Theory logics_quantifiers

theory logics_quantifiers
  imports boolean_algebra_infinitary

subsection ‹Quantifiers (restricted and unrestricted)›

text‹Introduce pedagogically convenient notation.›
notation HOL.All ("Π") notation HOL.Ex ("Σ")

text‹Let us recall that in HOL we have: ›
lemma "(x. P) = Π(λx. P)" by simp
lemma "(x. P) = Σ(λx. P)" by simp
lemma "Σ = (λP. ¬Π(λx. ¬P x))" by simp

text‹We can introduce their respective 'w-type-lifted variants as follows: ›
definition mforall::"('i'w σ)'w σ" ("Π_")
  where "Πφ  λw. X. φ X w"
definition mexists::"('i'w σ)'w σ" ("Σ_") 
  where "Σφ  λw. X. φ X w"

text‹To improve readability, we introduce for them standard binder notation.›
notation mforall (binder "" [48]49)  notation mexists (binder "" [48]49) 

text‹And thus we obtain the 'w-type-lifted variant of the standard (variable-binding) quantifiers.›
lemma "(X. φ) = Π(λX. φ)" by (simp add: mforall_def)
lemma "(X. φ) = Σ(λX. φ)" by (simp add: mexists_def)

text‹Quantifiers are dual to each other in the expected way.›
lemma "Πφ = (Σφ-)" by (simp add: compl_def mexists_def mforall_def svfun_compl_def)
lemma "(X. φ X) = (X. (φ X))" by (simp add: compl_def mexists_def mforall_def)

text‹Relationship between quantifiers and the infinitary supremum and infimum operations.›
lemma mforall_char: "Πφ = φ _⟧" unfolding infimum_def mforall_def range_def by metis
lemma mexists_char:  "Σφ = φ _⟧" unfolding supremum_def mexists_def range_def by metis
(*Using binder notation:*)
lemma mforallb_char: "(X. φ) = (λX. φ) _⟧" unfolding infimum_def mforall_def range_def by simp
lemma mexistsb_char: "(X. φ) = (λX. φ) _⟧" unfolding supremum_def mexists_def range_def by simp

text‹We now consider quantification restricted over constant and varying domains.›

text‹Constant domains: first generalization of quantifiers above (e.g. free logic).›
definition mforall_const::"'i σ  ('i  'w σ)  'w σ" ("Π[_]_") 
  where "Π[D]φ  λw. X. (D X)  (φ X) w" 
definition mexists_const::"'i σ  ('i  'w σ)  'w σ" ("Σ[_]_") 
  where "Σ[D]φ  λw. X. (D X)    (φ X) w"

(*Alas! the convenient binder notation cannot be easily introduced for restricted quantifiers.*)

text‹Constant-domain quantification generalises its unrestricted counterpart.›
lemma "Πφ = Π[]φ" by (simp add: mforall_const_def mforall_def top_def)
lemma "Σφ = Σ[]φ" by (simp add: mexists_const_def mexists_def top_def)

text‹Constant-domain quantification can also be characterised using infimum and supremum.›
lemma mforall_const_char: "Π[D]φ = φ D" unfolding image_def infimum_def mforall_const_def by metis
lemma mexists_const_char: "Σ[D]φ = φ D" unfolding image_def supremum_def mexists_const_def by metis

text‹Constant-domain quantifiers also  allow us to nicely characterize the interaction between
 function composition and (restricted) quantification:›
lemma mforall_comp: "Π(φψ) = Π[ψ _⟧] φ" unfolding fun_comp_def mforall_const_def mforall_def range_def by metis
lemma mexists_comp: "Σ(φψ) = Σ[ψ _⟧] φ" unfolding fun_comp_def mexists_const_def mexists_def range_def by metis

text‹Varying domains: we can also restrict quantifiers by taking a 'functional domain' as additional parameter.
The latter is a set-valued mapping each element 'i to a set of points (e.g. where it 'exists').›
definition mforall_var::"('i  'w σ)  ('i  'w σ)  'w σ" ("Π{_}_") 
  where "Π{ψ}φ  λw. X. (ψ X) w  (φ X) w" 
definition mexists_var::"('i  'w σ)  ('i  'w σ)  'w σ" ("Σ{_}_") 
  where "Σ{ψ}φ  λw. X. (ψ X) w    (φ X) w"

text‹Varying-domain quantification generalizes its constant-domain counterpart.›
lemma "Π[D]φ = Π{D}φ" by (simp add: mforall_const_def mforall_var_def)
lemma "Σ[D]φ = Σ{D}φ" by (simp add: mexists_const_def mexists_var_def)

text‹Restricted quantifiers are dual to each other in the expected way.›
lemma "Π[D]φ = (Σ[D]φ-)" by (metis iDM_b im_prop2 mexists_const_char mforall_const_char setequ_ext)
lemma "Π{ψ}φ = (Σ{ψ}φ-)" by (simp add: compl_def mexists_var_def mforall_var_def svfun_compl_def)

text‹We can use 2nd-order connectives on set-valued functions to encode restricted quantifiers as unrestricted.›
lemma "Π{ψ}φ = Π(ψ : φ)" by (simp add: impl_def mforall_def mforall_var_def svfun_impl_def)
lemma "Σ{ψ}φ = Σ(ψ : φ)" by (simp add: meet_def mexists_def mexists_var_def svfun_meet_def)

text‹Observe that using these operators has the advantage of allowing for binder notation.›
lemma "Π{ψ}φ = (X. (ψ : φ) X)" by (simp add: impl_def mforall_def mforall_var_def svfun_impl_def)
lemma "Σ{ψ}φ = (X. (ψ : φ) X)" by (simp add: meet_def mexists_def mexists_var_def svfun_meet_def)

text‹To sumarize: different sorts of restricted quantification can be emulated 
  by employing 2nd-order operations to adequately relativize predicates.›
lemma "Π[D]φ = (X. (D : φ) X)" by (simp add: impl_def mforall_const_def mforall_def svfun_impl_def)
lemma "Π{:}φ = (X. (: : φ) X)" by (simp add: impl_def mforall_def mforall_var_def svfun_impl_def)
lemma "Πφ = Π{:}φ" by (simp add: mforall_def mforall_var_def svfun_top_def top_def)
lemma "(X. φ X) = Π{:}φ" by (simp add: mforall_def mforall_var_def svfun_top_def top_def)

named_theorems quant (*to group together definitions related to quantification*)
declare mforall_def[quant] mexists_def[quant]
        mforall_const_def[quant] mexists_const_def[quant]
        mforall_var_def[quant] mexists_var_def[quant]
