Theory VC_KAD_wf_Examples

(* Title: Verification Component Based on Divergence Kleene Algebra for Total Correctness: Examples
   Author: Victor Gomes, Georg Struth
   Maintainer: Victor Gomes <>
               Georg Struth <> 

subsubsection‹Verification Examples›

theory VC_KAD_wf_Examples
  imports VC_KAD_wf

text ‹The example should be taken with a grain of salt. More work is needed to make 
the while rule cooperate with simplification.›

lemma euclid:
  "rel_nabla (
    λs::nat store. 0 < s ''y'' ; 
      ((''z'' ::= (λs. s ''y'')) ; 
      (''y'' ::= (λs. s ''x'' mod s ''y'')) ;
      (''x'' ::= (λs. s ''z'')))) 
    = {}
  PRE (λs::nat store. s ''x'' = x  s ''y'' = y)
   (WHILE (λs. s ''y''  0) INV (λs. gcd (s ''x'') (s ''y'') = gcd x y) 
     (''z'' ::= (λs. s ''y''));
     (''y'' ::= (λs. s ''x'' mod s ''y''));
     (''x'' ::= (λs. s ''z''))
   POST (λs. s ''x'' = gcd x y)"
  apply (subst rel_fdivka.fbox_arden_whilei[symmetric], simp_all)
  using gcd_red_nat gr0I by force

text ‹The termination assumption is now explicit in the verification proof. Here it is left 
untouched. Means beyond these components are required for discharging it.›
