Theory Contrib
section ‹Contributions to the Standard Library of HOL›
theory Contrib
imports Main
subsection ‹Basic definitions and lemmas›
subsubsection ‹Lambda expressions›
definition restrict :: "['a => 'b, 'a set] => ('a => 'b)" where
"restrict f A = (%x. if x : A then f x else (@ y. True))"
syntax (ASCII)
"_lambda_in" :: "[pttrn, 'a set, 'a => 'b] => ('a => 'b)" ("(3%_:_./ _)" [0, 0, 3] 3)
"_lambda_in" :: "[pttrn, 'a set, 'a => 'b] => ('a => 'b)" ("(3λ_∈_./ _)" [0, 0, 3] 3)
"λx∈A. f" == "CONST restrict (%x. f) A"
subsubsection ‹Maps›
definition chg_map :: "('b => 'b) => 'a => ('a ⇀ 'b) => ('a ⇀ 'b)" where
"chg_map f a m = (case m a of None => m | Some b => m(a|->f b))"
lemma map_some_list [simp]:
"map the (map Some L) = L"
apply (induct_tac L)
apply auto
lemma dom_ran_the:
"⟦ ran G = {y}; x ∈ (dom G) ⟧ ⟹ (the (G x)) = y"
apply (unfold ran_def dom_def)
apply auto
lemma dom_None:
"(S ∉ dom F) ⟹ (F S = None)"
by (unfold dom_def, auto)
lemma ran_dom_the:
"⟦ y ∉ Union (ran G); x ∈ dom G ⟧ ⟹ y ∉ the (G x)"
by (unfold ran_def dom_def, auto)
lemma dom_map_upd: "dom(m(a|->b)) = insert a (dom m)"
apply auto
subsubsection ‹‹rtrancl››
lemma rtrancl_Int:
"⟦ (a,b) ∈ A; (a,b) ∈ B ⟧ ⟹ (a,b) ∈ (A ∩ B)^*"
by auto
lemma rtrancl_mem_Sigma:
"⟦ a ≠ b; (a, b) ∈ (A × A)^* ⟧ ⟹ b ∈ A"
apply (frule rtranclD)
apply (cut_tac r="A × A" and A=A in trancl_subset_Sigma)
apply auto
lemma help_rtrancl_Range:
"⟦ a ≠ b; (a,b) ∈ R ^* ⟧ ⟹ b ∈ Range R"
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply auto
lemma rtrancl_Int_help:
"(a,b) ∈ (A ∩ B) ^* ==> (a,b) ∈ A^* ∧ (a,b) ∈ B^*"
apply (unfold Int_def)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac b=b in rtrancl_induct)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac b=b in rtrancl_induct)
apply auto
lemmas rtrancl_Int1 = rtrancl_Int_help [THEN conjunct1]
lemmas rtrancl_Int2 = rtrancl_Int_help [THEN conjunct2]
lemma tranclD3 [rule_format]:
"(S,T) ∈ R^+ ⟹ (S,T) ∉ R ⟶ (∃ U. (S,U) ∈ R ∧ (U,T) ∈ R^+)"
apply (rule_tac a="S" and b="T" and r=R in trancl_induct)
apply auto
lemma tranclD4 [rule_format]:
"(S,T) ∈ R^+ ⟹ (S,T) ∉ R ⟶ (∃ U. (S,U) ∈ R^+ ∧ (U,T) ∈ R)"
apply (rule_tac a="S" and b="T" and r=R in trancl_induct)
apply auto
lemma trancl_collect [rule_format]:
"⟦ (x,y) ∈ R^*; S ∉ Domain R ⟧ ⟹ y ≠ S ⟶ (x,y) ∈ {p. fst p ≠ S ∧ snd p ≠ S ∧ p ∈ R}^*"
apply (rule_tac b=y in rtrancl_induct)
apply auto
apply (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply fast
apply auto
lemma trancl_subseteq:
"⟦ R ⊆ Q; S ∈ R^* ⟧ ⟹ S ∈ Q^*"
apply (frule rtrancl_mono)
apply fast
lemma trancl_Int_subset:
"(R ∩ (A × A))⇧+ ⊆ R⇧+ ∩ (A × A)"
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (rename_tac S)
apply (case_tac "S")
apply (rename_tac T V)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac a=T and b=V and r="(R ∩ A × A)" in converse_trancl_induct, auto)+
lemma trancl_Int_mem:
"(S,T) ∈ (R ∩ (A × A))⇧+ ⟹ (S,T) ∈ R⇧+ ∩ A × A"
by (rule trancl_Int_subset [THEN subsetD], assumption)
lemma Int_expand:
"{(S,S'). P S S' ∧ Q S S'} = ({(S,S'). P S S'} ∩ {(S,S'). Q S S'})"
by auto
subsubsection ‹‹finite››
lemma finite_conj:
"finite ({(S,S'). P S S'}::(('a*'b)set)) ⟶
finite {(S,S'). P (S::'a) (S'::'b) ∧ Q (S::'a) (S'::'b)}"
apply (rule impI)
apply (subst Int_expand)
apply (rule finite_Int)
apply auto
lemma finite_conj2:
"⟦ finite A; finite B ⟧ ⟹ finite ({(S,S'). S: A ∧ S' : B})"
by auto
subsubsection ‹‹override››
lemma dom_override_the:
"(x ∈ (dom G2)) ⟶ ((G1 ++ G2) x) = (G2 x)"
by (auto)
lemma dom_override_the2 [simp]:
"⟦ dom G1 ∩ dom G2 = {}; x ∈ (dom G1) ⟧ ⟹ ((G1 ++ G2) x) = (G1 x)"
apply (unfold dom_def map_add_def)
apply auto
apply (drule sym)
apply (erule equalityE)
apply (unfold Int_def)
apply auto
apply (erule_tac x=x in allE)
apply auto
lemma dom_override_the3 [simp]:
"⟦ x ∉ dom G2; x ∈ dom G1 ⟧ ⟹ ((G1 ++ G2) x) = (G1 x)"
apply (unfold dom_def map_add_def)
apply auto
lemma Union_ran_override [simp]:
"S ∈ dom G ⟹ ⋃ (ran (G ++ Map.empty(S ↦ insert SA (the(G S))))) =
(insert SA (Union (ran G)))"
apply (unfold dom_def ran_def)
apply auto
apply (rename_tac T)
apply (case_tac "T = S")
apply auto
lemma Union_ran_override2 [simp]:
"S ∈ dom G ⟹ ⋃ (ran (G(S ↦ insert SA (the(G S))))) = (insert SA (Union (ran G)))"
apply (unfold dom_def ran_def)
apply auto
apply (rename_tac T)
apply (case_tac "T = S")
apply auto
lemma ran_override [simp]:
"(dom A ∩ dom B) = {} ⟹ ran (A ++ B) = (ran A) ∪ (ran B)"
apply (unfold Int_def ran_def)
apply (simp add: map_add_Some_iff)
apply auto
lemma chg_map_new [simp]:
"m a = None ⟹ chg_map f a m = m"
by (unfold chg_map_def, auto)
lemma chg_map_upd [simp]:
"m a = Some b ⟹ chg_map f a m = m(a|->f b)"
by (unfold chg_map_def, auto)
lemma ran_override_chg_map:
"A ∈ dom G ⟹ ran (G ++ Map.empty(A|->B)) = (ran (chg_map (λ x. B) A G))"
apply (unfold dom_def ran_def)
apply (subst map_add_Some_iff [THEN ext])
apply auto
apply (rename_tac T)
apply (case_tac "T = A")
apply auto
subsubsection ‹‹Part››
definition Part :: "['a set, 'b => 'a] => 'a set" where
"Part A h = A ∩ {x. ∃ z. x = h(z)}"
lemma Part_UNIV_Inl_comp:
"((Part UNIV (Inl o f)) = (Part UNIV (Inl o g))) = ((Part UNIV f) = (Part UNIV g))"
apply (unfold Part_def)
apply auto
apply (erule equalityE)
apply (erule subsetCE)
apply auto
apply (erule equalityE)
apply (erule subsetCE)
apply auto
lemma Part_eqI [intro]: "⟦ a ∈ A; a=h(b) ⟧ ⟹ a ∈ Part A h"
by (auto simp add: Part_def)
lemmas PartI = Part_eqI [OF _ refl]
lemma PartE [elim!]: "⟦ a ∈ Part A h; !!z. ⟦ a ∈ A; a=h(z) ⟧ ⟹ P ⟧ ⟹ P"
by (auto simp add: Part_def)
lemma Part_subset: "Part A h ⊆ A"
by (auto simp add: Part_def)
lemma Part_mono: "A ⊆ B ⟹ Part A h ⊆ Part B h"
by blast
lemmas basic_monos = basic_monos Part_mono
lemma PartD1: "a ∈ Part A h ⟹ a ∈ A"
by (simp add: Part_def)
lemma Part_id: "Part A (λ x. x) = A"
by blast
lemma Part_Int: "Part (A ∩ B) h = (Part A h) ∩ (Part B h)"
by blast
lemma Part_Collect: "Part (A ∩ {x. P x}) h = (Part A h) ∩ {x. P x}"
by blast
subsubsection ‹Set operators›
lemma subset_lemma:
"⟦ A ∩ B = {}; A ⊆ B ⟧ ⟹ A = {}"
by auto
lemma subset_lemma2:
"⟦ B ∩ A = {}; C ⊆ A ⟧ ⟹ C ∩ B = {}"
by auto
lemma insert_inter:
"⟦ a ∉ A; (A ∩ B) = {} ⟧ ⟹ (A ∩ (insert a B)) = {}"
by auto
lemma insert_notmem:
"⟦ a ≠ b; a ∉ B ⟧ ⟹ a ∉ (insert b B)"
by auto
lemma insert_union:
"A ∪ (insert a B) = insert a A ∪ B"
by auto
lemma insert_or:
"{s. s = t1 ∨ (P s)} = insert t1 {s. P s }"
by auto
lemma Collect_subset:
"{x . x ⊆ A ∧ P x} = {x ∈ Pow A. P x}"
by auto
lemma OneElement_Card [simp]:
"⟦ finite M; card M <= Suc 0; t ∈ M ⟧ ⟹ M = {t}"
apply auto
apply (rename_tac s)
apply (rule_tac P="finite M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="card M <= Suc 0" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="t ∈ M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac F="M" in finite_induct)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac P="finite M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="card M <= Suc 0" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="s ∈ M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac P="t ∈ M" in mp)
apply (rule_tac F="M" in finite_induct)
apply auto
subsubsection ‹One point rule›
lemma Ex1_one_point [simp]:
"(∃! x. P x ∧ x = a) = P a"
by auto
lemma Ex1_one_point2 [simp]:
"(∃! x. P x ∧ Q x ∧ x = a) = (P a ∧ Q a)"
by auto
lemma Some_one_point [simp]:
"P a ⟹ (SOME x. P x ∧ x = a) = a"
by auto
lemma Some_one_point2 [simp]:
"⟦ Q a; P a ⟧ ⟹ (SOME x. P x ∧ Q x ∧ x = a) = a"
by auto