Theory Projective_Space
section ‹Projective Space›
theory Projective_Space
imports Differentiable_Manifold "HOL-Library.Quotient_Set"
text ‹Some of the main things to note here: double transfer (-> nonzero -> quotient)›
subsection ‹Subtype of nonzero elements›
lemma open_ne_zero: "open {x::'a::t1_space. x ≠ c}"
proof -
have "{x::'a. x ≠ c} = UNIV - {c}" by auto
also have "open …" by (rule open_delete; rule open_UNIV)
finally show ?thesis .
typedef (overloaded) 'a::euclidean_space nonzero = "UNIV - {0::'a::euclidean_space}" by auto
setup_lifting type_definition_nonzero
instantiation nonzero :: (euclidean_space) topological_space
lift_definition open_nonzero::"'a nonzero set ⇒ bool" is "open::'a set ⇒ bool" .
apply standard
subgoal by transfer (auto simp: open_ne_zero)
subgoal by transfer auto
subgoal by transfer auto
lemma open_nonzero_openin_transfer:
"(rel_set (pcr_nonzero A) ===> (=)) (openin (top_of_set (Collect (Domainp (pcr_nonzero A))))) open"
if "is_equality A"
unfolding is_equality_def[THEN iffD1, OF that]
fix X::"'a set" and Y::"'a nonzero set"
assume t[transfer_rule]: "rel_set (pcr_nonzero (=)) X Y"
show "openin (top_of_set (Collect (Domainp (pcr_nonzero (=))))) X = open Y"
apply (auto simp: openin_subtopology)
subgoal by transfer (auto simp: nonzero.domain_eq open_ne_zero)
apply transfer
apply (rule exI[where x=X])
using t
by (auto simp: rel_set_def)
instantiation nonzero :: (euclidean_space) scaleR
lift_definition scaleR_nonzero::"real ⇒ 'a nonzero ⇒ 'a nonzero" is "λc x. if c = 0 then One else c *⇩R x"
by auto
instance ..
instantiation nonzero :: (euclidean_space) plus
lift_definition plus_nonzero::"'a nonzero ⇒ 'a nonzero ⇒ 'a nonzero" is "λx y. if x + y = 0 then One else x + y"
by auto
instance ..
instantiation nonzero :: (euclidean_space) minus
lift_definition minus_nonzero::"'a nonzero ⇒ 'a nonzero ⇒ 'a nonzero" is "λx y. if x = y then One else x - y"
by auto
instance ..
instantiation nonzero :: (euclidean_space) dist
lift_definition dist_nonzero::"'a nonzero ⇒ 'a nonzero ⇒ real" is dist .
instance ..
instantiation nonzero :: (euclidean_space) norm
lift_definition norm_nonzero::"'a nonzero ⇒ real" is norm .
instance ..
instance nonzero :: (euclidean_space) t2_space
apply standard
apply transfer
subgoal for x y
using hausdorff[of x y]
apply clarsimp
subgoal for U V
apply (rule exI[where x="U - {0}"])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI) defer
apply (rule exI[where x="V - {0}"])
by auto
lemma scaleR_one_nonzero[simp]: "1 *⇩R x = (x::_ nonzero)"
by transfer auto
lemma scaleR_scaleR_nonzero[simp]: "b ≠ 0 ⟹ scaleR a (scaleR b x) = scaleR (a * b) (x::_ nonzero)"
by transfer auto
instance nonzero :: (euclidean_space) second_countable_topology
proof standard
from ex_countable_basis[where 'a='a] obtain A::"'a set set" where "countable A" "topological_basis A"
by auto
define B where "B = (λX. Abs_nonzero ` (X - {0})) ` A"
have [transfer_rule]: "rel_set (rel_set (pcr_nonzero (=))) ((λX. X - {0})`A) B"
by (clarsimp simp: B_def rel_set_def pcr_nonzero_def OO_def cr_nonzero_def)
(metis Abs_nonzero_inverse Diff_iff UNIV_I singleton_iff)
from ‹topological_basis A›
have "topological_basis B"
unfolding topological_basis_def
apply transfer
apply safe
apply force
subgoal for X
apply (drule spec[where x=X])
apply clarsimp
subgoal for B'
apply (rule exI[where x=B'])
by auto
then show "∃B::'a nonzero set set. countable B ∧ open = generate_topology B"
apply (intro exI[where x=B])
by (auto simp add: B_def ‹countable A› topological_basis_imp_subbasis)
subsection ‹Quotient›
inductive proj_rel :: "'a::euclidean_space nonzero ⇒ 'a nonzero ⇒ bool" for x where
"c ≠ 0 ⟹ proj_rel x (c *⇩R x)"
lemma proj_rel_parametric: "(pcr_nonzero A ===> pcr_nonzero A ===> (=)) proj_rel proj_rel"
if [transfer_rule]: " ((=) ===> pcr_nonzero A ===> pcr_nonzero A) (*⇩R) (*⇩R)"
"bi_unique A"
unfolding proj_rel.simps
by transfer_prover
quotient_type (overloaded) 'a proj_space = "('a::euclidean_space × real) nonzero" / proj_rel
morphisms rep_proj Proj
parametric proj_rel_parametric
proof (rule equivpI)
show "reflp proj_rel"
using proj_rel.intros[where c=1, simplified] by (auto simp: reflp_def)
show "symp proj_rel"
unfolding symp_def
apply (auto elim!: proj_rel.cases)
subgoal for x c
by (rule proj_rel.intros[of "inverse c" "c *⇩R x", simplified])
show "transp proj_rel"
unfolding transp_def
by (auto elim!: proj_rel.cases intro!: proj_rel.intros)
lemma surj_Proj: "surj Proj"
apply safe
subgoal by force
subgoal for x by (induct x) auto
definition proj_topology :: "'a::euclidean_space proj_space topology" where
"proj_topology = map_topology Proj euclidean"
instantiation proj_space :: (euclidean_space) topological_space
definition open_proj_space :: "'a proj_space set ⇒ bool" where
"open_proj_space = openin (map_topology Proj euclidean)"
lemma topspace_map_Proj: "topspace (map_topology Proj euclidean) = UNIV"
using surj_Proj by auto
apply (rule topological_space.intro_of_class)
unfolding open_proj_space_def
using surj_Proj
by (rule topological_space_quotient)
lemma open_vimage_ProjI: "open T ⟹ open (Proj -` T)"
by (metis inf_top.right_neutral open_openin open_proj_space_def openin_map_topology topspace_euclidean)
lemma open_vimage_ProjD: "open (Proj -` T) ⟹ open T"
by (metis inf_top.right_neutral open_openin open_proj_space_def openin_map_topology top.extremum topspace_euclidean topspace_map_Proj topspace_map_topology)
lemma open_vimage_Proj_iff[simp]: "open (Proj -` T) = open T"
by (auto simp: open_vimage_ProjI open_vimage_ProjD)
lemma euclidean_proj_space_def: "euclidean = map_topology Proj euclidean"
apply (auto simp: topology_eq_iff openin_map_topology)
subgoal for x by (induction x) auto
subgoal for _ x by (induction x) auto
lemma continuous_on_proj_spaceI: "continuous_on (S) f" if "continuous_on (Proj -` S) (f o Proj)" "open (S)"
for f::"_ proj_space ⇒ _"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) continuous_on_open_vimage open_vimage_Proj_iff that vimage_Int vimage_comp)
lemma saturate_eq: "Proj -` Proj ` X = (⋃c∈UNIV-{0}. (*⇩R) c ` X)"
apply auto
subgoal for x y
proof -
assume "Proj x = Proj y" "y ∈ X"
then have "proj_rel x y" using proj_space.abs_eq_iff by auto
then show ?thesis using ‹y ∈ X›
by (force elim!: proj_rel.cases intro!: bexI[where x="inverse c" for c])
subgoal for c x
using proj_rel.intros[of c x]
by (metis imageI proj_space.abs_eq_iff)
lemma open_scaling_nonzero: "c ≠ 0 ⟹ open s ⟹ open ((*⇩R) c ` s::'a::euclidean_space nonzero set)"
by transfer auto
subsection ‹Proof of Hausdorff property›
lemma Proj_open_map: "open (Proj ` X)" if "open X"
proof -
note saturate_eq[of X]
also have "open ((⋃c∈UNIV - {0}. (*⇩R) c ` X))"
apply (rule open_Union)
apply (rule)
apply (erule imageE)
apply simp
apply (rule open_scaling_nonzero)
apply (simp)
apply (rule that)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma proj_rel_transfer[transfer_rule]:
"(pcr_nonzero A ===> pcr_nonzero A ===> (=)) (λx a. ∃c. a = sr c x ∧ c ≠ 0) proj_rel"
if [transfer_rule]: "((=) ===> pcr_nonzero A ===> pcr_nonzero A) sr (*⇩R)"
"bi_unique A"
unfolding proj_rel.simps
by (transfer_prover)
lemma bool_aux: "a ∧ (a ⟶ b) ⟷ a ∧ b" by auto
lemma closed_proj_rel: "closed {(x::'a::euclidean_space nonzero, y::'a nonzero). proj_rel x y}"
proof -
have closed_proj_rel_euclidean:
"∃A B. 0 ∉ A ∧ 0 ∉ B ∧ open A ∧ open B ∧ a ∈ A ∧ b ∈ B ∧
A × B ⊆ - {(x, y). (x, y) ≠ 0 ∧ (∃c. c ≠ 0 ∧ y = c *⇩R x)}"
if "⋀c. c ≠ 0 ⟹ b ≠ c *⇩R a" "a ≠ 0" "b ≠ 0"
for a b::'a
proof -
define a1 where "a1 = a /⇩R norm a"
define b1 where "b1 = b /⇩R norm b"
have norm_a1[simp]: "norm a1 = 1" and norm_b1[simp]: "norm b1 = 1"
using that
by (auto simp: a1_def b1_def divide_simps)
have a_alt_def: "a = norm a *⇩R a1" and b_alt_def: "b = norm b *⇩R b1"
using that
by (auto simp: a1_def b1_def)
have a1_neq_b1: "a1 ≠ b1" "a1 ≠ -b1"
using that(1)[of "norm b / norm a"] that(2-)
apply (auto simp: a1_def b1_def divide_simps)
apply (metis divideR_right divide_inverse inverse_eq_divide norm_eq_zero scaleR_scaleR)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.inverse_inverse b1_def b_alt_def inverse_eq_divide
scaleR_scaleR scale_eq_0_iff scale_minus_left that(1))
define e where "e = (1/2) * (min 1 (min (dist a1 b1) (dist (-a1) b1)))"
have e_less: "2 * e ≤ dist a1 b1" "2 * e ≤ dist (-a1) b1" "e < 1"
and e_pos: "0 < e"
using that a1_neq_b1
by (auto simp: e_def min_def)
define A1 where "A1 = ball a1 e ∩ {x. norm x = 1}"
define B1 where "B1 = ball b1 e ∩ {x. norm x = 1}"
have disjoint: "A1 ∩ B1 = {}" "uminus ` A1 ∩ B1 = {}"
using e_less
apply (auto simp: A1_def B1_def mem_ball)
apply (smt (verit, best) dist_commute dist_triangle)
apply (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) add_uminus_conv_diff diff_self dist_0_norm dist_add_cancel dist_commute dist_norm
have norm_1: "x ∈ A1 ⟹ norm x = 1"
"x ∈ B1 ⟹ norm x = 1"
for x
by (auto simp: A1_def B1_def)
define scales where "scales X = {c *⇩R x |c x. c ≠ 0 ∧ x ∈ X}" for X::"'a set"
have scales_mem: "c *⇩R x ∈ (scales X) ⟷ x ∈ (scales X)" if "c ≠ 0" for c x X
apply (auto simp: scales_def)
apply (metis eq_vector_fraction_iff that)
apply (metis divisors_zero that)
define A where "A = scales A1"
define B where "B = scales B1"
from disjoint have "A ∩ B = {}"
apply (auto simp: A_def B_def mem_ball scales_def, goal_cases)
by (smt (verit) disjoint_iff_not_equal imageI mult_cancel_right norm_1(1) norm_1(2) norm_scaleR
scaleR_left.minus scale_left_imp_eq scale_minus_right)
have "0 ∉ A" "0 ∉ B" using e_less ‹a ≠ 0› ‹b ≠ 0›
by (auto simp: A_def B_def A1_def B1_def mem_ball a1_def b1_def scales_def)
let ?S = "top_of_set {x. norm x = 1}"
have open_scales: "open (scales X)" if "openin ?S X" for X
proof -
have X1: "x ∈ X ⟹ norm x = 1" for x using that by (auto simp: openin_subtopology)
have "0 ∉ X" using that by (auto simp: openin_subtopology)
have "scales X = (λx. x /⇩R norm x) -` (X ∪ uminus ` X) ∩ (topspace (top_of_set (UNIV - {0})))"
apply (auto simp: scales_def)
subgoal for c x using ‹0 ∉ X›
apply (cases "c > 0")
by (auto simp: X1)
subgoal by (metis X1 norm_zero zero_neq_one)
subgoal for x
apply (rule exI[where x="norm x"])
apply (rule exI[where x="x /⇩R norm x"])
by auto
subgoal for x y apply (rule exI[where x="- norm x"]) apply (rule exI[where x=y])
apply auto
by (metis divideR_right norm_eq_zero scale_minus_right)
also have "openin (top_of_set (UNIV - {0})) …"
proof -
have *: " {y. inverse (norm y) * norm y = 1} = UNIV - {0}"
by auto
from that have "openin ?S (uminus ` X)"
apply (clarsimp simp: openin_subtopology)
by (auto simp: open_negations intro!: exI[where x="uminus ` T" for T])
then have "openin ?S (X ∪ uminus ` X)"
using ‹openin _ X› by auto
from _ this show ?thesis
apply (rule continuous_map_open)
apply (auto simp: continuous_map_def)
apply (subst(asm) openin_subtopology)
apply (auto simp: *)
apply (subst openin_subtopology)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for T
apply (rule exI[where x="(λx. x /⇩R norm x) -` T ∩ UNIV - {0}"])
apply (auto simp: Diff_eq)
apply (rule open_continuous_vimage)
by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
finally show ?thesis
apply (subst (asm) openin_subtopology)
by clarsimp auto
have "openin ?S A1" "openin ?S B1"
by (auto simp: openin_subtopology A1_def B1_def)
from open_scales[OF this(1)] open_scales[OF this(2)]
have "open A" "open B" by (simp_all add: A_def B_def)
have "a ∈ A" "b ∈ B"
by (force simp: A_def B_def A1_def B1_def that e_pos scales_def intro: a_alt_def b_alt_def)+
have False if "c *⇩R p ∈ B" "p ∈ A" "c ≠ 0" for p c
using that ‹0 ∉ A› ‹0 ∉ B› ‹A ∩ B = {}›
by (auto simp: A_def B_def scales_mem)
then have "A × B ⊆ - {(x, y). (x, y) ≠ 0 ∧ (∃c. c ≠ 0 ∧ y = c *⇩R x)}"
by (auto simp: prod_eq_iff)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding closed_def open_prod_def
apply transfer
apply (simp add: split_beta' bool_aux pred_prod.simps)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (clarsimp simp: pred_prod.simps[abs_def])
subgoal for a b
apply (subgoal_tac "(⋀c. c ≠ 0 ⟹ b ≠ c *⇩R a)")
using closed_proj_rel_euclidean[of b a]
apply clarsimp
subgoal for A B
apply (rule exI[where x=A])
apply (auto intro!: exI[where x=B])
apply (auto simp: subset_iff prod_eq_iff)
by blast
subgoal by auto
lemma closed_Proj_rel: "closed {(x, y). Proj x = Proj y}"
using closed_proj_rel
by (smt (verit) Collect_cong case_prodE case_prodI2 prod.inject proj_space.abs_eq_iff)
instance proj_space :: (euclidean_space) t2_space
apply (rule t2_space.intro_of_class)
using open_proj_space_def surj_Proj Proj_open_map closed_Proj_rel
by (rule t2_space_quotient)
instance proj_space :: (euclidean_space) second_countable_topology
apply (rule second_countable_topology.intro_of_class)
using open_proj_space_def surj_Proj Proj_open_map
by (rule second_countable_topology_quotient)
subsection ‹Charts›
subsubsection ‹Chart for last coordinate›
lift_definition chart_last_nonzero :: "('a::euclidean_space × real) nonzero ⇒ 'a" is "λ(x,c). x /⇩R c" .
lemma chart_last_nonzero_scaleR[simp]: "c ≠ 0 ⟹ chart_last_nonzero (c *⇩R n) = chart_last_nonzero n"
by (transfer) auto
lift_definition chart_last :: "'a::euclidean_space proj_space ⇒ 'a" is chart_last_nonzero
by (erule proj_rel.cases) auto
lift_definition chart_last_inv_nonzero :: "'a ⇒ ('a::euclidean_space×real) nonzero" is
"λx. (x, 1)"
by (auto simp: zero_prod_def)
lift_definition chart_last_inv :: "'a ⇒ 'a::euclidean_space proj_space" is chart_last_inv_nonzero .
lift_definition chart_last_domain_nonzeroP :: "('a::euclidean_space×real) nonzero ⇒ bool" is
"λx. snd x ≠ 0" .
lift_definition chart_last_domainP :: "'a::euclidean_space proj_space ⇒ bool" is chart_last_domain_nonzeroP
unfolding rel_set_def
by (safe elim!: proj_rel.cases; (transfer,simp))
lemma open_chart_last_domain: "open (Collect chart_last_domainP)"
unfolding open_proj_space_def
unfolding openin_map_topology
apply auto subgoal for x apply (induction x) by auto
apply transfer
apply transfer
unfolding Collect_conj_eq
apply (rule open_Int)
by (auto intro!: open_Collect_neq continuous_on_snd)
lemma Proj_vimage_chart_last_domainP: "Proj -` Collect chart_last_domainP = Collect (chart_last_domain_nonzeroP)"
apply safe
subgoal by transfer'
subgoal for x
by auto transfer
lemma chart_last_continuous:
notes [transfer_rule] = open_nonzero_openin_transfer
shows "continuous_on (Collect chart_last_domainP) chart_last"
apply (rule continuous_on_proj_spaceI)
unfolding o_def chart_last.abs_eq Proj_vimage_chart_last_domainP
apply transfer
subgoal by (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp: split_beta)
subgoal by (rule open_chart_last_domain)
lemma chart_last_inv_continuous:
notes [transfer_rule] = open_nonzero_openin_transfer
shows "continuous_on UNIV chart_last_inv"
unfolding chart_last_inv_def map_fun_def comp_id
apply (rule continuous_on_compose)
subgoal by transfer (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
by (metis continuous_on_open_vimage continuous_on_subset inf_top.right_neutral open_UNIV open_vimage_Proj_iff top_greatest)
lemma proj_rel_iff: "proj_rel a b ⟷ (∃c≠0. b = c *⇩R a)"
by (auto elim!: proj_rel.cases intro!: proj_rel.intros)
lemma chart_last_inverse: "chart_last_inv (chart_last x) = x" if "chart_last_domainP x"
using that
apply -
apply transfer
unfolding proj_rel_iff
apply transfer
apply (simp add: split_beta prod_eq_iff)
subgoal for x
by (rule exI[where x="snd x"]) auto
lemma chart_last_inv_inverse: "chart_last (chart_last_inv x) = x"
apply transfer
apply transfer
by auto
lemma chart_last_domainP_chart_last_inv: "chart_last_domainP (chart_last_inv x)"
apply transfer apply transfer by auto
lemma homeomorphism_chart_last:
"homeomorphism (Collect chart_last_domainP) UNIV chart_last chart_last_inv"
apply (auto simp: homeomorphism_def chart_last_inverse chart_last_inv_inverse
chart_last_continuous chart_last_inv_continuous)
apply transfer apply transfer apply (auto simp: split_beta')
subgoal for x by (rule image_eqI[where x="(x, 1)"]) (auto simp: prod_eq_iff)
apply transfer apply transfer by (auto simp: split_beta')
subgoal for x
by (rule image_eqI[where x="chart_last x"]) (auto simp: chart_last_inverse)
lift_definition last_chart::"('a::euclidean_space proj_space, 'a) chart" is
"(Collect chart_last_domainP, UNIV, chart_last, chart_last_inv)"
using homeomorphism_chart_last open_chart_last_domain by auto
subsubsection ‹Charts for first ‹DIM('a)› coordinates›
lift_definition chart_basis_nonzero :: "'a ⇒ ('a::euclidean_space×real)nonzero ⇒ 'a" is
"λb. λ(x,c). (x + (c - x ∙ b) *⇩R b) /⇩R (x ∙ b)" .
lift_definition chart_basis :: "'a ⇒ 'a::euclidean_space proj_space ⇒ 'a" is
apply (erule proj_rel.cases)
apply transfer
by (auto simp add: divide_simps algebra_simps)
lift_definition chart_basis_domain_nonzeroP :: "'a ⇒ ('a::euclidean_space×real) nonzero ⇒ bool" is
"λb (x, _). (x ∙ b) ≠ 0" .
lift_definition chart_basis_domainP :: "'a ⇒ 'a::euclidean_space proj_space ⇒ bool" is chart_basis_domain_nonzeroP
unfolding rel_set_def
apply (safe elim!: proj_rel.cases)
subgoal by transfer auto
subgoal by transfer auto
lemma Proj_vimage_chart_basis_domainP:
"Proj -` Collect (chart_basis_domainP b) = Collect (chart_basis_domain_nonzeroP b)"
apply safe
subgoal by transfer'
subgoal for x
by auto transfer
lemma open_chart_basis_domain: "open (Collect (chart_basis_domainP b))"
unfolding open_proj_space_def
unfolding openin_map_topology
apply auto subgoal for x apply (induction x) by auto
apply transfer
apply transfer
unfolding Collect_conj_eq
apply (rule open_Int)
apply (auto intro!: open_Collect_neq continuous_on_fst continuous_on_inner simp: split_beta)
lemma chart_basis_continuous:
notes [transfer_rule] = open_nonzero_openin_transfer
shows "continuous_on (Collect (chart_basis_domainP b)) (chart_basis b)"
apply (rule continuous_on_proj_spaceI)
unfolding o_def chart_basis.abs_eq Proj_vimage_chart_basis_domainP
apply transfer
subgoal by (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp: split_beta)
subgoal by (rule open_chart_basis_domain)
fixes b::"'a::euclidean_space"
assumes b: "b ∈ Basis"
lemma b_neq0: "b ≠ 0" using b by auto
lift_definition chart_basis_inv_nonzero :: "'a ⇒ ('a::euclidean_space × real) nonzero" is
"λx. (x + (1 - x ∙ b) *⇩R b, x ∙ b)"
apply (auto simp: zero_prod_def)
using b_neq0 using eq_neg_iff_add_eq_0 by force
lift_definition chart_basis_inv :: "'a ⇒ 'a::euclidean_space proj_space" is
chart_basis_inv_nonzero .
lemma chart_basis_inv_continuous:
notes [transfer_rule] = open_nonzero_openin_transfer
shows "continuous_on UNIV chart_basis_inv"
unfolding chart_basis_inv_def map_fun_def comp_id
apply (rule continuous_on_compose)
subgoal by transfer (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
unfolding continuous_map_iff_continuous euclidean_proj_space_def
using continuous_on_open_invariant open_vimage_Proj_iff by blast
lemma chart_basis_inv_inverse: "chart_basis b (chart_basis_inv x) = x"
apply transfer
apply transfer
using b_neq0 b
by (auto simp: algebra_simps divide_simps)
lemma chart_basis_inverse: "chart_basis_inv (chart_basis b x) = x" if "chart_basis_domainP b x"
using that
apply transfer
unfolding proj_rel_iff
apply transfer
apply (simp add: split_beta prod_eq_iff)
subgoal for x
apply (rule exI[where x="fst x ∙ b"])
using b
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma chart_basis_domainP_chart_basis_inv: "chart_basis_domainP b (chart_basis_inv x)"
apply transfer apply transfer by (use b in ‹auto simp: algebra_simps›)
lemma homeomorphism_chart_basis:
"homeomorphism (Collect (chart_basis_domainP b)) UNIV (chart_basis b) chart_basis_inv"
apply (auto simp: homeomorphism_def chart_basis_inverse chart_basis_inv_inverse
chart_basis_continuous chart_basis_inv_continuous)
apply transfer apply transfer apply (auto simp: split_beta')
subgoal for x
apply (rule image_eqI[where x="(x + (1 - (x ∙ b)) *⇩R b, x ∙ b)"])
using b
apply (auto simp add: algebra_simps divide_simps prod_eq_iff)
by (metis add.right_neutral b_neq0 inner_commute inner_eq_zero_iff inner_right_distrib inner_zero_right)
apply transfer apply transfer using b by (auto simp: split_beta' algebra_simps)
subgoal for x
by (rule image_eqI[where x="chart_basis b x"]) (auto simp: chart_basis_inverse)
lift_definition basis_chart::"('a proj_space, 'a) chart"
is "(Collect (chart_basis_domainP b), UNIV, chart_basis b, chart_basis_inv)"
using homeomorphism_chart_basis by (auto simp: open_chart_basis_domain)
subsubsection ‹Atlas›
definition "charts_proj_space = insert last_chart (basis_chart ` Basis)"
lemma chart_last_basis_defined:
"chart_last_domainP xa ⟹ chart_basis_domainP b xa ⟹ chart_last xa ∙ b ≠ 0"
apply transfer apply transfer by (auto simp: prod_eq_iff)
lemma chart_basis_last_defined:
"b ∈ Basis ⟹ chart_last_domainP xa ⟹ chart_basis_domainP b xa ⟹ chart_basis b xa ∙ b ≠ 0"
apply transfer apply transfer
by (auto simp: prod_eq_iff algebra_simps)
lemma compat_last_chart: "∞-smooth_compat last_chart (basis_chart b)"
if [transfer_rule]: "b ∈ Basis"
unfolding smooth_compat_def
proof (transfer; auto)
have "smooth_on {x. x ∙ b ≠ 0} (chart_basis b ∘ chart_last_inv)"
apply transfer
apply transfer
by (auto simp: o_def intro!: smooth_on_inverse smooth_on_scaleR smooth_on_inner smooth_on_add
smooth_on_minus open_Collect_neq continuous_intros)
then show "smooth_on (chart_last ` (Collect chart_last_domainP ∩ Collect (chart_basis_domainP b))) (chart_basis b ∘ chart_last_inv)"
by (rule smooth_on_subset) (auto simp: chart_last_basis_defined)
have "smooth_on {x. x ∙ b ≠ 0} (chart_last ∘ chart_basis_inv b)"
apply transfer
apply transfer
by (auto simp: o_def intro!: smooth_on_add smooth_on_scaleR smooth_on_minus smooth_on_inverse
smooth_on_inner open_Collect_neq continuous_intros)
then show "smooth_on (chart_basis b ` (Collect chart_last_domainP ∩ Collect (chart_basis_domainP b))) (chart_last ∘ chart_basis_inv b)"
by (rule smooth_on_subset) (auto simp: chart_basis_last_defined that)
lemma smooth_on_basis_comp_inv: "smooth_on {x. (x + (1 - x ∙ a) *⇩R a) ∙ b ≠ 0} (chart_basis b ∘ chart_basis_inv a)"
if [transfer_rule]: "a ∈ Basis" "b ∈ Basis"
apply transfer
apply transfer
by (auto intro!: smooth_on_add smooth_on_scaleR smooth_on_minus smooth_on_inner smooth_on_inverse
smooth_on_mult open_Collect_neq continuous_intros simp: o_def algebra_simps inner_Basis)
lemma chart_basis_basis_defined:
"a ≠ b ⟹ chart_basis_domainP a xa ⟹ chart_basis_domainP b xa ⟹ chart_basis a xa ∙ b ≠ 0"
if "a ∈ Basis" "b ∈ Basis"
using that
apply transfer
apply transfer
by (auto simp: algebra_simps inner_Basis prod_eq_iff)
lemma compat_basis_chart: "∞-smooth_compat (basis_chart a) (basis_chart b)"
if [transfer_rule]: "a ∈ Basis" "b ∈ Basis"
proof (cases "a = b")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: smooth_compat_refl)
case False
then show ?thesis
unfolding smooth_compat_def
apply (transfer; auto)
using smooth_on_basis_comp_inv[OF that]
apply (rule smooth_on_subset)
by (auto simp: algebra_simps inner_Basis chart_basis_basis_defined that)
using smooth_on_basis_comp_inv[OF that(2,1)]
apply (rule smooth_on_subset)
by (auto simp: algebra_simps inner_Basis chart_basis_basis_defined that)
lemma c_manifold_proj_space: "c_manifold charts_proj_space ∞"
by standard
(auto simp: charts_proj_space_def smooth_compat_refl smooth_compat_commute compat_last_chart