Theory Tarski_Query_Impl
section ‹TaQ for polynomials with rational coefficients›
theory Tarski_Query_Impl imports
Pseudo_Remainder_Sequence Sturm_Tarski
global_interpretation rat_int:hom_pseudo_smods rat_of_int real_of_int real_of_rat
ri_changes_itv_spmods = rat_int.changes_itv_spmods and
ri_changes_gt_spmods = rat_int.changes_gt_spmods and
ri_changes_le_spmods = rat_int.changes_le_spmods and
ri_changes_R_spmods = rat_int.changes_R_spmods
apply unfold_locales
by (simp_all add: of_rat_less of_rat_less_eq)
definition TaQ_R_rats::"rat poly ⇒ rat poly ⇒ int" where
"TaQ_R_rats p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat p) x = (0::real)}
(map_poly real_of_rat q)"
definition TaQ_itv_rats::"rat ⇒ rat ⇒ rat poly ⇒ rat poly ⇒ int" where
"TaQ_itv_rats a b p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat p) x = (0::real)
∧ of_rat a < x ∧ x < of_rat b} (map_poly real_of_rat q)"
definition TaQ_gt_rats::" rat ⇒ rat poly ⇒ rat poly ⇒ int" where
"TaQ_gt_rats a p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat p) x = (0::real)
∧ of_rat a < x } (map_poly real_of_rat q)"
definition TaQ_le_rats::"rat ⇒ rat poly ⇒ rat poly ⇒ int" where
"TaQ_le_rats b p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat p) x = (0::real)
∧ x < of_rat b} (map_poly real_of_rat q)"
lemma taq_smult_pos:
assumes "a>0"
shows "taq s (smult a p) = taq s p"
unfolding taq_def by (simp add: assms sign_times)
lemma taq_proots_R_code[code]:
"TaQ_R_rats p q = (let
ip = clear_de p;
iq = clear_de q
in ri_changes_R_spmods ip (pderiv ip * iq))"
proof -
define ip iq where "ip = clear_de p" and "iq = clear_de q"
define dp dq where "dp = rat_of_int (de_lcm p)" and "dq = rat_of_int (de_lcm q)"
have "dp > 0" "dq>0"
unfolding dp_def dq_def by simp_all
have ip:"of_int_poly ip = smult dp p" and iq:"of_int_poly iq = smult dq q"
using clear_de unfolding ip_def iq_def dp_def dq_def by auto
have "TaQ_R_rats p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly ip)) x = 0}
(map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly iq))"
unfolding TaQ_R_rats_def ip iq using ‹dp > 0› ‹dq >0›
by (simp add:of_rat_hom.map_poly_hom_smult taq_smult_pos)
also have "... = taq {x. poly (of_int_poly ip) x = (0::real)} (of_int_poly iq)"
by (simp add:map_poly_map_poly comp_def)
also have "... = changes_R_smods (of_int_poly ip) (pderiv (of_int_poly ip) * of_int_poly iq)"
using sturm_tarski_R by simp
also have "... = changes_R_smods (of_int_poly ip) (of_int_poly (pderiv ip * iq))"
by (simp add: of_int_hom.map_poly_pderiv of_int_poly_hom.hom_mult)
also have "... = ri_changes_R_spmods ip (pderiv ip * iq)"
using rat_int.changes_spmods_smods by simp
finally have "TaQ_R_rats p q = ri_changes_R_spmods ip (pderiv ip * iq) " .
then show ?thesis unfolding Let_def ip_def iq_def .
lemma taq_proots_itv_code[code]:
"TaQ_itv_rats a b p q = (if a≥b then
else if poly p a ≠ 0 ∧ poly p b ≠0 then
ip = clear_de p;
iq = clear_de q
in ri_changes_itv_spmods a b ip (pderiv ip * iq))
Code.abort (STR ''Roots at border yet to be supported'')
(λ_. TaQ_itv_rats a b p q)
proof (cases "a≥b ∨ poly p a = 0 ∨ poly p b = 0")
case True
moreover have ?thesis if "a≥b"
proof -
have "{x. poly (map_poly of_rat p) x = 0 ∧ real_of_rat a < x ∧ x < real_of_rat b}
= {}"
using that rat_int.r2.hom_less_eq by fastforce
then have "TaQ_itv_rats a b p q = taq {} (map_poly real_of_rat q)"
unfolding TaQ_itv_rats_def by metis
also have "... = 0"
unfolding taq_def by simp
finally show ?thesis using that by auto
moreover have ?thesis if "¬ a≥b" "poly p a = 0 ∨ poly p b = 0"
using that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case False
define ip iq where "ip = clear_de p" and "iq = clear_de q"
define dp dq where "dp = rat_of_int (de_lcm p)" and "dq = rat_of_int (de_lcm q)"
define aa bb where "aa = real_of_rat a" and "bb = real_of_rat b"
have "dp > 0" "dq>0"
unfolding dp_def dq_def by simp_all
have ip:"of_int_poly ip = smult dp p" and iq:"of_int_poly iq = smult dq q"
using clear_de unfolding ip_def iq_def dp_def dq_def by auto
have "TaQ_itv_rats a b p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly ip)) x = 0
∧ aa < x ∧ x < bb}
(map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly iq))"
unfolding TaQ_itv_rats_def ip iq aa_def bb_def using ‹dp > 0› ‹dq >0›
by (simp add:of_rat_hom.map_poly_hom_smult taq_smult_pos)
also have "... = taq {x. poly (of_int_poly ip) x = (0::real)
∧ aa < x ∧ x < bb} (of_int_poly iq)"
by (simp add:map_poly_map_poly comp_def)
also have "... = changes_itv_smods aa bb (of_int_poly ip)
(pderiv (of_int_poly ip) * of_int_poly iq)"
proof -
have "aa < bb" "poly (map_poly of_int ip) aa ≠ 0"
"poly (map_poly of_int ip) bb ≠ 0"
unfolding aa_def bb_def
subgoal by (meson False not_less of_rat_less)
subgoal using False ‹0 < dp› ip rat_int.map_poly_R_hom_commute by force
subgoal using False ‹0 < dp› ip rat_int.map_poly_R_hom_commute by force
from sturm_tarski_interval[OF this]
show ?thesis by auto
also have "... = changes_itv_smods aa bb (of_int_poly ip) (of_int_poly (pderiv ip * iq))"
by (simp add: of_int_hom.map_poly_pderiv of_int_poly_hom.hom_mult)
also have "... = ri_changes_itv_spmods a b ip (pderiv ip * iq)"
using rat_int.changes_spmods_smods unfolding aa_def bb_def by simp
finally have "TaQ_itv_rats a b p q = ri_changes_itv_spmods a b ip (pderiv ip * iq) " .
then show ?thesis unfolding Let_def ip_def iq_def using False by presburger
lemma taq_proots_gt_code[code]:
"TaQ_gt_rats a p q = (
if poly p a ≠ 0 then
ip = clear_de p;
iq = clear_de q
in ri_changes_gt_spmods a ip (pderiv ip * iq))
Code.abort (STR ''Roots at border yet to be supported'')
(λ_. TaQ_gt_rats a p q)
proof (cases "poly p a = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
define ip iq where "ip = clear_de p" and "iq = clear_de q"
define dp dq where "dp = rat_of_int (de_lcm p)" and "dq = rat_of_int (de_lcm q)"
define aa where "aa = real_of_rat a"
have "dp > 0" "dq>0"
unfolding dp_def dq_def by simp_all
have ip:"of_int_poly ip = smult dp p" and iq:"of_int_poly iq = smult dq q"
using clear_de unfolding ip_def iq_def dp_def dq_def by auto
have "TaQ_gt_rats a p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly ip)) x = 0
∧ aa < x}
(map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly iq))"
unfolding TaQ_gt_rats_def ip iq aa_def using ‹dp > 0› ‹dq >0›
by (simp add:of_rat_hom.map_poly_hom_smult taq_smult_pos)
also have "... = taq {x. poly (of_int_poly ip) x = (0::real)
∧ aa < x } (of_int_poly iq)"
by (simp add:map_poly_map_poly comp_def)
also have "... = changes_gt_smods aa (of_int_poly ip)
(pderiv (of_int_poly ip) * of_int_poly iq)"
proof -
have "poly (map_poly of_int ip) aa ≠ 0"
unfolding aa_def using False ‹0 < dp› ip rat_int.map_poly_R_hom_commute by force
from sturm_tarski_above[OF this]
show ?thesis by auto
also have "... = changes_gt_smods aa (of_int_poly ip) (of_int_poly (pderiv ip * iq))"
by (simp add: of_int_hom.map_poly_pderiv of_int_poly_hom.hom_mult)
also have "... = ri_changes_gt_spmods a ip (pderiv ip * iq)"
using rat_int.changes_spmods_smods unfolding aa_def by simp
finally have "TaQ_gt_rats a p q = ri_changes_gt_spmods a ip (pderiv ip * iq) " .
then show ?thesis unfolding Let_def ip_def iq_def using False by presburger
lemma taq_proots_le_code[code]:
"TaQ_le_rats b p q = (
if poly p b ≠0 then
ip = clear_de p;
iq = clear_de q
in ri_changes_le_spmods b ip (pderiv ip * iq))
Code.abort (STR ''Roots at border yet to be supported'')
(λ_. TaQ_le_rats b p q)
proof (cases "poly p b = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
define ip iq where "ip = clear_de p" and "iq = clear_de q"
define dp dq where "dp = rat_of_int (de_lcm p)" and "dq = rat_of_int (de_lcm q)"
define bb where "bb = real_of_rat b"
have "dp > 0" "dq>0"
unfolding dp_def dq_def by simp_all
have ip:"of_int_poly ip = smult dp p" and iq:"of_int_poly iq = smult dq q"
using clear_de unfolding ip_def iq_def dp_def dq_def by auto
have "TaQ_le_rats b p q = taq {x. poly (map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly ip)) x = 0
∧ x < bb}
(map_poly real_of_rat (of_int_poly iq))"
unfolding TaQ_le_rats_def ip iq bb_def using ‹dp > 0› ‹dq >0›
by (simp add:of_rat_hom.map_poly_hom_smult taq_smult_pos)
also have "... = taq {x. poly (of_int_poly ip) x = (0::real)
∧ x < bb} (of_int_poly iq)"
by (simp add:map_poly_map_poly comp_def)
also have "... = changes_le_smods bb (of_int_poly ip)
(pderiv (of_int_poly ip) * of_int_poly iq)"
proof -
have "poly (map_poly of_int ip) bb ≠ 0"
unfolding bb_def using False ‹0 < dp› ip rat_int.map_poly_R_hom_commute by force
from sturm_tarski_below[OF this]
show ?thesis by auto
also have "... = changes_le_smods bb (of_int_poly ip) (of_int_poly (pderiv ip * iq))"
by (simp add: of_int_hom.map_poly_pderiv of_int_poly_hom.hom_mult)
also have "... = ri_changes_le_spmods b ip (pderiv ip * iq)"
using rat_int.changes_spmods_smods unfolding bb_def by simp
finally have "TaQ_le_rats b p q = ri_changes_le_spmods b ip (pderiv ip * iq) " .
then show ?thesis unfolding Let_def ip_def iq_def using False by presburger