Theory Z_mod_power_of_2_TM
theory "Z_mod_power_of_2_TM"
imports Z_mod_power_of_2 "Karatsuba.Nat_LSBF_TM"
definition ensure_length_tm :: "nat ⇒ nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf tm" where
"ensure_length_tm k xs =1 fill_tm k xs ⤜ take_tm k"
lemma val_ensure_length_tm[simp, val_simp]: "val (ensure_length_tm k xs) = ensure_length k xs"
unfolding ensure_length_tm_def ensure_length_def by simp
lemma time_ensure_length_tm[simp]: "time (ensure_length_tm k xs) = 7 + 2 * length xs + 2 * k"
unfolding ensure_length_tm_def tm_time_simps val_fill_tm time_fill_tm time_take_tm
using add_min_max[of k "length xs"] by simp
context int_lsbf_mod
definition reduce_tm :: "nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf tm" where
"reduce_tm xs =1 ensure_length_tm k xs"
lemma val_reduce_tm[simp, val_simp]: "val (reduce_tm xs) = reduce xs"
unfolding reduce_tm_def reduce_def by simp
lemma time_reduce_tm[simp]: "time (reduce_tm xs) = 8 + 2 * length xs + 2 * k"
unfolding reduce_tm_def by simp
definition add_mod_tm :: "nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf tm" where
"add_mod_tm xs ys =1 xs +⇩n⇩t ys ⤜ reduce_tm"
lemma val_add_mod_tm[simp, val_simp]: "val (add_mod_tm xs ys) = add_mod xs ys"
unfolding add_mod_tm_def add_mod_def by simp
lemma time_add_mod_tm_le: "time (add_mod_tm xs ys) ≤ 14 + 4 * max (length xs) (length ys) + 2 * k"
unfolding add_mod_tm_def tm_time_simps val_add_nat_tm time_reduce_tm
apply (estimation estimate: time_add_nat_tm_le)
apply (estimation estimate: length_add_nat_upper)
by simp
definition subtract_mod_tm :: "nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf tm" where
"subtract_mod_tm xs ys =1 do {
b ← xs ≤⇩n⇩t ys;
if b then do {
fillx ← fill_tm k xs;
fillx1 ← fillx @⇩t [True];
fillx1 -⇩n⇩t ys ⤜ reduce_tm
} else xs -⇩n⇩t ys
lemma val_subtract_mod_tm[simp, val_simp]: "val (subtract_mod_tm xs ys) = subtract_mod xs ys"
unfolding subtract_mod_tm_def subtract_mod_def by simp
lemma time_subtract_mod_tm_le: "time (subtract_mod_tm xs ys) ≤ 118 + 51 * max k (max (length xs) (length ys))"
proof -
define m where "m = max k (max (length xs) (length ys))"
have 1: "max (length (fill k xs @ [True])) (length ys) ≤ m + 1"
unfolding length_append length_fill' m_def by (auto simp add: max.assoc)
have "time (subtract_mod_tm xs ys) = time (xs ≤⇩n⇩t ys) +
(if xs ≤⇩n ys
then time (fill_tm k xs) +
time ((fill k xs) @⇩t [True]) +
time ((fill k xs @ [True]) -⇩n⇩t ys) +
time (reduce_tm ((fill k xs @ [True]) -⇩n ys))
else time (xs -⇩n⇩t ys)) + 1"
(is "?t = _ + (if ?b then ?c else ?d) + 1")
unfolding subtract_mod_tm_def tm_time_simps val_compare_nat_tm
val_fill_tm val_append_tm val_subtract_nat_tm by simp
moreover have "?c ≤ (2 * length xs + k + 5) +
(max k (length xs) + 1) +
(30 * m + 78) +
(10 + 2 * m + 2 * k)"
apply (intro add_mono)
subgoal unfolding time_fill_tm by simp
subgoal unfolding time_append_tm length_fill' by simp
apply (estimation estimate: time_subtract_nat_tm_le)
apply (itrans "30 * (m + 1) + 48")
subgoal by (intro add_mono mult_le_mono2 order.refl 1)
subgoal by simp
unfolding time_reduce_tm
apply (estimation estimate: conjunct2[OF subtract_nat_aux])
apply (estimation estimate: 1)
by simp
moreover have "?d ≤ 30 * m + 78"
apply (estimation estimate: time_subtract_nat_tm_le)
unfolding m_def by simp
ultimately have "?t ≤ time (xs ≤⇩n⇩t ys) +
((2 * length xs + k + 5) +
(max k (length xs) + 1) +
(30 * m + 78) +
(10 + 2 * m + 2 * k)) + 1"
by simp
also have "... ≤ (13 * m + 23) + ((2 * m + m + 5) + (m + 1) + (30 * m + 78) + (10 + 2 * m + 2 * m)) + 1"
apply (intro add_mono order.refl)
apply (estimation estimate: time_compare_nat_tm_le)
apply (intro add_mono mult_le_mono2 order.refl)
unfolding m_def by simp
subgoal unfolding m_def by simp
subgoal unfolding m_def by simp
subgoal unfolding m_def by simp
subgoal unfolding m_def by simp
also have "... = 118 + 51 * m" by simp
finally show ?thesis unfolding m_def .