Theory Challenge1A

section ‹Challenge 1.A›
theory Challenge1A
imports Main

text ‹Problem definition:

  subsection ‹Implementation›
  text ‹We phrase the algorithm as a functional program. 
    Instead of a list of indexes for segment boundaries,
    we return a list of lists, containing the segments.›

  text ‹We start with auxiliary functions to take the longest
    increasing/decreasing sequence from the start of the list
  fun take_incr :: "int list  _" where
    "take_incr [] = []"
  | "take_incr [x] = [x]"
  | "take_incr (x#y#xs) = (if x<y then x#take_incr (y#xs) else [x])"  

  fun take_decr :: "int list  _" where
    "take_decr [] = []"
  | "take_decr [x] = [x]"
  | "take_decr (x#y#xs) = (if xy then x#take_decr (y#xs) else [x])"  
  fun take where
    "take [] = []"
  | "take [x] = [x]"
  | "take (x#y#xs) = (if x<y then take_incr (x#y#xs) else take_decr (x#y#xs))"  

  definition "take2 xs  let l=take xs in (l,drop (length l) xs)"
    ― ‹Splits of a longest increasing/decreasing sequence from the list›

  text ‹The main algorithm then iterates until the whole input list is split›
  function cuts where
    "cuts xs = (if xs=[] then [] else let (c,xs) = take2 xs in c#cuts xs)"    
    by pat_completeness auto

  subsection ‹Termination›  
  text ‹First, we show termination. This will give us induction and proper unfolding lemmas.›

  lemma take_non_empty:
    "take xs  []" if "xs  []"
    using that
    apply (cases xs)
     apply clarsimp
    subgoal for x ys
      apply (cases ys)
       apply auto

    apply (relation "measure length")
     apply (auto simp: take2_def Let_def)
    using take_non_empty
    apply auto
  declare cuts.simps[simp del]  
  subsection ‹Correctness›

  subsubsection ‹Property 1: The Exact Sequence is Covered›
  lemma tdconc: "ys. xs = take_decr xs @ ys"
    apply (induction xs rule: take_decr.induct)
    apply auto

  lemma ticonc: "ys. xs = take_incr xs @ ys"
    apply (induction xs rule: take_incr.induct)
    apply auto

  lemma take_conc: "ys. xs = take xs@ys"  
    using tdconc ticonc 
    apply (cases xs rule: take.cases)
    by auto 
  theorem concat_cuts: "concat (cuts xs) = xs"
    apply (induction xs rule: cuts.induct)
    apply (subst cuts.simps)
    apply (auto simp: take2_def Let_def)
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj take_conc)  
  subsubsection ‹Property 2: Monotonicity›
  text ‹We define constants to specify increasing/decreasing sequences.›
  fun incr where
    "incr []  True"
  | "incr [_]  True"
  | "incr (x#y#xs)  x<y  incr (y#xs)"  
  fun decr where
    "decr []  True"
  | "decr [_]  True"
  | "decr (x#y#xs)  xy  decr (y#xs)"  
  lemma tki: "incr (take_incr xs)"
    apply (induction xs rule: take_incr.induct)
    apply auto
    apply (case_tac xs)
    apply auto
  lemma tkd: "decr (take_decr xs)"
    apply (induction xs rule: take_decr.induct)
    apply auto
    apply (case_tac xs)
    apply auto
  lemma icod: "incr (take xs)  decr (take xs)"
    apply (cases xs rule: take.cases) 
    apply (auto simp: tki tkd simp del: take_incr.simps take_decr.simps)
  theorem cuts_incr_decr: "cset (cuts xs). incr c  decr c"  
    apply (induction xs rule: cuts.induct)
    apply (subst cuts.simps)
    apply (auto simp: take2_def Let_def)
    using icod by blast
  subsubsection ‹Property 3: Maximality›      
  text ‹Specification of a cut that consists of maximal segments:
    The segements are non-empty, and for every two neighbouring segments,
    the first value of the last segment cannot be used to continue the first segment:
  fun maxi where
     "maxi []  True"
   | "maxi [c]  c[]"
   | "maxi (c1#c2#cs)  (c1[]  c2[]  maxi (c2#cs)  ( 
        incr c1  ¬(last c1 < hd c2) 
       decr c1  ¬(last c1  hd c2)        

  text ‹Obviously, our specification implies that there are no 
    empty segments›    
  lemma maxi_imp_non_empty: "maxi xs  []set xs"  
    by (induction xs rule: maxi.induct) auto
  lemma tdconc': "xs[]  
    ys. xs = take_decr xs @ ys  (ys[] 
       ¬(last (take_decr xs)  hd ys))"
    apply (induction xs rule: take_decr.induct)
    apply auto
    apply (case_tac xs) apply (auto split: if_splits)
  lemma ticonc': "xs[]  ys. xs = take_incr xs @ ys  (ys[]  ¬(last (take_incr xs) < hd ys))"
    apply (induction xs rule: take_incr.induct)
    apply auto
    apply (case_tac xs) apply (auto split: if_splits)

  lemma take_conc': "xs[]  ys. xs = take xs@ys  (ys[]  (
    take xs=take_incr xs  ¬(last (take_incr xs) < hd ys)
   take xs=take_decr xs  ¬(last (take_decr xs)  hd ys)  
    using tdconc' ticonc' 
    apply (cases xs rule: take.cases)
    by auto 
  lemma take_decr_non_empty:
    "take_decr xs  []" if "xs  []"
    using that
    apply (cases xs)
     apply auto
    subgoal for x ys
      apply (cases ys)
       apply (auto split: if_split_asm)
  lemma take_incr_non_empty:
    "take_incr xs  []" if "xs  []"
    using that
    apply (cases xs)
     apply auto
    subgoal for x ys
      apply (cases ys)
       apply (auto split: if_split_asm)
  lemma take_conc'': "xs[]  ys. xs = take xs@ys  (ys[]  (
    incr (take xs)  ¬(last (take xs) < hd ys)
   decr (take xs)  ¬(last (take xs)  hd ys)  
    using tdconc' ticonc' tki tkd 
    apply (cases xs rule: take.cases)
    apply auto
    apply (auto simp add: take_incr_non_empty) 
    apply (simp add: take_decr_non_empty)
    apply (metis list.distinct(1) take_incr.simps(3))
    by (smt (verit) list.simps(3) take_decr.simps(3))
  lemma [simp]: "cuts [] = []"
    apply (subst cuts.simps) by auto
  lemma [simp]: "cuts xs  []  xs  []"  
    apply (subst cuts.simps) 
    apply (auto simp: take2_def Let_def)

  lemma inv_cuts: "cuts xs = c#cs  ys. c=take xs  xs=c@ys  cs = cuts ys"
    apply (subst (asm) cuts.simps)
    apply (cases xs rule: cuts.cases)
    apply (auto split: if_splits simp: take2_def Let_def)
    by (metis append_eq_conv_conj take_conc)
  theorem maximal_cuts: "maxi (cuts xs)" 
    apply (induction "cuts xs" arbitrary: xs rule: maxi.induct)
    subgoal by auto
    subgoal for c xs
      apply (drule sym; simp)
      apply (subst (asm) cuts.simps)
      apply (auto split: if_splits prod.splits simp: take2_def Let_def take_non_empty)
    subgoal for c1 c2 cs xs
      apply (drule sym)
      apply simp
      apply (drule inv_cuts; clarsimp)
      apply auto
      subgoal by (metis cuts.simps list.distinct(1) take_non_empty) 
      subgoal by (metis append.left_neutral inv_cuts not_Cons_self) 
      subgoal using icod by blast 
      subgoal by (metis
            Nil_is_append_conv cuts.simps hd_append2 inv_cuts list.distinct(1)
            same_append_eq take_conc'' take_non_empty) 
      subgoal by (metis
            append_is_Nil_conv cuts.simps hd_append2 inv_cuts list.distinct(1)
            same_append_eq take_conc'' take_non_empty) 

  subsubsection ‹Equivalent Formulation Over Indexes›
  text ‹After the competition, we got the comment that a specification of 
    monotonic sequences via indexes might be more readable.
    We show that our functional specification is equivalent to a 
    specification over indexes.›
  fun ii_induction where
    "ii_induction [] = ()"
  | "ii_induction [_] = ()"
  | "ii_induction (_#y#xs) = ii_induction (y#xs)"      

  locale cnvSpec =
    fixes fP P
    assumes [simp]: "fP []  True"
    assumes [simp]: "fP [x]  True"
    assumes [simp]: "fP (a#b#xs)  P a b  fP (b#xs)"

    lemma idx_spec: "fP xs  (i<length xs - 1. P (xs!i) (xs!Suc i))"
      apply (induction xs rule: ii_induction.induct)
      using less_Suc_eq_0_disj
      by auto

  locale cnvSpec' =
    fixes fP P P'
    assumes [simp]: "fP []  True"
    assumes [simp]: "fP [x]  P' x"
    assumes [simp]: "fP (a#b#xs)  P' a  P' b  P a b  fP (b#xs)"

    lemma idx_spec: "fP xs  (i<length xs. P' (xs!i))  (i<length xs - 1. P (xs!i) (xs!Suc i))"
      apply (induction xs rule: ii_induction.induct)
      apply auto []
      apply auto []
      apply clarsimp
      by (smt less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Cons_0 nth_Cons_Suc)
  interpretation INCR: cnvSpec incr "(<)"
    apply unfold_locales by auto
  interpretation DECR: cnvSpec decr "(≥)"
    apply unfold_locales by auto
  interpretation MAXI: cnvSpec' maxi "λc1 c2. ( ( 
        incr c1  ¬(last c1 < hd c2) 
       decr c1  ¬(last c1  hd c2)        
      "λx. x  []"  
    apply unfold_locales by auto
  lemma incr_by_idx: "incr xs = (i<length xs - 1. xs ! i < xs ! Suc i)" 
    by (rule INCR.idx_spec)
  lemma decr_by_idx: "decr xs = (i<length xs - 1. xs ! i  xs ! Suc i)" 
    by (rule DECR.idx_spec)
  lemma maxi_by_idx: "maxi xs 
    (i<length xs. xs ! i  []) 
    (i<length xs - 1. 
         incr (xs ! i)  ¬ last (xs ! i) < hd (xs ! Suc i) 
        decr (xs ! i)  ¬ hd (xs ! Suc i)  last (xs ! i)
    by (rule MAXI.idx_spec)

  theorem all_correct:  
    "concat (cuts xs) = xs"
    "cset (cuts xs). incr c  decr c"
    "maxi (cuts xs)"
    "[]  set (cuts xs)"
    using cuts_incr_decr concat_cuts maximal_cuts 
          maxi_imp_non_empty[OF maximal_cuts]
    by auto
