Theory Healthiness
section ‹Healthiness›
theory Healthiness imports Embedding begin
subsection ‹The Healthiness of the Embedding›
text ‹Healthiness is mostly derived by structural induction using
the simplifier. @{term Abort}, @{term Skip} and @{term Apply}
form base cases.›
lemma healthy_wp_Abort:
"healthy (wp Abort)"
proof(rule healthy_parts)
fix b and P::"'a ⇒ real"
assume nP: "nneg P" and bP: "bounded_by b P"
thus "bounded_by b (wp Abort P)"
unfolding wp_eval by(blast)
show "nneg (wp Abort P)"
unfolding wp_eval by(blast)
fix P Q::"'a expect"
show "wp Abort P ⊩ wp Abort Q"
unfolding wp_eval by(blast)
fix P and c and s::'a
show "c * wp Abort P s = wp Abort (λs. c * P s) s"
unfolding wp_eval by(auto)
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_Abort:
"nearly_healthy (wlp Abort)"
proof(rule nearly_healthyI)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real"
show "unitary (wlp Abort P)"
by(simp add:wp_eval)
fix P Q :: "'s expect"
assume "P ⊩ Q" and "unitary P" and "unitary Q"
thus "wlp Abort P ⊩ wlp Abort Q"
unfolding wp_eval by(blast)
lemma healthy_wp_Skip:
"healthy (wp Skip)"
by(force intro!:healthy_parts simp:wp_eval)
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_Skip:
"nearly_healthy (wlp Skip)"
by(auto simp:wp_eval)
lemma healthy_wp_Seq:
fixes t::"'s prog" and u
assumes ht: "healthy (wp t)" and hu: "healthy (wp u)"
shows "healthy (wp (t ;; u))"
proof(rule healthy_parts, simp_all add:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s ⇒ real"
assume "bounded_by b P" and "nneg P"
with hu have "bounded_by b (wp u P)" and "nneg (wp u P)" by(auto)
with ht show "bounded_by b (wp t (wp u P))"
and "nneg (wp t (wp u P))" by(auto)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and Q
assume "sound P" and "sound Q" and "P ⊩ Q"
with hu have "sound (wp u P)" and "sound (wp u Q)"
and "wp u P ⊩ wp u Q" by(auto)
with ht show "wp t (wp u P) ⊩ wp t (wp u Q)" by(auto)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and c::real and s
assume pos: "0 ≤ c" and sP: "sound P"
with ht and hu have "c * wp t (wp u P) s = wp t (λs. c * wp u P s) s"
by(auto intro!:scalingD)
also with hu and pos and sP have "... = wp t (wp u (λs. c * P s)) s"
by(simp add:scalingD[OF healthy_scalingD])
finally show "c * wp t (wp u P) s = wp t (wp u (λs. c * P s)) s" .
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_Seq:
fixes t::"'s prog" and u
assumes ht: "nearly_healthy (wlp t)" and hu: "nearly_healthy (wlp u)"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (t ;; u))"
proof(rule nearly_healthyI, simp_all add:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s ⇒ real"
assume "unitary P"
with hu have "unitary (wlp u P)" by(auto)
with ht show "unitary (wlp t (wlp u P))" by(auto)
fix P Q::"'s ⇒ real"
assume "unitary P" and "unitary Q" and "P ⊩ Q"
with hu have "unitary (wlp u P)" and "unitary (wlp u Q)"
and "wlp u P ⊩ wlp u Q" by(auto)
with ht show "wlp t (wlp u P) ⊩ wlp t (wlp u Q)" by(auto)
lemma healthy_wp_PC:
fixes f::"'s prog"
assumes hf: "healthy (wp f)" and hg: "healthy (wp g)"
and uP: "unitary P"
shows "healthy (wp (f ⇘P⇙⊕ g))"
proof(intro healthy_parts bounded_byI nnegI le_funI, simp_all add:wp_eval)
fix b and Q::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume nQ: "nneg Q" and bQ: "bounded_by b Q"
txt ‹Non-negative:›
from nQ and bQ and hf have "0 ≤ wp f Q s" by(auto)
with uP have "0 ≤ P s * ..." by(auto intro:mult_nonneg_nonneg)
moreover {
from uP have "0 ≤ 1 - P s"
by auto
with nQ and bQ and hg have "0 ≤ ... * wp g Q s"
by (metis healthy_nnegD2 mult_nonneg_nonneg nneg_def)
ultimately show "0 ≤ P s * wp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wp g Q s"
by(auto intro:mult_nonneg_nonneg)
txt ‹Bounded:›
from nQ bQ hf have "wp f Q s ≤ b" by(auto)
with uP nQ bQ hf have "P s * wp f Q s ≤ P s * b"
by(blast intro!:mult_mono)
moreover {
from nQ bQ hg uP
have "wp g Q s ≤ b" and "0 ≤ 1 - P s"
by auto
with nQ bQ hg have "(1 - P s) * wp g Q s ≤ (1 - P s) * b"
by(blast intro!:mult_mono)
ultimately have "P s * wp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wp g Q s ≤
P s * b + (1 - P s) * b"
by(blast intro:add_mono)
also have "... = b" by(auto simp:algebra_simps)
finally show "P s * wp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wp g Q s ≤ b" .
txt ‹Monotonic:›
fix Q R::"'s ⇒ real" and s
assume sQ: "sound Q" and sR: "sound R" and le: "Q ⊩ R"
with hf have "wp f Q s ≤ wp f R s" by(blast dest:mono_transD)
with uP have "P s * wp f Q s ≤ P s * wp f R s"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
moreover {
from sQ sR le hg
have "wp g Q s ≤ wp g R s" by(blast dest:mono_transD)
moreover from uP have "0 ≤ 1 - P s"
by auto
ultimately have "(1 - P s) * wp g Q s ≤ (1 - P s) * wp g R s"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
ultimately show "P s * wp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wp g Q s ≤
P s * wp f R s + (1 - P s) * wp g R s" by(auto)
txt ‹Scaling:›
fix Q::"'s ⇒ real" and c::real and s::'s
assume sQ: "sound Q" and pos: "0 ≤ c"
have "c * (P s * wp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wp g Q s) =
P s * (c * wp f Q s) + (1 - P s) * (c * wp g Q s)"
by(simp add:distrib_left)
also have "... = P s * wp f (λs. c * Q s) s +
(1 - P s) * wp g (λs. c * Q s) s"
using hf hg sQ pos
by(simp add:scalingD[OF healthy_scalingD])
finally show "c * (P s * wp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wp g Q s) =
P s * wp f (λs. c * Q s) s + (1 - P s) * wp g (λs. c * Q s) s" .
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_PC:
fixes f::"'s prog"
assumes hf: "nearly_healthy (wlp f)"
and hg: "nearly_healthy (wlp g)"
and uP: "unitary P"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (f ⇘P⇙⊕ g))"
proof(intro nearly_healthyI unitaryI2 nnegI bounded_byI le_funI,
simp_all add:wp_eval)
fix Q::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume uQ: "unitary Q"
from uQ hf hg have utQ: "unitary (wlp f Q)" "unitary (wlp g Q)" by(auto)
from uP have nnP: "0 ≤ P s" "0 ≤ 1 - P s"
by auto
moreover from utQ have "0 ≤ wlp f Q s" "0 ≤ wlp g Q s" by(auto)
ultimately show "0 ≤ P s * wlp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wlp g Q s"
by(auto intro:add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg)
from utQ have "wlp f Q s ≤ 1" "wlp g Q s ≤ 1" by(auto)
with nnP have "P s * wlp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wlp g Q s ≤ P s * 1 + (1 - P s) * 1"
by(blast intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
thus "P s * wlp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wlp g Q s ≤ 1" by(simp)
fix R::"'s expect"
assume uR: "unitary R" and le: "Q ⊩ R"
with uQ have "wlp f Q s ≤ wlp f R s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF hf])
with nnP have "P s * wlp f Q s ≤ P s * wlp f R s"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
moreover {
from uQ uR le have "wlp g Q s ≤ wlp g R s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF hg])
with nnP have "(1 - P s) * wlp g Q s ≤ (1 - P s) * wlp g R s"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
ultimately show "P s * wlp f Q s + (1 - P s) * wlp g Q s ≤
P s * wlp f R s + (1 - P s) * wlp g R s"
lemma healthy_wp_DC:
fixes f::"'s prog"
assumes hf: "healthy (wp f)" and hg: "healthy (wp g)"
shows "healthy (wp (f ⨅ g))"
proof(intro healthy_parts bounded_byI nnegI le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume nP: "nneg P" and bP: "bounded_by b P"
with hf have "bounded_by b (wp f P)" by(auto)
hence "wp f P s ≤ b" by(blast)
thus "min (wp f P s) (wp g P s) ≤ b" by(auto)
from nP bP assms show "0 ≤ min (wp f P s) (wp g P s)" by(auto)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and Q and s::'s
from assms have mf: "mono_trans (wp f)" and mg: "mono_trans (wp g)" by(auto)
assume sP: "sound P" and sQ: "sound Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
hence "wp f P s ≤ wp f Q s" and "wp g P s ≤ wp g Q s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF mono_transD[OF mf]] le_funD[OF mono_transD[OF mg]])
thus "min (wp f P s) (wp g P s) ≤ min (wp f Q s) (wp g Q s)" by(auto)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and c::real and s::'s
assume sP: "sound P" and pos: "0 ≤ c"
from assms have sf: "scaling (wp f)" and sg: "scaling (wp g)" by(auto)
from pos have "c * min (wp f P s) (wp g P s) =
min (c * wp f P s) (c * wp g P s)"
by(simp add:min_distrib)
also from sP and pos
have "... = min (wp f (λs. c * P s) s) (wp g (λs. c * P s) s)"
by(simp add:scalingD[OF sf] scalingD[OF sg])
finally show "c * min (wp f P s) (wp g P s) =
min (wp f (λs. c * P s) s) (wp g (λs. c * P s) s)" .
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_DC:
fixes f::"'s prog"
assumes hf: "nearly_healthy (wlp f)"
and hg: "nearly_healthy (wlp g)"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (f ⨅ g))"
proof(intro nearly_healthyI bounded_byI nnegI le_funI unitaryI2,
simp_all add:wp_eval, safe)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume uP: "unitary P"
with hf hg have utP: "unitary (wlp f P)" "unitary (wlp g P)" by(auto)
thus "0 ≤ wlp f P s" "0 ≤ wlp g P s" by(auto)
have "min (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ wlp f P s" by(auto)
also from utP have "... ≤ 1" by(auto)
finally show "min (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ 1" .
fix Q::"'s ⇒ real"
assume uQ: "unitary Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
have "min (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ wlp f P s" by(auto)
also from uP uQ le have "... ≤ wlp f Q s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF hf])
finally show "min (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ wlp f Q s" .
have "min (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ wlp g P s" by(auto)
also from uP uQ le have "... ≤ wlp g Q s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF hg])
finally show "min (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ wlp g Q s" .
lemma healthy_wp_AC:
fixes f::"'s prog"
assumes hf: "healthy (wp f)" and hg: "healthy (wp g)"
shows "healthy (wp (f ⨆ g))"
proof(intro healthy_parts bounded_byI nnegI le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume nP: "nneg P" and bP: "bounded_by b P"
with hf have "bounded_by b (wp f P)" by(auto)
hence "wp f P s ≤ b" by(blast)
moreover {
from bP nP hg have "bounded_by b (wp g P)" by(auto)
hence "wp g P s ≤ b" by(blast)
ultimately show "max (wp f P s) (wp g P s) ≤ b" by(auto)
from nP bP assms have "0 ≤ wp f P s" by(auto)
thus "0 ≤ max (wp f P s) (wp g P s)" by(auto)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and Q and s::'s
from assms have mf: "mono_trans (wp f)" and mg: "mono_trans (wp g)" by(auto)
assume sP: "sound P" and sQ: "sound Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
hence "wp f P s ≤ wp f Q s" and "wp g P s ≤ wp g Q s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF mono_transD, OF mf] le_funD[OF mono_transD, OF mg])
thus "max (wp f P s) (wp g P s) ≤ max (wp f Q s) (wp g Q s)" by(auto)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and c::real and s::'s
assume sP: "sound P" and pos: "0 ≤ c"
from assms have sf: "scaling (wp f)" and sg: "scaling (wp g)" by(auto)
from pos have "c * max (wp f P s) (wp g P s) =
max (c * wp f P s) (c * wp g P s)"
by(simp add:max_distrib)
also from sP and pos
have "... = max (wp f (λs. c * P s) s) (wp g (λs. c * P s) s)"
by(simp add:scalingD[OF sf] scalingD[OF sg])
finally show "c * max (wp f P s) (wp g P s) =
max (wp f (λs. c * P s) s) (wp g (λs. c * P s) s)" .
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_AC:
fixes f::"'s prog"
assumes hf: "nearly_healthy (wlp f)"
and hg: "nearly_healthy (wlp g)"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (f ⨆ g))"
proof(intro nearly_healthyI bounded_byI nnegI unitaryI2 le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume uP: "unitary P"
with hf have "wlp f P s ≤ 1" by(auto)
moreover from uP hg have "unitary (wlp g P)" by(auto)
hence "wlp g P s ≤ 1" by(auto)
ultimately show "max (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ 1" by(auto)
from uP hf have "unitary (wlp f P)" by(auto)
hence "0 ≤ wlp f P s" by(auto)
thus "0 ≤ max (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s)" by(auto)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and Q and s::'s
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
hence "wlp f P s ≤ wlp f Q s" and "wlp g P s ≤ wlp g Q s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF hf]
le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF hg])
thus "max (wlp f P s) (wlp g P s) ≤ max (wlp f Q s) (wlp g Q s)" by(auto)
lemma healthy_wp_Embed:
"healthy t ⟹ healthy (wp (Embed t))"
unfolding wp_def Embed_def by(simp)
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_Embed:
"nearly_healthy t ⟹ nearly_healthy (wlp (Embed t))"
unfolding wlp_def Embed_def by(simp)
lemma healthy_wp_repeat:
assumes h_a: "healthy (wp a)"
shows "healthy (wp (repeat n a))" (is "?X n")
proof(induct n)
show "?X 0" by(auto simp:wp_eval)
fix n assume IH: "?X n"
thus "?X (Suc n)" by(simp add:healthy_wp_Seq h_a)
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_repeat:
assumes h_a: "nearly_healthy (wlp a)"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (repeat n a))" (is "?X n")
proof(induct n)
show "?X 0" by(simp add:wp_eval)
fix n assume IH: "?X n"
thus "?X (Suc n)" by(simp add:nearly_healthy_wlp_Seq h_a)
lemma healthy_wp_SetDC:
fixes prog::"'b ⇒ 'a prog" and S::"'a ⇒ 'b set"
assumes healthy: "⋀x s. x ∈ S s ⟹ healthy (wp (prog x))"
and nonempty: "⋀s. ∃x. x ∈ S s"
shows "healthy (wp (SetDC prog S))" (is "healthy ?T")
proof(intro healthy_parts bounded_byI nnegI le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'a ⇒ real" and s::'a
assume bP: "bounded_by b P" and nP: "nneg P"
hence sP: "sound P" by(auto)
from nonempty obtain x where xin: "x ∈ (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s" by(blast)
moreover from sP and healthy
have "∀x∈(λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s. 0 ≤ x" by(auto)
ultimately have "Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ x"
by(intro cInf_lower bdd_belowI, auto)
also from xin and healthy and sP and bP have "x ≤ b" by(blast)
finally show "Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ b" .
from xin and sP and healthy
show "0 ≤ Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s)" by(blast intro:cInf_greatest)
fix P::"'a ⇒ real" and Q and s::'a
assume sP: "sound P" and sQ: "sound Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
from nonempty obtain x where xin: "x ∈ (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s" by(blast)
moreover from sP and healthy
have "∀x∈(λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s. 0 ≤ x" by(auto)
have "∀x∈(λa. wp (prog a) Q s) ` S s. ∃y∈(λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s. y ≤ x"
proof(rule ballI, clarify, rule bexI)
fix x and a assume ain: "a ∈ S s"
with healthy and sP and sQ and le show "wp (prog a) P s ≤ wp (prog a) Q s"
by(auto dest:mono_transD[OF healthy_monoD])
from ain show "wp (prog a) P s ∈ (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s" by(simp)
show "Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) Q s) ` S s)"
by(intro cInf_mono, blast+)
fix P::"'a ⇒ real" and c::real and s::'a
assume sP: "sound P" and pos: "0 ≤ c"
from nonempty obtain x where xin: "x ∈ (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s" by(blast)
have "c * Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s) =
Inf ((*) c ` ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s))" (is "?U = ?V")
proof(rule antisym)
show "?U ≤ ?V"
proof(rule cInf_greatest)
from nonempty show "(*) c ` (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s ≠ {}" by(auto)
fix x assume "x ∈ (*) c ` (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s"
then obtain y where yin: "y ∈ (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s" and rwx: "x = c * y" by(auto)
have "Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ y"
proof(intro cInf_lower[OF yin] bdd_belowI)
fix z assume zin: "z ∈ (λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s"
then obtain a where "a ∈ S s" and "z = wp (prog a) P s" by(auto)
with sP show "0 ≤ z" by(auto dest:healthy)
with pos rwx show "c * Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ x" by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
show "?V ≤ ?U"
assume cz: "c = 0"
moreover {
from nonempty obtain c where "c ∈ S s" by(auto)
hence "∃x. ∃xa∈S s. x = wp (prog xa) P s" by(auto)
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add:image_def)
assume "c ≠ 0"
from nonempty have "S s ≠ {}" by blast
then have "inverse c * (INF x∈S s. c * wp (prog x) P s) ≤ (INF a∈S s. wp (prog a) P s)"
proof (rule cINF_greatest)
fix x
assume "x ∈ S s"
have "bdd_below ((λx. c * wp (prog x) P s) ` S s)"
proof (rule bdd_belowI [of _ 0])
fix z
assume "z ∈ (λx. c * wp (prog x) P s) ` S s"
then obtain b where "b ∈ S s" and rwz: "z = c * wp (prog b) P s" by auto
with sP have "0 ≤ wp (prog b) P s" by (auto dest: healthy)
with pos show "0 ≤ z" by (auto simp: rwz intro: mult_nonneg_nonneg)
then have "(INF x∈S s. c * wp (prog x) P s) ≤ c * wp (prog x) P s"
using ‹x ∈ S s› by (rule cINF_lower)
with ‹c ≠ 0› show "inverse c * (INF x∈S s. c * wp (prog x) P s) ≤ wp (prog x) P s"
by (simp add: mult_div_mono_left pos)
with ‹c ≠ 0› have "inverse c * ?V ≤ inverse c * ?U"
by (simp add: mult.assoc [symmetric] image_comp)
with pos have "c * (inverse c * ?V) ≤ c * (inverse c * ?U)"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
with ‹c ≠ 0› show ?thesis by (simp add:mult.assoc [symmetric])
also have "... = Inf ((λa. c * wp (prog a) P s) ` S s)"
by (simp add: image_comp)
also from sP and pos have "... = Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) (λs. c * P s) s) ` S s)"
by(simp add:scalingD[OF healthy_scalingD, OF healthy] cong:image_cong)
finally show "c * Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) P s) ` S s) =
Inf ((λa. wp (prog a) (λs. c * P s) s) ` S s)" .
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_SetDC:
fixes prog::"'b ⇒ 'a prog" and S::"'a ⇒ 'b set"
assumes healthy: "⋀x s. x ∈ S s ⟹ nearly_healthy (wlp (prog x))"
and nonempty: "⋀s. ∃x. x ∈ S s"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (SetDC prog S))" (is "nearly_healthy ?T")
proof(intro nearly_healthyI unitaryI2 bounded_byI nnegI le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'a ⇒ real" and s::'a
assume uP: "unitary P"
from nonempty obtain x where xin: "x ∈ (λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s" by(blast)
moreover {
from uP healthy
have "∀x∈(λa. wlp (prog a) P) ` S s. unitary x" by(auto)
hence "∀x∈(λa. wlp (prog a) P) ` S s. 0 ≤ x s" by(auto)
hence "∀y∈(λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s. 0 ≤ y" by(auto)
ultimately have "Inf ((λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ x" by(intro cInf_lower bdd_belowI, auto)
also from xin healthy uP have "x ≤ 1" by(blast)
finally show "Inf ((λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ 1" .
from xin uP healthy
show "0 ≤ Inf ((λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s)"
by(blast dest!:unitary_sound[OF nearly_healthy_unitaryD[OF _ uP]]
fix P::"'a ⇒ real" and Q and s::'a
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
from nonempty obtain x where xin: "x ∈ (λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s" by(blast)
moreover {
from uP healthy
have "∀x∈(λa. wlp (prog a) P) ` S s. unitary x" by(auto)
hence "∀x∈(λa. wlp (prog a) P) ` S s. 0 ≤ x s" by(auto)
hence "∀y∈(λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s. 0 ≤ y" by(auto)
have "∀x∈(λa. wlp (prog a) Q s) ` S s. ∃y∈(λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s. y ≤ x"
proof(rule ballI, clarify, rule bexI)
fix x and a assume ain: "a ∈ S s"
from uP uQ le show "wlp (prog a) P s ≤ wlp (prog a) Q s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD[OF healthy, OF ain]])
from ain show "wlp (prog a) P s ∈ (λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s" by(simp)
show "Inf ((λa. wlp (prog a) P s) ` S s) ≤ Inf ((λa. wlp (prog a) Q s) ` S s)"
by(intro cInf_mono, blast+)
lemma healthy_wp_SetPC:
fixes p::"'s ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
and f::"'a ⇒ 's prog"
assumes healthy: "⋀a s. a ∈ supp (p s) ⟹ healthy (wp (f a))"
and sound: "⋀s. sound (p s)"
and sub_dist: "⋀s. (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a) ≤ 1"
shows "healthy (wp (SetPC f p))" (is "healthy ?X")
proof(intro healthy_parts bounded_byI nnegI le_funI, simp_all add:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume bP: "bounded_by b P" and nP: "nneg P"
hence sP: "sound P" by(auto)
from sP and bP and healthy have "⋀a s. a ∈ supp (p s) ⟹ wp (f a) P s ≤ b"
by(blast dest:healthy_bounded_byD)
with sound have "(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) P s) ≤ (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * b)"
by(blast intro:sum_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a) * b"
by(simp add:sum_distrib_right)
also {
from bP and nP have "0 ≤ b" by(blast)
with sub_dist have "(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a) * b ≤ 1 * b"
by(rule mult_right_mono)
also have "1 * b = b" by(simp)
finally show "(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) P s) ≤ b" .
show "0 ≤ (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) P s)"
proof(rule sum_nonneg [OF mult_nonneg_nonneg])
fix x
from sound show "0 ≤ p s x" by(blast)
assume "x ∈ supp (p s)" with sP and healthy
show "0 ≤ wp (f x) P s" by(blast)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and Q::"'s ⇒ real" and s
assume s_P: "sound P" and s_Q: "sound Q" and ent: "P ⊩ Q"
with healthy have "⋀a. a ∈ supp (p s) ⟹ wp (f a) P s ≤ wp (f a) Q s"
with sound show "(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) P s) ≤
(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) Q s)"
by(blast intro:sum_mono mult_left_mono)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and c::real and s::'s
assume sound: "sound P" and pos: "0 ≤ c"
have "c * (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) P s) =
(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * (c * wp (f a) P s))"
(is "?A = ?B")
by(simp add:sum_distrib_left ac_simps)
also from sound and pos and healthy
have "... = (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wp (f a) (λs. c * P s) s)"
by(auto simp:scalingD[OF healthy_scalingD])
finally show "?A = ..." .
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_SetPC:
fixes p::"'s ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
and f::"'a ⇒ 's prog"
assumes healthy: "⋀a s. a ∈ supp (p s) ⟹ nearly_healthy (wlp (f a))"
and sound: "⋀s. sound (p s)"
and sub_dist: "⋀s. (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a) ≤ 1"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (SetPC f p))" (is "nearly_healthy ?X")
proof(intro nearly_healthyI unitaryI2 bounded_byI nnegI le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume uP: "unitary P"
from uP healthy have "⋀a. a ∈ supp (p s) ⟹ unitary (wlp (f a) P)" by(auto)
hence "⋀a. a ∈ supp (p s) ⟹ wlp (f a) P s ≤ 1" by(auto)
with sound have "(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wlp (f a) P s) ≤ (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * 1)"
by(blast intro:sum_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a)"
by(simp add:sum_distrib_right)
also note sub_dist
finally show "(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wlp (f a) P s) ≤ 1" .
show "0 ≤ (∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wlp (f a) P s)"
proof(rule sum_nonneg [OF mult_nonneg_nonneg])
fix x
from sound show "0 ≤ p s x" by(blast)
assume "x ∈ supp (p s)" with uP healthy
show "0 ≤ wlp (f x) P s" by(blast)
fix P::"'s expect" and Q::"'s expect" and s
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
hence "⋀a. a ∈ supp (p s) ⟹ wlp (f a) P s ≤ wlp (f a) Q s"
by(blast intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF healthy])
with sound show "(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wlp (f a) P s) ≤
(∑a∈supp (p s). p s a * wlp (f a) Q s)"
by(blast intro:sum_mono mult_left_mono)
lemma healthy_wp_Apply:
"healthy (wp (Apply f))"
unfolding Apply_def wp_def by(blast)
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_Apply:
"nearly_healthy (wlp (Apply f))"
by(intro nearly_healthyI unitaryI2 nnegI bounded_byI, auto simp:o_def wp_eval)
lemma healthy_wp_Bind:
fixes f::"'s ⇒ 'a"
assumes hsub: "⋀s. healthy (wp (p (f s)))"
shows "healthy (wp (Bind f p))"
proof(intro healthy_parts nnegI bounded_byI le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix b and P::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume bP: "bounded_by b P" and nP: "nneg P"
with hsub have "bounded_by b (wp (p (f s)) P)" by(auto)
thus "wp (p (f s)) P s ≤ b" by(auto)
from bP nP hsub have "nneg (wp (p (f s)) P)" by(auto)
thus "0 ≤ wp (p (f s)) P s" by(auto)
fix P Q::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume "sound P" "sound Q" "P ⊩ Q"
thus "wp (p (f s)) P s ≤ wp (p (f s)) Q s"
by(rule le_funD[OF mono_transD, OF healthy_monoD, OF hsub])
fix P::"'s expect" and c::real and s::'s
assume "sound P" and "0 ≤ c"
thus "c * wp (p (f s)) P s = wp (p (f s)) (λs. c * P s) s"
by(simp add:scalingD[OF healthy_scalingD, OF hsub])
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_Bind:
fixes f::"'s ⇒ 'a"
assumes hsub: "⋀s. nearly_healthy (wlp (p (f s)))"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (Bind f p))"
proof(intro nearly_healthyI unitaryI2 nnegI bounded_byI le_funI, simp_all only:wp_eval)
fix P::"'s expect" and s::'s assume uP: "unitary P"
with hsub have "unitary (wlp (p (f s)) P)" by(auto)
thus "0 ≤ wlp (p (f s)) P s" "wlp (p (f s)) P s ≤ 1" by(auto)
fix Q::"'s expect"
assume "unitary Q" "P ⊩ Q"
with uP show "wlp (p (f s)) P s ≤ wlp (p (f s)) Q s"
by(blast intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF hsub])
subsection ‹Healthiness for Loops›
lemma wp_loop_step_mono:
fixes t u::"'s trans"
assumes hb: "healthy (wp body)"
and le: "le_trans t u"
and ht: "⋀P. sound P ⟹ sound (t P)"
and hu: "⋀P. sound P ⟹ sound (u P)"
shows "le_trans (wp (body ;; Embed t ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip))
(wp (body ;; Embed u ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip))"
proof(intro le_transI le_funI, simp add:wp_eval)
fix P::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume sP: "sound P"
with le have "t P ⊩ u P" by(auto)
moreover from sP ht hu have "sound (t P)" "sound (u P)" by(auto)
ultimately have "wp body (t P) s ≤ wp body (u P) s"
by(auto intro:le_funD[OF mono_transD, OF healthy_monoD, OF hb])
thus "«G» s * wp body (t P) s ≤ «G» s * wp body (u P) s "
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
lemma wlp_loop_step_mono:
fixes t u::"'s trans"
assumes mb: "nearly_healthy (wlp body)"
and le: "le_utrans t u"
and ht: "⋀P. unitary P ⟹ unitary (t P)"
and hu: "⋀P. unitary P ⟹ unitary (u P)"
shows "le_utrans (wlp (body ;; Embed t ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip))
(wlp (body ;; Embed u ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip))"
proof(intro le_utransI le_funI, simp add:wp_eval)
fix P::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume uP: "unitary P"
with le have "t P ⊩ u P" by(auto)
moreover from uP ht hu have "unitary (t P)" "unitary (u P)" by(auto)
ultimately have "wlp body (t P) s ≤ wlp body (u P) s"
by(rule le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD[OF mb]])
thus "«G» s * wlp body (t P) s ≤ «G» s * wlp body (u P) s "
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
text ‹For each sound expectation, we have a pre fixed point of the loop body.
This lets us use the relevant fixed-point lemmas.›
lemma lfp_loop_fp:
assumes hb: "healthy (wp body)"
and sP: "sound P"
shows "λs. «G» s * wp body (λs. bound_of P) s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ⊩ λs. bound_of P"
proof(rule le_funI)
fix s
from sP have "sound (λs. bound_of P)" by(auto)
moreover hence "bounded_by (bound_of P) (λs. bound_of P)" by(auto)
ultimately have "bounded_by (bound_of P) (wp body (λs. bound_of P))"
using hb by(auto)
hence "wp body (λs. bound_of P) s ≤ bound_of P" by(auto)
moreover from sP have "P s ≤ bound_of P" by(auto)
ultimately have "«G» s * wp body (λa. bound_of P) s + (1 - «G» s) * P s ≤
«G» s * bound_of P + (1 - «G» s) * bound_of P"
by(blast intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
thus "«G» s * wp body (λa. bound_of P) s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤ bound_of P"
by(simp add:algebra_simps negate_embed)
lemma lfp_loop_greatest:
fixes P::"'s expect"
assumes lb: "⋀R. λs. «G» s * wp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ⊩ R ⟹ sound R ⟹ Q ⊩ R"
and hb: "healthy (wp body)"
and sP: "sound P"
and sQ: "sound Q"
shows "Q ⊩ lfp_exp (λQ s. «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s)"
using sP by(auto intro!:lfp_exp_greatest[OF lb sQ] sP lfp_loop_fp hb)
lemma lfp_loop_sound:
fixes P::"'s expect"
assumes hb: "healthy (wp body)"
and sP: "sound P"
shows "sound (lfp_exp (λQ s. «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s))"
using assms by(auto intro!:lfp_exp_sound lfp_loop_fp)
lemma wlp_loop_step_unitary:
fixes t u::"'s trans"
assumes hb: "nearly_healthy (wlp body)"
and ht: "⋀P. unitary P ⟹ unitary (t P)"
and uP: "unitary P"
shows "unitary (wlp (body ;; Embed t ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip) P)"
proof(intro unitaryI2 nnegI bounded_byI, simp_all add:wp_eval)
fix s::'s
from ht uP have utP: "unitary (t P)" by(auto)
with hb have "unitary (wlp body (t P))" by(auto)
hence "0 ≤ wlp body (t P) s" by(auto)
with uP show "0 ≤ « G » s * wlp body (t P) s + (1 - « G » s) * P s"
by(auto intro!:add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg)
from ht uP have "bounded_by 1 (t P)" by(auto)
with utP hb have "bounded_by 1 (wlp body (t P))" by(auto)
hence "wlp body (t P) s ≤ 1" by(auto)
with uP have "«G» s * wlp body (t P) s + (1 - «G» s) * P s ≤ «G» s * 1 + (1 - «G» s) * 1"
by(blast intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = 1" by(simp)
finally show "«G» s * wlp body (t P) s + (1 - «G» s) * P s ≤ 1" .
lemma wp_loop_step_sound:
fixes t u::"'s trans"
assumes hb: "healthy (wp body)"
and ht: "⋀P. sound P ⟹ sound (t P)"
and sP: "sound P"
shows "sound (wp (body ;; Embed t ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip) P)"
proof(intro soundI2 nnegI bounded_byI, simp_all add:wp_eval)
fix s::'s
from ht sP have stP: "sound (t P)" by(auto)
with hb have "0 ≤ wp body (t P) s" by(auto)
with sP show "0 ≤ « G » s * wp body (t P) s + (1 - « G » s) * P s"
by(auto intro!:add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg)
from ht sP have "sound (t P)" by(auto)
moreover hence "bounded_by (bound_of (t P)) (t P)" by(auto)
ultimately have "wp body (t P) s ≤ bound_of (t P)" using hb by(auto)
hence "wp body (t P) s ≤ max (bound_of P) (bound_of (t P))" by(auto)
moreover {
from sP have "P s ≤ bound_of P" by(auto)
hence "P s ≤ max (bound_of P) (bound_of (t P))" by(auto)
have "«G» s * wp body (t P) s + (1 - «G» s) * P s ≤
«G» s * max (bound_of P) (bound_of (t P)) +
(1 - «G» s) * max (bound_of P) (bound_of (t P))"
by(blast intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = max (bound_of P) (bound_of (t P))" by(simp add:algebra_simps)
finally show "«G» s * wp body (t P) s + (1 - «G» s) * P s ≤
max (bound_of P) (bound_of (t P))" .
text ‹This gives the equivalence with the alternative definition for
loops\<^citep>‹‹\S7, p.~198, footnote 23› in "McIver_M_04"›.›
lemma wlp_Loop1:
fixes body :: "'s prog"
assumes unitary: "unitary P"
and healthy: "nearly_healthy (wlp body)"
shows "wlp (do G ⟶ body od) P =
gfp_exp (λQ s. «G» s * wlp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s)"
(is "?X = gfp_exp (?Y P)")
proof -
let "?Z u" = "(body ;; Embed u ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip)"
show ?thesis
proof(simp only: wp_eval, intro gfp_pulldown assms le_funI)
fix u P
show "wlp (?Z u) P = ?Y P (u P)" by(simp add:wp_eval negate_embed)
fix t::"'s trans" and P::"'s expect"
assume ut: "⋀Q. unitary Q ⟹ unitary (t Q)" and uP: "unitary P"
thus "unitary (wlp (?Z t) P)"
by(rule wlp_loop_step_unitary[OF healthy])
fix P Q::"'s expect"
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q"
show "unitary (λa. « G » a * wlp body Q a + « 𝒩 G » a * P a)"
proof(intro unitaryI2 nnegI bounded_byI)
fix s::'s
from healthy uQ
have "unitary (wlp body Q)" by(auto)
hence "0 ≤ wlp body Q s" by(auto)
with uP show "0 ≤ «G» s * wlp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s"
by(auto intro!:add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg)
from healthy uQ have "bounded_by 1 (wlp body Q)" by(auto)
with uP have "«G» s * wlp body Q s + (1 - «G» s) * P s ≤ «G» s * 1 + (1 - «G» s) * 1"
by(blast intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = 1" by(simp)
finally show "«G» s * wlp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤ 1"
by(simp add:negate_embed)
fix P Q R::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q" and uR: "unitary R"
and le: "Q ⊩ R"
hence "wlp body Q s ≤ wlp body R s"
by(blast intro:le_funD[OF nearly_healthy_monoD, OF healthy])
thus "«G» s * wlp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤
«G» s * wlp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * P s"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
fix t u::"'s trans"
assume "le_utrans t u"
"⋀P. unitary P ⟹ unitary (t P)"
"⋀P. unitary P ⟹ unitary (u P)"
thus "le_utrans (wlp (?Z t)) (wlp (?Z u))"
by(blast intro!:wlp_loop_step_mono[OF healthy])
lemma wp_loop_sound:
assumes sP: "sound P"
and hb: "healthy (wp body)"
shows "sound (wp do G ⟶ body od P)"
proof(simp only: wp_eval, intro lfp_trans_sound sP)
let ?v = "λP s. bound_of P"
show "le_trans (wp (body ;; Embed ?v ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip)) ?v"
by(intro le_transI, simp add:wp_eval lfp_loop_fp[unfolded negate_embed] hb)
show "⋀P. sound P ⟹ sound (?v P)" by(auto)
text ‹Likewise, we can rewrite strict loops.›
lemma wp_Loop1:
fixes body :: "'s prog"
assumes sP: "sound P"
and healthy: "healthy (wp body)"
shows "wp (do G ⟶ body od) P =
lfp_exp (λQ s. «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s)"
(is "?X = lfp_exp (?Y P)")
proof -
let "?Z u" = "(body ;; Embed u ⇘« G »⇙⊕ Skip)"
show ?thesis
proof(simp only: wp_eval, intro lfp_pulldown assms le_funI sP mono_transI)
fix u P
show "wp (?Z u) P = ?Y P (u P)" by(simp add:wp_eval negate_embed)
fix t::"'s trans" and P::"'s expect"
assume ut: "⋀Q. sound Q ⟹ sound (t Q)" and uP: "sound P"
with healthy show "sound (wp (?Z t) P)" by(rule wp_loop_step_sound)
fix P Q::"'s expect"
assume sP: "sound P" and sQ: "sound Q"
show "sound (λa. « G » a * wp body Q a + « 𝒩 G » a * P a)"
proof(intro soundI2 nnegI bounded_byI)
fix s::'s
from sQ have "nneg Q" "bounded_by (bound_of Q) Q" by(auto)
with healthy have "bounded_by (bound_of Q) (wp body Q)" by(auto)
hence "wp body Q s ≤ bound_of Q" by(auto)
hence "wp body Q s ≤ max (bound_of P) (bound_of Q)" by(auto)
moreover {
from sP have "P s ≤ bound_of P" by(auto)
hence "P s ≤ max (bound_of P) (bound_of Q)" by(auto)
ultimately have "«G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤
«G» s * max (bound_of P) (bound_of Q) +
«𝒩 G» s * max (bound_of P) (bound_of Q)"
by(auto intro!:add_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = max (bound_of P) (bound_of Q)" by(simp add:algebra_simps negate_embed)
finally show "«G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤ max (bound_of P) (bound_of Q)" .
from sP have "0 ≤ P s" by(auto)
moreover from sQ healthy have "0 ≤ wp body Q s" by(auto)
ultimately show "0 ≤ «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s"
by(auto intro:add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg)
fix P Q R::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume sQ: "sound Q" and sR: "sound R"
and le: "Q ⊩ R"
hence "wp body Q s ≤ wp body R s"
by(blast intro:le_funD[OF mono_transD, OF healthy_monoD, OF healthy])
thus "«G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤
«G» s * wp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * P s"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
fix t u::"'s trans"
assume le: "le_trans t u"
and st: "⋀P. sound P ⟹ sound (t P)"
and su: "⋀P. sound P ⟹ sound (u P)"
with healthy show "le_trans (wp (?Z t)) (wp (?Z u))"
by(rule wp_loop_step_mono)
from healthy show "le_trans (wp (?Z (λP s. bound_of P))) (λP s. bound_of P)"
by(intro le_transI, simp add:wp_eval lfp_loop_fp[unfolded negate_embed])
fix P::"'s expect" and s::'s
assume "sound P"
thus "sound (λs. bound_of P)" by(auto)
lemma nearly_healthy_wlp_loop:
fixes body::"'s prog"
assumes hb: "nearly_healthy (wlp body)"
shows "nearly_healthy (wlp (do G ⟶ body od))"
proof(intro nearly_healthyI unitaryI2 nnegI2 bounded_byI2, simp_all add:wlp_Loop1 hb)
fix P::"'s expect"
assume uP: "unitary P"
let "?X R" = "λQ s. « G » s * wlp body Q s + « 𝒩 G » s * R s"
show "λs. 0 ⊩ gfp_exp (?X P)"
proof(rule gfp_exp_upperbound)
show "unitary (λs. 0::real)" by(auto)
with hb have "unitary (wlp body (λs. 0))" by(auto)
with uP show "λs. 0 ⊩ (?X P (λs. 0))"
by(blast intro!:le_funI add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg)
show "gfp_exp (?X P) ⊩ λs. 1"
proof(rule gfp_exp_least)
show "unitary (λs. 1::real)" by(auto)
fix Q::"'s expect"
assume "unitary Q"
thus "Q ⊩ λs. 1" by(auto)
fix Q::"'s expect"
assume uQ: "unitary Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
show "gfp_exp (?X P) ⊩ gfp_exp (?X Q)"
proof(rule gfp_exp_least)
fix R::"'s expect" assume uR: "unitary R"
assume fp: "R ⊩ ?X P R"
also from le have "... ⊩ ?X Q R"
by(blast intro:add_mono mult_left_mono le_funI)
finally show "R ⊩ gfp_exp (?X Q)"
using uR by(auto intro:gfp_exp_upperbound)
show "unitary (gfp_exp (?X Q))"
proof(rule gfp_exp_unitary, intro unitaryI2 nnegI bounded_byI)
fix R::"'s expect" and s::'s assume uR: "unitary R"
with hb have ubP: "unitary (wlp body R)" by(auto)
with uQ show "0 ≤ « G » s * wlp body R s + « 𝒩 G » s * Q s"
by(blast intro:add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg)
from ubP uQ have "wlp body R s ≤ 1" "Q s ≤ 1" by(auto)
hence "« G » s * wlp body R s + « 𝒩 G » s * Q s ≤ «G» s * 1 + «𝒩 G» s * 1"
by(blast intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
thus "« G » s * wlp body R s + « 𝒩 G » s * Q s ≤ 1"
by(simp add:negate_embed)
text ‹We show healthiness by appealing to the properties of expectation fixed points, applied
to the alternative loop definition.›
lemma healthy_wp_loop:
fixes body::"'s prog"
assumes hb: "healthy (wp body)"
shows "healthy (wp (do G ⟶ body od))"
proof -
let "?X P" = "(λQ s. «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s)"
show ?thesis
proof(intro healthy_parts bounded_byI2 nnegI2, simp_all add:wp_Loop1 hb soundI2 sound_intros)
fix P::"'s expect" and c::real and s::'s
assume sP: "sound P" and nnc: "0 ≤ c"
show "c * (lfp_exp (?X P)) s = lfp_exp (?X (λs. c * P s)) s"
assume "c = 0" thus ?thesis
proof(simp, intro antisym)
from hb have fp: "λs. «G» s * wp body (λ_. 0) s ⊩ λs. 0" by(simp)
hence "lfp_exp (λP s. «G» s * wp body P s) ⊩ λs. 0"
by(auto intro:lfp_exp_lowerbound)
thus "lfp_exp (λP s. «G» s * wp body P s) s ≤ 0" by(auto)
have "λs. 0 ⊩ lfp_exp (λP s. «G» s * wp body P s)"
by(auto intro:lfp_exp_greatest fp)
thus "0 ≤ lfp_exp (λP s. «G» s * wp body P s) s" by(auto)
have onesided: "⋀P c. c ≠ 0 ⟹ 0 ≤ c ⟹ sound P ⟹
λa. c * lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * P b) a ⊩
lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * (c * P b))"
proof -
fix P::"'s expect" and c::real
assume cnz: "c ≠ 0" and nnc: "0 ≤ c" and sP: "sound P"
with nnc have cpos: "0 < c" by(auto)
hence nnic: "0 ≤ inverse c" by(auto)
show "λa. c * lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * P b) a ⊩
lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * (c * P b))"
proof(rule lfp_exp_greatest)
fix Q::"'s expect"
assume sQ: "sound Q"
and fp: "λb. «G» b * wp body Q b + «𝒩 G» b * (c * P b) ⊩ Q"
hence "⋀s. «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * (c * P s) ≤ Q s" by(auto)
with nnic
have "⋀s. inverse c * («G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * (c * P s)) ≤
inverse c * Q s"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
hence "⋀s. «G» s * (inverse c * wp body Q s) + (inverse c * c) * «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤
inverse c * Q s"
by(simp add:algebra_simps)
hence "⋀s. «G» s * wp body (λs. inverse c * Q s) s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤
inverse c * Q s"
by(simp add:cnz scalingD[OF healthy_scalingD, OF hb sQ nnic])
hence "λs. «G» s * wp body (λs. inverse c * Q s) s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ⊩
λs. inverse c * Q s" by(rule le_funI)
moreover from nnic sQ have "sound (λs. inverse c * Q s)"
by(iprover intro:sound_intros)
ultimately have "lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * P b) ⊩
λs. inverse c * Q s"
by(rule lfp_exp_lowerbound)
hence "⋀s. lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * P b) s ≤ inverse c * Q s"
by(rule le_funD)
with nnc
have "⋀s. c * lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * P b) s ≤
c * (inverse c * Q s)"
by(auto intro:mult_left_mono)
also from cnz have "⋀s. ... s = Q s" by(simp)
finally show "λa. c * lfp_exp (λa b. «G» b * wp body a b + «𝒩 G» b * P b) a ⊩ Q"
by(rule le_funI)
from sP have "sound (λs. bound_of P)" by(auto)
with hb sP have "sound (lfp_exp (?X P))"
by(blast intro:lfp_exp_sound lfp_loop_fp)
with nnc show "sound (λs. c * lfp_exp (?X P) s)"
by(auto intro!:sound_intros)
from hb sP nnc
show "λs. «G» s * wp body (λs. bound_of (λs. c * P s)) s +
«𝒩 G» s * (c * P s) ⊩ λs. bound_of (λs. c * P s)"
by(iprover intro:lfp_loop_fp sound_intros)
from sP nnc show "sound (λs. bound_of (λs. c * P s))"
by(auto intro!:sound_intros)
assume nzc: "c ≠ 0"
show ?thesis (is "?X P c s = ?Y P c s")
proof(rule fun_cong[where x=s], rule antisym)
from nzc nnc sP show "?X P c ⊩ ?Y P c" by(rule onesided)
from nzc have nzic: "inverse c ≠ 0" by(auto)
moreover with nnc have nnic: "0 ≤ inverse c" by(auto)
moreover from nnc sP have scP: "sound (λs. c * P s)" by(auto intro!:sound_intros)
ultimately have "?X (λs. c * P s) (inverse c) ⊩ ?Y (λs. c * P s) (inverse c)"
by(rule onesided)
with nnc have "λs. c * ?X (λs. c * P s) (inverse c) s ⊩
λs. c * ?Y (λs. c * P s) (inverse c) s"
by(blast intro:mult_left_mono)
with nzc show "?Y P c ⊩ ?X P c" by(simp add:mult.assoc[symmetric])
fix P::"'s expect" and b::real
assume bP: "bounded_by b P" and nP: "nneg P"
show "lfp_exp (λQ s. «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s) ⊩ λs. b"
proof(intro lfp_exp_lowerbound le_funI)
fix s::'s
from bP nP hb have "bounded_by b (wp body (λs. b))" by(auto)
hence "wp body (λs. b) s ≤ b" by(auto)
moreover from bP have "P s ≤ b" by(auto)
ultimately have "«G» s * wp body (λs. b) s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤ «G» s * b + «𝒩 G» s * b"
by(auto intro!:add_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = b" by(simp add:negate_embed field_simps)
finally show "«G» s * wp body (λs. b) s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ≤ b" .
from bP nP have "0 ≤ b" by(auto)
thus "sound (λs. b)" by(auto)
from hb bP nP show "λs. 0 ⊩ lfp_exp (λQ s. «G» s * wp body Q s + «𝒩 G» s * P s)"
by(auto dest!:sound_nneg intro!:lfp_loop_greatest)
fix P Q::"'s expect"
assume sP: "sound P" and sQ: "sound Q" and le: "P ⊩ Q"
show "lfp_exp (?X P) ⊩ lfp_exp (?X Q)"
proof(rule lfp_exp_greatest)
fix R::"'s expect"
assume sR: "sound R"
and fp: "λs. «G» s * wp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * Q s ⊩ R"
from le have "λs. «G» s * wp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * P s ⊩
λs. «G» s * wp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * Q s"
by(auto intro:le_funI add_left_mono mult_left_mono)
also note fp
finally show "lfp_exp (λR s. «G» s * wp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * P s) ⊩ R"
using sR by(auto intro:lfp_exp_lowerbound)
from hb sP show "sound (lfp_exp (λR s. «G» s * wp body R s + «𝒩 G» s * P s))"
by(rule lfp_loop_sound)
from hb sQ show "λs. «G» s * wp body (λs. bound_of Q) s + «𝒩 G» s * Q s ⊩ λs. bound_of Q"
by(rule lfp_loop_fp)
from sQ show "sound (λs. bound_of Q)" by(auto)
text ‹Use 'simp add:healthy\_intros' or 'blast intro:healthy\_intros' as
appropriate to discharge healthiness side-contitions for primitive
programs automatically.›
lemmas healthy_intros =
healthy_wp_Abort nearly_healthy_wlp_Abort healthy_wp_Skip nearly_healthy_wlp_Skip
healthy_wp_Seq nearly_healthy_wlp_Seq healthy_wp_PC nearly_healthy_wlp_PC
healthy_wp_DC nearly_healthy_wlp_DC healthy_wp_AC nearly_healthy_wlp_AC
healthy_wp_Embed nearly_healthy_wlp_Embed healthy_wp_Apply nearly_healthy_wlp_Apply
healthy_wp_SetDC nearly_healthy_wlp_SetDC healthy_wp_SetPC nearly_healthy_wlp_SetPC
healthy_wp_Bind nearly_healthy_wlp_Bind healthy_wp_repeat nearly_healthy_wlp_repeat
healthy_wp_loop nearly_healthy_wlp_loop