Theory Abs_Induce_S_Verification

theory Abs_Induce_S_Verification
  imports "../abs-def/Abs_SAIS"

section "Abstract Induce S Simple Properties"

lemma abs_induce_s_step_ex:
  "B' SA' i'. abs_induce_s_step a b = (B', SA', i')"
  by (meson prod_cases3)

lemma abs_induce_s_step_B_length:
  "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')  length B' = length B"
  by (clarsimp split: prod.splits if_splits nat.splits SL_types.splits simp: Let_def)

lemma abs_induce_s_step_SA_length:
  "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')  length SA' = length SA"
  by (clarsimp split: prod.splits if_splits nat.splits SL_types.splits simp: Let_def)

lemma abs_induce_s_step_Suc:
  "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, Suc i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')  i' = i"
  by (clarsimp split: prod.splits if_splits nat.splits SL_types.splits simp: Let_def)

lemma abs_induce_s_step_0:
  "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, 0) (α, T) = (B, SA, 0)"
  by (clarsimp split: prod.splits if_splits nat.splits SL_types.splits simp: Let_def)

corollary abs_induce_s_step_0_alt:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')"
  and     "i = 0"
shows "B = B'  SA = SA'  i' = 0"
  using assms(1) assms(2) by auto

lemma repeat_abs_induce_s_step_index:
  "B' SA'. repeat n abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, m) (α, T) = (B', SA', m - n) 
            length SA' = length SA  length B' = length B"
proof(induct n arbitrary: m)
  case 0
  then show ?case by (clarsimp simp: repeat_0)
  case (Suc n)
  note IH = this

  from IH[of m]
  obtain B' SA' where
    "repeat n abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, m) (α, T) = (B', SA', m - n)"
    "length SA' = length SA"
    "length B' = length B"
    by blast
  with repeat_step[of n abs_induce_s_step "(B, SA, m)" "(α, T)"]
  have "repeat (Suc n) abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, m) (α, T) = abs_induce_s_step (B', SA', m - n) (α, T)"
    by simp
  have "B'' SA''. abs_induce_s_step (B', SA', m - n) (α, T) = (B'', SA'', m - Suc n) 
                   length SA'' = length SA'  length B'' = length B'"
  proof (cases "n < m")
    assume "n < m"
    hence "k. m - n = Suc k"
      by presburger
    then obtain k where
      "m - n = Suc k"
      by blast

    from abs_induce_s_step_ex[of "(B',SA', m - n)" "(α, T)"]
    obtain B'' SA'' i' where
      P: "abs_induce_s_step (B', SA', m - n) (α, T) = (B'', SA'', i')"
      by blast
    with `m - n = Suc k` abs_induce_s_step_Suc[of B' SA' k α T B'' SA'' i']
    have "i' = m - Suc n"
      by auto
    with `abs_induce_s_step (B', SA', m - n) (α, T) = (B'', SA'', i')`
          abs_induce_s_step_SA_length[OF P]
          abs_induce_s_step_B_length[OF P]
    show ?thesis
      by simp
    assume "¬n < m"
    hence "m  n"
      by simp
    hence "m - n = 0"
      by simp
    with abs_induce_s_step_0[of B' SA' α T]
    show ?thesis
      by simp
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: `length SA' = length SA` `length B' = length B`)

lemma abs_induce_s_base_index:
  "B' SA'. abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0)"
  unfolding abs_induce_s_base_def
  by (metis cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel repeat_abs_induce_s_step_index)

lemma abs_induce_s_length:
  "length (abs_induce_s α T B SA) = length SA"
  unfolding abs_induce_s_def abs_induce_s_base_def
  apply (rule repeat_maintain_inv; simp add: Let_def)
  apply (clarsimp split: prod.splits simp del: abs_induce_s_step.simps)
  apply (drule abs_induce_s_step_SA_length; simp)

section "Preconditions"

definition l_types_init
"l_types_init α T SA 
  (b  α (Max (set T)).
    set (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)) = l_bucket α T b 
    distinct (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b))

lemma l_types_initD:
  "l_types_init α T SA; b  α (Max (set T)) 
   set (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)) = l_bucket α T b"
  "l_types_init α T SA; b  α (Max (set T)) 
   distinct (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b))"
  using l_types_init_def by blast+

lemma l_types_init_nth:
  assumes "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "bucket_start α T b  i"
  and     "i < l_bucket_end α T b"
shows "SA ! i  l_bucket α T b"
proof -
  have "l_bucket_end α T b  length SA"
    by (metis assms(1) bucket_end_le_length dual_order.order_iff_strict l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end
  with l_types_initD(1)[OF assms(2,3)] list_slice_nth_mem[OF assms(4,5)]
  show ?thesis
    by blast

definition s_type_init
"s_type_init T SA  (n. length T = Suc n  SA ! 0 = n)"

definition s_perm_pre
"s_perm_pre α T B SA n 
  s_bucket_init α T B 
  s_type_init T SA 
  strict_mono α 
  α (Max (set T)) < length B 
  length SA = length T 
  l_types_init α T SA 
  valid_list T 
  α bot = 0 
  Suc 0 < length T 
  length T  n"

definition s_sorted_pre
"s_sorted_pre α T SA 
  (b  α (Max (set T)).
    ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)))

lemma s_sorted_preD:
  "s_sorted_pre α T SA; b  α (Max (set T)) 
   ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)))"
  using s_sorted_pre_def by blast

definition s_prefix_sorted_pre
"s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA 
  (b  α (Max (set T)).
    ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)))

lemma s_prefix_sorted_preD:
  "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA; b  α (Max (set T)) 
   ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)))"
  using s_prefix_sorted_pre_def by blast

section "Invariants"

subsection "Definitions"

subsubsection "Distinctness"

definition s_distinct_inv
"s_distinct_inv α T B SA 
  (b  α (Max (set T)). distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)))"

lemma s_distinct_invD:
  "s_distinct_inv α T B SA; b  α (Max (set T)) 
   distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))"
  using s_distinct_inv_def by blast

subsubsection "S Bucket Ptr"

definition s_bucket_ptr_inv ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  bool"
"s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B 
  (b  α (Max (set T)).
    s_bucket_start α T b  B ! b 
    B ! b  bucket_end α T b 
    (b = 0  B ! b = 0))"

lemma s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "s_bucket_start α T b  B ! b"
  using assms(1) assms(2) s_bucket_ptr_inv_def by blast

lemma s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
  by (metis assms s_bucket_ptr_inv_def)

lemma s_bucket_ptr_0:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "b = 0"
shows "B ! b = 0"
  using assms s_bucket_ptr_inv_def by auto

subsubsection "Locations"

definition s_locations_inv ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list  bool"
"s_locations_inv α T B SA 
  (b  α (Max (set T)).
    (i. B ! b  i  i < bucket_end α T b  SA ! i  s_bucket α T b))"

lemma s_locations_invD:
  "s_locations_inv α T B SA; b  α (Max (set T)); B ! b  i; i < bucket_end α T b 
   SA ! i  s_bucket α T b"
  using s_locations_inv_def by blast

lemma s_locations_inv_in_list_slice:
  assumes "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "x  set (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))"
shows "x  s_bucket α T b"
proof -
  from in_set_conv_nth[THEN iffD1, OF assms(3)]
  obtain i where
    "i < length (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))"
    "list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b) ! i = x"
    by blast
  with nth_list_slice
  have "SA ! (B ! b + i) = x"
    by fastforce
  have "B ! b + i < bucket_end α T b"
    using i < length (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)) by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms(1,2) le_add1 s_locations_invD by blast

lemma s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket:
  assumes "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "set (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))  s_bucket α T b"
  using assms s_locations_inv_in_list_slice by blast

subsubsection "Unchanged"

definition s_unchanged_inv ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list  nat list  bool"
"s_unchanged_inv α T B SA SA' 
  (b  α (Max (set T)). (i. bucket_start α T b  i  i < B ! b   SA' ! i = SA ! i))"

lemma s_unchanged_invD:
  "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA SA'; b  α (Max (set T)); bucket_start α T b  i; i < B ! b 
   SA' ! i = SA ! i"
  using s_unchanged_inv_def by blast

subsubsection "Seen"

definition s_seen_inv ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list  nat  bool"
"s_seen_inv α T B SA n 
  i < length SA. n  i 
    (suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! (SA ! i))) i) 
    (suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type  in_l_bucket α T (α (T ! (SA ! i))) i) 
    SA ! i < length T"

lemma s_seen_invD:
  "s_seen_inv α T B SA n; i < length SA; n  i  SA ! i < length T"
  "s_seen_inv α T B SA n; i < length SA; n  i; suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type 
   in_l_bucket α T (α (T ! (SA ! i))) i"
  "s_seen_inv α T B SA n; i < length SA; n  i; suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type 
   in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! (SA ! i))) i"
  unfolding s_seen_inv_def by blast+

subsubsection "Predecessor"

definition s_pred_inv ::
  "(('a :: {linorder, order_bot})  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list  nat  bool"
"s_pred_inv α T B SA n =
  (b i. in_s_current_bucket α T B b i  b  0 
    (j < length SA. SA ! j = Suc (SA ! i)  i < j  n < j)

lemma s_pred_invD:
  "s_pred_inv α T B SA k; in_s_current_bucket α T B b i; b  0 
   j < length SA. SA ! j = Suc (SA ! i)  i < j  k < j"
  using s_pred_inv_def by blast

subsubsection "Successor"

definition s_suc_inv ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list  nat  bool"
"s_suc_inv α T B SA n 
  i < length SA. n < i 
    (j. SA ! i = Suc j  suffix_type T j = S_type 
      (k. in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! j)) k  SA ! k = j  k < i))"

lemma s_suc_invD:
  "s_suc_inv α T B SA n; i < length SA; n < i; SA ! i = Suc j; suffix_type T j = S_type 
   k. in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! j)) k  SA ! k = j  k < i"
  using s_suc_inv_def by blast

subsubsection "Combined Permutation Invariant"

definition s_perm_inv ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list  nat list  nat  bool"
"s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n 
  s_distinct_inv α T B SA' 
  s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B 
  s_locations_inv α T B SA' 
  s_unchanged_inv α T B SA SA' 
  s_seen_inv α T B SA' n 
  s_pred_inv α T B SA' n 
  s_suc_inv α T B SA' n 
  strict_mono α 
  α (Max (set T)) < length B 
  length SA = length T 
  length SA' = length T 
  l_types_init α T SA 
  valid_list T 
  α bot = 0 
  Suc 0 < length T"

lemma s_perm_inv_elims:
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_distinct_inv α T B SA'"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_locations_inv α T B SA'"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_unchanged_inv α T B SA SA'"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_seen_inv α T B SA' n"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_pred_inv α T B SA' n"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_suc_inv α T B SA' n"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  strict_mono α"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  length SA = length T"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  length SA' = length T"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  l_types_init α T SA"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  valid_list T"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  α bot = 0"
  "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  Suc 0 < length T"
  by (simp_all add: s_perm_inv_def)

fun s_perm_inv_alt ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list × nat list × nat  bool"
"s_perm_inv_alt α T SA (B, SA', n) = s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n"

subsubsection "Sorted"

definition s_sorted_inv
"s_sorted_inv α T B SA 
  (b  α (Max (set T)).
    ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)))

lemma s_sorted_invD:
  "s_sorted_inv α T B SA; b  α (Max (set T)) 
   ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)))"
  using s_sorted_inv_def by blast

fun s_sorted_inv_alt ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list × nat list × nat  bool"
"s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA (B, SA', n) =
  (s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_sorted_pre α T SA  s_sorted_inv α T B SA')"

definition s_prefix_sorted_inv
"s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA 
  (b  α (Max (set T)).
    ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)))

lemma s_prefix_sorted_invD:
  "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA; b  α (Max (set T)) 
   ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)))"
  using s_prefix_sorted_inv_def by blast

fun s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt ::
  "('a :: {linorder, order_bot}  nat)  'a list  nat list  nat list × nat list × nat  bool"
"s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA (B, SA', n) =
  (s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' n  s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA  s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA')"

subsection "Helpers"

lemma s_current_bucket_pairwise_distinct:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "b'  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "b  b'"
shows "distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b) @ list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b'))"
proof (intro distinct_append[THEN iffD2] conjI disjointI')
  from s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1,3)]
  show "distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))" .
  from s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1,4)]
  show "distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b'))" .
  fix x y
  assume A: "x  set (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))"
            "y  set (list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b'))"

  from s_locations_inv_in_list_slice[OF assms(2,3) A(1)]
  have "x  s_bucket α T b" .
  from s_locations_inv_in_list_slice[OF assms(2,4) A(2)]
  have "y  s_bucket α T b'" .
  show "x  y"
    using assms(5)
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) bucket_def s_bucket_def mem_Collect_eq)

lemma s_unchanged_list_slice:
  assumes "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "bucket_start α T b  i"
  and     "j  B ! b"
shows "list_slice SA i j = list_slice SA0 i j"
proof (intro list_eq_iff_nth_eq[THEN iffD2] conjI allI impI)
  show "length (list_slice SA i j) = length (list_slice SA0 i j)"
    by (simp add: assms)
  fix k
  assume "k < length (list_slice SA i j)"
  hence "k < length (list_slice SA0 i j)"
    by (simp add: assms)

  from nth_list_slice[OF `k < length (list_slice SA i j)`]
  have "list_slice SA i j ! k = SA ! (i + k)" .
  from nth_list_slice[OF `k < length (list_slice SA0 i j)`]
  have "list_slice SA0 i j ! k = SA0 ! (i + k)" .
    have "bucket_start α T b  i + k"
      by (simp add: assms(5) trans_le_add1)
    have "i + k < j"
      using k < length (list_slice SA i j) by auto
    hence "i + k < B ! b"
      using assms(6) order.strict_trans2 by blast
    have "SA ! (i + k) = SA0 ! (i + k)"
      using s_unchanged_invD[OF assms(1,4)]
      by blast
  ultimately show "list_slice SA i j ! k = list_slice SA0 i j ! k"
    by simp

lemma l_types_init_maintained:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
shows "l_types_init α T SA"
  unfolding l_types_init_def
proof(intro allI impI)
  fix b
  let ?xs = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  let ?ys = "list_slice SA0 (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  assume "b  α (Max (set T))"
  with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(1), of b]
  have "l_bucket_end α T b  B ! b"
    by (simp add: s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
  with s_unchanged_list_slice[OF assms(2-4) `b  α (Max (set T))`,
        of "bucket_start α T b" "l_bucket_end α T b"]
  have "?xs = ?ys"
    by blast
  with assms(5)[simplified l_types_init_def, THEN spec, THEN mp, OF `b  α (Max (set T))`]
  show "set ?xs = l_bucket α T b  distinct ?xs"
    by simp

lemma s_sorted_pre_maintained:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "s_sorted_pre α T SA0"
shows "s_sorted_pre α T SA"
  unfolding s_sorted_pre_def
proof(intro allI impI)
  fix b
  let ?xs = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  let ?ys = "list_slice SA0 (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  assume "b  α (Max (set T))"
  with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(1), of b]
  have "l_bucket_end α T b  B ! b"
    by (simp add: s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
  with s_unchanged_list_slice[OF assms(2-4) `b  α (Max (set T))`,
        of "bucket_start α T b" "l_bucket_end α T b"]
  have "?xs = ?ys"
    by blast
  then show "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?xs)"
    using b  α (Max (set T)) assms(5) s_sorted_pre_def by auto

lemma s_prefix_sorted_pre_maintained:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA0"
shows "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA"
  unfolding s_prefix_sorted_pre_def
proof(intro allI impI)
  fix b
  let ?xs = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  let ?ys = "list_slice SA0 (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  assume "b  α (Max (set T))"
  with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(1), of b]
  have "l_bucket_end α T b  B ! b"
    by (simp add: s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
  with s_unchanged_list_slice[OF assms(2-4) `b  α (Max (set T))`,
        of "bucket_start α T b" "l_bucket_end α T b"]
  have "?xs = ?ys"
    by blast
  then show "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?xs)"
    using b  α (Max (set T)) assms(5) s_prefix_sorted_pre_def by auto

lemma s_next_item_not_seen:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
shows "j  set (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))"
  let ?xs = "list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"
  let ?b = "α (T ! (Suc j))"
  assume "j  set ?xs"

  from s_seen_invD(1)[OF assms(5,14)] assms(13,15)
  have "Suc j < length T"
    by simp
  hence "?b  α (Max (set T))"
    using assms(7)
    by (simp add: strict_mono_leD)

  have "bucket_end α T ?b  length SA"
    by (simp add: assms(9) bucket_end_le_length)
  hence "l_bucket_end α T ?b  length SA"
    by (metis dual_order.trans l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end)

  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(16) suffix_type_s_bound)

  from valid_list_length_ex[OF assms(11)]
  obtain n' where
    "length T = Suc n'"
    by blast
  with `Suc j < length T`
  have "j < n'"
    by linarith
  hence "T ! j  bot"
    by (metis length T = Suc n' assms(11) diff_Suc_1 valid_list_def)
  hence "b  0"
    using assms(7,12,17) strict_mono_eq by fastforce

  with in_set_conv_nth[THEN iffD1, OF `j  set ?xs`]
  obtain a where
    "a < length ?xs"
    "?xs ! a = j"
    by blast
  hence "SA ! (B ! b + a) = j"
    using nth_list_slice by fastforce

  from assms(9)
  have "bucket_end α T b  length SA"
    by (simp add: bucket_end_le_length)
  with `a < length ?xs`
  have "B ! b + a < bucket_end α T b"
    by auto
  with assms(7,17) `j < length T`
  have "in_s_current_bucket α T B b (B ! b + a)"
    unfolding in_s_current_bucket_def
    by (simp add: strict_mono_less_eq)
  with s_pred_invD[OF assms(6) _ `b  0`, of "B ! b + a"] `SA ! (B ! b + a) = j`
  obtain m where
    "m < length SA"
    "SA ! m = Suc j"
    "B ! b + a < m"
    "i < m"
    by blast
  hence "i  m"
    by blast

  have "suffix_type T (Suc j) = L_type  False"
  proof -
    assume "suffix_type T (Suc j) = L_type"
    with s_seen_invD(2)[OF assms(5) `m < length SA`] `i < m` `SA ! m = Suc j`
    have "in_l_bucket α T ?b m"
      by simp
    hence "bucket_start α T ?b  m" "m < l_bucket_end α T ?b"
      using in_l_bucket_def by blast+
    from `suffix_type T (Suc j) = L_type` assms(13,15)
         s_seen_invD(2)[OF assms(5) `Suc n < length SA`]
    have "in_l_bucket α T ?b i"
      by simp
    hence "bucket_start α T ?b  i" "i < l_bucket_end α T ?b"
      using in_l_bucket_def by blast+
    show "False"
      using list_slice_nth_eq_iff_index_eq[
              OF l_types_initD(2)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4,8-10)] `?b  α _`]
                `l_bucket_end α T ?b  length SA`,
              of i m]
            `i  m` assms(13,15) `SA ! m = Suc j`
      by simp
  have "suffix_type T (Suc j) = S_type  False"
  proof -
    assume "suffix_type T (Suc j) = S_type"
    with s_seen_invD(3)[OF assms(5) `m < length SA`] `i < m` `SA ! m = Suc j`
    have "in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b m"
      by simp
    hence "B ! ?b  m" "m < bucket_end α T ?b"
      using in_s_current_bucket_def by blast+
    from `suffix_type T (Suc j) = S_type` assms(13,15)
         s_seen_invD(3)[OF assms(5) `Suc n < length SA`]
    have "in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b i"
      by simp
    hence "B ! ?b  i" "i < bucket_end α T ?b"
      using in_s_current_bucket_def by blast+
    show False
      using list_slice_nth_eq_iff_index_eq[
              OF s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `?b  α _`] `bucket_end α T ?b  length SA`,
              of i m]
            `i  m` assms(13,15) `SA ! m = Suc j`
      by simp
  show False
    using SL_types.exhaust by blast

lemma s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
shows "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b"
proof -
  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(16) suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (simp add: assms(7,17) strict_mono_leD)

  let ?xs = "list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"

  have "bucket_end α T b  length SA"
    by (simp add: assms(9) bucket_end_le_length)
  hence "length ?xs = bucket_end α T b - B ! b"
    by auto

  from s_next_item_not_seen[OF assms(1-17)]
  have "j  set ?xs" .
  have "j  s_bucket α T b"
    by (simp add: assms(16,17) bucket_def s_bucket_def suffix_type_s_bound)
  have "set ?xs  s_bucket α T b"
    using s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket[OF assms(3) `b  _`]
    by blast
  hence "card (set ?xs) < s_bucket_size α T b"
    using psubset_card_mono[OF finite_s_bucket, simplified s_bucket_size_def[symmetric]]
    by blast
  from s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
  have "distinct ?xs" .
  have "length ?xs < s_bucket_size α T b"
    by (simp add: distinct_card)
  with `length ?xs = _`
  have "bucket_end α T b - B ! b < s_bucket_size α T b"
    by simp
  hence "bucket_end α T b < B ! b + s_bucket_size α T b"
    by linarith
    "s_bucket_start α T b + bucket_end α T b < B ! b + s_bucket_start α T b + s_bucket_size α T b"
    by simp
  then show "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b"
    by (simp add: bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size)

lemma outside_another_bucket:
  assumes "b  b'"
  and     "bucket_start α T b  i"
  and     "i < bucket_end α T b"
shows "¬(bucket_start α T b'  i  i < bucket_end α T b')"
  by (meson assms dual_order.antisym less_bucket_end_le_start not_le order.strict_trans1)

lemma s_B_val:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "length T > Suc 0"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "i < B ! b"
shows "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b"
proof (rule ccontr; drule neq_iff[THEN iffD1]; elim disjE)
  assume "B ! b < s_bucket_start α T b"
  with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2,13)]
  show False
    by linarith
  let ?k = "B ! b - Suc 0"
  assume "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b"
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b  ?k"
    by linarith
  hence "bucket_start α T b  ?k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

  have "?k < B ! b"
    using `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b` by auto

  from assms(14)
  have "i  ?k"
    by linarith

  from s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2,13)]
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b" .
  hence "?k < bucket_end α T b"
    using s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b by linarith

  have "bucket_end α T b  length SA"
    by (simp add: assms(9) bucket_end_le_length)
  have "bucket_end α T b = length SA  False"
  proof -
    assume "bucket_end α T b = length SA"
    with `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b` `B ! b  bucket_end α T b` assms(7,9,13)
    have "b = α (Max (set T))"
      using bucket_end_eq_length by fastforce
    hence "s_bucket α T b = {}"
      by (simp add: assms(7,11,12) s_bucket_Max)
    hence "s_bucket_size α T b = 0"
      by (simp add: s_bucket_size_def)
    hence "s_bucket_start α T b = bucket_end α T b"
      by (simp add: bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size)
    with `B ! b  bucket_end α T b` `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
    show False
      by simp
  have "bucket_end α T b < length SA  False"
  proof -
    assume "bucket_end α T b < length SA"
    hence "B ! b < length SA"
      using `B ! b  bucket_end α T b`
      by linarith
    hence "?k < length SA"
      using less_imp_diff_less by blast
    with s_seen_invD[OF assms(5) _  `i  ?k`]
    have "SA ! ?k < length T"
      by blast

    let ?b = "α (T ! (SA ! ?k))"

    from `SA ! ?k < length T` assms(7)
    have "?b  α (Max (set T))"
      using Max_greD strict_mono_leD by blast
    with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2)]
    have "s_bucket_start α T ?b  B ! ?b"
      by blast
    hence "bucket_start α T ?b  B ! ?b"
      using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

    have "suffix_type T (SA ! ?k) = L_type  False"
    proof -
      assume "suffix_type T (SA ! ?k) = L_type"
      with s_seen_invD(2)[OF assms(5) `?k < length SA` `i  ?k`]
      have "in_l_bucket α T ?b ?k"
        by blast
      hence "bucket_start α T ?b  ?k" "?k < l_bucket_end α T ?b"
        using in_l_bucket_def by blast+
      hence "?k < bucket_end α T ?b"
        using l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end less_le_trans by blast

      from `?k < l_bucket_end _ _ _` `s_bucket_start _ _ _  ?k`
      have "b = ?b  False"
        by (simp add: s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
      from outside_another_bucket[OF _ `bucket_start _ _ b  ?k` `?k < bucket_end _ _ b`]
           `bucket_start _ _ ?b  ?k` `?k < bucket_end _ _ ?b`
      have "b  ?b  False"
        by blast
      ultimately show False
        by blast
    have "suffix_type T (SA ! ?k) = S_type  False"
    proof -
      assume "suffix_type T (SA ! ?k) = S_type"
      with s_seen_invD(3)[OF assms(5) `?k < length SA` `i  ?k`]
      have "in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b ?k "
        by blast
      hence "B ! ?b  ?k" "?k < bucket_end α T ?b"
        using in_s_current_bucket_def by blast+
      hence "bucket_start α T ?b  ?k"
        using `bucket_start α T ?b  B ! ?b` by linarith

      from `B ! ?b  ?k` `?k < B ! b`
      have "b = ?b  False"
        by simp
      from outside_another_bucket[OF _ `bucket_start _ _ b  ?k` `?k < bucket_end _ _ b`]
           `bucket_start α T ?b  ?k` `?k < bucket_end α T ?b`
      have "b  ?b  False"
        by blast
      ultimately show False
        by blast
    ultimately show False
      using SL_types.exhaust by blast
  ultimately show False
    by linarith

lemma s_bucket_eq_list_slice:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b"
shows "set (list_slice SA (s_bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)) = s_bucket α T b"
      (is "set ?xs = s_bucket α T b")
  using card_subset_eq[
          OF finite_s_bucket s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket[OF assms(2,4), simplified assms(5)]]
        distinct_card[OF s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1,4), simplified assms(5)]]
        bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size[of α T b]
        s_bucket_size_def[of α T b]
  by (metis assms(3) bucket_end_le_length diff_add_inverse length_list_slice min_def)

lemma bucket_eq_list_slice:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b"
shows "set (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)) = bucket α T b"
      (is "set ?xs = bucket α T b")
proof -
  let ?ys = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  and ?zs = "list_slice SA (s_bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)"

  have "?xs = ?ys @ ?zs"
    by (metis list_slice_append bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end
  hence "set ?xs = set ?ys  set ?zs"
    by simp
  with l_types_initD(1)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4-7)] assms(8)]
       s_bucket_eq_list_slice[OF assms(1,3,6,8,9)]
  have "set ?xs = l_bucket α T b  s_bucket α T b"
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using l_un_s_bucket by blast

lemma s_index_lower_bound:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  and     "i < length SA"
  and     "n  i"
shows "bucket_start α T (α (T ! (SA ! i)))  i"
      (is "bucket_start α T ?b  i")
proof -

  have "?b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (meson SL_types.exhaust assms(2-) in_l_bucket_def in_s_current_bucketD(1) s_seen_invD(2,3))

  have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
    using SL_types.exhaust by blast
  have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  ?thesis"
  proof -
    assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type"
    with s_seen_invD(3)[OF assms(2-)] s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(1)]
    show ?thesis
      by (meson ?b  α (Max (set T)) bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start dual_order.trans
  have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type  ?thesis"
  proof -
    assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
    with s_seen_invD(2)[OF assms(2-)]
    show ?thesis
      using in_l_bucket_def by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma s_index_upper_bound:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  and     "i < length SA"
  and     "n  i"
shows "i < bucket_end α T (α (T ! (SA ! i)))"
      (is "i < bucket_end α T ?b")
proof -

  have "?b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (meson SL_types.exhaust assms(2-) in_l_bucket_def in_s_current_bucketD(1) s_seen_invD(2,3))

  have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
    using SL_types.exhaust by blast
  have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  ?thesis"
  proof -
    assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type"
    with s_seen_invD(3)[OF assms(2-)] s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(1)]
    show ?thesis
      by (simp add: in_s_current_bucket_def)
  have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type  ?thesis"
  proof -
    assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
    with s_seen_invD(2)[OF assms(2-)]
    show ?thesis
      using in_l_bucket_def l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end less_le_trans by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

subsection "Establishment and Maintenance Steps"

subsubsection "Distinctness"

lemma s_distinct_inv_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  shows "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  unfolding s_distinct_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix b
  let ?goal = "distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))"
  assume "b  α (Max (set T))"

  have "b > 0  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b > 0"
    with s_bucket_initD(1)[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
    have "B ! b = bucket_end α T b"
      by blast
    then show ?goal
      using list_slice_n_n 
      by (metis distinct.simps(1))
  have "b = 0  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b = 0"
    with s_bucket_initD(2)[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
    have "B ! b = 0" .
    from `b = 0` assms(2-4)
    have "bucket_end α T b = Suc 0"
      by (simp add: valid_list_bucket_end_0)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp add: distinct_conv_nth)
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

lemma s_distinct_inv_maintained_step:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_distinct_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j])"
  unfolding s_distinct_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix b'

  let ?goal = "distinct (list_slice (SA[k := j]) (B[b := k] ! b') (bucket_end α T b'))"

  assume "b'  α (Max (set T))"

  from s_next_item_not_seen[OF assms(1-7,9-18)]
  have "j  set (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))".

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF assms(1-7,9-18)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b" .
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b  k" "k < B ! b"
    using assms(19) by linarith+
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

  from assms(17)
  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (simp add: assms(7,18) strict_mono_less_eq)
  with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2)] `k < B ! b`
  have "k < bucket_end α T b"
    using less_le_trans by auto
  hence "k < length SA"
    using assms(10) bucket_end_le_length less_le_trans by fastforce

  have "b = b'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = k"
      using b  α (Max (set T)) assms(8) by auto
    from s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
    have "distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))" .
    from B[b := k] ! b' = k b = b' k < B ! b k < bucket_end α T b k < length SA assms(19)
    have "list_slice (SA[k := j]) (B[b := k] ! b') (bucket_end α T b')
          = j # list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"
      by (metis Suc_pred diff_is_0_eq' dual_order.order_iff_strict gr0I length_list_update
            list_slice_Suc list_slice_update_unchanged_1 nth_list_update_eq)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using `j  set (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))`
      by simp
  have "b  b'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b  b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'"
      by simp

    from outside_another_bucket[OF `b  b'` `bucket_start _ _ _  k` `k < bucket_end _ _ _`]
    have "k < bucket_start α T b'  bucket_end α T b'  k"
      using leI by auto
    have "k < bucket_start α T b' 
          list_slice (SA[k := j]) (B[b := k] ! b') (bucket_end α T b')
            = list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b')"
    proof -
      assume "k < bucket_start α T b'"
      hence "k < B ! b'"
        by (meson b'  α (Max (set T)) assms(2) bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start less_le_trans
      with list_slice_update_unchanged_1 `B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'`
      show ?thesis
        by simp
    from `B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'`
    have "bucket_end α T b'  k 
          list_slice (SA[k := j]) (B[b := k] ! b') (bucket_end α T b')
            = list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b')"
      by (simp add: list_slice_update_unchanged_2)
    from s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `b'  _`]
    have "distinct (list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b'))" .
    ultimately show ?goal
      by auto
  show ?goal
    by blast

corollary s_distinct_inv_maintained_perm_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_distinct_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j])"
  using s_distinct_inv_maintained_step[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8-14)[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

subsubsection "Bucket Pointer"

lemma s_bucket_ptr_inv_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  shows "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  unfolding s_bucket_ptr_inv_def
proof(intro allI impI)
  fix b
  let ?goal = "s_bucket_start α T b  B ! b  B ! b  bucket_end α T b  (b = 0  B ! b = 0)"
  assume "b  α (Max (set T))"

  have "b > 0  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b > 0"
    with s_bucket_initD(1)[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
    have "B ! b = bucket_end α T b" .
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis 0 < b l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end less_numeral_extra(3) order_refl
  have "b = 0  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b = 0"
    with s_bucket_initD(2)[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
    have "B ! b = 0" .
    with `b = 0`
         valid_list_bucket_end_0[OF assms(2-)]
         valid_list_s_bucket_start_0[OF assms(2-)]
    show ?thesis
      by auto
  ultimately show "?goal"
    by auto

lemma s_bucket_ptr_inv_maintained_step:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T (B[b := k])"
  unfolding s_bucket_ptr_inv_def
proof(intro allI impI)
  fix b'
  assume "b'  α (Max (set T))"

  let ?goal = "s_bucket_start α T b'  B[b := k] ! b'   B[b := k] ! b'  bucket_end α T b' 
               (b' = 0  B[b := k] ! b' = 0)"

  from valid_list_length_ex[OF assms(12)]
  obtain m where
    "length T = Suc m"
    by blast
  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(17) suffix_type_s_bound)
  from s_seen_invD(1)[OF assms(5,15)] assms(14,16)
  have "Suc j < length T"
    by simp
  ultimately have "j < m"
    by linarith
  hence "b  0"
    by (metis  length T = Suc m assms(7,12,13,18) diff_Suc_1 strict_mono_eq valid_list_def)

  have "b  b'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b  b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'"
      by simp
    with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  α (Max (set T))`]
         s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  α (Max (set T))`]
         s_bucket_ptr_0[OF assms(2)]
    show ?thesis
      by auto
  have "b = b'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF assms(1-7,9-13,14-18)]
    have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b".
    hence "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
      using assms(19) by linarith
    from b = b' b'  α (Max (set T)) assms(2,19)
    have "k  bucket_end α T b"
      using le_diff_conv s_bucket_ptr_inv_def trans_le_add1 by blast
    have "B[b := k] ! b' = k"
      using b = b' b'  α (Max (set T)) assms(8) by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using b = b' b  0 by auto
  ultimately show ?goal
    by linarith

corollary s_bucket_ptr_inv_maintained_perm_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T (B[b := k])"
  using s_bucket_ptr_inv_maintained_step[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8-14)[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

subsubsection "Locations"

lemma s_locations_inv_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
  and     "s_type_init T SA"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  shows "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  unfolding s_locations_inv_def
  fix b i
  assume "b  α (Max (set T))" "B ! b  i" "i < bucket_end α T b"
  hence "b > 0  SA ! i  s_bucket α T b"
    by (metis assms(1) not_le s_bucket_init_def)
  have "b = 0  SA ! i  s_bucket α T b"
  proof -
    assume "b = 0"
    have "0  i"
      by blast
    have "bucket_end α T 0 = 1"
      using assms(3-5) valid_list_bucket_end_0 by blast
    with `i < bucket_end α T b` `b = 0`
    have "i < 1"
      by simp
    ultimately have "i = 0"
      by blast
    from s_type_init_def[of T SA] assms(2)
    obtain n where
      "length T = Suc n"
      "SA ! 0 = n"
      by blast
    with suffix_type_last[of T n]
    have "suffix_type T n = S_type"
      by blast
    have "T ! n = bot"
      by (metis length T = Suc n assms(3) diff_Suc_1 last_conv_nth less_numeral_extra(3)
            list.size(3) valid_list_def)
    hence "α (T ! n) = 0"
      by (simp add: assms(5))
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp add: SA ! 0 = nb = 0 length T = Suc n bucket_def s_bucket_def)
  ultimately show "SA ! i  s_bucket α T b"
    by linarith

lemma s_locations_inv_maintained_step:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_locations_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j])"
  unfolding s_locations_inv_def
  fix b' i'
  assume "b'  α (Max (set T))" "B[b := k] ! b'  i'" "i' < bucket_end α T b'"

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF assms(1-7,9-18)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b".
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms(19) by linarith

  from `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
  have "k < B ! b"
    using assms(19) by linarith

  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(17) suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (simp add: assms(18) assms(7) strict_mono_less_eq)
  with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2)]
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    by blast

  have "b  b'  SA[k := j] ! i'  s_bucket α T b'"
  proof -
    assume "b  b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'"
      by simp
    with `B[b := k] ! b'  i'`
    have "B ! b'  i'"
      by simp
    with s_locations_invD[OF assms(3) `b'  α (Max (set T))` _ `i' < bucket_end α T b'`]
    have "SA ! i'  s_bucket α T b'"
      by linarith
    from s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  α (Max (set T))`] `B ! b'  i'`
    have "bucket_start α T b'  i'"
      by (meson bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start dual_order.trans)
    with outside_another_bucket[OF `b  b'`[symmetric] _ `i' < _`]
         B ! b  bucket_end α T b k < B ! b s_bucket_start α T b  k
    have "k  i'"
      using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans less_le_trans by blast
    hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
      by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  have "b = b'  SA[k := j] ! i'  s_bucket α T b'"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    hence "k  i'"
      using B[b := k] ! b'  i' b'  α (Max (set T)) assms(8) by auto
    hence "k = i'  k < i'"
      by linarith
    have "k = i'  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "k = i'"
      hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = j"
        by (metis i' < bucket_end α T b' assms(10) bucket_end_le_length dual_order.strict_trans1
      with assms(17,18) `b = b'` `j < length T`
      show ?thesis
        by (simp add: bucket_def s_bucket_def)
    have "k < i'  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "k < i'"
      hence "B ! b  i'"
        using assms(19) by linarith
      with s_locations_invD[OF assms(3) `b'  _` _ `i' < bucket_end _ _ _`] `b = b'`
      have "SA ! i'  s_bucket α T b'"
        by blast
      have "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
        using k < i' by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by linarith
  ultimately show "SA[k := j] ! i'  s_bucket α T b'"
    by blast

corollary s_locations_inv_maintained_perm_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_locations_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j])"
  using s_locations_inv_maintained_step[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8-14)[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

subsubsection "Unchanged"

lemma s_unchanged_inv_established:
  shows "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA SA"
  by (simp add: s_unchanged_inv_def)

lemma s_unchanged_inv_maintained_step:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_unchanged_inv α T (B[b := k]) SA0 (SA[k := j])"
  unfolding s_unchanged_inv_def
  fix b' i'
  assume "b'  α (Max (set T))" "bucket_start α T b'  i'" "i' < B[b := k] ! b'"

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF assms(1-7,9-18)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b".
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms(19) by linarith
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

  from `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
  have "k < B ! b"
    using assms(19) by linarith

  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(17) suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (simp add: assms(7,18) strict_mono_less_eq)
  with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2)]
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    by blast
  with `k < B ! b`
  have "k < bucket_end α T b"
    by linarith

  have "b = b'  SA[k := j] ! i' = SA0 ! i'"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = k"
      using b'  α (Max (set T)) assms(8) by auto
    with `i' < B[b := k] ! b'`
    have "i' < k"
      by linarith
    hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
      by simp
    from `i' < k` `k < B ! b` `b = b'`
    have "i' < B ! b'"
      by simp
    with s_unchanged_invD[OF assms(4) `b'  _` `bucket_start _ _ _  i'`]
    have "SA ! i' = SA0 ! i'"
      by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  have "b  b'  SA[k := j] ! i' = SA0 ! i'"
  proof -
    assume "b  b'"
    with `i' < B[b := k] ! b'`
    have "i' < B ! b'"
      by simp
    with s_unchanged_invD[OF assms(4) `b'  _` `bucket_start _ _ b'  _`]
    have "SA ! i' = SA0 ! i'"
      by blast
    from s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  _`] `i' < B ! b'`
    have "i' < bucket_end α T b'"
      by linarith
    with outside_another_bucket[OF `b  b'` `bucket_start _ _ _  k` `k < bucket_end _ _ _`]
         `bucket_start _ _ b'  i'`
    have "k  i'"
      by blast
    hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
      by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  ultimately show "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA0 ! i'"
    by blast

corollary s_unchanged_inv_maintained_perm_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_unchanged_inv α T (B[b := k]) SA0 (SA[k := j])"
  using s_unchanged_inv_maintained_step[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8-14)[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

subsubsection "Seen"

lemma s_seen_inv_established:
  assumes "length SA = length T"
  and     "length T  n"
shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_seen_inv_def
  using assms by auto

lemma s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c1:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length SA  Suc n"
  shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_seen_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix j
  assume "j < length SA" "n  j"
  hence "n < length SA"
    by simp
  with assms(10,11)
  have "length SA = Suc n"
    by linarith

  let ?b = "α (T ! (SA ! j))"
  let ?g1 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! j) = S_type  in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b j)"
  and ?g2 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! j) = L_type  in_l_bucket α T ?b j)"
  and ?g3 = "SA ! j < length T"

  from `n  j`
  have "n = j  Suc n  j"
    using dual_order.antisym not_less_eq_eq by auto
  have "n = j  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    let ?b_max = "α (Max (set T))"
    assume "n = j"
    hence "j < bucket_end α T ?b_max"
      using j < length SA assms(4,6) bucket_end_Max by fastforce
    hence "j < l_bucket_end α T ?b_max"
      using l_bucket_Max[OF assms(8,9,4)]
      by (simp add: bucket_end_def' bucket_size_def l_bucket_end_def l_bucket_size_def)
    from n = j j < length SA length SA = Suc n assms(4,6,10)
    have "bucket_start α T ?b_max  j"
      by (metis Suc_leI antisym bucket_end_eq_length bucket_end_le_length gr_implies_not0
                index_in_bucket_interval_gen length_0_conv)
    have "?b_max  α (Max (set T))"
      by simp
    ultimately have "SA ! j  l_bucket α T ?b_max"
      using l_types_init_nth[OF assms(6) l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(1,2,5-7)] ]
      by blast
    hence "?b_max = α (T ! (SA ! j))"
      by (simp add: bucket_def l_bucket_def)
    from `SA ! j  l_bucket α T ?b_max`
    have ?g3
      by (simp add: bucket_def l_bucket_def)
    from `SA ! j  l_bucket α T ?b_max`
    have "suffix_type T (SA ! j) = L_type"
      by (simp add: bucket_def l_bucket_def)
    have "in_l_bucket α T (α (T ! (SA ! j))) j"
      using bucket_start _ _ _   j j < l_bucket_end _ _ _ calculation(1) in_l_bucket_def
      by fastforce
    hence "?g2"
      using calculation(3) by blast
    from calculation(3)
    have "?g1"
      by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  have "Suc n  j  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    assume "Suc n  j"
    with s_seen_invD[OF assms(3) `j < length SA`] assms(10)
    show ?thesis
      by blast
  ultimately show "?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
    by blast

corollary s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c1:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length SA  Suc n"
  shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  using s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c1[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,5,8,10-13,15)[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

lemma s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c1_alt:
  assumes "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length T  SA ! Suc n"
  shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
proof (cases "length SA  Suc n")
  assume "length SA  Suc n"
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1-10) s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c1 by blast
  assume "¬ length SA  Suc n"
  hence "Suc n < length SA"
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding s_seen_inv_def
  proof (intro allI impI)
    fix j
    assume "j < length SA" "n  j"
    hence "n < length SA"
      by simp

    let ?b = "α (T ! (SA ! j))"
    let ?g1 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! j) = S_type  in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b j)"
    and ?g2 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! j) = L_type  in_l_bucket α T ?b j)"
    and ?g3 = "SA ! j < length T"
   from `n  j`
    have "n = j  Suc n  j"
      using dual_order.antisym not_less_eq_eq by auto
    have "n = j  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
      by (metis Suc_le_mono Suc n < length SA n  j assms(3,10,11) linorder_not_le
    have "Suc n  j  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
    proof -
      assume "Suc n  j"
      with s_seen_invD[OF assms(3) `j < length SA`] assms(10)
      show ?thesis
        by blast
    ultimately show "?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
      by blast

corollary s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c1_alt:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length T  SA ! Suc n"
  shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  using s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c1_alt[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,5,8,10-13,15)[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

lemma s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c2:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = 0"
  shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
 unfolding s_seen_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix j
  assume "j < length SA" "n  j"
  hence "n < length SA"
    by simp
  hence "n < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(11))

  let ?b = "α (T ! (SA ! j))"
  let ?g1 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! j) = S_type  in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b j)"
  and ?g2 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! j) = L_type  in_l_bucket α T ?b j)"
  and ?g3 = "SA ! j < length T"

 from `n  j`
  have "n = j  Suc n  j"
    by linarith
  have "n = j  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    assume "n = j"
    with index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `n < length T` assms(8)]
    obtain b where
      "b  α (Max (set T))"
      "bucket_start α T b  j"
      "j < bucket_end α T b"
      by blast

    have "j < l_bucket_end α T b  s_bucket_start α T b  j"
      by (metis not_le s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
    have "j < l_bucket_end α T b  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "j < l_bucket_end α T b"
      with l_types_init_nth[OF assms(11) l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4,10-12)] `b  _`
            `bucket_start _ _ _  j`]
      have "SA ! j  l_bucket α T b" .
      hence "suffix_type T (SA ! j) = L_type" "SA ! j < length T"
        by (simp add: l_bucket_def bucket_def)+
      have ?g1
        by(simp add: calculation(1) SL_types.exhaust)
      from `SA ! j  l_bucket α T b`
      have "b = α (T ! (SA ! j))"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)  bucket_def l_bucket_def mem_Collect_eq)
      with `bucket_start α T b  j` `j < l_bucket_end α T b` `b  _`
      have "in_l_bucket α T (α (T ! (SA ! j))) j"
        using in_l_bucket_def by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by blast
    have "s_bucket_start α T b  j  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "s_bucket_start α T b  j"
      hence "s_bucket_start α T b < i"
        by (simp add: n = j assms(16))

      have "B ! b  i"
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume "¬B ! b  i"
        hence "i < B ! b"
          by simp
        with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b  α _`]
        have "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b" .
        with `s_bucket_start α T b < i` `i < B ! b`
        show False
          by linarith
      hence "B ! b < i  B ! b = i"
        using dual_order.order_iff_strict by blast
      have "B ! b < i  ?thesis"
      proof -
        assume "B ! b < i"
        hence "B ! b  j"
          by (simp add: n = j assms(16))
        with s_locations_invD[OF assms(3) `b  _` _ `j < bucket_end _ _ _`]
        have "SA ! j  s_bucket α T b" .
        hence "SA ! j < length T" "suffix_type T (SA ! j) = S_type"
          by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
        from calculation(2)
        have ?g2
          by simp
        from `SA ! j  s_bucket α T b`
        have "α (T ! (SA ! j)) = b"
          by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)
        with `B ! b  j` `j < bucket_end α T b` `b  _`
        have "in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! (SA ! j))) j"
          by (simp add: in_s_current_bucket_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by blast
      have "B ! b = i  ?thesis"
      proof -
        assume "B ! b = i"
        hence "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b"
          using s_bucket_start α T b < i by blast

        have "b  0"
          using B ! b = i assms(2,16) less_Suc_eq_0_disj s_bucket_ptr_0 by fastforce

        let ?xs = "list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"
        let ?B = "set ?xs"
        let ?A = "s_bucket α T b - ?B"

       from s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket[OF assms(3) `b  _`]
        have "?B  s_bucket α T b" .
        hence "?A  s_bucket α T b"
          by blast

        have "card (s_bucket α T b) = bucket_end α T b - s_bucket_start α T b"
          by (simp add: bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size s_bucket_size_def)

        from s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
        have "card ?B = bucket_end α T b - B ! b"
          by (metis assms(11) bucket_end_le_length distinct_card length_list_slice min.absorb_iff1)
        hence "card ?B < card (s_bucket α T b)"
          using card (s_bucket α T b) = bucket_end α T b - s_bucket_start α T b
                j < bucket_end α T b s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b s_bucket_start α T b  j
          by linarith
        with card_psubset[OF finite_s_bucket `?B  s_bucket α T b`]
        have "?B  s_bucket α T b" .
        hence "?A  {}"
          by blast
        with subset_s_bucket_successor[OF assms(13,8,14) `b  _` `?A  _`]
        obtain x where
          "x  ?A"
          "Suc x  ?B  (b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b')"
          by blast
        hence "suffix_type T x = S_type" "α (T ! x) = b" "x < length T"
          by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+

        from `x  ?A`
        have "x  ?B"
          by blast

        have "Suc x  ?B  ?thesis"
        proof -
          assume "Suc x  ?B"
          from nth_mem_list_slice[OF `Suc x  ?B`]
          obtain i' where
            "i' < length SA"
            "B ! b  i'"
            "i' < bucket_end α T b"
            "SA ! i' = Suc x"
            by blast

          have "i  i'"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "¬ i  i'"
            hence "i = i'"
              by auto
            with assms(16,18) `SA ! i' = Suc x`
            show False
              by simp
          with `B ! b = i` `B ! b  i'`
          have "i < i'"
            by simp
          with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i' < length SA` _ `SA ! i' = Suc x` `suffix_type T x = _`,
                simplified `α (T ! x) = b`]
          obtain k where
            "in_s_current_bucket α T B b k"
            "SA ! k = x"
            "k < i'"
            by blast
          hence "x  ?B"
            by (meson assms(11) in_s_current_bucket_list_slice)
          with `x  ?B`
          have False
            by blast
          then show ?thesis
            by blast
        have "b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b'  ?thesis"
        proof -
          assume "b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b'"
          then obtain b' where
            "b < b'"
            "Suc x  bucket α T b'"
            by blast
          hence "bucket_end α T b  bucket_start α T b'"
            by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
          with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2) `b  _ `] `B ! b = i`
          have "i  bucket_start α T b'"
            by linarith

          from Suc x  bucket α T b'
          have "b'  α (Max (set T))"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Max_greD assms(8) bucket_def mem_Collect_eq
          with `i  bucket_start α T b'` s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2), of b']
          have "i  B ! b'"
            by (metis nat_le_iff_add s_bucket_start_def trans_le_add1)
          hence "i = B ! b'  i < B ! b'"
            using antisym_conv1 by blast
          hence "B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b'"
            assume "i = B ! b'"
            with `i  bucket_start α T b'` s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  _`]
            show ?thesis
              by (simp add: s_bucket_start_def)
            assume "i < B ! b'"
            with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b'  _`]
            show ?thesis .

          from `Suc x  bucket α T b'`
          have "Suc x  l_bucket α T b'  Suc x  s_bucket α T b'"
            by (simp add: l_un_s_bucket)
          have "Suc x  l_bucket α T b'  ?thesis"
          proof -
            assume "Suc x  l_bucket α T b'"
            with l_types_initD(1)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4,10-12)] `b'  _`]
            have "Suc x  set (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b') (l_bucket_end α T b'))"
              by simp
            with nth_mem_list_slice[of "Suc x" SA "bucket_start α T b'" "l_bucket_end α T b'"]
            obtain i' where
              "i' < length SA"
              "bucket_start α T b'  i'"
              "i' < l_bucket_end α T b'"
              "SA ! i' = Suc x"
              by blast

            have "i  i'"
            proof (rule ccontr)
              assume "¬ i  i'"
              hence "i = i'"
                by auto
              with `SA ! i' = Suc x` assms(16,18)
              show False
                by simp
            hence "i < i'"
              using bucket_start α T b'  i' i  bucket_start α T b' by auto
            with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i' < length _` _ `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T x = _`,
                  simplified `α (T ! x) = b`]
            obtain k where
              "in_s_current_bucket α T B b k"
              "SA ! k = x"
              "k < i'"
              by blast
            hence "x  ?B"
              by (meson assms(11) in_s_current_bucket_list_slice)
            with `x  ?B`
            have False
              by blast
            then show ?thesis
              by blast
          have "Suc x  s_bucket α T b'  ?thesis"
          proof -
            assume "Suc x  s_bucket α T b'"

          let ?ys = "list_slice SA (s_bucket_start α T b') (bucket_end α T b')"

            from distinct_card[OF s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `b'  _`],
                  simplified `B ! b' = s_bucket_start _ _ _`]
            have "card (set ?ys) = card (s_bucket α T b')"
              by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' assms(11) bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size
                    bucket_end_le_length length_list_slice min_def s_bucket_size_def)
            with card_subset_eq[
                  OF finite_s_bucket s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket[OF assms(3) `b'  _`],
                  simplified `B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b'`]
            have "set ?ys = s_bucket α T b'"
              by blast
            with `Suc x  s_bucket α T b'`
            have "Suc x  set ?ys"
              by simp
            with nth_mem_list_slice[of "Suc x"]
            obtain i' where
              "i' < length SA"
              "s_bucket_start α T b'  i'"
              "i' < bucket_end α T b'"
              "SA ! i' = Suc x"
              by blast

            from `SA ! i' = Suc x` assms(16,18)
            have "i  i'"
              using nat.discI by blast
            hence "i < i'"
              using B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b' i  B ! b' s_bucket_start α T b'  i'
              by linarith
            with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i' < length _` _ `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T x = _`,
                  simplified `α (T ! x) = b`]
            obtain k where
              "in_s_current_bucket α T B b k"
              "SA ! k = x"
              "k < i'"
              by blast
            hence "x  ?B"
              by (meson assms(11) in_s_current_bucket_list_slice)
            with `x  ?B`
            have False
              by blast
            then show ?thesis
              by blast
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using `Suc x  ?B  (b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b')` by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast
  have "Suc n  j  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    assume "Suc n  j"
    with s_seen_invD[OF assms(5) `j < length SA`] assms(16)
    show ?thesis
      by blast
  ultimately show "?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
    by blast

corollary s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c2:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = 0"
shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  using s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c2[OF s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

lemma s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c3:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = L_type"
shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
 unfolding s_seen_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix k
  assume "k < length SA" "n  k"
  hence "n < length SA"
    by simp
  hence "n < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(11))

  let ?b = "α (T ! (SA ! k))"
  let ?g1 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! k) = S_type  in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b k)"
  and ?g2 = "(suffix_type T (SA ! k) = L_type  in_l_bucket α T ?b k)"
  and ?g3 = "SA ! k < length T"

 from `n  k`
  have "n = k  Suc n  k"
    by linarith
  have "n = k  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    assume "n = k"
    with index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `n < length T` assms(8)]
    obtain b where
      "b  α (Max (set T))"
      "bucket_start α T b  k"
      "k < bucket_end α T b"
      by blast

    have "k < l_bucket_end α T b  s_bucket_start α T b  k"
      by (metis not_le s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
    have "k < l_bucket_end α T b  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "k < l_bucket_end α T b"
      with l_types_init_nth[OF assms(11) l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4,10-12)]
            `b  _` `bucket_start _ _ _  _`]
      have "SA ! k  l_bucket α T b" .
      hence "SA ! k < length T" "suffix_type T (SA ! k) = L_type"
        by (simp add: l_bucket_def bucket_def)+
      from calculation(2)
      have ?g1
        by simp
      from `SA ! k  l_bucket α T b`
      have "b = (α (T ! (SA ! k)))"
        by (simp add: l_bucket_def bucket_def)
      with `b  _` `bucket_start _ _ _  _` `k < l_bucket_end _ _ _`
      have "in_l_bucket α T (α (T ! (SA ! k))) k"
        using in_l_bucket_def by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by blast
    have "s_bucket_start α T b  k  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
      hence "s_bucket_start α T b < i"
        by (simp add: n = k assms(16))

      have "B ! b  i"
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume "¬B ! b  i"
        hence "i < B ! b"
          by simp
        with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b  α _`]
        have "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b" .
        with `s_bucket_start α T b < i` `i < B ! b`
        show False
          by linarith
      hence "i = B ! b  B ! b < i"
        by linarith
      have "B ! b < i  ?thesis"
      proof -
        assume "B ! b < i"
        hence "B ! b  k"
          by (simp add: n = k assms(16))
        with s_locations_invD[OF assms(3) `b  _` _ `k < bucket_end _ _ _`]
        have "SA ! k  s_bucket α T b" .
        hence "SA ! k < length T" "suffix_type T (SA ! k) = S_type"
          by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
        from calculation(2)
        have ?g2
          by simp
        from `SA ! k  s_bucket α T b`
        have "α (T ! (SA ! k)) = b"
          by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)
        with `B ! b  k` `k < bucket_end α T b` `b  _`
        have "in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! (SA ! k))) k"
          by (simp add: in_s_current_bucket_def)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by blast
      have "i = B ! b  ?thesis"
      proof -
        assume "i = B ! b"
        hence "k < B ! b"
          using n = k assms(16) by linarith

        have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b"
          using i = B ! b s_bucket_start α T b < i by blast

        have "b  0"
          by (metis k < B ! b assms(2) not_less_zero s_bucket_ptr_0)

        let ?xs = "list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"
        let ?B = "set ?xs"
        let ?A = "s_bucket α T b - ?B"

        from s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket[OF assms(3) `b  _`]
        have "?B  s_bucket α T b" .
        hence "?A  s_bucket α T b"
          by blast

        have "card (s_bucket α T b) = bucket_end α T b - s_bucket_start α T b"
          by (simp add: bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size s_bucket_size_def)

        from s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `b  _`]
        have "card ?B = bucket_end α T b - B ! b"
          by (metis assms(11) bucket_end_le_length distinct_card length_list_slice min.absorb_iff1)
        hence "card ?B < card (s_bucket α T b)"
          using card (s_bucket α T b) = bucket_end α T b - s_bucket_start α T b
                k < bucket_end α T b s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b s_bucket_start α T b  k
          by linarith
        with card_psubset[OF finite_s_bucket `?B  s_bucket α T b`]
        have "?B  s_bucket α T b" .
        hence "?A  {}"
          by blast
        with subset_s_bucket_successor[OF assms(13,8,14) `b  0` `?A  s_bucket α T b`]
        obtain x where
          "x  ?A"
          "Suc x  s_bucket α T b - ?A  (b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b')"
          by blast
        hence "Suc x  ?B  (b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b')"
          by blast

        from `x  ?A` `?A  s_bucket α T b`
        have "suffix_type T x = S_type" "α (T ! x) = b"
          by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+

        have "x  ?B"
          using x  ?A by blast

        from `Suc x  ?B  (b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b')`
        have False
          assume "Suc x  ?B"
          from nth_mem_list_slice[OF `Suc x  ?B`]
          obtain i' where
            "i' < length SA"
            "B ! b  i'"
            "i' < bucket_end α T b"
            "SA ! i' = Suc x"
            by blast

          have "i  i'"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "¬ i  i'"
            hence "i = i'"
              by auto
            hence "j = x"
              using SA ! i' = Suc x assms(16,18) by auto
            with assms(19) `suffix_type T x = _`
            show False
              by simp
          with `B ! b  i'` `i = B ! b`
          have "i < i'"
            using nat_less_le by blast
          with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i' < length SA ` _ `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T x = _`]
               `α (T ! x) = b`
          obtain k where
            "in_s_current_bucket α T B b k"
            "SA ! k = x"
            "k < i'"
            by blast
          hence "x  ?B"
            by (meson assms(11) in_s_current_bucket_list_slice)
          with `x  ?B`
          show False
            by blast
          assume "b'. b < b'  Suc x  bucket α T b'"
          then obtain b' where
            "b < b'"
            "Suc x  bucket α T b'"
            by blast
          hence "b'  α (Max (set T))"
            by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Max_greD assms(8) bucket_def mem_Collect_eq

          have "suffix_type T (Suc x) = S_type  suffix_type T (Suc x) = L_type"
            by (simp add: suffix_type_def)
          hence "Suc x  l_bucket α T b'  Suc x  s_bucket α T b'"
            using Suc x  bucket α T b' l_bucket_def s_bucket_def by fastforce
          have "Suc x  l_bucket α T b'  False"
          proof -
            assume "Suc x  l_bucket α T b'"
            with l_types_initD(1)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4,10-12)] `b'  _`]
            have "Suc x  set (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b') (l_bucket_end α T b'))"
              by blast
            with nth_mem_list_slice[of "Suc x"]
            obtain i' where
              "i' < length SA"
              "bucket_start α T b'  i'"
              "i' < l_bucket_end α T b'"
              "SA ! i' = Suc x"
              by blast

            have "i  i'"
            proof (rule ccontr)
              assume "¬ i  i'"
              hence "i = i'"
                by auto
              hence "j = x"
                using SA ! i' = Suc x assms(16,18) by auto
              with assms(19) `suffix_type T x = _`
              show False
                by simp
            from `b < b'`
            have "bucket_end α T b  bucket_start α T b'"
              by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
            hence "B ! b  i'"
              using s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2) `b  α (Max (set T))`]
                    `bucket_start α T b'  i'`
              by linarith
            ultimately have "i < i'"
              using i = B ! b nat_less_le by blast
            with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i' < length SA ` _ `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T x = _`]
                 `α (T ! x) = b`
            obtain k where
              "in_s_current_bucket α T B b k"
              "SA ! k = x"
              "k < i'"
              by blast
            hence "x  ?B"
              by (meson assms(11) in_s_current_bucket_list_slice)
            with `x  ?B`
            show False
              by blast
          have "Suc x  s_bucket α T b'  False"
          proof -
            assume "Suc x  s_bucket α T b'"

            have "i  bucket_end α T b"
              by (simp add: Suc_le_eq k < bucket_end α T b n = k assms(16))
            hence "i  bucket_start α T b'"
              using b < b' less_bucket_end_le_start order.trans by blast
            hence "i  B ! b'"
              using s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  _`]
              by (metis l_bucket_end_def le_trans nat_le_iff_add s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
            hence "i < B ! b'  i = B ! b'"
              using nat_less_le by blast
            hence "B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b'"
              assume "i < B ! b'"
              with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b'  _`]
              show "B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b'"
                by blast
              assume "i = B ! b'"
              with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  _`]
                   `i  bucket_start α T b'`
              show "B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b'"
                by (simp add: s_bucket_start_def)

            let ?ys = "list_slice SA (s_bucket_start α T b') (bucket_end α T b')"

            from distinct_card[OF s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `b'  _`],
                  simplified `B ! b' = s_bucket_start _ _ _`]
            have "card (set ?ys) = card (s_bucket α T b')"
              by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' assms(11) bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size
                    bucket_end_le_length length_list_slice min_def s_bucket_size_def)
            with card_subset_eq[
                  OF finite_s_bucket s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket[OF assms(3) `b'  _`],
                  simplified `B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b'`]
            have "set ?ys = s_bucket α T b'"
              by blast
            with `Suc x  s_bucket α T b'`
            have "Suc x  set ?ys"
              by simp
            with nth_mem_list_slice[of "Suc x"]
            obtain i' where
              "i' < length SA"
              "s_bucket_start α T b'  i'"
              "i' < bucket_end α T b'"
              "SA ! i' = Suc x"
              by blast

            have "i  i'"
            proof (rule ccontr)
              assume "¬ i  i'"
              hence "i = i'"
                by auto
              hence "j = x"
                using SA ! i' = Suc x assms(16,18) by auto
              with assms(19) `suffix_type T x = _`
              show False
                by simp
            have "i  i'"
              using B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b' i  B ! b' s_bucket_start α T b'  i'
              by linarith
            ultimately have "i < i'"
              using dual_order.order_iff_strict by blast
            with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i' < length SA ` _ `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T x = _`]
                 `α (T ! x) = b`
            obtain k where
              "in_s_current_bucket α T B b k"
              "SA ! k = x"
              "k < i'"
              by blast
            hence "x  ?B"
              by (meson assms(11) in_s_current_bucket_list_slice)
            with `x  ?B`
            show False
              by blast
          ultimately show False
            by blast
        then show ?thesis
          by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast
  have "Suc n  k  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    assume "Suc n  k"
    with s_seen_invD[OF assms(5) `k < length SA`] assms(16)
    show ?thesis
      by blast
  ultimately show "?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
    by blast

corollary s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c3:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = L_type"
shows "s_seen_inv α T B SA n"
  using s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c3[OF s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

lemma s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c4:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_seen_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j]) n"
  unfolding s_seen_inv_def
proof(intro allI impI)
  fix i'
  assume "i' < length (SA[k := j])" "n  i'"

  let ?g1 = "(suffix_type T (SA[k := j] ! i') = S_type 
              in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) (α (T ! (SA[k := j] ! i'))) i')" and
      ?g2 = "(suffix_type T (SA[k := j] ! i') = L_type 
              in_l_bucket α T (α (T ! (SA[k := j] ! i'))) i')" and
      ?g3 = "SA[k := j] ! i' < length T"

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF assms(1-6,8,10-14,16-20)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b".
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms(21) by linarith
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

  from `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
  have "k < B ! b"
    using assms(21) by linarith

  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(19) suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (simp add: assms(8,20) strict_mono_less_eq)
  with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2)]
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    by blast
  with `k < B ! b`
  have "k < bucket_end α T b"
    by linarith

  have "B ! b  i"
  proof(rule ccontr)
    assume "¬B ! b  i"
    hence "i < B ! b"
      by simp
    with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b  α _`]
    have "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b" .
    with `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
    show False
      by linarith
  hence "k < i"
    using k < B ! b less_le_trans by blast

  have "k = i'  n = i'"
    using k < i n  i' assms(16) le_less_Suc_eq by blast

  have "k  i'"
    using k < i n  i' assms(16) by linarith

  have "i' < length T"
    using i' < length (SA[k := j]) assms(11) by auto
  with index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF _ assms(8), of i' T]
  obtain b' where
    "b'  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b'  i'"
    "i' < bucket_end α T b'"
    by blast
  hence "n < bucket_end α T b'"
    using n  i' dual_order.strict_trans2 by blast
  hence "i  bucket_end α T b'"
    using assms(16) by linarith

  have "b  b'"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬b  b'"
    hence "b' < b"
      by linarith
    hence "bucket_end α T b'  bucket_start α T b"
      by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
    with `i  bucket_end α T b'` `bucket_start α T b  k` `k < B ! b`
    have "i < B ! b"
      by linarith
    with `B ! b  i`
    show False
      by linarith

  have "in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b k"
    unfolding in_s_current_bucket_def
    using b  α (Max (set T)) k < bucket_end α T b assms(9) by auto

  have "b < b'  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    assume "b < b'"
    hence "bucket_end α T b  bucket_start α T b'"
      by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
    with `k < bucket_end _ _ b` `bucket_start _ _ b'  i'`
    have "k < i'"
      by linarith
    hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
      by simp

    from `b < b'`
    have "B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'"
      by simp

    have "i' < l_bucket_end α T b'  B ! b'  i'  (s_bucket_start α T b'  i'  i' < B ! b')"
      by (metis not_le s_bucket_start_eq_l_bucket_end)
    have "B ! b'  i'  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "B ! b'  i'"
      with s_locations_invD[OF assms(3) `b'  _` _ `i' < bucket_end _ _ _`]
      have "SA ! i'  s_bucket α T b'" .
      hence "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type" "α (T ! (SA ! i')) = b'" "SA ! i' < length T"
        by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
      from `B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'` `b'  α _` `B ! b'  i'` `i' < bucket_end α T b'`
      have "in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b' i'"
        by (simp add: in_s_current_bucket_def)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (simp add: `SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'`)
    have "i' < l_bucket_end α T b'  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "i' < l_bucket_end α T b'"
      hence "in_l_bucket α T b' i'"
        by (simp add: `bucket_start α T b'  i'` `b'  α _` in_l_bucket_def)
      from l_types_init_nth[OF assms(11) l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4,10-12)]
            `b'  α _` `bucket_start _ _ _  i'` `i' < l_bucket_end _ _ _`]
      have "SA ! i'  l_bucket α T b'" .
      hence "SA ! i' < length T" "α (T ! (SA ! i')) = b'" "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = L_type"
        by (simp add: l_bucket_def bucket_def)+
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using `SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'`
        by simp
    have "s_bucket_start α T b'  i'; i' < B ! b'  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "s_bucket_start α T b'  i'" "i' < B ! b'"
      have "B ! b' = i"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "B ! b'  i"
        hence "i < B ! b'  B ! b' < i"
          by linarith
        have "B ! b' < i  False"
          using `i' < B ! b'` n  i' assms(16) by linarith
        have "i < B ! b'  False"
        proof -
          assume "i < B ! b'"
          with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b'  α _`]
          have "B ! b' = s_bucket_start α T b'" .
          with `s_bucket_start α T b'  i'` `i' < B ! b'`
          show False
            by linarith
        ultimately show False
          by linarith

      have "s_bucket_start α T b' < B ! b'"
        using i' < B ! b' s_bucket_start α T b'  i' by linarith
      hence "s_bucket_start α T b' < bucket_end α T b'"
        using B ! b' = i i  bucket_end α T b' order.strict_trans2 by blast
      hence "s_bucket α T b'  {}"
        by (metis add.commute bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size distinct_card distinct_conv_nth
              empty_set less_irrefl_nat less_nat_zero_code list.size(3) plus_nat.add_0

      have "bucket_end α T b'  length SA"
        by (simp add: assms(11) bucket_end_le_length)

      let ?xs = "list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b')"

      have "set ?xs  s_bucket α T b'"
        from s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket[OF assms(3) `b'  _`]
        show "set ?xs  s_bucket α T b'" .
        from `s_bucket_start α T b' < B ! b'` `s_bucket_start α T b' < bucket_end α T b'`
        have "bucket_end α T b' - B ! b' < bucket_end α T b' - s_bucket_start α T b'"
          using diff_less_mono2 by blast
        hence "length ?xs < s_bucket_size α T b'"
          by (metis bucket_end α T b'  length SA add_diff_cancel_left'
                bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size length_list_slice min_def)
        hence "card (set ?xs)  card (s_bucket α T b')"
          by (metis card_length not_le s_bucket_size_def)
        then show "set ?xs  s_bucket α T b'"
          by auto

      have P0: "i0 < length T. α (T ! i0) = b'  T ! i0  bot"
        using b < b' assms(8,20) strict_mono_less by fastforce
      hence P1: "i0 < length T. α (T ! i0) = b'  Suc i0 < length T"
        by (metis Suc_leI assms(13) diff_Suc_1 last_conv_nth le_imp_less_or_eq length_greater_0_conv

      let ?S = "s_bucket α T b' - set ?xs"

      from `set ?xs  s_bucket α T b'`
      have "?S  {}"
        by blast
      have "?S  s_bucket α T b'"
        by blast
      hence P2: "x  ?S. α (T ! x) = b'  suffix_type T x = S_type  x < length T"
        by (simp add: bucket_def s_bucket_def)

      have P3: "x  ?S. Suc x < length T  α (T ! Suc x)  b'"
        fix x
        assume "x  ?S"
        with P2
        have "α (T ! x) = b'" "suffix_type T x = S_type" "x < length T"
          by blast+
        with P1
        have "Suc x < length T"
          by blast
        from `suffix_type T x = S_type` `x < length T`
        have "T ! x  T ! Suc x"
          using calculation nth_gr_imp_l_type by fastforce
        hence "α (T ! Suc x)  b'"
          using α (T ! x) = b' assms(8) strict_mono_leD by blast
        ultimately show "Suc x < length T  α (T ! Suc x)  b'"
          by blast

      have "finite ?S"
        by (simp add: finite_s_bucket)

      have "x  ?S. α (T ! Suc x) > b'  Suc x  set ?xs"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ (x  ?S. b' < α (T ! Suc x)  Suc x  set ?xs)"
        hence "x  ?S. α (T ! Suc x)  b'  Suc x  set ?xs"
          using not_le_imp_less by blast
        with P3
        have P4: "x  ?S. α (T ! Suc x) = b'  Suc x  set ?xs"
          using dual_order.antisym by blast
        hence P5: "x  ?S. suffix_type T (Suc x) = S_type"
          by (metis P2 P3 assms(8) strict_mono_eq suffix_type_neq)
        hence P6: "x  ?S. Suc x  ?S"
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Diff_iff P3 P4 bucket_def mem_Collect_eq s_bucket_def)
        with `?S  {}` `finite ?S`
        show False
          using Suc_le_lessD infinite_growing by blast
      then obtain x where
        "x  ?S"
        "α (T ! Suc x) > b'  Suc x  set ?xs"
        by blast
      with P3
      have "Suc x < length T"
        by blast

      from `x  ?S`
      have "suffix_type T x = S_type" "α (T ! x) = b'" "x < length T"
        using P2 by blast+

      have P4: "b0  α (Max (set T)). b' < b0  B ! b0 = s_bucket_start α T b0"
        fix b0
        assume "b0  α (Max (set T))" "b' < b0"
        hence "bucket_end α T b'  bucket_start α T b0"
          by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
        with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2) `b'  _ `]
             s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2) `b0  _ `]
        have "B ! b'  B ! b0"
          by (meson bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans)
        hence "B ! b' = B ! b0  B ! b' < B ! b0"
          by linarith
        have "B ! b' = B ! b0  B ! b0 = s_bucket_start α T b0"
          by (metis B ! b' = i bucket_end α T b'  bucket_start α T b0 le_trans
              i  bucket_end α T b' s_bucket_start α T b0  B ! b0  dual_order.antisym
        have "B ! b' < B ! b0  i < B ! b0"
          by (simp add: B ! b' = i)
        with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b0  _`]
        have "B ! b' < B ! b0  B ! b0 = s_bucket_start α T b0"
          by blast
        ultimately show "B ! b0 = s_bucket_start α T b0"
          by blast

      from `α (T ! Suc x) > b'  Suc x  set ?xs`
      show ?thesis
        let ?b = "α (T ! Suc x)"
        let ?ys = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T ?b) (l_bucket_end α T ?b)"
        and ?zs = "list_slice SA (s_bucket_start α T ?b) (bucket_end α T ?b)"

        assume "b' < ?b"
        with P4 `Suc x < length T`
        have "B ! ?b = s_bucket_start α T ?b"
          by (simp add: assms(8) strict_mono_less_eq)

        from `Suc x < length T`
        have "?b  α (Max (set T))"
          by (simp add: assms(8) strict_mono_leD)

        have "bucket_end α T b'  bucket_start α T ?b"
          using b' < α (T ! Suc x) less_bucket_end_le_start by blast
        hence "i  bucket_start α T ?b"
          using i  bucket_end α T b' order.trans by blast

        have "set ?zs = s_bucket α T ?b"
        proof (rule card_subset_eq[OF finite_s_bucket])
          show "set ?zs  s_bucket α T ?b"
            by (metis Max_greD B ! ?b = s_bucket_start α T ?b Suc x < length T assms(3,8)
                  s_locations_inv_subset_s_bucket strict_mono_leD)
          from distinct_card[OF s_distinct_invD[OF assms(1) `?b  _`]]
               `B ! ?b = s_bucket_start α T ?b`
          have "card (set ?zs) = length ?zs"
            by simp
          have "length ?zs = bucket_end α T ?b - s_bucket_start α T ?b"
            by (metis assms(11) bucket_end_le_length length_list_slice min_def)
          have "s_bucket_size α T ?b = bucket_end α T ?b - s_bucket_start α T ?b"
            by (simp add: bucket_end_eq_s_start_pl_size)
          hence "card (s_bucket α T ?b) = bucket_end α T ?b - s_bucket_start α T ?b"
            by (simp add: s_bucket_size_def)
          ultimately show "card (set ?zs) = card (s_bucket α T ?b)"
            by simp

        have "suffix_type T (Suc x) = L_type  ?thesis"
        proof -
          assume "suffix_type T (Suc x) = L_type"
          with l_types_initD(1)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF assms(2,4,10-12)] `?b  _`]
          have "Suc x  set ?ys"
            by (simp add: Suc x < length T bucket_def l_bucket_def)

          from nth_mem_list_slice[OF `Suc x  set ?ys`]
          obtain i0 where
            "i0 < length SA"
            "bucket_start α T ?b  i0"
            "i0 < l_bucket_end α T ?b"
            "SA ! i0 = Suc x"
            by blast
          hence "i  i0"
            using i  bucket_start α T ?b dual_order.trans by blast
          hence "i = i0  i < i0"
            by linarith
          then show ?thesis
            assume "i = i0"
            hence "x = j"
              using SA ! i0 = Suc x assms(16,18) by auto
            then show ?thesis
              using α (T ! x) = b' b < b' assms(20) by blast
            assume "i < i0"
            with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i0 < length _` _ `SA ! i0 = _` `suffix_type T x = S_type`]
                 `α (T ! x) = b'`
            obtain i1 where
              "in_s_current_bucket α T B b' i1"
              "SA ! i1 = x"
              "i1 < i0"
              by auto
            with in_s_current_bucket_list_slice[OF assms(11)]
            have "x  set ?xs"
              by blast
            then show ?thesis
              using x  ?S by blast
        have "suffix_type T (Suc x) = S_type  ?thesis"
        proof -
          assume "suffix_type T (Suc x) = S_type"
          with `set ?zs = s_bucket α T ?b` `Suc x < length T`
          have "Suc x  set ?zs"
            by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)

          from nth_mem_list_slice[OF `Suc x  set ?zs`]
          obtain i0 where
            "i0 < length SA"
            "s_bucket_start α T ?b  i0"
            "i0 < bucket_end α T ?b"
            "SA ! i0 = Suc x"
            by blast
          hence "i  i0"
            by (meson i  bucket_start α T ?b bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start dual_order.trans)
          hence "i = i0  i < i0"
            by linarith
          then show ?thesis
            assume "i = i0"
            hence "x = j"
              using SA ! i0 = Suc x assms(16,18) by auto
            then show ?thesis
              using α (T ! x) = b' b < b' assms(20) by blast
            assume "i < i0"
            with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i0 < length _` _ `SA ! i0 = _` `suffix_type T x = S_type`]
                 `α (T ! x) = b'`
            obtain i1 where
              "in_s_current_bucket α T B b' i1"
              "SA ! i1 = x"
              "i1 < i0"
              by auto
            with in_s_current_bucket_list_slice[OF assms(11)]
            have "x  set ?xs"
              by blast
            then show ?thesis
              using x  ?S by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using SL_types.exhaust by blast
        assume "Suc x  set ?xs"

        from nth_mem_list_slice[OF `Suc x  set ?xs`]
        obtain i0 where
          "i0 < length SA"
          "B ! b'  i0"
          "i0 < bucket_end α T b'"
          "SA ! i0 = Suc x"
          by blast
        with `B ! b' = i`
        have "i  i0"
          by blast
        hence "i = i0  i < i0"
          by linarith
        then show ?thesis
          assume "i = i0"
          hence "x = j"
            using SA ! i0 = Suc x assms(16,18) by auto
          then show ?thesis
            using α (T ! x) = b' b < b'  assms(20) by blast
          assume "i < i0"
          with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i0 < length _` _ `SA ! i0 = _` `suffix_type T x = _`]
               `α (T ! x) = b'`
          obtain i1 where
            "in_s_current_bucket α T B b' i1"
            "SA ! i1 = x"
            "i1 < i0"
            by blast
          with in_s_current_bucket_list_slice[OF assms(11)]
          have "x  set ?xs"
            by blast
          then show ?thesis
            using x  ?S by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by linarith
  have "b = b'  ?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    have "k = i'  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "k = i'"
      hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = j"
        using i' < length (SA[k := j]) by auto
      with `suffix_type T j = S_type` `j < length T` `in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b k`
           assms(20) `k = i'`
      show ?thesis
        by simp
    have "k < i'  ?thesis"
    proof -
      assume "k < i'"
      hence "B ! b  i'"
        using assms(21) by linarith
      with s_locations_invD[OF assms(3) `b'  α _` _ `i' < bucket_end _ _ _`] `b = b'`
      have "SA ! i'  s_bucket α T b'"
        by blast
      hence "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type" "α (T ! (SA ! i')) = b'"
        by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
      have "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
        using `k < i'` by simp
      have "in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b' i'"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) b = b' b'  α (Max (set T)) i' < bucket_end α T b'
              k  i' assms(9) dual_order.strict_trans2 in_s_current_bucket_def nth_list_update_eq)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (simp add: suffix_type_s_bound)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using `k  i'` dual_order.order_iff_strict by blast
  ultimately show "?g1  ?g2  ?g3"
    using b  b' dual_order.order_iff_strict by blast

corollary s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c4:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_seen_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j]) n"
  using s_seen_inv_maintained_step_c4[OF s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

lemmas s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step =

subsubsection "Predecessor"

lemma s_pred_inv_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
shows "s_pred_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_pred_inv_def
proof (safe)
  fix b i
  assume A: "in_s_current_bucket α T B b i" "0 < b"

  let ?goal = "j<length SA. SA ! j = Suc (SA ! i)  i < j  n < j"

  have "b = 0  0 < b"
    by blast
  from A(2)
  have "b = 0  ?goal"
    by blast
  have "0 < b  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "0 < b"
    with s_bucket_initD(1)[OF assms(1) in_s_current_bucketD(1)[OF A(1)]]
    have "B ! b = bucket_end α T b" .
    with in_s_current_bucketD(2,3)[OF A(1)]
    show ?goal
      by linarith
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

lemma s_pred_inv_maintained_step_alt:
  assumes "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
shows "s_pred_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_pred_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI; elim conjE)
  fix b i'
  assume "in_s_current_bucket α T B b i'" "b  0"
  with s_pred_invD[OF assms(1), of b i'] assms(2)
  show  "j<length SA. SA ! j = Suc (SA ! i')  i' < j  n < j"
    using Suc_lessD by blast

corollary s_pred_inv_maintained_perm_step_alt:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
shows "s_pred_inv α T B SA n"
  using s_pred_inv_maintained_step_alt[OF s_perm_inv_elims(6), OF assms]
  by blast

lemma s_pred_inv_maintained_step:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_pred_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j]) n"
  unfolding s_pred_inv_def
  fix b' i'
  assume "in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b' i'" "0 < b'"
  hence "b'  0"
    by linarith

  let ?goal = "j'<length (SA[k := j]). SA[k := j] ! j' = Suc (SA[k := j] ! i')  i' < j'  n < j'"

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF assms(1-6,8,10-14,16-20)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b".
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms(21) by linarith
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

  from `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
  have "k < B ! b"
    using assms(21) by linarith

  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(19) suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (simp add: assms(8,20) strict_mono_less_eq)
  with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2)]
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    by blast
  with `k < B ! b`
  have "k < bucket_end α T b"
    by linarith

  have "B ! b  i"
  proof(rule ccontr)
    assume "¬B ! b  i"
    hence "i < B ! b"
      by simp
    with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b  α (Max (set T))`] `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
    show False
      by simp
  with `k < B ! b`
  have "k < i"
    by linarith

  have "b  b'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b  b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'"
      by simp
    with `in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b' i'`
    have "in_s_current_bucket α T B b' i'"
      by (simp add: in_s_current_bucket_def)
    with s_pred_invD[OF assms(6) _ `b'  0`]
    obtain j' where
      "j' < length SA"
      "SA ! j' = Suc (SA ! i')"
      "i' < j'"
      "i < j'"
      by blast
    from `in_s_current_bucket α T B b' i'`
    have "B ! b'  i'" "i' < bucket_end α T b'"
      by (simp_all add: in_s_current_bucket_def)
    with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF assms(2)]
         in_s_current_bucketD(1)[OF `in_s_current_bucket _ _ B _ _`]
    have "bucket_start α T b'  i'"
      by (meson bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans)
    with outside_another_bucket[OF `b  b'` `bucket_start _ _ _  k` `k < bucket_end _ _ _`]
         `i' < bucket_end α T b'`
    have "k  i'"
      by blast
    hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
      by simp
    from `i < j'` assms(16)
    have "n < j'"
      using Suc_lessD by blast
    have "SA[k := j] ! j' = SA ! j'"
      using k < i calculation(4) by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto
  have "b = b'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = k"
      using b  α (Max (set T)) assms(9) by auto

    have "k = i'  ?goal"
    proof -
      assume "k = i'"
      hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = j"
        using k < i assms(16,17) by auto
      have "SA[k := j] ! i = SA ! i"
        using k < i by auto
      ultimately show ?goal
        using assms(16-18) `k = i'` `k < i`
        by auto
    have "k  i'  ?goal"
    proof -
      assume "k  i'"
      with `in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b' i'` `B[b := k] ! b' = k`
      have "k < i'"
        by (simp add: in_s_current_bucket_def)
      hence "B ! b'  i'"
        using assms(21) `b = b'` `k < B ! b` by simp
      hence "in_s_current_bucket α T B b' i'"
        using in_s_current_bucket α T (B[b := k]) b' i' in_s_current_bucket_def by blast
      with s_pred_invD[OF assms(6) _ `b'  0`]
      obtain j' where
        "j' < length SA"
        "SA ! j' = Suc (SA ! i')"
        "i' < j'"
        "i < j'"
        by blast
      have "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
        using `k  i'` by simp
      have "SA[k := j] ! j' = SA ! j'"
        using `k < i'` `i' < j'`
        by auto
      ultimately show ?goal
        using assms(16) by auto
    ultimately show ?goal
      by blast
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

corollary s_pred_inv_maintained_perm_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_pred_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j]) n"
  using s_pred_inv_maintained_step[OF s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

subsubsection "Successor"

lemma s_suc_inv_established:
  assumes "length SA = length T"
  and     "length T  n"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_suc_inv_def
  using assms(1) assms(2) by linarith

lemma s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c1:
  assumes "length SA  Suc n"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_suc_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI; elim conjE)
  fix i' j
  assume "i' < length SA" "n < i'" "SA ! i' = Suc j" "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  with assms
  have False
    using less_trans_Suc not_less by blast
  then show "k. in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! j)) k  SA ! k = j  k < i'"
    by blast

corollary s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c1:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length SA  Suc n"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  by (simp add: assms(3) s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c1)

lemma s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c1_alt:
  assumes "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length T  SA ! Suc n"
  shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
proof (cases "length SA  Suc n")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c1)
  case False
  hence "Suc n < length SA"
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding s_suc_inv_def
  proof (intro allI impI; elim conjE)
    fix i' j
    let ?goal = "k. in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! j)) k  SA ! k = j  k < i'"
    assume "i' < length SA" "n < i'" "SA ! i' = Suc j" "suffix_type T j = S_type"
    hence "i' = Suc n  Suc n < i'"
      using Suc_lessI by blast
    from s_suc_invD[OF assms(1) i' < length SA _ SA ! i' = Suc j suffix_type T j = S_type]
    have "Suc n < i'  ?goal"
      using i = Suc n by blast
    have "i' = Suc n  ?goal"
    proof -
      assume "i' = Suc n"
      have "j < length T  length T  j"
        using linorder_not_le by blast
      have "length T  j  ?goal"
        by (meson suffix_type T j = S_type linorder_not_le suffix_type_s_bound)
      have "j < length T  ?goal"
      proof -
        assume "j < length T"
        hence "length T = Suc j"
          using SA ! i' = Suc j i' = Suc n length T  SA ! Suc n by force
        hence "T ! j = bot"
          by (metis valid_list T diff_Suc_1 last_conv_nth length_greater_0_conv valid_list_def)
        hence "α (T ! j) = 0"
          using α bot = 0 by presburger
        hence "in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! j)) 0"
          unfolding in_s_current_bucket_def
          using One_nat_def assms(2,4,6,7) lessI s_bucket_ptr_0 valid_list_bucket_end_0
          by fastforce
          have "0 < bucket_end α T 0"
            using α (T ! j) = 0 calculation in_s_current_bucket_def by fastforce
          with s_bucket_ptr_0[OF assms(2), of 0, simplified]
               s_locations_invD[OF assms(3), of 0 0, simplified]
          have "SA ! 0  s_bucket α T 0"
            by simp
          have "s_bucket α T 0 = {j}"
            by (simp add: length T = Suc j assms(4) assms(6) assms(7) s_bucket_0)
          ultimately have "SA ! 0 = j"
            by blast
        ultimately show ?goal
          using i' = Suc n by blast
      ultimately show ?goal
        by blast
    ultimately show ?goal
      by blast

corollary s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c1_alt:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length T  SA ! Suc n"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  using assms s_perm_inv_def s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c1_alt by blast

lemma s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c2:
  assumes "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = 0"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_suc_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI; elim conjE)
  fix i' j
  assume "i' < length SA" "n < i'" "SA ! i' = Suc j" "suffix_type T j = S_type"

  let ?goal = "k. in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! j)) k  SA ! k = j  k < i'"

  from `n < i'` `i = Suc n`
  have "i = i'  i < i'"
    by linarith
  from assms(2,4) `SA ! i' = Suc j`
  have "i = i'  ?goal"
    by simp
  from s_suc_invD[OF assms(1) `i' < _` _ `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T j = _`] assms(2)
  have "i < i'  ?goal"
    by blast
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

corollary s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c2:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = 0"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  using assms s_perm_inv_elims(7) s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c2 by blast

lemma s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c3:
  assumes "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = L_type"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  unfolding s_suc_inv_def
proof (intro allI impI; elim conjE)
  fix i' j'
  assume "i' < length SA" "n < i'" "SA ! i' = Suc j'" "suffix_type T j' = S_type"

  let ?goal = "k. in_s_current_bucket α T B (α (T ! j')) k  SA ! k = j'  k < i'"

  from `n < i'` assms(2)
  have "i = i'  i < i'"
    using Suc_lessI by blast
  from assms(2,4,5) `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T j' = _`
  have "i = i'  ?goal"
    by simp
  from s_suc_invD[OF assms(1) `i' < _` _ `SA ! i' = _` `suffix_type T j' = _`]
  have "i < i'  ?goal"
    by blast
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

corollary s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c3:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = L_type"
shows "s_suc_inv α T B SA n"
  using assms s_perm_inv_elims(7) s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c3 by blast

lemma s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c4:
  assumes "s_distinct_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_bucket_ptr_inv α T B"
  and     "s_locations_inv α T B SA"
  and     "s_unchanged_inv α T B SA0 SA"
  and     "s_seen_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_pred_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "s_suc_inv α T B SA i"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA0 = length T"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA0"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_suc_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j]) n"
  unfolding s_suc_inv_def
  fix i' j'
  assume "i' < length (SA[k := j])" "n < i'" "SA[k := j] ! i' = Suc j'" "suffix_type T j' = S_type"
  hence "i' < length SA"
    by simp

  let ?b = "α (T ! j')"
  and ?B = "B[b := k]"
  and ?SA = "SA[k := j]"

  let ?goal = "k'. in_s_current_bucket α T ?B ?b k'  ?SA ! k' = j'  k' < i'"

  from `suffix_type T j' = _`
  have "j' < length T"
    by (simp add: suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "?b  α (Max (set T))"
    using `strict_mono _`
    by (simp add: strict_mono_less_eq)

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF assms(1-6,8,10-14,16-20)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b".
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms(21) by linarith
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

  from `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
  have "k < B ! b"
    using assms(21) by linarith

  have "j < length T"
    by (simp add: assms(19) suffix_type_s_bound)
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (simp add: assms(8,20) strict_mono_less_eq)
  with s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound[OF assms(2)]
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    by blast
  with `k < B ! b`
  have "k < bucket_end α T b"
    by linarith

  have "B ! b  i"
  proof(rule ccontr)
    assume "¬B ! b  i"
    hence "i < B ! b"
      by simp
    with s_B_val[OF assms(1-6,8,10-13,15) `b  α (Max (set T))`] `s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b`
    show False
      by simp
  with `k < B ! b`
  have "k < i"
    by linarith
  hence "k  n"
    by (simp add: assms(16))
  with `n < i'`
  have "k < i'"
    using dual_order.strict_trans2 by blast
  hence "SA[k := j] ! i' = SA ! i'"
    by simp
  with `SA[k := j] ! i' = Suc j'`
  have "SA ! i' = Suc j'"
    by simp

  have "i  i'"
    by (simp add: Suc_leI n < i' assms(16))
  hence "i = i'  i < i'"
    by (simp add: nat_less_le)
  have "i = i'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "i = i'"
    hence "j = j'"
      using SA ! i' = Suc j' assms(16,18) by auto
    hence "SA[k := j] ! k = j'"
      using k  n assms(17) by auto
    have "?b = b"
      using j = j' assms(20) by blast
    hence "in_s_current_bucket α T ?B ?b k = in_s_current_bucket α T ?B b k"
      by simp
    from `α (T ! j')  α (Max (set T))`
         `?b = b`[symmetric]
    have "in_s_current_bucket α T ?B b k"
      unfolding in_s_current_bucket_def
      using k < bucket_end α T b assms(9) by auto
    ultimately show ?goal
      using `k < i'` by blast
  have "i < i'  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "i < i'"
    with s_suc_invD[OF assms(7) `i' < length SA` _ `SA ! i' = Suc j'` `suffix_type T j' = _`]
    obtain k' where
      "in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b k'"
      "SA ! k' = j'"
      "k' < i'"
      by blast
    from in_s_current_bucketD[OF `in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b k'`]
    have "in_s_current_bucket α T ?B ?b k'"
      unfolding in_s_current_bucket_def
    proof (safe)
      show "?B ! ?b  k'"
        by (metis B ! ?b  k' k < B ! b dual_order.trans list_update_beyond nat_le_linear
              not_less nth_list_update_eq nth_list_update_neq)
    from in_s_current_bucketD(2)[OF `in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b k'`]
    have "B ! ?b  k'" .
    hence "s_bucket_start α T ?b  k'"
      by (meson ?b  α (Max (set T)) assms(2) le_less_trans not_le s_bucket_ptr_inv_def)
    hence "bucket_start α T ?b  k'"
      using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start dual_order.trans by blast

    have "b = ?b  b  ?b"
      by blast
    hence "k  k'"
      assume "b = ?b"
      with `B ! ?b  k'` `k < B ! b`
      show ?thesis
        by simp
      assume "b  ?b"
      with outside_another_bucket[OF _  `bucket_start _ _ _  k` `k < bucket_end _ _ _`]
           `bucket_start α T ?b  k'` in_s_current_bucketD(3)[OF `in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b k'`]
      show ?thesis
        by blast
    hence "SA[k := j] ! k' = SA ! k'"
      by simp
    ultimately show ?goal
      by blast
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

corollary s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c4:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_suc_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j]) n"
  using s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c4[OF s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)]
  by blast

lemmas s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step =

subsubsection "Combined Permutation Invariant"

lemma s_perm_inv_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
  and     "s_type_init T SA"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "α (Max (set T)) < length B"
  and     "length SA = length T"
  and     "l_types_init α T SA"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "Suc 0 < length T"
  and     "length T  n"
shows "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA n"
  unfolding s_perm_inv_def
  by (simp add: assms s_distinct_inv_established s_bucket_ptr_inv_established
                s_locations_inv_established s_unchanged_inv_established s_seen_inv_established
                s_pred_inv_established s_suc_inv_established)

lemma s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c1:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length SA  Suc n"
shows "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA n"
  unfolding s_perm_inv_def
  by (clarsimp simp: s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)]
                     s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c1[OF assms]
                     s_pred_inv_maintained_perm_step_alt[OF assms(1,2)]
                     s_suc_inv_maintained_step_c1[OF assms(3)])

lemma s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c1_alt:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "length T  SA ! Suc n"
shows "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA n"
proof (cases "length T  Suc n")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) s_perm_inv_elims(11) s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c1)
  case False
  hence "Suc n < length T"
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding s_perm_inv_def
    by (metis assms s_perm_inv_def s_pred_inv_maintained_step_alt
              s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c1_alt s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c1_alt)

lemma s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c2:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = 0"
shows "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA n"
  unfolding s_perm_inv_def
  by (clarsimp simp: s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)]
                     s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c2[OF assms]
                     s_pred_inv_maintained_perm_step_alt[OF assms(1,2)]
                     s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c2[OF assms])

lemma s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c3:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = L_type"
shows "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA n"
  unfolding s_perm_inv_def
  by (clarsimp simp: s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)]
                     s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c3[OF assms]
                     s_pred_inv_maintained_perm_step_alt[OF assms(1,2)]
                     s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c3[OF assms])

lemma s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c4:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_perm_inv α T (B[b := k]) SA0 (SA[k := j]) n"
  unfolding s_perm_inv_def
  by (clarsimp simp: s_perm_inv_elims[OF assms(1)]
                     s_distinct_inv_maintained_perm_step[OF assms]
                     s_bucket_ptr_inv_maintained_perm_step[OF assms]
                     s_locations_inv_maintained_perm_step[OF assms]
                     s_unchanged_inv_maintained_perm_step[OF assms]
                     s_seen_inv_maintained_perm_step_c4[OF assms]
                     s_pred_inv_maintained_perm_step[OF assms]
                     s_suc_inv_maintained_perm_step_c4[OF assms])

theorem abs_induce_s_perm_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')"
shows "s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' i'"
proof (cases i)
  case 0
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by force
  case (Suc n)
  assume "i = Suc n"
  have "T  []"
    using s_perm_inv_elims(15)[OF assms(1)] by fastforce
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "Suc n < length SA  SA ! Suc n < length T")
    assume "Suc n < length SA  SA ! Suc n < length T"
    hence "Suc n < length SA" "SA ! Suc n < length T"
      by blast+
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "SA ! Suc n")
      case 0
      then show ?thesis
        using s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c2[OF assms(1) i = Suc n Suc n < length SA "0"] assms
        by (clarsimp simp: i = Suc n Suc n < length SA "0" T  [])
      case (Suc j)
      assume "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
      hence "Suc j < length T"
        using SA ! Suc n < length T by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "suffix_type T j")
        case S_type
        then show ?thesis
          using assms i = Suc n Suc n < length SA SA ! Suc n = Suc j
                s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c4[OF assms(1), of n j "α (T ! j)" "B ! α (T ! j) - Suc 0"]
          by (clarsimp simp: Let_def Suc j < length T)
        case L_type
        then show ?thesis
          using assms i = Suc n Suc n < length SA SA ! Suc n = Suc j
                s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c3[OF assms(1)]
          by (clarsimp simp: Let_def Suc j < length T)
    assume "¬(Suc n < length SA  SA ! Suc n < length T)" 
    hence "¬ Suc n < length SA  ¬ SA ! Suc n < length T"
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
      assume "¬ Suc n < length SA"
      then show ?thesis
        using assms i = Suc n s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c1[OF assms(1)] by force
      assume "¬ SA ! Suc n < length T"
      hence "length T  SA ! Suc n"
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using assms i = Suc n s_perm_inv_maintained_step_c1_alt[OF assms(1)] by simp

corollary abs_induce_s_perm_step_alt:
 "a. s_perm_inv_alt α T SA0 a  s_perm_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_step a (α, T))"
  by (metis abs_induce_s_perm_step s_perm_inv_alt.elims(2) s_perm_inv_alt.elims(3))

theorem abs_induce_s_perm_alt_maintained:
  assumes "s_perm_inv_alt α T SA0 (B, SA, length T)"
  shows "s_perm_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_base α T B SA)"
  unfolding abs_induce_s_base_def
  using repeat_maintain_inv[of "s_perm_inv_alt α T SA0" abs_induce_s_step "(α, T)", OF _ assms(1)]
  by blast

corollary abs_induce_s_perm_maintained:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA (length T)"
shows "s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' n"
  using assms abs_induce_s_perm_alt_maintained by force

lemma s_perm_inv_0_B_val:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' 0"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b"
proof -
  from s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2)[OF assms(1)] assms(2)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b  B ! b" .

  have "s_bucket_start α T b  0"
    by blast
  hence "s_bucket_start α T b = 0  0 < s_bucket_start α T b"
    by blast
  with `s_bucket_start α T b  B ! b`
  have "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b  0 < B ! b"
    by linarith
  then show ?thesis
    assume "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b"
    then show ?thesis .
    assume "0 < B ! b"
    with s_B_val[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8,10-13,15)[OF assms(1)] assms(2)]
    show ?thesis .

lemma s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' 0"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "set (list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)) = bucket α T b"
  by (meson assms bucket_eq_list_slice s_perm_inv_0_B_val s_perm_inv_elims(1-4,10-12))

lemma s_perm_inv_0_distinct_list_slice:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA' 0"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "distinct (list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b))"
      (is "distinct ?xs")
proof -
  let ?ys = "list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  and ?zs = "list_slice SA' (s_bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)"

  have "?xs = ?ys @ ?zs"
    by (metis list_slice_append bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end

  from l_types_initD(1)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10-12)[OF assms(1)]]
  have "set ?ys = l_bucket α T b" .
  from s_bucket_eq_list_slice[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1,3,11)[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
        s_perm_inv_0_B_val[OF assms]]
  have "set ?zs = s_bucket α T b" .
  ultimately have "set ?ys  set ?zs = {}"
    using disjoint_l_s_bucket by blast
  with s_distinct_invD[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1), OF assms, simplified s_perm_inv_0_B_val[OF assms]]
       l_types_initD(2)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10-12)[OF assms(1)]]
       `?xs = ?ys @ ?zs`
  show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma abs_induce_s_base_distinct:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B' SA SA' n"
shows "distinct SA'"
proof(intro distinct_conv_nth[THEN iffD2] allI impI)
  fix i j
  assume "i < length SA'" "j < length SA'" "i  j"
  hence "i < length T" "j < length T"
    using assms(2) s_perm_inv_elims(11) by fastforce+

  from abs_induce_s_base_index[of α T B SA] assms(1)
  have "n = 0"
    by simp

  from index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `i < length T` s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(2)]]
  obtain b0 where
    "b0  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b0  i"
    "i < bucket_end α T b0"
    by blast

  have "bucket_end α T b0  length SA'"
    using assms(2) bucket_end_le_length s_perm_inv_elims(11) by fastforce

  let ?xs = "list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b0) (bucket_end α T b0)"

  from index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `j < length T` s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(2)]]
  obtain b1 where
    "b1  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b1  j"
    "j < bucket_end α T b1"
    by blast

  have "bucket_end α T b1  length SA'"
    using assms(2) bucket_end_le_length s_perm_inv_elims(11) by fastforce

  have "b0  b1  SA' ! i  SA' ! j"
  proof -
    assume "b0  b1"
    hence "bucket α T b0  bucket α T b1 = {}"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Int_emptyI bucket_def mem_Collect_eq)
    from s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket[OF assms(2)[simplified `n = 0`] `b0  _`]
         list_slice_nth_mem[OF `bucket_start α T b0  i` `i < bucket_end α T b0`
           `bucket_end α T b0  _`]
    have "SA' ! i  bucket α T b0"
      by blast
    from s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket[OF assms(2)[simplified `n = 0`] `b1  _`]
         list_slice_nth_mem[OF `bucket_start α T b1  j` `j < bucket_end α T b1`
           `bucket_end α T b1  _`]
    have "SA' ! j  bucket α T b1"
      by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto
  have "b0 = b1  SA' ! i  SA' ! j"
  proof -
    assume "b0 = b1"
    with `bucket_start α T b1  j` `j < bucket_end α T b1`
    have "bucket_start α T b0  j" "j < bucket_end α T b0"
      by simp_all
    with list_slice_nth_eq_iff_index_eq[
          OF s_perm_inv_0_distinct_list_slice[OF assms(2)[simplified`n = 0`] `b0  _`]
            `bucket_end _ _ b0  _` `bucket_start α T b0  i` `i < bucket_end α T b0`, of j]
         `i  j`
    show ?thesis
      by blast
  ultimately show "SA' ! i  SA' ! j"
    by blast

lemma abs_induce_s_base_subset_upt:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B' SA SA' n"
shows "set SA'  {0..<length T}"
  fix x
  assume "x  set SA'"
  from in_set_conv_nth[THEN iffD1, OF `x  set SA'`]
  obtain i where
    "i < length SA'"
    "SA' ! i = x"
    by blast
  hence "i < length T"
    using assms(2) s_perm_inv_elims(11) by fastforce
  with index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF _ s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(2)]]
  obtain b where
    "b  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b  i"
    "i < bucket_end α T b"
    by blast

  from abs_induce_s_base_index[of α T B SA] assms(1)
  have "n = 0"
    by simp

  have "bucket_end α T b  length SA'"
    using assms(2) bucket_end_le_length s_perm_inv_elims(11) by fastforce
  with s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket[OF assms(2)[simplified `n = 0`] `b  _`]
       `SA' ! i = x` `bucket_start α T b  i` `i < bucket_end α T b`
  have "x  bucket α T b"
    using list_slice_nth_mem by blast
  hence "x < length T"
    using bucket_def by blast
  then show "x  {0..< length T}"
    by simp

corollary abs_induce_s_base_eq_upt:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B' SA SA' n"
shows "set SA' = {0..<length T}"
  by (rule card_subset_eq[OF finite_atLeastLessThan abs_induce_s_base_subset_upt[OF assms]];
      clarsimp simp: distinct_card[OF abs_induce_s_base_distinct[OF assms]]
                     s_perm_inv_elims(11)[OF assms(2)])

theorem abs_induce_s_base_perm:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B' SA SA' n"
shows "SA' <~~> [0..< length T]"
  by (rule perm_distinct_set_of_upt_iff[THEN iffD2];
      clarsimp simp: abs_induce_s_base_distinct[OF assms] abs_induce_s_base_eq_upt[OF assms])

subsubsection "Sorted"

lemma s_sorted_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "sorted_wrt R (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))"
      (is "sorted_wrt R ?xs")
proof -
  have "b = 0  0 < b"
    by blast
  have "0 < b  ?thesis"
  proof -
    assume "0 < b"
    hence "B ! b = bucket_end α T b"
      by (simp add: b  α (Max (set T)) assms(1) s_bucket_initD)
    then show ?thesis 
      by simp
  have "b = 0  ?thesis"
  proof -
    assume "b = 0"
    hence "bucket_end α T b = Suc 0"
      by (simp add: assms(2-4) valid_list_bucket_end_0)
    from `b = 0`
    have "B ! b = 0"
      using assms(1) s_bucket_initD(2) by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp add: sorted_wrt01)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma s_sorted_inv_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
shows "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  unfolding s_sorted_inv_def
  using assms ordlistns.sorted_map s_sorted_established by blast

lemma s_prefix_sorted_inv_established:
  assumes "s_bucket_init α T B"
  and     "strict_mono α"
  and     "valid_list T"
  and     "α bot = 0"
shows "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  unfolding s_prefix_sorted_inv_def
  using assms ordlistns.sorted_map s_sorted_established by blast

lemma s_sorted_maintained_unchanged_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
  and     "b'  α (Max (set T))"
  and     "sorted_wrt R (list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b'))"
  and     "b  b'"
shows "sorted_wrt R (list_slice (SA[k := j]) ((B[b := k]) ! b') (bucket_end α T b'))"
proof -
  let ?xs = "list_slice (SA[k := j]) (B[b := k] ! b') (bucket_end α T b')"

  have "bucket_end α T b  length T"
    using bucket_end_le_length by blast
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    using assms(1,5,6) s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound s_perm_inv_elims(2,8) strict_mono_less_eq
          suffix_type_s_bound by fastforce
  ultimately have "k < length T"
    using assms(1,7) s_perm_inv_elims(15) by fastforce
  hence "k < length SA"
    by (metis assms(1) s_perm_inv_def)

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8,10-14)[OF assms(1)] assms(2-6)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b" .
  hence "k < B ! b"
    using assms(7) diff_less gr_implies_not_zero by blast

  have "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound s_perm_inv_def by fastforce
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast

  from `b  b'`
  have "B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b'"
    by simp

  have "k < B ! b'  bucket_end α T b'  k"
  proof -
    from `b  b'`
    have "b < b'  b' < b"
      using nat_neq_iff by blast
    have "b < b'  k < B ! b'"
    proof -
      assume "b < b'"
      hence "bucket_end α T b  bucket_start α T b'"
        by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
      hence "k < bucket_start α T b'"
        using B ! b  bucket_end α T b k < B ! b by linarith
      with s_bucket_ptr_lower_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2)[OF assms(1)] `b'  _`]
      show ?thesis
        by (meson bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start order.strict_trans2)
    have "b' < b  bucket_end α T b'  k"
    proof -
      assume "b' < b"
      hence "bucket_end α T b'  bucket_start α T b"
        by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
      then show ?thesis
        using bucket_start α T b  k by linarith
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by blast
  with list_slice_update_unchanged_1
  have "?xs = list_slice SA (B ! b') (bucket_end α T b')"
    using B[b := k] ! b' = B ! b' by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(9) by auto

lemma s_sorted_inv_maintained_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "s_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_sorted_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j])"
  unfolding s_sorted_inv_def
proof (safe)
  fix b'
  assume "b'  α (Max (set T))"
  let ?xs = "list_slice (SA[k := j]) (B[b := k] ! b') (bucket_end α T b')"

  have "bucket_end α T b  length T"
    using bucket_end_le_length by blast

  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    using assms(1,7,8) s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound suffix_type_s_bound
          s_perm_inv_elims(2,8) strict_mono_less_eq
    by fastforce

  ultimately have "k < length T"
    using assms(1,9) s_perm_inv_elims(15) by fastforce
  hence "k < length SA"
    by (metis assms(1) s_perm_inv_def)

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound
          [OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8,10-14)
          [OF assms(1)] assms(4-8)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b" .
  hence "k < B ! b"
    using assms(9) diff_less gr_implies_not_zero by blast

  have "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound s_perm_inv_def 
    by fastforce
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans 
    by blast
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (metis k < length SA assms(1) bucket_end_Max dual_order.trans
              less_bucket_end_le_start s_perm_inv_elims(8,11) leD leI)

  have "b = b'  b  b'"
    by blast
  have "b = b'  ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?xs)"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = k"
      by (meson b'  α (Max (set T)) assms(1) le_less_trans nth_list_update_eq

    have "SA[k := j] ! k = j"
      by (simp add: k < length SA)

    from list_slice_update_unchanged_1
         `k < B ! b` 
         `SA[k := j] ! k = j` 
         `B[b := k] ! b' = k` 
         `B ! b  bucket_end α T b`
         `b = b'` `k < length SA`
    have "?xs = j # list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"
      by (metis Suc_pred  assms(9) length_list_update not_le  
                less_nat_zero_code list_slice_Suc less_le_trans)
    have "ordlistns.sorted 
            (map (suffix T) (j # list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)))"
    proof -
      let ?ys = "list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"

      have A: "map (suffix T) (j # ?ys) = (suffix T j) # map (suffix T) ?ys"
        by simp

      from s_sorted_invD[OF assms(3) `b  _`]
      have B: "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?ys)" .

      have "?ys = []  ?ys  []"
        by blast
      hence "map (suffix T) ?ys = []  map (suffix T) ?ys  []"
        by simp
      have "map (suffix T) ?ys = []  ?thesis"
        using ordlistns.sorted_cons_nil by fastforce
      have "map (suffix T) ?ys  [] 
             ordlistns.sorted ((suffix T j) # map (suffix T) ?ys)"
      proof (rule ordlistns.sorted_consI[OF _ B])
        assume "map (suffix T) (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))  []"
        show "map (suffix T) (list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b))  []"
          by simp
        assume "map (suffix T) ?ys  []"
        hence "map (suffix T) ?ys ! 0 = suffix T (?ys ! 0)"
          by (metis length_greater_0_conv list.simps(8) nth_map)
        have "list_less_eq_ns (suffix T j) (suffix T (?ys ! 0))"
        proof -
          have "?ys ! 0  s_bucket α T b"
            by (metis assms(1) length_greater_0_conv s_perm_inv_elims(3)
                      length_map nth_mem s_locations_inv_in_list_slice
                      b = b' 
                      b'  α (Max (set T))
                      map (suffix T) ?ys  [] )
          hence "α (T ! (?ys ! 0)) = b" "suffix_type T (?ys ! 0) = S_type"
            by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
          hence "T ! j = T ! (?ys ! 0)"
            using assms(1,8) s_perm_inv_elims(8) strict_mono_eq by fastforce

          have "?ys ! 0 = SA ! (B ! b)"
            using map (suffix T) ?ys  [] nth_list_slice by fastforce

          have "b  0"
            by (metis s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b assms(1)
                      gr_implies_not_zero s_bucket_ptr_0 s_perm_inv_elims(2))

          have "in_s_current_bucket α T B b (B ! b)"
            using b = b' b'  α (Max (set T)) map (suffix T) ?ys  []  
            by (metis B ! b  bucket_end α T b in_s_current_bucket_def
                      le_eq_less_or_eq list.map_disc_iff list_slice_n_n)
            with s_pred_invD
                  [OF s_perm_inv_elims(6)[OF assms(1)] _ `b  0`, 
                   of "B ! b"]
          obtain i' where i'_assms:
            "i' < length SA"
            "SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
            "B ! b < i'"
            "i < i'"
            by blast

          let ?b0 = "α (T ! (Suc j))"
          and ?b1 = "α (T ! (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"

          have i_less: "i < length SA"
            by (simp add: assms(4-5))

          have "?b0  α (Max (set T))"
            by (metis Max_greD Suc_leI assms(1,4-6) strict_mono_leD
                      s_perm_inv_elims(5,8) s_seen_invD(1) lessI)

          have "?b1  α (Max (set T))"
            by (metis Max_greD i'_assms(1,2,4) assms(1)
                  less_imp_le_nat s_perm_inv_elims(5,8) 
                  s_seen_invD(1) strict_mono_leD)

          have S0: "suffix T j = T ! j # suffix T (Suc j)"
            using assms(7) suffix_cons_Suc suffix_type_s_bound 
            by blast

          have S1: "suffix T (?ys ! 0) = 
                      T ! (?ys ! 0) # suffix T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b)))"
            using ?ys ! 0 = SA ! (B ! b) 
                  suffix_type T (?ys ! 0) = S_type suffix_cons_Suc
                  suffix_type_s_bound by auto

          have "?b0  ?b1"
          proof(rule ccontr)
            assume "¬?b0  ?b1"
            hence "?b1 < ?b0"
              by simp
            hence "bucket_end α T ?b1  bucket_start α T ?b0"
              by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
            with s_index_upper_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,5)[OF assms(1)] i'_assms(1)]
                 s_index_lower_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,5)[OF assms(1)] i_less,
                 order.strict_implies_order[OF i'_assms(4)]
            show False
              using i'_assms(2) assms(4,6) by auto
          hence "?b0 = ?b1  ?b0 < ?b1"
            by linarith
          have "?b0 < ?b1  
                  (suffix T (Suc j)) 
                  (suffix T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"
          proof -
            assume "?b0 < ?b1"
            hence "T ! (Suc j) < T ! (Suc (SA ! (B ! b)))"
              using assms(1) s_perm_inv_elims(8) strict_mono_less by blast
            then show ?thesis
              by (metis i'_assms(1,2,4) assms(1,4-6) s_perm_inv_def
                        leD  s_seen_invD(1) list_less_eq_ns_linear
                        suffix_cons_Suc list_less_eq_ns_cons)
          have "?b0 = ?b1  
                    (suffix T (Suc j)) 
                    (suffix T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"
          proof -
            assume "?b0 = ?b1"
            with s_index_upper_bound
                   [OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,5)[OF assms(1)]
                 `i' < _`] i'_assms(4)
            have "i' < bucket_end α T ?b0"
              by (simp add: SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)))

            have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  
                  suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
              using SL_types.exhaust by blast
            have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  ?thesis"
            proof -
              assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type"
              with s_seen_invD(3)
                    [OF s_perm_inv_elims(5)[OF assms(1)] i_less, 
              have "in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b0 i"
                by (simp add: assms(4) assms(6))
              hence "B ! ?b0  i"
                using in_s_current_bucket_def by blast
              hence "m. B ! ?b0 + m = i"
                using less_eqE by blast
              then obtain m0 where m0_assm:
                "B ! ?b0 + m0 = i"
                by blast

              from `B ! ?b0  i` i'_assms(4) 
              have "m. B ! ?b0 + m = i'"
                by presburger
              then obtain m1 where m1_assm:
                "B ! ?b0 + m1 = i'"
                by blast
              hence "B ! ?b0 + m0  B ! ?b0 + m1"
                by (simp add: m0_assm i'_assms(4) dual_order.order_iff_strict)
              hence "m0  m1"
                using add_le_imp_le_left by blast

              have "(list_slice SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0)) ! m0 = 
                    Suc j"
                using m0_assm i_less
                      in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b0 i assms(4,6) 
                by (metis B ! α (T ! Suc j)  i diff_add_inverse list_slice_nth)
              have "(list_slice  SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0)) ! m1 = 
                    Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
                using m1_assm i'_assms
                       i' < bucket_end α T ?b0
                by (metis diff_add_inverse le_add1 list_slice_nth)
              have "length (list_slice SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0)) = 
                    (bucket_end α T ?b0) - B ! ?b0"
                by (metis assms(1) bucket_end_le_length length_list_slice min_def s_perm_inv_def)
              with `B ! ?b0 + m1 = i'` 
                    `i' < bucket_end α T ?b0`
              have "m1 < length (list_slice SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0))"
                by linarith
              show ?thesis
                using ordlistns.sorted_nth_mono
                        [OF s_sorted_invD[OF assms(3) `?b0  α (Max _)`]
                            `m0  m1`]
                      m0  m1 
                by auto
            have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type  ?thesis"
            proof -
              assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
              with s_seen_invD(2)
                    [OF s_perm_inv_elims(5)[OF assms(1)] i_less, 
              have "in_l_bucket α T ?b0 i"
                by (simp add: assms(4) assms(6))
              hence "bucket_start α T ?b0  i"
                by (simp add: in_l_bucket_def)
              hence "m. bucket_start α T ?b0 + m = i"
                using less_eqE by blast
              then obtain m0 where start_plus_m0_eq:
                "bucket_start α T ?b0 + m0 = i"
                by blast

              have "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = L_type  
                    suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type"
                using SL_types.exhaust by blast
              have "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type  ?thesis"
              proof -
                assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type"

                have "SA ! i < length T"
                  by (meson i < length SA assms(1) order_refl s_perm_inv_elims(5) s_seen_invD(1))

                have "SA ! i' < length T"
                  by (simp add: suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type suffix_type_s_bound)

                from `?b0 = ?b1`
                have "T ! (Suc j) = T ! Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
                  using assms(1) s_perm_inv_def strict_mono_eq by blast
                hence "hd (suffix T (SA ! i')) = hd (suffix T (SA ! i))"
                  by (metis assms(4,6) list.sel(1) suffix_cons_Suc
                        SA ! i < length T SA ! i' < length T 
                        SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)))
                with l_less_than_s_type
                      [OF s_perm_inv_elims(13)[OF assms(1)] 
                          `SA ! i' < length T`
                          `SA ! i < length T` _ 
                          `suffix_type T (SA ! i') = _`
                          `suffix_type T (SA ! i) = _`]
                have "list_less_ns (suffix T (SA ! i)) (suffix T (SA ! i'))".
                then show ?thesis
                  by (simp add: SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) assms(4,6))
              have "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = L_type  ?thesis"
              proof -
                assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = L_type"
                with s_seen_invD(2)
                      [OF s_perm_inv_elims(5)[OF assms(1)] 
                          `i' < length SA`,
                         `?b0 = ?b1`[symmetric]
                         `SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))`]
                         `SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))`
                have "in_l_bucket α T ?b0 i'"
                  by (simp add: i < i' dual_order.order_iff_strict)
                hence i'_le_end: "i' < l_bucket_end α T ?b0"
                  by (simp add: in_l_bucket_def)
                hence "m. bucket_start α T ?b0 + m = i'"
                  by (metis in_l_bucket α T ?b0 i' in_l_bucket_def less_eqE)
                then obtain m1 where start_plus_m1_eq:
                  "bucket_start α T ?b0 + m1 = i'"
                  by blast

                let ?zs = 
                    "list_slice SA 
                      (bucket_start α T ?b0) 
                      (l_bucket_end α T ?b0)"

                have "?zs ! m0 = Suc j" 
                  by (metis bucket_start α T (α (T ! Suc j))  i 
                            assms(4,6)  i'_assms(4) i'_le_end 
                            diff_add_inverse dual_order.order_iff_strict
                            i_less list_slice_nth order.strict_trans1 
                have "?zs ! m1 = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
                  using list_slice_nth dual_order.order_iff_strict i'_assms(4)
                        le_trans [OF bucket_start α T (α (T ! Suc j))  i]
                        SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) 
                        bucket_start α T ?b0 + m1 = i'
                        i' < l_bucket_end α T ?b0 
                        i' < length SA 
                  by (metis diff_add_inverse)             
                have "m0  m1"
                  using start_plus_m0_eq start_plus_m1_eq i'_assms(4)
                  by linarith
                have "length ?zs = l_bucket_end α T ?b0 - bucket_start α T ?b0"
                  by (metis ?b0  α (Max (set T)) assms(1)
                            add_diff_cancel_left' distinct_card
                            l_bucket_end_def l_bucket_size_def 
                            l_types_init_def s_perm_inv_def
                hence "m1 < length ?zs"
                  using start_plus_m1_eq i'_le_end by linarith
                from s_sorted_pre_maintained
                      [OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10,11)[OF assms(1)] 
                have "s_sorted_pre α T SA" .
                ultimately show ?thesis
                  using ordlistns.sorted_nth_mono
                        [OF s_sorted_preD
                            [of α T SA,
                             OF _ `?b0  α (Max _)`], 
                        of m0 m1]
                  by (simp add: m1 < length ?zs le_less_trans
                                s_sorted_pre α T SA)
              ultimately show ?thesis
                by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by blast
          have "list_less_eq_ns 
                  (suffix T (Suc j)) 
                  (suffix T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"
            by blast
          with S0 S1 `T ! j = T ! (?ys ! 0)`
          show ?thesis
            by (simp add: list_less_eq_ns_cons)
        show "list_less_eq_ns (suffix T j) (map (suffix T) ?ys ! 0)"
          by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using A by fastforce
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  have "b  b'  ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?xs)"
  proof -
    assume "b  b'"
    with s_sorted_maintained_unchanged_step[OF assms(1,4-) `b'  _`]
         s_sorted_invD[OF assms(3) `b'  _`]
    show ?thesis
      using ordlistns.sorted_map by blast
  ultimately show "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?xs)"
    by blast

lemma s_prefix_sorted_inv_maintained_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  and     "i = Suc n"
  and     "Suc n < length SA"
  and     "SA ! Suc n = Suc j"
  and     "suffix_type T j = S_type"
  and     "b = α (T ! j)"
  and     "k = B ! b - Suc 0"
shows "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T (B[b := k]) (SA[k := j])"
  unfolding s_prefix_sorted_inv_def
proof (safe)
  fix b'
  assume "b'  α (Max (set T))"
  let ?xs = "list_slice (SA[k := j]) (B[b := k] ! b') (bucket_end α T b')"

  have "bucket_end α T b  length T"
    using bucket_end_le_length by blast
  have "B ! b  bucket_end α T b"
    using assms(1,7,8) s_bucket_ptr_upper_bound s_perm_inv_elims(2,8) strict_mono_less_eq
          suffix_type_s_bound by fastforce

  ultimately have "k < length T"
    using assms(1,9) s_perm_inv_elims(15) by fastforce
  hence "k < length SA"
    by (metis assms(1) s_perm_inv_def)

  from s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound
        [OF s_perm_inv_elims(1-6,8,10-14)[OF assms(1)] assms(4-8)]
  have "s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b" .
  hence "k < B ! b"
    using assms(9) diff_less gr_implies_not_zero by blast

  have "s_bucket_start α T b  k"
    using assms s_bucket_ptr_strict_lower_bound s_perm_inv_def by fastforce
  hence "bucket_start α T b  k"
    using bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start le_trans by blast
  hence "b  α (Max (set T))"
    by (metis k < length SA assms(1) bucket_end_Max dual_order.trans 
              leD leI  s_perm_inv_elims(8,11) less_bucket_end_le_start)

  have "b = b'  b  b'"
    by blast
  have "b = b'  ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?xs)"
  proof -
    assume "b = b'"
    hence "B[b := k] ! b' = k"
      by (meson b'  α (Max (set T)) assms(1) le_less_trans 
                nth_list_update_eq s_perm_inv_elims(9))

    have "SA[k := j] ! k = j"
      by (simp add: k < length SA)

    from list_slice_update_unchanged_1[OF `k < B ! b`]
         `k < B ! b` `SA[k := j] ! k = j` `B[b := k] ! b' = k` 
         `B ! b  bucket_end α T b`
         `b = b'` `k < length SA`
    have "?xs = j # list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"
      by (metis Suc_pred assms(9) length_list_update not_le
                less_nat_zero_code list_slice_Suc less_le_trans)
    have "ordlistns.sorted 
              (map (lms_slice T)
                   (j # list_slice SA (B ! b) 
                   (bucket_end α T b)))"
    proof -
      let ?ys = "list_slice SA (B ! b) (bucket_end α T b)"

      have A: "map (lms_slice T) (j # ?ys) = (lms_slice T j) # map (lms_slice T) ?ys"
        by simp

      from s_prefix_sorted_invD[OF assms(3) `b  _`]
      have B: "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?ys)" .

      have "?ys = []  ?ys  []"
        by blast
      hence "map (lms_slice T) ?ys = []  map (lms_slice T) ?ys  []"
        by simp
      have "map (lms_slice T) ?ys = []  ?thesis"
        using ordlistns.sorted_cons_nil by fastforce
      have "map (lms_slice T) ?ys  [] 
            ordlistns.sorted ((lms_slice T j) # map (lms_slice T) ?ys)"
      proof (rule ordlistns.sorted_consI[OF _ B])
        assume "map (lms_slice T) ?ys  []"
        hence "map (lms_slice T) ?ys ! 0 = lms_slice T (?ys ! 0)"
          by (metis length_greater_0_conv list.simps(8) nth_map)
        have "list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T j) (lms_slice T (?ys ! 0))"
        proof -
          have "?ys ! 0  s_bucket α T b"
            by (metis b = b' b'  α (Max (set T)) map (lms_slice T) ?ys  [] assms(1)
                      length_greater_0_conv length_map nth_mem s_locations_inv_in_list_slice
          hence "α (T ! (?ys ! 0)) = b" "suffix_type T (?ys ! 0) = S_type"
            by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
          hence "T ! j = T ! (?ys ! 0)"
            using assms(1,8) s_perm_inv_elims(8) strict_mono_eq by fastforce

          have "?ys ! 0 = SA ! (B ! b)"
            using map (lms_slice T) ?ys  [] nth_list_slice by fastforce

          have "b  0"
            by (metis s_bucket_start α T b < B ! b assms(1)
                  gr_implies_not_zero s_bucket_ptr_0 s_perm_inv_elims(2))

          have "in_s_current_bucket α T B b (B ! b)"
            using b = b' b'  α (Max (set T)) 
                  map (lms_slice T) ?ys  []
            by (metis B ! b  bucket_end α T b 
                      dual_order.order_iff_strict list.map_disc_iff 
            with s_pred_invD
                    [OF s_perm_inv_elims(6)[OF assms(1)] _ `b  0`, 
                     of "B ! b"]
          obtain i' where
            "i' < length SA"
            "SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
            "B ! b < i'"
            "i < i'"
            by blast

          let ?b0 = "α (T ! (Suc j))"
          and ?b1 = "α (T ! (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"

          have "i < length SA"
            by (simp add: assms(4-5))

          have "?b0  α (Max (set T))"
            by (metis Max_greD Suc_leI assms(1,4-6) lessI s_perm_inv_elims(5,8) s_seen_invD(1)

          have "?b1  α (Max (set T))"
            by (metis Max_greD SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) i < i' i' < length SA assms(1)
                  less_imp_le_nat s_perm_inv_elims(5) s_perm_inv_elims(8) s_seen_invD(1)

          have S0: "lms_slice T j = T ! j # lms_slice T (Suc j)"
            using assms(7) lms_slice_cons suffix_type_s_bound by blast

          have S1:
            "lms_slice T (?ys ! 0) = T ! (?ys ! 0) # lms_slice T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b)))"
            using ?ys ! 0 = SA ! (B ! b) suffix_type T (?ys ! 0) = S_type lms_slice_cons
                  suffix_type_s_bound by auto

          have "?b0  ?b1"
          proof(rule ccontr)
            assume "¬?b0  ?b1"
            hence "?b1 < ?b0"
              by simp
            hence "bucket_end α T ?b1  bucket_start α T ?b0"
              by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
            with s_index_upper_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,5)[OF assms(1)] `i' < length SA`]
                 s_index_lower_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,5)[OF assms(1)] `i < length SA`,
                 order.strict_implies_order[OF `i < i'`]
            show False
              using SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) assms(4,6) by auto
          hence "?b0 = ?b1  ?b0 < ?b1"
            by linarith
            "?b0 < ?b1 
             list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T (Suc j)) (lms_slice T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"
          proof -
            assume "?b0 < ?b1"
            hence "T ! (Suc j) < T ! (Suc (SA ! (B ! b)))"
              using assms(1) s_perm_inv_elims(8) strict_mono_less by blast
            have "Suc j < length T"
              using i < length SA assms(1,4,6) s_perm_inv_elims(5) s_seen_invD(1) by fastforce
            hence "as. lms_slice T (Suc j) = T ! (Suc j) # as"
              by (metis dual_order.strict_trans abs_find_next_lms_lower_bound_1 lessI list_slice_Suc
            then obtain as where
              "lms_slice T (Suc j) = T ! (Suc j) # as"
              by blast
            have "Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) < length T"
              using SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) i < i' i' < length SA assms(1)
                    s_perm_inv_elims(5) s_seen_invD(1) by fastforce
            hence "bs. lms_slice T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))) = T ! (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))) # bs"
              by (metis abs_find_next_lms_lower_bound_1 less_Suc_eq 
                        list_slice_Suc lms_slice_def)
            then obtain bs where
              "lms_slice T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))) = T ! (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))) # bs"
              by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using list_less_eq_ns_cons by fastforce
            "?b0 = ?b1 
             list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T (Suc j)) (lms_slice T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"
          proof -
            assume "?b0 = ?b1"
            with s_index_upper_bound[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,5)[OF assms(1)] `i' < _`] `i < i'`
            have "i' < bucket_end α T ?b0"
              by (simp add: SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)))

            have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
              using SL_types.exhaust by blast
            have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type  ?thesis"
            proof -
              assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = S_type"
              with s_seen_invD(3)[OF s_perm_inv_elims(5)[OF assms(1)] `i < length SA`, simplified]
              have "in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b0 i"
                by (simp add: assms(4) assms(6))
              hence "B ! ?b0  i"
                using in_s_current_bucket_def by blast
              hence "m. B ! ?b0 + m = i"
                using less_eqE by blast
              then obtain m0 where
                "B ! ?b0 + m0 = i"
                by blast

              from `B ! ?b0  i` `i < i'`
              have "m. B ! ?b0 + m = i'"
                by presburger
              then obtain m1 where
                "B ! ?b0 + m1 = i'"
                by blast
              hence "B ! ?b0 + m0  B ! ?b0 + m1"
                by (simp add: B ! α (T ! Suc j) + m0 = i 
                    i < i' dual_order.order_iff_strict)
              hence "m0  m1"
                using add_le_imp_le_left by blast

              have "(list_slice SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0)) ! m0 = Suc j"
                using B ! α (T ! Suc j) + m0 = i i < length SA
                      in_s_current_bucket α T B ?b0 i assms(4,6) 
                by (metis B ! α (T ! Suc j)  i diff_add_inverse list_slice_nth)
              have "(list_slice SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0)) ! m1 = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
                using B ! ?b0 + m1 = i' SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) i' < bucket_end α T ?b0
                      i' < length SA 
                by (metis diff_add_inverse le_add1 list_slice_nth)
              have "length (list_slice SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0))
                    = (bucket_end α T ?b0) - B ! ?b0"
                by (metis assms(1) bucket_end_le_length length_list_slice min_def s_perm_inv_def)
              with `B ! ?b0 + m1 = i'` `i' < bucket_end α T ?b0`
              have "m1 < length (list_slice SA (B ! ?b0) (bucket_end α T ?b0))"
                by linarith
              show ?thesis
                using ordlistns.sorted_nth_mono[OF
                        s_prefix_sorted_invD[OF assms(3) `?b0  α (Max _)`] `m0  m1`]
                      m0  m1 by auto
            have "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type  ?thesis"
            proof -
              assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type"
              with s_seen_invD(2)[OF s_perm_inv_elims(5)[OF assms(1)] `i < length SA`, simplified]
              have "in_l_bucket α T ?b0 i"
                by (simp add: assms(4) assms(6))
              hence "bucket_start α T ?b0  i"
                by (simp add: in_l_bucket_def)
              hence "m. bucket_start α T ?b0 + m = i"
                using less_eqE by blast
              then obtain m0 where
                "bucket_start α T ?b0 + m0 = i"
                by blast

              have "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = L_type  suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type"
                using SL_types.exhaust by blast
              have "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type  ?thesis"
              proof -
                assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type"

                have "SA ! i < length T"
                  by (meson i < length SA assms(1) order_refl s_perm_inv_elims(5) s_seen_invD(1))

                have "SA ! i' < length T"
                  by (simp add: suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type suffix_type_s_bound)

                from `?b0 = ?b1`
                have "T ! (Suc j) = T ! Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
                  using assms(1) s_perm_inv_def strict_mono_eq by blast
                hence "hd (suffix T (SA ! i')) = hd (suffix T (SA ! i))"
                  by (metis SA ! i < length T SA ! i' < length T SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))
                            assms(4) assms(6) list.sel(1) suffix_cons_Suc)
                hence "list_less_ns (lms_slice T (SA ! i)) (lms_slice T (SA ! i'))"
                  using SA ! i < length T SA ! i' < length T SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))
                        T ! Suc j = T ! Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) suffix_type T (SA ! i') = S_type
                        suffix_type T (SA ! i) = L_type assms(1,4,6) s_perm_inv_elims(13)
                        lms_slice_l_less_than_s_type by fastforce
                then show ?thesis
                  by (simp add: SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) assms(4,6))
              have "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = L_type  ?thesis"
              proof -
                assume "suffix_type T (SA ! i') = L_type"
                with s_seen_invD(2)[OF s_perm_inv_elims(5)[OF assms(1)] `i' < length SA`,
                      simplified `?b0 = ?b1`[symmetric] `SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))`]
                     `SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))`
                have "in_l_bucket α T ?b0 i'"
                  by (simp add: i < i' dual_order.order_iff_strict)
                hence "i' < l_bucket_end α T ?b0"
                  by (simp add: in_l_bucket_def)
                hence "m. bucket_start α T ?b0 + m = i'"
                  by (metis in_l_bucket α T ?b0 i' in_l_bucket_def less_eqE)
                then obtain m1 where
                  "bucket_start α T ?b0 + m1 = i'"
                  by blast

                let ?zs = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T ?b0) (l_bucket_end α T ?b0)"

                have "?zs ! m0 = Suc j"
                  using bucket_start α T ?b0 + m0 = i i < i' i < length SA
                        i' < l_bucket_end α T ?b0 assms(4,6)
                  by (metis bucket_start α T (α (T ! Suc j))  i 
                            diff_add_inverse dual_order.order_iff_strict 
                            list_slice_nth order.strict_trans1)
                have "?zs ! m1 = Suc (SA ! (B ! b))"
                  using SA ! i' = Suc (SA ! (B ! b)) bucket_start α T ?b0 + m1 = i'
                        i' < l_bucket_end α T ?b0 i' < length SA 
                  by (metis in_l_bucket α T (α (T ! Suc j)) i' 
                            diff_add_inverse in_l_bucket_def list_slice_nth)
                have "m0  m1"
                  using bucket_start α T ?b0 + m0 = i bucket_start α T ?b0 + m1 = i' i < i'
                  by linarith
                have "length ?zs = l_bucket_end α T ?b0 - bucket_start α T ?b0"
                  by (metis ?b0  α (Max (set T)) add_diff_cancel_left' assms(1) distinct_card
                        l_bucket_end_def l_bucket_size_def l_types_init_def l_types_init_maintained
                hence "m1 < length ?zs"
                  using bucket_start α T ?b0 + m1 = i' i' < l_bucket_end α T ?b0 by linarith
                from s_prefix_sorted_pre_maintained[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10,11)[OF assms(1)]
                have "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA" .
                ultimately show ?thesis
                  using ordlistns.sorted_nth_mono[OF s_prefix_sorted_preD[of α T SA,
                          OF _ `?b0  α (Max _)`], of m0 m1]
                  by (simp add: m1 < length ?zs s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA le_less_trans)
              ultimately show ?thesis
                by blast
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by blast
          ultimately have
            "list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T (Suc j)) (lms_slice T (Suc (SA ! (B ! b))))"
            by blast
          with S0 S1 `T ! j = T ! (?ys ! 0)`
          show ?thesis
            by (simp add: list_less_eq_ns_cons)
        ultimately show "list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T j) (map (lms_slice T) ?ys ! 0)"
          by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using A by fastforce
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  have "b  b'  ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?xs)"
  proof -
    assume "b  b'"
    with s_sorted_maintained_unchanged_step[OF assms(1,4-) `b'  _`]
         s_prefix_sorted_invD[OF assms(3) `b'  _`]
    show ?thesis
      using ordlistns.sorted_map by blast
  ultimately show "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?xs)"
    by blast

theorem abs_induce_s_sorted_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "s_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  and     "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')"
shows " s_sorted_inv α T B' SA'"
proof (rule abs_induce_s_step.elims[OF assms(4)];
       clarsimp simp: assms(3,4) Let_def not_less
                split: if_splits SL_types.splits nat.splits[where ?nat = i] nat.splits)
  assume "B = B'" "SA' = SA"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  assume "B = B'" "SA' = SA"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  assume "B = B'" "SA' = SA"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  assume "B = B'" "SA' = SA"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  fix j

  let ?b = "α (T ! j)"
  let ?k = "B ! ?b - Suc 0"

  assume A: "i = Suc i'" "Suc i' < length SA" "SA ! Suc i' = Suc j" "suffix_type T j = S_type"
            "B' = B[?b := ?k]" "SA' = SA[?k := j]"

  from s_sorted_inv_maintained_step[OF assms(1-3) A(1-4), of ?b ?k, simplified]
  show "s_sorted_inv α T (B[?b := ?k]) (SA[?k := j])" .

corollary abs_induce_s_sorted_step_alt:
 "a. s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 a  s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_step a (α, T))"
proof -
  fix a
  assume "s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 a"

  have "B SA i. a = (B, SA, i)"
    by (meson prod_cases3)
  then obtain B SA i where
    "a = (B, SA, i)"
    by blast
  with `s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 a`
  have P: "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i" "s_sorted_pre α T SA0" "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
    by simp_all

  from abs_induce_s_step_ex[of "(B, SA, i)" "(α, T)"]
  obtain B' SA' i' where
    Q: "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')"
    by blast

  from abs_induce_s_sorted_step[OF P Q] abs_induce_s_perm_step[OF P(1) Q] `s_sorted_pre _ _ _`
  show "s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_step a (α, T))"
    using Q a = (B, SA, i) by auto

theorem abs_induce_s_sorted_alt_maintained:
  assumes "s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (B, SA, length T)"
  shows "s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_base α T B SA)"
  unfolding abs_induce_s_base_def
  using repeat_maintain_inv
          [of "s_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0" abs_induce_s_step "(α, T)", OF _ assms(1)]
  by blast

corollary abs_induce_s_sorted_maintained:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA (length T)"
  and     "s_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
shows "s_sorted_inv α T B' SA'"
  using assms abs_induce_s_sorted_alt_maintained by force

theorem abs_induce_s_prefix_sorted_step:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  and     "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')"
shows "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B' SA'"
proof (rule abs_induce_s_step.elims[OF assms(4)];
       clarsimp simp: assms(3,4) Let_def not_less
                split: if_splits SL_types.splits nat.splits[where ?nat = i] nat.splits)
  assume "B = B'"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  assume "B = B'"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  assume "B = B'"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  assume "B = B'"
  with assms(3)
  show "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B' SA"
    by simp
  fix j

  let ?b = "α (T ! j)"
  let ?k = "B ! ?b - Suc 0"

  assume A: "i = Suc i'" "Suc i' < length SA" "SA ! Suc i' = Suc j" "suffix_type T j = S_type"
            "B' = B[?b := ?k]" "SA' = SA[?k := j]"

  from s_prefix_sorted_inv_maintained_step[OF assms(1-3) A(1-4), of ?b ?k, simplified]
  show "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T (B[?b := ?k]) (SA[?k := j])" .

corollary abs_induce_s_prefix_sorted_step_alt:
 "a. s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 a 
      s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_step a (α, T))"
proof -
  fix a
  assume "s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 a"

  have "B SA i. a = (B, SA, i)"
    by (meson prod_cases3)
  then obtain B SA i where
    "a = (B, SA, i)"
    by blast
  with `s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 a`
  have P: "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA i" "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA0" "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
    by simp_all

  from abs_induce_s_step_ex[of "(B, SA, i)" "(α, T)"]
  obtain B' SA' i' where
    Q: "abs_induce_s_step (B, SA, i) (α, T) = (B', SA', i')"
    by blast

  from abs_induce_s_prefix_sorted_step[OF P Q] abs_induce_s_perm_step[OF P(1) Q] `s_prefix_sorted_pre _ _ _`
  show "s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_step a (α, T))"
    using Q a = (B, SA, i) by auto

theorem abs_induce_s_prefix_sorted_alt_maintained:
  assumes "s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (B, SA, length T)"
  shows "s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0 (abs_induce_s_base α T B SA)"
  unfolding abs_induce_s_base_def
  using repeat_maintain_inv[of "s_prefix_sorted_inv_alt α T SA0" abs_induce_s_step "(α, T)",
          OF _ assms(1)]
  by blast

corollary abs_induce_s_prefix_sorted_maintained:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA (length T)"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
shows "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B' SA'"
  using assms abs_induce_s_prefix_sorted_alt_maintained by force

theorem s_sorted_bucket:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA 0"
  and     "s_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)))"
      (is "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?xs)")
proof -
  let ?ys = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  and ?zs = "list_slice SA (s_bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)"

  from s_perm_inv_0_B_val[OF assms(1,4)]
  have "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b" .

  from s_sorted_pre_maintained[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10,11)[OF assms(1)] assms(2)]
  have "s_sorted_pre α T SA" .

  have "?xs = ?ys @ ?zs"
    by (metis bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end list_slice_append
  hence "map (suffix T) ?xs = map (suffix T) ?ys @ map (suffix T) ?zs"
    by simp
  from s_sorted_preD[OF `s_sorted_pre _ _ SA` `b  _`]
  have "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?ys)" .
  from s_sorted_invD[OF assms(3,4), simplified `_ = s_bucket_start α _ _`]
  have "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) ?zs)" .
  have "y  set (map (suffix T) ?ys). z  set (map (suffix T) ?zs). list_less_eq_ns y z"
    fix y z
    assume "y  set (map (suffix T) ?ys)" "z  set (map (suffix T) ?zs)"
    with in_set_mapD[of y "suffix T" ?ys]
         in_set_mapD[of z "suffix T" ?zs]
    obtain i j where
      "y = suffix T i" "i  set ?ys" 
      "z = suffix T j" "j  set ?zs"
      by blast

    from l_types_initD(1)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10-12)[OF assms(1)]]
          `b  _`]
         `i  set ?ys`
    have "i  l_bucket α T b"
      by blast
    hence "suffix_type T i = L_type" "α (T ! i) = b" "i < length T"
      by (simp add: l_bucket_def bucket_def)+
    from s_bucket_eq_list_slice[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1,3,11)[OF assms(1)] `b  _`
          `B ! b = s_bucket_start α _ _`]
         `j  set ?zs`
    have "j  s_bucket α T b"
      by blast
    hence "suffix_type T j = S_type" "α (T ! j) = b" "j < length T"
      by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
    have "T ! i = T ! j"
      using calculation(2,5) s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(1)] strict_mono_eq by fastforce
    ultimately have "list_less_eq_ns (suffix T i) (suffix T j)"
      using l_less_than_s_type_suffix[of j T i] by simp
    then show "list_less_eq_ns y z"
      using y = suffix T i z = suffix T j by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: ordlistns.sorted_append)

theorem abs_induce_s_base_sorted:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA (length T)"
  and     "s_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
shows "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) SA')"
proof (intro sorted_wrt_mapI)
  fix i j
  assume "i < j" "j < length SA'"
  hence "i < length T" "j < length T"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) abs_induce_s_perm_maintained 
              assms(1,2) order.strict_trans s_perm_inv_elims(11))+

  let ?goal = "list_less_eq_ns (suffix T (SA' ! i)) (suffix T (SA' ! j))"

  from index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `i < length _` s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(2)]]
  obtain b0 where
    "b0  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b0  i"
    "i < bucket_end α T b0"
    by blast

  from index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `j < length T` s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(2)]]
  obtain b1 where
    "b1  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b1  j"
    "j < bucket_end α T b1"
    by blast

  from abs_induce_s_perm_maintained[OF assms(1,2)]
  have "s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' n" .
  have "n = 0"
    by (metis Pair_inject assms(1) abs_induce_s_base_index)
  ultimately have "s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' 0"
    by simp

  let ?xs = "list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b0) (bucket_end α T b0)"
  and ?ys = "list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b1) (bucket_end α T b1)"

  have "b0  b1"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ b0  b1"
    hence "b1 < b0"
      by (simp add: not_le)
    hence "bucket_end α T b1  bucket_start α T b0"
      by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
    with `j < bucket_end α T b1` `bucket_start α T b0  i` `i < j`
    show False
      by linarith
  hence "b0 = b1  b0 < b1"
    by (simp add: nat_less_le)
  have "b0 < b1  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b0 < b1"
    from s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket[OF `s_perm_inv _ _ _ _ _ 0` `b0  α _`]
    have "set ?xs = bucket α T b0" .
    hence "SA' ! i  bucket α T b0"
      by (metis bucket_start α T b0  i i < bucket_end α T b0 s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' 0
            bucket_end_le_length list_slice_nth_mem s_perm_inv_elims(11))
    hence "α (T ! (SA' ! i)) = b0" "SA' ! i < length T"
      by (simp add: bucket_def)+
    from s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket[OF `s_perm_inv _ _ _ _ _ 0` `b1  α _`]
    have "set ?ys = bucket α T b1" .
    hence "SA' ! j  bucket α T b1"
      by (metis bucket_start α T b1  j j < bucket_end α T b1 s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' 0
            bucket_end_le_length list_slice_nth_mem s_perm_inv_elims(11))
    hence "α (T ! (SA' ! j)) = b1" "SA' ! j < length T"
      by (simp add: bucket_def)+
    ultimately have "T ! (SA' ! i) < T ! (SA' ! j)"
      using assms(2) s_perm_inv_elims(8) strict_mono_less by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis SA' ! i < length T SA' ! j < length T less_imp_le list_less_eq_ns_cons neq_iff
  have "b0 = b1  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b0 = b1"
    with `j < bucket_end α T b1`
    have "j < bucket_end α T b0"
      by simp

    have "i'. i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'"
      using bucket_start α T b0  i nat_le_iff_add by blast
    then obtain i' where
      "i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'"
      by blast

    have "j'. j = bucket_start α T b0 + j'"
      by (simp add: b0 = b1 bucket_start α T b1  j le_Suc_ex)
    then obtain j' where
      "j = bucket_start α T b0 + j'"
      by blast
    with `i < j` `i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'`
    have "i'  j'"
      by linarith

    have "j' < length ?xs"
      by (metis b0 = b1 j < bucket_end α T b1 j = bucket_start α T b0 + j'
                s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' n add.commute bucket_end_le_length length_list_slice
                less_diff_conv min_def s_perm_inv_elims(11))
    with ordlistns.sorted_nth_mono[OF s_sorted_bucket[OF `s_perm_inv _ _ _ _ _ 0` assms(3)
          abs_induce_s_sorted_maintained[OF assms] `b0  α _`] `i'  j'`]
    have "list_less_eq_ns (suffix T (?xs ! i')) (suffix T (?xs ! j'))"
      using i'  j' nth_map by auto
    have "SA' ! i = ?xs ! i'"
      using i < bucket_end α T b0 i < length T i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'
            s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' n s_perm_inv_elims(11) 
      by (metis bucket_start α T b0  i diff_add_inverse list_slice_nth)
    have "SA' ! j = ?xs ! j'"
      using j < bucket_end α T b0 j < length SA' 
            j = bucket_start α T b0 + j' 
      by (simp add: nth_list_slice)
    ultimately show ?goal
      by simp
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

theorem s_prefix_sorted_bucket:
  assumes "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA 0"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
  and     "b  α (Max (set T))"
shows "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) (list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)))"
      (is "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?xs)")
proof -
  let ?ys = "list_slice SA (bucket_start α T b) (l_bucket_end α T b)"
  and ?zs = "list_slice SA (s_bucket_start α T b) (bucket_end α T b)"

  from s_perm_inv_0_B_val[OF assms(1,4)]
  have "B ! b = s_bucket_start α T b" .

  from s_prefix_sorted_pre_maintained[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10,11)[OF assms(1)] assms(2)]
  have "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA" .

  have "?xs = ?ys @ ?zs"
    by (metis bucket_start_le_s_bucket_start l_bucket_end_le_bucket_end list_slice_append
  hence "map (lms_slice T) ?xs = map (lms_slice T) ?ys @ map (lms_slice T) ?zs"
    by simp
  from s_prefix_sorted_preD[OF `s_prefix_sorted_pre _ _ SA` `b  _`]
  have "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?ys)" .
  from s_prefix_sorted_invD[OF assms(3,4), simplified `_ = s_bucket_start α _ _`]
  have "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) ?zs)" .
  have "y  set (map (lms_slice T) ?ys). z  set (map (lms_slice T) ?zs).
          list_less_eq_ns y z"
  proof safe
    fix y z
    assume "y  set (map (lms_slice T) ?ys)"
           "z  set (map (lms_slice T) ?zs)"
    with in_set_mapD[of y "lms_slice T" ?ys]
         in_set_mapD[of z "lms_slice T" ?zs]
    obtain i j where
      "y = lms_slice T i" 
      "i  set ?ys"
      "z = lms_slice T j"
      "j  set ?zs"
      by blast

    from l_types_initD(1)[OF l_types_init_maintained[OF s_perm_inv_elims(2,4,10-12)[OF assms(1)]]
          `b  _`]
         `i  set ?ys`
    have "i  l_bucket α T b"
      by blast
    hence "suffix_type T i = L_type" "α (T ! i) = b" "i < length T"
      by (simp add: l_bucket_def bucket_def)+
    from s_bucket_eq_list_slice[OF s_perm_inv_elims(1,3,11)[OF assms(1)] `b  _`
          `B ! b = s_bucket_start α _ _`]
         `j  set ?zs`
    have "j  s_bucket α T b"
      by blast
    hence "suffix_type T j = S_type" "α (T ! j) = b" "j < length T"
      by (simp add: s_bucket_def bucket_def)+
    have "T ! i = T ! j"
      using assms(1) calculation(2,5) s_perm_inv_elims(8) strict_mono_eq by fastforce
    ultimately have "list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T i) (lms_slice T j)"
      using lms_slice_l_less_than_s_type[of i T j] by simp
    then show "list_less_eq_ns y z"
      by (simp add: y = lms_slice T i z = lms_slice T j)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: ordlistns.sorted_append)

theorem abs_induce_s_base_prefix_sorted:
  assumes "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', n)"
  and     "s_perm_inv α T B SA0 SA (length T)"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA0"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
shows "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) SA')"
proof (intro sorted_wrt_mapI)
  fix i j
  assume "i < j" "j < length SA'"
  hence "i < length T" "j < length T"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) abs_induce_s_perm_maintained 
              assms(1,2) order.strict_trans s_perm_inv_elims(11))+

  let ?goal = "list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T (SA' ! i)) (lms_slice T (SA' ! j))"

  from index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `i < length _` s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(2)]]
  obtain b0 where
    "b0  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b0  i"
    "i < bucket_end α T b0"
    by blast

  from index_in_bucket_interval_gen[OF `j < length T` s_perm_inv_elims(8)[OF assms(2)]]
  obtain b1 where
    "b1  α (Max (set T))"
    "bucket_start α T b1  j"
    "j < bucket_end α T b1"
    by blast

  from abs_induce_s_perm_maintained[OF assms(1,2)]
  have "s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' n" .
  have "n = 0"
    by (metis Pair_inject assms(1) abs_induce_s_base_index)
  ultimately have "s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' 0"
    by simp

  let ?xs = "list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b0) (bucket_end α T b0)"
  and ?ys = "list_slice SA' (bucket_start α T b1) (bucket_end α T b1)"

  have "b0  b1"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬b0  b1"
    hence "b1 < b0"
      by (simp add: not_le)
    hence "bucket_end α T b1  bucket_start α T b0"
      by (simp add: less_bucket_end_le_start)
    with `j < bucket_end α T b1` `bucket_start α T b0  i` `i < j`
    show False
      by linarith
  hence "b0 = b1  b0 < b1"
    by (simp add: nat_less_le)
  have "b0 < b1  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b0 < b1"
    from s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket[OF `s_perm_inv _ _ _ _ _ 0` `b0  α _`]
    have "set ?xs = bucket α T b0" .
    hence "SA' ! i  bucket α T b0"
      by (metis bucket_start α T b0  i i < bucket_end α T b0 s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' 0
            bucket_end_le_length list_slice_nth_mem s_perm_inv_elims(11))
    hence "α (T ! (SA' ! i)) = b0" "SA' ! i < length T"
      by (simp add: bucket_def)+
    from s_perm_inv_0_list_slice_bucket[OF `s_perm_inv _ _ _ _ _ 0` `b1  α _`]
    have "set ?ys = bucket α T b1" .
    hence "SA' ! j  bucket α T b1"
      by (metis bucket_start α T b1  j j < bucket_end α T b1 s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' 0
            bucket_end_le_length list_slice_nth_mem s_perm_inv_elims(11))
    hence "α (T ! (SA' ! j)) = b1" "SA' ! j < length T"
      by (simp add: bucket_def)+
    ultimately have "T ! (SA' ! i) < T ! (SA' ! j)"
      using assms(2) s_perm_inv_elims(8) strict_mono_less by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis SA' ! i < length T SA' ! j < length T abs_find_next_lms_lower_bound_1 
            less_SucI less_imp_le list_less_eq_ns_cons list_slice_Suc neq_iff lms_slice_def)
  have "b0 = b1  ?goal"
  proof -
    assume "b0 = b1"
    with `j < bucket_end α T b1`
    have "j < bucket_end α T b0"
      by simp

    have "i'. i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'"
      using bucket_start α T b0  i nat_le_iff_add by blast
    then obtain i' where
      "i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'"
      by blast

    have "j'. j = bucket_start α T b0 + j'"
      by (simp add: b0 = b1 bucket_start α T b1  j le_Suc_ex)
    then obtain j' where
      "j = bucket_start α T b0 + j'"
      by blast
    with `i < j` `i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'`
    have "i'  j'"
      by linarith

    have "j' < length ?xs"
      by (metis b0 = b1 
            j < bucket_end α T b1 
            j = bucket_start α T b0 + j'
            s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' n 
            add.commute bucket_end_le_length length_list_slice
            less_diff_conv min_def s_perm_inv_elims(11))
    with ordlistns.sorted_nth_mono
           [OF s_prefix_sorted_bucket
                 [OF `s_perm_inv _ _ _ _ _ 0` assms(3)
                        [OF assms] `b0  α _`] `i'  j'`]
    have "list_less_eq_ns (lms_slice T (?xs ! i')) (lms_slice T (?xs ! j'))"
      using i'  j' nth_map by auto
    have "SA' ! i = ?xs ! i'"
      using i < bucket_end α T b0 
            i < length T 
            i = bucket_start α T b0 + i'
            s_perm_inv α T B' SA0 SA' n  
            j' < length (list_slice SA' 
                     (bucket_start α T b0) 
                     (bucket_end α T b0)) 
      by (metis i'  j' nth_list_slice order.strict_trans1)
    have "SA' ! j = ?xs ! j'"
      using j < bucket_end α T b0 j < length SA' 
            j = bucket_start α T b0 + j' 
      by (simp add: nth_list_slice)
    ultimately show ?goal
      by simp
  ultimately show ?goal
    by blast

section "Induce S Correctness Theorems"

theorem abs_induce_s_perm:
  assumes "s_perm_pre α T B SA (length T)"
  shows "abs_induce_s α T B SA <~~> [0..< length T]"
proof -
  from s_perm_inv_established assms[simplified s_perm_pre_def]
  have "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA (length T)"
    by blast
  from abs_induce_s_base_index[of α T B SA]
  obtain B' SA' where
    "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0)"
    by blast
  ultimately have "s_perm_inv α T B' SA SA' 0"
    using abs_induce_s_perm_maintained[of α T B SA B' SA' 0 SA]
    by blast
  hence "SA' <~~> [0..< length T]"
    using abs_induce_s_base_perm[OF `abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0)`]
    by blast
  with `abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0)`
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: abs_induce_s_def)

 ―‹ Used in SAIS algorithm as part of inducing the suffix ordering based on LMS ›
theorem abs_induce_s_sorted:
  assumes "s_perm_pre α T B SA (length T)"
  and     "s_sorted_pre α T SA"
shows "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) (abs_induce_s α T B SA))"
proof -
  from s_perm_inv_established assms(1)[simplified s_perm_pre_def]
  have "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA (length T)"
    by blast
  from abs_induce_s_base_index[of α T B SA]
  obtain B' SA' where
    "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0)"
    by blast
  from s_sorted_inv_established assms(1)[simplified s_perm_pre_def]
  have "s_sorted_inv α T B SA"
    by blast
  ultimately have "ordlistns.sorted (map (suffix T) SA')"
    using abs_induce_s_base_sorted[OF _ _ assms(2), of B SA B' SA' 0]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0) abs_induce_s_def)

 ―‹ Used in SAIS algorithm as part of inducing the prefix ordering based on LMS ›
theorem abs_induce_s_prefix_sorted:
  assumes "s_perm_pre α T B SA (length T)"
  and     "s_prefix_sorted_pre α T SA"
shows "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) (abs_induce_s α T B SA))"
proof -

  from s_perm_inv_established assms(1)[simplified s_perm_pre_def]
  have "s_perm_inv α T B SA SA (length T)"
    by blast
  from abs_induce_s_base_index[of α T B SA]
  obtain B' SA' where
    "abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0)"
    by blast
  from s_prefix_sorted_inv_established assms(1)[simplified s_perm_pre_def]
  have "s_prefix_sorted_inv α T B SA"
    by blast
  ultimately have "ordlistns.sorted (map (lms_slice T) SA')"
    using abs_induce_s_base_prefix_sorted[OF _ _ assms(2), of B SA B' SA' 0]
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: abs_induce_s_base α T B SA = (B', SA', 0) abs_induce_s_def)
