Theory Algebra
section "The Algebra of pGCL"
theory Algebra imports WellDefined begin
text_raw ‹\label{s:Algebra}›
text ‹Programs in pGCL have a rich algebraic structure, largely mirroring that for GCL. We show
that programs form a lattice under refinement, with @{term "a ⨅ b"} and @{term "a ⨆ b"} as the meet
and join operators, respectively. We also take advantage of the algebraic structure to establish a
framwork for the modular decomposition of proofs.›
subsection ‹Program Refinement›
text_raw ‹\label{s:progref}›
text ‹Refinement in pGCL relates to refinement in GCL exactly as probabilistic entailment relates
to implication. It turns out to have a very similar algebra, the rules of which we establish
refines :: "'s prog ⇒ 's prog ⇒ bool" (infix ‹⊑› 70)
"prog ⊑ prog' ≡ ∀P. sound P ⟶ wp prog P ⊩ wp prog' P"
lemma refinesI[intro]:
"⟦ ⋀P. sound P ⟹ wp prog P ⊩ wp prog' P ⟧ ⟹ prog ⊑ prog'"
unfolding refines_def by(simp)
lemma refinesD[dest]:
"⟦ prog ⊑ prog'; sound P ⟧ ⟹ wp prog P ⊩ wp prog' P"
unfolding refines_def by(simp)
text ‹The equivalence relation below will turn out to be that induced by refinement. It is also
the application of @{term equiv_trans} to the weakest precondition.›
pequiv :: "'s prog ⇒ 's prog ⇒ bool" (infix ‹≃› 70)
"prog ≃ prog' ≡ ∀P. sound P ⟶ wp prog P = wp prog' P"
lemma pequivI[intro]:
"⟦ ⋀P. sound P ⟹ wp prog P = wp prog' P ⟧ ⟹ prog ≃ prog'"
unfolding pequiv_def by(simp)
lemma pequivD[dest,simp]:
"⟦ prog ≃ prog'; sound P ⟧ ⟹ wp prog P = wp prog' P"
unfolding pequiv_def by(simp)
lemma pequiv_equiv_trans:
"a ≃ b ⟷ equiv_trans (wp a) (wp b)"
subsection ‹Simple Identities›
text ‹The following identities involve only the primitive operations as defined in
\autoref{s:syntax}, and refinement as defined above.›
subsubsection ‹Laws following from the basic arithmetic of the operators seperately›
lemma DC_comm[ac_simps]:
"a ⨅ b = b ⨅ a"
unfolding DC_def by(simp add:ac_simps)
lemma DC_assoc[ac_simps]:
"a ⨅ (b ⨅ c) = (a ⨅ b) ⨅ c"
unfolding DC_def by(simp add:ac_simps)
lemma DC_idem:
"a ⨅ a = a"
unfolding DC_def by(simp)
lemma AC_comm[ac_simps]:
"a ⨆ b = b ⨆ a"
unfolding AC_def by(simp add:ac_simps)
lemma AC_assoc[ac_simps]:
"a ⨆ (b ⨆ c) = (a ⨆ b) ⨆ c"
unfolding AC_def by(simp add:ac_simps)
lemma AC_idem:
"a ⨆ a = a"
unfolding AC_def by(simp)
lemma PC_quasi_comm:
"a ⇘p⇙⊕ b = b ⇘(λs. 1 - p s)⇙⊕ a"
unfolding PC_def by(simp add:algebra_simps)
lemma PC_idem:
"a ⇘p⇙⊕ a = a"
unfolding PC_def by(simp add:algebra_simps)
lemma Seq_assoc[ac_simps]:
"A ;; (B ;; C) = A ;; B ;; C"
by(simp add:Seq_def o_def)
lemma Abort_refines[intro]:
"well_def a ⟹ Abort ⊑ a"
by(rule refinesI, unfold wp_eval, auto dest!:well_def_wp_healthy)
subsubsection ‹Laws relating demonic choice and refinement›
lemma left_refines_DC:
"(a ⨅ b) ⊑ a"
by(auto intro!:refinesI simp:wp_eval)
lemma right_refines_DC:
"(a ⨅ b) ⊑ b"
by(auto intro!:refinesI simp:wp_eval)
lemma DC_refines:
fixes a::"'s prog" and b and c
assumes rab: "a ⊑ b" and rac: "a ⊑ c"
shows "a ⊑ (b ⨅ c)"
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" assume sP: "sound P"
with assms have "wp a P ⊩ wp b P" and "wp a P ⊩ wp c P"
by(auto dest:refinesD)
thus "wp a P ⊩ wp (b ⨅ c) P"
by(auto simp:wp_eval intro:min.boundedI)
lemma DC_mono:
fixes a::"'s prog"
assumes rab: "a ⊑ b" and rcd: "c ⊑ d"
shows "(a ⨅ c) ⊑ (b ⨅ d)"
proof(rule refinesI, unfold wp_eval, rule le_funI)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume sP: "sound P"
with assms have "wp a P s ≤ wp b P s" and "wp c P s ≤ wp d P s"
thus "min (wp a P s) (wp c P s) ≤ min (wp b P s) (wp d P s)"
subsubsection ‹Laws relating angelic choice and refinement›
lemma left_refines_AC:
"a ⊑ (a ⨆ b)"
by(auto intro!:refinesI simp:wp_eval)
lemma right_refines_AC:
"b ⊑ (a ⨆ b)"
by(auto intro!:refinesI simp:wp_eval)
lemma AC_refines:
fixes a::"'s prog" and b and c
assumes rac: "a ⊑ c" and rbc: "b ⊑ c"
shows "(a ⨆ b) ⊑ c"
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" assume sP: "sound P"
with assms have "⋀s. wp a P s ≤ wp c P s"
and "⋀s. wp b P s ≤ wp c P s"
by(auto dest:refinesD)
thus "wp (a ⨆ b) P ⊩ wp c P"
unfolding wp_eval by(auto)
lemma AC_mono:
fixes a::"'s prog"
assumes rab: "a ⊑ b" and rcd: "c ⊑ d"
shows "(a ⨆ c) ⊑ (b ⨆ d)"
proof(rule refinesI, unfold wp_eval, rule le_funI)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume sP: "sound P"
with assms have "wp a P s ≤ wp b P s" and "wp c P s ≤ wp d P s"
thus "max (wp a P s) (wp c P s) ≤ max (wp b P s) (wp d P s)"
subsubsection ‹Laws depending on the arithmetic of @{term "a ⇘p⇙⊕ b"} and @{term "a ⨅ b"}
lemma DC_refines_PC:
assumes unit: "unitary p"
shows "(a ⨅ b) ⊑ (a ⇘p⇙⊕ b)"
proof(rule refinesI, unfold wp_eval, rule le_funI)
fix s and P::"'a ⇒ real" assume sound: "sound P"
from unit have nn_p: "0 ≤ p s" by(blast)
from unit have "p s ≤ 1" by(blast)
hence nn_np: "0 ≤ 1 - p s" by(simp)
show "min (wp a P s) (wp b P s) ≤ p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s"
proof(cases "wp a P s ≤ wp b P s",
simp_all add:min.absorb1 min.absorb2)
case True note le = this
have "wp a P s = (p s + (1 - p s)) * wp a P s" by(simp)
also have "... = p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp a P s"
by(simp only: distrib_right)
also {
from le and nn_np have "(1 - p s) * wp a P s ≤ (1 - p s) * wp b P s"
by(rule mult_left_mono)
hence "p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp a P s ≤
p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s"
by(rule add_left_mono)
finally show "wp a P s ≤ p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s" .
case False
then have le: "wp b P s ≤ wp a P s" by(simp)
have "wp b P s = (p s + (1 - p s)) * wp b P s" by(simp)
also have "... = p s * wp b P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s"
by(simp only:distrib_right)
also {
from le and nn_p have "p s * wp b P s ≤ p s * wp a P s"
by(rule mult_left_mono)
hence "p s * wp b P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s ≤
p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s"
by(rule add_right_mono)
finally show "wp b P s ≤ p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s" .
subsubsection ‹Laws depending on the arithmetic of @{term "a ⇘p⇙⊕ b"} and @{term "a ⨆ b"}
lemma PC_refines_AC:
assumes unit: "unitary p"
shows "(a ⇘p⇙⊕ b) ⊑ (a ⨆ b)"
proof(rule refinesI, unfold wp_eval, rule le_funI)
fix s and P::"'a ⇒ real" assume sound: "sound P"
from unit have "p s ≤ 1" by(blast)
hence nn_np: "0 ≤ 1 - p s" by(simp)
show "p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s ≤
max (wp a P s) (wp b P s)"
proof(cases "wp a P s ≤ wp b P s")
case True note leab = this
with unit nn_np
have "p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s ≤
p s * wp b P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s"
by(auto intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = wp b P s"
by(auto simp:field_simps)
also from leab
have "... = max (wp a P s) (wp b P s)"
finally show ?thesis .
case False note leba = this
with unit nn_np
have "p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp b P s ≤
p s * wp a P s + (1 - p s) * wp a P s"
by(auto intro:add_mono mult_left_mono)
also have "... = wp a P s"
by(auto simp:field_simps)
also from leba
have "... = max (wp a P s) (wp b P s)"
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection ‹Laws depending on the arithmetic of @{term "a ⨆ b"} and @{term "a ⨅ b"} together
lemma DC_refines_AC:
"(a ⨅ b) ⊑ (a ⨆ b)"
by(auto intro!:refinesI simp:wp_eval)
subsubsection ‹Laws Involving Refinement and Equivalence›
lemma pr_trans[trans]:
fixes A::"'a prog"
assumes prAB: "A ⊑ B"
and prBC: "B ⊑ C"
shows "A ⊑ C"
fix P::"'a ⇒ real" assume sP: "sound P"
with prAB have "wp A P ⊩ wp B P" by(blast)
also from sP and prBC have "... ⊩ wp C P" by(blast)
finally show "wp A P ⊩ ..." .
lemma pequiv_refl[intro!,simp]:
"a ≃ a"
lemma pequiv_comm[ac_simps]:
"a ≃ b ⟷ b ≃ a"
unfolding pequiv_def
by(rule iffI, safe, simp_all)
lemma pequiv_pr[dest]:
"a ≃ b ⟹ a ⊑ b"
lemma pequiv_trans[intro,trans]:
"⟦ a ≃ b; b ≃ c ⟧ ⟹ a ≃ c"
unfolding pequiv_def by(auto intro!:order_trans)
lemma pequiv_pr_trans[intro,trans]:
"⟦ a ≃ b; b ⊑ c ⟧ ⟹ a ⊑ c"
unfolding pequiv_def refines_def by(simp)
lemma pr_pequiv_trans[intro,trans]:
"⟦ a ⊑ b; b ≃ c ⟧ ⟹ a ⊑ c"
unfolding pequiv_def refines_def by(simp)
text ‹Refinement induces equivalence by antisymmetry:›
lemma pequiv_antisym:
"⟦ a ⊑ b; b ⊑ a ⟧ ⟹ a ≃ b"
by(auto intro:antisym)
lemma pequiv_DC:
"⟦ a ≃ c; b ≃ d ⟧ ⟹ (a ⨅ b) ≃ (c ⨅ d)"
by(auto intro!:DC_mono pequiv_antisym simp:ac_simps)
lemma pequiv_AC:
"⟦ a ≃ c; b ≃ d ⟧ ⟹ (a ⨆ b) ≃ (c ⨆ d)"
by(auto intro!:AC_mono pequiv_antisym simp:ac_simps)
subsection ‹Deterministic Programs are Maximal›
text ‹Any sub-additive refinement of a deterministic program is in fact an equivalence.
Deterministic programs are thus maximal (under the refinement order) among sub-additive programs.
lemma refines_determ:
fixes a::"'s prog"
assumes da: "determ (wp a)"
and wa: "well_def a"
and wb: "well_def b"
and dr: "a ⊑ b"
shows "a ≃ b"
txt ‹Proof by contradiction.›
proof(rule pequivI, rule contrapos_pp)
from wb have "feasible (wp b)" by(auto)
with wb have sab: "sub_add (wp b)"
by(auto dest: sublinear_subadd[OF well_def_wp_sublinear])
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" assume sP: "sound P"
txt ‹Assume that @{term a} and @{term b} are not equivalent:›
assume ne: "wp a P ≠ wp b P"
txt ‹Find a point at which they differ. As @{term "a ⊑ b"},
@{term "wp b P s"} must by strictly greater than @{term "wp a P s"}
hence "∃s. wp a P s < wp b P s"
proof(rule contrapos_np)
assume "¬(∃s. wp a P s < wp b P s)"
hence "∀s. wp b P s ≤ wp a P s" by(auto simp:not_less)
hence "wp b P ⊩ wp a P" by(auto)
moreover from sP dr have "wp a P ⊩ wp b P" by(auto)
ultimately show "wp a P = wp b P" by(auto)
then obtain s where less: "wp a P s < wp b P s" by(blast)
txt ‹Take a carefully constructed expectation:›
let ?Pc = "λs. bound_of P - P s"
have sPc: "sound ?Pc"
proof(rule soundI)
from sP have "⋀s. 0 ≤ P s" by(auto)
hence "⋀s. ?Pc s ≤ bound_of P" by(auto)
thus "bounded ?Pc" by(blast)
from sP have "⋀s. P s ≤ bound_of P" by(auto)
hence "⋀s. 0 ≤ ?Pc s"
by auto
thus "nneg ?Pc" by(auto)
txt ‹We then show that @{term "wp b"} violates feasibility, and
thus healthiness.›
from sP have "0 ≤ bound_of P" by(auto)
with da have "bound_of P = wp a (λs. bound_of P) s"
by(simp add:maximalD determ_maximalD)
also have "... = wp a (λs. ?Pc s + P s) s"
also from da sP sPc have "... = wp a ?Pc s + wp a P s"
by(subst additiveD[OF determ_additiveD], simp_all add:sP sPc)
also from sPc dr have "... ≤ wp b ?Pc s + wp a P s"
also from less have "... < wp b ?Pc s + wp b P s"
also from sab sP sPc have "... ≤ wp b (λs. ?Pc s + P s) s"
finally have "¬wp b (λs. bound_of P) s ≤ bound_of P"
thus "¬bounded_by (bound_of P) (wp b (λs. bound_of P))"
txt ‹However,›
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" assume sP: "sound P"
hence "nneg (λs. bound_of P)" by(auto)
moreover have "bounded_by (bound_of P) (λs. bound_of P)" by(auto)
show "bounded_by (bound_of P) (wp b (λs. bound_of P))"
using wb by(auto dest!:well_def_wp_healthy)
subsection ‹The Algebraic Structure of Refinement›
text ‹Well-defined programs form a half-bounded semilattice under refinement, where @{term Abort}
is bottom, and @{term "a ⨅ b"} is @{term inf}. There is no unique top element, but all
fully-deterministic programs are maximal.
The type that we construct here is not especially useful, but serves as a convenient way to express
this result.›
quotient_type 's program =
"'s prog" / partial : "λa b. a ≃ b ∧ well_def a ∧ well_def b"
proof(rule part_equivpI)
have "Skip ≃ Skip" and "well_def Skip" by(auto intro:wd_intros)
thus "∃x. x ≃ x ∧ well_def x ∧ well_def x" by(blast)
show "symp (λa b. a ≃ b ∧ well_def a ∧ well_def b)"
proof(rule sympI, safe)
fix a::"'a prog" and b
assume "a ≃ b"
hence "equiv_trans (wp a) (wp b)"
by(simp add:pequiv_equiv_trans)
thus "b ≃ a" by(simp add:ac_simps pequiv_equiv_trans)
show "transp (λa b. a ≃ b ∧ well_def a ∧ well_def b)"
by(rule transpI, safe, rule pequiv_trans)
instantiation program :: (type) semilattice_inf begin
less_eq_program :: "'a program ⇒ 'a program ⇒ bool" is refines
fix a::"'a prog" and b c d
assume "a ≃ b" hence "b ≃ a" by(simp add:ac_simps)
also assume "a ⊑ c"
also assume "c ≃ d"
finally show "b ⊑ d" .
fix a::"'a prog" and b c d
assume "a ≃ b"
also assume "b ⊑ d"
also assume "c ≃ d" hence "d ≃ c" by(simp add:ac_simps)
finally show "a ⊑ c" .
less_program :: "'a program ⇒ 'a program ⇒ bool"
is "λa b. a ⊑ b ∧ ¬ b ⊑ a"
fix a::"'a prog" and b c d
assume "a ≃ b" hence "b ≃ a" by(simp add:ac_simps)
also assume "a ⊑ c"
also assume "c ≃ d"
finally show "b ⊑ d" .
fix a::"'a prog" and b c d
assume "a ≃ b"
also assume "b ⊑ d"
also assume "c ≃ d" hence "d ≃ c" by(simp add:ac_simps)
finally show "a ⊑ c" .
fix a b and c::"'a prog" and d
assume "c ≃ d"
also assume "d ⊑ b"
also assume "a ≃ b" hence "b ≃ a" by(simp add:ac_simps)
finally have "c ⊑ a" .
moreover assume "¬ c ⊑ a"
ultimately show False by(auto)
fix a b and c::"'a prog" and d
assume "c ≃ d" hence "d ≃ c" by(simp add:ac_simps)
also assume "c ⊑ a"
also assume "a ≃ b"
finally have "d ⊑ b" .
moreover assume "¬ d ⊑ b"
ultimately show False by(auto)
inf_program :: "'a program ⇒ 'a program ⇒ 'a program" is DC
fix a b c d::"'s prog"
assume "a ≃ b" and "c ≃ d"
thus "(a ⨅ c) ≃ (b ⨅ d)" by(rule pequiv_DC)
fix a c::"'s prog"
assume "well_def a" "well_def c"
thus "well_def (a ⨅ c)" by(rule wd_intros)
fix a c::"'s prog"
assume "well_def a" "well_def c"
thus "well_def (a ⨅ c)" by(rule wd_intros)
fix x y::"'a program"
show "(x < y) = (x ≤ y ∧ ¬ y ≤ x)"
by(transfer, simp)
show "x ≤ x"
by(transfer, auto)
show "inf x y ≤ x"
by(transfer, rule left_refines_DC)
show "inf x y ≤ y"
by(transfer, rule right_refines_DC)
assume "x ≤ y" and "y ≤ x" thus "x = y"
by(transfer, iprover intro:pequiv_antisym)
fix x y z::"'a program"
assume "x ≤ y" and "y ≤ z"
thus "x ≤ z"
by(transfer, iprover intro:pr_trans)
fix x y z::"'a program"
assume "x ≤ y" and "x ≤ z"
thus "x ≤ inf y z"
by(transfer, iprover intro:DC_refines)
instantiation program :: (type) bot begin
bot_program :: "'a program" is Abort
by(auto intro:wd_intros)
instance ..
lemma eq_det: "⋀a b::'s prog. ⟦ a ≃ b; determ (wp a) ⟧ ⟹ determ (wp b)"
proof(intro determI additiveI maximalI)
fix a b::"'s prog" and P::"'s ⇒ real"
and Q::"'s ⇒ real" and s::"'s"
assume da: "determ (wp a)"
assume sP: "sound P" and sQ: "sound Q"
and eq: "a ≃ b"
hence "wp b (λs. P s + Q s) s =
wp a (λs. P s + Q s) s"
by(simp add:sound_intros)
also from da sP sQ
have "... = wp a P s + wp a Q s"
by(simp add:additiveD determ_additiveD)
also from eq sP sQ
have "... = wp b P s + wp b Q s"
by(simp add:pequivD)
finally show "wp b (λs. P s + Q s) s = wp b P s + wp b Q s" .
fix a b::"'s prog" and c::real
assume da: "determ (wp a)"
assume "a ≃ b" hence "b ≃ a" by(simp add:ac_simps)
moreover assume nn: "0 ≤ c"
ultimately have "wp b (λ_. c) = wp a (λ_. c)"
by(simp add:pequivD const_sound)
also from da nn have "... = (λ_. c)"
by(simp add:determ_maximalD maximalD)
finally show "wp b (λ_. c) = (λ_. c)" .
pdeterm :: "'s program ⇒ bool"
is "λa. determ (wp a)"
fix a b::"'s prog"
assume "a ≃ b" and "determ (wp a)"
thus "determ (wp b)" by(rule eq_det)
fix a b::"'s prog"
assume "a ≃ b" hence "b ≃ a" by(simp add:ac_simps)
moreover assume "determ (wp b)"
ultimately show "determ (wp a)" by(rule eq_det)
lemma determ_maximal:
"⟦ pdeterm a; a ≤ x ⟧ ⟹ a = x"
by(transfer, auto intro:refines_determ)
subsection ‹Data Refinement›
text ‹A projective data refinement construction for pGCL. By projective, we mean that the abstract
state is always a function (@{term φ}) of the concrete state. Refinement may be predicated (@{term
G}) on the state.›
drefines :: "('b ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('b ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a prog ⇒ 'b prog ⇒ bool"
"drefines φ G A B ≡ ∀P Q. (unitary P ∧ unitary Q ∧ (P ⊩ wp A Q)) ⟶
(«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp B (Q o φ))"
lemma drefinesD[dest]:
"⟦ drefines φ G A B; unitary P; unitary Q; P ⊩ wp A Q ⟧ ⟹
«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp B (Q o φ)"
unfolding drefines_def by(blast)
text ‹We can alternatively use G as an assumption:›
lemma drefinesD2:
assumes dr: "drefines φ G A B"
and uP: "unitary P"
and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wpA: "P ⊩ wp A Q"
and G: "G s"
shows "(P o φ) s ≤ wp B (Q o φ) s"
proof -
from uP have "0 ≤ (P o φ) s" unfolding o_def by(blast)
with G have "(P o φ) s = («G» && (P o φ)) s"
by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
also from assms have "... ≤ wp B (Q o φ) s" by(blast)
finally show "(P o φ) s ≤ ..." .
text ‹This additional form is sometimes useful:›
lemma drefinesD3:
assumes dr: "drefines φ G a b"
and G: "G s"
and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wa: "well_def a"
shows "wp a Q (φ s) ≤ wp b (Q o φ) s"
proof -
let "?L s'" = "wp a Q s'"
from uQ wa have sL: "sound ?L" by(blast)
from uQ wa have bL: "bounded_by 1 ?L" by(blast)
have "?L ⊩ ?L" by(simp)
with sL and bL and assms
show ?thesis
by(blast intro:drefinesD2[OF dr, where P="?L", simplified])
lemma drefinesI[intro]:
"⟦ ⋀P Q. ⟦ unitary P; unitary Q; P ⊩ wp A Q ⟧ ⟹
«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp B (Q o φ) ⟧ ⟹
drefines φ G A B"
unfolding drefines_def by(blast)
text ‹Use G as an assumption, when showing refinement:›
lemma drefinesI2:
fixes A::"'a prog"
and B::"'b prog"
and φ::"'b ⇒ 'a"
and G::"'b ⇒ bool"
assumes wB: "well_def B"
and withAs:
"⋀P Q s. ⟦ unitary P; unitary Q;
G s; P ⊩ wp A Q ⟧ ⟹ (P o φ) s ≤ wp B (Q o φ) s"
shows "drefines φ G A B"
fix P and Q
assume uP: "unitary P"
and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wpA: "P ⊩ wp A Q"
hence "⋀s. G s ⟹ (P o φ) s ≤ wp B (Q o φ) s"
using withAs by(blast)
from uQ have "unitary (Q o φ)"
unfolding o_def by(blast)
from uP have "unitary (P o φ)"
unfolding o_def by(blast)
show "«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp B (Q o φ)"
using wB by(blast intro:entails_pconj_assumption)
lemma dr_strengthen_guard:
fixes a::"'s prog" and b::"'t prog"
assumes fg: "⋀s. F s ⟹ G s"
and drab: "drefines φ G a b"
shows "drefines φ F a b"
proof(intro drefinesI)
fix P Q::"'s expect"
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wp: "P ⊩ wp a Q"
from fg have "⋀s. «F» s ≤ «G» s" by(simp add:embed_bool_def)
hence "(«F» && (P o φ)) ⊩ («G» && (P o φ))" by(auto intro:pconj_mono le_funI simp:exp_conj_def)
also from drab uP uQ wp have "... ⊩ wp b (Q o φ)" by(auto)
finally show "«F» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp b (Q o φ)" .
text ‹Probabilistic correspondence, @{term pcorres}, is equality on distribution transformers,
modulo a guard. It is the analogue, for data refinement, of program equivalence for program
pcorres :: "('b ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('b ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a prog ⇒ 'b prog ⇒ bool"
"pcorres φ G A B ⟷
(∀Q. unitary Q ⟶ «G» && (wp A Q o φ) = «G» && wp B (Q o φ))"
lemma pcorresI:
"⟦ ⋀Q. unitary Q ⟹ «G» && (wp A Q o φ) = «G» && wp B (Q o φ) ⟧ ⟹
pcorres φ G A B"
by(simp add:pcorres_def)
text ‹Often easier to use, as it allows one to assume the precondition.›
lemma pcorresI2[intro]:
fixes A::"'a prog" and B::"'b prog"
assumes withG: "⋀Q s. ⟦ unitary Q; G s ⟧ ⟹ wp A Q (φ s)= wp B (Q o φ) s"
and wA: "well_def A"
and wB: "well_def B"
shows "pcorres φ G A B"
proof(rule pcorresI, rule ext)
fix Q::"'a ⇒ real" and s::'b
assume uQ: "unitary Q"
hence uQφ: "unitary (Q o φ)" by(auto)
show "(«G» && (wp A Q ∘ φ)) s = («G» && wp B (Q ∘ φ)) s"
proof(cases "G s")
case True note this
from well_def_wp_healthy[OF wA] uQ have "0 ≤ wp A Q (φ s)" by(blast)
from well_def_wp_healthy[OF wB] uQφ have "0 ≤ wp B (Q o φ) s" by(blast)
ultimately show ?thesis
using uQ by(simp add:exp_conj_def withG)
case False note this
from well_def_wp_healthy[OF wA] uQ have "wp A Q (φ s) ≤ 1" by(blast)
from well_def_wp_healthy[OF wB] uQφ have "wp B (Q o φ) s ≤ 1"
by(blast dest!:healthy_bounded_byD intro:sound_nneg)
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
lemma pcorresD:
"⟦ pcorres φ G A B; unitary Q ⟧ ⟹ «G» && (wp A Q o φ) = «G» && wp B (Q o φ)"
unfolding pcorres_def by(simp)
text ‹Again, easier to use if the precondition is known to hold.›
lemma pcorresD2:
assumes pc: "pcorres φ G A B"
and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wA: "well_def A" and wB: "well_def B"
and G: "G s"
shows "wp A Q (φ s) = wp B (Q o φ) s"
proof -
from uQ well_def_wp_healthy[OF wA] have "0 ≤ wp A Q (φ s)" by(auto)
with G have "wp A Q (φ s) = «G» s .& wp A Q (φ s)" by(simp)
also {
from pc uQ have "«G» && (wp A Q o φ) = «G» && wp B (Q o φ)"
by(rule pcorresD)
hence "«G» s .& wp A Q (φ s) = «G» s .& wp B (Q o φ) s"
unfolding exp_conj_def o_def by(rule fun_cong)
also {
from uQ have "sound Q" by(auto)
hence "sound (Q o φ)" by(auto intro:sound_intros)
with well_def_wp_healthy[OF wB] have "0 ≤ wp B (Q o φ) s" by(auto)
with G have "«G» s .& wp B (Q o φ) s = wp B (Q o φ) s" by(simp)
finally show ?thesis .
subsection ‹The Algebra of Data Refinement›
text ‹Program refinement implies a trivial data refinement:›
lemma refines_drefines:
fixes a::"'s prog"
assumes rab: "a ⊑ b" and wb: "well_def b"
shows "drefines (λs. s) G a b"
proof(intro drefinesI2 wb, simp add:o_def)
fix P::"'s ⇒ real" and Q::"'s ⇒ real" and s::'s
assume sQ: "unitary Q"
assume "P ⊩ wp a Q" hence "P s ≤ wp a Q s" by(auto)
also from rab sQ have "... ≤ wp b Q s" by(auto)
finally show "P s ≤ wp b Q s" .
text ‹Data refinement is transitive:›
lemma dr_trans[trans]:
fixes A::"'a prog" and B::"'b prog" and C::"'c prog"
assumes drAB: "drefines φ G A B"
and drBC: "drefines φ' G' B C"
and Gimp: "⋀s. G' s ⟹ G (φ' s)"
shows "drefines (φ o φ') G' A C"
proof(rule drefinesI)
fix P::"'a ⇒ real" and Q::"'a ⇒ real" and s::'a
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wpA: "P ⊩ wp A Q"
have "«G'» && «G o φ'» = «G'»"
proof(rule ext, unfold exp_conj_def)
fix x
show "«G'» x .& «G o φ'» x = «G'» x" (is ?X)
proof(cases "G' x")
case False then show ?X by(simp)
case True
with Gimp have "(G o φ') x" by(simp add:o_def)
show ?X by(simp)
with uP
have "«G'» && (P o (φ o φ')) = «G'» && ((«G» && (P o φ)) o φ')"
by(simp add:exp_conj_assoc o_assoc)
also {
from uP uQ wpA and drAB
have "«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp B (Q o φ)"
by(blast intro:drefinesD)
with drBC and uP uQ
have "«G'» && ((«G» && (P o φ)) o φ') ⊩ wp C ((Q o φ) o φ')"
by(blast intro:unitary_intros drefinesD)
show "«G'» && (P o (φ o φ')) ⊩ wp C (Q o (φ o φ'))"
by(simp add:o_assoc)
text ‹Data refinement composes with program refinement:›
lemma pr_dr_trans[trans]:
assumes prAB: "A ⊑ B"
and drBC: "drefines φ G B C"
shows "drefines φ G A C"
proof(rule drefinesI)
fix P and Q
assume uP: "unitary P"
and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wpA: "P ⊩ wp A Q"
note wpA
also from uQ and prAB have "wp A Q ⊩ wp B Q" by(blast)
finally have "P ⊩ wp B Q" .
with uP uQ drBC
show "«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp C (Q o φ)" by(blast intro:drefinesD)
lemma dr_pr_trans[trans]:
assumes drAB: "drefines φ G A B"
assumes prBC: "B ⊑ C"
shows "drefines φ G A C"
proof(rule drefinesI)
fix P and Q
assume uP: "unitary P"
and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wpA: "P ⊩ wp A Q"
with drAB have "«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp B (Q o φ)" by(blast intro:drefinesD)
also from uQ prBC have "... ⊩ wp C (Q o φ)" by(blast)
finally show "«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ ..." .
text ‹If the projection @{term φ} commutes with the transformer, then data refinement is
lemma dr_refl:
assumes wa: "well_def a"
and comm: "⋀Q. unitary Q ⟹ wp a Q o φ ⊩ wp a (Q o φ)"
shows "drefines φ G a a"
proof(intro drefinesI2 wa)
fix P and Q and s
assume wp: "P ⊩ wp a Q"
assume uQ: "unitary Q"
have "(P o φ) s = P (φ s)" by(simp)
also from wp have "... ≤ wp a Q (φ s)" by(blast)
also {
from comm uQ have "wp a Q o φ ⊩ wp a (Q o φ)" by(blast)
hence "(wp a Q o φ) s ≤ wp a (Q o φ) s" by(blast)
hence "wp a Q (φ s) ≤ ..." by(simp)
finally show "(P o φ) s ≤ wp a (Q o φ) s" .
text ‹Correspondence implies data refinement›
lemma pcorres_drefine:
assumes corres: "pcorres φ G A C"
and wC: "well_def C"
shows "drefines φ G A C"
fix P and Q
assume uP: "unitary P" and uQ: "unitary Q"
and wpA: "P ⊩ wp A Q"
from wpA have "P o φ ⊩ wp A Q o φ" by(simp add:o_def le_fun_def)
hence "«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ «G» && (wp A Q o φ)"
by(rule exp_conj_mono_right)
also from corres uQ
have "... = «G» && (wp C (Q o φ))" by(rule pcorresD)
have "... ⊩ wp C (Q o φ)"
proof(rule le_funI)
fix s
from uQ have "unitary (Q o φ)" by(rule unitary_intros)
with well_def_wp_healthy[OF wC] have nn_wpC: "0 ≤ wp C (Q o φ) s" by(blast)
show "(«G» && wp C (Q o φ)) s ≤ wp C (Q o φ) s"
proof(cases "G s")
case True
with nn_wpC show ?thesis by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
case False note this
moreover {
from uQ have "unitary (Q o φ)" by(simp)
with well_def_wp_healthy[OF wC] have "wp C (Q o φ) s ≤ 1" by(auto)
moreover note nn_wpC
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
finally show "«G» && (P o φ) ⊩ wp C (Q o φ)" .
text ‹Any \emph{data} refinement of a deterministic program is correspondence. This is the
analogous result to that relating program refinement and equivalence.›
lemma drefines_determ:
fixes a::"'a prog" and b::"'b prog"
assumes da: "determ (wp a)"
and wa: "well_def a"
and wb: "well_def b"
and dr: "drefines φ G a b"
shows "pcorres φ G a b"
txt ‹The proof follows exactly the same form
as that for program refinement: Assuming that correspondence
\emph{doesn't} hold, we show that @{term "wp b"} is not feasible,
and thus not healthy, contradicting the assumption.›
proof(rule pcorresI, rule contrapos_pp)
from wb show "feasible (wp b)" by(auto)
note ha = well_def_wp_healthy[OF wa]
note hb = well_def_wp_healthy[OF wb]
from wb have "sublinear (wp b)" by(auto)
moreover from hb have "feasible (wp b)" by(auto)
ultimately have sab: "sub_add (wp b)" by(rule sublinear_subadd)
fix Q::"'a ⇒ real"
assume uQ: "unitary Q"
hence uQφ: "unitary (Q o φ)" by(auto)
assume ne: "«G» && (wp a Q o φ) ≠ «G» && wp b (Q o φ)"
hence ne': "wp a Q o φ ≠ wp b (Q o φ)" by(auto)
txt ‹From refinement, @{term "«G» && (wp a Q o φ)"}
lies below @{term "«G» && wp b (Q o φ)"}.›
from ha uQ
have gle: "«G» && (wp a Q o φ) ⊩ wp b (Q o φ)" by(blast intro!:drefinesD[OF dr])
have le: "«G» && (wp a Q o φ) ⊩ «G» && wp b (Q o φ)"
unfolding exp_conj_def
proof(rule le_funI)
fix s
from gle have "«G» s .& (wp a Q o φ) s ≤ wp b (Q o φ) s"
unfolding exp_conj_def by(auto)
hence "«G» s .& («G» s .& (wp a Q o φ) s) ≤ «G» s .& wp b (Q o φ) s"
by(auto intro:pconj_mono)
moreover from uQ ha have "wp a Q (φ s) ≤ 1"
by(auto dest:healthy_bounded_byD)
moreover from uQ ha have "0 ≤ wp a Q (φ s)"
show "« G » s .& (wp a Q ∘ φ) s ≤ « G » s .& wp b (Q ∘ φ) s"
by(simp add:pconj_assoc)
txt ‹If the programs do not correspond, the terms must differ somewhere, and given the previous
result, the second must be somewhere strictly larger than the first:›
have nle: "∃s. («G» && (wp a Q o φ)) s < («G» && wp b (Q o φ)) s"
proof(rule contrapos_np[OF ne], rule ext, rule antisym)
fix s
from le show "(«G» && (wp a Q o φ)) s ≤ («G» && wp b (Q o φ)) s"
fix s
assume "¬ (∃s. («G» && (wp a Q ∘ φ)) s < («G» && wp b (Q ∘ φ)) s)"
thus " («G» && (wp b (Q ∘ φ))) s ≤ («G» && (wp a Q ∘ φ)) s"
by(simp add:not_less)
from this obtain s where less_s:
"(«G» && (wp a Q ∘ φ)) s < («G» && wp b (Q ∘ φ)) s"
txt ‹The transformers themselves must differ at this point:›
hence larger: "wp a Q (φ s) < wp b (Q ∘ φ) s"
proof(cases "G s")
case True
moreover from ha uQ have "0 ≤ wp a Q (φ s)"
moreover from hb uQφ have "0 ≤ wp b (Q o φ) s"
moreover note less_s
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
case False
moreover from ha uQ have "wp a Q (φ s) ≤ 1"
moreover {
from uQ have "bounded_by 1 (Q o φ)"
moreover from unitary_sound[OF uQ]
have "sound (Q o φ)" by(auto)
ultimately have "wp b (Q o φ) s ≤ 1"
using hb by(auto)
moreover note less_s
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
from less_s have "(«G» && (wp a Q ∘ φ)) s ≠ («G» && wp b (Q ∘ φ)) s"
txt ‹@{term G} must also hold, as otherwise both would be zero.›
hence G_s: "G s"
proof(rule contrapos_np)
assume nG: "¬ G s"
moreover from ha uQ have "wp a Q (φ s) ≤ 1"
moreover {
from uQ have "bounded_by 1 (Q o φ)"
moreover from unitary_sound[OF uQ]
have "sound (Q o φ)" by(auto)
ultimately have "wp b (Q o φ) s ≤ 1"
using hb by(auto)
show "(«G» && (wp a Q ∘ φ)) s = («G» && wp b (Q ∘ φ)) s"
by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
txt ‹Take a carefully constructed expectation:›
let ?Qc = "λs. bound_of Q - Q s"
have bQc: "bounded_by 1 ?Qc"
proof(rule bounded_byI)
fix s
from uQ have "bound_of Q ≤ 1" and "0 ≤ Q s" by(auto)
thus "bound_of Q - Q s ≤ 1" by(auto)
have sQc: "sound ?Qc"
proof(rule soundI)
from bQc show "bounded ?Qc" by(auto)
show "nneg ?Qc"
proof(rule nnegI)
fix s
from uQ have "Q s ≤ bound_of Q" by(auto)
thus "0 ≤ bound_of Q - Q s" by(auto)
txt ‹By the maximality of @{term "wp a"}, @{term "wp b"} must violate feasibility, by mapping
@{term s} to something strictly greater than @{term "bound_of Q"}.›
from uQ have "0 ≤ bound_of Q" by(auto)
with da have "bound_of Q = wp a (λs. bound_of Q) (φ s)"
by(simp add:maximalD determ_maximalD)
also have "wp a (λs. bound_of Q) (φ s) = wp a (λs. Q s + ?Qc s) (φ s)"
also {
from da have "additive (wp a)" by(blast)
with uQ sQc
have "wp a (λs. Q s + ?Qc s) (φ s) =
wp a Q (φ s) + wp a ?Qc (φ s)" by(subst additiveD, blast+)
also {
from ha and sQc and bQc
have "«G» && (wp a ?Qc o φ) ⊩ wp b (?Qc o φ)"
by(blast intro!:drefinesD[OF dr])
hence "(«G» && (wp a ?Qc o φ)) s ≤ wp b (?Qc o φ) s"
moreover from sQc and ha
have "0 ≤ wp a (λs. bound_of Q - Q s) (φ s)"
have "wp a ?Qc (φ s) ≤ wp b (?Qc o φ) s"
using G_s by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
hence "wp a Q (φ s) + wp a ?Qc (φ s) ≤ wp a Q (φ s) + wp b (?Qc o φ) s"
by(rule add_left_mono)
also with larger
have "wp a Q (φ s) + wp b (?Qc o φ) s <
wp b (Q o φ) s + wp b (?Qc o φ) s"
have "wp a Q (φ s) + wp a ?Qc (φ s) <
wp b (Q o φ) s + wp b (?Qc o φ) s" .
also from sab and unitary_sound[OF uQ] and sQc
have "wp b (Q o φ) s + wp b (?Qc o φ) s ≤
wp b (λs. (Q o φ) s + (?Qc o φ) s) s"
also have "... = wp b (λs. bound_of Q) s"
show "¬ feasible (wp b)"
proof(rule contrapos_pn)
assume fb: "feasible (wp b)"
have "bounded_by (bound_of Q) (λs. bound_of Q)" by(blast)
hence "bounded_by (bound_of Q) (wp b (λs. bound_of Q))"
using uQ by(blast intro:feasible_boundedD[OF fb])
hence "wp b (λs. bound_of Q) s ≤ bound_of Q" by(blast)
thus "¬ bound_of Q < wp b (λs. bound_of Q) s" by(simp)
subsection ‹Structural Rules for Correspondence›
lemma pcorres_Skip:
"pcorres φ G Skip Skip"
by(simp add:pcorres_def wp_eval)
text ‹Correspondence composes over sequential composition.›
lemma pcorres_Seq:
fixes A::"'b prog" and B::"'c prog"
and C::"'b prog" and D::"'c prog"
and φ::"'c ⇒ 'b"
assumes pcAB: "pcorres φ G A B"
and pcCD: "pcorres φ H C D"
and wA: "well_def A" and wB: "well_def B"
and wC: "well_def C" and wD: "well_def D"
and p3p2: "⋀Q. unitary Q ⟹ «I» && wp B Q = wp B («H» && Q)"
and p1p3: "⋀s. G s ⟹ I s"
shows "pcorres φ G (A;;C) (B;;D)"
proof(rule pcorresI)
fix Q::"'b ⇒ real"
assume uQ: "unitary Q"
with well_def_wp_healthy[OF wC] have uCQ: "unitary (wp C Q)" by(auto)
from uQ well_def_wp_healthy[OF wD] have uDQ: "unitary (wp D (Q o φ))"
by(auto dest:unitary_comp)
have p3p1: "⋀R S. ⟦ unitary R; unitary S; «I» && R = «I» && S ⟧ ⟹
«G» && R = «G» && S"
proof(rule ext)
fix R::"'c ⇒ real" and S::"'c ⇒ real" and s::'c
assume a3: "«I» && R = «I» && S"
and uR: "unitary R" and uS: "unitary S"
show "(«G» && R) s = («G» && S) s"
proof(simp add:exp_conj_def, cases "G s")
case False note this
moreover from uR have "R s ≤ 1" by(blast)
moreover from uS have "S s ≤ 1" by(blast)
ultimately show "«G» s .& R s = «G» s .& S s"
case True note p1 = this
with p1p3 have "I s" by(blast)
with fun_cong[OF a3, where x=s] have "1 .& R s = 1 .& S s"
by(simp add:exp_conj_def)
with p1 show "«G» s .& R s = «G» s .& S s"
show "«G» && (wp (A;;C) Q o φ) = «G» && wp (B;;D) (Q o φ)"
proof(simp add:wp_eval)
from uCQ pcAB have "«G» && (wp A (wp C Q) ∘ φ) =
«G» && wp B ((wp C Q) ∘ φ)"
by(auto dest:pcorresD)
also have "«G» && wp B ((wp C Q) ∘ φ) =
«G» && wp B (wp D (Q ∘ φ))"
proof(rule p3p1)
from uCQ well_def_wp_healthy[OF wB] show "unitary (wp B (wp C Q ∘ φ))"
by(auto intro:unitary_comp)
from uDQ well_def_wp_healthy[OF wB] show "unitary (wp B (wp D (Q ∘ φ)))"
from uQ have "« H » && (wp C Q ∘ φ) = « H » && wp D (Q ∘ φ)"
by(blast intro:pcorresD[OF pcCD])
thus "« I » && wp B (wp C Q ∘ φ) = « I » && wp B (wp D (Q ∘ φ))"
by(simp add:p3p2 uCQ uDQ)
finally show "«G» && (wp A (wp C Q) ∘ φ) = «G» && wp B (wp D (Q ∘ φ))" .
subsection ‹Structural Rules for Data Refinement›
lemma dr_Skip:
fixes φ::"'c ⇒ 'b"
shows "drefines φ G Skip Skip"
proof(intro drefinesI2 wd_intros)
fix P::"'b ⇒ real" and Q::"'b ⇒ real" and s::'c
assume "P ⊩ wp Skip Q"
hence "(P o φ) s ≤ wp Skip Q (φ s)" by(simp, blast)
thus "(P o φ) s ≤ wp Skip (Q o φ) s" by(simp add:wp_eval)
lemma dr_Abort:
fixes φ::"'c ⇒ 'b"
shows "drefines φ G Abort Abort"
proof(intro drefinesI2 wd_intros)
fix P::"'b ⇒ real" and Q::"'b ⇒ real" and s::'c
assume "P ⊩ wp Abort Q"
hence "(P o φ) s ≤ wp Abort Q (φ s)" by(auto)
thus "(P o φ) s ≤ wp Abort (Q o φ) s" by(simp add:wp_eval)
lemma dr_Apply:
fixes φ::"'c ⇒ 'b"
assumes commutes: "f o φ = φ o g"
shows "drefines φ G (Apply f) (Apply g)"
proof(intro drefinesI2 wd_intros)
fix P::"'b ⇒ real" and Q::"'b ⇒ real" and s::'c
assume wp: "P ⊩ wp (Apply f) Q"
hence "P ⊩ (Q o f)" by(simp add:wp_eval)
hence "P (φ s) ≤ (Q o f) (φ s)" by(blast)
also have "... = Q ((f o φ) s)" by(simp)
also with commutes
have "... = ((Q o φ) o g) s" by(simp)
also have "... = wp (Apply g) (Q o φ) s"
by(simp add:wp_eval)
finally show "(P o φ) s ≤ wp (Apply g) (Q o φ) s" by(simp)
lemma dr_Seq:
assumes drAB: "drefines φ P A B"
and drBC: "drefines φ Q C D"
and wpB: "«P» ⊩ wp B «Q»"
and wB: "well_def B"
and wC: "well_def C"
and wD: "well_def D"
shows "drefines φ P (A;;C) (B;;D)"
fix R and S
assume uR: "unitary R" and uS: "unitary S"
and wpAC: "R ⊩ wp (A;;C) S"
from uR
have "«P» && (R o φ) = «P» && («P» && (R o φ))"
by(simp add:exp_conj_assoc)
also {
from well_def_wp_healthy[OF wC] uR uS
and wpAC[unfolded eval_wp_Seq o_def]
have "«P» && (R o φ) ⊩ wp B (wp C S o φ)"
by(auto intro:drefinesD[OF drAB])
with wpB well_def_wp_healthy[OF wC] uS
sublinear_sub_conj[OF well_def_wp_sublinear, OF wB]
have "«P» && («P» && (R o φ)) ⊩ wp B («Q» && (wp C S o φ))"
by(auto intro!:entails_combine dest!:unitary_sound)
also {
from uS well_def_wp_healthy[OF wC]
have "«Q» && (wp C S o φ) ⊩ wp D (S o φ)"
by(auto intro!:drefinesD[OF drBC])
with well_def_wp_healthy[OF wB] well_def_wp_healthy[OF wC]
well_def_wp_healthy[OF wD] and unitary_sound[OF uS]
have "wp B («Q» && (wp C S o φ)) ⊩ wp B (wp D (S o φ))"
by(blast intro!:mono_transD)
show "«P» && (R o φ) ⊩ wp (B;;D) (S o φ)"
unfolding wp_eval o_def .
lemma dr_repeat:
fixes φ :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
assumes dr_ab: "drefines φ G a b"
and Gpr: "«G» ⊩ wp b «G»"
and wa: "well_def a"
and wb: "well_def b"
shows "drefines φ G (repeat n a) (repeat n b)" (is "?X n")
proof(induct n)
show "?X 0" by(simp add:dr_Skip)
fix n
assume IH: "?X n"
thus "?X (Suc n)" by(auto intro!:dr_Seq Gpr assms wd_intros)