Theory ServiceExample
section ‹Instantiating Our Secure Service Example›
text ‹
In the following, we briefly present an instantiations of our secure service example
from the last section. We assume three different members of the health care staff and
two patients:
subsection ‹Access Control Configuration›
definition alice :: user where "alice = 1"
definition bob :: user where "bob = 2"
definition charlie :: user where "charlie = 3"
definition patient1 :: patient where "patient1 = 5"
definition patient2 :: patient where "patient2 = 6"
definition UC0 :: υ where
"UC0 = Map.empty(alice↦Nurse, bob↦ClinicalPractitioner, charlie↦Clerical)"
definition entry1 :: entry where
"entry1 = (Open,alice, dummyContent)"
definition entry2 :: entry where
"entry2 = (Closed,bob, dummyContent)"
definition entry3 :: entry where
"entry3 = (Closed,alice, dummyContent)"
definition SCR1 :: SCR where
"SCR1 = (Map.empty(1↦entry1))"
definition SCR2 :: SCR where
"SCR2 = (Map.empty)"
definition Spine0 :: DB where
"Spine0 = Map.empty(patient1↦SCR1, patient2↦SCR2)"
definition LR1 :: LR where
"LR1 =(Map.empty(1↦{alice}))"
definition Σ0 :: Σ where
"Σ0 = (Map.empty(patient1↦LR1))"
subsection ‹The Initial System State›
definition σ0 :: "DB × Σ×υ" where
"σ0 = (Spine0,Σ0,UC0)"
subsection‹Basic Properties›
lemma [simp]: "(case a of allow d ⇒ ⌊X⌋ | deny d2 ⇒ ⌊Y⌋) = ⊥ ⟹ False"
by (case_tac a,simp_all)
lemma [cong,simp]:
"((if hasLR urp1_alice 1 Σ0 then ⌊allow ()⌋ else ⌊deny ()⌋) = ⊥) = False"
by (simp)
lemmas MonSimps = valid_SE_def unit_SE_def bind_SE_def
lemmas Psplits = option.splits unit.splits prod.splits decision.splits
lemmas PolSimps = valid_SE_def unit_SE_def bind_SE_def if_splits policy2MON_def
SE_LR_RBAC_ST_Policy_def map_add_def id_def LRsimps prod_2_def RBACPolicy_def
SE_LR_Policy_def SEPolicy_def RBAC_def deleteEntrySE_def editEntrySE_def
readEntrySE_def σ0_def Σ0_def UC0_def patient1_def patient2_def LR1_def
alice_def bob_def charlie_def get_entry_def SE_LR_RBAC_Policy_def Allow_def
Deny_def dom_restrict_def policy_range_comp_def prod_orA_def prod_orD_def
ST_Allow_def ST_Deny_def Spine0_def SCR1_def SCR2_def entry1_def entry2_def
entry3_def FunPolicy_def SE_LR_FUN_Policy_def o_def image_def UPFDefs
lemma "SE_LR_RBAC_Policy ((createSCR alice Clerical patient1),σ0)= Some (deny ())"
by (simp add: PolSimps)
lemma exBool[simp]: "∃a::bool. a"
by auto
lemma deny_allow[simp]: " ⌊deny ()⌋ ∉ Some ` range allow"
by auto
lemma allow_deny[simp]: " ⌊allow ()⌋ ∉ Some ` range deny"
by auto
text‹Policy as monad. Alice using her first urp can read the SCR of patient1.›
"(σ0 ⊨ (os ← mbind [(createSCR alice Clerical patient1)] (PolMon);
(return (os = [(deny (Out) )]))))"
by (simp add: PolMon_def MonSimps PolSimps)
text‹Presenting her other urp, she is not allowed to read it.›
lemma "SE_LR_RBAC_Policy ((appendEntry alice Clerical patient1 ei d),σ0)= ⌊deny ()⌋"
by (simp add: PolSimps)