Computer science/Security
Subject Classification
ACM: Security and privacy
AMS: Computer science / Computer system organization / Computer security
Extension of Stateful Intransitive Noninterference with Inputs, Outputs, and Nondeterminism in Language IMP
by Pasquale Noce
Formalization of CommCSL: A Relational Concurrent Separation Logic for Proving Information Flow Security in Concurrent Programs
by Thibault Dardinier
IsaNet: Formalization of a Verification Framework for Secure Data Plane Protocols
by Tobias Klenze and Christoph Sprenger
CoSMeDis: A confidentiality-verified distributed social media platform
by Thomas Bauereiss and Andrei Popescu
CoCon: A Confidentiality-Verified Conference Management System
by Andrei Popescu, Peter Lammich and Thomas Bauereiss
The Relational Method with Message Anonymity for the Verification of Cryptographic Protocols
by Pasquale Noce
Stateful Protocol Composition and Typing
by Andreas V. Hess, Sebastian Mödersheim and Achim D. Brucker
Automated Stateful Protocol Verification
by Andreas V. Hess, Sebastian Mödersheim, Achim D. Brucker and Anders Schlichtkrull
An Isabelle/HOL Formalization of the Modular Assembly Kit for Security Properties
by Oliver Bračevac, Richard Gay, Sylvia Grewe, Heiko Mantel, Henning Sudbrock and Markus Tasch
Refining Authenticated Key Agreement with Strong Adversaries
by Joseph Lallemand and Christoph Sprenger
Formal Network Models and Their Application to Firewall Policies
by Achim D. Brucker, Lukas Brügger and Burkhart Wolff
Verification of a Diffie-Hellman Password-based Authentication Protocol by Extending the Inductive Method
by Pasquale Noce
A formal model for the SPARCv8 ISA and a proof of non-interference for the LEON3 processor
by Zhe Hou, David Sanan, Alwen Tiu and Yang Liu
Compositional Security-Preserving Refinement for Concurrent Imperative Programs
by Toby Murray, Robert Sison, Edward Pierzchalski and Christine Rizkallah
A Dependent Security Type System for Concurrent Imperative Programs
by Toby Murray, Robert Sison, Edward Pierzchalski and Christine Rizkallah
Formal Specification of a Generic Separation Kernel
by Freek Verbeek, Sergey Tverdyshev, Oto Havle, Holger Blasum, Bruno Langenstein, Werner Stephan, Yakoub Nemouchi, Abderrahmane Feliachi, Burkhart Wolff and Julien Schmaltz
A Formalization of Declassification with WHAT-and-WHERE-Security
by Sylvia Grewe, Alexander Lux, Heiko Mantel and Jens Sauer
A Formalization of Assumptions and Guarantees for Compositional Noninterference
by Sylvia Grewe, Heiko Mantel and Daniel Schoepe
A Correctness Proof for the Volpano/Smith Security Typing System
by Gregor Snelting and Daniel Wasserrab