Theory KAD_is_KAT

(* Title: KAD is KAT
   Author: Victor Gomes, Georg Struth
   Maintainer: Victor Gomes <>
               Georg Struth <> 

section ‹Bringing KAT Components into Scope of KAD›

theory KAD_is_KAT
imports KAD.Antidomain_Semiring 


context antidomain_kleene_algebra

text ‹Every Kleene algebra with domain is a Kleene algebra with tests. This fact should eventually move into
the AFP KAD entry.›

sublocale kat "(+)" "(⋅)" "1" "0" "(≤)" "(<)" star antidomain_op
  apply standard
  apply simp
  using a_d_mult_closure am_d_def apply auto[1]
  using dpdz.dom_weakly_local apply auto[1]
  using a_d_add_closure a_de_morgan by presburger

text ‹The next statement links the wp operator with the Hoare triple.›

lemma H_kat_to_kad: "H p x q  d p  |x] (d q)"
  using H_def addual.ars_r_def fbox_demodalisation3 by auto

lemma H_eq: "P  Id  Q  Id  rel_kat.H P X Q = rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.H P X Q"
  apply (simp add: rel_kat.H_def rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.H_def)
  apply (subgoal_tac "rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.t P = Id  P")
  apply (subgoal_tac "rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.t Q = Id  Q")
  apply simp
  apply (auto simp: rel_ad_def)

no_notation VC_KAD.spec_sugar ("PRE _ _ POST _" [64,64,64] 63)
and VC_KAD.cond_sugar ("IF _ THEN _ ELSE _ FI" [64,64,64] 63)
and VC_KAD.gets ("_ ::= _" [70, 65] 61)

text ‹Next we provide some syntactic sugar.›

lemma H_from_kat: "PRE p x POST q = (p  (rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.fbox x) q)"
  apply (subst H_eq)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: p2r_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: p2r_def)
  apply (subst rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.H_kat_to_kad)
  apply (subgoal_tac "rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.ads_d p = p")
  apply (subgoal_tac "rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.ads_d q = q")
  apply simp
  apply (auto simp: rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.ads_d_def rel_ad_def p2r_def)

lemma cond_iff: "rel_kat.ifthenelse P X Y = rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.cond P X Y"
  by (auto simp: rel_kat.ifthenelse_def rel_antidomain_kleene_algebra.cond_def)

lemma gets_iff: "v ::= e = VC_KAD.gets v e"
  by (auto simp: VC_KAT.gets_def VC_KAD.gets_def)

text ‹Finally we present two examples to test the integration.›

lemma maximum: 
  "PRE (λs:: nat store. True)
   (IF (λs. s ''x''  s ''y'') 
    THEN (''z'' ::= (λs. s ''x''))
    ELSE (''z'' ::= (λs. s ''y''))
   POST (λs. s ''z'' = max (s ''x'') (s ''y''))"
  by (simp only: sH_cond_iff H_assign_iff, auto)

lemma maximum2: 
  "PRE (λs:: nat store. True)
   (IF (λs. s ''x''  s ''y'') 
    THEN (''z'' ::= (λs. s ''x''))
    ELSE (''z'' ::= (λs. s ''y''))
   POST (λs. s ''z'' = max (s ''x'') (s ''y''))"
   apply (subst H_from_kat)
   apply (subst cond_iff)
   apply (subst gets_iff)
   apply (subst gets_iff)
   by auto
