Theory ExceptionRewrite

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory ExceptionRewrite
imports L1Defs L1Peephole

(* The given block of code always fails. *)
definition "always_fail P A  s. P s  run A s = Failure"

lemma always_fail_fail [simp]: "always_fail P fail"
  by (clarsimp simp: always_fail_def top_post_state_def)

lemma bindE_alwaysfail_lhs: " always_fail (λ_. True) L   always_fail (λ_. True) (L >>= R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: always_fail_def run_bind)

lemma bindE_alwaysfail_rhs: " always_progress L; no_throw (λ_. True) L; x. always_fail (λ_. True) (R x)   always_fail (λ_. True) (L >>= R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: always_fail_def no_throw_def always_progress_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: run_bind runs_to_partial.rep_eq
      bind_post_state_eq_top[unfolded top_post_state_def])
  subgoal premises prems for s
    using prems(1,2)[rule_format, of s] prems(4)
    apply (cases "run L s")
    subgoal by (auto simp: Ball_def split: prod.splits exception_or_result_splits)
    subgoal by force

lemma handleE'_alwaysfail_lhs: " always_fail (λ_. True) L   always_fail (λ_. True) (L <catch> R)"
  by (clarsimp simp: always_fail_def run_catch)

lemma handleE'_alwaysfail_rhs: " always_progress L; no_return (λ_. True) L; r. always_fail (λ_. True) (R r)   always_fail (λ_. True) (L <catch> R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: always_fail_def no_return_def always_progress_def)
  subgoal premises prems for s
  proof (cases "run L s")
    case Failure
    then show ?thesis by (auto simp add: run_catch)
    case (Success x2)
    then show ?thesis using prems 
      apply (clarsimp simp add: run_catch runs_to_partial_def_old reaches_def )
      apply (erule_tac x=s in allE)+
      apply (simp add: succeeds_def)
      apply (clarsimp simp add: bot_post_state_def Exn_def default_option_def)
      using image_iff by fastforce

lemma alwaysfail_noreturn: "always_fail P A  no_return P A"
  by (clarsimp simp: always_fail_def no_return_def runs_to_partial_def_old succeeds_def 

lemma alwaysfail_nothrow: "always_fail P A  no_throw P A"
  by (clarsimp simp: always_fail_def no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old succeeds_def 

lemma no_return_Success_distrib_aux1:
  assumes "(a ,b)  X. e. a = Exception e  e  default"  
  shows "X = apfst (Exception o the_Exception) ` X  (a  fst ` X. the_Exception a  default)"
  using assms
  by (force simp add: image_def apfst_def map_prod_def)

lemma no_return_Success_distrib_aux2:
  assumes "(a ,b)  X. e. a = Exception e  e  default"  
  shows "P (xX.
               case x of (Exception e, t)  f e t
               | (Result v, t)  g v t) 
         (P ((e, t)  apfst (the_Exception) ` X.
               f e t))"
  apply (subst no_return_Success_distrib_aux1 [OF assms])
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) apfst_conv assms case_exception_or_result_Exception 
      case_prodE case_prod_conv comp_apply image_cong image_image the_Exception_simp)

lemma no_return_Success_distrib_aux3:
  assumes "(a ,b)  X. e. a = Exception e  e  default"  
  shows "P (xX.
               case x of (Exception e, t)  f e t
               | (Result v, t)  g v t) 
         (X = apfst (Exception o the_Exception) ` X  P ((e, t)  apfst (the_Exception) ` X.
               f e t))"
  using no_return_Success_distrib_aux1 [OF assms] no_return_Success_distrib_aux2 [OF assms, where P=P]
  apply simp

lemma no_return_bindE:
  "no_return (λ_. True) A  (A >>= B) = A"
  apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
  subgoal for s
    apply (cases "run A s")
      by (auto simp add: run_bind)
    subgoal for x2
      apply (cases "x2 = {}")
       apply (force simp: run_bind )
      apply (clarsimp simp add: run_bind no_return_def runs_to_partial_def_old 
          reaches_def succeeds_def top_post_state_def bot_post_state_def)
      apply (erule_tac x=s in allE)
      apply (clarsimp, safe)
      apply (subst (asm) no_return_Success_distrib_aux2 [where P = "λX. X  Success x2"])
        apply auto
        apply (force simp: image_image split_beta' pure_post_state_def Sup_Success)

 * "empty_fail" lemmas

lemma L1_skip_always_progress [simp, L1except, always_progress_intros]: 
  "always_progress L1_skip"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_modify_always_progress [simp, L1except, always_progress_intros]: 
  "always_progress (L1_modify m)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_guard_always_progress [simp,L1except, always_progress_intros]: 
  "always_progress (L1_guard g)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_init_always_progress [simp,L1except, always_progress_intros]: 
  "always_progress (L1_init v)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_spec_always_progress [simp,L1except, always_progress_intros]: "always_progress (L1_spec s)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_throw_always_progress [simp,L1except,always_progress_intros]: "always_progress L1_throw"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_fail_always_progress [simp,L1except, always_progress_intros]: "always_progress L1_fail"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_condition_always_progress[always_progress_intros]: 
  " always_progress L; always_progress R   always_progress (L1_condition C L R)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_seq_always_progress[always_progress_intros]: 
  " always_progress L; always_progress R   always_progress (L1_seq L R)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_catch_always_progress[always_progress_intros]: 
  " always_progress L; always_progress R   always_progress (L1_catch L R)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_while_always_progress[always_progress_intros]: 
  "always_progress B  always_progress (L1_while C B)"
  unfolding L1_defs by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

lemma L1_call_always_progress[always_progress_intros]: " always_progress b   always_progress (L1_call a b c d e)"
  unfolding L1_call_def by (simp add: always_progress_intros)

 * no_throw lemmas.

lemma L1_skip_nothrow [simp,L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) L1_skip"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def)

lemma L1_modify_nothrow [simp,L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_modify m)"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def; runs_to_vcg)

lemma L1_guard_nothrow [simp,L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_guard g)"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def; runs_to_vcg)

lemma L1_init_nothrow [simp,L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_init a)"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def; runs_to_vcg)

lemma L1_spec_nothrow [simp,L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_spec a)"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def; runs_to_vcg)

lemma L1_assume_nothrow [simp,L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_assume a)"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def; runs_to_vcg)

lemma L1_fail_nothrow [simp,L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) L1_fail"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def; runs_to_vcg)

lemma L1_while_nothrow [L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) B  no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_while C B)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_while_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp: no_throw_def)
  apply (rule runs_to_partial_whileLoop_exn [where I="λr _. case r of Exn e  False | _  True"])
     apply simp
    apply simp
  apply simp
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_catch_nothrow_lhs: " no_throw (λ_. True) L   no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_catch L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_def no_throw_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_catch_nothrow_rhs: " no_throw (λ_. True) R   no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_catch L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_def no_throw_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_catch_nothrow_both [L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) L  no_throw (λ_. True) R  no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_catch L R)"
  by (auto simp add: L1_catch_nothrow_lhs L1_catch_nothrow_rhs)

lemma bind_nothrow_simple: " no_throw (λ_. True) L; (x. no_throw (λ_. True) (R x))   no_throw (λ_. True) (bind L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: no_throw_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_seq_nothrow [L1except]: " no_throw (λ_. True) L; no_throw (λ_. True) R   no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_seq L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_condition_nothrow [L1except]: 
  " no_throw (λ_. True) L; no_throw (λ_. True) R   no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_condition C L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
   apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)+

lemma L1_call_nothrow[L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) y  no_throw (λ_. True) (L1_call x y z q r)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_call_def L1_defs no_throw_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  by (auto simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)  
    (fastforce simp add: succeeds_bind reaches_bind)+

lemma no_throw_state_assumeE: "no_throw (λ_. True) (assume_result_and_state p)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)

lemma no_throw_on_exit: 
  assumes c: "no_throw (λ_. True) c"
  shows "no_throw (λ_. True) (on_exit c cleanup)"
  using c
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_throw_def on_exit'_def on_exit_def)
  apply (runs_to_vcg)
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old  succeeds_bind reaches_bind)

named_theorems no_throw_with_fresh_stack_ptr
lemma (in stack_heap_raw_state) no_throw_with_fresh_stack_ptr[no_throw_with_fresh_stack_ptr]:
  assumes c: "p. no_throw (λ_. True) (c p)"
  shows "no_throw (λ_. True) (with_fresh_stack_ptr n init c)"
  apply (simp add: with_fresh_stack_ptr_def)
  apply (rule bind_nothrow_simple)
   apply (rule no_throw_state_assumeE)
  apply (rule no_throw_on_exit)
  apply (rule c)

lemmas L1_nothrows = 

 * no_return lemmas

lemma L1_throw_noreturn [simp,L1except]: "no_return (λ_. True) L1_throw"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_exn_def)

lemma L1_fail_noreturn [simp,L1except]: "no_return (λ_. True) L1_fail"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_exn_def)

lemma L1_seq_noreturn_lhs: "no_return (λ_. True) L  no_return (λ_. True) (L1_seq L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_exn_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_seq_noreturn_rhs: " no_return (λ_. True) R   no_return (λ_. True) (L1_seq L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_exn_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_catch_noreturn: " no_return (λ_. True) L; no_return (λ_. True) R   no_return (λ_. True) (L1_catch L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_exn_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma L1_condition_noreturn: " no_return (λ_. True) L; no_return (λ_. True) R   no_return (λ_. True) (L1_condition C L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_exn_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)+

lemma bindE_noreturn_lhs: "no_return (λ_. True) L   no_return (λ_. True) (L >>= R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma bindE_noreturn_rhs: "x. no_return (λ_. True) (R x)   no_return (λ_. True) (L >>= R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp: L1_defs no_return_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old)

lemma on_exit_noreturn:  
  assumes c: "no_return (λ_. True) c"
  shows "no_return (λ_. True) (on_exit c cleanup)"
  using c
  unfolding on_exit_def on_exit'_def
  apply (clarsimp simp add: no_return_def)
  apply runs_to_vcg
  apply (fastforce simp add: runs_to_partial_def_old succeeds_bind reaches_bind)

named_theorems no_return_with_fresh_stack_ptr
lemma (in stack_heap_raw_state) no_return_with_fresh_stack_ptr[no_return_with_fresh_stack_ptr]:
  assumes c: "p. no_return (λ_. True) (c p)"
  shows "no_return (λ_. True) (with_fresh_stack_ptr n init c)"
  apply (simp add: with_fresh_stack_ptr_def)
  apply (rule bindE_noreturn_rhs)
  apply (rule on_exit_noreturn)
  apply (rule c)

 * always_fail lemmas

lemma L1_fail_alwaysfail [simp,L1except]: "always_fail (λ_. True) L1_fail"
  by (clarsimp simp: L1_defs)

lemma L1_seq_alwaysfail_lhs: " always_fail (λ_. True) L   always_fail (λ_. True) (L1_seq L R)"
  by (auto intro!: bindE_alwaysfail_lhs simp: L1_defs)

lemma L1_seq_alwaysfail_rhs: " always_progress L; no_throw (λ_. True) L; always_fail (λ_. True) R   always_fail (λ_. True) (L1_seq L R)"
  by (auto intro!: bindE_alwaysfail_rhs simp: L1_defs)

lemma L1_catch_alwaysfail_lhs: " always_fail (λ_. True) L   always_fail (λ_. True) (L1_catch L R)"
  by (clarsimp simp add: L1_defs always_fail_def run_catch)

lemma L1_catch_alwaysfail_rhs: " always_progress L; no_return (λ_. True) L; always_fail (λ_. True) R  
   always_fail (λ_. True) (L1_catch L R)"
  apply (clarsimp simp add: L1_defs always_fail_def always_progress_def no_return_def run_catch
      bind_post_state_eq_top[unfolded top_post_state_def] prod_eq_iff runs_to_partial.rep_eq
      split: prod.splits xval_splits)
  subgoal premises prems for s
    using prems(1,2)[rule_format, of s] prems(4)
    apply (cases "run L s")
    apply (auto simp: split_beta' Exn_def default_option_def) 

lemma L1_condition_alwaysfail: " always_fail (λ_. True) L; always_fail (λ_. True) R   always_fail (λ_. True) (L1_condition C L R)"
  by (auto simp add: L1_defs always_fail_def run_condition)

 * Rewrite rules.

lemma L1_catch_nothrow [(*L1except*)]:
  "no_throw (λ_. True) A  L1_catch A E = A"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
  apply (fastforce simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old runs_to_def_old)+

lemma L1_seq_noreturn [L1except]:
  "no_return (λ_. True) A  L1_seq A B = A"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
  apply (fastforce simp add: no_return_def runs_to_partial_def_old runs_to_def_old)+

lemma L1_catch_throw [L1except]:
  "L1_catch L1_throw E = E"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)

lemma anything_to_L1_fail [L1except]:
  "always_fail (λ_. True) A  A = L1_fail"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_ext)
  apply (auto simp add: always_fail_def top_post_state_def)

lemmas L1_is_local_simps [L1except] = is_local_simps

lemma L1_catch_return [L1except]: "(s. is_local (get_exn (upd_exn s)))  
         (L1_modify (upd_exn))
         (L1_condition (λs. is_local (get_exn s))
           L1_skip L1_throw)) 
       = L1_modify (upd_exn)"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)

lemma L1_seq_fail [L1except]:
  "⟦ empty_fail L; no_throw (λ_. True) L; always_fail (λ_. True) R ⟧ ⟹ L1_seq L R = L1_fail"
  apply (subst (2) anything_to_L1_fail)
   apply (rule L1_seq_alwaysfail_rhs)
     apply auto

lemma L1_catch_L1_seq_nothrow [L1except]:
  "no_throw (λ_. True) A   L1_catch (L1_seq A B) C = L1_seq A (L1_catch B C)"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
  apply (fastforce simp add: no_throw_def runs_to_partial_def_old runs_to_def_old)+

lemma L1_catch_simple_seq [L1except]:
  "L1_catch (L1_seq L1_skip B) E = (L1_seq L1_skip (L1_catch B E))"
  "L1_catch (L1_seq L1_fail B) E = (L1_seq L1_fail (L1_catch B E))"
  "L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_modify m) B) E = (L1_seq (L1_modify m) (L1_catch B E))"
  "L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_spec s) B) E = (L1_seq (L1_spec s) (L1_catch B E))"
  "L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_assume f) B) E = (L1_seq (L1_assume f) (L1_catch B E))"
  "L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_guard g) B) E = (L1_seq (L1_guard g) (L1_catch B E))"
  "L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_init i) B) E = (L1_seq (L1_init i) (L1_catch B E))" 
  apply (subst L1_catch_seq_join | rule L1_nothrows | clarsimp simp: L1_defs | rule bind_nothrow_simple)+

declare L1_catch_simple_seq(6) [L1opt]
lemma L1_catch_L1_init_seq'[L1opt, L1except]: "L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_seq (L1_init i) A) B) E = (L1_seq (L1_init i) (L1_catch (L1_seq A B) E))"
  apply (subst L1_catch_seq_join)
  apply simp 
  apply (subst L1_seq_assoc)
  apply simp

lemma L1_catch_call_simple_seq [L1except]: 
 "no_throw (λ_. True) b  L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_call a b c d e) B) E = (L1_seq (L1_call a b c d e) (L1_catch B E))"
  apply (subst L1_catch_seq_join)
   apply (rule L1_call_nothrow)
   apply (assumption)
  apply simp

lemma L1_catch_single [L1except]:
  "L1_catch (L1_skip) E = L1_skip"
  "L1_catch (L1_fail) E =  L1_fail"
  "L1_catch (L1_modify m) E = L1_modify m"
  "L1_catch (L1_spec s) E = L1_spec s"
  "L1_catch (L1_assume f) E = L1_assume f"
  "L1_catch (L1_guard g) E = L1_guard g"
  "L1_catch (L1_init i) E = L1_init i"
  apply (subst L1_catch_nothrow | rule L1_nothrows | clarsimp simp: L1_defs  | rule bind_nothrow_simple)+

lemma  L1_catch_call_single [L1except]: "no_throw (λ_. True) b  L1_catch (L1_call a b c d e) E = L1_call a b c d e"
  apply (subst L1_catch_nothrow)
   apply (rule L1_call_nothrow)
   apply assumption
  apply simp

lemma L1_catch_single_while [L1except]:
  " no_throw (λ_. True) B   L1_catch (L1_while C B) E = L1_while C B"
  apply (rule L1_catch_nothrow)
  apply (rule L1_while_nothrow)
  apply assumption

lemma L1_catch_seq_while [L1except]:
  " no_throw (λ_. True) B   L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_while C B) X) E = L1_seq (L1_while C B) (L1_catch X E)"
  apply (rule L1_catch_seq_join [symmetric])
  apply (rule L1_while_nothrow)
  apply assumption

lemma L1_catch_single_cond [L1except]:
  "L1_catch (L1_condition C L R) E = L1_condition C (L1_catch L E) (L1_catch R E)"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: runs_to_iff)

(* Exponential: can only apply in certain circumstances. *)
lemma L1_catch_cond_seq:
  "L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_condition C L R) B) E = L1_condition C (L1_catch (L1_seq L B) E) (L1_catch (L1_seq R B) E)"
  apply (subst L1_condition_distrib)
  apply (rule L1_catch_single_cond)

(* This exciting lemma lets up break up a L1_catch into two parts in
 * the exciting circumstance that "E" never returns. *)
lemma L1_catch_seq_cond_noreturn_ex:
  " no_return (λ_. True) E   (L1_catch (L1_seq (L1_condition c A B) C) E) = (L1_seq (L1_catch (L1_condition c A B) E) (L1_catch C E))"
  unfolding L1_defs
  apply (rule spec_monad_eqI)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: runs_to_iff)
  by (auto simp add: no_return_def runs_to_partial_def_old runs_to_def_old Exn_def)
     (metis  Exception_eq_Result reaches_succeeds  default_option_def )+

lemmas L1_catch_seq_cond_nothrow = L1_catch_L1_seq_nothrow [OF L1_condition_nothrow]
