Theory Matrix_Group
section ‹Matrix groups›
theory Matrix_Group
paragraph ‹Summary›
text ‹
In this section we define the general linear group and some of its subgroups.
We also introduce topologies on vector types and use them to prove the aforementioned groups
to be topological groups.
subsection ‹Topologies on vector types›
definition vec_topology :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a^'n) topology" where
"vec_topology T = quot_topology (product_topology (λi. T) UNIV) vec_lambda"
lemma producttop_vectop_homeo:
shows "homeomorphic_map (product_topology (λi. T) UNIV) (vec_topology T) vec_lambda"
proof -
have "inj_on vec_lambda (topspace (product_topology (λi. T) UNIV))" unfolding inj_on_def by force
then show ?thesis unfolding vec_topology_def
using injective_quotient_map_homeo[OF projection_quotient_map] by blast
lemma homeo_inverse_homeo:
assumes homeo: "homeomorphic_map X Y f" and fg_id: "∀y ∈ topspace Y. f (g y) = y" and
g_image: "∀y ∈ topspace Y. g y ∈ topspace X"
shows "homeomorphic_map Y X g"
proof -
from homeo obtain h where
h_homeo: "homeomorphic_map Y X h" and hf_id: "(∀x ∈ topspace X. h (f x) = x)"
by (smt (verit) homeomorphic_map_maps homeomorphic_maps_map)
have "g y = h y" if "y ∈ topspace Y" for y
proof -
have "g y = h (f (g y))" using hf_id that g_image by fastforce
then show ?thesis using fg_id that by simp
then show ?thesis using homeomorphic_map_eq[OF h_homeo] by presburger
lemma vectop_producttop_homeo:
shows "homeomorphic_map (vec_topology T) (product_topology (λi. T) UNIV) vec_nth"
proof -
let ?T' = "product_topology (λi. T) UNIV"
have "vec_lambda (vec_nth v) = v" for v :: "'a^'n" by simp
moreover have "vec_nth v ∈ topspace ?T'" if "v ∈ topspace (vec_topology T)" for v :: "'a^'n"
proof -
have "∃f ∈ topspace ?T'. v = vec_lambda f" using that
unfolding vec_topology_def topspace_quot_topology image_def by fast
then show ?thesis by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using homeo_inverse_homeo[OF producttop_vectop_homeo] by blast
lemma vec_topology_euclidean [simp]:
defines "T :: ('a :: topological_space) topology ≡ euclidean"
defines "T⇩v⇩e⇩c :: ('a^'n) topology ≡ euclidean"
shows "vec_topology T = T⇩v⇩e⇩c"
proof -
have "openin (vec_topology T) U" if "openin T⇩v⇩e⇩c U" for U
proof -
have hU: "open U" using open_openin that unfolding T⇩v⇩e⇩c_def by blast
have "∃U'. openin (vec_topology T) U' ∧ x ∈ U' ∧ U' ⊆ U" if "x ∈ U" for x
proof -
from that hU obtain V :: "'n ⇒ 'a set" where
hV: "(∀i. open (V i) ∧ x$i ∈ V i) ∧ (∀y. (∀i. y$i ∈ V i) ⟶ y ∈ U)" unfolding open_vec_def by force
let ?W = "Π⇩E i∈UNIV. V i"
from hV have "openin T (V i)" for i using open_openin unfolding T_def by blast
then have "openin (product_topology (λi. T) UNIV) ?W" by (simp add: openin_PiE)
then have is_open: "openin (vec_topology T) (vec_lambda`?W)"
using producttop_vectop_homeo homeomorphic_map_openness openin_subset by metis
have "vec_nth x ∈ ?W" using hV by fast
then have contains_x: "x ∈ (vec_lambda`?W)" unfolding image_def by force
have "y ∈ U" if "vec_nth y ∈ ?W" for y
proof -
from that have "y$i ∈ V i" for i by fast
then show ?thesis using hV by blast
then have "(vec_lambda`?W) ⊆ U" by force
then show ?thesis using contains_x is_open by meson
then show ?thesis by (meson openin_subopen)
moreover have "openin T⇩v⇩e⇩c U" if "openin (vec_topology T) U" for U
proof -
from that have hU: "openin (product_topology (λi. T) UNIV) (vec_nth`U)"
using vectop_producttop_homeo homeomorphic_map_openness openin_subset by metis
have "∃V. (∀i. open (V i) ∧ x $ i ∈ V i) ∧ (∀y. (∀i. y $ i ∈ V i) ⟶ y ∈ U)" if "x ∈ U" for x
proof -
from that have "vec_nth x ∈ (vec_nth`U)" unfolding image_def by blast
then obtain V :: "'n ⇒ 'a set"
where hV: "(∀i. openin T (V i)) ∧ vec_nth x ∈ (Π⇩E i∈UNIV. V i) ∧ (Π⇩E i∈UNIV. V i) ⊆ (vec_nth`U)"
using hU product_topology_open_contains_basis by (metis (no_types, lifting))
then have "open (V i) ∧ x$i ∈ V i" for i unfolding T_def using open_openin by fast
moreover have "y ∈ U" if "∀i. y$i ∈ V i" for y
proof -
have "vec_nth y ∈ (Π⇩E i∈UNIV. V i)" using that by blast
then show ?thesis using hV by (metis image_iff in_mono vec_nth_inject)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
then have "open U" unfolding open_vec_def by blast
then show ?thesis unfolding T⇩v⇩e⇩c_def using open_openin by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using topology_eq by meson
lemma vec_projection_continuous:
shows "continuous_map (vec_topology T) T (λv. v$i)"
using homeomorphic_imp_continuous_map[OF vectop_producttop_homeo] by fast
lemma vec_components_continuous_imp_continuous:
fixes f :: "'x ⇒ 'a^'n"
assumes "∀i. continuous_map X T (λx. (f x) $ i)"
shows "continuous_map X (vec_topology T) f"
proof -
have "continuous_map X (product_topology (λi. T) UNIV) (vec_nth ∘ f)" using assms by auto
moreover have "f = vec_lambda ∘ (vec_nth ∘ f)" by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using continuous_map_compose
homeomorphic_imp_continuous_map[OF producttop_vectop_homeo] by fastforce
definition matrix_topology :: "'a topology ⇒ ('a^'n^'m) topology" where
"matrix_topology T = vec_topology (vec_topology T)"
lemma matrix_topology_euclidean[simp]:
shows "matrix_topology euclidean = euclidean"
unfolding matrix_topology_def by simp
lemma matrix_projection_continuous:
shows "continuous_map (matrix_topology T) T (λA. A$i$j)"
proof -
have "(λA. A$i$j) = (λx. x$j) ∘ (λA. A$i)" by fastforce
then show ?thesis unfolding matrix_topology_def
using vec_projection_continuous continuous_map_compose by metis
lemma matrix_components_continuous_imp_continuous:
fixes f :: "'x ⇒ 'a^'n^'m"
assumes "⋀i j. continuous_map X T (λx. (f x) $ i $ j)"
shows "continuous_map X (matrix_topology T) f"
unfolding matrix_topology_def using vec_components_continuous_imp_continuous assms by metis
subsection ‹The general linear group as a topological group›
definition GL :: "(('a :: field)^'n^'n) monoid" where
"GL = ⦇carrier = {A. invertible A}, monoid.mult = (**), one = mat 1⦈"
definition GL_topology :: "(real^'n^'n) topology" where
"GL_topology = subtopology euclidean (carrier GL)"
lemma topspace_GL: "topspace GL_topology = {A. invertible A}"
unfolding GL_topology_def topspace_subtopology GL_def by simp
subsubsection ‹Continuity of matrix operations›
lemma det_continuous:
defines "T :: (real^'n^'n) topology ≡ euclidean"
shows "continuous_map T euclideanreal det"
proof -
let ?T' = "matrix_topology euclideanreal"
let ?S = "{π. π permutes (UNIV :: 'n set)}"
have S_finite: "finite ?S" by simp
have "finite (UNIV :: 'n set)" by simp
then have "continuous_map ?T' euclideanreal (λA. ∏ i ∈ (UNIV :: 'n set). (A $ i $ π i))"
for π :: "'n ⇒ 'n" using continuous_map_prod[OF _ matrix_projection_continuous] by fast
then have "continuous_map ?T' euclideanreal (λA. of_int (sign π) * (∏ i ∈ (UNIV :: 'n set). (A $ i $ π i)))"
for π :: "'n ⇒ 'n" using continuous_map_real_mult_left by fast
from continuous_map_sum[OF S_finite this] have "continuous_map ?T' euclideanreal
(λA. ∑ π∈?S. of_int (sign π) * (∏ i ∈ (UNIV :: 'n set). A $ i $ π i))" by fast
then show ?thesis unfolding T_def matrix_topology_euclidean det_def by force
lemma matrix_mul_continuous:
defines "T1 :: (real^'n^'m) topology ≡ euclidean"
defines "T2 :: (real^'r^'n) topology ≡ euclidean"
defines "T3 :: (real^'r^'m) topology ≡ euclidean"
shows "continuous_map (prod_topology T1 T2) T3 (λ(A,B). A ** B)"
proof -
let ?T = "prod_topology T1 T2"
have "continuous_map ?T euclideanreal (λAB. (fst AB ** snd AB) $ i $ j)" for i :: 'm and j :: 'r
proof -
have eq: "(λAB. (fst AB ** snd AB) $ i $ j) = (λAB. (∑(k::'n)∈UNIV. fst AB $ i $ k * snd AB $ k $ j))"
unfolding matrix_matrix_mult_def by auto
comp1: "(λAB. fst AB $ i $ k) = (λA. A$i$k) ∘ fst" and
comp2: "(λAB. snd AB $ k $ j) = (λB. B$k$j) ∘ snd"
for k :: 'n by auto
from comp1 have "continuous_map ?T euclideanreal (λAB. fst AB $ i $ k)" for k :: 'n
unfolding T1_def matrix_topology_euclidean[symmetric]
using continuous_map_compose[OF continuous_map_fst matrix_projection_continuous] by metis
moreover from comp2 have "continuous_map ?T euclideanreal (λAB. snd AB $ k $ j)" for k :: 'n
unfolding T2_def matrix_topology_euclidean[symmetric]
using continuous_map_compose[OF continuous_map_snd matrix_projection_continuous] by metis
ultimately have summand_continuous:
"continuous_map ?T euclideanreal (λAB. fst AB $ i $ k * snd AB $ k $ j)" for k :: 'n
using continuous_map_real_mult by blast
have finite: "finite (UNIV :: 'n set)" by simp
have "continuous_map ?T euclideanreal (λAB. (∑(k::'n)∈UNIV. fst AB $ i $ k * snd AB $ k $ j))"
using continuous_map_sum[OF finite summand_continuous] by fast
then show ?thesis unfolding eq by blast
from matrix_components_continuous_imp_continuous[OF this] show ?thesis
unfolding T3_def matrix_topology_euclidean[symmetric] by (simp add: case_prod_beta')
lemma transpose_continuous:
shows "continuous_map (euclidean :: (('a :: topological_space)^'n^'m) topology) euclidean transpose"
proof -
have "continuous_map euclidean euclidean (λA. (transpose A) $ i $ j)" for i :: 'n and j :: 'm
unfolding transpose_def matrix_topology_euclidean[symmetric]
using matrix_projection_continuous[of euclidean j i] by fastforce
from matrix_components_continuous_imp_continuous[OF this] show ?thesis
unfolding matrix_topology_euclidean by blast
subsubsection ‹Continuity of matrix inversion›
lemma matrix_mul_columns:
fixes A :: "('a :: semiring_1)^'n^'m" and B :: "'a^'k^'n"
shows "column j (A ** B) = A *v (column j B)"
unfolding column_def matrix_matrix_mult_def matrix_vector_mult_def by force
lemma matrix_columns_unique:
assumes "∀j. column j A = column j B"
shows "A = B"
using assms unfolding column_def by (simp add: vec_eq_iff)
lemma matrix_inv_is_inv:
assumes "invertible A"
shows "A ** (matrix_inv A) = mat 1" and "(matrix_inv A) ** A = mat 1"
proof -
show "A ** matrix_inv A = mat 1"
using assms unfolding invertible_def matrix_inv_def by (simp add: verit_sko_ex')
show "(matrix_inv A) ** A = mat 1"
using assms unfolding invertible_def matrix_inv_def by (simp add: verit_sko_ex')
lemma invertible_imp_right_inverse_is_inverse:
assumes invertible: "invertible A" and "A ** B = mat 1"
shows "matrix_inv A = B"
using matrix_inv_is_inv[OF invertible] assms by (metis matrix_mul_assoc matrix_mul_lid)
lemma matrix_inv_invertible:
assumes "invertible A"
shows "invertible (matrix_inv A)"
using assms matrix_inv_is_inv invertible_def by fast
lemma det_inv:
fixes A :: "('a :: field)^'n^'n"
assumes "det A ≠ 0"
shows "det (matrix_inv A) = 1 / det A"
proof -
have "A ** (matrix_inv A) = mat 1" using assms invertible_det_nz matrix_inv_is_inv(1) by fast
then have "det A * det (matrix_inv A) = 1" using det_mul[of A "matrix_inv A"] by auto
then show ?thesis using assms by (metis nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left)
text ‹See proposition "cramer" from HOL-Analysis.Determinants›
definition cramer_inv :: "('a :: field)^'n^'n ⇒ 'a^'n^'n" where
"cramer_inv A = (χ i j. det(χ k l. if l = i then (axis j 1) $ k else A$k$l) / det A)"
lemma cramer_inv_is_inverse:
assumes invertible: "invertible (A :: ('a :: field)^'n^'n)"
shows "matrix_inv A = cramer_inv A"
proof -
have "A ** (cramer_inv A) = mat 1"
proof -
have "column j (cramer_inv A) = (χ i. det(χ k l. if l = i then (axis j 1) $ k else A$k$l) / det A)" for j
unfolding cramer_inv_def column_def by simp
moreover have "det A ≠ 0" using invertible unfolding invertible_det_nz by force
ultimately have "A *v (column j (cramer_inv A)) = axis j 1" for j using cramer by auto
then have "column j (A ** (cramer_inv A)) = axis j 1" for j unfolding matrix_mul_columns by auto
moreover have "column j (mat 1) = axis j 1" for j :: 'n unfolding column_def mat_def axis_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using matrix_columns_unique by metis
then show ?thesis using invertible invertible_imp_right_inverse_is_inverse unfolding GL_def by fastforce
lemma matrix_inv_continuous:
shows "continuous_map (GL_topology :: (real^'n^'n) topology) GL_topology matrix_inv"
proof -
define B :: "real^'n^'n ⇒ 'n ⇒ 'n ⇒ 'n ⇒ 'n ⇒ real" where
"B = (λA i j k l. if l = i then (axis j 1) $ k else A$k$l)"
define C :: "real^'n^'n ⇒ 'n ⇒ 'n ⇒ real^'n^'n" where
"C A i j = (χ k l. B A i j k l)" for A i j
have det_GL_continuous: "continuous_map GL_topology euclideanreal det"
unfolding GL_topology_def using continuous_map_from_subtopology[OF det_continuous] by fast
have "continuous_map euclidean euclideanreal (λA. B A i j k l)" for i j k l
proof (cases "l = i")
case True
then have "(λA. B A i j k l) = (λA. (axis j 1) $ k)" unfolding B_def by force
moreover have "continuous_map euclidean euclideanreal (λA. (axis j 1) $ k)" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (smt (verit) continuous_map_eq)
case False
then have "(λA. B A i j k l) = (λA. A$k$l)" unfolding B_def by simp
then show ?thesis unfolding matrix_topology_euclidean[symmetric]
using matrix_projection_continuous[of euclideanreal k l] by force
then have "continuous_map euclidean euclideanreal (λA. (C A i j) $ k $ l)"
for i j k l unfolding C_def by simp
from matrix_components_continuous_imp_continuous[OF this]
have "continuous_map euclidean euclidean (λA. C A i j)" for i j
unfolding matrix_topology_euclidean[symmetric] by blast
from continuous_map_compose[OF this det_continuous]
have "continuous_map euclidean euclideanreal (λA. det (C A i j))" for i j by force
then have "continuous_map GL_topology euclideanreal (λA. det (C A i j))" for i j
unfolding GL_topology_def using continuous_map_from_subtopology by fast
from continuous_map_real_divide[OF this det_GL_continuous]
have "continuous_map GL_topology euclideanreal (λA. det (C A i j) / det A)" for i j
unfolding topspace_GL invertible_det_nz by simp
then have "continuous_map GL_topology euclideanreal (λA. (χ i j. det (C A i j) / det A) $ i $ j)" for i j by simp
from matrix_components_continuous_imp_continuous[OF this]
have "continuous_map (GL_topology :: (real^'n^'n) topology) euclidean cramer_inv"
unfolding cramer_inv_def C_def B_def matrix_topology_euclidean[symmetric] by blast
from continuous_map_eq[OF this] have "continuous_map (GL_topology :: (real^'n^'n) topology) euclidean matrix_inv"
unfolding topspace_GL using cramer_inv_is_inverse by (metis mem_Collect_eq)
moreover have "matrix_inv A ∈ topspace GL_topology" if "A ∈ topspace GL_topology" for A :: "real^'n^'n"
using that unfolding topspace_GL
by (metis invertible_imp_right_inverse_is_inverse invertible_left_inverse invertible_right_inverse mem_Collect_eq)
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding GL_topology_def Pi_def image_def using continuous_map_into_subtopology by auto
subsubsection ‹The general linear group is topological›
GL_group: "group GL" and
GL_carrier [simp]: "carrier GL = {A. invertible A}" and
GL_inv [simp]: "A ∈ carrier GL ⟹ inv⇘GL⇙ A = matrix_inv A"
proof -
show "carrier GL = {A. invertible A}" unfolding GL_def by simp
show "group GL"
proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases)
case 3
then show ?case unfolding GL_def by (simp add: invertible_def)
case 6
then show ?case using GL_def unfolding Units_def invertible_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Collect_mono invertible_def mem_Collect_eq monoid.select_convs(1) monoid.select_convs(2) partial_object.select_convs(1))
qed (unfold GL_def, auto simp: matrix_mul_assoc invertible_mult)
interpret group GL by fact
show "A ∈ carrier GL ⟹ inv⇘GL⇙ A = matrix_inv A"
using matrix_inv_is_inv matrix_inv_invertible inv_equality unfolding GL_def by fastforce
GL_topological_group: "topological_group GL GL_topology" and
GL_open: "openin (euclidean :: (real^'n^'n) topology) (carrier GL)"
proof -
have group_is_space: "topspace GL_topology = carrier GL" unfolding topspace_GL GL_def by simp
have "continuous_map (prod_topology GL_topology GL_topology) euclidean (λ(A,B). A ** B)"
unfolding GL_topology_def subtopology_Times[symmetric] using matrix_mul_continuous continuous_map_from_subtopology by fast
from continuous_map_into_subtopology[OF this]
have "continuous_map (prod_topology GL_topology GL_topology) GL_topology (λ(A,B). A ⊗⇘GL⇙ B)"
unfolding GL_topology_def Pi_def topspace_prod_topology topspace_subtopology GL_def using invertible_mult by auto
moreover from continuous_map_eq[OF matrix_inv_continuous]
have "continuous_map GL_topology GL_topology (λA. inv⇘GL⇙ A)" unfolding group_is_space using GL_inv by metis
ultimately show "topological_group GL GL_topology" using GL_group group_is_space
unfolding topological_group_def topological_group_axioms_def by blast
have "openin euclideanreal ((topspace euclideanreal) - {0})" by auto
from openin_continuous_map_preimage[OF det_continuous this]
have "openin euclidean {(A :: real^'n^'n) ∈ topspace euclidean. det A ∈ ((topspace euclideanreal) - {0})}" by blast
moreover have "carrier GL = {A :: real^'n^'n. det A ≠ 0}"
using group_is_space[symmetric] invertible_det_nz unfolding topspace_GL by blast
ultimately show "openin (euclidean :: (real^'n^'n) topology) (carrier GL)" by fastforce
subsection ‹Subgroups of the general linear group›
definition SL :: "(('a :: field)^'n^'n) monoid" where
"SL = GL ⦇carrier := {A. det A = 1}⦈"
lemma det_homomorphism: "group_hom GL unit_group det"
proof -
have "det ∈ carrier GL → carrier unit_group"
unfolding GL_carrier unit_group_def using invertible_det_nz by fastforce
moreover have "det (A ⊗⇘GL⇙ B) = det A ⊗⇘unit_group⇙ det B" for A B
unfolding GL_def unit_group_def using det_mul by auto
ultimately have "det ∈ hom GL unit_group" unfolding hom_def by blast
then show ?thesis using GL_group group_unit_group
unfolding group_hom_def group_hom_axioms_def by blast
SL_kernel_det: "carrier (SL :: (('a :: field)^'n^'n) monoid) = kernel GL unit_group det" and
SL_subgroup: "subgroup (carrier SL) (GL :: ('a^'n^'n) monoid)" and
SL_carrier [simp]: "carrier SL = {A. det A = 1}"
proof -
interpret group_hom "GL :: ('a^'n^'n) monoid" unit_group det using det_homomorphism by blast
show "carrier SL = {A. det A = 1}" unfolding SL_def by simp
then show "carrier (SL :: ('a^'n^'n) monoid) = kernel GL unit_group det"
unfolding kernel_def GL_carrier unit_group_def using invertible_det_nz by force
then show "subgroup (carrier SL) (GL :: ('a^'n^'n) monoid)" using subgroup_kernel by presburger
SL_topological_group: "topological_group SL (subtopology GL_topology (carrier SL))" and
SL_closed: "closedin GL_topology (carrier SL)"
proof -
interpret topological_group GL GL_topology using GL_topological_group by blast
show "topological_group SL (subtopology GL_topology (carrier SL))"
unfolding SL_def using topological_subgroup[OF SL_subgroup] by force
have "closedin euclideanreal {1}" by simp
then have "closedin GL_topology {A ∈ topspace GL_topology. det A = 1}" unfolding GL_topology_def
using continuous_map_from_subtopology[OF det_continuous] closedin_continuous_map_preimage
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Collect_cong singleton_iff)
moreover have "{A ∈ topspace GL_topology. det A = 1} = {A. det A = 1}"
using topspace_GL using invertible_det_nz by fastforce
ultimately show "closedin GL_topology (carrier SL)" unfolding SL_carrier by (smt (verit))
definition GO :: "(real^'n^'n) monoid" where
"GO = GL ⦇carrier := {A. orthogonal_matrix A}⦈"
GO_subgroup: "subgroup {A :: real^'n^'n. orthogonal_matrix A} GL" and
GO_carrier [simp]: "carrier GO = {A. orthogonal_matrix A}"
proof -
show "carrier GO = {A. orthogonal_matrix A}" unfolding GO_def by force
show "subgroup {A :: real^'n^'n. orthogonal_matrix A} GL"
proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case unfolding GL_carrier orthogonal_matrix_def invertible_def by blast
case (2 A B)
then show ?case unfolding GL_def using orthogonal_matrix_mul[of A B] by force
case 3
then show ?case unfolding GL_def using orthogonal_matrix_id by simp
case (4 A)
then have "A ∈ carrier GL" unfolding GL_carrier orthogonal_matrix_def invertible_def by blast
moreover from 4 have "orthogonal_matrix (matrix_inv A)"
by (metis invertible_imp_right_inverse_is_inverse invertible_right_inverse mem_Collect_eq orthogonal_matrix_def orthogonal_matrix_transpose)
ultimately show ?case using GL_inv by fastforce
GO_topological_group: "topological_group GO (subtopology GL_topology (carrier GO))" and
GO_closed: "closedin (GL_topology :: (real^'n^'n) topology) (carrier GO)"
proof -
interpret topological_group GL GL_topology using GL_topological_group by blast
show "topological_group GO (subtopology GL_topology (carrier GO))"
unfolding GO_def using topological_subgroup[OF GO_subgroup] by simp
have one_closed: "closedin euclidean {(mat 1) :: real^'n^'n}" by fastforce
have "continuous_map euclidean (prod_topology euclidean euclidean) (λA :: real^'n^'n. (transpose A, A))"
using continuous_map_pairedI[OF transpose_continuous continuous_map_id] by force
from continuous_map_compose[OF this matrix_mul_continuous]
have "continuous_map euclidean euclidean (λA :: real^'n^'n. (transpose A) ** A)" by force
from closedin_continuous_map_preimage[OF this one_closed]
have "closedin euclidean {A :: real^'n^'n. (transpose A) ** A = mat 1}" by force
moreover have "carrier GO = {A :: real^'n^'n. (transpose A) ** A = mat 1}"
using orthogonal_matrix unfolding GO_carrier by blast
ultimately have "closedin (euclidean :: (real^'n^'n) topology) (carrier GO)" by (smt (verit, del_insts))
moreover have "carrier GO ⊆ carrier GL"
unfolding GO_carrier GL_carrier orthogonal_matrix_def invertible_def by blast
ultimately show "closedin (GL_topology :: (real^'n^'n) topology) (carrier GO)"
unfolding GL_topology_def using closedin_subset_topspace by blast
definition SO :: "(real^'n^'n) monoid" where
"SO = GL ⦇carrier := {A. orthogonal_matrix A ∧ det A = 1}⦈"
SO_carrier [simp]: "carrier SO = {A. orthogonal_matrix A ∧ det A = 1}" and
SO_subgroup: "subgroup {A :: real^'n^'n. orthogonal_matrix A ∧ det A = 1} GL"
proof -
show "carrier SO = {A. orthogonal_matrix A ∧ det A = 1}" unfolding SO_def by auto
have eq: "{A :: real^'n^'n. orthogonal_matrix A ∧ det A = 1} = {A. orthogonal_matrix A} ∩ {A. det A = 1}" by fastforce
show "subgroup {A :: real^'n^'n. orthogonal_matrix A ∧ det A = 1} GL"
unfolding eq using subgroup_intersection[OF GO_subgroup SL_subgroup] by simp
SO_topological_group: "topological_group SO (subtopology GL_topology (carrier SO))" and
SO_closed: "closedin GL_topology (carrier SO)"
interpret topological_group GL GL_topology using GL_topological_group by blast
show "topological_group SO (subtopology GL_topology (carrier SO))"
unfolding SO_def using topological_subgroup[OF SO_subgroup] by simp
have "carrier SO = carrier SL ∩ carrier GO" unfolding SO_carrier SL_carrier GO_carrier by blast
then show "closedin GL_topology (carrier SO)" using closedin_Int[OF SL_closed GO_closed] by metis