Theory Random_Treap
section ‹Random treaps›
theory Random_Treap
subsection ‹Measurability›
text ‹
The following lemmas are only relevant for measurability.
lemma tree_sigma_cong:
assumes "sets M = sets M'"
shows "tree_sigma M = tree_sigma M'"
using sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF assms] using assms by (simp add: tree_sigma_def)
lemma distr_restrict:
assumes "sets N = sets L" "sets K ⊆ sets M"
"⋀X. X ∈ sets K ⟹ emeasure M X = emeasure K X"
"⋀X. X ∈ sets M ⟹ X ⊆ space M - space K ⟹ emeasure M X = 0"
"f ∈ M →⇩M N" "f ∈ K →⇩M L"
shows "distr M N f = distr K L f"
proof (rule measure_eqI)
fix X assume "X ∈ sets (distr M N f)"
thus "emeasure (distr M N f) X = emeasure (distr K L f) X"
using assms(1) by (intro emeasure_distr_restrict assms) simp_all
qed (use assms in auto)
lemma sets_tree_sigma_count_space:
assumes "countable B"
shows "sets (tree_sigma (count_space B)) = Pow (trees B)"
proof (intro equalityI subsetI)
fix X assume X: "X ∈ Pow (trees B)"
have "{t} ∈ sets (tree_sigma (count_space B))" if "t ∈ trees B" for t
using that
proof (induction t)
case (2 l r x)
hence "{⟨la, v, ra⟩ |la v ra. (v, la, ra) ∈ {x} × {l} × {r}}
∈ sets (tree_sigma (count_space B))"
by (intro Node_in_tree_sigma pair_measureI) auto
thus ?case by simp
qed simp_all
with X have "(⋃t∈X. {t}) ∈ sets (tree_sigma (count_space B))"
by (intro sets.countable_UN' countable_subset[OF _ countable_trees[OF assms]]) auto
also have "(⋃t∈X. {t}) = X" by blast
finally show "X ∈ sets (tree_sigma (count_space B))" .
fix X assume "X ∈ sets (tree_sigma (count_space B))"
from sets.sets_into_space[OF this] show "X ∈ Pow (trees B)"
by (simp add: space_tree_sigma)
lemma height_primrec: "height = rec_tree 0 (λ_ _ _ a b. Suc (max a b))"
fix t :: "'a tree"
show "height t = rec_tree 0 (λ_ _ _ a b. Suc (max a b)) t"
by (induction t) simp_all
lemma ipl_primrec: "ipl = rec_tree 0 (λl _ r a b. size l + size r + a + b)"
fix t :: "'a tree"
show "ipl t = rec_tree 0 (λl _ r a b. size l + size r + a + b) t"
by (induction t) auto
lemma size_primrec: "size = rec_tree 0 (λ_ _ _ a b. 1 + a + b)"
fix t :: "'a tree"
show "size t = rec_tree 0 (λ_ _ _ a b. 1 + a + b) t"
by (induction t) auto
lemma ipl_map_tree[simp]: "ipl (map_tree f t) = ipl t"
by (induction t) auto
lemma set_pmf_random_bst: "finite A ⟹ set_pmf (random_bst A) ⊆ trees A"
by (subst random_bst_altdef)
(auto intro!: bst_of_list_trees simp add: bst_of_list_trees permutations_of_setD)
lemma trees_mono: "A ⊆ B ⟹ trees A ⊆ trees B"
fix t
assume "A ⊆ B" "t ∈ trees A"
then show "t ∈ trees B"
by (induction t) auto
lemma ins_primrec:
"ins k (p::real) t = rec_tree
(Node Leaf (k,p) Leaf)
(λl z r l' r'. case z of (k1, p1) ⇒
if k < k1 then
(case l' of
Leaf ⇒ Leaf
| Node l2 (k2,p2) r2 ⇒
if 0 ≤ p2 - p1 then Node (Node l2 (k2,p2) r2) (k1,p1) r
else Node l2 (k2,p2) (Node r2 (k1,p1) r))
else if k > k1 then
(case r' of
Leaf ⇒ Leaf
| Node l2 (k2,p2) r2 ⇒
if 0 ≤ p2 - p1 then Node l (k1,p1) (Node l2 (k2,p2) r2)
else Node (Node l (k1,p1) l2) (k2,p2) r2)
else Node l (k1,p1) r
) t"
proof (induction k p t rule: ins.induct)
case (2 k p l k1 p1 r)
thus ?case
by (cases "k < k1") (auto simp add: case_prod_beta ins_neq_Leaf split: tree.splits if_splits)
qed auto
lemma measurable_less_count_space [measurable (raw)]:
assumes "countable A"
assumes [measurable]: "a ∈ B →⇩M count_space A"
assumes [measurable]: "b ∈ B →⇩M count_space A"
shows "Measurable.pred B (λx. a x < b x)"
proof -
have "Measurable.pred (count_space (A × A)) (λx. fst x < snd x)" by simp
also have "count_space (A × A) = count_space A ⨂⇩M count_space A"
using assms(1) by (simp add: pair_measure_countable)
finally have "Measurable.pred B ((λx. fst x < snd x) ∘ (λx. (a x, b x)))"
by measurable
thus ?thesis by (simp add: o_def)
lemma measurable_ins [measurable (raw)]:
assumes [measurable]: "countable A"
assumes [measurable]: "k ∈ B →⇩M count_space A"
assumes [measurable]: "x ∈ B →⇩M (lborel :: real measure)"
assumes [measurable]: "t ∈ B →⇩M tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)"
shows "(λy. ins (k y) (x y) (t y)) ∈ B →⇩M tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)"
unfolding ins_primrec by measurable
lemma map_tree_primrec: "map_tree f t = rec_tree ⟨⟩ (λl a r l' r'. ⟨l', f a, r'⟩) t"
by (induction t) auto
definition 𝒰 where "𝒰 = (λa b::real. uniform_measure lborel {a..b})"
declare 𝒰_def[simp]
fun insR:: "'a::linorder ⇒ ('a × real) tree ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('a × real) tree measure" where
"insR x t A = distr (𝒰 0 1) (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)) (λp. ins x p t)"
fun rinss :: "'a::linorder list ⇒ ('a × real) tree ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('a × real) tree measure" where
"rinss [] t A = return (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)) t" |
"rinss (x#xs) t A = insR x t A ⤜ (λt. rinss xs t A)"
lemma sets_rinss':
assumes "countable B" "set ys ⊆ B"
shows "t ∈ trees (B × UNIV) ⟹ sets (rinss ys t B) = sets (tree_sigma (count_space B ⨂⇩M lborel))"
using assms proof(induction ys arbitrary: t)
case (Cons y ys)
then show ?case
by (subst rinss.simps, subst sets_bind) (auto simp add: space_tree_sigma space_pair_measure)
qed auto
lemma measurable_foldl [measurable]:
assumes "f ∈ A →⇩M B" "set xs ⊆ space C"
assumes "⋀c. c ∈ set xs ⟹ (λ(a,b). g a b c) ∈ (A ⨂⇩M B) →⇩M B"
shows "(λx. foldl (g x) (f x) xs) ∈ A →⇩M B"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: f)
case Nil
thus ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
note [measurable] = Cons.prems(1)
from Cons.prems have [measurable]: "x ∈ space C" by simp
have "(λa. (a, f a)) ∈ A →⇩M A ⨂⇩M B"
by measurable
hence "(λ(a,b). g a b x) ∘ (λa. (a, f a)) ∈ A →⇩M B"
by (rule measurable_comp) (rule Cons.prems, auto)
hence "(λa. g a (f a) x) ∈ A →⇩M B" by (simp add: o_def)
hence "(λxa. foldl (g xa) (g xa (f xa) x) xs) ∈ A →⇩M B"
by (rule Cons.IH) (use Cons.prems in auto)
thus ?case by simp
lemma ins_trees: "t ∈ trees A ⟹ (x,y) ∈ A ⟹ ins x y t ∈ trees A"
by (induction x y t rule: ins.induct)
(auto split: tree.splits simp: ins_neq_Leaf)
subsection ‹Main result›
text ‹
In our setting, we have some countable set of values that may appear in the input and
a concrete list consisting only of those elements with no repeated elements.
We further define an abbreviation for the uniform distribution of permutations of that lists.
fixes xs::"'a::linorder list" and A::"'a set" and random_perm :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list measure"
assumes con_assms: "countable A" "set xs ⊆ A" "distinct xs"
defines "random_perm ≡ (λxs. uniform_measure (count_space (permutations_of_set (set xs)))
(permutations_of_set (set xs)))"
text ‹
Again, we first need some facts about measurability.
lemma sets_rinss [simp]:
assumes "t ∈ trees (A × UNIV)"
shows "sets (rinss xs t A) = tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M borel)"
proof -
have "tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M (lborel::real measure)) = tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M borel)"
by (intro tree_sigma_cong sets_pair_measure_cong) auto
then show ?thesis
using assms con_assms by (subst sets_rinss') auto
lemma bst_of_list_measurable [measurable]:
"bst_of_list ∈ measurable (count_space (lists A)) (tree_sigma (count_space A))"
by (subst measurable_count_space_eq1)
(auto simp: space_tree_sigma intro!: bst_of_list_trees)
lemma insort_wrt_measurable [measurable]:
"(λx. insort_wrt x xs) ∈ count_space (Pow (A × A)) →⇩M count_space (lists A)"
using con_assms by auto
lemma bst_of_list_sort_meaurable [measurable]:
"(λx. bst_of_list (sort_key x xs)) ∈
Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. borel::real measure) →⇩M tree_sigma (count_space A)"
proof -
note measurable_linorder_from_keys_restrict'[measurable]
have "(0::real) < 1"
by auto
then have [measurable]: "(λx. bst_of_list (insort_wrt (linorder_from_keys (set xs) x) xs))
∈ Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. borel :: real measure) →⇩M tree_sigma (count_space A)"
using con_assms by measurable
show ?thesis
by (subst insort_wrt_sort_key[symmetric]) (measurable, auto)
text ‹
In a first step, we convert the bulk insertion operation to first choosing the
priorities i.\,i.\,d.\ ahead of time and then inserting all the elements deterministically
with their associated priority.
lemma random_treap_fold:
assumes "t ∈ space (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel))"
shows "rinss xs t A = distr (Π⇩M x∈set xs. 𝒰 0 1)
(tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel))
(λp. foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) t xs)"
proof -
let ?U = "uniform_measure lborel {0::real..1}"
have "set xs ⊆ space (count_space A)" "c ∈ set xs ⟹ c ∈ space (count_space A)" for c
using con_assms by auto
then have *[intro]: "(λp. foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) t xs) ∈
Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U) →⇩M tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)"
if "t ∈ space (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel))" for t
using that con_assms by measurable
have insR':
"insR x t A = ?U ⤜ (λu. return (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)) (ins x u t))"
if "x ∈ A" "t ∈ space (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel))" for t x
using con_assms assms that by (auto simp add: bind_return_distr' 𝒰_def)
have "rinss xs t A = (Π⇩M x∈set xs. ?U) ⤜
(λp. return (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)) (foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) t xs))"
using con_assms(2,3) assms proof (induction xs arbitrary: t)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (intro measure_eqI) (auto simp add: space_PiM_empty emeasure_distr bind_return_distr')
case (Cons x xs)
note insR.simps[simp del]
let ?treap_sigma = "tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)"
have [measurable]: "set xs ⊆ space (count_space A)" "x ∈ A"
"c ∈ A ⟹ c ∈ space (count_space A)" for c
using Cons by auto
have [intro!]: "ins k p t ∈ space ?treap_sigma" if "t ∈ space ?treap_sigma" "k ∈ A"
for k t and p::real
using that
by (auto intro!: ins_trees simp add: space_tree_sigma space_pair_measure)
have [measurable]: "Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U) ∈ space (prob_algebra (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. ?U)))"
unfolding space_prob_algebra by (auto intro!: prob_space_uniform_measure prob_space_PiM)
have [measurable]: "Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U) ∈ space (subprob_algebra (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. ?U)))"
unfolding space_subprob_algebra
by (auto intro!: prob_space_imp_subprob_space prob_space_uniform_measure prob_space_PiM)
have [measurable]: "(λx. x) ∈ (?treap_sigma ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. ?U)) ⨂⇩M ?treap_sigma →⇩M
(?treap_sigma ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. borel)) ⨂⇩M ?treap_sigma"
by (auto intro!: measurable_ident_sets sets_pair_measure_cong sets_PiM_cong simp add: 𝒰_def)
have [simp]: "(λw. Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U) ⤜
(λp. return ?treap_sigma (foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) w xs)))
∈ ?treap_sigma →⇩M subprob_algebra ?treap_sigma"
proof -
have [measurable]: "c ∈ set xs ⟹ c ∈ A" for c
using Cons by auto
show ?thesis
using con_assms by measurable
have [measurable]: "?U ∈ space (prob_algebra (?U))"
by (simp add: prob_space_uniform_measure space_prob_algebra)
have [measurable, intro]: "(λt. rinss xs t A) ∈ ?treap_sigma →⇩M subprob_algebra ?treap_sigma"
if "set xs ⊆ A" for xs
using that proof (induction xs)
case (Cons x xs)
then have [measurable]: "x ∈ A" "set xs ⊆ A"
by auto
have [measurable]: "(λy. x) ∈ tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel) ⨂⇩M ?U →⇩M count_space A"
using Cons by measurable
have [measurable]: "(λx. x) ∈ ?treap_sigma ⨂⇩M ?U →⇩M ?treap_sigma ⨂⇩M borel"
unfolding 𝒰_def by auto
have [measurable]: "(λt. distr (?U) (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel)) (λp. ins x p t))
∈ ?treap_sigma →⇩M subprob_algebra ?treap_sigma"
using con_assms by (intro measurable_prob_algebraD) measurable
from Cons show ?case
unfolding rinss.simps insR.simps 𝒰_def by measurable
qed auto
have [intro]: "(λu. return ?treap_sigma (ins x u t)) ∈ ?U →⇩M subprob_algebra ?treap_sigma"
using con_assms Cons by measurable
have [simp]: "space (?U ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U)) ≠ {}"
by (simp add: prob_space.not_empty prob_space_PiM prob_space_pair prob_space_uniform_measure)
from Cons have "rinss (x # xs) t A = (?U ⤜
(λu. return ?treap_sigma (ins x u t))) ⤜
(λt. rinss xs t A)"
by (simp add: insR')
also have "… = ?U ⤜ (λu. return ?treap_sigma (ins x u t) ⤜ (λt. rinss xs t A))"
using con_assms Cons by (subst bind_assoc) auto
also have "… = ?U ⤜ (λu. rinss xs (ins x u t) A)"
using con_assms Cons by (subst bind_return) auto
also have "… = ?U ⤜
(λu. Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U) ⤜
(λp. return ?treap_sigma (foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) (ins x u t) xs)))"
using Cons by (subst Cons) (auto simp add: treap_ins keys_ins)
also have "… = ?U ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U) ⤜
(λ(u,p). return ?treap_sigma (foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) (ins x u t) xs))"
proof -
have [measurable]: "pair_prob_space (?U) (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U))"
by (simp add: 𝒰_def pair_prob_space_def pair_sigma_finite.intro prob_space_PiM
prob_space_imp_sigma_finite prob_space_uniform_measure)
note this[unfolded 𝒰_def, measurable]
have [measurable]: "c ∈ set xs ⟹ c ∈ A" for c
using Cons by auto
show ?thesis
using con_assms Cons by (subst pair_prob_space.pair_measure_bind) measurable
also have "… = distr (?U ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. ?U)) (tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel))
(λ(u, f). foldl (λt x. ins x (f x) t) (ins x u t) xs)"
proof -
have [simp]: "c ∈ set xs ⟹ c ∈ A" for c
using Cons by auto
have "(λxa. foldl (λt x. ins x (snd xa x) t) (ins x (fst xa) t) xs) =
(λ(u, f). foldl (λt x. ins x (f x) t) (ins x u t) xs)"
by (auto simp add: case_prod_beta')
then show ?thesis
using con_assms Cons by (subst case_prod_beta', subst bind_return_distr') measurable
also have
"… = distr (?U ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. ?U)) ?treap_sigma
(λf. foldl (λt y. ins y (if y = x then fst f else snd f y) t) (ins x (fst f) t) xs)"
proof -
have "foldl (λt y. ins y (snd f y) t) (ins x (fst f) t) xs =
foldl (λt y. ins y (if y = x then fst f else snd f y) t) (ins x (fst f) t) xs" for f
using Cons by (intro foldl_cong) auto
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: case_prod_beta')
also have "… = distr (?U ⨂⇩M Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. ?U)) (Pi⇩M (insert x (set xs)) (λi. ?U))
(λ(r, f). f(x := r)) ⤜
(λp. return ?treap_sigma (foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) (ins x (p x) t) xs))"
using con_assms Cons
by (subst bind_distr_return) (measurable, auto simp add: case_prod_beta')
also have "… = Pi⇩M (insert x (set xs)) (λx. ?U) ⤜
(λp. return ?treap_sigma (foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) (ins x (p x) t) xs))"
by (subst distr_pair_PiM_eq_PiM) (auto simp add: prob_space_uniform_measure)
finally show ?case
by (simp)
then show ?thesis
using assms by (subst bind_return_distr'[symmetric]) (auto simp add: bind_return_distr')
corollary random_treap_fold_Leaf:
shows "rinss xs Leaf A =
distr (Π⇩M x∈set xs. 𝒰 0 1)
(tree_sigma (count_space A ⨂⇩M lborel))
(λp. foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) Leaf xs)"
by (auto simp add: random_treap_fold)
text ‹
Next, we show that additionally forgetting the priorities in the end will yield
the same distribution as inserting the elements into a BST by ascending priority.
lemma rinss_bst_of_list:
"distr (rinss xs Leaf A) (tree_sigma (count_space A)) (map_tree fst) =
distr (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. 𝒰 0 1)) (tree_sigma (count_space A))
(λp. bst_of_list (sort_key p xs))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have [measurable]: "set xs ⊆ space (count_space A)"
"c ∈ set xs ⟹ c ∈ space (count_space A)" for c
using con_assms by auto
have [simp]: "map_tree fst ∘ (λp. foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) ⟨⟩ xs)
∈ Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. uniform_measure lborel {0::real..1}) →⇩M
tree_sigma (count_space A)"
unfolding 𝒰_def map_tree_primrec using con_assms by measurable
have "AE f in Pi⇩M (set xs) (λi. 𝒰 0 1). inj_on f (set xs)"
unfolding 𝒰_def by (rule almost_everywhere_avoid_finite) auto
then have "AE f in Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. 𝒰 0 1).
map_tree fst (foldl (λt (k,p). ins k p t) ⟨⟩ (map (λx. (x, f x)) xs)) =
bst_of_list (sort_key f xs)"
by (eventually_elim) (use con_assms in ‹auto simp add: fold_ins_bst_of_list›)
then have [simp]: "AE f in Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. 𝒰 0 1).
map_tree fst (foldl (λt k. ins k (f k) t) ⟨⟩ xs) = bst_of_list (sort_key f xs)"
by (simp add: foldl_map)
have "?lhs = distr (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. 𝒰 0 1)) (tree_sigma (count_space A))
(map_tree fst ∘ (λp. foldl (λt x. ins x (p x) t) ⟨⟩ xs))"
unfolding random_treap_fold_Leaf 𝒰_def map_tree_primrec using con_assms
by (subst distr_distr) measurable
also have "… = ?rhs"
by (intro distr_cong_AE) (auto simp add: 𝒰_def)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹
This in turn is the same as choosing a random permutation of the input list and
inserting the elements into a BST in that order.
lemma lborel_permutations_of_set_bst_of_list:
shows "distr (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. 𝒰 0 1)) (tree_sigma (count_space A))
(λp. bst_of_list (sort_key p xs)) =
distr (random_perm xs) (tree_sigma (count_space A)) bst_of_list" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have [measurable]: "(0::real) < 1"
by auto
have "insort_wrt R xs = insort_wrt R (remdups xs)" for R
using con_assms distinct_remdups_id by metis
then have *: "insort_wrt R xs = sorted_wrt_list_of_set R (set xs)"
if "linorder_on (set xs) R" for R
using that by (subst sorted_wrt_list_set) auto
have [measurable]: "(λx. x) ∈ count_space (permutations_of_set (set xs)) →⇩M count_space (lists A)"
using con_assms permutations_of_setD by fastforce
have [measurable]: "(λR. insort_wrt R xs) ∈
count_space (Pow (A × A)) →⇩M count_space (permutations_of_set (set xs))"
using con_assms by (simp add: permutations_of_setI)
have "?lhs
= distr (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. 𝒰 0 1)) (tree_sigma (count_space A))
(λp. bst_of_list (insort_wrt (linorder_from_keys (set xs) p) xs))"
unfolding Let_def by (simp add: insort_wrt_sort_key)
also have "… =
distr (distr (Pi⇩M (set xs) (λx. uniform_measure lborel {0::real..1}))
(count_space (Pow (A × A))) (linorder_from_keys (set xs)))
(tree_sigma (count_space A)) (λR. bst_of_list (insort_wrt R xs))"
unfolding 𝒰_def using con_assms by (subst distr_distr) (measurable, metis comp_apply)
also have "… =
distr (uniform_measure (count_space (Pow (A × A))) (linorders_on (set xs)))
(tree_sigma (count_space A)) (λR. bst_of_list (insort_wrt R xs))"
using con_assms by (subst random_linorder_by_prios) auto
also have "… = distr (distr (uniform_measure (count_space (Pow (A × A))) (linorders_on (set xs)))
(count_space (permutations_of_set (set xs))) (λR. insort_wrt R xs))
(tree_sigma (count_space A)) bst_of_list"
by (subst distr_distr) (measurable, metis comp_apply)
also have "… = distr (uniform_measure (count_space (permutations_of_set (set xs)))
((λR. insort_wrt R xs) ` linorders_on (set xs)))
(tree_sigma (count_space A)) bst_of_list"
proof -
have "bij_betw (λR. insort_wrt R xs) (linorders_on (set xs)) (permutations_of_set (set xs))"
by (subst bij_betw_cong, fastforce simp add: * linorders_on_def bij_betw_cong)
(use bij_betw_linorders_on' in blast)
then have "inj_on (λR. insort_wrt R xs) (linorders_on (set xs))"
by (rule bij_betw_imp_inj_on)
then have "distr (uniform_measure (count_space (Pow (A × A))) (linorders_on (set xs)))
(count_space (permutations_of_set (set xs))) (λR. insort_wrt R xs)
= uniform_measure (count_space (permutations_of_set (set xs)))
((λR. insort_wrt R xs) ` linorders_on (set xs))"
using con_assms by (intro distr_uniform_measure_count_space_inj)
(auto simp add: linorders_on_def linorder_on_def refl_on_def)
then show ?thesis by auto
also have "… = distr (random_perm xs) (tree_sigma (count_space A)) bst_of_list"
proof -
have "((λR. insort_wrt R xs) ` linorders_on (set xs)) = permutations_of_set (set xs)"
by (intro bij_betw_imp_surj_on, subst bij_betw_cong, rule *)
(fastforce simp add: linorders_on_def, use bij_betw_linorders_on' in blast)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: random_perm_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma distr_bst_of_list_tree_sigma_count_space: "
distr (random_perm xs) (tree_sigma (count_space A)) bst_of_list =
distr (random_perm xs) (count_space (trees A)) bst_of_list"
using con_assms by (intro distr_cong) (auto intro!: sets_tree_sigma_count_space)
text ‹
This is the same as a \emph{random BST}.
lemma distr_bst_of_list_random_bst: "
distr (random_perm xs) (count_space (trees A)) bst_of_list =
restrict_space (random_bst (set xs)) (trees A)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
have "?rhs = restrict_space (distr (uniform_measure (count_space UNIV)
(permutations_of_set (set xs))) (count_space UNIV) bst_of_list) (trees A)"
by (auto simp: random_bst_altdef measure_pmf_of_set map_pmf_rep_eq)
also have "distr (uniform_measure (count_space UNIV) (permutations_of_set (set xs)))
(count_space UNIV) bst_of_list =
distr (random_perm xs) (count_space UNIV) bst_of_list"
by (intro distr_restrict) (auto simp: random_perm_def)
also have "restrict_space … (trees A) =
distr (random_perm xs) (count_space (trees A)) bst_of_list"
using con_assms
by (subst restrict_distr)
(auto simp: random_perm_def bst_of_list_trees restrict_count_space permutations_of_setD)
finally show ?thesis ..
text ‹
We put everything together and obtain our main result:
theorem rinss_random_bst:
"distr (rinss xs ⟨⟩ A) (tree_sigma (count_space A)) (map_tree fst) =
restrict_space (measure_pmf (random_bst (set xs))) (trees A)"
by (simp only: rinss_bst_of_list lborel_permutations_of_set_bst_of_list
distr_bst_of_list_tree_sigma_count_space distr_bst_of_list_random_bst)