Theory SAS_Plus_Representation

  Author: Mohammad Abdulaziz, Fred Kurz
theory SAS_Plus_Representation
imports State_Variable_Representation

section "SAS+ Representation"

text ‹ We now continue by defining a concrete implementation of SAS+.›

text ‹ SAS+ operators and SAS+ problems again use records. In contrast to STRIPS, the operator 
effect is contracted into a single list however since we now potentially deal with more than two 
possible values for each problem variable. ›

record  ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator = 
  precondition_of :: "('variable, 'domain) assignment list" 
  effect_of :: "('variable, 'domain) assignment list" 

record  ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem =
  variables_of :: "'variable list" ("(_𝒱+)" [1000] 999)
  operators_of :: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator list" ("(_𝒪+)" [1000] 999)
  initial_of :: "('variable, 'domain) state" ("(_I+)" [1000] 999)
  goal_of :: "('variable, 'domain) state" ("(_G+)" [1000] 999)
  range_of :: "'variable  'domain list"

definition range_of':: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem  'variable  'domain set"  ("+ _ _" 52)
  "range_of' Ψ v 
     (case sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v of None  {} 
           | Some as  set as)"

definition to_precondition 
  :: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator  ('variable, 'domain) assignment list" 
  where "to_precondition  precondition_of"

definition to_effect 
  :: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator  ('variable, 'domain) Effect" 
  where "to_effect op  [(v, a) . (v, a)  effect_of op]"

type_synonym  ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_plan 
  = "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator list"

type_synonym  ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_parallel_plan 
  = "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator list list"

abbreviation  empty_operator 
  :: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator" ("ρ")
  where "empty_operator   precondition_of = [], effect_of = [] " 

definition is_valid_operator_sas_plus
  :: "('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_problem   ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator  bool" 
  where "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op  let 
      pre = precondition_of op
      ; eff = effect_of op
      ; vs = variables_of Ψ
      ; D = range_of Ψ
    in list_all (λ(v, a). ListMem v vs) pre
       list_all (λ(v, a). (D v  None)  ListMem a (the (D v))) pre 
       list_all (λ(v, a). ListMem v vs) eff
       list_all (λ(v, a). (D v  None)  ListMem a (the (D v))) eff
       list_all (λ(v, a). list_all (λ(v', a'). v  v'  a = a') pre) pre
       list_all (λ(v, a). list_all (λ(v', a'). v  v'  a = a') eff) eff"

definition "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ 
   let ops = operators_of Ψ
      ; vs = variables_of Ψ
      ; I = initial_of Ψ
      ; G = goal_of Ψ
      ; D = range_of Ψ
    in list_all (λv. D v  None) vs
     list_all (is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ) ops 
     (v. I v  None  ListMem v vs) 
     (v. I v  None  ListMem (the (I v)) (the (D v)))
     (v. G v  None  ListMem v (variables_of Ψ))
     (v. G v  None  ListMem (the (G v)) (the (D v)))" 

definition is_operator_applicable_in
  :: "('variable, 'domain) state 
     ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator 
  where "is_operator_applicable_in s op 
     map_of (precondition_of op) m s" 

(* TODO rename execute_operator_in *)
definition execute_operator_sas_plus
  :: "('variable, 'domain) state 
     ('variable, 'domain) sas_plus_operator
     ('variable, 'domain) state" (infixl "+" 52)
  where "execute_operator_sas_plus s op  s ++ map_of (effect_of op)"

― ‹ Set up simp rules to keep use of local parameters transparent within proofs (i.e. 
automatically substitute definitions). ›
  "is_operator_applicable_in s op = (map_of (precondition_of op) m s)" 
  "s + op = s ++ map_of (effect_of op)"
  unfolding initial_of_def goal_of_def variables_of_def range_of_def operators_of_def      
  by simp+

lemma range_of_not_empty:
  "(sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v  None  sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v  Some [])
     (+ Ψ v)  {}"
  apply (cases "sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v")
  by (auto simp add: SAS_Plus_Representation.range_of'_def)

lemma is_valid_operator_sas_plus_then:
  fixes Ψ::"('v,'d) sas_plus_problem"
  assumes "is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
  shows "(v, a)  set (precondition_of op). v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "(v, a)  set (precondition_of op). (+ Ψ v)  {}  a  + Ψ v" 
    and "(v, a)  set (effect_of op). v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "(v, a)  set (effect_of op). (+ Ψ v)  {}  a  + Ψ v" 
    and "(v, a)  set (precondition_of op). (v', a')  set (precondition_of op). v  v'  a = a'"
    and "(v, a)  set (effect_of op). 
      (v', a')  set (effect_of op). v  v'  a = a'"
proof -
  let ?vs = "sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ" 
    and ?pre = "precondition_of op"
    and ?eff = "effect_of op"
    and ?D = "sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ"
  have "(v, a)set ?pre. v  set ?vs"
    and "(v, a)set ?pre.
          (?D v  None) 
          a  set (the (?D v))"
    and "(v, a)set ?eff. v  set ?vs"
    and "(v, a)set ?eff.
          (?D v  None) 
          a  set (the (?D v))"
    and "(v, a)set ?pre.
          (v', a')set ?pre. v  v'  a = a'"
    and "(v, a)set ?eff. 
      (v', a')set ?eff. v  v'  a = a'"
    using assms
    unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def Let_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff 
    by meson+
  moreover have "(v, a)  set ?pre. v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "(v, a)  set ?eff. v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "(v, a)  set ?pre. (v', a')  set ?pre. v  v'  a = a'"
    and "(v, a)  set ?eff. (v', a')  set ?eff. v  v'  a = a'" 
    using calculation 
    unfolding variables_of_def
    by blast+
  moreover {
    have "(v, a)  set ?pre. (?D v  None)  a  set (the (?D v))"
      using assms 
      unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def Let_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff
      by argo
    hence "(v, a)  set ?pre. ((+ Ψ v)  {})  a  + Ψ v" 
      using range_of'_def 
      by fastforce
  moreover {
    have "(v, a)  set ?eff. (?D v  None)  a  set (the (?D v))"
      using assms 
      unfolding is_valid_operator_sas_plus_def Let_def list_all_iff ListMem_iff
      by argo
    hence "(v, a)  set ?eff. ((+ Ψ v)  {})  a  + Ψ v" 
      using range_of'_def
      by fastforce
  ultimately show "(v, a)  set (precondition_of op). v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "(v, a)  set (precondition_of op). (+ Ψ v)  {}  a  + Ψ v" 
    and "(v, a)  set (effect_of op). v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "(v, a)  set (effect_of op). (+ Ψ v)  {}  a  + Ψ v" 
    and "(v, a)  set (precondition_of op). (v', a')  set (precondition_of op). v  v'  a = a'"
    and "(v, a)  set (effect_of op). 
      (v', a')  set (effect_of op). v  v'  a = a'" 
    by blast+

(* TODO can be replaced by proof for sublocale? *)
lemma is_valid_problem_sas_plus_then:
  fixes Ψ::"('v,'d) sas_plus_problem"
  assumes "is_valid_problem_sas_plus Ψ"
  shows "v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+). (+ Ψ v)  {}"
    and "op  set ((Ψ)𝒪+). is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
    and "dom ((Ψ)I+) = set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "v  dom ((Ψ)I+). the (((Ψ)I+) v)  + Ψ v"
    and "dom ((Ψ)G+)  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "v  dom ((Ψ)G+). the (((Ψ)G+) v)  + Ψ v" 
proof -
  let ?vs = "sas_plus_problem.variables_of Ψ"
    and ?ops = "sas_plus_problem.operators_of Ψ"
    and ?I = "sas_plus_problem.initial_of Ψ"
    and ?G = "sas_plus_problem.goal_of Ψ"
    and ?D = "sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ"
    fix v 
    have "(?D v  None  ?D v  Some [])  ((+ Ψ v)  {})"
      by (cases "?D v"; (auto simp: range_of'_def))
  } note nb = this
  have nb1: "v  set ?vs. ?D v  None"
    and "op  set ?ops. is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
    and "v. (?I v  None) = (v  set ?vs)"
    and nb2: "v. ?I v  None  the (?I v)  set (the (?D v))"
    and "v. ?G v  None  v  set ?vs"
    and nb3: "v. ?G v  None  the (?G v)  set (the (?D v))"
    using assms 
    unfolding SAS_Plus_Representation.is_valid_problem_sas_plus_def Let_def 
      list_all_iff ListMem_iff 
    by argo+
  then have G3: "op  set ((Ψ)𝒪+). is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
    and G4: "dom ((Ψ)I+) = set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and G5: "dom ((Ψ)G+)  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    unfolding variables_of_def operators_of_def
    by auto+
  moreover {
    fix v
    assume "v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    then have "?D v  None"
      using nb1 
      by force+
  } note G6 = this
  moreover {
    fix v
    assume "v  dom ((Ψ)I+)"
    moreover have "((Ψ)I+) v  None"
      using calculation
      by blast+
    moreover {
      have "v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
        using G4 calculation(1)
        by argo
      then have "sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v  None" 
        using range_of_not_empty
        unfolding range_of'_def
        using G6 
        by fast+
      hence "set (the (?D v)) = + Ψ v" 
        by (simp add: sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v  None option.case_eq_if range_of'_def)
    ultimately have "the (((Ψ)I+) v)  + Ψ v"
      using nb2
      by force
  moreover {
    fix v
    assume "v  dom ((Ψ)G+)"
    then have "((Ψ)G+) v  None"
      by blast
    moreover {
      have "v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
        using G5 calculation(1)
        by fast
      then have "sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v  None" 
        using range_of_not_empty
        using G6
        by fast+
      hence "set (the (?D v)) = + Ψ v" 
        by (simp add: sas_plus_problem.range_of Ψ v  None option.case_eq_if range_of'_def)
    ultimately have "the (((Ψ)G+) v)  + Ψ v"
      using nb3
      by auto
  ultimately show "v  set ((Ψ)𝒱+). (+ Ψ v)  {}"
    and "op  set((Ψ)𝒪+). is_valid_operator_sas_plus Ψ op"
    and "dom ((Ψ)I+) = set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "v  dom ((Ψ)I+). the (((Ψ)I+) v)  + Ψ v"
    and "dom ((Ψ)G+)  set ((Ψ)𝒱+)"
    and "v  dom ((Ψ)G+). the (((Ψ)G+) v)  + Ψ v"
    by blast+
