The scope of information flow control via static type systems is in principle much broader than
information flow security, since this concept promises to cope with information flow correctness in
full generality. Such a correctness policy can be expressed by extending the notion of a single
stateless level-based interference relation applying throughout a program -- addressed by the static
security type systems described by Volpano, Smith, and Irvine, and formalized in Nipkow and Klein's
book on formal programming language semantics (in the version of February 2023) -- to that of a
stateful interference function mapping program states to (generally) intransitive interference
This paper studies information flow control via stateful intransitive noninterference. First, the
notion of termination-sensitive information flow security with respect to a level-based interference
relation is generalized to that of termination-sensitive information flow correctness with respect
to such a correctness policy. Then, a static type system is specified and is proven to be capable of
enforcing such policies. Finally, the information flow correctness notion and the static type system
introduced here are proven to degenerate to the counterparts formalized in Nipkow and Klein's book
in case of a stateless level-based information flow correctness policy. Although the operational
semantics of the didactic programming language IMP employed in the book is used for this purpose,
the introduced concepts apply to larger, real-world imperative programming languages as well.
- Computer science/Programming languages/Type systems
- Computer science/Programming languages/Static analysis
- Computer science/Security