Theory Buffer

(*  Title:       A Definitional Encoding of TLA in Isabelle/HOL
    Authors:     Gudmund Grov <ggrov at>
                 Stephan Merz <Stephan.Merz at>
    Year:        2011
    Maintainer:  Gudmund Grov <ggrov at>

section ‹Refining a Buffer Specification›

theory Buffer
imports State

text ‹
  We specify a simple FIFO buffer and prove that two FIFO buffers
  in a row implement a FIFO buffer.

subsection "Buffer specification"

text ‹
  The following definitions all take three parameters: a state function
  representing the input channel of the FIFO buffer, another representing
  the internal queue, and a third one representing the output channel.
  These parameters will be instantiated later in the definition of the
  double FIFO.

definition BInit :: "'a statefun  'a list statefun  'a statefun  temporal"
where "BInit ic q oc  TEMP $q = #[]
                           $ic = $oc"   ― ‹initial condition of buffer›

definition Enq :: "'a statefun  'a list statefun  'a statefun  temporal"
where "Enq ic q oc  TEMP ic$  $ic
                         q$ = $q @ [ ic$ ]
                         oc$ = $oc"     ― ‹enqueue a new value›

definition Deq :: "'a statefun  'a list statefun  'a statefun  temporal"
where "Deq ic q oc  TEMP # 0 < length<$q>
                         oc$ = hd<$q>
                         q$ = tl<$q>
                         ic$ = $ic"     ― ‹dequeue value at front›

definition Nxt :: "'a statefun  'a list statefun  'a statefun  temporal"
where "Nxt ic q oc  TEMP (Enq ic q oc  Deq ic q oc)"

― ‹internal specification with buffer visible›
definition ISpec :: "'a statefun  'a list statefun  'a statefun  temporal"
where "ISpec ic q oc  TEMP BInit ic q oc
                           □[Nxt ic q oc]_(ic,q,oc)
                           WF(Deq ic q oc)_(ic,q,oc)"

― ‹external specification: buffer hidden›
definition Spec :: "'a statefun  'a statefun  temporal"
where "Spec ic oc == TEMP (∃∃ q. ISpec ic q oc)"

subsection "Properties of the buffer"

text ‹
  The buffer never enqueues the same element twice. We therefore
  have the following invariant:
  \item any two subsequent elements in the queue are different, and
    the last element in the queue is different from the value of the
    output channel,
  \item if the queue is non-empty then the last element in the queue
    is the value that appears on the input channel,
  \item if the queue is empty then the values on the output and input
    channels are equal.

  The following auxiliary predicate noreps› is true if no
  two subsequent elements in a list are identical.

definition noreps :: "'a list  bool"
where "noreps xs  i < length xs - 1. xs!i  xs!(Suc i)"

definition BInv :: "'a statefun  'a list statefun  'a statefun  temporal"
where "BInv ic q oc  TEMP List.last<$oc # $q> = $ic  noreps<$oc # $q>"

lemmas buffer_defs = BInit_def Enq_def Deq_def Nxt_def 
                     ISpec_def Spec_def BInv_def

lemma ISpec_stutinv: "STUTINV (ISpec ic q oc)"
  unfolding buffer_defs by (simp add: bothstutinvs livestutinv)

lemma Spec_stutinv: "STUTINV Spec ic oc"
  unfolding buffer_defs by (simp add: bothstutinvs livestutinv eexSTUT)

text ‹A lemma about lists that is useful in the following›
lemma tl_self_iff_empty[simp]: "(tl xs = xs) = (xs = [])"
  assume 1: "tl xs = xs"
  show "xs = []"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "xs  []" with 1 show "False"
      by (auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)
qed (auto)

lemma tl_self_iff_empty'[simp]: "(xs = tl xs) = (xs = [])"
  assume 1: "xs = tl xs"
  show "xs = []"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "xs  []" with 1 show "False"
      by (auto simp: neq_Nil_conv)
qed (auto)

lemma Deq_visible:
  assumes v: " Unchanged v  Unchanged q"
  shows "|~ <Deq ic q oc>_v = Deq ic q oc"
proof (auto simp: tla_defs)
  fix w
  assume deq: "w  Deq ic q oc" and unch: "v (w (Suc 0)) = v (w 0)"
  from unch v[unlifted] have "q (w (Suc 0)) = q (w 0)"
    by (auto simp: tla_defs)
  with deq show "False" by (auto simp: Deq_def tla_defs)

lemma Deq_enabledE: " Enabled <Deq ic q oc>_(ic,q,oc)  $q ~= #[]"
  by (auto elim!: enabledE simp: Deq_def tla_defs)

text ‹
  We now prove that BInv› is an invariant of the Buffer

  We need several lemmas about noreps› that are used in the
  invariant proof.

lemma noreps_empty [simp]: "noreps []"
  by (auto simp: noreps_def)

lemma noreps_singleton: "noreps [x]"  ― ‹special case of following lemma›
  by (auto simp: noreps_def)

lemma noreps_cons [simp]:
  "noreps (x # xs) = (noreps xs  (xs = []  x  hd xs))"
proof (auto simp: noreps_singleton)
  assume cons: "noreps (x # xs)"
  show "noreps xs"
  proof (auto simp: noreps_def)
    fix i
    assume i: "i < length xs - Suc 0" and eq: "xs!i = xs!(Suc i)"
    from i have "Suc i < length (x#xs) - 1" by auto
    from eq have "(x#xs)!(Suc i) = (x#xs)!(Suc (Suc i))" by auto
    note cons
    ultimately show False by (auto simp: noreps_def)
  assume 1: "noreps (hd xs # xs)" and 2: "xs  []"
  from 2 obtain x xxs where "xs = x # xxs" by (cases xs, auto)
  with 1 show False by (auto simp: noreps_def)
  assume 1: "noreps xs" and 2: "x  hd xs"
  show "noreps (x # xs)"
  proof (auto simp: noreps_def)
    fix i
    assume i: "i < length xs" and eq: "(x # xs)!i = xs!i"
    from i obtain y ys where xs: "xs = y # ys" by (cases xs, auto)
    show False
    proof (cases i)
      assume "i = 0"
      with eq 2 xs show False by auto
      fix k
      assume k: "i = Suc k"
      with i eq xs 1 show False by (auto simp: noreps_def)

lemma noreps_append [simp]:
  "noreps (xs @ ys) = 
   (noreps xs  noreps ys  (xs = []  ys = []  List.last xs  hd ys))"
proof auto
  assume 1: "noreps (xs @ ys)"
  show "noreps xs"
  proof (auto simp: noreps_def)
    fix i
    assume i: "i < length xs - Suc 0" and eq: "xs!i = xs!(Suc i)"
    from i have "i < length (xs @ ys) - Suc 0" by auto
    from i eq have "(xs @ ys)!i = (xs@ys)!(Suc i)" by (auto simp: nth_append)
    moreover note 1
    ultimately show "False" by (auto simp: noreps_def)
  assume 1: "noreps (xs @ ys)"
  show "noreps ys"
  proof (auto simp: noreps_def)
    fix i
    assume i: "i < length ys - Suc 0" and eq: "ys!i = ys!(Suc i)"
    from i have "i + length xs < length (xs @ ys) - Suc 0" by auto
    from i eq have "(xs @ ys)!(i+length xs) = (xs@ys)!(Suc (i + length xs))"
      by (auto simp: nth_append)
    moreover note 1
    ultimately show "False" by (auto simp: noreps_def)
  assume 1: "noreps (xs @ ys)" and 2: "xs  []" and 3: "ys  []"
     and 4: "List.last xs = hd ys"
  from 2 obtain x xxs where xs: "xs = x # xxs" by (cases xs, auto)
  from 3 obtain y yys where ys: "ys = y # yys" by (cases ys, auto)
  from xs ys have 5: "length xxs < length (xs @ ys) - 1" by auto
  from 4 xs ys have "(xs @ ys) ! (length xxs) = (xs @ ys) ! (Suc (length xxs))"
    by (auto simp: nth_append last_conv_nth)
  with 5 1 show "False" by (auto simp: noreps_def)
  assume 1: "noreps xs" and 2: "noreps ys" and 3: "List.last xs  hd ys"
  show "noreps (xs @ ys)"
  proof (cases "xs = []  ys = []")
    case True
    with 1 2 show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then obtain x xxs where xs: "xs = x # xxs" by (cases xs, auto)
    from False obtain y yys where ys: "ys = y # yys" by (cases ys, auto)
    show ?thesis
    proof (auto simp: noreps_def)
      fix i
      assume i: "i < length xs + length ys - Suc 0"
         and eq: "(xs @ ys)!i = (xs @ ys)!(Suc i)"
      show "False"
      proof (cases "i < length xxs")
        case True
        hence "i < length (x # xxs)" by simp
        hence xsi: "((x # xxs) @ ys)!i = (x # xxs)!i"
          unfolding nth_append by simp
        from True have "(xxs @ ys)!i = xxs!i" by (auto simp: nth_append)
        with True xsi eq 1 xs show "False" by (auto simp: noreps_def)
        assume i2: "¬(i < length xxs)"
        show False
        proof (cases "i = length xxs")
          case True
          with xs have xsi: "(xs @ ys)!i = List.last xs"
            by (auto simp: nth_append last_conv_nth)
          from True xs ys have "(xs @ ys)!(Suc i) = y"
            by (auto simp: nth_append)
          with 3 ys eq xsi show False by simp
          case False
          with i2 xs have xsi: "¬(i < length xs)" by auto
          hence "(xs @ ys)!i = ys!(i - length xs)"
            by (simp add: nth_append)
          from xsi have "Suc i - length xs = Suc (i - length xs)" by auto
          with xsi have "(xs @ ys)!(Suc i) = ys!(Suc (i - length xs))"
            by (simp add: nth_append)
          from i xsi have "i - length xs < length ys - 1" by auto
          with 2 have "ys!(i - length xs)  ys!(Suc (i - length xs))"
            by (auto simp: noreps_def)
          note eq
          ultimately show False by simp

lemma ISpec_BInv_lemma:
  " BInit ic q oc  □[Nxt ic q oc]_(ic,q,oc)  (BInv ic q oc)"
proof (rule invmono)
  show " BInit ic q oc  BInv ic q oc"
    by (auto simp: BInit_def BInv_def)
  have enq: "|~ Enq ic q oc  BInv ic q oc  (BInv ic q oc)"
    by (auto simp: Enq_def BInv_def tla_defs)
  have deq: "|~ Deq ic q oc  BInv ic q oc  (BInv ic q oc)"
    by (auto simp: Deq_def BInv_def tla_defs neq_Nil_conv)
  have unch: "|~ Unchanged (ic,q,oc)  BInv ic q oc  (BInv ic q oc)"
    by (auto simp: BInv_def tla_defs)
  show "|~ BInv ic q oc  [Nxt ic q oc]_(ic, q, oc)  (BInv ic q oc)"
    by (auto simp: Nxt_def actrans_def 
             elim: enq[unlift_rule] deq[unlift_rule] unch[unlift_rule])

theorem ISpec_BInv: " ISpec ic q oc  (BInv ic q oc)"
  by (auto simp: ISpec_def intro: ISpec_BInv_lemma[unlift_rule])

subsection "Two FIFO buffers in a row implement a buffer"

locale DBuffer =
  fixes inp :: "'a statefun"       ― ‹input channel for double FIFO›
    and mid :: "'a statefun"       ― ‹channel linking the two buffers›
    and out :: "'a statefun"       ― ‹output channel for double FIFO›
    and q1  :: "'a list statefun"  ― ‹inner queue of first FIFO›
    and q2  :: "'a list statefun"  ― ‹inner queue of second FIFO›
    and vars
  defines "vars  LIFT (inp,mid,out,q1,q2)"
  assumes DB_base: "basevars vars"

  text ‹
    We need to specify the behavior of two FIFO buffers in a row.
    Intuitively, that specification is just the conjunction of
    two buffer specifications, where the first buffer has input
    channel inp› and output channel mid› whereas
    the second one receives from mid› and outputs on out›.
    However, this conjunction allows a simultaneous enqueue action
    of the first buffer and dequeue of the second one. It would not
    implement the previous buffer specification, which excludes such
    simultaneous enqueueing and dequeueing (it is written in
    ``interleaving style''). We could relax the specification of
    the FIFO buffer above, which is esthetically pleasant, but
    non-interleaving specifications are usually hard to get right
    and to understand. We therefore impose an interleaving constraint
    on the specification of the double buffer, which requires that
    enqueueing and dequeueing do not happen simultaneously.

  definition DBSpec
  where "DBSpec  TEMP ISpec inp q1 mid
                      ISpec mid q2 out
                      □[¬(Enq inp q1 mid  Deq mid q2 out)]_vars"

  text ‹
    The proof rules of TLA are geared towards specifications of the
    form Init ∧ □[Next]_vars ∧ L›, and we prove that
    DBSpec› corresponds to a specification in this form,
    which we now define.

  definition FullInit
  where "FullInit  TEMP (BInit inp q1 mid  BInit mid q2 out)"

  definition FullNxt
  where "FullNxt  TEMP (Enq inp q1 mid  Unchanged (q2,out)
                        Deq inp q1 mid  Enq mid q2 out
                        Deq mid q2 out  Unchanged (inp,q1))"

  definition FullSpec
  where "FullSpec  TEMP FullInit
                        WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars
                        WF(Deq mid q2 out)_vars"

  text ‹
    The concatenation of the two queues will serve as the refinement mapping.
  definition qc :: "'a list statefun"
  where "qc  LIFT (q2 @ q1)"

  lemmas db_defs = buffer_defs DBSpec_def FullInit_def FullNxt_def FullSpec_def
                   qc_def vars_def

  lemma DBSpec_stutinv: "STUTINV DBSpec"
    unfolding db_defs by (simp add: bothstutinvs livestutinv)

  lemma FullSpec_stutinv: "STUTINV FullSpec"
    unfolding db_defs by (simp add: bothstutinvs livestutinv)

  text ‹
    We prove that DBSpec› implies FullSpec›. (The converse
    implication also holds but is not needed for our implementation proof.)

  text ‹
    The following lemma is somewhat more bureaucratic than we'd like
    it to be. It shows that the conjunction of the next-state relations,
    together with the invariant for the first queue, implies the full
    next-state relation of the combined queues.
  lemma DBNxt_then_FullNxt:
    " BInv inp q1 mid
         □[Nxt inp q1 mid]_(inp,q1,mid) 
         □[Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out)
         □[¬(Enq inp q1 mid  Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
    (is " ?inv  ?nxts  □[FullNxt]_vars")
  proof -
    have " □[Nxt inp q1 mid]_(inp,q1,mid)
           □[Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out)
           □[  [Nxt inp q1 mid]_(inp,q1,mid) 
                [Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out)]_((inp,q1,mid),(mid,q2,out))"
      (is " ?tmp  □[?b1b2]_?vs")
      by (auto simp: M12[int_rewrite])
    have " □[?b1b2]_?vs  □[?b1b2]_vars"
      by (rule R1, auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
    have 1: " □[Nxt inp q1 mid]_(inp,q1,mid)
              □[Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out)
              □[  [Nxt inp q1 mid]_(inp,q1,mid) 
                    [Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out) ]_vars"
      by force
    have 2: " □[?b1b2]_vars  □[¬(Enq inp q1 mid  Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
                □[?b1b2  ¬(Enq inp q1 mid  Deq mid q2 out)]_vars"
      (is " ?tmp2  □[?mid]_vars")
      by (simp add: M8[int_rewrite])
    have " ?inv  #True" by auto
    have "|~ ?inv  ?inv  [?mid]_vars  [FullNxt]_vars"
    proof -
      have "|~ ?inv  ?mid  [FullNxt]_vars"
      proof -
        have A: "|~ Nxt inp q1 mid
                     [Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out)
                     ¬(Enq inp q1 mid  Deq mid q2 out)
        proof -
          have enq: "|~ Enq inp q1 mid
                         [Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out)
                         ¬(Deq mid q2 out)
                         Unchanged (q2,out)"
            by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)
          have deq1: "|~ Deq inp q1 mid  ?inv  mid$  $mid"
            by (auto simp: Deq_def BInv_def)
          have deq2: "|~ Deq mid q2 out  mid$ = $mid"
            by (auto simp: Deq_def)
          have deq: "|~ Deq inp q1 mid
                         [Nxt mid q2 out]_(mid,q2,out)
                         Enq mid q2 out"
            by (force simp: Nxt_def tla_defs
                      dest: deq1[unlift_rule] deq2[unlift_rule])
          with enq show ?thesis by (force simp: Nxt_def FullNxt_def)
        have B: "|~ Nxt mid q2 out
                     Unchanged (inp,q1,mid)
          by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)
        have C: " Unchanged (inp,q1,mid) 
                 Unchanged (mid,q2,out)
                 Unchanged vars"
          by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
        show ?thesis
          by (force simp: actrans_def 
                    dest: A[unlift_rule] B[unlift_rule] C[unlift_rule])
      thus ?thesis by (auto simp: tla_defs)
    have " ?inv  □[?mid]_vars  #True  □[FullNxt]_vars"
      by (rule TLA2)
    with 1 2 show ?thesis by force

  text ‹
    It is now easy to show that DBSpec› refines FullSpec›.
  theorem DBSpec_impl_FullSpec: " DBSpec  FullSpec"
  proof -
    have 1: " DBSpec  FullInit"
      by (auto simp: DBSpec_def FullInit_def ISpec_def)
    have 2: " DBSpec  □[FullNxt]_vars"
    proof -
      have " DBSpec  (BInv inp q1 mid)"
        by (auto simp: DBSpec_def intro: ISpec_BInv[unlift_rule])
      moreover have " DBSpec  (BInv inp q1 mid)  □[FullNxt]_vars"
        by (auto simp: DBSpec_def ISpec_def
                 intro: DBNxt_then_FullNxt[unlift_rule])
      ultimately show ?thesis by force
    have 3: " DBSpec  WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars"
    proof -
      have 31: " Unchanged vars  Unchanged q1"
        by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
      have 32: " Unchanged (inp,q1,mid)  Unchanged q1"
        by (auto simp: tla_defs)
      have deq: "|~ Deq inp q1 mid⟩_vars = Deq inp q1 mid⟩_(inp,q1,mid)"
        by (simp add: Deq_visible[OF 31, int_rewrite] 
                      Deq_visible[OF 32, int_rewrite])
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: DBSpec_def ISpec_def WeakF_def 
                       deq[int_rewrite] deq[THEN AA26,int_rewrite])
    have 4: " DBSpec  WF(Deq mid q2 out)_vars"
    proof -
      have 41: " Unchanged vars  Unchanged q2"
        by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
      have 42: " Unchanged (mid,q2,out)  Unchanged q2"
        by (auto simp: tla_defs)
      have deq: "|~ Deq mid q2 out⟩_vars = Deq mid q2 out⟩_(mid,q2,out)"
        by (simp add: Deq_visible[OF 41, int_rewrite] 
                      Deq_visible[OF 42, int_rewrite])
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: DBSpec_def ISpec_def WeakF_def 
                       deq[int_rewrite] deq[THEN AA26,int_rewrite])
    show ?thesis
      by (auto simp: FullSpec_def 
               elim: 1[unlift_rule] 2[unlift_rule] 3[unlift_rule] 

  text ‹
    We now prove that two FIFO buffers in a row (as specified by formula
    FullSpec›) implement a FIFO buffer whose internal queue is the
    concatenation of the two buffers. We start by proving step simulation.

  lemma FullInit: " FullInit  BInit inp qc out"
    by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)

  lemma Full_step_simulation:
    "|~ [FullNxt]_vars  [Nxt inp qc out]_(inp,qc,out)"
    by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)

  text ‹
    The liveness condition requires that the combined buffer
    eventually performs a Deq› action on the output channel
    if it contains some element. The idea is to use the
    fairness hypothesis for the first buffer to prove that in that
    case, eventually the queue of the second buffer will be
    non-empty, and that it must therefore eventually dequeue
    some element.

    The first step is to establish the enabledness conditions
    for the two Deq› actions of the implementation.

  lemma Deq1_enabled: " Enabled Deq inp q1 mid⟩_vars = ($q1  #[])"
  proof -
    have 1: "|~ Deq inp q1 mid⟩_vars = Deq inp q1 mid"
      by (rule Deq_visible, auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
    have " Enabled (Deq inp q1 mid) = ($q1  #[])"
      by (force simp: Deq_def tla_defs vars_def
                intro: base_enabled[OF DB_base] elim!: enabledE)
    thus ?thesis by (simp add: 1[int_rewrite])

  lemma Deq2_enabled: " Enabled Deq mid q2 out⟩_vars = ($q2  #[])"
  proof -
    have 1: "|~ Deq mid q2 out⟩_vars = Deq mid q2 out"
      by (rule Deq_visible, auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
    have " Enabled (Deq mid q2 out) = ($q2  #[])"
      by (force simp: Deq_def tla_defs vars_def
                intro: base_enabled[OF DB_base] elim!: enabledE)
    thus ?thesis by (simp add: 1[int_rewrite])

  text ‹
    We now use rule WF2› to prove that the combined buffer
    (behaving according to specification FullSpec›)
    implements the fairness condition of the single buffer under
    the refinement mapping.
  lemma Full_fairness:
    " □[FullNxt]_vars  WF(Deq mid q2 out)_vars  WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars
        WF(Deq inp qc out)_(inp,qc,out)"
  proof (rule WF2)
    ― ‹the helpful action is the @{text Deq} action of the second queue›
    show "|~ FullNxt  Deq mid q2 out⟩_vars  Deq inp qc out⟩_(inp,qc,out)"
      by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)
    ― ‹the helpful condition is the second queue being non-empty›
    show "|~ ($q2  #[])  ($q2  #[])  FullNxt  Deq mid q2 out⟩_vars 
              Deq mid q2 out"
      by (auto simp: tla_defs)
    show " $q2  #[]  Enabled Deq inp qc out⟩_(inp, qc, out)
              Enabled Deq mid q2 out⟩_vars"
      unfolding Deq2_enabled[int_rewrite] by auto
    txt ‹
      The difficult part of the proof is to show that the helpful
      condition will eventually always be true provided that the
      combined dequeue action is eventually always enabled and that
      the helpful action is never executed. We prove that (1) the
      helpful condition persists and (2) that it must eventually
      become true.
    have " □[FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
             ($q2  #[]  ($q2  #[]))"
    proof (rule STL4)
      have "|~ $q2  #[]  [FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
                ($q2  #[])"
        by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)
      from this[THEN INV1]
      show " □[FullNxt  ¬ Deq mid q2 out]_vars
               ($q2  #[]  ($q2  #[]))"
        by auto
    hence 1: " □[FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
                 ($q2  #[])  ($q2  #[])"
      by (force intro: E31[unlift_rule])
    have 2: " □[FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
                WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars
                (Enabled Deq inp qc out⟩_(inp, qc, out)  $q2  #[])"
    proof -
      have qc: " ($qc  #[]) = ($q1  #[]  $q2  #[])"
        by (auto simp: qc_def tla_defs)
      have " □[FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars  WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars
               ($q1  #[]  $q2  #[])"
      proof (rule WF1)
        show "|~ $q1  #[]  [FullNxt  ¬ Deq mid q2 out]_vars
                  ($q1  #[])  ($q2  #[])"
          by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)
        show "|~ $q1  #[] 
                  (FullNxt  ¬ Deq mid q2 out)  Deq inp q1 mid⟩_vars 
                 ($q2  #[])"
          by (auto simp: db_defs tla_defs)
        show " $q1  #[]  Enabled Deq inp q1 mid⟩_vars"
          by (simp add: Deq1_enabled[int_rewrite])
        show "|~ $q1  #[]  Unchanged vars  ($q1  #[])"
          by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
      hence " □[FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars 
                   WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars
                   ($qc  #[]  $q2  #[])"
        by (auto simp: qc[int_rewrite] LT17[int_rewrite] LT1[int_rewrite])
      have " Enabled Deq inp qc out⟩_(inp, qc, out)  $qc  #[]"
        by (rule Deq_enabledE[THEN LT3])
      ultimately show ?thesis by (force elim: LT13[unlift_rule])
    with LT6 
    have " □[FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
              WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars
              Enabled Deq inp qc out⟩_(inp, qc, out)
              ($q2  #[])"
      by force
    with 1 E16
    show " □[FullNxt  ¬(Deq mid q2 out)]_vars
             WF(Deq mid q2 out)_vars
             WF(Deq inp q1 mid)_vars
              Enabled Deq inp qc out⟩_(inp, qc, out)
             ($q2  #[])"
      by force

  text ‹
    Putting everything together, we obtain that FullSpec› refines
    the Buffer specification under the refinement mapping.
  theorem FullSpec_impl_ISpec: " FullSpec  ISpec inp qc out"
    unfolding FullSpec_def ISpec_def
    using FullInit Full_step_simulation[THEN M11] Full_fairness
    by force

  theorem FullSpec_impl_Spec: " FullSpec  Spec inp out"
    unfolding Spec_def using FullSpec_impl_ISpec
    by (force intro: eexI[unlift_rule])

  text ‹
    By transitivity, two buffers in a row also implement a single buffer.
  theorem DBSpec_impl_Spec: " DBSpec  Spec inp out"
    by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF DBSpec_impl_FullSpec FullSpec_impl_Spec])

end ― ‹locale DBuffer›
