Theory Liveness_Subsumption_Map
subsection ‹Implementation on Maps›
theory Liveness_Subsumption_Map
imports Liveness_Subsumption Worklist_Common
locale Liveness_Search_Space_Key_Defs =
Liveness_Search_Space_Defs E for E :: "'v ⇒ 'v ⇒ bool" +
fixes key :: "'v ⇒ 'k"
fixes subsumes' :: "'v ⇒ 'v ⇒ bool" (infix ‹⊴› 50)
sublocale Search_Space_Key_Defs where empty = undefined and subsumes' = subsumes' .
definition "check_loop_list v ST = (∃ v' ∈ set ST. v' ≼ v)"
definition "insert_map_set v S ≡
let k = key v; S' = (case S k of Some S ⇒ S | None ⇒ {}) in S(k ↦ (insert v S'))
definition "push_map_list v S ≡
let k = key v; S' = (case S k of Some S ⇒ S | None ⇒ []) in S(k ↦ v # S')
definition "check_subsumption_map_set v S ≡
let k = key v; S' = (case S k of Some S ⇒ S | None ⇒ {}) in (∃ x ∈ S'. v ⊴ x)
definition "check_subsumption_map_list v S ≡
let k = key v; S' = (case S k of Some S ⇒ S | None ⇒ []) in (∃ x ∈ set S'. x ⊴ v)
definition "pop_map_list v S ≡
let k = key v; S' = (case S k of Some S ⇒ tl S | None ⇒ []) in S(k ↦ S')
definition dfs_map :: "('k ⇀ 'v set) ⇒ (bool × ('k ⇀ 'v set)) nres" where
"dfs_map P ≡ do {
(P,ST,r) ← RECT (λdfs (P,ST,v).
if check_subsumption_map_list v ST then RETURN (P, ST, True)
else do {
if check_subsumption_map_set v P then
RETURN (P, ST, False)
else do {
let ST = push_map_list v ST;
(P, ST, r) ←
nfoldli (succs v) (λ(_,_,b). ¬b) (λv' (P,ST,_). dfs (P,ST,v')) (P,ST,False);
let ST = pop_map_list v ST;
let P = insert_map_set v P;
) (P,(Map.empty::('k ⇀ 'v list)),a⇩0);
locale Liveness_Search_Space_Key =
Liveness_Search_Space + Liveness_Search_Space_Key_Defs +
assumes subsumes_key[intro, simp]: "a ⊴ b ⟹ key a = key b"
assumes V_subsumes': "V a ⟹ a ≼ b ⟷ a ⊴ b"
"irrefl_trans_on R S ≡ (∀ x ∈ S. ¬ R x x) ∧ (∀ x ∈ S. ∀ y ∈ S. ∀ z ∈ S. R x y ∧ R y z ⟶ R x z)"
"map_list_rel =
{(m, xs). ⋃ (set ` ran m) = set xs ∧ (∀ k. ∀ x. m k = Some x ⟶ (∀ v ∈ set x. key v = k))
∧ (∃ R. irrefl_trans_on R (set xs)
∧ (∀ k. ∀ x. m k = Some x ⟶ sorted_wrt R x) ∧ sorted_wrt R xs)
∧ distinct xs
definition "list_set_hd_rel x ≡ {(l, s). set l = s ∧ distinct l ∧ l ≠ [] ∧ hd l = x}"
lemma empty_map_list_rel:
"(Map.empty, []) ∈ map_list_rel"
unfolding map_list_rel_def irrefl_trans_on_def by auto
lemma rel_start[refine]:
"((P, Map.empty, a⇩0), P', [], a⇩0) ∈ map_set_rel ×⇩r map_list_rel ×⇩r Id" if "(P, P') ∈ map_set_rel"
using that unfolding map_set_rel_def by (auto intro: empty_map_list_rel)
lemma refine_True:
"(x1b, x1) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹ (x1c, x1a) ∈ map_list_rel
⟹ ((x1b, x1c, True), x1, x1a, True) ∈ map_set_rel ×⇩r map_list_rel ×⇩r Id"
by simp
lemma check_subsumption_ref[refine]:
"V x2a ⟹ (x1b, x1) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹ check_subsumption_map_set x2a x1b = (∃x∈x1. x2a ≼ x)"
unfolding map_set_rel_def list_set_rel_def check_subsumption_map_set_def
unfolding ran_def by (auto split: option.splits simp: V_subsumes')
lemma check_subsumption'_ref[refine]:
"set xs ⊆ {x. V x} ⟹ (m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel
⟹ check_subsumption_map_list x m = check_loop x xs"
unfolding map_list_rel_def list_set_rel_def check_subsumption_map_list_def check_loop_def
unfolding ran_def apply (clarsimp split: option.splits, safe)
subgoal for R x' xs'
by (drule sym, drule sym, subst (asm) V_subsumes'[symmetric], auto)
by (subst (asm) V_subsumes'; force)
lemma not_check_loop_non_elem:
"x ∉ set xs" if "¬ check_loop_list x xs"
using that unfolding check_loop_list_def by auto
lemma insert_ref[refine]:
"(x1b, x1) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹
(x1c, x1a) ∈ ⟨Id⟩list_set_rel ⟹
¬ check_loop_list x2a x1c ⟹
((x1b, x2a # x1c, False), x1, insert x2a x1a, False) ∈ map_set_rel ×⇩r list_set_hd_rel x2a ×⇩r Id"
unfolding list_set_hd_rel_def list_set_rel_def
by (auto dest: not_check_loop_non_elem simp: br_def)
lemma insert_map_set_ref:
"(m, S) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹ (insert_map_set x m, insert x S) ∈ map_set_rel"
unfolding insert_map_set_def insert_def map_set_rel_def
apply (clarsimp split: option.splits, safe)
subgoal for x' S'
unfolding ran_def Let_def by (auto split: option.splits split: if_split_asm)
unfolding ran_def Let_def by (auto split: if_split_asm)
unfolding ran_def Let_def
apply (clarsimp split: option.splits, safe)
apply (metis option.simps(3))
by (metis insertCI option.inject)
unfolding ran_def Let_def by (auto split: option.splits if_split_asm)
by (auto simp: Let_def split: if_split_asm option.split)
lemma map_list_rel_memD:
assumes "(m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel" "x ∈ set xs"
obtains xs' where "x ∈ set xs'" "m (key x) = Some xs'"
using assms unfolding map_list_rel_def ran_def by (auto 4 3 dest: sym)
lemma map_list_rel_memI:
"(m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel ⟹ m k = Some xs' ⟹ x' ∈ set xs' ⟹ x' ∈ set xs"
unfolding map_list_rel_def ran_def by auto
lemma map_list_rel_grouped_by_key:
"x' ∈ set xs' ⟹ (m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel ⟹ m k = Some xs' ⟹ key x' = k"
unfolding map_list_rel_def by auto
lemma map_list_rel_not_memI:
"k ≠ key x ⟹ m k = Some xs' ⟹ (m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel ⟹ x ∉ set xs'"
unfolding map_list_rel_def by auto
lemma map_list_rel_not_memI2:
"x ∉ set xs'" if "m a = Some xs'" "(m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel" "x ∉ set xs"
using that unfolding map_list_rel_def ran_def by auto
lemma push_map_list_ref:
"x ∉ set xs ⟹ (m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel ⟹ (push_map_list x m, x # xs) ∈ map_list_rel"
unfolding push_map_list_def
apply (subst map_list_rel_def)
apply (clarsimp, safe)
subgoal for x' xs'
unfolding ran_def Let_def
by (auto split: option.split_asm if_split_asm intro: map_list_rel_memI)
unfolding ran_def Let_def by (auto 4 3 split: option.splits if_splits)
subgoal for x'
unfolding ran_def Let_def
apply (erule map_list_rel_memD, assumption)
apply (cases "key x = key x'")
subgoal for xs'
by auto
subgoal for xs'
apply clarsimp
apply (rule exI[where x = xs'])
apply safe
apply (inst_existentials "key x'")
apply (solves auto)
apply force
subgoal for k xs' x'
unfolding Let_def
by (auto split: option.split_asm if_split_asm dest: map_list_rel_grouped_by_key)
proof -
assume A: "x ∉ set xs" "(m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel"
then obtain R where *:
"x ∉ set xs"
"(⋃ x ∈ ran m. set x) = set xs"
"∀k x. m k = Some x ⟶ (∀v∈set x. key v = k)"
"distinct xs"
"∀k x. m k = Some x ⟶ sorted_wrt R x"
"sorted_wrt R xs"
"irrefl_trans_on R (set xs)"
unfolding map_list_rel_def by auto
have **: "sorted_wrt (λa b. a = x ∧ b ≠ x ∨ a ≠ x ∧ b ≠ x ∧ R a b) xs" if
"sorted_wrt R xs" "x ∉ set xs" for xs
using that by (induction xs) auto
show ?thesis
apply (inst_existentials "λ a b. a = x ∧ b ≠ x ∨ a ≠ x ∧ b ≠ x ∧ R a b")
apply safe
unfolding Let_def
using ‹irrefl_trans_on _ _› unfolding irrefl_trans_on_def by blast
apply (clarsimp split: option.split_asm if_split_asm)
apply (drule map_list_rel_not_memI, assumption, rule A)
using *(5) by (auto intro: **)
using A(1) *(5) by (auto 4 3 intro: * ** A dest: map_list_rel_not_memI2)
by (auto simp: map_list_rel_def)
lemma insert_map_set_ref'[refine]:
"(x1b, x1) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹
(x1c, x1a) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹
¬ check_subsumption' x2a x1c ⟹
((x1b, insert_map_set x2a x1c, False), x1, insert x2a x1a, False) ∈ map_set_rel ×⇩r map_set_rel ×⇩r Id"
by (auto intro: insert_map_set_ref)
lemma map_list_rel_check_subsumption_map_list:
"set xs ⊆ {x. V x} ⟹ (m, xs) ∈ map_list_rel ⟹ ¬ check_subsumption_map_list x m ⟹ x ∉ set xs"
unfolding check_subsumption_map_list_def by (auto 4 3 elim!: map_list_rel_memD dest: V_subsumes')
lemma push_map_list_ref'[refine]:
"set x1a ⊆ {x. V x} ⟹
(x1b, x1) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹
(x1c, x1a) ∈ map_list_rel ⟹
¬ check_subsumption_map_list x2a x1c ⟹
((x1b, push_map_list x2a x1c, False), x1, x2a # x1a, False) ∈ map_set_rel ×⇩r map_list_rel ×⇩r Id"
by (auto intro: push_map_list_ref dest: map_list_rel_check_subsumption_map_list)
lemma sorted_wrt_tl:
"sorted_wrt R (tl xs)" if "sorted_wrt R xs"
using that by (induction xs) auto
lemma irrefl_trans_on_mono:
"irrefl_trans_on R S" if "irrefl_trans_on R S'" "S ⊆ S'"
using that unfolding irrefl_trans_on_def by blast
lemma pop_map_list_ref[refine]:
"(pop_map_list v m, S) ∈ map_list_rel" if "(m, v # S) ∈ map_list_rel"
using that unfolding map_set_rel_def pop_map_list_def
apply (clarsimp split: option.splits if_split_asm simp: Let_def, safe)
subgoal premises prems
using prems unfolding map_list_rel_def
by clarsimp (rule map_list_rel_memD[OF prems(1), of v], simp, metis option.simps(3))
subgoal premises prems0 for xs
using prems0 unfolding map_list_rel_def
apply clarsimp
apply safe
subgoal premises prems for R x xs'
proof -
have *: "x ∈ set S" if "x ∈ set (tl xs)" "m (key v) = Some xs"
proof -
from prems have "sorted_wrt R xs"
by auto
from ‹m (key v) = _› have "v ∈ set xs"
using map_list_rel_memD[OF ‹(m, v # S) ∈ map_list_rel›, of v] by auto
have *: "R v x" if "x ∈ set xs" "v ≠ x" for x
using that prems by - (drule map_list_rel_memI[OF ‹_ ∈ map_list_rel›], auto)
have "v ≠ x"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ v ≠ x"
with that obtain a as bs where
"xs = a # as @ v # bs"
unfolding in_set_conv_decomp by (cases xs) auto
with ‹sorted_wrt R xs› have "a ∈ set xs" "R a v" "a ∈ insert v (set S)"
using map_list_rel_memI[OF ‹_ ∈ map_list_rel› ‹m _ = _›, of a]
by auto
with * ‹irrefl_trans_on _ _› show False
unfolding irrefl_trans_on_def by auto
with that show ?thesis
by (auto elim: in_set_tlD dest: map_list_rel_memI[OF ‹_ ∈ map_list_rel›])
moreover have "x ∈ set S" if "m a = Some xs'" "a ≠ key v" for a :: 'b
using prems0 prems that by (metis map_list_rel_memI set_ConsD)
then show ?thesis
using prems unfolding ran_def by (auto split: if_split_asm intro: *)
subgoal premises prems for R x
proof -
from map_list_rel_memD[OF ‹_ ∈ map_list_rel›, of x] ‹x ∈ _› obtain xs' where xs':
"x ∈ set xs'" "m (key x) = Some xs'"
by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "key x = key v")
case True
with prems xs' have [simp]: "xs' = xs"
by auto
from prems have "x ≠ v"
by auto
have "x ∈ set (tl xs)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "x ∉ set (tl xs)"
with xs' have "hd xs = x"
by (cases xs) auto
from prems have "sorted_wrt R xs"
by auto
from ‹m (key v) = _› have "v ∈ set xs"
using map_list_rel_memD[OF ‹(m, v # S) ∈ map_list_rel›, of v] by auto
have *: "R v x" if "x ∈ set xs" "v ≠ x" for x
using that prems by - (drule map_list_rel_memI[OF ‹_ ∈ map_list_rel›], auto)
with ‹x ∈ set xs'› ‹x ≠ v› have "R v x"
by auto
from ‹v ∈ set xs› ‹hd xs = x› ‹x ≠ v› have "R x v"
unfolding in_set_conv_decomp
apply clarsimp
using ‹sorted_wrt R xs›
subgoal for ys
by (cases ys) auto
with ‹R v x› ‹irrefl_trans_on _ _› ‹x ∈ set S› show False
unfolding irrefl_trans_on_def by blast
with xs' show ?thesis
unfolding ‹xs' = _› ran_def by auto
case False
with xs' show ?thesis
unfolding ran_def by auto
by (meson in_set_tlD)
subgoal for R
by (blast intro: irrefl_trans_on_mono sorted_wrt_tl)
lemma tl_list_set_ref:
"(m, S) ∈ map_set_rel ⟹
(st, ST) ∈ list_set_hd_rel x ⟹
(tl st, ST - {x}) ∈ ⟨Id⟩list_set_rel"
unfolding list_set_hd_rel_def list_set_rel_def
by (auto simp: br_def distinct_hd_tl dest: in_set_tlD in_hd_or_tl_conv)
lemma succs_id_ref:
"(succs x, succs x) ∈ ⟨Id⟩ list_rel"
by simp
lemma dfs_map_dfs_refine':
"dfs_map P ≤ ⇓ (Id ×⇩r map_set_rel) (dfs1 P')" if "(P, P') ∈ map_set_rel"
using that
unfolding dfs_map_def dfs1_def
apply refine_rcg
using [[goals_limit=1]]
apply (clarsimp, rule check_subsumption'_ref; assumption)
apply (clarsimp, rule refine_True; assumption)
apply (clarsimp, rule check_subsumption_ref; assumption)
apply (simp; fail)
apply (clarsimp; rule succs_id_ref; fail)
apply (clarsimp, rule push_map_list_ref'; assumption)
by (auto intro: insert_map_set_ref pop_map_list_ref)
lemma dfs_map_dfs_refine:
"dfs_map P ≤ ⇓ (Id ×⇩r map_set_rel) (dfs P')" if "(P, P') ∈ map_set_rel" "V a⇩0"
proof -
note dfs_map_dfs_refine'[OF ‹_ ∈ map_set_rel›]
also note dfs1_dfs_ref[OF ‹V a⇩0›]
finally show ?thesis .