Theory NBA_Combine

section ‹Nondeterministic Büchi Automata Combinations›

theory NBA_Combine
imports NBA NGBA

  global_interpretation degeneralization: automaton_degeneralization_run
    ngba ngba.alphabet ngba.initial ngba.transition ngba.accepting "λ P w r p. gen infs P (p ## r)"
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    fst id
    defines degeneralize = degeneralization.degeneralize
    by (unfold_locales) (auto simp flip: sscan_smap)

  lemmas degeneralize_language[simp] = degeneralization.degeneralize_language[folded NBA.language_def]
  lemmas degeneralize_nodes_finite[iff] = degeneralization.degeneralize_nodes_finite[folded NBA.nodes_def]

  global_interpretation intersection: automaton_intersection_run
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    ngba ngba.alphabet ngba.initial ngba.transition ngba.accepting "λ P w r p. gen infs P (p ## r)"
    "λ c1 c2. [c1  fst, c2  snd]"
    defines intersect' = intersection.product
    by unfold_locales auto

  lemmas intersect'_language[simp] = intersection.product_language[folded NGBA.language_def]
  lemmas intersect'_nodes_finite[intro] = intersection.product_nodes_finite[folded NGBA.nodes_def]

  global_interpretation union: automaton_union_run
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    defines union = union.sum
    by (unfold_locales) (auto simp: comp_def)

  lemmas union_language = union.sum_language
  lemmas union_nodes_finite = union.sum_nodes_finite

  global_interpretation intersection_list: automaton_intersection_list_run
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    ngba ngba.alphabet ngba.initial ngba.transition ngba.accepting "λ P w r p. gen infs P (p ## r)"
    "λ cs. map (λ k ps. (cs ! k) (ps ! k)) [0 ..< length cs]"
    defines intersect_list' = intersection_list.product
  proof unfold_locales
    fix cs :: "('b  bool) list" and rs :: "'b stream list" and w :: "'a stream" and ps :: "'b list"
    assume 1: "length rs = length cs" "length ps = length cs"
    have "gen infs (map (λ k pp. (cs ! k) (pp ! k)) [0 ..< length cs]) (ps ## stranspose rs) 
      ( k < length cs. infs (λ pp. (cs ! k) (pp ! k)) (ps ## stranspose rs))"
      by (auto simp: gen_def)
    also have "  ( k < length cs. infs (cs ! k) (smap (λ pp. pp ! k) (ps ## stranspose rs)))"
      by (simp add: comp_def)
    also have "  ( k < length cs. infs (cs ! k) (rs ! k))" using 1 by simp
    also have "  list_all (λ (c, r, p). infs c (p ## r)) (cs || rs || ps)"
      using 1 unfolding list_all_length by simp
    finally show "gen infs (map (λ k ps. (cs ! k) (ps ! k)) [0 ..< length cs]) (ps ## stranspose rs) 
      list_all (λ (c, r, p). infs c (p ## r)) (cs || rs || ps)" by this

  lemmas intersect_list'_language[simp] = intersection_list.product_language[folded NGBA.language_def]
  lemmas intersect_list'_nodes_finite[intro] = intersection_list.product_nodes_finite[folded NGBA.nodes_def]

  global_interpretation union_list: automaton_union_list_run
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    nba nba.alphabet nba.initial nba.transition nba.accepting "λ P w r p. infs P (p ## r)"
    "λ cs (k, p). (cs ! k) p"
    defines union_list = union_list.sum
    by (unfold_locales) (auto simp: szip_sconst_smap_fst comp_def)

  lemmas union_list_language = union_list.sum_language
  lemmas union_list_nodes_finite = union_list.sum_nodes_finite

  abbreviation intersect where "intersect A B  degeneralize (intersect' A B)"

  lemma intersect_language[simp]: "NBA.language (intersect A B) = NBA.language A  NBA.language B"
    by simp
  lemma intersect_nodes_finite[intro]:
    assumes "finite (NBA.nodes A)" "finite (NBA.nodes B)"
    shows "finite (NBA.nodes (intersect A B))"
    using intersect'_nodes_finite assms by simp

  abbreviation intersect_list where "intersect_list AA  degeneralize (intersect_list' AA)"

  lemma intersect_list_language[simp]: "NBA.language (intersect_list AA) =  (NBA.language ` set AA)"
    by simp
  lemma intersect_list_nodes_finite[intro]:
    assumes "list_all (finite  NBA.nodes) AA"
    shows "finite (NBA.nodes (intersect_list AA))"
    using intersect_list'_nodes_finite assms by simp
