Theory Prover

theory Prover
imports Main

subsection "Formulas"

type_synonym pred = nat

type_synonym var = nat

datatype form = 
    PAtom pred "var list"
  | NAtom pred "var list"
  | FConj form form
  | FDisj form form
  | FAll form
  | FEx form

primrec preSuc :: "nat list  nat list"
  "preSuc [] = []"
| "preSuc (a#list) = (case a of 0  preSuc list | Suc n  n#(preSuc list))"

primrec fv :: "form  var list" ― ‹shouldn't need to be more constructive than this›
  "fv (PAtom p vs) = vs"
| "fv (NAtom p vs) = vs"
| "fv (FConj f g) = (fv f) @ (fv g)"
| "fv (FDisj f g) = (fv f) @ (fv g)"
| "fv (FAll f) = preSuc (fv f)"
| "fv (FEx f) = preSuc (fv f)"

  bump :: "(var  var)  (var  var)" ― ‹substitute a different var for 0› where
  "bump φ y = (case y of 0  0 | Suc n  Suc (φ n))"

primrec subst :: "(nat  nat)  form  form"
  "subst r (PAtom p vs) = (PAtom p (map r vs))"
| "subst r (NAtom p vs) = (NAtom p (map r vs))"
| "subst r (FConj f g) = FConj (subst r f) (subst r g)"
| "subst r (FDisj f g) = FDisj (subst r f) (subst r g)"
| "subst r (FAll f) = FAll (subst (bump r) f)"
| "subst r (FEx f) = FEx (subst (bump r) f)"

lemma size_subst[simp]: "m. size (subst m f) = size f"
  by (induct f) (force+)

  finst :: "form  var  form" where
  "finst body w = (subst (λ v. case v of 0  w | Suc n  n) body)"

lemma size_finst[simp]: "size (finst f m) = size f"
  by (simp add: finst_def)

type_synonym seq = "form list"

type_synonym nform = "nat * form"

type_synonym nseq = "nform list"

  s_of_ns :: "nseq  seq" where
  "s_of_ns ns = map snd ns"

  ns_of_s :: "seq  nseq" where
  "ns_of_s s = map (λ x. (0,x)) s"

  sfv :: "seq  var list" where
  "sfv s = concat (map fv s)"

lemma sfv_nil: "sfv [] = []"
  by(force simp: sfv_def)

lemma sfv_cons: "sfv (a#list) = (fv a) @ (sfv list)" 
  by(force simp: sfv_def)

primrec maxvar :: "var list  var"
  "maxvar [] = 0"
| "maxvar (a#list) = max a (maxvar list)"

lemma maxvar: "v  set vs. v  maxvar vs"
  by (induct vs) (auto simp: max_def)

  newvar :: "var list  var" where
  "newvar vs = (if vs = [] then 0 else Suc (maxvar vs))"
  ― ‹note that for newvar to be constructive, need an operation to get a different var from a given set›

lemma newvar: "newvar vs  (set vs)"
  using length_pos_if_in_set maxvar newvar_def by force

primrec subs :: "nseq  nseq list"
    "subs [] = [[]]"
  | "subs (x#xs) =
  (let (m,f) = x in
                case f of
                  PAtom p vs  if NAtom p vs  set (map snd xs) then [] else [xs@[(0,PAtom p vs)]]
                  | NAtom p vs  if PAtom p vs  set (map snd xs) then [] else [xs@[(0,NAtom p vs)]] 
                  | FConj f g  [xs@[(0,f)],xs@[(0,g)]]
                  | FDisj f g  [xs@[(0,f),(0,g)]]
                  | FAll f  [xs@[(0,finst f (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns (x#xs)))))]]
                  | FEx f  [xs@[(0,finst f m),(Suc m,FEx f)]]

subsection "Derivations"

primrec is_axiom :: "seq  bool"
  "is_axiom [] = False"
| "is_axiom (a#list) = ((p vs. a = PAtom p vs  NAtom p vs  set list)  (p vs. a = NAtom p vs  PAtom p vs  set list))"

  deriv :: "nseq  (nat * nseq) set"
  for s :: nseq
  init: "(0,s)  deriv s"
| step: "(n,x)  deriv s  y  set (subs x)  (Suc n,y)  deriv s"
  ― ‹the closure of the branch at isaxiom›

inductive_cases Suc_derivE: "(Suc n, x)  deriv s"

declare init [simp,intro]
declare step [intro]

lemma patom:  "(n,(m,PAtom p vs)#xs)  deriv(nfs)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns ((m,PAtom p vs)#xs))  (Suc n,xs@[(0,PAtom p vs)])  deriv(nfs)"
  and natom:  "(n,(m,NAtom p vs)#xs)  deriv(nfs)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns ((m,NAtom p vs)#xs))  (Suc n,xs@[(0,NAtom p vs)])  deriv(nfs)"
  and fconj1: "(n,(m,FConj f g)#xs)  deriv(nfs)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns ((m,FConj f g)#xs))  (Suc n,xs@[(0,f)])  deriv(nfs)"
  and fconj2: "(n,(m,FConj f g)#xs)  deriv(nfs)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns ((m,FConj f g)#xs))  (Suc n,xs@[(0,g)])  deriv(nfs)"
  and fdisj:  "(n,(m,FDisj f g)#xs)  deriv(nfs)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns ((m,FDisj f g)#xs))  (Suc n,xs@[(0,f),(0,g)])  deriv(nfs)"
  and fall:   "(n,(m,FAll f)#xs)  deriv(nfs)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns ((m,FAll f)#xs))  (Suc n,xs@[(0,finst f (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns ((m,FAll f)#xs)))))])  deriv(nfs)" 
  and fex:    "(n,(m,FEx f)#xs)  deriv(nfs)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns ((m,FEx f)#xs))  (Suc n,xs@[(0,finst f m),(Suc m,FEx f)])  deriv(nfs)"
  by (auto simp: s_of_ns_def)
lemma deriv0[simp]: "(0,x)  deriv y  (x = y)"
  using deriv.cases by blast

lemma deriv_exists: 
  assumes "(n, x)  deriv s" "x  []" "¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns x)"
  shows "y. (Suc n, y)  deriv s  y  set (subs x)"
proof (cases x)
  case (Cons ab list)
  show ?thesis 
  proof (cases ab)
    case (Pair a b)
    with Cons assms show ?thesis 
      by(cases b; fastforce simp: s_of_ns_def)
qed (use assms in auto)

lemma deriv_upwards: "(n,list)  deriv s  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (list))  (zs. (Suc n, zs)  deriv s  zs  set (subs list))"
  by (metis deriv.step deriv_exists list.set_intros(1) subs.simps(1))

lemma deriv_downwards:
  assumes "(Suc n, x)  deriv s"
  shows "y. (n, y)  deriv s  x  set (subs y)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns y)"
proof -
  obtain x' where x': "(n, x')  deriv s" "x  set (subs x')"
    using Suc_derivE assms by blast
  have False if "is_axiom (s_of_ns x')"
  proof (cases x')
    case (Cons ab list)
    show ?thesis 
    proof (cases ab)
      case (Pair a b)
      with Cons x' that assms show ?thesis 
        by (cases b) (auto simp: s_of_ns_def)
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis
      using s_of_ns_def that by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using x' by blast

lemma deriv_deriv_child: "(Suc n,x)  deriv y = (z. z  set (subs y)  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns y)  (n,x)  deriv z)"
proof (induction n arbitrary: x y)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    using deriv_downwards by (force elim: Suc_derivE)
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case
    by (meson deriv_downwards deriv.step) 

lemmas not_is_axiom_subs = patom natom fconj1 fconj2 fdisj fall fex

lemma deriv_progress:
  assumes "(n, a # list)  deriv s"
    and "¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (a # list))"
  shows "zs. (Suc n, list @ zs)  deriv s"
  by (metis assms form.exhaust surj_pair not_is_axiom_subs)

  inc :: "nat * nseq  nat * nseq" where
  "inc = (λ(n,fs). (Suc n, fs))"

lemma deriv: "deriv y = insert (0,y) (inc ` (Union (deriv ` {w. ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns y)  w  set (subs y)})))"
    by (auto simp: inc_def deriv_deriv_child image_iff; metis case_prod_conv deriv.cases deriv_deriv_child)

lemma deriv_is_axiom: "is_axiom (s_of_ns s)  deriv s = {(0,s)}"
  using deriv by blast
lemma is_axiom_finite_deriv: "is_axiom (s_of_ns s)  finite (deriv s)"
  by (simp add: deriv_is_axiom) 

subsection "Failing path"

primrec failing_path :: "(nat * nseq) set  nat  (nat * nseq)"
  "failing_path ns 0 = (SOME x. x  ns  fst x = 0  infinite (deriv (snd x))  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd x)))"
| "failing_path ns (Suc n) = (let fn = failing_path ns n in 
  (SOME fsucn. fsucn  ns  fst fsucn = Suc n  (snd fsucn)  set (subs (snd fn))  infinite (deriv (snd fsucn))  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd fsucn))))"

locale FailingPath = 
  fixes s and f 
  assumes inf: "infinite (deriv s)"
  assumes f: "f = failing_path (deriv s)"


lemma f0: "f 0  (deriv s)  fst (f 0) = 0  
           infinite (deriv (snd (f 0)))  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f 0)))"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) inf deriv0 f failing_path.simps(1) fst_conv
      is_axiom_finite_deriv snd_conv someI_ex)

lemma fSuc:
  assumes fn: "f n  deriv s" "fst (f n) = n"
    and inf: "infinite (deriv (snd (f n)))"
    and "¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f n)))"
  shows "f (Suc n)  deriv s  fst (f (Suc n)) = Suc n  snd (f (Suc n))  set (subs (snd (f n)))  infinite (deriv (snd (f (Suc n))))  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f (Suc n))))"
proof -
  have  "infinite ((deriv ` {w. ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f n)))  w  set (subs (snd (f n)))}))"
    by (metis inf deriv finite_imageI finite_insert)
  then obtain y where "y  set (subs (snd (f n)))" "infinite (deriv y)"
    by fastforce
  then have "x. x  deriv s  fst x = Suc n 
        snd x  set (subs (snd (failing_path (deriv s) n))) 
        infinite (deriv (snd x))  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd x))"
    by (metis deriv.step f fn fst_conv is_axiom_finite_deriv prod.exhaust_sel snd_conv)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) f failing_path.simps(2) someI_ex)

lemma is_path_f_0: "f 0 = (0,s)"
  by (metis deriv0 f0 split_pairs)

lemma is_path_f': "f n  deriv s  fst (f n) = n  infinite (deriv (snd (f n)))  ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f n)))"
  by (induction n) (auto simp: f0 fSuc)

lemma is_path_f: "f n  deriv s  fst (f n) = n  (snd (f (Suc n)))  set (subs (snd (f n)))  infinite (deriv (snd (f n)))"
  using fSuc is_path_f' by blast


subsection "Models"

typedecl U

type_synonym model = "U set * (pred  U list  bool)"

type_synonym env = "var  U" 

primrec FEval :: "model  env  form  bool"
  "FEval MI e (PAtom P vs) = (let IP = (snd MI) P in IP (map e vs))"
| "FEval MI e (NAtom P vs) = (let IP = (snd MI) P in ¬ (IP (map e vs)))"
| "FEval MI e (FConj f g) = ((FEval MI e f)  (FEval MI e g))"
| "FEval MI e (FDisj f g) = ((FEval MI e f)  (FEval MI e g))"
| "FEval MI e (FAll f) = (m  (fst MI). FEval MI (λ y. case y of 0  m | Suc n  e n) f)" 
| "FEval MI e (FEx f) = (m  (fst MI). FEval MI (λ y. case y of 0  m | Suc n  e n) f)"

lemma preSuc[simp]: "Suc n  set A = (n  set (preSuc A))"
  by (induction A) (auto simp: split: nat.splits)

lemma FEval_cong: "(x  set (fv A). e1 x = e2 x)  FEval MI e1 A = FEval MI e2 A"
proof (induction A arbitrary: e1 e2)
  case (PAtom x1 x2)
  then show ?case
    by (metis FEval.simps(1) fv.simps(1) map_cong)
  case (NAtom x1 x2)
  then show ?case
    by simp (metis list.map_cong0)
  case (FConj A1 A2)
  then show ?case 
    by simp blast
  case (FDisj A1 A2)
  then show ?case
    by simp blast
  case (FAll A)
  then show ?case
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) FEval.simps(5) Nitpick.case_nat_unfold One_nat_def Suc_pred fv.simps(5) gr0I preSuc)
  case (FEx A)
  then show ?case
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) FEval.simps(6) Nitpick.case_nat_unfold One_nat_def Suc_pred fv.simps(6) gr0I preSuc)

primrec SEval :: "model  env  form list  bool"
  "SEval m e [] = False"
| "SEval m e (x#xs) = (FEval m e x  SEval m e xs)"

lemma SEval_def2: "SEval m e s = (f. f  set s  FEval m e f)"
  by (induct s) auto

lemma SEval_append: "SEval m e (xs@ys)  SEval m e xs  SEval m e ys"
  by (induct xs) auto

lemma SEval_cong: "(x  set (sfv s). e1 x = e2 x)  SEval m e1 s = SEval m e2 s"
proof (induction s)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a s)
  then show ?case
    by (metis SEval.simps(2) FEval_cong Un_iff sfv_cons set_append)

  is_env :: "model  env  bool"
    where "is_env MI e  (x. e x  (fst MI))"

  Svalid :: "form list  bool" 
    where "Svalid s  (MI e. is_env MI e  SEval MI e s)"

subsection "Soundness"

lemma FEval_subst: "(FEval MI e (subst f A)) = (FEval MI (e  f) A)"
proof -
  have §: "(case bump f k of 0  m | Suc x  e x) = 
           (case k of 0  m | Suc n  e (f n))" 
    if "m  fst MI" for m k e f
    using that by (simp add: bump_def split: nat.splits)
  show ?thesis
  proof (induction A arbitrary: e f)
    case (FAll A)
    with § show ?case by simp
    case (FEx A)
    with § show ?case by simp
  qed (use FEval.simps in auto)

lemma FEval_finst: "FEval mo e (finst A u) = FEval mo (case_nat (e u) e) A"
proof -
  have "(e  case_nat u (λn. n)) = (case_nat (e u) e)"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff split: nat.splits)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: FEval_subst finst_def)

lemma sound_FAll:
  assumes "u  set (sfv (FAll f # s))"
    and "Svalid (s @ [finst f u])"
  shows "Svalid (FAll f # s)"
proof -
  have "SEval (M,I) e (FAll f # s)"
    if e: "is_env (M,I) e" for M I e
  proof -
    consider "SEval (M, I) e s" | "FEval (M, I) e (finst f u)" "¬ SEval (M, I) e s"
      using SEval_append Svalid_def assms e by fastforce
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case 1
      then show ?thesis
        by auto
      case 2
      have "FEval (M, I) (case_nat m e) f"
        if "m  M" for m
      proof -
        have "FEval (M, I) (case_nat ((e(u := m)) u) (e(u := m))) f" (is ?P)
          using assms e m  M 2
          apply (simp add: Svalid_def SEval_append is_env_def FEval_finst sfv_cons)
          by (smt (verit, best) SEval_cong fun_upd_apply)
        moreover have "?P = FEval (M, I) (case_nat m e) f"
          using assms
          by (intro FEval_cong strip) (auto simp: sfv_cons split: nat.splits)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by auto
      then show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: SEval_append 2)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (simp add: Svalid_def)

lemma sound_FEx: "Svalid (s@[finst f u,FEx f])  Svalid (FEx f#s)"
  unfolding Svalid_def
  by (metis FEval.simps(6) FEval_finst SEval.simps SEval_append is_env_def)

lemma inj_inc: "inj inc"
  by (simp add: Prover.inc_def inj_def)

lemma finite_inc: "finite (inc ` X) = finite X"
  by (metis finite_imageD finite_imageI inj_def inj_inc inj_on_def)

lemma finite_deriv_deriv: "finite (deriv s)  finite  (deriv ` {w. ¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns s)  w  set (subs s)})"
  by simp

  init :: "nseq  bool" where
  "init s = (x  (set s). fst x = 0)"

  is_FEx :: "form  bool" where
  "is_FEx f = (case f of
      PAtom p vs  False
    | NAtom p vs  False
    | FConj f g  False
    | FDisj f g  False
    | FAll f  False
    | FEx f  True)"

lemma is_FEx[simp]: "¬ is_FEx (PAtom p vs)
   ¬ is_FEx (NAtom p vs)
   ¬ is_FEx (FConj f g)
   ¬ is_FEx (FDisj f g)
   ¬ is_FEx (FAll f)"
  by(force simp: is_FEx_def)

lemma index0: "init s; (n, u)  deriv s; (m, A)  set u; ¬ is_FEx A  m = 0"
proof(induction n arbitrary: u)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    using init_def by auto
  case (Suc n)
  then obtain y where y: "(n, y)  deriv s" "u  set (subs y)" "¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns y)"
    using deriv_downwards by blast
  have ?case if "y = Cons (a,b) list" for a b list
    using that y Cons Suc 
    by (fastforce simp: is_FEx_def split: form.splits if_splits)
  then show ?case
    using Suc y
    by (metis empty_iff list.set(1) neq_Nil_conv set_ConsD subs.simps(1)

lemma soundness':
  assumes "init s" "y u. (y, u)  deriv s  y  m"
  shows "h = m-n; (n, t)  deriv s  Svalid (s_of_ns t)"
proof (induction h arbitrary: n t)
  case 0
  show ?case
  proof (cases "m=n")
    case True
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "is_axiom (s_of_ns t)")
      case True
      then have *: "is_axiom (map snd t)"
        using s_of_ns_def by force
      have ?thesis if "t = Cons u v" for u v
        using * that 0
        by (simp add: Svalid_def SEval_def2 s_of_ns_def) (metis FEval.simps(1,2))
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis True is_axiom.simps(1) list.exhaust list.simps(8) s_of_ns_def)
      case False
      with "0.prems" True assms show ?thesis
        by (metis deriv_upwards not_less_eq_eq)
    case False
    with "0.prems" assms show ?thesis by force
  case (Suc h)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "is_axiom (s_of_ns t)")
    case True
    have "SEval (M, I) e (map snd ((u, v) # list))"
      if "t = (u, v) # list" "is_env (M, I) e" for u v list M I e
      using that SEval_def2 True s_of_ns_def by fastforce
    with True show ?thesis
      unfolding Svalid_def s_of_ns_def
      by (metis Nil_is_map_conv is_axiom.simps(1) list.exhaust surjective_pairing)
    case False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases t)
      case Nil
      with Suc assms show ?thesis
        apply simp
        by (metis Suc_leD deriv.step diff_Suc_Suc diff_diff_cancel diff_le_self
            list.set_intros(1) subs.simps(1))
      case (Cons u v)
      have ?thesis if "u = (M,fm)" for M fm 
        using that
      proof (induction fm)
        case (PAtom p vs)
        then have "(Suc n, v @ [(0, PAtom p vs)])  deriv s"
          using False Suc.prems local.Cons patom by blast
        with PAtom show ?case
          using Suc.IH [of "Suc n" "v @ [(0, PAtom p vs)]"] Suc.prems
          by (fastforce simp: Svalid_def SEval_append Cons s_of_ns_def)
        case (NAtom p vs)
        then have "(Suc n, v @ [(0, NAtom p vs)])  deriv s"
          using False Suc.prems local.Cons natom by blast
        with NAtom show ?case
          using Suc.IH [of "Suc n" "v @ [(0, NAtom p vs)]"] Suc.prems
          by (fastforce simp: Svalid_def SEval_append Cons s_of_ns_def)
        case (FConj fm1 fm2)
        then obtain "(Suc n, v @ [(0, fm1)])  deriv s" "(Suc n, v @ [(0, fm2)])  deriv s"
          using Suc.prems local.Cons by force
        with FConj show ?case
          using Suc.IH [of "Suc n" "v @ [(0, fm1)]"] Suc.prems
          using Suc.IH [of "Suc n" "v @ [(0, fm2)]"] assms
          apply (simp add: Cons s_of_ns_def Svalid_def SEval_append)
          by (metis Suc_diff_le diff_Suc_1' diff_Suc_Suc)
        case (FDisj fm1 fm2)
        then have "(Suc n, v @ [(0, fm1),(0, fm2)])  deriv s"
          using Suc.prems local.Cons by force
        with FDisj show ?case
          using Suc.IH [of "Suc n" "v @ [(0, fm1),(0, fm2)]"] Suc.prems assms
          apply (simp add: Cons s_of_ns_def Svalid_def SEval_append)
          by (metis Suc_diff_le diff_Suc_1' diff_Suc_Suc)
        case (FAll fm)
        then have "M=0"
          using Suc.prems index0 Cons assms by force
        have "newvar (sfv (s_of_ns t))  set (sfv (s_of_ns t))"
          by (simp add: newvar)
        with FAll M=0 show ?case
          using Suc.IH [of "Suc n" "v @ [(0, finst fm (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns t))))]"] Suc.prems
          by (force simp: Cons s_of_ns_def fall sound_FAll)
        case (FEx fm)
        then have "(Suc n, v @ [(0, finst fm M), (Suc M, FEx fm)])  deriv s"
          using Suc.prems local.Cons by auto
        with FEx Suc have "Svalid (s_of_ns (v@[(0,finst fm M), (Suc M, FEx fm)]))"
          by (metis diff_Suc
        with FEx show ?case
          by (simp add: local.Cons s_of_ns_def sound_FEx)
      then show ?thesis
        using surjective_pairing by blast

lemma s_of_ns_inverse[simp]: "s_of_ns (ns_of_s s) = s"
  by (induct s) (simp_all add: s_of_ns_def ns_of_s_def)

lemma soundness: 
  assumes "finite (deriv (ns_of_s s))" shows "Svalid s"
proof -
  obtain x where x: "x  fst ` deriv (ns_of_s s)" 
    "y. y  fst ` deriv (ns_of_s s)  y  x"
    by (metis assms deriv.init empty_iff finite_imageI image_eqI eq_Max_iff)
  have "Svalid (s_of_ns (ns_of_s s))"
  proof (intro soundness')
    show "init (ns_of_s s)"
    by (simp add: init_def ns_of_s_def)
    fix y u
    assume "(y, u)  deriv (ns_of_s s)"
    with x show "y  x"
      by fastforce
  qed (use assms x in force)+
  then show ?thesis
    by auto

subsection "Contains, Considers"

  "contains" :: "(nat  (nat*nseq))  nat  nform  bool" where
  "contains f n nf  (nf  set (snd (f n)))"

  considers :: "(nat  (nat*nseq))  nat  nform  bool" where
  "considers f n nf  (case snd (f n) of []  False | (x#xs)  x = nf)"

context FailingPath

lemma progress:
  assumes "snd (f n) = a # list"
    shows "zs'. snd (f (Suc n)) = list @ zs'"
proof -
  have "(snd (f (Suc n)))  set (subs (snd (f n)))"
    using is_path_f by blast
  then have ?thesis if "a = (M,I)" for M I
    using assms that
    by (cases I) (auto simp: split: if_splits)
  then show ?thesis
    by fastforce

lemma contains_considers': 
  shows "snd (f n) = xs@y#ys  m zs'. snd (f (n+m)) = y#zs'"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: n ys)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by (metis add.right_neutral append_Nil)
  case (Cons MI v)
  then obtain zs' where "snd (f (Suc n)) = (v @ y # ys) @ zs'"
    using progress Cons.prems
    by (metis append_Cons)
  then show ?case
    by (metis Cons.IH add_Suc_shift append_Cons append_assoc)

lemma contains_considers:
  "contains f n y  (m. considers f (n+m) y)"
  unfolding contains_def considers_def
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) list.simps(5) FailingPath.contains_considers' FailingPath_axioms

lemma contains_propagates_patoms:
 "contains f n (0, PAtom p vs)  contains f (n+q) (0, PAtom p vs)"
proof(induction q)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc q)
  then have §: "¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f (n+q))))"
    using is_path_f' by blast
  then have "infinite (deriv (snd (f (n+q))))"
    by (simp add: Suc.prems(1) is_path_f')
  obtain xs ys where *: "snd (f (n + q)) = xs @ (0, PAtom p vs) # ys"
        "(0, PAtom p vs)  set xs"
    by (meson Prover.contains_def Suc split_list_first)
  have "(0, PAtom p vs)  set (snd (f (Suc (n + q))))"
  proof (cases xs)
    case Nil
    then have "(snd (f (Suc (n + q))))  set (subs (snd (f (n + q))))"
      using Suc.prems(1) is_path_f by blast
    with * Nil show ?thesis
      by (simp split: if_splits)
    case (Cons a list)
    with Suc show ?thesis 
      by (smt (verit, best) * progress append_Cons append_assoc in_set_conv_decomp)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: contains_def)

text ‹The same proof as above›
lemma contains_propagates_natoms:
  "contains f n (0, NAtom p vs)  contains f (n+q) (0, NAtom p vs)"
proof(induction q)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc q)
  then have §: "¬ is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f (n+q))))"
    using is_path_f' by blast
  then have "infinite (deriv (snd (f (n+q))))"
    by (simp add: Suc.prems(1) is_path_f')
  obtain xs ys where *: "snd (f (n + q)) = xs @ (0, NAtom p vs) # ys"
        "(0, NAtom p vs)  set xs"
    by (meson Prover.contains_def Suc split_list_first)
  have "(0, NAtom p vs)  set (snd (f (Suc (n + q))))"
  proof (cases xs)
    case Nil
    then have "(snd (f (Suc (n + q))))  set (subs (snd (f (n + q))))"
      using Suc.prems(1) is_path_f by blast
    with * Nil show ?thesis
      by (simp split: if_splits)
    case (Cons a list)
    with Suc show ?thesis 
      by (smt (verit, best) * progress append_Cons append_assoc in_set_conv_decomp)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: contains_def)
lemma contains_propagates_fconj:
  assumes "contains f n (0, FConj g h)"
    shows "y. contains f (n + y) (0, g)  contains f (n + y) (0, h)"
proof -
  obtain l where l: "considers f (n+l) (0,FConj g h)"
    using assms contains_considers by blast
  then have *: "(snd (f (Suc (n + l))))  set (subs (snd (f (n + l))))"
    using assms(1) is_path_f by blast
  have "contains f (n + (Suc l)) (0, g)  contains f (n + (Suc l)) (0, h)"
  proof (cases "snd (f (n + l))")
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis
      using considers_def l by auto
    case (Cons a list)
    then show ?thesis
      using l * by (auto simp: contains_def considers_def in_set_conv_decomp)
  then show ?thesis ..

lemma contains_propagates_fdisj:
  assumes "contains f n (0, FDisj g h)"
    shows "y. contains f (n + y) (0, g)  contains f (n + y) (0, h)"
proof -
  obtain l where l: "considers f (n+l) (0,FDisj g h)"
    using assms contains_considers by blast
  then obtain a list where *: "snd (f (n + l)) = a # list"
    by (metis considers_def list.simps(4) neq_Nil_conv)
  have **: "snd (f (Suc (n + l)))  set (subs (snd (f (n + l))))"
    using assms is_path_f by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    show "contains f (n + (Suc l)) (0, g)" "contains f (n + (Suc l)) (0, h)"
      using l * ** assms by (auto simp: contains_def considers_def in_set_conv_decomp)

lemma contains_propagates_fall: 
  assumes "contains f n (0, FAll g)"
  shows "y. contains f (Suc(n+y)) (0,finst g (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns (snd (f (n+y)))))))"
proof -
  obtain l where l: "considers f (n+l) (0, FAll g)"
    using assms contains_considers by blast
  then obtain a list where *: "snd (f (n + l)) = a # list"
    by (metis considers_def list.simps(4) neq_Nil_conv)
  have **: "snd (f (Suc (n + l)))  set (subs (snd (f (n + l))))"
    using assms is_path_f by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    show "contains f (Suc (n+l)) (0, finst g (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns (snd (f (n + l)))))))" 
      using l * ** assms by (auto simp: contains_def considers_def in_set_conv_decomp)

lemma contains_propagates_fex: 
  assumes "contains f n (m, FEx g)"
  shows "y. contains f (n + y) (0, finst g m)  contains f (n + y) (Suc m, FEx g)"
proof -
  obtain l where l: "considers f (n+l) (m, FEx g)"
    using assms contains_considers by blast
  then obtain a list where *: "snd (f (n + l)) = a # list"
    by (metis considers_def list.simps(4) neq_Nil_conv)
  have **: "snd (f (Suc (n + l)))  set (subs (snd (f (n + l))))"
    using assms is_path_f by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    show "contains f (n + (Suc l)) (0, finst g m)"
         "contains f (n + (Suc l)) (Suc m, FEx g)" 
      using l * ** by (auto simp: contains_def considers_def in_set_conv_decomp)
  ― ‹also need that if contains one, then contained an original at beginning›
  ― ‹existentials: show that for exists formulae, if Suc m is marker, then there must have been m›
  ― ‹show this by showing that nodes are upwardly closed, i.e. if never contains (m,x), then never contains (Suc m, x), by induction on n›

lemma FEx_downward:
  assumes "init s"
  shows "(Suc m, FEx g)  set (snd (f n))  (n'. (m, FEx g)  set (snd (f n')))"
proof (induction n arbitrary: m)
  case 0
    with inf init_def is_path_f_0 init s 
    show ?case by auto
  case (Suc n)
  note § = Suc assms is_path_f [of "n"]
  have ?case if "f n = (n, Cons (a,fm) list)" for a fm list 
  proof (cases fm)
    case (FEx x6)
    with § that show ?thesis
      by simp (metis list.set_intros(1) snd_conv)
  qed (use § that in auto split: if_splits)
  then show ?case
    by (metis Suc.prems empty_iff is_path_f list.exhaust list.set(1) set_ConsD
        subs.simps(1) split_pairs)
lemma FEx0:
  assumes "init s"
  shows "contains f n (m, FEx g)  (n'. contains f n' (0, FEx g))"
  using assms
  by (induction m arbitrary: n) (auto simp: contains_def dest: FEx_downward)
lemma FEx_upward':
  assumes "contains f n (0, FEx g)"
  shows "n'. contains f n' (m, FEx g)"
  by (induction m; use assms contains_propagates_fex in blast)

  ― ‹FIXME contains and considers aren't buying us much›
lemma FEx_upward: 
  assumes "init s"
    and "contains f n (m, FEx g)"
    shows "n'. contains f n' (0, finst g m')"
proof -
  obtain n' where "contains f n' (m', FEx g)"
    using FEx0 FEx_upward' assms by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using contains_propagates_fex by blast


subsection "Models 2"

axiomatization ntou :: "nat  U"
  where ntou: "inj ntou"  ― ‹assume universe set is infinite›

definition uton :: "U  nat" where "uton = inv ntou"

lemma uton_ntou: "uton (ntou x) = x"
  by (simp add: inv_f_f ntou uton_def)

lemma map_uton_ntou[simp]: "map uton (map ntou xs) = xs"
  by (induct xs, auto simp: uton_ntou) 

lemma ntou_uton: "x  range ntou  ntou (uton x) = x"
  by (simp add: f_inv_into_f uton_def)

subsection "Falsifying Model From Failing Path"

definition model :: "nseq  model" where
  "model s  
    (range ntou, 
     λ p ms. let f = failing_path (deriv s) in
              n m. ¬ contains f n (m,PAtom p (map uton ms)))"

lemma is_env_model_ntou: "is_env (model s) ntou"
  by (simp add: is_env_def model_def)

lemma (in FailingPath) [simp]: 
  "init s; contains f n (m,A); ¬ is_FEx A  m = 0"
  by (metis Prover.contains_def index0 is_path_f' surjective_pairing)

lemma (in FailingPath) model': 
  assumes "init s"
    and A: "h = size A" "contains f n (m, A)" "FEval (model s) ntou A"
  shows "¬ FEval (model s) ntou A"
  using A
proof (induction h arbitrary: A m n rule: less_induct)
  case (less x A m n)
  show ?case
  proof (cases A)
    case (PAtom p vs)
    then show ?thesis
      using f less.prems(2) map_uton_ntou model_def by auto
    case (NAtom p vs)
    with less.prems obtain nN mN nP mP 
        where §: "contains f nN (mN, NAtom p vs)" "contains f nP (mP, PAtom p vs)"
      using f  map_uton_ntou model_def by auto
    then have "mN=0" "mP=0"
      by (auto simp: inf init s)
    then obtain d where d: "considers f (nN+nP+d) (0, PAtom p vs)"
      by (metis "§"(2) add.commute contains_considers contains_propagates_patoms)
    then have "is_axiom (s_of_ns (snd (f (nN+nP+d))))"
      using contains_propagates_natoms § mN = 0 assms
      apply (simp add: s_of_ns_def considers_def image_iff split: list.splits)
      by (metis contains_def form.distinct(1) set_ConsD snd_conv)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: inf is_path_f')
    case (FConj fm1 fm2)
    with less.prems inf init s have "m=0"
      by auto
    then obtain d where "contains f (n+d) (0, fm1)  contains f (n+d) (0, fm2)"
      using FConj inf contains_propagates_fconj less.prems(2) by blast
    with FConj show ?thesis
      using less.IH less.prems(1) by force
    case (FDisj fm1 fm2)
    with less.prems inf init s have "m=0"
      by auto
    then obtain d where "contains f (n+d) (0, fm1)  contains f (n+d) (0, fm2)"
      using FDisj inf contains_propagates_fdisj less.prems(2) by blast
    with FDisj show ?thesis
      using less.IH less.prems(1) by force
    case (FAll fm)
    with less.prems inf init s have "m=0"
      by auto
    then obtain d where
          "contains f (Suc (n+d)) (0, finst fm (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns (snd (f (n+d)))))))"
      using FAll inf contains_propagates_fall less.prems(2) by blast
    with FAll less have "¬ FEval (model s) ntou (finst fm (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns (snd (f (n+d)))))))"
      by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' form.size(11) lessI size_finst zero_less_diff)
    with FAll show ?thesis
      using FEval_finst is_env_def is_env_model_ntou by auto
    case (FEx fm)
    then have "m'. n'. contains f n' (0, finst fm m')"
      using FEx_upward assms less.prems by blast
    with FEx less have "m'. ¬ FEval (model s) ntou (finst fm m')"
      by (metis add.comm_neutral add_Suc_right form.size(12) lessI size_finst)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: FEval_finst FEx model_def)

subsection "Completeness"

― ‹FIXME tidy deriv s so that s consists of formulae only?›
lemma completeness':
  assumes "infinite (deriv s)" "init s" "(m,A)  set s"
  shows "¬ FEval (model s) ntou A"
  by (metis contains_def assms FailingPath.intro FailingPath.is_path_f_0 FailingPath.model' snd_conv)

lemma completeness: 
  assumes "infinite (deriv (ns_of_s s))"
  shows "¬ Svalid s"
proof -
  have "init (ns_of_s s)"
    by(simp add: init_def ns_of_s_def)
  with assms have "A. A  set s  ¬ FEval (model (ns_of_s s)) ntou A"
    unfolding ns_of_s_def using completeness' by fastforce
  with assms show ?thesis
    using SEval_def2 Svalid_def is_env_model_ntou by blast

subsection "Sound and Complete"

lemma "Svalid s = finite (deriv (ns_of_s s))"
  using soundness completeness by blast

subsection "Algorithm"

lemma ex_iter': "(n. R ((g^^n)a)) = (R a  (n. R ((g^^n)(g a))))"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) funpow_0 funpow_Suc_right not0_implies_Suc

    ― ‹version suitable for computation›
lemma ex_iter: "(n. R ((g^^n)a)) = (if R a then True else (n. R ((g^^n)(g a))))"
  by (metis ex_iter')

  f :: "nseq list  nat  nseq list" where
  "f s n  ((λ x. concat (map subs x))^^n) s"

lemma f_upwards: "f s n = []  f s (n+m) = []"
  by (induction m) (auto simp: f_def)

lemma f: "((n,x)  deriv s) = (x  set (f [s] n))"
unfolding f_def
proof (induction n arbitrary: x)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: deriv.simps[of "Suc n"])

lemma deriv_f: "deriv s = (x. set (map (Pair x) (f [s] x)))"
  using f by (auto simp: set_eq_iff)

lemma finite_deriv: "finite (deriv s)  (m. f [s] m = [])"
  assume "finite (deriv s)"
  then obtain N where m: "N  fst ` deriv s" "k. k  fst ` deriv s  k  N"
    by (metis deriv0 empty_iff finite_imageI image_is_empty eq_Max_iff)
  then have "f [s] (Suc N) = []"
    by (metis Suc_n_not_le_n f image_eqI list.exhaust list.set_intros(1)
  then show "m. f [s] m = []" ..
  assume "m. f [s] m = []"
  then obtain m where "f [s] m = []" ..
  then have "d. f [s] (m+d) = []"
    using f_upwards by blast
  then show "finite (deriv s)"
    by (metis empty_iff f list.set(1) FailingPath.is_path_f FailingPath_def surjective_pairing)

definition prove' :: "nseq list  bool" where
  "prove' s = (m. ((λ x. concat (map subs x))^^m) s = [])"

lemma prove': "prove' l = (if l = [] then True else prove' ((λ x. concat (map subs x)) l))"
  by (simp add: eq_Nil_null ex_iter prove'_def)
    ― ‹this is the main claim for efficiency- we have a tail recursive implementation via this lemma›

definition prove :: "nseq  bool" where "prove s = prove' ([s])"

lemma finite_deriv_prove: "finite (deriv s) = prove s"
  by (simp add: finite_deriv prove_def prove'_def f_def)

subsection "Computation"

  ― ‹a sample formula to prove›
lemma "(x. A x  B x)  ( (x. B x)  (x. A x))" 
  by blast

  ― ‹convert to our form›
lemma "((x. A x  B x)  ( (x. B x)  (x. A x)))
  = ( (x. ¬ A x  ¬ B x)  ( (x. B x)  (x. A x)))" 
  by blast 

definition my_f :: "form" where
  "my_f = FDisj 
  (FAll (FConj (NAtom 0 [0]) (NAtom 1 [0])))
  (FDisj (FEx (PAtom 1 [0])) (FEx (PAtom 0 [0])))"

  ― ‹we compute by rewriting›

lemma membership_simps:
  "x  set []  False"
  "x  set (y # ys)  x = y  x  set ys"
  by simp_all

lemmas ss = list.inject if_True if_False concat.simps
  sfv_def filter.simps snd_conv form.simps finst_def s_of_ns_def
  Let_def newvar_def subs.simps split_beta append_Nil append_Cons
  subst.simps nat.simps fv.simps maxvar.simps preSuc.simps simp_thms

lemmas prove'_Nil = prove' [of "[]", simplified]
lemmas prove'_Cons = prove' [of "x#l", simplified] for x l

lemma search: "finite (deriv [(0,my_f)])"
  unfolding my_f_def finite_deriv_prove prove_def prove'_Nil prove'_Cons ss
  by (simp add: prove'_Nil)

abbreviation Sprove :: "form list  bool" where "Sprove  prove  ns_of_s"

abbreviation check :: "form  bool" where "check formula  Sprove [formula]"

abbreviation valid :: "form  bool" where "valid formula  Svalid [formula]"

theorem "check = valid" using soundness completeness finite_deriv_prove by auto

ML fun max x y = if x > y then x else y;

fun concat [] = []
  | concat (a::list) = a @ (concat list);

type pred = int;

type var = int;

datatype form = 
    PAtom of pred * (var list)
  | NAtom of pred * (var list)
  | FConj of form * form
  | FDisj of form * form
  | FAll  of form
  | FEx   of form;

fun preSuc [] = []
  | preSuc (a::list) = if a = 0 then preSuc list else (a-1)::(preSuc list);

fun fv (PAtom (_,vs)) = vs
  | fv (NAtom (_,vs)) = vs
  | fv (FConj (f,g)) = (fv f) @ (fv g)
  | fv (FDisj (f,g)) = (fv f) @ (fv g)
  | fv (FAll f) = preSuc (fv f)
  | fv (FEx f)  = preSuc (fv f);

fun subst r (PAtom (p,vs)) = PAtom (p,map r vs)
  | subst r (NAtom (p,vs)) = NAtom (p,map r vs)
  | subst r (FConj (f,g)) = FConj (subst r f,subst r g)
  | subst r (FDisj (f,g)) = FDisj (subst r f,subst r g)
  | subst r (FAll f) = FAll (subst (fn 0 => 0 | v => (r (v-1))+1) f)
  | subst r (FEx f)  = FEx  (subst (fn 0 => 0 | v => (r (v-1))+1) f);

fun finst body w = subst (fn 0 => w | v => v-1) body;

fun s_of_ns ns = map (fn (_,y) => y) ns;

fun ns_of_s s = map (fn y => (0,y)) s;

fun sfv s = concat (map fv s);

fun maxvar [] = 0
  | maxvar (a::list) = max a (maxvar list);

fun newvar vs = if vs = [] then 0 else (maxvar vs)+1;

fun test [] _ = false
  | test ((_,y)::list) z = if y = z then true else test list z;

fun subs [] = [[]]
  | subs (x::xs) = let val (n,f') = x in case f' of
      PAtom (p,vs) => if test xs (NAtom (p,vs)) then [] else [xs @ [(0,PAtom (p,vs))]]
    | NAtom (p,vs) => if test xs (PAtom (p,vs)) then [] else [xs @ [(0,NAtom (p,vs))]]
    | FConj (f,g) => [xs @ [(0,f)],xs @ [(0,g)]]
    | FDisj (f,g) => [xs @ [(0,f),(0,g)]]
    | FAll f => [xs @ [(0,finst f (newvar (sfv (s_of_ns (x::xs)))))]]
    | FEx f  => [xs @ [(0,finst f n),(n+1,f')]]

fun step s = concat (map subs s);

fun prove' s = if s = [] then true else prove' (step s);

fun prove s = prove' [s];

fun check f = (prove o ns_of_s) [f];

val my_f = FDisj (
  (FAll (FConj ((NAtom (0,[0])), (NAtom (1,[0])))),
  (FDisj ((FEx ((PAtom (1,[0])))), (FEx (PAtom (0,[0])))))));

check my_f;
