Theory Partitions

Auction Theory Toolbox (

* Marco B. Caminati
* Manfred Kerber <>
* Christoph Lange <>
* Colin Rowat <>

Dually licenced under
* Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0
* ISC License (1-clause BSD License)
See LICENSE file for details
(Rationale for this dual licence:

section ‹Partitions of sets›

theory Partitions


text ‹
We define the set of all partitions of a set (@{term all_partitions}) in textbook style, as well as a computable function @{term all_partitions_list} to algorithmically compute this set (then represented as a list).  This function is suitable for code generation.  We prove the equivalence of the two definition in order to ensure that the generated code correctly implements the original textbook-style definition.  For further background on the overall approach, see Caminati, Kerber, Lange, Rowat: \href{}{Proving soundness of combinatorial Vickrey auctions and generating verified executable code}, 2013.

text @{term P} is a family of non-overlapping  sets.›
definition is_non_overlapping 
           where "is_non_overlapping P = ( XP .  Y P . (X  Y  {}  X = Y))"
(* alternative, less concise formalisation:
"is_non_overlapping P = (∀ ec1 ∈ P . ec1 ≠ {} ∧ (∀ ec2 ∈ P - {ec1}. ec1 ∩ ec2 = {}))"

text ‹A subfamily of a non-overlapping family is also a non-overlapping family›

lemma subset_is_non_overlapping:
  assumes subset: "P  Q" and 
          non_overlapping: "is_non_overlapping Q"
  shows "is_non_overlapping P"
(* CL: The following takes 387 ms with Isabelle2013-1-RC1:
   by (metis is_non_overlapping_def non_overlapping rev_subsetD subset). MC: possibly useful for TPTP *)
proof -
    fix X Y assume "X  P  Y  P"
    then have "X  Q  Y  Q" using subset by fast
    then have "X  Y  {}  X = Y" using non_overlapping unfolding is_non_overlapping_def by force
  then show ?thesis unfolding is_non_overlapping_def by force

(* This is not used at the moment, but it is interesting, as the proof
   was very hard to find for Sledgehammer. MC: possibly useful for TPTP *)

text ‹The family that results from removing one element from an equivalence class of a non-overlapping family is not otherwise a member of the family.›
lemma remove_from_eq_class_preserves_disjoint:
      fixes elem::'a
        and X::"'a set"
        and P::"'a set set"
      assumes non_overlapping: "is_non_overlapping P"
        and eq_class: "X  P"
        and elem: "elem  X"
      shows "X - {elem}  P"
  using assms Int_Diff is_non_overlapping_def Diff_disjoint Diff_eq_empty_iff 
        Int_absorb2 insert_Diff_if insert_not_empty by (metis)

text ‹Inserting into a non-overlapping family @{term P} a set @{term X}, which is disjoint with the set 
  partitioned by @{term P}, yields another non-overlapping family.›

lemma non_overlapping_extension1:
  fixes P::"'a set set"
    and X::"'a set"
  assumes partition: "is_non_overlapping P"
       and disjoint: "X   P = {}" 
      and non_empty: "X  {}"
  shows "is_non_overlapping (insert X P)"
proof -
    fix Y::"'a set" and Z::"'a set"
    assume Y_Z_in_ext_P: "Y  insert X P  Z  insert X P"
    have "Y  Z  {}  Y = Z"
      assume "Y  Z  {}"
      then show "Y = Z"
        using Y_Z_in_ext_P partition disjoint
        unfolding is_non_overlapping_def
        by fast
      assume "Y = Z"
      then show "Y  Z  {}"
        using Y_Z_in_ext_P partition non_empty
        unfolding is_non_overlapping_def
        by auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding is_non_overlapping_def by force

text ‹An element of a non-overlapping family has no intersection with any other of its elements.›
lemma disj_eq_classes:
  fixes P::"'a set set"
    and X::"'a set"
  assumes "is_non_overlapping P"
      and "X  P"
  shows "X   (P - {X}) = {}" 
proof -
    fix x::'a
    assume x_in_two_eq_classes: "x  X   (P - {X})"
    then obtain Y where other_eq_class: "Y  P - {X}  x  Y" by blast
    have "x  X  Y  Y  P"
      using x_in_two_eq_classes other_eq_class by force
    then have "X = Y" using assms is_non_overlapping_def by fast
    then have "x  {}" using other_eq_class by fast
  then show ?thesis by blast

text ‹The empty set is not element of a non-overlapping family.›
lemma no_empty_in_non_overlapping:
  assumes "is_non_overlapping p"
  shows "{}  p"
(* CL: The following takes 36 ms with Isabelle2013-1-RC1:
   by (metis Int_iff all_not_in_conv assms is_non_overlapping_def). MC: possibly useful for TPTP *)
  using assms is_non_overlapping_def by fast

text @{term P} is a partition of the set @{term A}. The infix notation takes the form ``noun-verb-object''›
definition is_partition_of (infix "partitions" 75)
           where "is_partition_of P A = ( P = A  is_non_overlapping P)"

text ‹No partition of a non-empty set is empty.›
lemma non_empty_imp_non_empty_partition:
  assumes "A  {}"
      and "P partitions A"
  shows "P  {}"
  using assms unfolding is_partition_of_def by fast

text ‹Every element of a partitioned set ends up in one element in the partition.›
lemma elem_in_partition:
  assumes in_set: "x  A"
      and part: "P partitions A"
  obtains X where "x  X" and "X  P"
  using part in_set unfolding is_partition_of_def is_non_overlapping_def by (auto simp add: UnionE)

text ‹Every element of the difference of a set @{term A} and another set @{term B} ends up in 
  an element of a partition of @{term A}, but not in an element of the partition of @{term "{B}"}.›
lemma diff_elem_in_partition:
  assumes x: "x  A - B"
      and part: "P partitions A"
  shows " S  P - { B } . x  S"
(* Sledgehammer in Isabelle2013-1-RC1 can't do this within the default time limit. 
MC: possibly useful for TPTP *)
proof -
  from part x obtain X where "x  X" and "X  P"
    by (metis Diff_iff elem_in_partition)
  with x have "X  B" by fast
  with x  X X  P show ?thesis by blast

text ‹Every element of a partitioned set ends up in exactly one set.›
lemma elem_in_uniq_set:
  assumes in_set: "x  A"
      and part: "P partitions A"
  shows "∃! X  P . x  X"
proof -
  from assms obtain X where *: "X  P  x  X"
    by (rule elem_in_partition) blast
  moreover {
    fix Y assume "Y  P  x  Y"
    then have "Y = X"
      using part in_set *
      unfolding is_partition_of_def is_non_overlapping_def
      by (metis disjoint_iff_not_equal)
  ultimately show ?thesis by (rule ex1I)

text ‹A non-empty set ``is'' a partition of itself.›
lemma set_partitions_itself:
  assumes "A  {}"
  shows "{A} partitions A" unfolding is_partition_of_def is_non_overlapping_def
(* CL: the following takes 48 ms on my machine with Isabelle2013:
   by (metis Sup_empty Sup_insert assms inf_idem singletonE sup_bot_right). MC: possibly useful for TPTP *)
  show " {A} = A" by simp
    fix X Y
    assume "X  {A}"
    then have "X = A" by (rule singletonD)
    assume "Y  {A}"
    then have "Y = A" by (rule singletonD)
    from X = A Y = A have "X  Y  {}  X = Y" using assms by simp
  then show " X  {A} .  Y  {A} . X  Y  {}  X = Y" by force

text ‹The empty set is a partition of the empty set.›
lemma emptyset_part_emptyset1:
  shows "{} partitions {}" 
  unfolding is_partition_of_def is_non_overlapping_def by fast

text ‹Any partition of the empty set is empty.›
lemma emptyset_part_emptyset2:
  assumes "P partitions {}"
  shows "P = {}"
  using assms unfolding is_partition_of_def is_non_overlapping_def
  by fastforce

text ‹Classical set-theoretical definition of ``all partitions of a set @{term A}''›
definition all_partitions where 
"all_partitions A = {P . P partitions A}"

text ‹The set of all partitions of the empty set only contains the empty set.
  We need this to prove the base case of @{term all_partitions_paper_equiv_alg}.›
lemma emptyset_part_emptyset3:
  shows "all_partitions {} = {{}}"
  unfolding all_partitions_def using emptyset_part_emptyset1 emptyset_part_emptyset2 by fast

text ‹inserts an element new\_el into a specified set S inside a given family of sets›
definition insert_into_member :: "'a  'a set set  'a set  'a set set"
   where "insert_into_member new_el Sets S = insert (S  {new_el}) (Sets - {S})"

text ‹Using @{const insert_into_member} to insert a fresh element, which is not a member of the
  set @{term S} being partitioned, into a non-overlapping family of sets yields another
  non-overlapping family.›
lemma non_overlapping_extension2:
  fixes new_el::'a
    and P::"'a set set"
    and X::"'a set"
  assumes non_overlapping: "is_non_overlapping P"
      and class_element: "X  P"
      and new: "new_el   P"
  shows "is_non_overlapping (insert_into_member new_el P X)"
proof -
  let ?Y = "insert new_el X"
  have rest_is_non_overlapping: "is_non_overlapping (P - {X})"
    using non_overlapping subset_is_non_overlapping by blast
  have *: "X   (P - {X}) = {}"
   using non_overlapping class_element by (rule disj_eq_classes)
  from * have non_empty: "?Y  {}" by blast
  from * have disjoint: "?Y   (P - {X}) = {}" using new by force
  have "is_non_overlapping (insert ?Y (P - {X}))"
    using rest_is_non_overlapping disjoint non_empty by (rule non_overlapping_extension1)
  then show ?thesis unfolding insert_into_member_def by simp

text ‹inserts an element into a specified set inside the given list of sets --
   the list variant of @{const insert_into_member}

   The rationale for this variant and for everything that depends on it is:
   While it is possible to computationally enumerate ``all partitions of a set'' as an
   @{typ "'a set set set"}, we need a list representation to apply further computational
   functions to partitions.  Because of the way we construct partitions (using functions
   such as @{term all_coarser_partitions_with} below) it is not sufficient to simply use 
   @{typ "'a set set list"}, but we need @{typ "'a set list list"}.  This is because it is hard 
   to impossible to convert a set to a list, whereas it is easy to convert a @{type list} to a @{type set}.
definition insert_into_member_list :: "'a  'a set list  'a set  'a set list"
  where "insert_into_member_list new_el Sets S = (S  {new_el}) # (remove1 S Sets)"

text @{const insert_into_member_list} and @{const insert_into_member} are equivalent
  (as in returning the same set).›
lemma insert_into_member_list_equivalence:
  fixes new_el::'a
    and Sets::"'a set list"
    and S::"'a set"
  assumes "distinct Sets"
  shows "set (insert_into_member_list new_el Sets S) = insert_into_member new_el (set Sets) S"
  unfolding insert_into_member_list_def insert_into_member_def using assms by simp

text ‹an alternative characterization of the set partitioned by a partition obtained by 
  inserting an element into an equivalence class of a given partition (if @{term P}
  \emph{is} a partition)›
lemma insert_into_member_partition1:
  fixes elem::'a
    and P::"'a set set"
    and set::"'a set"
  shows " (insert_into_member elem P set) =  (insert (set  {elem}) (P - {set}))"
(* CL: The following takes 12 ms in Isabelle2013-1-RC1:
   by (metis insert_into_member_def). MC: possibly useful for TPTP *)
    unfolding insert_into_member_def
    by fast

text ‹Assuming that @{term P} is a partition of a set @{term S}, and @{term "new_el  S"}, the function defined below yields
  all possible partitions of @{term "S  {new_el}"} that are coarser than @{term P}
  (i.e.\ not splitting classes that already exist in @{term P}).  These comprise one partition 
  with a class @{term "{new_el}"} and all other classes unchanged,
  as well as all partitions obtained by inserting @{term new_el} into one class of @{term P} at a time. While we use the definition to build coarser partitions of an existing partition P, the definition itself does not require P to be a partition.›
definition coarser_partitions_with ::"'a  'a set set  'a set set set"
  where "coarser_partitions_with new_el P = 
    ― ‹Let P› be a partition of a set Set›,›
    ― ‹and suppose new_el ∉ Set›, i.e. {new_el} ∉ P›,›
    ― ‹then the following constructs a partition of Set ∪ {new_el}› obtained by›
    ― ‹inserting a new class {new_el}› and leaving all previous classes unchanged.›
    (insert {new_el} P)
    ― ‹Let P› be a partition of a set Set›,›
    ― ‹and suppose new_el ∉ Set›,›
    ― ‹then the following constructs›
    ― ‹the set of those partitions of Set ∪ {new_el}› obtained by›
    ― ‹inserting new_el› into one class of P› at a time.›
    ((insert_into_member new_el P) ` P)"

text ‹the list variant of @{const coarser_partitions_with}
definition coarser_partitions_with_list ::"'a  'a set list  'a set list list"
  where "coarser_partitions_with_list new_el P = 
    ― ‹Let P› be a partition of a set Set›,›
    ― ‹and suppose new_el ∉ Set›, i.e. {new_el} ∉ set P›,›
    ― ‹then the following constructs a partition of Set ∪ {new_el}› obtained by›
    ― ‹inserting a new class {new_el}› and leaving all previous classes unchanged.›
    ({new_el} # P)
    ― ‹Let P› be a partition of a set Set›,›
    ― ‹and suppose new_el ∉ Set›,›
    ― ‹then the following constructs›
    ― ‹the set of those partitions of Set ∪ {new_el}› obtained by›
    ― ‹inserting new_el› into one class of P› at a time.›
    (map ((insert_into_member_list new_el P)) P)"

text @{const coarser_partitions_with_list} and @{const coarser_partitions_with} are equivalent.›
lemma coarser_partitions_with_list_equivalence:
  assumes "distinct P"
  shows "set (map set (coarser_partitions_with_list new_el P)) = 
         coarser_partitions_with new_el (set P)"
proof -
  have "set (map set (coarser_partitions_with_list new_el P)) = set (map set (({new_el} # P) # (map ((insert_into_member_list new_el P)) P)))"
    unfolding coarser_partitions_with_list_def ..
  also have " = insert (insert {new_el} (set P)) ((set  (insert_into_member_list new_el P)) ` set P)"
    by simp
  also have " = insert (insert {new_el} (set P)) ((insert_into_member new_el (set P)) ` set P)"
    using assms insert_into_member_list_equivalence by (metis comp_apply)
  finally show ?thesis unfolding coarser_partitions_with_def .

text ‹Any member of the set of coarser partitions of a given partition, obtained by inserting 
  a given fresh element into each of its classes, is non\_overlapping.›
lemma non_overlapping_extension3:
  fixes elem::'a
    and P::"'a set set"
    and Q::"'a set set"
  assumes P_non_overlapping: "is_non_overlapping P"
      and new_elem: "elem   P"
      and Q_coarser: "Q  coarser_partitions_with elem P"
  shows "is_non_overlapping Q"
proof -
  let ?q = "insert {elem} P"
  have Q_coarser_unfolded: "Q  insert ?q (insert_into_member elem P ` P)" 
    using Q_coarser 
    unfolding coarser_partitions_with_def
    by fast
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "Q = ?q")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using P_non_overlapping new_elem non_overlapping_extension1
      by fastforce
    case False
    then have "Q  (insert_into_member elem P) ` P" using Q_coarser_unfolded by fastforce
    then show ?thesis using non_overlapping_extension2 P_non_overlapping new_elem by fast

text ‹Let @{term P} be a partition of a set @{term S}, and @{term elem} an element (which may or may not be
  in @{term S} already).  Then, any member of @{term "coarser_partitions_with elem P"} is a set of sets
  whose union is @{term "S  {elem}"}, i.e.\ it satisfies one of the necessary criteria for being a partition of @{term "S  {elem}"}.
lemma coarser_partitions_covers:
  fixes elem::'a
    and P::"'a set set"
    and Q::"'a set set"
  assumes "Q  coarser_partitions_with elem P"
  shows " Q = insert elem ( P)"
proof -
  let ?S = " P"
  have Q_cases: "Q  (insert_into_member elem P) ` P  Q = insert {elem} P"
    using assms unfolding coarser_partitions_with_def by fast
    fix eq_class assume eq_class_in_P: "eq_class  P"
    have " (insert (eq_class  {elem}) (P - {eq_class})) = ?S  (eq_class  {elem})"
      using insert_into_member_partition1
      by (metis Sup_insert Un_commute Un_empty_right Un_insert_right insert_Diff_single)
    with eq_class_in_P have " (insert (eq_class  {elem}) (P - {eq_class})) = ?S  {elem}" by blast
    then have " (insert_into_member elem P eq_class) = ?S  {elem}"
      using insert_into_member_partition1
      by (rule subst)
  then show ?thesis using Q_cases by blast

text ‹Removes the element @{term elem} from every set in @{term P}, and removes from @{term P} any
  remaining empty sets.  This function is intended to be applied to partitions, i.e. @{term elem}
  occurs in at most one set.  @{term "partition_without e"} reverses @{term "coarser_partitions_with e"}.
@{const coarser_partitions_with} is one-to-many, while this is one-to-one, so we can think of a tree relation,
where coarser partitions of a set @{term "S  {elem}"} are child nodes of one partition of @{term S}.›
definition partition_without :: "'a  'a set set  'a set set"
  where "partition_without elem P = (λX . X - {elem}) ` P - {{}}"
(* Set comprehension notation { x - {elem} | x . x ∈ P } would look nicer but is harder to do proofs about *)

(* We don't need to define partition_without_list. *)

text ‹alternative characterization of the set partitioned by the partition obtained 
  by removing an element from a given partition using @{const partition_without}
lemma partition_without_covers:
  fixes elem::'a
    and P::"'a set set"
  shows " (partition_without elem P) = ( P) - {elem}"
proof -
  have " (partition_without elem P) =  ((λx . x - {elem}) ` P - {{}})"
    unfolding partition_without_def by fast
  also have " =  P - {elem}" by blast
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹Any class of the partition obtained by removing an element @{term elem} from an
  original partition @{term P} using @{const partition_without} equals some
  class of @{term P}, reduced by @{term elem}.›
lemma super_class:
  assumes "X  partition_without elem P"
  obtains Z where "Z  P" and "X = Z - {elem}"
proof -
  from assms have "X  (λX . X - {elem}) ` P - {{}}" unfolding partition_without_def .
  then obtain Z where Z_in_P: "Z  P" and Z_sup: "X = Z - {elem}"
    by (metis (lifting) Diff_iff image_iff)
  then show ?thesis ..

text ‹The class of sets obtained by removing an element from a non-overlapping class is another
  non-overlapping clas.›
lemma non_overlapping_without_is_non_overlapping:
  fixes elem::'a
    and P::"'a set set"
  assumes "is_non_overlapping P"
  shows "is_non_overlapping (partition_without elem P)" (is "is_non_overlapping ?Q")
proof -   
  have " X1  ?Q.  X2  ?Q. X1  X2  {}  X1 = X2"
    fix X1 assume X1_in_Q: "X1  ?Q"
    then obtain Z1 where Z1_in_P: "Z1  P" and Z1_sup: "X1 = Z1 - {elem}"
      by (rule super_class)
    have X1_non_empty: "X1  {}" using X1_in_Q partition_without_def by fast
    show " X2  ?Q. X1  X2  {}  X1 = X2" 
      fix X2 assume "X2  ?Q"
      then obtain Z2 where Z2_in_P: "Z2  P" and Z2_sup: "X2 = Z2 - {elem}"
        by (rule super_class)
      have "X1  X2  {}  X1 = X2"
        assume "X1  X2  {}"
        then have "Z1  Z2  {}" using Z1_sup Z2_sup by fast
        then have "Z1 = Z2" using Z1_in_P Z2_in_P assms unfolding is_non_overlapping_def by fast
        then show "X1 = X2" using Z1_sup Z2_sup by fast
      moreover have "X1 = X2  X1  X2  {}" using X1_non_empty by auto
      ultimately show "(X1  X2  {})  X1 = X2" by blast
  then show ?thesis unfolding is_non_overlapping_def .

text @{term "coarser_partitions_with elem"} is the ``inverse'' of 
  @{term "partition_without elem"}.›
lemma coarser_partitions_inv_without:
  fixes elem::'a
    and P::"'a set set"
  assumes non_overlapping: "is_non_overlapping P"
      and elem: "elem   P" 
  shows "P  coarser_partitions_with elem (partition_without elem P)"
    (is "P  coarser_partitions_with elem ?Q")
proof -
  let ?remove_elem = "λX . X - {elem}" (* function that removes elem out of a set *)
  obtain Y (* the equivalence class of elem *)
    where elem_eq_class: "elem  Y" and elem_eq_class': "Y  P" using elem ..
  let ?elem_neq_classes = "P - {Y}" (* those equivalence classes of which elem is not a member *)
  have P_wrt_elem: "P = ?elem_neq_classes  {Y}" using elem_eq_class' by blast
  let ?elem_eq = "Y - {elem}" (* other elements equivalent to elem *)
  have Y_elem_eq: "?remove_elem ` {Y} = {?elem_eq}" by fast
  (* those classes,of which elem is not a member, form a partition *)
  have elem_neq_classes_part: "is_non_overlapping ?elem_neq_classes"
    using subset_is_non_overlapping non_overlapping
    by blast
  have elem_eq_wrt_P: "?elem_eq  ?remove_elem ` P" using elem_eq_class' by blast
  { (* consider a class W, of which elem is not a member *)
    fix W assume W_eq_class: "W  ?elem_neq_classes"
    then have "elem  W"
      using elem_eq_class elem_eq_class' non_overlapping is_non_overlapping_def
      by fast
    then have "?remove_elem W = W" by simp
  then have elem_neq_classes_id: "?remove_elem ` ?elem_neq_classes = ?elem_neq_classes" by fastforce

  have Q_unfolded: "?Q = ?remove_elem ` P - {{}}"
    unfolding partition_without_def
    using image_Collect_mem
    by blast
  also have " = ?remove_elem ` (?elem_neq_classes  {Y}) - {{}}" using P_wrt_elem by presburger
  also have " = ?elem_neq_classes  {?elem_eq} - {{}}"
    using Y_elem_eq elem_neq_classes_id image_Un by metis
  finally have Q_wrt_elem: "?Q = ?elem_neq_classes  {?elem_eq} - {{}}" .

  have "?elem_eq = {}  ?elem_eq  P"
    using elem_eq_class elem_eq_class' non_overlapping Diff_Int_distrib2 Diff_iff empty_Diff insert_iff
unfolding is_non_overlapping_def by metis
  then have "?elem_eq  P"
    using non_overlapping no_empty_in_non_overlapping
    by metis
  then have elem_neq_classes: "?elem_neq_classes - {?elem_eq} = ?elem_neq_classes" by fastforce

  show ?thesis
  proof cases
    assume "?elem_eq  ?Q" (* the class of elem is not a member of ?Q = partition_without elem P *)
    then have "?elem_eq  {{}}"
      using elem_eq_wrt_P Q_unfolded
      by (metis DiffI)
    then have Y_singleton: "Y = {elem}" using elem_eq_class by fast
    then have "?Q = ?elem_neq_classes - {{}}"
      using Q_wrt_elem
      by force
    then have "?Q = ?elem_neq_classes"
      using no_empty_in_non_overlapping elem_neq_classes_part
      by blast
    then have "insert {elem} ?Q = P"
      using Y_singleton elem_eq_class'
      by fast
    then show ?thesis unfolding coarser_partitions_with_def by auto
    assume True: "¬ ?elem_eq  ?Q"
    hence Y': "?elem_neq_classes  {?elem_eq} - {{}} = ?elem_neq_classes  {?elem_eq}"
      using no_empty_in_non_overlapping non_overlapping non_overlapping_without_is_non_overlapping
      by force
    have "insert_into_member elem ({?elem_eq}  ?elem_neq_classes) ?elem_eq = insert (?elem_eq  {elem}) (({?elem_eq}  ?elem_neq_classes) - {?elem_eq})"
      unfolding insert_into_member_def ..
    also have " = ({}  ?elem_neq_classes)  {?elem_eq  {elem}}" using elem_neq_classes by force
    also have " = ?elem_neq_classes  {Y}" using elem_eq_class by blast
    finally have "insert_into_member elem ({?elem_eq}  ?elem_neq_classes) ?elem_eq = ?elem_neq_classes  {Y}" .
    then have "?elem_neq_classes  {Y} = insert_into_member elem ?Q ?elem_eq"
      using Q_wrt_elem Y' partition_without_def
      by force
    then have "{Y}  ?elem_neq_classes  insert_into_member elem ?Q ` ?Q" using True by blast
    then have "{Y}  ?elem_neq_classes  coarser_partitions_with elem ?Q" unfolding coarser_partitions_with_def by simp
    then show ?thesis using P_wrt_elem by simp

text ‹Given a set @{term Ps} of partitions, this is intended to compute the set of all coarser
  partitions (given an extension element) of all partitions in @{term Ps}.›
definition all_coarser_partitions_with :: " 'a  'a set set set  'a set set set"
   where "all_coarser_partitions_with elem Ps =  (coarser_partitions_with elem ` Ps)"

text ‹the list variant of @{const all_coarser_partitions_with}
definition all_coarser_partitions_with_list :: " 'a  'a set list list  'a set list list"
  where "all_coarser_partitions_with_list elem Ps = 
         concat (map (coarser_partitions_with_list elem) Ps)"

text @{const all_coarser_partitions_with_list} and @{const all_coarser_partitions_with} are equivalent.›
lemma all_coarser_partitions_with_list_equivalence:
  fixes elem::'a
    and Ps::"'a set list list"
  assumes distinct: " P  set Ps . distinct P"
  shows "set (map set (all_coarser_partitions_with_list elem Ps)) = all_coarser_partitions_with elem (set (map set Ps))"
    (is "?list_expr = ?set_expr")
proof -
  have "?list_expr = set (map set (concat (map (coarser_partitions_with_list elem) Ps)))"
    unfolding all_coarser_partitions_with_list_def ..
  also have " = set ` ( x  (coarser_partitions_with_list elem) ` (set Ps) . set x)" by simp
  also have " = set ` ( x  { coarser_partitions_with_list elem P | P . P  set Ps } . set x)"
    by (simp add: image_Collect_mem)
  also have " =  { set (map set (coarser_partitions_with_list elem P)) | P . P  set Ps }" by auto
  also have " =  { coarser_partitions_with elem (set P) | P . P  set Ps }"
    using distinct coarser_partitions_with_list_equivalence by fast
  also have " =  (coarser_partitions_with elem ` (set ` (set Ps)))" by (simp add: image_Collect_mem)
  also have " =  (coarser_partitions_with elem ` (set (map set Ps)))" by simp
  also have " = ?set_expr" unfolding all_coarser_partitions_with_def ..
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹all partitions of a set (given as list) in form of a set›
fun all_partitions_set :: "'a list  'a set set set"
   "all_partitions_set [] = {{}}" |
   "all_partitions_set (e # X) = all_coarser_partitions_with e (all_partitions_set X)"

text ‹all partitions of a set (given as list) in form of a list›
fun all_partitions_list :: "'a list  'a set list list"
   "all_partitions_list [] = [[]]" |
   "all_partitions_list (e # X) = all_coarser_partitions_with_list e (all_partitions_list X)"

text ‹A list of partitions coarser than a given partition in list representation (constructed
  with @{const coarser_partitions_with} is distinct under certain conditions.›
lemma coarser_partitions_with_list_distinct:
  fixes ps
  assumes ps_coarser: "ps  set (coarser_partitions_with_list x Q)"
      and distinct: "distinct Q"
      and partition: "is_non_overlapping (set Q)"
      and new: "{x}  set Q"
  shows "distinct ps"
proof -
  have "set (coarser_partitions_with_list x Q) = insert ({x} # Q) (set (map (insert_into_member_list x Q) Q))"
    unfolding coarser_partitions_with_list_def by simp
  with ps_coarser have "ps  insert ({x} # Q) (set (map ((insert_into_member_list x Q)) Q))" by blast
  then show ?thesis
    assume "ps = {x} # Q"
    with distinct and new show ?thesis by simp
    assume "ps  set (map (insert_into_member_list x Q) Q)"
    then obtain X where X_in_Q: "X  set Q" and ps_insert: "ps = insert_into_member_list x Q X" by auto
    from ps_insert have "ps = (X  {x}) # (remove1 X Q)" unfolding insert_into_member_list_def .
    also have " = (X  {x}) # (removeAll X Q)" using distinct by (metis distinct_remove1_removeAll)
    finally have ps_list: "ps = (X  {x}) # (removeAll X Q)" .
    have distinct_tl: "X  {x}  set (removeAll X Q)"
      from partition have partition': "xset Q. yset Q. (x  y  {}) = (x = y)" unfolding is_non_overlapping_def .
      assume "X  {x}  set (removeAll X Q)"
      with X_in_Q partition show False by (metis partition' inf_sup_absorb member_remove no_empty_in_non_overlapping remove_code(1))
    with ps_list distinct show ?thesis by (metis (full_types) distinct.simps(2) distinct_removeAll)

text ‹The classical definition @{const all_partitions} and the algorithmic (constructive) definition @{const all_partitions_list} are equivalent.›
lemma all_partitions_equivalence':
  fixes xs::"'a list"
  shows "distinct xs  
         ((set (map set (all_partitions_list xs)) = 
          all_partitions (set xs))  ( ps  set (all_partitions_list xs) . distinct ps))"
proof (induct xs)
  case Nil
  have "set (map set (all_partitions_list [])) = all_partitions (set [])"
    unfolding List.set_simps(1) emptyset_part_emptyset3 by simp
    (* Sledgehammer no longer seems to find this, maybe after we have added the "distinct" part to the theorem statement. *)
  moreover have " ps  set (all_partitions_list []) . distinct ps" by fastforce
  ultimately show ?case ..
  case (Cons x xs)
  from Cons.prems Cons.hyps
    have hyp_equiv: "set (map set (all_partitions_list xs)) = all_partitions (set xs)" by simp
  from Cons.prems Cons.hyps
    have hyp_distinct: " ps  set (all_partitions_list xs) . distinct ps" by simp

  have distinct_xs: "distinct xs" using Cons.prems by simp
  have x_notin_xs: "x  set xs" using Cons.prems by simp
  have "set (map set (all_partitions_list (x # xs))) = all_partitions (set (x # xs))"
  proof (rule equalitySubsetI) (* -- {* case set → list *} *)
    fix P::"'a set set" (* a partition *)
    let ?P_without_x = "partition_without x P"
    have P_partitions_exc_x: " ?P_without_x =  P - {x}" using partition_without_covers .

    assume "P  all_partitions (set (x # xs))"
    then have is_partition_of: "P partitions (set (x # xs))" unfolding all_partitions_def ..
    then have is_non_overlapping: "is_non_overlapping P" unfolding is_partition_of_def by simp
    from is_partition_of have P_covers: " P = set (x # xs)" unfolding is_partition_of_def by simp

    have "?P_without_x partitions (set xs)"
      unfolding is_partition_of_def
      using is_non_overlapping non_overlapping_without_is_non_overlapping partition_without_covers P_covers x_notin_xs
      by (metis Diff_insert_absorb List.set_simps(2))
    with hyp_equiv have p_list: "?P_without_x  set (map set (all_partitions_list xs))"
      unfolding all_partitions_def by fast
    have "P  coarser_partitions_with x ?P_without_x"
      using coarser_partitions_inv_without is_non_overlapping P_covers
      by (metis List.set_simps(2) insertI1)
    then have "P   (coarser_partitions_with x ` set (map set (all_partitions_list xs)))"
      using p_list by blast
    then have "P  all_coarser_partitions_with x (set (map set (all_partitions_list xs)))"
      unfolding all_coarser_partitions_with_def by fast
    then show "P  set (map set (all_partitions_list (x # xs)))"
      using all_coarser_partitions_with_list_equivalence hyp_distinct
      by (metis all_partitions_list.simps(2))
  next (* -- {* case list → set *} *)
    fix P::"'a set set" (* a partition *)
    assume P: "P  set (map set (all_partitions_list (x # xs)))"

    have "set (map set (all_partitions_list (x # xs))) = set (map set (all_coarser_partitions_with_list x (all_partitions_list xs)))"
      by simp
    also have " = all_coarser_partitions_with x (set (map set (all_partitions_list xs)))"
      using distinct_xs hyp_distinct all_coarser_partitions_with_list_equivalence by fast
    also have " = all_coarser_partitions_with x (all_partitions (set xs))"
      using distinct_xs hyp_equiv by auto
    finally have P_set: "set (map set (all_partitions_list (x # xs))) = all_coarser_partitions_with x (all_partitions (set xs))" .

    with P have "P  all_coarser_partitions_with x (all_partitions (set xs))" by fast
    then have "P   (coarser_partitions_with x ` (all_partitions (set xs)))"
      unfolding all_coarser_partitions_with_def .
    then obtain Y
      where P_in_Y: "P  Y"
        and Y_coarser: "Y  coarser_partitions_with x ` (all_partitions (set xs))" ..
    from Y_coarser obtain Q
      where Q_part_xs: "Q  all_partitions (set xs)"
        and Y_coarser': "Y = coarser_partitions_with x Q" ..
    from P_in_Y Y_coarser' have P_wrt_Q: "P  coarser_partitions_with x Q" by fast
    then have "Q  all_partitions (set xs)" using Q_part_xs by simp
    then have "Q partitions (set xs)" unfolding all_partitions_def ..
    then have "is_non_overlapping Q" and Q_covers: " Q = set xs"
      unfolding is_partition_of_def by simp_all
    then have P_partition: "is_non_overlapping P"
      using non_overlapping_extension3 P_wrt_Q x_notin_xs by fast
    have " P = set xs  {x}"
      using Q_covers P_in_Y Y_coarser' coarser_partitions_covers by fast
    then have " P = set (x # xs)"
      using x_notin_xs P_wrt_Q Q_covers
      by (metis List.set_simps(2) insert_is_Un sup_commute)
    then have "P partitions (set (x # xs))"
      using P_partition unfolding is_partition_of_def by blast
    then show "P  all_partitions (set (x # xs))" unfolding all_partitions_def ..
  moreover have " ps  set (all_partitions_list (x # xs)) . distinct ps"
    fix ps::"'a set list" assume ps_part: "ps  set (all_partitions_list (x # xs))"

    have "set (all_partitions_list (x # xs)) = set (all_coarser_partitions_with_list x (all_partitions_list xs))"
      by simp
    also have " = set (concat (map (coarser_partitions_with_list x) (all_partitions_list xs)))"
      unfolding all_coarser_partitions_with_list_def ..
    also have " =  ((set  (coarser_partitions_with_list x)) ` (set (all_partitions_list xs)))"
      by simp
    finally have all_parts_unfolded: "set (all_partitions_list (x # xs)) =  ((set  (coarser_partitions_with_list x)) ` (set (all_partitions_list xs)))" .
    (* … = ⋃ { set (coarser_partitions_with_list x ps) | ps . ps ∈ set (all_partitions_list xs) }
       (more readable, but less useful in proofs) *)

    with ps_part obtain qs
      where qs: "qs  set (all_partitions_list xs)"
        and ps_coarser: "ps  set (coarser_partitions_with_list x qs)"
      using UnionE comp_def imageE by auto

    from qs have "set qs  set (map set (all_partitions_list (xs)))" by simp
    with distinct_xs hyp_equiv have qs_hyp: "set qs  all_partitions (set xs)" by fast
    then have qs_part: "is_non_overlapping (set qs)"
      using all_partitions_def is_partition_of_def
      by (metis mem_Collect_eq)
    then have distinct_qs: "distinct qs"
      using qs distinct_xs hyp_distinct by fast
    from Cons.prems have "x  set xs" by simp
    then have new: "{x}  set qs"
      using qs_hyp
      unfolding all_partitions_def is_partition_of_def
      by (metis (lifting, mono_tags) UnionI insertI1 mem_Collect_eq)

    from ps_coarser distinct_qs qs_part new
      show "distinct ps" by (rule coarser_partitions_with_list_distinct)
  ultimately show ?case ..

text ‹The classical definition @{const all_partitions} and the algorithmic (constructive) definition @{const all_partitions_list} are equivalent.  This is a front-end theorem derived from
  @{thm all_partitions_equivalence'}; it does not make the auxiliary statement about partitions
  being distinct lists.›
theorem all_partitions_paper_equiv_alg:
  fixes xs::"'a list"
  shows "distinct xs  set (map set (all_partitions_list xs)) = all_partitions (set xs)"
  using all_partitions_equivalence' by blast

text ‹The function that we will be using in practice to compute all partitions of a set,
  a set-oriented front-end to @{const all_partitions_list}
definition all_partitions_alg :: "'a::linorder set  'a set list list"
  where "all_partitions_alg X = all_partitions_list (sorted_list_of_set X)"
