Theory Filters

(* Title:      Filters
   Author:     Walter Guttmann
   Maintainer: Walter Guttmann <walter.guttmann at>

section ‹Filters›

text ‹
This theory develops filters based on orders, semilattices, lattices and distributive lattices.
We prove the ultrafilter lemma for orders with a least element.
We show the following structure theorems:
\item The set of filters over a directed semilattice forms a lattice with a greatest element.
\item The set of filters over a bounded semilattice forms a bounded lattice.
\item The set of filters over a distributive lattice with a greatest element forms a bounded distributive lattice.
Another result is that in a distributive lattice ultrafilters are prime filters.
We also prove a lemma of Gr\"atzer and Schmidt about principal filters.

We apply these results in proving the construction theorem for Stone algebras (described in a separate theory).
See, for example, cite"BalbesDwinger1974" and "Birkhoff1967" and "Blyth2005" and "DaveyPriestley2002" and "Graetzer1971" for further results about filters.

theory Filters

imports Lattice_Basics


subsection ‹Orders›

text ‹
This section gives the basic definitions related to filters in terms of orders.
The main result is the ultrafilter lemma.

context ord

abbreviation down :: "'a  'a set" ("_" [81] 80)
  where "x  { y . y  x }"

abbreviation down_set :: "'a set  'a set" ("_" [81] 80)
  where "X  { y . xX . y  x }"

abbreviation is_down_set :: "'a set  bool"
  where "is_down_set X  xX . y . y  x  yX"

abbreviation is_principal_down :: "'a set  bool"
  where "is_principal_down X  x . X = x"

abbreviation up :: "'a  'a set" ("_" [81] 80)
  where "x  { y . x  y }"

abbreviation up_set :: "'a set  'a set" ("_" [81] 80)
  where "X  { y . xX . x  y }"

abbreviation is_up_set :: "'a set  bool"
  where "is_up_set X  xX . y . x  y  yX"

abbreviation is_principal_up :: "'a set  bool"
  where "is_principal_up X  x . X = x"

text ‹
A filter is a non-empty, downward directed, up-closed set.

definition filter :: "'a set  bool"
  where "filter F  (F  {})  (xF . yF . zF . z  x  z  y)  is_up_set F"

abbreviation proper_filter :: "'a set  bool"
  where "proper_filter F  filter F  F  UNIV"

abbreviation ultra_filter :: "'a set  bool"
  where "ultra_filter F  proper_filter F  (G . proper_filter G  F  G  F = G)"

abbreviation filters :: "'a set set"
  where "filters  { F::'a set . filter F }"

lemma filter_map_filter:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "mono f"
      and "x y . f x  y  (z . x  z  y = f z)"
    shows "filter (f ` F)"
proof (unfold ord_class.filter_def, intro conjI)
  show "f ` F  {}"
    using assms(1) ord_class.filter_def by auto
  show "xf ` F . yf ` F . zf ` F . z  x  z  y"
  proof (intro ballI)
    fix x y
    assume "x  f ` F" and "y  f ` F"
    then obtain u v where 1: "x = f u  u  F  y = f v  v  F"
      by auto
    then obtain w where "w  u  w  v  w  F"
      by (meson assms(1) ord_class.filter_def)
    thus "zf ` F . z  x  z  y"
      using 1 assms(2) mono_def image_eqI by blast
  show "is_up_set (f ` F)"
    fix x
    assume "x  f ` F"
    then obtain u where 1: "x = f u  u  F"
      by auto
    show "y . x  y  y  f ` F"
    proof (rule allI, rule impI)
      fix y
      assume "x  y"
      hence "f u  y"
        using 1 by simp
      then obtain z where "u  z  y = f z"
        using assms(3) by auto
      thus "y  f ` F"
        by (meson 1 assms(1) image_iff ord_class.filter_def)


context order

lemma self_in_downset [simp]:
  "x  x"
  by simp

lemma self_in_upset [simp]:
  "x  x"
  by simp

lemma up_filter [simp]:
  "filter (x)"
  using filter_def order_lesseq_imp by auto

lemma up_set_up_set [simp]:
  "is_up_set (X)"
  using order.trans by fastforce

lemma up_injective:
  "x = y  x = y"
  using order.antisym by auto

lemma up_antitone:
  "x  y  y  x"
  by auto


context order_bot

lemma bot_in_downset [simp]:
  "bot  x"
  by simp

lemma down_bot [simp]:
  "bot = {bot}"
  by (simp add: bot_unique)

lemma up_bot [simp]:
  "bot = UNIV"
  by simp

text ‹
The following result is the ultrafilter lemma, generalised from cite‹10.17› in "DaveyPriestley2002" to orders with a least element.
Its proof uses Isabelle/HOL's Zorn_Lemma›, which requires closure under union of arbitrary (possibly empty) chains.
Actually, the proof does not use any of the underlying order properties except bot_least›.

lemma ultra_filter:
  assumes "proper_filter F"
    shows "G . ultra_filter G  F  G"
proof -
  let ?A = "{ G . (proper_filter G  F  G)  G = {} }"
  have "C  chains ?A . C  ?A"
    fix C :: "'a set set"
    let ?D = "C - {{}}"
    assume 1: "C  chains ?A"
    hence 2: "x?D . H?D . x  H  proper_filter H"
      using chainsD2 by fastforce
    have 3: "?D = C"
      by blast
    have "?D  ?A"
    proof (cases "?D = {}")
      assume "?D = {}"
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
      assume 4: "?D  {}"
      then obtain G where "G  ?D"
        by auto
      hence 5: "F  ?D"
        using 1 chainsD2 by blast
      have 6: "is_up_set (?D)"
        fix x
        assume "x  ?D"
        then obtain H where "x  H  H  ?D  filter H"
          using 2 by auto
        thus "y . x  y  y?D"
          using filter_def UnionI by fastforce
      have 7: "?D  UNIV"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ ?D  UNIV"
        then obtain H where "bot  H  proper_filter H"
          using 2 by blast
        thus False
          by (meson UNIV_I bot_least filter_def subsetI subset_antisym)
        fix x y
        assume "x?D  y?D"
        then obtain H I where 8: "x  H  H  ?D  filter H  y  I  I  ?D  filter I"
          using 2 by metis
        have "z?D . z  x  z  y"
        proof (cases "H  I")
          assume "H  I"
          hence "zI . z  x  z  y"
            using 8 by (metis subsetCE filter_def)
          thus ?thesis
            using 8 by (metis UnionI)
          assume "¬ (H  I)"
          hence "I  H"
            using 1 8 by (meson DiffE chainsD)
          hence "zH . z  x  z  y"
            using 8 by (metis subsetCE filter_def)
          thus ?thesis
            using 8 by (metis UnionI)
      thus ?thesis
        using 4 5 6 7 filter_def by auto
    thus "C  ?A"
      using 3 by simp
  hence "M?A . X?A . M  X  X = M"
    by (rule Zorn_Lemma)
  then obtain M where 9: "M  ?A  (X?A . M  X  X = M)"
    by auto
  hence 10: "M  {}"
    using assms filter_def by auto
    fix G
    assume 11: "proper_filter G  M  G"
    hence "F  G"
      using 9 10 by blast
    hence "M = G"
      using 9 11 by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using 9 10 by blast


context order_top

lemma down_top [simp]:
  "top = UNIV"
  by simp

lemma top_in_upset [simp]:
  "top  x"
  by simp

lemma up_top [simp]:
  "top = {top}"
  by (simp add: top_unique)

lemma filter_top [simp]:
  "filter {top}"
  using filter_def top_unique by auto

lemma top_in_filter [simp]:
  "filter F  top  F"
  using filter_def by fastforce


text ‹
The existence of proper filters and ultrafilters requires that the underlying order contains at least two elements.

context non_trivial_order

lemma proper_filter_exists:
  "F . proper_filter F"
proof -
  from consistent obtain x y :: 'a where "x  y"
    by auto
  hence "x  UNIV  y  UNIV"
    using order.antisym by blast
  hence "proper_filter (x)  proper_filter (y)"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by blast


context non_trivial_order_bot

lemma ultra_filter_exists:
  "F . ultra_filter F"
  using ultra_filter proper_filter_exists by blast


context non_trivial_bounded_order

lemma proper_filter_top:
  "proper_filter {top}"
  using bot_not_top filter_top by blast

lemma ultra_filter_top:
  "G . ultra_filter G  top  G"
  using ultra_filter proper_filter_top by fastforce


subsection ‹Lattices›

text ‹
This section develops the lattice structure of filters based on a semilattice structure of the underlying order.
The main results are that filters over a directed semilattice form a lattice with a greatest element and that filters over a bounded semilattice form a bounded lattice.

context semilattice_sup

abbreviation prime_filter :: "'a set  bool"
  where "prime_filter F  proper_filter F  (x y . x  y  F  x  F  y  F)"


context semilattice_inf

lemma filter_inf_closed:
  "filter F  x  F  y  F  x  y  F"
  by (meson filter_def inf.boundedI)

lemma filter_univ:
  "filter UNIV"
  by (meson UNIV_I UNIV_not_empty filter_def inf.cobounded1 inf.cobounded2)

text ‹
The operation filter_sup› is the join operation in the lattice of filters.

definition "filter_sup F G  { z . xF . yG . x  y  z }"

lemma filter_sup:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "filter G"
    shows "filter (filter_sup F G)"
proof -
  have "F  {}  G  {}"
    using assms filter_def by blast
  hence 1: "filter_sup F G  {}"
    using filter_sup_def by blast
  have 2: "xfilter_sup F G . yfilter_sup F G . zfilter_sup F G . z  x  z  y"
    fix x
    assume "xfilter_sup F G"
    then obtain t u where 3: "t  F  u  G  t  u  x"
      using filter_sup_def by auto
    show "yfilter_sup F G . zfilter_sup F G . z  x  z  y"
      fix y
      assume "yfilter_sup F G"
      then obtain v w where 4: "v  F  w  G  v  w  y"
        using filter_sup_def by auto
      let ?z = "(t  v)  (u  w)"
      have 5: "?z  x  ?z  y"
        using 3 4 by (meson order.trans inf.cobounded1 inf.cobounded2 inf_mono)
      have "?z  filter_sup F G"
        unfolding filter_sup_def using assms 3 4 filter_inf_closed by blast
      thus "zfilter_sup F G . z  x  z  y"
        using 5 by blast
  have "xfilter_sup F G . y . x  y  y  filter_sup F G"
    unfolding filter_sup_def using order_trans by blast
  thus ?thesis
    using 1 2 filter_def by presburger

lemma filter_sup_left_upper_bound:
  assumes "filter G"
    shows "F  filter_sup F G"
proof -
  from assms obtain y where "yG"
    using all_not_in_conv filter_def by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding filter_sup_def using inf.cobounded1 by blast

lemma filter_sup_symmetric:
  "filter_sup F G = filter_sup G F"
  unfolding filter_sup_def using inf.commute by fastforce

lemma filter_sup_right_upper_bound:
  "filter F  G  filter_sup F G"
  using filter_sup_symmetric filter_sup_left_upper_bound by simp

lemma filter_sup_least_upper_bound:
  assumes "filter H"
      and "F  H"
      and "G  H"
    shows "filter_sup F G  H"
  fix x
  assume "x  filter_sup F G"
  then obtain y z where 1: "y  F  z  G  y  z  x"
    using filter_sup_def by auto
  hence "y  H  z  H"
    using assms(2-3) by auto
  hence "y  z  H"
    by (simp add: assms(1) filter_inf_closed)
  thus "x  H"
    using 1 assms(1) filter_def by auto

lemma filter_sup_left_isotone:
  "G  H  filter_sup G F  filter_sup H F"
  unfolding filter_sup_def by blast

lemma filter_sup_right_isotone:
  "G  H  filter_sup F G  filter_sup F H"
  unfolding filter_sup_def by blast

lemma filter_sup_right_isotone_var:
  "filter_sup F (G  H)  filter_sup F H"
  unfolding filter_sup_def by blast

lemma up_dist_inf:
  "(x  y) = filter_sup (x) (y)"
  show "(x  y)  filter_sup (x) (y)"
    unfolding filter_sup_def by blast
  show "filter_sup (x) (y)  (x  y)"
    fix z
    assume "z  filter_sup (x) (y)"
    then obtain u v where "ux  vy  u  v  z"
      using filter_sup_def by auto
    hence "x  y  z"
      using order.trans inf_mono by blast
    thus "z  (x  y)"
      by blast

text ‹
The following result is part of cite‹Exercise 2.23› in "DaveyPriestley2002".

lemma filter_inf_filter [simp]:
  assumes "filter F"
    shows "filter ({ y . zF . x  z = y})"
proof -
  let ?G = "{ y . zF . x  z = y}"
  have "F  {}"
    using assms filter_def by simp
  hence 1: "?G  {}"
    by blast
  have 2: "is_up_set ?G"
    by auto
    fix y z
    assume "y  ?G  z  ?G"
    then obtain v w where "v  F  w  F  x  v  y  x  w  z"
      by auto
    hence "v  w  F  x  (v  w)  y  z"
      by (meson assms filter_inf_closed order.trans inf.boundedI inf.cobounded1 inf.cobounded2)
    hence "u?G . u  y  u  z"
      by auto
  hence "x?G . y?G . z?G . z  x  z  y"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using 1 2 filter_def by presburger


context directed_semilattice_inf

text ‹
Set intersection is the meet operation in the lattice of filters.

lemma filter_inf:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "filter G"
    shows "filter (F  G)"
proof (unfold filter_def, intro conjI)
  from assms obtain x y where 1: "xF  yG"
    using all_not_in_conv filter_def by auto
  from ub obtain z where "x  z  y  z"
    by auto
  hence "z  F  G"
    using 1 by (meson assms Int_iff filter_def)
  thus "F  G  {}"
    by blast
  show "is_up_set (F  G)"
    by (meson assms Int_iff filter_def)
  show "xF  G . yF  G . zF  G . z  x  z  y"
    by (metis assms Int_iff filter_inf_closed inf.cobounded2 inf.commute)


text ‹
We introduce the following type of filters to instantiate the lattice classes and thereby inherit the results shown about lattices.

typedef (overloaded) 'a filter = "{ F::'a::order set . filter F }"
  by (meson mem_Collect_eq up_filter)

lemma simp_filter [simp]:
  "filter (Rep_filter x)"
  using Rep_filter by simp

setup_lifting type_definition_filter

text ‹
The set of filters over a directed semilattice forms a lattice with a greatest element.

instantiation filter :: (directed_semilattice_inf) bounded_lattice_top

lift_definition top_filter :: "'a filter" is UNIV
  by (simp add: filter_univ)

lift_definition sup_filter :: "'a filter  'a filter  'a filter" is filter_sup
  by (simp add: filter_sup)

lift_definition inf_filter :: "'a filter  'a filter  'a filter" is inter
  by (simp add: filter_inf)

lift_definition less_eq_filter :: "'a filter  'a filter  bool" is subset_eq .

lift_definition less_filter :: "'a filter  'a filter  bool" is subset .

  apply intro_classes
  subgoal apply transfer by (simp add: less_le_not_le)
  subgoal apply transfer by simp
  subgoal apply transfer by simp
  subgoal apply transfer by simp
  subgoal apply transfer by simp
  subgoal apply transfer by simp
  subgoal apply transfer by simp
  subgoal apply transfer by (simp add: filter_sup_left_upper_bound)
  subgoal apply transfer by (simp add: filter_sup_right_upper_bound)
  subgoal apply transfer by (simp add: filter_sup_least_upper_bound)
  subgoal apply transfer by simp


context bounded_semilattice_inf_top

abbreviation "filter_complements F G  filter F  filter G  filter_sup F G = UNIV  F  G = {top}"


text ‹
The set of filters over a bounded semilattice forms a bounded lattice.

instantiation filter :: (bounded_semilattice_inf_top) bounded_lattice

lift_definition bot_filter :: "'a filter" is "{top}"
  by simp

  apply intro_classes
  apply transfer
  by simp


context lattice

lemma up_dist_sup:
  "(x  y) = x  y"
  by auto


text ‹
For convenience, the following function injects principal filters into the filter type.
We cannot define it in the order› class since the type filter requires the sort constraint order› that is not available in the class.
The result of the function is a filter by lemma up_filter›.

abbreviation up_filter :: "'a::order  'a filter"
  where "up_filter x  Abs_filter (x)"

lemma up_filter_dist_inf:
  "up_filter ((x::'a::lattice)  y) = up_filter x  up_filter y"
  by (simp add: eq_onp_def sup_filter.abs_eq up_dist_inf)

lemma up_filter_dist_sup:
  "up_filter ((x::'a::lattice)  y) = up_filter x  up_filter y"
  by (metis eq_onp_def inf_filter.abs_eq up_dist_sup up_filter)

lemma up_filter_injective:
  "up_filter x = up_filter y  x = y"
  by (metis Abs_filter_inject mem_Collect_eq up_filter up_injective)

lemma up_filter_antitone:
  "x  y  up_filter y  up_filter x"
  by (metis eq_onp_same_args less_eq_filter.abs_eq up_antitone up_filter)

text ‹
The following definition applies a function to each element of a filter.
The subsequent lemma gives conditions under which the result of this application is a filter.

abbreviation filter_map :: "('a::order  'b::order)  'a filter  'b filter"
  where "filter_map f F  Abs_filter (f ` Rep_filter F)"

lemma filter_map_filter:
  assumes "mono f"
      and "x y . f x  y  (z . x  z  y = f z)"
    shows "filter (f ` Rep_filter F)"
  by (simp add: assms inf.filter_map_filter)

subsection ‹Distributive Lattices›

text ‹
In this section we additionally assume that the underlying order forms a distributive lattice.
Then filters form a bounded distributive lattice if the underlying order has a greatest element.
Moreover ultrafilters are prime filters.
We also prove a lemma of Gr\"atzer and Schmidt about principal filters.

context distrib_lattice

lemma filter_sup_left_dist_inf:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "filter G"
      and "filter H"
    shows "filter_sup F (G  H) = filter_sup F G  filter_sup F H"
  show "filter_sup F (G  H)  filter_sup F G  filter_sup F H"
    unfolding filter_sup_def using filter_sup_right_isotone_var by blast
  show "filter_sup F G  filter_sup F H  filter_sup F (G  H)"
    fix x
    assume "x  filter_sup F G  filter_sup F H"
    then obtain t u v w where 1: "t  F  u  G  v  F  w  H  t  u  x  v  w  x"
      using filter_sup_def by auto
    let ?y = "t  v"
    let ?z = "u  w"
    have 2: "?y  F"
      using 1 by (simp add: assms(1) filter_inf_closed)
    have 3: "?z  G  H"
      using 1 by (meson assms(2-3) Int_iff filter_def sup_ge1 sup_ge2)
    have "?y  ?z = (t  v  u)  (t  v  w)"
      by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib1)
    also have "...  (t  u)  (v  w)"
      by (metis inf.cobounded1 inf.cobounded2 inf.left_idem inf_mono sup.mono)
    also have "...  x"
      using 1 by (simp add: le_supI)
    finally show "x  filter_sup F (G  H)"
      unfolding filter_sup_def using 2 3 by blast

lemma filter_inf_principal_rep:
  "F  G = z  (xF . yG . z = x  y)"
  by force

lemma filter_sup_principal_rep:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "filter G"
      and "filter_sup F G = z"
    shows "xF . yG . z = x  y"
proof -
  from assms(3) obtain x y where 1: "xF  yG  x  y  z"
    unfolding filter_sup_def using order_refl by blast
  hence 2: "x  z  F  y  z  G"
    by (meson assms(1-2) sup_ge1 filter_def)
  have "(x  z)  (y  z) = z"
    using 1 sup_absorb2 sup_inf_distrib2 by fastforce
  thus ?thesis
    using 2 by force

lemma inf_sup_principal_aux:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "filter G"
      and "is_principal_up (filter_sup F G)"
      and "is_principal_up (F  G)"
    shows "is_principal_up F"
proof -
  from assms(3-4) obtain x y where 1: "filter_sup F G = x  F  G = y"
    by blast
  from filter_inf_principal_rep obtain t u where 2: "tF  uG  y = t  u"
    using 1 by meson
  from filter_sup_principal_rep obtain v w where 3: "vF  wG  x = v  w"
    using 1 by (meson assms(1-2))
  have "t  filter_sup F G  u  filter_sup F G"
    unfolding filter_sup_def using 2 inf.cobounded1 inf.cobounded2 by blast
  hence "x  t  x  u"
    using 1 by blast
  hence 4: "(t  v)  (u  w) = x"
    using 3 by (simp add: inf.absorb2 inf.assoc inf.left_commute)
  have "(t  v)  (u  w)  F  (t  v)  (u  w)  G"
    using 2 3 by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1-2) filter_inf_closed sup.cobounded1 sup.cobounded2 filter_def)
  hence "y  (t  v)  (u  w)"
    using 1 Int_iff by blast
  hence 5: "(t  v)  (u  w) = y"
    using 2 by (simp add: order.antisym inf.coboundedI1)
  have "F = (t  v)"
    show "F  (t  v)"
      fix z
      assume 6: "z  F"
      hence "z  filter_sup F G"
        unfolding filter_sup_def using 2 inf.cobounded1 by blast
      hence "x  z"
        using 1 by simp
      hence 7: "(t  v  z)  (u  w) = x"
        using 4 by (metis inf.absorb1 inf.assoc inf.commute)
      have "z  u  F  z  u  G  z  w  F  z  w  G"
        using 2 3 6 by (meson assms(1-2) filter_def sup_ge1 sup_ge2)
      hence "y  (z  u)  (z  w)"
        using 1 Int_iff filter_inf_closed by auto
      hence 8: "(t  v  z)  (u  w) = y"
        using 5 by (metis inf.absorb1 sup.commute sup_inf_distrib2)
      have "t  v  z = t  v"
        using 4 5 7 8 relative_equality by blast
      thus "z  (t  v)"
        by (simp add: inf.orderI)
    show "(t  v)  F"
      fix z
      have 9: "t  v  F"
        using 2 3 by (simp add: assms(1) filter_inf_closed)
      assume "z  (t  v)"
      hence "t  v  z" by simp
      thus "z  F"
        using assms(1) 9 filter_def by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

text ‹
The following result is cite‹Lemma II› in "GraetzerSchmidt1958".
If both join and meet of two filters are principal filters, both filters are principal filters.

lemma inf_sup_principal:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "filter G"
      and "is_principal_up (filter_sup F G)"
      and "is_principal_up (F  G)"
    shows "is_principal_up F  is_principal_up G"
proof -
  have "filter G  filter F  is_principal_up (filter_sup G F)  is_principal_up (G  F)"
    by (simp add: assms Int_commute filter_sup_symmetric)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms(3) inf_sup_principal_aux by blast

lemma filter_sup_absorb_inf: "filter F  filter G  filter_sup (F  G) G = G"
  by (simp add: filter_inf filter_sup_least_upper_bound filter_sup_left_upper_bound filter_sup_symmetric subset_antisym)

lemma filter_inf_absorb_sup: "filter F  filter G  filter_sup F G  G = G"
  apply (rule subset_antisym)
  apply simp
  by (simp add: filter_sup_right_upper_bound)

lemma filter_inf_right_dist_sup:
  assumes "filter F"
      and "filter G"
      and "filter H"
    shows "filter_sup F G  H = filter_sup (F  H) (G  H)"
proof -
  have "filter_sup (F  H) (G  H) = filter_sup (F  H) G  filter_sup (F  H) H"
    by (simp add: assms filter_sup_left_dist_inf filter_inf)
  also have "... = filter_sup (F  H) G  H"
    using assms(1,3) filter_sup_absorb_inf by simp
  also have "... = filter_sup F G  filter_sup G H  H"
    using assms filter_sup_left_dist_inf filter_sup_symmetric by simp
  also have "... = filter_sup F G  H"
    by (simp add: assms(2-3) filter_inf_absorb_sup semilattice_inf_class.inf_assoc)
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp

text ‹
The following result generalises cite‹10.11› in "DaveyPriestley2002" to distributive lattices as remarked after that section.

lemma ultra_filter_prime:
  assumes "ultra_filter F"
    shows "prime_filter F"
proof -
    fix x y
    assume 1: "x  y  F  x  F"
    let ?G = "{ z . wF . x  w = z }"
    have 2: "filter ?G"
      using assms filter_inf_filter by simp
    have "x  ?G"
      using 1 by auto
    hence 3: "F  ?G"
      using 1 by auto
    have "F  ?G"
      using inf_le2 order_trans by blast
    hence "?G = UNIV"
      using 2 3 assms by blast
    then obtain z where 4: "z  F  x  z  y"
      by blast
    hence "y  z = (x  y)  z"
      by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2 sup_absorb2)
    also have "...  F"
      using 1 4 assms filter_inf_closed by auto
    finally have "y  F"
      using assms by (simp add: filter_def)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms by blast

lemma up_dist_inf_inter:
  assumes "is_up_set S"
    shows "(x  y)  S = filter_sup (x  S) (y  S)  S"
  show "(x  y)  S  filter_sup (x  S) (y  S)  S"
    fix z
    let ?x = "x  z"
    let ?y = "y  z"
    assume "z  (x  y)  S"
    hence 1: "x  y  z  z  S"
      by auto
    hence "?x  (x  S)  ?y  (y  S)  ?x  ?y  z"
      using assms sup_absorb2 sup_inf_distrib2 by fastforce
    thus "z  filter_sup (x  S) (y  S)  S"
      using filter_sup_def 1 by fastforce
  show "filter_sup (x  S) (y  S)  S  (x  y)  S"
    fix z
    assume "z  filter_sup (x  S) (y  S)  S"
    then obtain u v where 2: "ux  vy  u  v  z  z  S"
      using filter_sup_def by auto
    hence "x  y  z"
      using order.trans inf_mono by blast
    thus "z  (x  y)  S"
      using 2 by blast


context distrib_lattice_bot

lemma prime_filter:
  "proper_filter F  G . prime_filter G  F  G"
  by (metis ultra_filter ultra_filter_prime)


context distrib_lattice_top

lemma complemented_filter_inf_principal:
  assumes "filter_complements F G"
    shows "is_principal_up (F  x)"
proof -
  have 1: "filter F  filter G"
    by (simp add: assms)
  hence 2: "filter (F  x)  filter (G  x)"
    by (simp add: filter_inf)
  have "(F  x)  (G  x) = {top}"
    using assms Int_assoc Int_insert_left_if1 inf_bot_left inf_sup_aci(3) top_in_upset inf.idem by auto
  hence 3: "is_principal_up ((F  x)  (G  x))"
    using up_top by blast
  have "filter_sup (F  x) (G  x) = filter_sup F G  x"
    using 1 filter_inf_right_dist_sup up_filter by auto
  also have "... = x"
    by (simp add: assms)
  finally have "is_principal_up (filter_sup (F  x) (G  x))"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using 1 2 3 inf_sup_principal_aux by blast


text ‹
The set of filters over a distributive lattice with a greatest element forms a bounded distributive lattice.

instantiation filter :: (distrib_lattice_top) bounded_distrib_lattice

  apply intro_classes
  apply transfer
  by (simp add: filter_sup_left_dist_inf)

