Theory LList_Topology
section ‹The topology of llists›
theory LList_Topology
imports Topology "Lazy-Lists-II.LList2"
subsection‹The topology of all llists›
This theory introduces the topologies of all llists, of infinite
llists, and of the non-empty llists. For all three cases it is
proved that safety properties are closed sets and that liveness
properties are dense sets. Finally, we prove in each of the the
three different topologies the respective theorem of Alpern and
Schneider \<^cite>‹"alpern85:_defin_liven"›, which states that every
property can be represented as an intersection of a safety property
and a liveness property.›
ttop :: "'a set ⇒ 'a llist top" where
"ttop A = topo (⋃ s∈A⇧⋆. {suff A s})"
lemma ttop_topology [iff]: "topology (ttop A)"
by (auto simp: ttop_def)
locale suffixes =
fixes A and B
defines [simp]: "B ≡ (⋃ s∈A⇧⋆. {suff A s})"
locale trace_top = suffixes + topobase
lemma (in trace_top) open_iff [iff]:
"m open = (m ∈ topo (⋃ s∈A⇧⋆. {suff A s}))"
by (simp add: T_def is_open_def)
lemma (in trace_top) suff_open [intro!]:
"r ∈ A⇧⋆ ⟹ suff A r open"
by auto
lemma (in trace_top) ttop_carrier: "A⇧∞ = carrier"
by (auto simp: carrier_topo suff_def)
lemma (in trace_top) suff_nhd_base:
assumes unhd: "u ∈ nhds t"
and H: "⋀r. ⟦ r ∈ finpref A t; suff A r ⊆ u ⟧ ⟹ R"
shows "R"
from unhd obtain m where
uA: "u ⊆ A⇧∞" and
mopen: "m open" and
tm: "t ∈ m" and
mu: "m ⊆ u"
by (auto simp: ttop_carrier [THEN sym])
from mopen tm have
"∃r ∈ finpref A t. suff A r ⊆ m"
proof (induct "m")
case (basic a)
then obtain s where sA: "s ∈ A⇧⋆" and as: "a = suff A s" and ta: "t ∈ a"
by auto
from sA as ta have "s ∈ finpref A t" by (auto dest: suff_finpref)
thus ?case using as by auto
next case (inter a b)
then obtain r r' where
rt: "r ∈ finpref A t" and ra: "suff A r ⊆ a" and
r't: "r' ∈ finpref A t" and r'b: "suff A r' ⊆ b"
by auto
from rt r't have "r ≤ r' ∨ r' ≤ r"
by (auto simp: finpref_def dest: pref_locally_linear)
thus ?case
assume "r ≤ r'"
hence "suff A r' ⊆ suff A r" by (rule suff_mono2)
thus ?case using r't ra r'b by auto
next assume "r' ≤ r"
hence "suff A r ⊆ suff A r'" by (rule suff_mono2)
thus ?case using rt r'b ra by auto
next case (union M)
then obtain v where
"t ∈ v" and vM: "v ∈ M"
by blast
then obtain r where "r∈finpref A t" "suff A r ⊆ v" using union
by auto
thus ?case using vM by auto
with mu show ?thesis by (auto intro: H)
lemma (in trace_top) nhds_LNil [simp]: "nhds LNil = {A⇧∞}"
show "nhds LNil ⊆ {A⇧∞}"
proof clarify
fix x assume xnhd: "x ∈ nhds LNil"
then obtain r
where rfinpref: "r ∈ finpref A LNil" and suffsub: "suff A r ⊆ x"
by (rule suff_nhd_base)
from rfinpref have "r = LNil" by auto
hence "suff A r = A⇧∞" by auto
with suffsub have "A⇧∞ ⊆ x" by auto
moreover from xnhd have "x ⊆ A⇧∞" by(auto simp: ttop_carrier elim!: nhdE)
ultimately show "x = A⇧∞" by auto
show "{A⇧∞} ⊆ nhds LNil" by (auto simp: ttop_carrier)
lemma (in trace_top) adh_lemma:
assumes xpoint: "x ∈ A⇧∞"
and PA: "P ⊆ A⇧∞"
shows "(x adh P) = (∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P)"
from PA have "⋀r. r ∈ A⇧⋆ ⟹ (∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P) =
(∃ s ∈ P. r ≤ s)"
by (auto simp: llist_le_def iff: lapp_allT_iff)
hence "(∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P) =
(∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ P. r ≤ s)"
by (auto simp: finpref_def)
also have "… = (∀ r ∈ finpref A x. suff A r ∩ P ≠ {})"
have "⋀r. (∃s∈P. r ≤ s) = ({ra. ra ∈ A⇧∞ ∧ r ≤ ra} ∩ P ≠ {})" using PA
by blast
thus ?thesis by (simp add: suff_def)
also have "… = (∀ u ∈ nhds x. u ∩ P ≠ {})"
proof safe
fix r assume uP: "∀u∈nhds x. u ∩ P ≠ {}" and
rfinpref: "r ∈ finpref A x" and rP: "suff A r ∩ P = {}"
from rfinpref have "suff A r open" by (auto dest!: finpref_fin)
hence "suff A r ∈ nhds x" using xpoint rfinpref
by auto
with uP rP show "False" by auto
fix u assume
inter: "∀r∈finpref A x. suff A r ∩ P ≠ {}" and
unhd: "u ∈ nhds x" and
uinter: "u ∩ P = {}"
from unhd obtain r where
"r ∈ finpref A x" and "suff A r ⊆ u"
by (rule suff_nhd_base)
with inter uinter show "False" by auto
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: adhs_def)
lemma (in trace_top) topology [iff]:
"topology T"
by (simp add: T_def)
lemma (in trace_top) safety_closed_iff:
"P ⊆ A⇧∞ ⟹ safety A P = (P closed)"
by (auto simp: safety_def topology.closed_adh adh_lemma ttop_carrier)
lemma (in trace_top) liveness_dense_iff:
assumes P: "P ⊆ A⇧∞"
shows "liveness A P = (P dense)"
have "liveness A P = (∀r∈A⇧⋆. ∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P)"
by (simp add: liveness_def)
also have "… = (∀x∈A⇧∞. ∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P)"
by (auto simp: finpref_def dest: finsubsetall)
also have "… = (∀x∈A⇧∞. x adh P)" using P
by (simp add: adh_lemma)
also have "… = (A⇧∞ ⊆ closure P)" using P
by (auto simp: adh_closure_iff ttop_carrier)
also have "… = (P dense)"
by (simp add: liveness_def is_dense_def is_densein_def ttop_carrier)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in trace_top) LNil_safety: "safety A {LNil}"
proof (unfold safety_def, clarify)
fix t
assume adh: "t ∈ A⇧∞" "∀r∈finpref A t. ∃s∈A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ {LNil}"
thus "t = LNil" by (cases t)(auto simp: finpref_def)
lemma (in trace_top) LNil_closed: "{LNil} closed"
by (auto intro: iffD1 [OF safety_closed_iff] LNil_safety)
theorem (in trace_top) alpern_schneider:
assumes Psub: "P ⊆ A⇧∞"
shows "∃ S L. safety A S ∧ liveness A L ∧ P = S ∩ L"
from Psub have "P ⊆ carrier" by (simp add: ttop_carrier)
then obtain L S where
Lsub: "L ⊆ carrier" and
Ssub: "S ⊆ carrier" and
Sclosed: "S closed" and
Ldense: "L dense" and
Pinter: "P = S ∩ L"
by (blast elim: topology.ex_dense_closure_interE [OF topology])
from Ssub Sclosed have "safety A S"
by (simp add: safety_closed_iff ttop_carrier)
moreover from Lsub Ldense have "liveness A L"
by (simp add: liveness_dense_iff ttop_carrier)
ultimately show ?thesis using Pinter
by auto
subsection‹The topology of infinite llists›
itop :: "'a set ⇒ 'a llist top" where
"itop A = topo (⋃ s∈A⇧⋆. {infsuff A s})"
locale infsuffixes =
fixes A and B
defines [simp]: "B ≡ (⋃ s∈A⇧⋆. {infsuff A s})"
locale itrace_top = infsuffixes + topobase
lemma (in itrace_top) open_iff [iff]:
"m open = (m ∈ topo (⋃ s∈A⇧⋆. {infsuff A s}))"
by (simp add: T_def is_open_def)
lemma (in itrace_top) topology [iff]: "topology T"
by (auto simp: T_def)
lemma (in itrace_top) infsuff_open [intro!]:
"r ∈ A⇧⋆ ⟹ infsuff A r open"
by auto
lemma (in itrace_top) itop_carrier: "carrier = A⇧ω"
by (auto simp: carrier_topo infsuff_def)
lemma itop_sub_ttop_base:
fixes A :: "'a set"
and B :: "'a llist set set"
and C :: "'a llist set set"
defines [simp]: "B ≡ ⋃s∈A⇧⋆. {suff A s}" and [simp]: "C ≡ ⋃s∈A⇧⋆. {infsuff A s}"
shows "C = (⋃ t∈B. {t ∩ ⋃C})"
by (auto simp: infsuff_def suff_def)
lemma itop_sub_ttop [folded ttop_def itop_def]:
fixes A and C and S (structure)
defines "C ≡ ⋃s∈A⇧⋆. {infsuff A s}" and "S ≡ topo C"
fixes B and T (structure)
defines "B ≡ ⋃s∈A⇧⋆. {suff A s}" and "T ≡ topo B"
shows "subtopology S T"
proof -
interpret itrace_top A C S by fact+
interpret trace_top A B T by fact+
show ?thesis
by (auto intro: itop_sub_ttop_base [THEN subtop_lemma] simp: S_def T_def)
lemma (in itrace_top) infsuff_nhd_base:
assumes unhd: "u ∈ nhds t"
and H: "⋀r. ⟦ r ∈ finpref A t; infsuff A r ⊆ u ⟧ ⟹ R"
shows "R"
from unhd obtain m where
uA: "u ⊆ A⇧ω" and
mopen: "m open" and
tm: "t ∈ m" and
mu: "m ⊆ u"
by (auto simp: itop_carrier)
from mopen tm have
"∃r ∈ finpref A t. infsuff A r ⊆ m"
proof (induct "m")
case (basic a)
then obtain s where sA: "s ∈ A⇧⋆" and as: "a = infsuff A s" and ta: "t ∈ a"
by auto
from sA as ta have "s ∈ finpref A t" by (auto dest: infsuff_finpref)
thus ?case using as by auto
next case (inter a b)
then obtain r r' where
rt: "r ∈ finpref A t" and ra: "infsuff A r ⊆ a" and
r't: "r' ∈ finpref A t" and r'b: "infsuff A r' ⊆ b"
by auto
from rt r't have "r ≤ r' ∨ r' ≤ r"
by (auto simp: finpref_def dest: pref_locally_linear)
thus ?case
assume "r ≤ r'"
hence "infsuff A r' ⊆ infsuff A r" by (rule infsuff_mono2)
thus ?case using r't ra r'b by auto
next assume "r' ≤ r"
hence "infsuff A r ⊆ infsuff A r'" by (rule infsuff_mono2)
thus ?case using rt r'b ra by auto
next case (union M)
then obtain v where
"t ∈ v" and vM: "v ∈ M"
by blast
then obtain r where "r∈finpref A t" "infsuff A r ⊆ v" using union
by auto
thus ?case using vM by auto
with mu show ?thesis by (auto intro: H)
lemma (in itrace_top) hausdorff [iff]: "T2 T"
proof(rule T2I, clarify)
fix x y assume xpoint: "x ∈ carrier"
and ypoint: "y ∈ carrier"
and neq: "x ≠ y"
from xpoint ypoint have xA: "x ∈ A⇧ω" and yA: "y ∈ A⇧ω"
by (auto simp: itop_carrier)
then obtain s where
sA: "s ∈ A⇧⋆" and sx: "s ≤ x" and sy: "¬ s ≤ y" using neq
by (rule inf_neqE) auto
from neq have "y ≠ x" ..
with yA xA obtain t where
tA: "t ∈ A⇧⋆" and ty: "t ≤ y" and tx: "¬ t ≤ x"
by (rule inf_neqE) auto
let ?u = "infsuff A s" and ?v = "infsuff A t"
have inter: "?u ∩ ?v = {}"
proof (rule ccontr, auto)
fix z assume "z ∈ ?u" and "z ∈ ?v"
hence "s ≤ z" and "t ≤ z" by (unfold infsuff_def) auto
hence "s ≤ t ∨ t ≤ s" by (rule pref_locally_linear)
thus False using sx sy tx ty by (auto dest: llist_le_trans)
moreover {
from sA tA have "?u open" and "?v open"
by auto
moreover from xA yA sx ty have "x ∈ ?u" and "y ∈ ?v"
by (auto simp: infsuff_def)
ultimately have "infsuff A s ∈ nhds x" and
"infsuff A t ∈ nhds y"
by auto }
ultimately show "∃ u ∈ nhds x. ∃ v ∈ nhds y. u ∩ v = {}"
by auto
corollary (in itrace_top) unique_convergence:
"⟦ x ∈ carrier;
y ∈ carrier;
F ∈ Filters ;
F ⤏ x;
F ⤏ y ⟧ ⟹ x = y"
apply (rule T2.unique_convergence)
prefer 2
apply (rule filter.intro)
apply auto
lemma (in itrace_top) adh_lemma:
assumes xpoint: "x ∈ A⇧ω"
and PA: "P ⊆ A⇧ω"
shows "x adh P = (∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧ω. r @@ s ∈ P)"
from PA have "⋀r. r ∈ A⇧⋆ ⟹ (∃ s ∈ A⇧ω. r @@ s ∈ P) =
(∃ s ∈ P. r ≤ s)"
by (auto simp: llist_le_def iff: lapp_infT)
hence "(∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧ω. r @@ s ∈ P) =
(∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ P. r ≤ s)"
by (auto simp: finpref_def)
also have "… = (∀ r ∈ finpref A x. infsuff A r ∩ P ≠ {})"
have "⋀r. (∃s∈P. r ≤ s) = ({ra. ra ∈ A⇧ω ∧ r ≤ ra} ∩ P ≠ {})" using PA
by blast
thus ?thesis by (simp add: infsuff_def)
also have "… = (∀ u ∈ nhds x. u ∩ P ≠ {})"
proof safe
fix r assume uP: "∀ u ∈ nhds x. u ∩ P ≠ {}" and
rfinpref: "r ∈ finpref A x" and rP: "infsuff A r ∩ P = {}"
from rfinpref have "infsuff A r open" by (auto dest!: finpref_fin)
hence "infsuff A r ∈ nhds x" using xpoint rfinpref
by auto
with uP rP show "False" by auto
fix u assume
inter: "∀r∈finpref A x. infsuff A r ∩ P ≠ {}" and
unhd: "u ∈ nhds x" and
uinter: "u ∩ P = {}"
from unhd obtain r where
"r ∈ finpref A x" and "infsuff A r ⊆ u"
by (rule infsuff_nhd_base)
with inter uinter show "False" by auto
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: adhs_def)
lemma (in itrace_top) infsafety_closed_iff:
"P ⊆ A⇧ω ⟹ infsafety A P = (P closed)"
by (auto simp: infsafety_def topology.closed_adh adh_lemma itop_carrier)
lemma (in itrace_top) empty:
"A = {} ⟹ T = {{}}"
proof (auto simp: T_def)
fix m x assume "m ∈ topo {{}}" and xm: "x ∈ m"
thus False
by (induct m) auto
lemma itop_empty: "itop {} = {{}}"
proof (auto simp: itop_def)
fix m x assume "m ∈ topo {{}}" and xm: "x ∈ m"
thus False
by (induct m) auto
lemma infliveness_empty:
"infliveness {} P ⟹ False"
by (auto simp: infliveness_def)
lemma (in trivial) dense:
"P dense"
by auto
lemma (in itrace_top) infliveness_dense_iff:
assumes notempty: "A ≠ {}"
and P: "P ⊆ A⇧ω"
shows "infliveness A P = (P dense)"
have "infliveness A P = (∀r∈A⇧⋆. ∃ s ∈ A⇧ω. r @@ s ∈ P)"
by (simp add: infliveness_def)
also have "… = (∀x∈A⇧ω. ∀ r ∈ finpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧ω. r @@ s ∈ P)"
from notempty obtain a where "a ∈ A"
by auto
hence lc: "lconst a ∈ A⇧ω"
by (rule lconstT)
hence "⋀P. (∀x∈A⇧ω. ∀r∈finpref A x. P r) = (∀ r∈A⇧⋆. P r)"
proof (auto dest: finpref_fin)
fix P r assume lc: "lconst a ∈ A⇧ω"
and Pr: "∀x∈A⇧ω. ∀r∈finpref A x. P r"
and rA: "r ∈ A⇧⋆"
from rA lc have rlc: "r @@ lconst a ∈ A⇧ω" by (rule lapp_fin_infT)
moreover from rA rlc have "r ∈ finpref A (r @@ lconst a)"
by (auto simp: finpref_def llist_le_def)
ultimately show "P r" using Pr by auto
thus ?thesis by simp
also have "… = (∀x∈A⇧ω. x adh P)" using P
by (simp add: adh_lemma)
also have "… = (A⇧ω ⊆ closure P)" using P
by (auto simp: adh_closure_iff itop_carrier)
also have "… = (P dense)"
by (simp add: infliveness_def is_dense_def is_densein_def itop_carrier)
finally show ?thesis .
theorem (in itrace_top) alpern_schneider:
assumes notempty: "A ≠ {}"
and Psub: "P ⊆ A⇧ω"
shows "∃ S L. infsafety A S ∧ infliveness A L ∧ P = S ∩ L"
from Psub have "P ⊆ carrier"
by (simp add: itop_carrier [THEN sym])
then obtain L S where
Lsub: "L ⊆ carrier" and
Ssub: "S ⊆ carrier" and
Sclosed: "S closed" and
Ldense: "L dense" and
Pinter: "P = S ∩ L"
by (rule topology.ex_dense_closure_interE [OF topology]) auto
from Ssub Sclosed have "infsafety A S"
by (simp add: infsafety_closed_iff itop_carrier)
moreover from notempty Lsub Ldense have "infliveness A L"
by (simp add: infliveness_dense_iff itop_carrier)
ultimately show ?thesis using Pinter
by auto
subsection‹The topology of non-empty llists›
ptop :: "'a set ⇒ 'a llist top" where
"ptop A ≡ topo (⋃ s∈A⇧♣. {suff A s})"
locale possuffixes =
fixes A and B
defines [simp]: "B ≡ (⋃ s∈A⇧♣. {suff A s})"
locale ptrace_top = possuffixes + topobase
lemma (in ptrace_top) open_iff [iff]:
"m open = (m ∈ topo (⋃ s∈A⇧♣. {suff A s}))"
by (simp add: T_def is_open_def)
lemma (in ptrace_top) topology [iff]: "topology T"
by (simp add: T_def)
lemma (in ptrace_top) ptop_carrier: "carrier = A⇧♠"
by (auto simp add: carrier_topo suff_def)
(auto elim: alllsts.cases)
lemma pptop_subtop_ttop:
fixes S (structure)
fixes A and B and T (structure)
defines "B ≡ ⋃s∈A⇧⋆. {suff A s}" and "T ≡ topo B"
defines "S ≡ ⋃ t ∈ T. {t - {LNil}}"
shows "subtopology S T"
by (rule subtopology.intro, auto simp add: is_open_def S_def carr_def)
lemma pptop_top:
fixes S (structure)
fixes A and B and T (structure)
defines "B ≡ ⋃s∈A⇧⋆. {suff A s}" and "T ≡ topo B"
defines "S ≡ ⋃ t ∈ T. {t - {LNil}}"
shows "topology (⋃ t ∈ T. {t - {LNil}})"
proof -
interpret trace_top A B T by fact+
show ?thesis
by (auto intro!: subtopology.subtop_topology [OF pptop_subtop_ttop]
trace_top.topology simp: T_def)
lemma (in ptrace_top) suff_open [intro!]:
"r ∈ A⇧♣ ⟹ suff A r open"
by auto
lemma (in ptrace_top) suff_ptop_nhd_base:
assumes unhd: "u ∈ nhds t"
and H: "⋀r. ⟦ r ∈ pfinpref A t; suff A r ⊆ u ⟧ ⟹ R"
shows "R"
from unhd obtain m where
uA: "u ⊆ A⇧♠" and
mopen: "m open" and
tm: "t ∈ m" and
mu: "m ⊆ u"
by (auto simp: ptop_carrier)
from mopen tm have
"∃r ∈ pfinpref A t. suff A r ⊆ m"
proof (induct "m")
case (basic a)
then obtain s where sA: "s ∈ A⇧♣" and as: "a = suff A s" and ta: "t ∈ a"
by auto
from sA as ta have "s ∈ pfinpref A t"
by (auto simp: pfinpref_def dest: suff_finpref)
thus ?case using as by auto
next case (inter a b)
then obtain r r' where
rt: "r ∈ pfinpref A t" and ra: "suff A r ⊆ a" and
r't: "r' ∈ pfinpref A t" and r'b: "suff A r' ⊆ b"
by auto
from rt r't have "r ≤ r' ∨ r' ≤ r"
by (auto simp: pfinpref_def finpref_def dest: pref_locally_linear)
thus ?case
assume "r ≤ r'"
hence "suff A r' ⊆ suff A r" by (rule suff_mono2)
thus ?case using r't ra r'b by auto
next assume "r' ≤ r"
hence "suff A r ⊆ suff A r'" by (rule suff_mono2)
thus ?case using rt r'b ra by auto
next case (union M)
then obtain v where
"t ∈ v" and vM: "v ∈ M"
by blast
then obtain r where "r∈pfinpref A t" "suff A r ⊆ v" using union
by auto
thus ?case using vM by auto
with mu show ?thesis by (auto intro: H)
lemma pfinpref_LNil [simp]: "pfinpref A LNil = {}"
by (auto simp: pfinpref_def)
lemma (in ptrace_top) adh_lemma:
assumes xpoint: "x ∈ A⇧♠"
and P_subset_A: "P ⊆ A⇧♠"
shows "x adh P = (∀ r ∈ pfinpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P)"
assume adh_x: "x adh P"
show "∀r∈pfinpref A x. ∃s∈A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P"
fix r let ?u = "suff A r"
assume r_pfinpref_x: "r ∈ pfinpref A x"
hence r_pos: "r ∈ A⇧♣" by (auto dest: finpref_fin)
hence "?u open" by auto
hence "?u ∈ nhds x" using xpoint r_pfinpref_x
by auto
with adh_x have "?u ∩ P ≠ {}" by (auto elim!:adhCE)
then obtain t where tu: "t ∈ ?u" and tP: "t ∈ P"
by auto
from tu obtain s where "t = r @@ s" using r_pos
by (auto elim!: suff_appE)
with tP show "∃s∈A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P" using P_subset_A r_pos
by (auto iff: lapp_allT_iff)
assume H: "∀r∈pfinpref A x. ∃s∈A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P"
show "x adh P"
fix U assume unhd: "U ∈ nhds x"
then obtain r where r_pfinpref_x: "r ∈ pfinpref A x" and
suff_subset_U: "suff A r ⊆ U" by (elim suff_ptop_nhd_base)
from r_pfinpref_x have rpos: "r ∈ A⇧♣" by (auto intro: finpref_fin)
show "U ∩ P ≠ {}" using rpos
proof (cases r)
case (LCons a l)
hence r_pfinpref_x: "r ∈ pfinpref A x" using r_pfinpref_x
by auto
with H obtain s where sA: "s ∈ A⇧∞" and asP: "r@@s ∈ P"
by auto
moreover have "r @@ s ∈ suff A r" using sA rpos
by (auto simp: suff_def iff: lapp_allT_iff)
ultimately show ?thesis using suff_subset_U by auto
lemma (in ptrace_top) possafety_closed_iff:
"P ⊆ A⇧♠ ⟹ possafety A P = (P closed)"
by (auto simp: possafety_def topology.closed_adh ptop_carrier adh_lemma)
lemma (in ptrace_top) posliveness_dense_iff:
assumes P: "P ⊆ A⇧♠"
shows "posliveness A P = (P dense)"
have "posliveness A P = (∀r∈A⇧♣. ∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P)"
by (simp add: posliveness_def)
also have "… = (∀x∈A⇧♠. ∀ r ∈ pfinpref A x. ∃ s ∈ A⇧∞. r @@ s ∈ P)"
by (auto simp: pfinpref_def finpref_def dest: finsubsetall)
also have "… = (∀x∈A⇧♠. x adh P)" using P
by (auto simp: adh_lemma simp del: poslsts_iff)
also have "… = (A⇧♠ ⊆ closure P)" using P
by (auto simp: adh_closure_iff ptop_carrier simp del: poslsts_iff)
also have "… = (P dense)"
by (simp add: posliveness_def is_dense_def is_densein_def ptop_carrier)
finally show ?thesis .
theorem (in ptrace_top) alpern_schneider:
assumes Psub: "P ⊆ A⇧♠"
shows "∃ S L. possafety A S ∧ posliveness A L ∧ P = S ∩ L"
from Psub have "P ⊆ carrier" by (simp add: ptop_carrier)
then obtain L S where
Lsub: "L ⊆ carrier" and
Ssub: "S ⊆ carrier" and
Sclosed: "S closed" and
Ldense: "L dense" and
Pinter: "P = S ∩ L"
by (blast elim: topology.ex_dense_closure_interE [OF topology])
from Ssub Sclosed have "possafety A S"
by (simp add: possafety_closed_iff ptop_carrier)
moreover from Lsub Ldense have "posliveness A L"
by (simp add: posliveness_dense_iff ptop_carrier)
ultimately show ?thesis using Pinter
by auto