Theory STRIPS_Representation
theory STRIPS_Representation
imports State_Variable_Representation
section "STRIPS Representation"
type_synonym ('variable) strips_state = "('variable, bool) state"
text ‹ We start by declaring a \isakeyword{record} for STRIPS operators.
This which allows us to define a data type and automatically generated selector operations.
\footnote{For the full reference on records see \<^cite>‹‹11.6, pp.260-265› in "wenzel--2018"›}
The record specification given below closely resembles the canonical representation of
STRIPS operators with fields corresponding to precondition, add effects as well as delete effects.›
record ('variable) strips_operator =
precondition_of :: "'variable list"
add_effects_of :: "'variable list"
delete_effects_of :: "'variable list"
abbreviation operator_for
:: "'variable list ⇒ 'variable list ⇒ 'variable list ⇒ 'variable strips_operator"
where "operator_for pre add delete ≡ ⦇
precondition_of = pre
, add_effects_of = add
, delete_effects_of = delete ⦈"
definition to_precondition
:: "'variable strips_operator ⇒ ('variable, bool) assignment list"
where "to_precondition op ≡ map (λv. (v, True)) (precondition_of op)"
definition to_effect
:: "'variable strips_operator ⇒ ('variable, bool) Effect"
where "to_effect op = [(v⇩a, True). v⇩a ← add_effects_of op] @ [(v⇩d, False). v⇩d ← delete_effects_of op]"
text ‹ Similar to the operator definition, we use a record to represent STRIPS problems and specify
fields for the variables, operators, as well as the initial and goal state. ›
record ('variable) strips_problem =
variables_of :: "'variable list" ("(_⇩𝒱)" [1000] 999)
operators_of :: "'variable strips_operator list" ("(_⇩𝒪)" [1000] 999)
initial_of :: "'variable strips_state" ("(_⇩I)" [1000] 999)
goal_of :: "'variable strips_state" ("(_⇩G)" [1000] 999)
value "stop"
abbreviation problem_for
:: "'variable list
⇒ 'variable strips_operator list
⇒ 'variable strips_state
⇒ 'variable strips_state
⇒ ('variable) strips_problem"
where "problem_for vs ops I gs ≡ ⦇
variables_of = vs
, operators_of = ops
, initial_of = I
, goal_of = gs ⦈"
type_synonym ('variable) strips_plan = "'variable strips_operator list"
type_synonym ('variable) strips_parallel_plan = "'variable strips_operator list list"
definition is_valid_operator_strips
:: "'variable strips_problem ⇒ 'variable strips_operator ⇒ bool"
where "is_valid_operator_strips Π op ≡ let
vs = variables_of Π
; pre = precondition_of op
; add = add_effects_of op
; del = delete_effects_of op
in list_all (λv. ListMem v vs) pre
∧ list_all (λv. ListMem v vs) add
∧ list_all (λv. ListMem v vs) del
∧ list_all (λv. ¬ListMem v del) add
∧ list_all (λv. ¬ListMem v add) del"
definition "is_valid_problem_strips Π
≡ let ops = operators_of Π
; vs = variables_of Π
; I = initial_of Π
; G = goal_of Π
in list_all (is_valid_operator_strips Π) ops
∧ (∀v. I v ≠ None ⟷ ListMem v vs)
∧ (∀v. G v ≠ None ⟶ ListMem v vs)"
definition is_operator_applicable_in
:: "'variable strips_state ⇒ 'variable strips_operator ⇒ bool"
where "is_operator_applicable_in s op ≡ let p = precondition_of op in
list_all (λv. s v = Some True) p"
definition effect__strips
:: "'variable strips_operator ⇒ ('variable, bool) Effect"
where "effect__strips op
map (λv. (v, True)) (add_effects_of op)
@ map (λv. (v, False)) (delete_effects_of op)"
definition effect_to_assignments
where "effect_to_assignments op ≡ effect__strips op"
text ‹ As discussed in \autoref{sub:serial-sas-plus-and-parallel-strips}, the effect of
a STRIPS operator can be normalized to a conjunction of atomic effects. We can therefore construct
the successor state by simply converting the list of add effects to assignments to \<^term>‹True› resp.
converting the list of delete effect to a list of assignments to \<^term>‹False› and then adding the
map corresponding to the assignments to the given state \<^term>‹s› as shown below in definition
\footnote{Function \path{effect_to_assignments} converts the operator effect to a list of
assignments. }›
definition execute_operator
:: "'variable strips_state
⇒ 'variable strips_operator
⇒ 'variable strips_state" (infixl "⪢" 52)
where "execute_operator s op
≡ s ++ map_of (effect_to_assignments op)"