Theory Shadow_DOM_BaseTest
section‹Shadow DOM Base Tests›
theory Shadow_DOM_BaseTest
definition "assert_throws e p = do {
h ← get_heap;
(if (h ⊢ p →⇩e e) then return () else error AssertException)
notation assert_throws ("assert'_throws'(_, _')")
definition "test p h ⟷ h ⊢ ok p"
definition field_access :: "(string ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option) dom_prog) ⇒ string ⇒
(_, (_) object_ptr option) dom_prog" (infix "." 80)
"field_access m field = m field"
definition assert_equals :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"assert_equals l r = (if l = r then return () else error AssertException)"
definition assert_equals_with_message :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"assert_equals_with_message l r _ = (if l = r then return () else error AssertException)"
notation assert_equals ("assert'_equals'(_, _')")
notation assert_equals_with_message ("assert'_equals'(_, _, _')")
notation assert_equals ("assert'_array'_equals'(_, _')")
notation assert_equals_with_message ("assert'_array'_equals'(_, _, _')")
definition assert_not_equals :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"assert_not_equals l r = (if l ≠ r then return () else error AssertException)"
definition assert_not_equals_with_message :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"assert_not_equals_with_message l r _ = (if l ≠ r then return () else error AssertException)"
notation assert_not_equals ("assert'_not'_equals'(_, _')")
notation assert_not_equals_with_message ("assert'_not'_equals'(_, _, _')")
notation assert_not_equals ("assert'_array'_not'_equals'(_, _')")
notation assert_not_equals_with_message ("assert'_array'_not'_equals'(_, _, _')")
definition removeWhiteSpaceOnlyTextNodes :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"removeWhiteSpaceOnlyTextNodes _ = return ()"
subsection ‹Making the functions under test compatible with untyped languages such as JavaScript›
fun set_attribute_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ attr_key ⇒ attr_value ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"set_attribute_with_null (Some ptr) k v = (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ set_attribute element_ptr k (Some v))"
fun set_attribute_with_null2 :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ attr_key ⇒ attr_value option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"set_attribute_with_null2 (Some ptr) k v = (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ set_attribute element_ptr k v)"
notation set_attribute_with_null ("_ . setAttribute'(_, _')")
notation set_attribute_with_null2 ("_ . setAttribute'(_, _')")
fun get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option list) dom_prog"
"get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_with_null (Some ptr) = do {
children ← get_child_nodes ptr;
return (map (Some ∘ cast) children)
notation get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_with_null ("_ . childNodes")
fun create_element_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ string ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"create_element_with_null (Some owner_document_obj) tag = (case cast owner_document_obj of
Some owner_document ⇒ do {
element_ptr ← create_element owner_document tag;
return (Some (cast element_ptr))})"
notation create_element_with_null ("_ . createElement'(_')")
fun create_character_data_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ string ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"create_character_data_with_null (Some owner_document_obj) tag = (case cast owner_document_obj of
Some owner_document ⇒ do {
character_data_ptr ← create_character_data owner_document tag;
return (Some (cast character_data_ptr))})"
notation create_character_data_with_null ("_ . createTextNode'(_')")
definition create_document_with_null :: "string ⇒ (_, ((_::linorder) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"create_document_with_null title = do {
new_document_ptr ← create_document;
html ← create_element new_document_ptr ''html'';
append_child (cast new_document_ptr) (cast html);
heap ← create_element new_document_ptr ''heap'';
append_child (cast html) (cast heap);
body ← create_element new_document_ptr ''body'';
append_child (cast html) (cast body);
return (Some (cast new_document_ptr))
abbreviation "create_document_with_null2 _ _ _ ≡ create_document_with_null ''''"
notation create_document_with_null ("createDocument'(_')")
notation create_document_with_null2 ("createDocument'(_, _, _')")
fun get_element_by_id_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ string ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"get_element_by_id_with_null (Some ptr) id' = do {
element_ptr_opt ← get_element_by_id ptr id';
(case element_ptr_opt of
Some element_ptr ⇒ return (Some (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r element_ptr))
| None ⇒ return None)}"
| "get_element_by_id_with_null _ _ = error SegmentationFault"
notation get_element_by_id_with_null ("_ . getElementById'(_')")
fun get_elements_by_class_name_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ string ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option) list) dom_prog"
"get_elements_by_class_name_with_null (Some ptr) class_name =
get_elements_by_class_name ptr class_name ⤜ map_M (return ∘ Some ∘ cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r)"
notation get_elements_by_class_name_with_null ("_ . getElementsByClassName'(_')")
fun get_elements_by_tag_name_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ string ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option) list) dom_prog"
"get_elements_by_tag_name_with_null (Some ptr) tag =
get_elements_by_tag_name ptr tag ⤜ map_M (return ∘ Some ∘ cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r)"
notation get_elements_by_tag_name_with_null ("_ . getElementsByTagName'(_')")
fun insert_before_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ ((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ ((_) object_ptr option) ⇒
(_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"insert_before_with_null (Some ptr) (Some child_obj) ref_child_obj_opt = (case cast child_obj of
Some child ⇒ do {
(case ref_child_obj_opt of
Some ref_child_obj ⇒ insert_before ptr child (cast ref_child_obj)
| None ⇒ insert_before ptr child None);
return (Some child_obj)}
| None ⇒ error HierarchyRequestError)"
notation insert_before_with_null ("_ . insertBefore'(_, _')")
fun append_child_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ ((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"append_child_with_null (Some ptr) (Some child_obj) = (case cast child_obj of
Some child ⇒ append_child ptr child
| None ⇒ error SegmentationFault)"
notation append_child_with_null ("_ . appendChild'(_')")
code_thms append_child_with_null
fun get_body :: "((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"get_body ptr = do {
ptrs ← ptr . getElementsByTagName(''body'');
return (hd ptrs)
notation get_body ("_ . body")
fun get_document_element_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"get_document_element_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some document_ptr ⇒ do {
element_ptr_opt ← get_M document_ptr document_element;
return (case element_ptr_opt of
Some element_ptr ⇒ Some (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r element_ptr)
| None ⇒ None)})"
notation get_document_element_with_null ("_ . documentElement")
fun get_owner_document_with_null :: "((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"get_owner_document_with_null (Some ptr) = (do {
document_ptr ← get_owner_document ptr;
return (Some (cast⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r document_ptr))})"
notation get_owner_document_with_null ("_ . ownerDocument")
fun remove_with_null :: "((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"remove_with_null (Some child) = (case cast child of
Some child_node ⇒ do {
remove child_node;
return (Some child)}
| None ⇒ error NotFoundError)"
| "remove_with_null None = error TypeError"
notation remove_with_null ("_ . remove'(')")
fun remove_child_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ ((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"remove_child_with_null (Some ptr) (Some child) = (case cast child of
Some child_node ⇒ do {
remove_child ptr child_node;
return (Some child)}
| None ⇒ error NotFoundError)"
| "remove_child_with_null None _ = error TypeError"
| "remove_child_with_null _ None = error TypeError"
notation remove_child_with_null ("_ . removeChild")
fun get_tag_name_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, attr_value) dom_prog"
"get_tag_name_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ get_M element_ptr tag_name)"
notation get_tag_name_with_null ("_ . tagName")
abbreviation "remove_attribute_with_null ptr k ≡ set_attribute_with_null2 ptr k None"
notation remove_attribute_with_null ("_ . removeAttribute'(_')")
fun get_attribute_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ attr_key ⇒ (_, attr_value option) dom_prog"
"get_attribute_with_null (Some ptr) k = (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ get_attribute element_ptr k)"
fun get_attribute_with_null2 :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ attr_key ⇒ (_, attr_value) dom_prog"
"get_attribute_with_null2 (Some ptr) k = (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
a ← get_attribute element_ptr k;
return (the a)})"
notation get_attribute_with_null ("_ . getAttribute'(_')")
notation get_attribute_with_null2 ("_ . getAttribute'(_')")
fun get_parent_with_null :: "((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option) dom_prog"
"get_parent_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast ptr of
Some node_ptr ⇒ get_parent node_ptr)"
notation get_parent_with_null ("_ . parentNode")
fun first_child_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"first_child_with_null (Some ptr) = do {
child_opt ← first_child ptr;
return (case child_opt of
Some child ⇒ Some (cast child)
| None ⇒ None)}"
notation first_child_with_null ("_ . firstChild")
fun adopt_node_with_null ::
"((_::linorder) object_ptr option) ⇒ ((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, ((_) object_ptr option)) dom_prog"
"adopt_node_with_null (Some ptr) (Some child) = (case cast ptr of
Some document_ptr ⇒ (case cast child of
Some child_node ⇒ do {
adopt_node document_ptr child_node;
return (Some child)}))"
notation adopt_node_with_null ("_ . adoptNode'(_')")
fun get_shadow_root_with_null :: "((_) object_ptr option) ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option) dom_prog"
"get_shadow_root_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
shadow_root ← get_shadow_root element_ptr;
(case shadow_root of Some sr ⇒ return (Some (cast sr))
| None ⇒ return None)})"
notation get_shadow_root_with_null ("_ . shadowRoot")
subsection ‹Making the functions under test compatible with untyped languages such as JavaScript›
fun get_element_by_id_si_with_null ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr option ⇒ string ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option) dom_prog"
"get_element_by_id_si_with_null (Some ptr) id' = do {
element_ptr_opt ← get_element_by_id_si ptr id';
(case element_ptr_opt of
Some element_ptr ⇒ return (Some (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r element_ptr))
| None ⇒ return None)}"
| "get_element_by_id_si_with_null _ _ = error SegmentationFault"
fun find_slot_closed_with_null ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr option ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option) dom_prog"
"find_slot_closed_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some node_ptr ⇒ do {
element_ptr_opt ← find_slot True node_ptr;
(case element_ptr_opt of
Some element_ptr ⇒ return (Some (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r element_ptr))
| None ⇒ return None)}
| None ⇒ error SegmentationFault)"
| "find_slot_closed_with_null None = error SegmentationFault"
notation find_slot_closed_with_null ("_ . assignedSlot")
fun assigned_nodes_with_null ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr option ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option list) dom_prog"
"assigned_nodes_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
l ← assigned_nodes element_ptr;
return (map Some (map cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r l))}
| None ⇒ error SegmentationFault)"
| "assigned_nodes_with_null None = error SegmentationFault"
notation assigned_nodes_with_null ("_ . assignedNodes'(')")
fun assigned_nodes_flatten_with_null ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr option ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option list) dom_prog"
"assigned_nodes_flatten_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
l ← assigned_nodes_flatten element_ptr;
return (map Some (map cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r l))}
| None ⇒ error SegmentationFault)"
| "assigned_nodes_flatten_with_null None = error SegmentationFault"
notation assigned_nodes_flatten_with_null ("_ . assignedNodes'(True')")
fun get_assigned_elements_with_null ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr option ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option list) dom_prog"
"get_assigned_elements_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
l ← assigned_nodes element_ptr;
l ← map_filter_M (return ∘ cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) l;
return (map Some (map cast l))}
| None ⇒ error SegmentationFault)"
| "get_assigned_elements_with_null None = error SegmentationFault"
notation get_assigned_elements_with_null ("_ . assignedElements'(')")
fun get_assigned_elements_flatten_with_null ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr option ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option list) dom_prog"
"get_assigned_elements_flatten_with_null (Some ptr) = (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
l ← assigned_nodes_flatten element_ptr;
return (map Some (map cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r l))}
| None ⇒ error SegmentationFault)"
| "get_assigned_elements_flatten_with_null None = error SegmentationFault"
notation get_assigned_elements_flatten_with_null ("_ . assignedElements'(True')")
fun createTestTree ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr option ⇒ (_, string ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr option) dom_prog) dom_prog"
"createTestTree (Some ref) = do {
tups ← to_tree_order_si ref ⤜ map_filter_M (λptr. do {
(case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
iden_opt ← get_attribute element_ptr ''id'';
(case iden_opt of
Some iden ⇒ return (Some (iden, ptr))
| None ⇒ return None)
| None ⇒ return None)});
return (return ∘ map_of tups)
| "createTestTree None = error SegmentationFault"