Theory Nub
theory Nub
section‹Transforming $O(n^2)$ \emph{nub} into an $O(n\lg n)$ one›
text‹Andy Gill's solution, mechanised.›
subsection‹The @{term "nub"} function.›
fixrec nub :: "Nat llist → Nat llist"
"nub⋅lnil = lnil"
| "nub⋅(x :@ xs) = x :@ nub⋅(lfilter⋅(neg oo (Λ y. x =⇩B y))⋅xs)"
lemma nub_strict[simp]: "nub⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
fixrec nub_body :: "(Nat llist → Nat llist) → Nat llist → Nat llist"
"nub_body⋅f⋅lnil = lnil"
| "nub_body⋅f⋅(x :@ xs) = x :@ f⋅(lfilter⋅(neg oo (Λ y. x =⇩B y))⋅xs)"
lemma nub_nub_body_eq: "nub = fix⋅nub_body"
by (rule cfun_eqI, subst nub_def, subst nub_body.unfold, simp)
subsection‹Optimised data type.›
text ‹Implement sets using lazy lists for now. Lifting up HOL's @{typ "'a
set"} type causes continuity grief.›
type_synonym NatSet = "Nat llist"
SetEmpty :: "NatSet" where
"SetEmpty ≡ lnil"
SetInsert :: "Nat → NatSet → NatSet" where
"SetInsert ≡ lcons"
SetMem :: "Nat → NatSet → tr" where
"SetMem ≡ lmember⋅(bpred (=))"
lemma SetMem_strict[simp]: "SetMem⋅x⋅⊥ = ⊥" by (simp add: SetMem_def)
lemma SetMem_SetEmpty[simp]: "SetMem⋅x⋅SetEmpty = FF"
by (simp add: SetMem_def SetEmpty_def)
lemma SetMem_SetInsert: "SetMem⋅v⋅(SetInsert⋅x⋅s) = (SetMem⋅v⋅s orelse x =⇩B v)"
by (simp add: SetMem_def SetInsert_def)
text ‹AndyG's new type.›
domain R = R (lazy resultR :: "Nat llist") (lazy exceptR :: "NatSet")
nextR :: "R → (Nat * R) Maybe" where
"nextR = (Λ r. case ldropWhile⋅(Λ x. SetMem⋅x⋅(exceptR⋅r))⋅(resultR⋅r) of
lnil ⇒ Nothing
| x :@ xs ⇒ Just⋅(x, R⋅xs⋅(exceptR⋅r)))"
lemma nextR_strict1[simp]: "nextR⋅⊥ = ⊥" by (simp add: nextR_def)
lemma nextR_strict2[simp]: "nextR⋅(R⋅⊥⋅S) = ⊥" by (simp add: nextR_def)
lemma nextR_lnil[simp]: "nextR⋅(R⋅lnil⋅S) = Nothing" by (simp add: nextR_def)
filterR :: "Nat → R → R" where
"filterR ≡ (Λ v r. R⋅(resultR⋅r)⋅(SetInsert⋅v⋅(exceptR⋅r)))"
c2a :: "Nat llist → R" where
"c2a ≡ Λ xs. R⋅xs⋅SetEmpty"
a2c :: "R → Nat llist" where
"a2c ≡ Λ r. lfilter⋅(Λ v. neg⋅(SetMem⋅v⋅(exceptR⋅r)))⋅(resultR⋅r)"
lemma a2c_strict[simp]: "a2c⋅⊥ = ⊥" unfolding a2c_def by simp
lemma a2c_c2a_id: "a2c oo c2a = ID"
by (rule cfun_eqI, simp add: a2c_def c2a_def lfilter_const_true)
wrap :: "(R → Nat llist) → Nat llist → Nat llist" where
"wrap ≡ Λ f xs. f⋅(c2a⋅xs)"
unwrap :: "(Nat llist → Nat llist) → R → Nat llist" where
"unwrap ≡ Λ f r. f⋅(a2c⋅r)"
lemma unwrap_strict[simp]: "unwrap⋅⊥ = ⊥"
unfolding unwrap_def by (rule cfun_eqI, simp)
lemma wrap_unwrap_id: "wrap oo unwrap = ID"
using cfun_fun_cong[OF a2c_c2a_id]
by - ((rule cfun_eqI)+, simp add: wrap_def unwrap_def)
text ‹Equivalences needed for later.›
lemma TR_deMorgan: "neg⋅(x orelse y) = (neg⋅x andalso neg⋅y)"
by (rule trE[where p=x], simp_all)
lemma case_maybe_case:
"(case (case L of lnil ⇒ Nothing | x :@ xs ⇒ Just⋅(h⋅x⋅xs)) of
Nothing ⇒ f | Just⋅(a, b) ⇒ g⋅a⋅b)
(case L of lnil ⇒ f | x :@ xs ⇒ g⋅(fst (h⋅x⋅xs))⋅(snd (h⋅x⋅xs)))"
apply (cases L, simp_all)
apply (case_tac "h⋅a⋅llist")
apply simp
lemma case_a2c_case_caseR:
"(case a2c⋅w of lnil ⇒ f | x :@ xs ⇒ g⋅x⋅xs)
= (case nextR⋅w of Nothing ⇒ f | Just⋅(x, r) ⇒ g⋅x⋅(a2c⋅r))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?rhs = (case (case ldropWhile⋅(Λ x. SetMem⋅x⋅(exceptR⋅w))⋅(resultR⋅w) of
lnil ⇒ Nothing
| x :@ xs ⇒ Just⋅(x, R⋅xs⋅(exceptR⋅w))) of Nothing ⇒ f | Just⋅(x, r) ⇒ g⋅x⋅(a2c⋅r))"
by (simp add: nextR_def)
also have "… = (case ldropWhile⋅(Λ x. SetMem⋅x⋅(exceptR⋅w))⋅(resultR⋅w) of
lnil ⇒ f | x :@ xs ⇒ g⋅x⋅(a2c⋅(R⋅xs⋅(exceptR⋅w))))"
using case_maybe_case[where L="ldropWhile⋅(Λ x. SetMem⋅x⋅(exceptR⋅w))⋅(resultR⋅w)"
and f=f and g="Λ x r. g⋅x⋅(a2c⋅r)" and h="Λ x xs. (x, R⋅xs⋅(exceptR⋅w))"]
by simp
also have "… = ?lhs"
apply (simp add: a2c_def)
apply (cases "resultR⋅w")
apply simp_all
apply (rule_tac p="SetMem⋅a⋅(exceptR⋅w)" in trE)
apply simp_all
apply (induct_tac llist)
apply simp_all
apply (rule_tac p="SetMem⋅aa⋅(exceptR⋅w)" in trE)
apply simp_all
finally show "?lhs = ?rhs" by simp
lemma filter_filterR: "lfilter⋅(neg oo (Λ y. x =⇩B y))⋅(a2c⋅r) = a2c⋅(filterR⋅x⋅r)"
using filter_filter[where p="Tr.neg oo (Λ y. x =⇩B y)" and q="Λ v. Tr.neg⋅(SetMem⋅v⋅(exceptR⋅r))"]
unfolding a2c_def filterR_def
by (cases r, simp_all add: SetMem_SetInsert TR_deMorgan)
text‹Apply worker/wrapper. Unlike Gill/Hutton, we manipulate the body of
the worker into the right form then apply the lemma.›
nub_body' :: "(R → Nat llist) → R → Nat llist" where
"nub_body' ≡ Λ f r. case a2c⋅r of lnil ⇒ lnil
| x :@ xs ⇒ x :@ f⋅(c2a⋅(lfilter⋅(neg oo (Λ y. x =⇩B y))⋅xs))"
lemma nub_body_nub_body'_eq: "unwrap oo nub_body oo wrap = nub_body'"
unfolding nub_body_def nub_body'_def unwrap_def wrap_def a2c_def c2a_def
by ((rule cfun_eqI)+
, case_tac "lfilter⋅(Λ v. Tr.neg⋅(SetMem⋅v⋅(exceptR⋅xa)))⋅(resultR⋅xa)"
, simp_all add: fix_const)
nub_body'' :: "(R → Nat llist) → R → Nat llist" where
"nub_body'' ≡ Λ f r. case nextR⋅r of Nothing ⇒ lnil
| Just⋅(x, xs) ⇒ x :@ f⋅(c2a⋅(lfilter⋅(neg oo (Λ y. x =⇩B y))⋅(a2c⋅xs)))"
lemma nub_body'_nub_body''_eq: "nub_body' = nub_body''"
proof(rule cfun_eqI)+
fix f r show "nub_body'⋅f⋅r = nub_body''⋅f⋅r"
unfolding nub_body'_def nub_body''_def
using case_a2c_case_caseR[where f="lnil" and g="Λ x xs. x :@ f⋅(c2a⋅(lfilter⋅(Tr.neg oo (Λ y. x =⇩B y))⋅xs))" and w="r"]
by simp
nub_body''' :: "(R → Nat llist) → R → Nat llist" where
"nub_body''' ≡ (Λ f r. case nextR⋅r of Nothing ⇒ lnil
| Just⋅(x, xs) ⇒ x :@ f⋅(filterR⋅x⋅xs))"
lemma nub_body''_nub_body'''_eq: "nub_body'' = nub_body''' oo (unwrap oo wrap)"
unfolding nub_body''_def nub_body'''_def wrap_def unwrap_def
by ((rule cfun_eqI)+, simp add: filter_filterR)
text‹Finally glue it all together.›
lemma nub_wrap_nub_body''': "nub = wrap⋅(fix⋅nub_body''')"
using worker_wrapper_fusion_new[OF wrap_unwrap_id unwrap_strict, where body=nub_body]
by simp