Theory Rand_Perfect_Matching

section ‹A Probabilistic Test for Perfect Matchings›
theory Rand_Perfect_Matching imports

text ‹
  We use a simple representation of bipartite graphs (with same no. vertices)
  @{term [show_types] V :: nat}, @{term [show_types] E :: (nat × nat) list}
  where V› is the number of vertices in each partition and (x,y) ∈ E› represents an edge
  between vertex x› in the left partition and vertex y› in the right partition.

definition is_matching::
  "(nat × nat) set  (nat × nat) set  bool"
  where "is_matching E match 
    match  E 
    inj_on fst match 
    inj_on snd match"

definition has_perfect_matching::
  "nat  (nat × nat) set  bool"
  where "has_perfect_matching V E 
  (match. is_matching E match  card match = V)"

(* The polynomial matrix *)
definition adj_mat::"nat  (nat × nat) set 
    int mpoly mat"
  where "adj_mat V E =
    mat V V (λ(i,j).
      if (i,j)  E then Var (i*V+j) else 0)"

lemma adj_mat_square[simp]:
    "dim_row (adj_mat V E) = V"
    "dim_col (adj_mat V E) = V"
  unfolding adj_mat_def
  by auto

lemma perfect_match_set_map_fst:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "is_matching E match"
  assumes "card match = V"
  shows   "fst ` match = {0..<V}"
proof -
  have "fst ` match  fst ` E"
    using assms(2) unfolding is_matching_def
    by auto
  moreover have "...  {0..<V}"
    using assms(1) by auto
  ultimately have 1: "fst` match  {0..<V}"
    by auto
  then have 2: "{0..<V}  fst ` match"
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) card_atLeastLessThan card_image card_subset_eq diff_zero finite_atLeastLessThan is_matching_def)
  show ?thesis using 1 2 by auto

lemma perfect_match_set_map_snd:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "is_matching E match"
  assumes "card match = V"
  shows "snd ` match = {0..<V}"
proof -
  have "snd ` match  snd ` E"
    using assms(2) unfolding is_matching_def
    by auto
  moreover have "...  {0..<V}"
    using assms(1) by auto
  ultimately have 1: "snd ` match  {0..<V}"
    by auto
  then have 2: "{0..<V}  snd ` match"
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) card_atLeastLessThan card_image card_subset_eq diff_zero finite_atLeastLessThan is_matching_def)
  show ?thesis using 1 2 by auto
lemma is_matching_permutes:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "is_matching E match"
  assumes "card match = V"
  obtains f where
    "f permutes {0..<V}"
    "i. i < V  (i, f i)  E"
proof -
  have fV: "fst ` match  = {0..<V}"
    using perfect_match_set_map_fst[OF assms(1-3)] .

  have sV: "snd ` match = {0..<V}"
    using perfect_match_set_map_snd[OF assms(1-3)] .

  define f where "f =
    (λi. if i < V then (@j. j < V  (i,j)  match) else i)"

  have exuniq: "i < V 
    (∃!j. j < V  (i,j)  match)" for i
  proof -
    assume "i < V"
    then have "i  fst ` match" using fV
      by auto
    then obtain j where ij: "(i,j)  match" by auto
    then have "j  snd ` match"
      by (auto simp add: rev_image_eqI)
    then have 1: "j < V" using sV by auto  

    thus ?thesis
      using ij 1
      apply auto[1]
      by (metis Pair_inject assms(2) fst_eqD inj_on_def is_matching_def)

  have 1: "inj_on f {0..<V}"
    unfolding f_def inj_on_def
    apply clarsimp
    apply (drule exuniq)
    apply (drule exuniq)
    by (smt (verit) assms(2) inj_on_def is_matching_def prod.sel(2) prod.simps(1) verit_sko_ex)
  have 2: "f  {0..<V}  {0..<V}"
    unfolding f_def
    apply clarsimp
    apply (drule exuniq)
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) verit_sko_ex)

  have 1: "f permutes {0..<V}"
    by (intro inj_on_nat_permutes[OF 1 2]) (auto simp: f_def)
  have 2: "i < V  (i, f i)  E" for i
    unfolding f_def
    apply clarsimp
    apply (drule exuniq)
    using assms(2) unfolding is_matching_def subset_iff
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) verit_sko_ex)
  show ?thesis using that 1 2 by auto

lemma Var_not_0:
  shows"Var x  (0::'a::idom mpoly)"
  by (simp add: Var_altdef)

(* Copied from Missing_Polynomial.sum_monom_0_iff *)
lemma sum_monom_0_iff:
  assumes fin: "finite S"
  and g: "i j. i  S  j  S  g i = g j  i = j"
  shows "sum (λ i. MPoly_Type.monom (g i) (f i)) S = 0  ( i  S. f i = 0)" (is "?l = ?r")
proof -
    assume "¬ ?r"
    then obtain i where i: "i  S" and fi: "f i  0" by auto
    let ?g = "λ i. MPoly_Type.monom (g i) (f i)"
    have "MPoly_Type.coeff (sum ?g S) (g i) =
      f i + sum (λ j. MPoly_Type.coeff (?g j) (g i)) (S - {i})"
      by (simp add: More_MPoly_Type.coeff_monom sum.remove[OF fin i])
    also have "sum (λ j. MPoly_Type.coeff (?g j) (g i)) (S - {i}) = 0"
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) DiffE More_MPoly_Type.coeff_monom assms(2) i insert_iff sum.neutral when_simps(2))
    finally have "MPoly_Type.coeff (sum ?g S) (g i)  0" using fi by auto
    hence "¬ ?l"
      by fastforce
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma prod_Var:
  assumes"finite S"
  shows "prod (λi. Var(f i)) S =
    MPoly_Type.monom (sum (λi. monomial 1 (f i)) S) 1"
  using assms
proof (induction S)
  case empty
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (insert x F)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp add: Var_altdef MPoly_Type.mult_monom)

lemma det_adj_mat:
  shows "det (adj_mat V E) =
    (p | p permutes {0..<V}.    
    MPoly_Type.monom (
      sum (λi.
        monomial 1 (i * V + p i)) {0..<V})
    (if i < V. (i,p i)  E then
      of_int (sign p)
    else 0))"
  unfolding det_def
  by (force intro!: sum.cong simp add: adj_mat_def prod_Var monom_uminus sign_def)
lemma vars_prod_Var:
  assumes "finite S"
  shows"vars (prod Var S) = S"
  apply (subst prod_Var[OF assms])
  apply (subst vars_monom_keys)
    by simp
  apply (subst keys_sum[OF assms])
  by auto

lemma prod_Var_eq:
  assumes "finite S" "finite T"
  assumes "prod Var S = prod Var T"
  shows "S = T"
  using assms vars_prod_Var
  by metis

lemma pair_enc_eq:
  assumes " a * V + b = c * V + d"
  assumes "b < V" "d < V"
  shows "b = (d::nat)"
  by (metis div_eq_0_iff add_right_cancel assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) diff_add_inverse div_mult_self3 mult_eq_0_iff)

lemma sum_monomial_eq:
  assumes"f permutes {0..<V}"
  assumes"g permutes {0..<V}"
  assumes "
    (i = 0..<V.
      monomial (1::nat) (i * V + (f i::nat))) =
    (i = 0..<V.
      monomial (1::nat) (i * V + g i))"
  shows "f = g"
proof -
  have injf: "inj_on (λi. i * V + f i) {0..<V}"
    by (intro inj_onI, unfold atLeastLessThan_iff)
       (metis add_diff_cancel_right' assms(1) div_mult_self_is_m le_less_trans pair_enc_eq permutes_less(1))
  have injg:"inj_on (λi. i * V + g i) {0..<V}"
    by (intro inj_onI, unfold atLeastLessThan_iff)
       (metis add_diff_cancel_right' assms(2) div_mult_self_is_m le_less_trans pair_enc_eq permutes_less(1))
  have "MPoly_Type.monom (sum (λi. monomial  (1::nat) (i * V + f i)) {0..<V}) 1 =
        MPoly_Type.monom (sum (λi. monomial  (1::nat)(i * V + g i)) {0..<V}) 1"
    using assms(3) by auto

  then have "prod (λi. Var(i * V + f i)) {0..<V} =
    prod (λi. Var(i * V + g i)) {0..<V}"
    by( auto simp add: prod_Var)

  then have "prod Var ((λi. i * V + f i) ` {0..<V}) =
             prod Var ((λi. i * V + g i) ` {0..<V})"
    by (simp add: prod.reindex[OF injf] prod.reindex[OF injg])

  then have *: "((λi. i * V + f i) ` {0..<V}) =
    ((λi. i * V + g i) ` {0..<V})"
    by (intro prod_Var_eq) auto
  have "i. f i = g i"
  proof -
    fix i
    have " i < V  i  V" by auto
    moreover {
      assume iV:"i < V"
      then have fiV:"f i < V"
        using iV assms(1) permutes_less(1) by blast
      have "(i * V + f i)  ((λi. i * V + g i) ` {0..<V})"
        using iV * by force
      then have "f i = g i"
        apply (safe)
        apply (unfold atLeastLessThan_iff)
        by (metis add_diff_cancel_right' assms(2) basic_trans_rules(21) div_mult_self_is_m fiV pair_enc_eq permutes_less(1))
    moreover {
      assume "i  V"
      have "f i = g i" using assms(1-2)
        by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff calculation(2) permutes_others)
    ultimately show "f i = g i" by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma perfect_matching_det:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "is_matching E match"
  assumes "card match = V"
  shows"det (adj_mat V E)  0"
proof -
  have det: "det (adj_mat V E) =
     (p | p permutes {0..<V}.    
    MPoly_Type.monom (
      sum (λi.
        monomial 1 (i * V + p i)) {0..<V})
    (if i < V. (i,p i)  E then
      of_int (sign p)
    else 0))"
    unfolding det_adj_mat
    by auto
  from is_matching_permutes[OF assms(1-3)]
  obtain p where p: "p permutes {0..<V}"
      "i. i < V  (i, p i)  E"  by auto
  then have iV: "i < V 
    adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i)  0" for i
    unfolding adj_mat_def
    by (subst index_mat) (auto simp add: Var_not_0)
  have *: "of_int (sign p) * (i = 0..<V. adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i))  0"
    by (rule ccontr) (use iV in auto)

  have "det (adj_mat V E)  0"
    unfolding det
    apply (subst sum_monom_0_iff)
      by (auto intro!: finite_permutations)
      by (auto intro!: sum_monomial_eq)
      using p by (auto intro!: sum_monomial_eq)
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma det_perfect_matching:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "det (adj_mat V E)  0"
  obtains match where
    "is_matching E match"
    "card match = V"
proof -
  have det: "det (adj_mat V E) =
    (p | p permutes {0..<V}.
       of_int (sign p) *
       (i = 0..<V.
           adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i)))"
    unfolding det_def
    by auto
  then have "...  0" using assms(2) by auto
  then obtain p where p: "p permutes {0..<V}"
    "of_int (sign p) *
       (i = 0..<V.
           adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i))  0"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
  have "i. i < V   adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i)  0"
    using p(2)
    by simp
  then have iV: "i. i < V   (i, p i)  E"
    unfolding adj_mat_def
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) index_mat(1) p(1) permutes_less(1) prod.simps(2))

  define match where "match = (λi. (i,p i)) ` {0..<V}"
  have 1:"card match = V" unfolding match_def
    apply (subst card_image)
    unfolding inj_on_def by auto
  have "inj_on p {0..<V}"
    using p(1) permutes_inj_on
    by blast
  hence 2:"inj_on fst match" "inj_on snd match"
    unfolding match_def
    by (auto simp add: inj_on_def)
  have 3: "match  E"
    using iV unfolding match_def
    by auto
  show ?thesis using that 1 2 3
    unfolding is_matching_def by auto

lemma has_perfect_matching_iff:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  shows"has_perfect_matching V E  det (adj_mat V E)  0"
  by (metis assms det_perfect_matching has_perfect_matching_def perfect_matching_det)

lemma sum_when_1:
  assumes "finite S" "x  S"
  shows   "(xaS. 1 when xa = x) = 1"
  by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) when_def)

lemma total_degree_monom:
  assumes "finite S"
  shows "total_degree (MPoly_Type.monom (sum (λi. monomial (Suc 0) i) S) c) =
           (if c = 0 then 0 else card S)"
proof -
  have "(xkeys (sum (monomial (Suc 0)) S). xaS. Suc 0 when xa = x) = card S"
    using assms by (subst keys_sum) (auto simp add: when_def)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding MPoly_Type.monom_def by (simp add: total_degree.abs_eq lookup_sum single.rep_eq)

lemma total_degree_geI:
  assumes "m  keys (mapping_of p)" "(vkeys m. lookup m v)  n"
  shows   "total_degree p  n"
proof -
  have "n  Max (insert 0 ((λx. sum (lookup x) (keys x)) ` keys (mapping_of p)))"
    using assms by (subst Max_ge_iff) auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: total_degree_def)

lemma total_degree_0_iff: "total_degree p = 0  vars p = {}"
  assume "total_degree p = 0"
  show   "vars p = {}"
  proof safe
    fix x assume "x  vars p"
    then obtain m where m: "m  keys (mapping_of p)" "lookup m x > 0"
      unfolding vars_def by blast
    from m have "x  keys m"
      by (simp add: in_keys_iff)
    note m(2)
    also have "lookup m x  (vkeys m. lookup m v)"
      by (rule member_le_sum) (use x  keys m in auto)
    also have "  total_degree p"
      by (intro total_degree_geI) (use m(1) in auto)
    finally show "x  {}"
      using total_degree p = 0 by simp
  assume "vars p = {}"
  hence "keys (mapping_of p)  {0}"
    by (simp add: subset_eq vars_def)
  also have "(λm. sum (lookup m) (keys m)) ` {0} = {0}"
    by auto
  finally have *: "insert 0 ((λm. sum (lookup m) (keys m)) ` keys (mapping_of p)) = {0}"
    by fast
  show "total_degree p = 0"
    unfolding total_degree_def map_fun_def id_def o_def * by simp

lemma total_degree_0E: "total_degree p = 0  (c. p = Const c  P)  P"
  unfolding total_degree_0_iff using vars_empty_iff[of p] by blast

lemma total_degree_ex:
  assumes "p  0"
  shows   "m. m  keys (mapping_of p)  (vkeys m. lookup m v) = total_degree p"
proof (cases "total_degree p = 0")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using assms by (auto elim!: total_degree_0E simp: Const.rep_eq keys_Const0)
  case False
  have "total_degree p  insert 0 ((λx. sum (lookup x) (keys x)) ` keys (mapping_of p))"
    unfolding total_degree_def map_fun_def o_def id_def by (rule Max_in) auto
  with False show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma coeff_times_const_left [simp]: "MPoly_Type.coeff (Const c * p) m = c * MPoly_Type.coeff p m"
  by (metis Symmetric_Polynomials.coeff_smult smult_conv_mult_Const)

lemma total_degree_times_const_left: "total_degree (Const c * p)  total_degree p"
proof (cases "Const c * p = 0")
  case False
  then obtain m where m:
    "m  keys (mapping_of (Const c * p))" "sum (lookup m) (keys m) = total_degree (Const c * p)"
    using total_degree_ex by blast
  have "MPoly_Type.coeff (Const c * p) m  0"
    using m(1) coeff_keys by blast
  hence "MPoly_Type.coeff p m  0"
    by auto
  hence "m  keys (mapping_of p)"
    using coeff_keys by blast
  with m(2) show ?thesis
    by (intro total_degree_geI[of m]) auto
qed auto

lemma total_degree_of_Const [simp]: "total_degree (Const x) = 0"
  by (simp add: total_degree_0_iff)

lemma total_degree_of_int [simp]: "total_degree (of_int x) = 0"
  by (metis monom_of_int mpoly_monom_0_eq_Const total_degree_of_Const)

lemma total_degree_det_adj_mat: "total_degree (det (adj_mat V E))  V"
proof -
  have fp:"finite {p. p permutes {0..<V}}"
    by (intro finite_permutations) auto
  have det: "det (adj_mat V E) =
    (p | p permutes {0..<V}.    
    MPoly_Type.monom (
      sum (λi.
        monomial (Suc 0) (i * V + p i)) {0..<V})
    (if i < V. (i,p i)  E then
      of_int (sign p)
    else 0))" (is "_ = (p | p permutes {0..<V}. ?f p)")
    unfolding det_adj_mat
    by auto

  have *: "total_degree (?f p)  V" if p: "p permutes {0..<V}" for p
  proof -
    have inj: "inj_on (λi. i * V + p i) {0..<V}"
        apply (intro inj_onI)
        apply (unfold atLeastLessThan_iff)
        using p by (metis pair_enc_eq permutes_less(1) permutes_less(4))
    have "total_degree (?f p) =
            (MPoly_Type.monom (sum (monomial (Suc 0)) ((λi. i * V + p i)`{0..<V}))
            (if i<V. (i, p i)  E then sign p else 0))"
      by (subst sum.reindex[OF inj]) auto
    also have "  V"
      by (subst total_degree_monom) (simp_all add: card_image[OF inj])
    finally show ?thesis .
  have "total_degree (det(adj_mat V E)) 
    Max ((total_degree  ?f) `{p. p permutes{0..<V}})"
    unfolding det
    using total_degree_sum[OF fp, of ?f]
    by auto
  moreover have "...  V"
    apply (intro Max.boundedI)
      using fp by blast
      unfolding permutes_def by force
      using * by force
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma arith:
  assumes "i < V"
  assumes "j < (V::nat)"
  shows "i * V + j < V^2"
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) div_eq_0_iff add.right_neutral assms(1) 
         assms(2) div_less_iff_less_mult div_mult_self3 le_add1 le_add_same_cancel1 
         order_trans_rules(21) power2_eq_square)

lemma vars_det_adj_mat:
  shows"vars (det (adj_mat V E))  {0..<V^2}"
proof -
  have det: "det (adj_mat V E) =
    (p | p permutes {0..<V}.
       of_int (sign p) *
       (i = 0..<V.
           adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i)))"
    unfolding det_def
    by auto
  have *: "p. p permutes {0..<V} 
    vars (of_int (sign p) *
       (i = 0..<V.
           adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i)))  {0..<V^2}"
  proof -
    fix p
    assume "p permutes {0..<V}"
    then have *: "i < V 
      vars (adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i))  {0..<V^2}" for i
      unfolding adj_mat_def using arith
      by (auto simp add: vars_Var)

    have "vars (of_int (sign p) *
       (i = 0..<V. adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i))) 
      vars (i = 0..<V. adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i))"
      using vars_mult vars_signof by blast
    moreover have "...  (i{0..<V}. vars (adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i)))"
      using vars_prod by auto
    moreover have "...  {0..<V^2}" using *
      by fastforce
    ultimately show " vars (of_int (sign p) *
       (i = 0..<V.
           adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i)))  {0..<V^2}" by auto
  have "vars (det(adj_mat V E)) 
    (p  {p. p permutes {0..<V}}.
       vars (of_int (sign p) *
       (i = 0..<V.
           adj_mat V E $$ (i, p i))))
    " unfolding det_def
    by (simp add: vars_sum)
  thus ?thesis using *  
    by auto

definition int_adj_mat::"
  (nat  int) 
  (nat × nat) set 
  int mat"
  where "int_adj_mat f V E =
    mat V V (λ(i,j).
      if (i,j)  E then f (i* V + j) else 0)"

lemma map_mat_prod_def:
  shows"map_mat f A 
    Matrix.mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A)
     (λ(i,j). f (A $$ (i,j)))"
  by (smt (verit, best) cong_mat map_mat_def split_conv)
lemma int_adj_mat:
  shows"int_adj_mat f V E =
    map_mat (insertion f) (adj_mat V E)"
  unfolding adj_mat_def int_adj_mat_def
  by auto

lemma det_int_adj_mat:
  shows"det(int_adj_mat f V E) =
    insertion f (det (adj_mat V E))"
  unfolding int_adj_mat
  by (subst comm_ring_hom.hom_det) (auto simp add:comm_ring_hom_insertion)

definition test_perfect_matching :: "int  nat  (nat × nat) set  bool pmf"
  where "test_perfect_matching n V E =
     do {
       f  Pi_pmf ({0..<V^2}) 0 (λi. pmf_of_set {0::int..<n});
       return_pmf (det (int_adj_mat f V E)  0)

theorem test_perfect_matching_false_positive:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "¬has_perfect_matching V E"
  shows   "pmf (test_perfect_matching n V E) True = 0"
proof -
  have "det (adj_mat V E) = 0"
    using assms(1) assms(2) has_perfect_matching_iff by blast
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding test_perfect_matching_def pmf_eq_0_set_pmf det_int_adj_mat
    by auto

lemma test_perfect_matching_true_negative:
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "¬has_perfect_matching V E"
  shows   "pmf (test_perfect_matching n V E) False = 1"
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) pmf_True_conv_False right_minus_eq test_perfect_matching_false_positive)

theorem test_perfect_matching_false_negative:
  assumes "(n::nat) > 0"
  assumes "E  {0..<V} × {0..<V}"
  assumes "has_perfect_matching V E"
  shows   "pmf (test_perfect_matching n V E) False  V / n"
proof -
  have d: "det (adj_mat V E)  0"
    using assms has_perfect_matching_iff by blast
  have "pmf (test_perfect_matching n V E) False =
          prob_space.prob (test_perfect_matching n V E) {False}"
    by (simp add: pmf.rep_eq)
  moreover have "... =
    (map_pmf (λf. det (int_adj_mat f V E)  0)
      (Pi_pmf {0..<V2} 0 (λi. pmf_of_set {0..<int n})))
    unfolding test_perfect_matching_def map_pmf_def
    by auto
  moreover have "... =
    (Pi_pmf {0..<V2} 0 (λi. pmf_of_set {0..<int n}))
    {f. insertion f (det (adj_mat V E)) = 0}"
    unfolding measure_map_pmf vimage_def
    by auto
  moreover have "...  real V / card{0..<int n}"
    by (intro schwartz_zippel[OF _ _ _  total_degree_det_adj_mat d vars_det_adj_mat])
       (auto simp add: assms(1-2))
  moreover have "...  V / n"
    using assms(1) by force
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
