Theory Density_Matrix_Basics

  Mnacho Echenim, Université Grenoble Alpes
  Mehdi Mhalla, Université Grenoble Alpes
  Coraline Mori, Grenoble INP-Ensimag, UGA

theory Density_Matrix_Basics 

section ‹On density matrices›

subsection ‹Density matrix characterization›
text ‹Density matrices are defined as positive operators with trace 1, we prove in this
section that they are exactly the convex combinations of pure states.›

lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) mixed_state_density_operator:
  assumes "i. i  {..< (n::nat)}  0  p i"
  and "sum p {..< n} = 1"
  and "i. i   {..< n}  dim_vec (v i) = dimR"
  and "i. i   {..< n}  v i = 1"
shows "density_operator (sum_mat (λ i. (p i)  m (rank_1_proj (v i))) {..< n})"
  unfolding density_operator_def
  have car: "i. i  {..< n}  rank_1_proj (v i)  fc_mats" 
    using assms rank_1_proj_carrier fc_mats_carrier dim_eq
    by metis
  show "Complex_Matrix.positive (sum_mat (λi. p i m rank_1_proj (v i)) 
    {..< n})"
  proof (rule sum_mat_positive)
    show "finite {..< n}" by simp
    show "i. i  {..< n}  p i m rank_1_proj (v i)  fc_mats" using car
      by (simp add: cpx_sq_mat_smult) 
    show "i. i  {..< n}  Complex_Matrix.positive (p i m rank_1_proj (v i))"
    proof -
      fix i
      assume "i {..< n}"
      show "Complex_Matrix.positive (p i m rank_1_proj (v i))"
      proof (rule positive_smult)
        show  "Complex_Matrix.positive (rank_1_proj (v i))" using i {..< n}
          by (simp add: assms rank_1_proj_positive)
        show "0  p i" using assms i {..< n} by simp
        show "rank_1_proj (v i)  carrier_mat dimR dimR" 
          using i {..< n} car fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
  have "Complex_Matrix.trace (sum_mat (λi. p i m rank_1_proj (v i)) {..< n})= 
    sum (λi. Complex_Matrix.trace (p i m rank_1_proj (v i))) {..< n}"
  proof (rule trace_sum_mat)
    show "finite {..< n}" by simp 
    show "i. i  {..< n}  p i m rank_1_proj (v i)  fc_mats" using car
      by (simp add: cpx_sq_mat_smult) 
  also have "... = sum (λi. p i * Complex_Matrix.trace (rank_1_proj (v i))) 
    {..< n}"
  proof (rule sum.cong)
    fix i
    assume "i{..< n}" 
    show "Complex_Matrix.trace (p i m rank_1_proj (v i)) = 
      p i * Complex_Matrix.trace (rank_1_proj (v i))"
    proof (rule trace_smult)
      show "rank_1_proj (v i)  carrier_mat dimR dimR" 
        using i {..< n} car fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
  qed simp
  also have "... = sum (λi. p i) {..< n}"
  proof (rule sum.cong)
    fix i
    assume "i{..< n}"
    thus "p i * Complex_Matrix.trace (rank_1_proj (v i)) = p i" 
      using assms rank_1_proj_trace by simp
  qed simp
  also have "... = 1" using assms by simp
  finally show "Complex_Matrix.trace 
    (sum_mat (λi. p i m rank_1_proj (v i)) {..< n}) = 1" .

lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) density_operator_mixed_state:
  assumes "R fc_mats"
  and "density_operator R"
shows " p v (n::nat). (i{..< n}. 0  p i)  
  (i  {..< n}. dim_vec (v i) = dimR) 
  (i  {..< n}. v i = 1)  (sum p {..< n} = 1)  
  (R = sum_mat (λ i. (p i)  m (rank_1_proj (v i))) {..< n})"
proof -
  have "R carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
  have "0 < dimR" using npos .
  moreover have "hermitian R" using assms positive_is_hermitian 
    unfolding density_operator_def by simp
  moreover have "R carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq 
    by simp
  ultimately obtain B U where rdd: "real_diag_decomp R B U" 
    using hermitian_real_diag_decomp by blast
  hence "unitary_diag R B U" by simp
  hence "dim_row B = dimR"
    using assms dim_eq fc_mats_carrier unitary_diag_carrier(1) by blast 
  define p where "p = (λi. diag_mat B!i)"
  define v where "v = (λi. Matrix.col U i)"
  have "i{..< dimR}. 0  p i" 
    fix i
    assume "i  {..< dimR}"
    have "0  B$$(i,i)" 
    proof (rule positive_unitary_diag_pos)
      show "R carrier_mat dimR dimR" using R  carrier_mat dimR dimR .
      show "Complex_Matrix.positive R" 
        using  assms unfolding density_operator_def by simp
      show "unitary_diag R B U" using rdd by simp
      show "i < dimR" using i {..< dimR} by simp
    also have "... = p i" 
      using dim_row B = dimR i {..< dimR} 
      unfolding p_def diag_mat_def by simp
    finally show "0  p i" .
  moreover have "i  {..< dimR}. dim_vec (v i) = dimR"
    using unitary_diag R B U assms(1) dim_col dim_eq fc_mats_carrier 
      unitary_diag_carrier(2) v_def by blast
  moreover have "i  {..< dimR}. v i = 1" 
    fix i
    assume "i  {..< dimR}"
    show "v i = 1" unfolding v_def
    proof (rule unitary_col_norm)
      show "i < dimR" using i {..< dimR} by simp
      show "Complex_Matrix.unitary U" 
        using rdd unitary_diag R B U unitary_diagD(3) by blast
      show "U  carrier_mat dimR dimR"
        using R  carrier_mat dimR dimR unitary_diag R B U 
          unitary_diag_carrier(2) by auto
  moreover have "sum p {..< dimR} = 1" using unitarily_equiv_trace'
    have "sum p {..< dimR} = (i = 0..<dim_row R. B $$ (i, i))"
    proof (rule sum.cong)
      show "{..<dimR} = {0..<dim_row R}"
        using R  carrier_mat dimR dimR by auto 
      show "x. x  {0..<dim_row R}  p x = B $$ (x, x)"
        using dim_row B = dimR R  carrier_mat dimR dimR 
        unfolding p_def diag_mat_def by auto
    also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace R" 
      using unitarily_equiv_trace' R  carrier_mat dimR dimR
      by (metis unitary_diag R B U unitary_diag_imp_unitarily_equiv) 
    also have "... = 1" using assms unfolding density_operator_def by simp
    finally show ?thesis .
  moreover have "R = sum_mat (λ i. (p i)  m (rank_1_proj (v i))) {..< dimR}" 
    unfolding p_def v_def 
  proof  (rule sum_decomp_cols[symmetric])
    show "R fc_mats" using assms by simp
    show "unitary_diag R B U" using unitary_diag R B U .
    show "hermitian R" using assms positive_is_hermitian 
      unfolding density_operator_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) density_operator_iff_mixed_state:
  assumes "R fc_mats"
  shows "density_operator R  
    ( p v (n::nat). (i{..< n}. 0  p i)  
      (i  {..< n}. dim_vec (v i) = dimR) 
      (i  {..< n}. v i = 1)  (sum p {..< n} = 1)  
      (R = sum_mat (λ i. (p i)  m (rank_1_proj (v i))) {..< n}))" (is "?L  ?R")
  show "?L  ?R" using density_operator_mixed_state[OF  assms] by simp
  show "?R  ?L" 
  proof -
    assume "p v (n::nat). (i{..<n}. 0  p i) 
       (i{..<n}. dim_vec (v i) = dimR)  (i{..<n}. v i = 1)  
      sum p {..<n} = 1  R = sum_mat (λi. p i m rank_1_proj (v i)) {..<n}"
    from this obtain n p v where "i. i{..<(n::nat)}  0  p i" and 
      "i{..<n}. dim_vec (v i) = dimR" and "i{..<n}. v i = 1" and 
      "sum p {..<n} = 1" and 
      "R = sum_mat (λi. p i m rank_1_proj (v i)) {..<n}" by auto note npv = this
    thus "density_operator R" using npv mixed_state_density_operator by auto 

subsection ‹Separable density matrices›

text ‹We define the notion of a separable density matrix: this is a matrix of the form
$\sum_{i = 1}^n p_i \rho^i_A\otimes \rho^i_B$, where the $p_i$s are positive and sum
up to 1. ›

definition separately_decomposes where
"separately_decomposes R (n::nat) nA nB K F S  
   (a< n. (0::complex)  (complex_of_real (K a))  
     F a carrier_mat nA nA  S a  carrier_mat nB nB 
    density_operator (F a)  density_operator (S a))  0 < nA * nB 
    sum K {..< n} = 1  R = fixed_carrier_mat.sum_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB) 
      (λa. K a m ((F a)  (S a))) {..< n}"

definition separable_density where
"separable_density nA nB R  
   (n::nat) K F S. separately_decomposes R n nA nB K F S"

lemma separately_decomposes_carrier:
  assumes "separately_decomposes R (n::nat) nA nB K F S"
  and "0 < nA"
  and "0 < nB"
shows "R  carrier_mat (nA*nB) (nA*nB)"
proof -
  define fc::"complex Matrix.mat set" 
  where "fc = carrier_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB)"
  interpret cpx_sq_mat "nA * nB" "nA * nB" fc
    show "fc = carrier_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB)" using fc_def by simp
    show "0 < nA * nB" using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def 
      by simp
  qed simp
  have  car: "a. a  {..<n}  F a  S a  fc"
  proof -
    fix a
    assume "a {..< n}"
    hence "F a  carrier_mat nA nA" "S a carrier_mat nB nB" 
      using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def by auto
    thus "F a  S a  fc" using tensor_mat_carrier unfolding fc_def
      by (metis carrier_matD(1) carrier_matD(2)) 
  have "R = sum_mat (λa. K a m ((F a)  (S a))) {..< n}"
    using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def by simp
  also have "... carrier_mat (nA*nB) (nA*nB)"
  proof (rule sum_mat_carrier)
    show "i. i  {..<n}  K i m (F i  S i)  fc" using car
      by (simp add: smult_mem)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma separately_decomposes_carrier_pos:
  assumes "separately_decomposes R n nA nB K F S"
  shows "0 < nA" "0 < nB" 
  using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def by auto

lemma separable_density_carrier:
  assumes "separable_density nA nB R"
  and "0 < nA"
  and "0 < nB"
shows "R  carrier_mat (nA*nB) (nA*nB)"
proof -
  have "n K F S. separately_decomposes R n nA nB K F S"
    using assms unfolding separable_density_def by simp
  from this obtain n K F S where 
    "separately_decomposes R n nA nB K F S" by auto 
  note props = this  
  thus ?thesis using separately_decomposes_carrier assms by simp
lemma separately_decomposes_trace:
  assumes "separately_decomposes R n nA nB K F S"
  shows "Complex_Matrix.trace R = 1"
proof -
  define fc::"complex Matrix.mat set" 
    where "fc = carrier_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB)"
  interpret cpx_sq_mat "nA * nB" "nA * nB" fc
    show "fc = carrier_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB)" using fc_def by simp
    show "0 < nA * nB" using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def 
      by simp
  qed simp
  have  car: "a. a  {..<n}  F a  S a  fc"
  proof -
    fix a
    assume "a {..< n}"
    hence "F a  carrier_mat nA nA" "S a carrier_mat nB nB" 
      using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def by auto
    thus "F a  S a  fc" using tensor_mat_carrier unfolding fc_def
      by (metis carrier_matD(1) carrier_matD(2)) 
  have adev: "a < n. Complex_Matrix.trace (K a m ((F a)  (S a))) =
    K a * (Complex_Matrix.trace (F a) * Complex_Matrix.trace (S a))" 
  proof (intro allI impI)
    fix a
    assume "a < n"
    have "Complex_Matrix.trace (K a m ((F a)  (S a))) =
      K a * Complex_Matrix.trace ((F a)  (S a))" 
    proof (rule trace_smult) 
      show "F a  S a  carrier_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB)" using car a < n
        by (simp add: fc_def)
    also have "... = K a * (Complex_Matrix.trace (F a) * 
      Complex_Matrix.trace (S a))"
    proof -
      have "Complex_Matrix.trace ((F a)  (S a)) = 
        Complex_Matrix.trace (F a) * Complex_Matrix.trace (S a)"
        using tensor_mat_trace assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def
        by (meson a < n nat_0_less_mult_iff)
      thus ?thesis by simp
    finally show "Complex_Matrix.trace (K a m ((F a)  (S a))) =
      K a * (Complex_Matrix.trace (F a) * Complex_Matrix.trace (S a))" .
  have "Complex_Matrix.trace R = 
    Complex_Matrix.trace (sum_mat (λa. K a m ((F a)  (S a))) {..< n})"
    using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def by simp
  also have "... = 
    sum (λa. Complex_Matrix.trace (K a m ((F a)  (S a)))) {..< n}"    
  proof (rule trace_sum_mat)
    show "a. a  {..<n}  K a m (F a  S a)  fc" 
      using car cpx_sq_mat_smult by auto 
  qed simp
  also have "... = 
    sum (λa. K a * (Complex_Matrix.trace (F a)* Complex_Matrix.trace (S a))) 
      {..< n}" using adev by simp
  also have "... = sum (λa. K a) {..< n}" 
  proof -
    have "a < n. Complex_Matrix.trace (F a)* Complex_Matrix.trace (S a) = 1"
    proof (intro allI impI)
      fix a
      assume "a < n"
      thus "Complex_Matrix.trace (F a) * Complex_Matrix.trace (S a) = 1"
        using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def  
        by (metis density_operator_def lambda_one) 
    thus ?thesis by simp
  also have "... = 1" using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def  
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma separately_decomposes_positive:
  assumes "separately_decomposes R  n nA nB K F S"
  and "0 < nA"
  and "0 < nB"
  shows "Complex_Matrix.positive R"
proof -
  define fc::"complex Matrix.mat set" 
    where "fc = carrier_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB)"
  interpret cpx_sq_mat "nA * nB" "nA * nB" fc
    show "fc = carrier_mat (nA * nB) (nA * nB)" using fc_def by simp
    show "0 < nA * nB" using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def 
      by simp
  qed simp
  have ac: "a{..<n}.(F a  S a)  fc"
    fix a
    assume "a {..< n}"
    hence "F a  carrier_mat nA nA" "S a carrier_mat nB nB" 
      using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def by auto
    thus "F a  S a  fc" using tensor_mat_carrier unfolding fc_def
      by (metis carrier_matD(1) carrier_matD(2))
  have "Complex_Matrix.positive (sum_mat (λa. K am(F a  (S a))) {..< n})"
  proof (rule sum_mat_positive)
    show "a. a{..<n}  K a m (F a  S a)  fc" 
      using ac by (simp add: cpx_sq_mat_smult)
    show "i. i{..<n}  Complex_Matrix.positive (K i m (F i  S i))"
    proof -
      fix i
      assume "i  {..< n}"
      show "Complex_Matrix.positive (K i m (F i  S i))"
      proof (rule positive_smult)
        show "F i  S i  carrier_mat (nA*nB) (nA*nB)" 
          using i  {..< n} ac fc_def by simp
        show "0  complex_of_real (K i)" using i  {..< n} assms 
          unfolding separately_decomposes_def by simp
        show "Complex_Matrix.positive (F i  S i)"
        proof (rule tensor_mat_positive)
          show "0 < nA" using assms by simp
          show "0 < nB" using assms by simp
          show "F i  carrier_mat nA nA" using i  {..< n} assms
            unfolding separately_decomposes_def by simp
          show "S i  carrier_mat nB nB" using i  {..< n} assms
            unfolding separately_decomposes_def by simp
          show "Complex_Matrix.positive (F i)" using i  {..< n} assms
            unfolding separately_decomposes_def density_operator_def by simp
          show "Complex_Matrix.positive (S i)" using i  {..< n} assms
            unfolding separately_decomposes_def density_operator_def by simp
  qed simp
  thus ?thesis using assms unfolding separately_decomposes_def by simp

text ‹A separable density matrix is indeed a density matrix:›

lemma separable_density_operator:
  assumes "separable_density nA nB R"
  and "0 < nA"
  and "0 < nB"
  shows "density_operator R" unfolding density_operator_def
  have "n K F S. separately_decomposes R n nA nB K F S"
    using assms unfolding separable_density_def by simp
  from this obtain n K F S where 
    "separately_decomposes R n nA nB K F S" by auto 
  note props = this
  show "Complex_Matrix.positive R" 
    using assms props separately_decomposes_positive
    by metis
  show "Complex_Matrix.trace R = 1" using props separately_decomposes_trace
    by metis

subsection ‹Characterization of pure states›

text ‹A density matrix represents a pure state if it is the rank 1 projection of a single 
vector. These can be characterized either as the density matrices with a square of trace 1,
or as the density matrices that are projectors.›

definition pure_density_operator where
"pure_density_operator R  ( v. R = rank_1_proj v)"

lemma density_pure_single_diag:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "Complex_Matrix.trace A = (1::real)"
  and "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = (1::real)"
  and "unitary_diag A B U"
  and "I = {0 ..< n}"
  and "iI. A $$ (i,i)  0" 
  and "iI. B $$ (i,i)  0"
shows "jI. B $$ (j,j) = 1  (i  I-{j}. B $$ (i,i) = 0)"
proof -
  have "( iI. B $$ (i,i)) = 1" 
    using assms by (smt (verit, best) carrier_matD(1) 
        sum.cong unitarily_equiv_trace' unitary_diag_imp_unitarily_equiv)
  also have "( iI. (B $$ (i,i) * B $$ (i,i))) = 1" 
    using assms squared_A_trace'[of A] by simp
  hence "jI. B $$ (j,j) = 1" using assms pos_square_1_elem[of I "λx.(B $$ (x, x))"]
    using calculation by blast
  from this obtain j where "jI" and "B $$ (j,j) = 1" by auto
  hence "i  (I-{j}). B $$ (i,i) = 0" 
    using assms sum_eq_elmt[of I "λx.(B $$ (x, x))" 1 j]
    using calculation by blast
  thus "jI. B $$ (j,j) = 1  (i  I-{j}. B $$ (i,i) = 0)"
    using B $$ (j, j) = 1 j  I by blast

lemma rank_1_proj_square_trace:
  fixes v::"complex Matrix.vec"
  assumes "A = rank_1_proj v"
  shows "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = v2 * Complex_Matrix.trace A"
proof -
  have "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) =
    Complex_Matrix.trace ((rank_1_proj v) * rank_1_proj v)"
    using assms by simp
  also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace ((inner_prod v v) m (outer_prod v v))"
    using outer_prod_mult_outer_prod
    unfolding rank_1_proj_def
    by (metis carrier_vec_dim_vec)
  also have "... = (inner_prod v v) * Complex_Matrix.trace (outer_prod v v)"
    by (metis rank_1_proj_carrier rank_1_proj_def trace_smult)
  also have "... = v2 * Complex_Matrix.trace (outer_prod v v)"
    using cmod_rvec_norm inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2
      inner_prod_vec_norm_pow2 vec_norm_sq_cpx_vec_length_sq by presburger
  also have "... = v2 * Complex_Matrix.trace A"
    using assms unfolding rank_1_proj_def by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma rank_1_proj_trace':
  assumes "Complex_Matrix.trace (rank_1_proj v) = 1"
  shows "v = 1"
proof -
  have "Complex_Matrix.trace (rank_1_proj v) = inner_prod v v" using trace_outer_prod 
    unfolding rank_1_proj_def using carrier_vecI by blast
  also have "... = (vec_norm v)2" unfolding vec_norm_def using power2_csqrt by presburger
  also have "... = v2" using vec_norm_sq_cpx_vec_length_sq by simp
  finally have "... = 1" using assms by simp
  thus "v = 1"
    by (metis cmod_vec_norm norm_neg_numeral numeral_One of_real_hom.hom_1_iff 
        of_real_hom.hom_uminus one_neq_neg_one power2_eq_1_iff 

lemma density_square_pure:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "density_operator A"
  and "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = 1"
shows "pure_density_operator A"
proof -
  define fc::"complex Matrix.mat set" where "fc = carrier_mat n n"
  interpret cpx_sq_mat n n fc
    show "fc = carrier_mat n n" unfolding fc_def by simp
    show "0 < n" using assms by simp
  qed simp
  have her:"hermitian A" using assms hermitian_def positive_is_hermitian
    by (simp add: density_operator_def)
  from this obtain B U where uni:"real_diag_decomp A B U"
    using assms hermitian_real_diag_decomp[of A]
    by (smt (verit, best) hermitian_decomp_decomp' hermitian_schur_decomp)
  have exj:"j<dim_row A. B $$ (j,j) = 1  (i<dim_row A. ij  B $$ (i,i) = 0)"
  proof (rule positive_square_trace)
    show "A  carrier_mat (dim_row A) (dim_row A)"
      by (simp add: hermitian A hermitian_square)
    show "Complex_Matrix.trace A = complex_of_real 1"
      using assms density_operator_def by simp
    show "Complex_Matrix.trace (A * A) = 1"
      using assms by simp
    show "real_diag_decomp A B U"
      by (simp add: real_diag_decomp A B U)
    show "Complex_Matrix.positive A"
      using assms density_operator_def by simp
    show "0 < dim_row A" using assms npos
      by (metis carrier_matD(1))
  from this obtain j where jdim:"j<dim_row A" and j1:"B $$ (j,j) = 1"
    and ji0:"(i<dim_row A. ij  B $$ (i,i) = 0)" by auto
  have "dim_row B = dim_row A" using real_diag_decomp A B U
        unitarily_equivD real_diag_decomp_def similar_mat_wit_dim_row 
           unitary_diag_imp_unitarily_equiv by blast
  hence "diag_mat B ! j = 1" using j1 jdim
    unfolding diag_mat_def
    by simp
  have insj:"{..< dim_row A} = insert j ({..< dim_row A}-{j})"
    using jdim by blast
  have "A = sum_mat (λi. (diag_mat B ! i) m rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i))
      {..< dim_row A}"
    using assms sum_decomp_cols hermitian A real_diag_decompD(1)
    by (simp add: real_diag_decomp A B U fc_mats_carrier)
  also have "... = (diag_mat B ! j) m rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U j)"
  proof (rule sum_mat_singleton)
    have "i. i < dim_row A  rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i)  fc"
    proof -
      fix i
      assume "i<dim_row A"
      have "dim_vec (Matrix.col U i) = n" using real_diag_decomp A B U assms
        by (metis carrier_matD(1) dim_col fc_mats_carrier 
            real_diag_decompD(1) unitary_diag_carrier(2))
      thus "rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i)  fc" using rank_1_proj_carrier
          fc_mats_carrier dim_eq
        by blast
    thus "(λi. rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i)) ` {..<dim_row A}  fc" by auto
    show "i{..<dim_row A}. i  j  diag_mat B ! i = 0"
    proof (intro ballI impI) 
      fix i
      assume"i {..<dim_row A}"
      and "i  j"
      have "diag_mat B ! i = B $$ (i,i)" using i {..<dim_row A} 
          dim_row B = dim_row A
        unfolding diag_mat_def by simp
      thus "diag_mat B ! i = 0" using ij ji0
        using i  {..<dim_row A} by simp
  qed (auto simp add: jdim)
  also have "... = rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U j)"
    using diag_mat B ! j = 1 by auto
  finally have "A = rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U j)" .
  thus "pure_density_operator A" 
    unfolding pure_density_operator_def by auto

lemma density_square_pure':
  assumes "density_operator A"
  and "A = rank_1_proj v"
shows "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = 1"
proof -
  have "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = v2 * Complex_Matrix.trace A"
    using assms by (simp add: rank_1_proj_square_trace)
  also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace A"
    using rank_1_proj_trace' assms unfolding density_operator_def
    by simp
  also have "... = 1" using assms unfolding density_operator_def
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis by auto

  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "density_operator A"
shows pure_density_charact: 
  "(pure_density_operator A)  (Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = 1)"
and pure_density_charact': 
  "(pure_density_operator A)  (A*A = A)"
proof -
  show "(pure_density_operator A)  (Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = 1)"
  using assms density_square_pure density_square_pure' 
    pure_density_operator_def[of A] by auto
  show "(pure_density_operator A)  (A*A = A)"
    assume "pure_density_operator A"
    hence "v. A = rank_1_proj v" unfolding pure_density_operator_def by simp
    from this obtain v where "A = rank_1_proj v" by auto
    have "1 = Complex_Matrix.trace A" 
      using assms unfolding density_operator_def by simp
    also have "... = v2" using trace_rank_1_proj A = rank_1_proj v by simp
    finally have "v = 1"
      by (simp add: 1 = Complex_Matrix.trace A A = rank_1_proj v 
    thus "A*A = A" using rank_1_proj_projector A = rank_1_proj v 
      unfolding projector_def by simp
    assume "A*A = A"
    hence "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = Complex_Matrix.trace A" by simp
    also have "... = 1" using assms unfolding density_operator_def by simp
    finally have "Complex_Matrix.trace (A*A) = 1" .
    thus "pure_density_operator A" using assms density_square_pure by simp

section ‹Quantum expectation values and traces›

text ‹The expectation value of a projective measurement is the average outcome value of
the measurement, where each outcome value is weighted by the probability that it occurs.
We show that the expectation value of a density matrix $\rho$ for an observable represented
by the Hermitian matrix $A$ is $\mathrm{Tr}(A\cdot\rho)$.›

definition (in cpx_sq_mat) expect_value where
"expect_value R p M = 
  sum (λi. meas_outcome_prob R M i * (meas_outcome_val (M i))) {..< p}"

definition (in cpx_sq_mat) obs_expect_value where
"obs_expect_value R A = 
  expect_value R (proj_meas_size (make_pm A)) (proj_meas_outcomes (make_pm A))"

lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) expect_value_trace:
  assumes "proj_measurement p M"
  and "R fc_mats"
shows "expect_value R p M = 
  Complex_Matrix.trace (sum_mat 
    (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i))) {..< p} * R)"
proof -
  have car: "i. i < p  meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R  fc_mats" 
    using assms unfolding proj_measurement_def
    using cpx_sq_mat_mult by auto
  have "expect_value R p M = sum (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i) * 
    (Complex_Matrix.trace( R* meas_outcome_prj (M i)))) {..< p}" 
    unfolding expect_value_def meas_outcome_prob_def
    by (simp add: mult.commute)
  also have "... = sum (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i) * 
    (Complex_Matrix.trace(meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R))) {..< p}"
  proof -
    have "i. i < p   Complex_Matrix.trace (R * meas_outcome_prj (M i)) = 
      Complex_Matrix.trace (meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R)"       
      using assms dim_eq fc_mats_carrier trace_comm 
      unfolding proj_measurement_def by auto 
    thus ?thesis by simp
  also have "... = sum (λi. (Complex_Matrix.trace 
    (meas_outcome_val (M i)m meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R))) {..< p}"
  proof -
    have "i. i < p  meas_outcome_val (M i) * 
    (Complex_Matrix.trace(meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R)) = 
    Complex_Matrix.trace (meas_outcome_val (M i)m meas_outcome_prj (M i)* R)"
    proof -
      fix i
      assume "i < p"
      hence "meas_outcome_val (M i) * 
        (Complex_Matrix.trace(meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R)) = 
        Complex_Matrix.trace (meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i)* R))"
        using assms car
        by (metis dim_eq fc_mats_carrier trace_smult)
      also have "... =  Complex_Matrix.trace 
        (meas_outcome_val (M i)m meas_outcome_prj (M i)* R)"
      proof -
        have "meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i)* R) = 
          meas_outcome_val (M i)m meas_outcome_prj (M i)* R" 
          using car assms unfolding proj_measurement_def
          by (metis i < p dim_eq fc_mats_carrier mult_smult_assoc_mat)
        thus ?thesis by simp
      finally show "meas_outcome_val (M i) * 
        (Complex_Matrix.trace(meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R)) =
        (meas_outcome_val (M i)m meas_outcome_prj (M i)* R)" .    
    thus ?thesis by simp
  also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (sum_mat 
    (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i)) * R) {..< p})" 
  proof (rule trace_sum_mat[symmetric])
    fix i
    assume "i  {..< p}"
    hence "meas_outcome_val (M i) m meas_outcome_prj (M i)  fc_mats" 
      using assms cpx_sq_mat_smult[of " meas_outcome_prj (M i)"]  
      unfolding proj_measurement_def by simp
    thus "meas_outcome_val (M i) m meas_outcome_prj (M i) * R  fc_mats"
      by (simp add: assms(2) cpx_sq_mat_mult) 
  qed simp
  also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (sum_mat 
    (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i))) {..< p} * R)"
  proof -
    have "sum_mat (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i)) * R)
      {..< p} = sum_mat 
      (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i))) {..< p} * R"
    proof (rule sum_mat_distrib_right)
      show "i. i  {..<p}  meas_outcome_val (M i) m meas_outcome_prj (M i)  
      proof -
        fix i
        assume "i  {..<p}"
        thus "meas_outcome_val (M i) m meas_outcome_prj (M i)  fc_mats" 
          using assms cpx_sq_mat_smult[of " meas_outcome_prj (M i)"]  
          unfolding proj_measurement_def by simp
    qed (auto simp add: assms)
    thus ?thesis by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) expect_value_hermitian:
  assumes "A fc_mats"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "make_pm A = (p, M)"
  and "R fc_mats"
shows "expect_value R p M = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * R)"
proof -
  have "expect_value R p M = Complex_Matrix.trace (sum_mat 
    (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i))) {..< p} * R)" 
    using assms make_pm_proj_measurement expect_value_trace by simp
  also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * R)"
  proof -
    have "sum_mat (λi. meas_outcome_val (M i)m (meas_outcome_prj (M i))) 
      {..< p} = A" 
      using make_pm_sum assms by simp
    thus ?thesis by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma obs_expect_value:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "R carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "cpx_sq_mat.obs_expect_value n n R A = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * R)" 
proof -
  define fc::"complex Matrix.mat set" 
  where "fc = carrier_mat n n"
  interpret cpx_sq_mat n n fc
    show "fc = carrier_mat n n" using fc_def by simp
    show "0 < n" using assms by simp
  qed simp
  show ?thesis unfolding obs_expect_value_def
  proof (rule expect_value_hermitian)
    show "make_pm A=(proj_meas_size (make_pm A), proj_meas_outcomes (make_pm A))"
      using make_pm_decomp by simp
  qed (auto simp add: assms fc_def)
