Theory Transport_Compositions_Generic_Galois_Property

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
subsection ‹Galois Property›
theory Transport_Compositions_Generic_Galois_Property

context transport_comp

interpretation flip : transport_comp R2 L2 r2 l2 R1 L1 r1 l1
  rewrites "flip.t2.unit = ε1" and "flip.t1.counit  η2"
  by (simp_all only: t1.flip_unit_eq_counit t2.flip_counit_eq_unit)

lemma half_galois_prop_left_left_rightI:
  assumes "((≤L1) h (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and deflationary_counit1: "deflationary_on (in_codom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and trans_R1: "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "reflexive_on (in_codom (≤L2)) (≤L2)"
  and "((≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1))  ((≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1))"
  and "in_codom ((≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1))  in_codom (≤L2)"
  and mono_in_codom_r2: "(in_codom (≤R) m in_codom (≤R1)) r2"
  shows "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
proof (rule half_galois_prop_leftI)
  fix x z assume "x Lz"
  then show "l xR z"
  proof (intro right_rel_if_left_relI)
    from x Lz show "in_codom (≤R2) z" by blast
    fix y assume "yR1 l1 (r z)"
    moreover have "l1 (r z)R1 r2 z"
    proof -
      from mono_in_codom_r2 x Lz have "in_codom (≤R1) (r2 z)" by blast
      with deflationary_counit1 show "l1 (r z)R1 r2 z" by auto
    ultimately show "yR1 r2 z" using trans_R1 by blast
    fix y assume "l1 xL2 y"
    with ((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2 show "l xR2 l2 y" by auto
  qed (insert assms, auto)

lemma half_galois_prop_left_left_rightI':
  assumes "((≤L1) h (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and deflationary_counit1: "deflationary_on (in_codom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and trans_R1: "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and refl_L2: "reflexive_on (in_dom (≤L2)) (≤L2)"
  and "((≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1))  ((≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2))"
  and "in_dom ((≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1))  in_dom (≤L2)"
  and mono_in_codom_r2: "(in_codom (≤R) m in_codom (≤R1)) r2"
  shows "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
proof (rule half_galois_prop_leftI)
  fix x z assume "x Lz"
  then show "l xR z"
  proof (intro right_rel_if_left_relI')
    from x Lz show "in_codom (≤R2) z" by blast
    fix y assume "yR1 l1 (r z)"
    moreover have "l1 (r z)R1 r2 z"
    proof -
      from mono_in_codom_r2 x Lz have "in_codom (≤R1) (r2 z)" by blast
      with deflationary_counit1 show "l1 (r z)R1 r2 z" by auto
    ultimately show "yR1 r2 z" using trans_R1 by blast
    assume "in_dom (≤L2) (l1 x)"
    with refl_L2 have "l1 xL2 l1 x" by blast
    with ((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2 show "in_codom (≤L2) (l1 x)" "l xR2 l2 (l1 x)"
      by auto
  qed (insert assms, auto)

lemma half_galois_prop_right_left_rightI:
  assumes "((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1"
  and "((≤L1) h (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and inflationary_counit1: "inflationary_on (in_codom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and "((≤R2) h (≤L2)) r2 l2"
  and inflationary_unit2: "inflationary_on (in_dom (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and trans_L2: "transitive (≤L2)"
  and mono_in_dom_l1: "(in_dom (≤L) m in_dom (≤L2)) l1"
  and "((≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2))  ((≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2))"
  and "in_codom ((≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2))  in_codom (≤R1)"
  shows "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
proof (rule half_galois_prop_rightI)
  fix x z assume "xR z"
  then show "xL r z"
  proof (intro flip.right_rel_if_left_relI)
    fix y assume "r2 (l x)L2 y"
    moreover have "l1 xL2 r2 (l x)"
    proof -
      from mono_in_dom_l1 xR z have "in_dom (≤L2) (l1 x)" by blast
      with inflationary_unit2 show "l1 xL2 r2 (l x)" by auto
    ultimately show "l1 xL2 y" using trans_L2 by blast
    fix y assume "l1 xR1 y"
    with ((≤L1) h (≤R1)) l1 r1 xR z show "xL1 r1 y" by blast
    assume "in_codom (≤R1) (r2 z)"
    with inflationary_counit1 show "r2 zR1 l1 (r z)" by auto
    from ((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1 in_codom (≤R1) (r2 z) show "in_codom (≤L1) (r z)"
      by (auto intro: in_codom_if_rel_if_dep_mono_wrt_rel
        simp: mono_wrt_rel_eq_dep_mono_wrt_rel)
  qed (insert assms, auto elim: galois_rel.left_GaloisE)

lemma half_galois_prop_right_left_rightI':
  assumes "((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1"
  and inflationary_unit1: "inflationary_on (in_dom (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and inflationary_counit1: "y z. yR1 r2 z  yR1 l1 (r z)"
  and "in_dom (≤R1)  in_codom (≤R1)"
  and "((≤R2) h (≤L2)) r2 l2"
  and inflationary_unit2: "inflationary_on (in_dom (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and trans_L2: "transitive (≤L2)"
  and mono_in_dom_l1: "(in_dom (≤L) m in_dom (≤L2)) l1"
  and "((≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2))  ((≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1))"
  and "in_dom ((≤L2) ∘∘ (≤R1) ∘∘ (≤L2))  in_dom (≤R1)"
  shows "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r"
proof (rule half_galois_prop_rightI)
  fix x z assume "xR z"
  then show "xL r z"
  proof (intro flip.right_rel_if_left_relI')
    from xR z inflationary_unit1 show "xL1 r1 (l1 x)"
      by (fastforce elim: galois_rel.left_GaloisE)
    fix y assume "yR1 r2 z"
    with inflationary_counit1 show "yR1 l1 (r z)" by auto
    fix y
    from mono_in_dom_l1 xR z have "in_dom (≤L2) (l1 x)" by blast
    with inflationary_unit2 have "l1 xL2 r2 (l x)" by auto
    moreover assume "r2 (l x)L2 y"
    ultimately show "l1 xL2 y" using trans_L2 by blast
  qed (insert assms, auto elim: galois_rel.left_GaloisE)

lemma galois_prop_left_rightI:
  assumes "((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1"
  and "((≤L1)  (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and "rel_equivalence_on (in_codom (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) h (≤L2)) r2 l2"
  and "inflationary_on (in_dom (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and "preorder_on (in_field (≤L2)) (≤L2)"
  and "middle_compatible_codom"
  shows "((≤L)  (≤R)) l r"
  using assms by (intro galois_propI
    half_galois_prop_left_left_rightI half_galois_prop_right_left_rightI
  (auto elim!: preorder_on_in_fieldE
    intro: reflexive_on_if_le_pred_if_reflexive_on in_field_if_in_codom)

lemma galois_prop_left_rightI':
  assumes "((≤R1) m (≤L1)) r1"
  and "((≤L1) h (≤R1)) l1 r1"
  and "inflationary_on (in_dom (≤L1)) (≤L1) η1"
  and rel_equiv_counit1: "rel_equivalence_on (in_field (≤R1)) (≤R1) ε1"
  and trans_R1: "transitive (≤R1)"
  and "((≤L2) m (≤R2)) l2"
  and "((≤R2) h (≤L2)) r2 l2"
  and "inflationary_on (in_dom (≤L2)) (≤L2) η2"
  and "preorder_on (in_field (≤L2)) (≤L2)"
  and "middle_compatible_dom"
  shows "((≤L)  (≤R)) l r"
proof (rule galois_propI)
  show "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r" using assms
    by (intro half_galois_prop_left_left_rightI'
    (auto elim!: rel_equivalence_onE preorder_on_in_fieldE
      intro: deflationary_on_if_le_pred_if_deflationary_on
        in_field_if_in_dom in_field_if_in_codom)
  have "yR1 l1 (r1 (r2 z))" if "yR1 r2 z" for y z
  proof -
    note yR1 r2 z
    moreover with rel_equiv_counit1 have "r2 zR1 ε1 (r2 z)" by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis using trans_R1 by auto
  moreover have "in_dom (≤R1)  in_codom (≤R1)"
  proof -
    from rel_equiv_counit1 trans_R1 have "reflexive_on (in_field (≤R1)) (≤R1)"
      by (intro reflexive_on_in_field_if_transitive_if_rel_equivalence_on) auto
    then show ?thesis by (simp only: in_codom_eq_in_dom_if_reflexive_on_in_field)
  ultimately show "((≤L) h (≤R)) l r" using assms
    by (intro half_galois_prop_right_left_rightI'

