Theory Contrib

(*  Title:      statecharts/DataSpace/Contrib.thy
    Author:     Steffen Helke and Florian Kammüller, Software Engineering Group
    Copyright   2010 Technische Universitaet Berlin

section ‹Contributions to the Standard Library of HOL›

theory Contrib
imports Main

subsection ‹Basic definitions and lemmas›

subsubsection ‹Lambda expressions›                  

definition restrict :: "['a => 'b, 'a set] => ('a => 'b)" where
 "restrict f A = (%x. if x : A then f x else (@ y. True))"

syntax (ASCII)
  "_lambda_in" :: "[pttrn, 'a set, 'a => 'b] => ('a => 'b)"  ("(3%_:_./ _)" [0, 0, 3] 3)
  "_lambda_in" :: "[pttrn, 'a set, 'a => 'b] => ('a => 'b)"  ("(3λ__./ _)" [0, 0, 3] 3)
  "λxA. f"  == "CONST restrict (%x. f) A"

subsubsection ‹Maps›                  

definition chg_map :: "('b => 'b) => 'a => ('a  'b) => ('a  'b)" where  
 "chg_map f a m = (case m a of None => m | Some b => m(a|->f b))"

lemma map_some_list [simp]:
   "map the (map Some L) = L"
apply (induct_tac L)
apply auto

lemma dom_ran_the:
  " ran G = {y}; x  (dom G)   (the (G x)) = y"
apply (unfold ran_def dom_def)
apply auto

lemma dom_None:
  "(S  dom F)  (F S = None)"
by (unfold dom_def, auto)

lemma ran_dom_the:
  " y  Union (ran G); x  dom G   y  the (G x)"
by (unfold ran_def dom_def, auto)

lemma dom_map_upd: "dom(m(a|->b)) = insert a (dom m)"
apply auto

subsubsection rtrancl›

lemma rtrancl_Int:
 " (a,b)  A; (a,b)  B   (a,b)  (A   B)^*"
by auto

lemma rtrancl_mem_Sigma:
 " a  b; (a, b)  (A × A)^*   b  A"
apply (frule rtranclD)
apply (cut_tac r="A × A" and A=A in trancl_subset_Sigma)
apply auto

lemma help_rtrancl_Range:
 " a  b; (a,b)  R ^*   b  Range R"
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply auto

lemma rtrancl_Int_help:
  "(a,b)  (A  B) ^*  ==> (a,b)  A^*  (a,b)  B^*"
apply (unfold Int_def)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac b=b in rtrancl_induct)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac b=b in rtrancl_induct)
apply auto

lemmas rtrancl_Int1 = rtrancl_Int_help [THEN conjunct1]
lemmas rtrancl_Int2 = rtrancl_Int_help [THEN conjunct2]

lemma tranclD3 [rule_format]:
  "(S,T)  R^+  (S,T)  R  ( U. (S,U)  R  (U,T)  R^+)"
apply (rule_tac a="S" and b="T" and r=R in trancl_induct)
apply auto

lemma tranclD4 [rule_format]:
  "(S,T)  R^+  (S,T)  R  ( U. (S,U)  R^+  (U,T)  R)"
apply (rule_tac a="S" and b="T" and r=R in trancl_induct)
apply auto

lemma trancl_collect [rule_format]:
  " (x,y)  R^*; S  Domain R   y  S  (x,y)  {p. fst p  S  snd p  S  p  R}^*"
apply (rule_tac b=y in rtrancl_induct)
apply auto
apply (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply fast
apply auto

lemma trancl_subseteq:
  " R  Q; S  R^*   S  Q^*"
apply (frule rtrancl_mono)
apply fast

lemma trancl_Int_subset:
   "(R  (A × A))+  R+  (A × A)"
apply (rule subsetI) 
apply (rename_tac S)
apply (case_tac "S")
apply (rename_tac T V)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac a=T and b=V and r="(R   A × A)" in converse_trancl_induct, auto)+

lemma trancl_Int_mem:
   "(S,T)  (R  (A × A))+  (S,T)   R+  A × A"
by (rule trancl_Int_subset [THEN subsetD], assumption)

lemma Int_expand: 
  "{(S,S'). P S S'   Q S S'} = ({(S,S'). P S S'}  {(S,S'). Q S S'})"
by auto

subsubsection finite›

lemma finite_conj:  
 "finite ({(S,S'). P S S'}::(('a*'b)set))   
     finite {(S,S'). P (S::'a) (S'::'b)  Q (S::'a) (S'::'b)}"
apply (rule impI)
apply (subst Int_expand)
apply (rule finite_Int)
apply auto

lemma finite_conj2:
  " finite A; finite B   finite ({(S,S'). S: A  S' : B})"
by auto

subsubsection override›

lemma dom_override_the:
  "(x  (dom G2))  ((G1 ++ G2) x) = (G2 x)"
by (auto)

lemma dom_override_the2 [simp]:
  " dom G1  dom G2 = {}; x  (dom G1)   ((G1 ++ G2) x) = (G1 x)"
apply (unfold dom_def map_add_def)
apply auto
apply (drule sym)
apply (erule equalityE)
apply (unfold Int_def)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x=x in allE)
apply auto

lemma dom_override_the3 [simp]:
  " x  dom G2; x  dom G1   ((G1 ++ G2) x) = (G1 x)"
apply (unfold dom_def map_add_def)
apply auto

lemma Union_ran_override [simp]:
  "S  dom G   (ran (G ++ Map.empty(S  insert SA (the(G S))))) = 
   (insert SA (Union (ran G)))"
apply (unfold dom_def ran_def)
apply auto
apply (rename_tac T)
apply (case_tac "T = S")
apply auto

lemma Union_ran_override2 [simp]:
  "S  dom G   (ran (G(S  insert SA (the(G S))))) = (insert SA (Union (ran G)))"
apply (unfold dom_def ran_def)
apply auto
apply (rename_tac T)
apply (case_tac "T = S")
apply auto

lemma ran_override [simp]:
  "(dom A  dom B) = {}  ran (A ++ B) = (ran A)  (ran B)"
apply (unfold Int_def ran_def)
apply (simp add: map_add_Some_iff)
apply auto

lemma chg_map_new [simp]:
  "m a = None  chg_map f a m = m"
by (unfold chg_map_def, auto)

lemma chg_map_upd [simp]:
  "m a = Some b  chg_map f a m = m(a|->f b)"
by (unfold chg_map_def, auto)

lemma ran_override_chg_map:
  "A  dom G  ran (G ++ Map.empty(A|->B)) = (ran (chg_map (λ x. B) A G))"
apply (unfold dom_def ran_def)
apply (subst map_add_Some_iff [THEN ext])
apply auto
apply (rename_tac T)
apply (case_tac "T = A")
apply auto

subsubsection Part›

definition  Part :: "['a set, 'b => 'a] => 'a set" where
            "Part A h = A  {x.  z. x = h(z)}"

lemma Part_UNIV_Inl_comp: 
 "((Part UNIV (Inl o f)) = (Part UNIV (Inl o g))) = ((Part UNIV f) = (Part UNIV g))"
apply (unfold Part_def)
apply auto
apply (erule equalityE)
apply (erule subsetCE)
apply auto
apply (erule equalityE)
apply (erule subsetCE)
apply auto

lemma Part_eqI [intro]: " a  A; a=h(b)   a  Part A h"
by (auto simp add: Part_def)

lemmas PartI = Part_eqI [OF _ refl]

lemma PartE [elim!]: " a  Part A h;  !!z.  a  A;  a=h(z)   P   P"
by (auto simp add: Part_def)

lemma Part_subset: "Part A h  A"
by (auto simp add: Part_def)

lemma Part_mono: "A  B  Part A h  Part B h"
by blast

lemmas basic_monos = basic_monos Part_mono

lemma PartD1: "a  Part A h  a  A"
by (simp add: Part_def)

lemma Part_id: "Part A (λ x. x) = A"
by blast

lemma Part_Int: "Part (A  B) h = (Part A h)  (Part B h)"
by blast

lemma Part_Collect: "Part (A  {x. P x}) h = (Part A h)  {x. P x}"
by blast

subsubsection ‹Set operators›

lemma subset_lemma:
  " A  B = {}; A  B   A = {}"
by auto

lemma subset_lemma2:
 " B  A = {}; C  A   C  B = {}"
by auto

lemma insert_inter:
  " a  A; (A  B) = {}   (A  (insert a B)) = {}"
by auto

lemma insert_notmem:
  " a  b; a  B   a  (insert b B)"
by auto

lemma insert_union:
 "A  (insert a B) = insert a A  B"
by auto

lemma insert_or:
     "{s. s = t1   (P s)} = insert t1 {s. P s }"
by auto

lemma Collect_subset: 
  "{x . x  A  P x} = {x  Pow A. P x}"
by auto

lemma OneElement_Card [simp]:
  " finite M; card M <= Suc 0; t  M   M = {t}"
apply auto
apply (rename_tac s)
apply (rule_tac P="finite M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="card M <= Suc 0" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="t  M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac F="M" in finite_induct)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac P="finite M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="card M <= Suc 0" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="s  M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="t  M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac F="M" in finite_induct)
apply auto
subsubsection ‹One point rule›

lemma Ex1_one_point [simp]: 
  "(∃! x. P x  x = a) = P a"
by auto

lemma Ex1_one_point2 [simp]:
  "(∃! x. P x  Q x  x = a) = (P a  Q a)"
by auto

lemma Some_one_point [simp]:
 "P a  (SOME x. P x  x = a) = a"
by auto

lemma Some_one_point2 [simp]:
 " Q a; P a   (SOME x. P x  Q x  x = a) = a"
by auto
