Theory Example_Propositional_Tableau

  Title:  Example Completeness Proof for a Propositional Tableau Calculus
  Author: Asta Halkjær From

chapter ‹Example: Propositional Tableau Calculus›

theory Example_Propositional_Tableau imports Refutations begin

section ‹Syntax›

datatype 'p fm
  = Pro 'p ()
  | Neg 'p fm (¬ _› [70] 70)
  | Imp 'p fm 'p fm (infixr  55)

section ‹Semantics›

type_synonym 'p model = 'p  bool

fun semantics :: 'p model  'p fm  bool (_) where
  I (P)  I P
| I (¬ p)  ¬ I p
| I (p  q)  I p  I q

section ‹Calculus›

inductive Calculus :: 'p fm list  bool (T _› [50] 50) where
  Axiom [intro]: T P # ¬ P # A
| NegI [intro]: T p # A  T ¬ ¬ p # A
| ImpP [intro]: T ¬ p # A  T q # A  T (p  q) # A
| ImpN [intro]: T p # ¬ q # A  T ¬ (p  q) # A
| Weaken: T A  set A  set B  T B

lemma Weaken2:
  assumes T p # A T q # B
  shows T p # A @ B  T q # A @ B
  using assms Weaken[where A=_ # _ and B=_ # A @ B] by fastforce

section ‹Soundness›

theorem soundness: T A  p  set A. ¬ I p
  by (induct A rule: Calculus.induct) auto

corollary soundness': T [¬ p]  I p
  using soundness by fastforce

corollary ¬ (T [])
  using soundness by fastforce

section ‹Maximal Consistent Sets›

definition consistent :: 'p fm set  bool where
  consistent S  S'. set S'  S  T S'

interpretation MCS_No_Saturation consistent
  fix S S' :: 'p fm set
  assume consistent S S'  S
  then show consistent S'
    unfolding consistent_def by fast
  fix S :: 'p fm set
  assume ¬ consistent S
  then show S'S. finite S'  ¬ consistent S'
    unfolding consistent_def by blast
  show infinite (UNIV :: 'p fm set)
    using infinite_UNIV_size[of λp. p  p] by simp

interpretation Refutations_MCS Calculus consistent
  fix A B :: 'p fm list
  assume T A set A  set B
  then show T B
    using Weaken by meson
  fix S :: 'p fm set
  show consistent S  (S'. set S'  S  T S')
    unfolding consistent_def ..

section ‹Truth Lemma›

abbreviation (input) hmodel :: 'p fm set  'p model where
  hmodel H  λP. P  H

locale Hintikka =
  fixes H :: 'a fm set
  assumes AxiomH: P. P  H  ¬ P  H  False
    and NegIH: p. ¬ ¬ p  H  p  H
    and ImpPH: p q. p  q  H  ¬ p  H  q  H
    and ImpNH: p q. ¬ (p  q)  H  p  H  ¬ q  H

lemma Hintikka_model:
  assumes Hintikka H
  shows (p  H  hmodel H p)  (¬ p  H  ¬ hmodel H p)
  using assms by (induct p) (unfold Hintikka_def semantics.simps; blast)+

lemma MCS_Hintikka:
  assumes consistent H maximal H
  shows Hintikka H
  fix P
  assume P  H ¬ P  H
  then have set [P, ¬ P]  H
    by simp
  moreover have T [P, ¬ P]
    by blast
  ultimately show False
    using assms unfolding consistent_def by blast
  fix p
  assume ¬ ¬ p  H
  then show p  H
    using assms MCS_refute by blast
  fix p q
  assume *: p  q  H
  show ¬ p  H  q  H
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ (¬ p  H  q  H)
    then have ¬ p  H q  H
      by blast+
    then have A. set A  H  T ¬ p # A A. set A  H  T q # A
      using assms MCS_refute by blast+
    then have A. set A  H  T ¬ p # A  T q # A
      using Weaken2[where p=¬ p and q=q] by (metis Un_least set_append)
    then have A. set A  H  T (p  q) # A
      by blast
    then have p  q  H
      using assms unfolding consistent_def by auto
    then show False
      using * ..
  fix p q
  assume *: ¬ (p  q)  H
  show p  H  ¬ q  H
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume ¬ (p  H  ¬ q  H)
    then consider p  H | ¬ q  H
      by blast
    then show False
    proof cases
      case 1
      then have A. set A  H  T p # A
        using assms MCS_refute by blast
      then have A. set A  H  T p # ¬ q # A
        using Weaken[where B=p # ¬ q # _] by fastforce
      then have A. set A  H  T ¬ (p  q) # A
        by fast
      then have ¬ (p  q)  H
        using assms unfolding consistent_def by auto
      then show False
        using * ..
      case 2
      then have A. set A  H  T ¬ q # A
        using assms MCS_refute by blast
      then have A. set A  H  T p # ¬ q # A
        using Weaken by (metis set_subset_Cons)
      then have A. set A  H  T ¬ (p  q) # A
        by fast
      then have ¬ (p  q)  H
        using assms unfolding consistent_def by auto
      then show False
        using * ..

lemma truth_lemma:
  assumes consistent H maximal H p  H
  shows hmodel H p
  using Hintikka_model MCS_Hintikka assms by blast

section ‹Completeness›

theorem strong_completeness:
  assumes M :: 'p model. (q  X. M q)  M p
  shows A. set A  X  T ¬ p # A
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume A. set A  X  T ¬ p # A
  then have *: A. set A  {¬ p}  X  T A
    using refute_split1 by blast

  let ?S = {¬ p}  X
  let ?H = Extend ?S

  have consistent ?S
    unfolding consistent_def using * by blast
  then have consistent ?H maximal ?H
    using MCS_Extend' by blast+
  then have p  ?H  hmodel ?H p for p
    using truth_lemma by fastforce
  then have p  ?S  hmodel ?H p for p
    using Extend_subset by blast
  then have hmodel ?H (¬ p) q  X. hmodel ?H q
    by blast+
  moreover from this have hmodel ?H p
    using assms(1) by blast
  ultimately show False
    by simp

abbreviation valid :: 'p fm  bool where
  valid p  M. M p

theorem completeness:
  assumes valid p
  shows T [¬ p]
  using assms strong_completeness[where X={}] by auto

theorem main: valid p  T [¬ p]
  using completeness soundness' by blast
