sep_conj_com)
ML ‹
val dummy_char = #" ";
fun get_next (x::_) = x
| get_next [] = dummy_char;
fun nth_id n = "SEPTAC"^(Int.toString n);
fun ok_char c = not (Char.isAlphaNum c);
fun can_replace (prev,cur,last) =
(ok_char prev) andalso (cur = #"_") andalso (ok_char last);
fun replace_usc n prev_char (x::xs) =
let val (xs', ys) = replace_usc (n+1) x xs
if can_replace (prev_char,x,get_next xs)
then (nth_id n::xs', nth_id n::ys)
else (String.str x::xs', ys)
| replace_usc _ _ [] = ([],[])
val rusc = apfst String.concat o replace_usc 0 dummy_char o String.explode
rusc "(_ +⇩p _) ↦ _";
rusc "_ ↦⇩_ _";
rusc "_";
rusc "_ O_o _"
fun sep_select_tacs s ctxt =
let val (str, vars) = rusc s
val subst = [((Lexicon.read_indexname "P", Position.none), str)]
val fixes = map (fn v => ( v, NONE, Mixfix.NoSyn)) vars
TRY (simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps [@{thm sep_conj_assoc}]) 1),
resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_markI}] 1,
REPEAT (Rule_Insts.res_inst_tac ctxt subst fixes @{thm sep_mark_match} 1 ORELSE
(Rule_Insts.res_inst_tac ctxt subst fixes @{thm sep_mark_match2} 1 ORELSE
resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_mark_mismatch}] 1 ORELSE
resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_mark_mismatch2}] 1)),
TRY (simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps [@{thm sep_conj_assoc}]) 1),
resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm sep_emp_rem}] 1,
TRY (simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps [@{thm sep_mark2_left},
@{thm sep_mark2_left2}]) 1),
TRY (simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps [@{thm sep_mark2_id}]) 1)
fun sep_select_tac s ctxt = SELECT_GOAL (EVERY (sep_select_tacs s ctxt))
fun lift_parser p (ctxt,ts) =
let val (r, ts') = p ts
in (r, (ctxt,ts')) end
method_setup sep_select_tac =
‹lift_parser >> (fn s => Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' o sep_select_tac s)›
"takes a target conjunct in the goal and reorders it to the front"
"⋀R x f n. ((P::heap_assert) ∧⇧* fac x n ∧⇧* R (f x)) s"
apply(sep_select_tac "fac _ _")
apply(sep_select_tac "R _")
apply(sep_select_tac "fac x _")
apply(sep_select_tac "R _")
"((P::heap_assert) ∧⇧* fac x n) s"
apply(sep_select_tac "fac _ _")
"((P::heap_assert) ∧⇧* long_name) s"
apply(sep_select_tac "long_name")
lemma sep_heap_update'_hrs:
"(c_guard ⊢⇩s⇧i p ∧⇧* (p ↦⇧i⇩c_guard v ⟶⇧* P)) (lift_state s) ⟹
P (lift_state (hrs_mem_update (heap_update p (v::'a::mem_type)) s))"
by (cases s)
(simp add: hrs_mem_update_def, erule sep_heap_update')
lemma sep_map_lift_wp_hrs:
"⟦ ∃v. (p ↦⇧i⇩c_guard v ∧⇧* (p ↦⇧i⇩c_guard v ⟶⇧* P v)) (lift_state s) ⟧
⟹ P (lift (hrs_mem s) (p::'a::mem_type ptr)) (lift_state s)"
by (cases s)
(simp add: hrs_mem_def, erule sep_map_lift_wp)
lemma ptr_retyp_sep_cut'_wp_hrs:
"⟦ (sep_cut' (ptr_val p) (size_of TYPE('a)) ∧⇧* (c_guard ⊢⇩s⇧i p ⟶⇧* P))
(lift_state s); c_guard (p::'a::mem_type ptr) ⟧
⟹ P (lift_state (hrs_htd_update (ptr_retyp p) s))"
by (cases s)
(simp add: hrs_htd_update_def, erule (1) ptr_retyp_sep_cut'_wp)
ML ‹
fun destruct bs (Bound n) = Free (List.nth (bs,n))
| destruct bs (Abs (s,ty,t)) = destruct ((s,ty)::bs) t
| destruct bs (l$r) = destruct bs l $ destruct bs r
| destruct _ x = x
fun schems (Abs (_,_,t)) = schems t
| schems (l$r) = schems l + schems r
| schems (Var _) = 1
| schems _ = 0
fun hrs_mem_update (Const (@{const_name "HeapRawState.hrs_mem_update"},_)$_$s) = SOME s
| hrs_mem_update _ = NONE
fun hrs_htd_update (Const (@{const_name "HeapRawState.hrs_htd_update"},_)$_$s) = SOME s
| hrs_htd_update _ = NONE
fun lift_state_arg _ _ (Const (@{const_name "TypHeap.lift_state"},_)$s) = SOME s
| lift_state_arg thy nc (l$r) =
(case lift_state_arg thy nc r of
SOME s => if nc orelse hrs_mem_update s <> NONE orelse
hrs_htd_update s <> NONE then SOME s
else lift_state_arg thy nc l
| NONE => lift_state_arg thy nc l)
| lift_state_arg thy nc (Abs (_,_,t)) =
lift_state_arg thy nc t
| lift_state_arg _ _ _ =
fun term_of_thm thm = Thm.term_of (Thm.cprop_of thm)
fun lift_tac ctxt s old_schems =
Rule_Insts.res_inst_tac ctxt [((Lexicon.read_indexname "s",Position.none),s)] [] @{thm sep_map_lift_wp_hrs} 1 THEN
(fn thm => if schems (term_of_thm thm) = old_schems then all_tac thm
else no_tac thm)
fun heap_update_tac ctxt s =
Rule_Insts.res_inst_tac ctxt [((Lexicon.read_indexname "s",Position.none),s)] [] @{thm sep_heap_update'_hrs} 1
fun ptr_retyp_tac ctxt s =
Rule_Insts.res_inst_tac ctxt [((Lexicon.read_indexname "s",Position.none),s)] [] @{thm ptr_retyp_sep_cut'_wp_hrs} 1
fun sep_wp_step_tac' ctxt lift_only s old_schems = let
fun prt s = (
case s of
Free (a, _) => a
| _ => raise TERM ("Not a free variable",[s]))
val state = prt s
val step = case hrs_mem_update s of
SOME s => heap_update_tac ctxt (prt s)
| NONE => case hrs_htd_update s of
SOME s => ptr_retyp_tac ctxt (prt s)
| NONE => no_tac
TRY (lift_tac ctxt state old_schems) THEN (if lift_only then all_tac else step)
fun sep_wp_step_tac ctxt lift_only thm = let
val t = term_of_thm thm
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val old_schems = schems t
val s = lift_state_arg thy lift_only (destruct [] t)
(case s of
SOME state => sep_wp_step_tac' ctxt lift_only state old_schems
| NONE => no_tac) thm
fun sep_wp_tac ctxt = (REPEAT (sep_wp_step_tac ctxt false)) THEN sep_wp_step_tac ctxt true
method_setup sep_wp_tac =
"Scan.succeed (Method.SIMPLE_METHOD o sep_wp_tac)"
"apply WP separation logic rules to goal"
"((λz. lift (hrs_mem s) (p::(32 word) ptr) + 1 = 2) ∧⇧* P) (lift_state s)"
apply sep_wp_tac