Theory Schoenhage_Strassen
subsection "Final Preparations"
theory Schoenhage_Strassen
lemma aux_ineq_1: "n > 1 ⟹ 2 ^ (2 * n - 1) > n + 1 + 2 ^ n"
proof -
have 1: "⋀k. 2 ^ (2 * (k + 2) - 1) > (k + 2) + 1 + 2 ^ (k + 2)"
subgoal for k
by (induction k) simp_all
assume ‹n > 1›
then obtain k where "n = k + 2"
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1_left add_2_eq_Suc' less_natE)
then show ?thesis using 1 by blast
lemma aux_ineq_2: "n > 2 ⟹ 2 ^ (2 * n - 2) > n + 2 ^ n"
proof -
have 1: "⋀k. 2 ^ (2 * (k + 3) - 2) ≥ (k + 3) + 2 ^ (k + 3) + 1"
subgoal for k
proof (induction k)
case (Suc k)
have "2 ^ (Suc k + 3) ≥ Suc k + 3" by simp
then have "4 * k + 16 + 2 ^ (Suc k + 3) ≥ (Suc k + 3) + 1"
by simp
then have "(Suc k + 3) + 2 ^ (Suc k + 3) + 1 ≤ 4 * k + 16 + 2 * 2 ^ (Suc k + 3)"
by simp
also have "... = 4 * k + 4 * 4 + 2 * 2 ^ (Suc (k + 3))" by simp
also have "... = 4 * k + 4 * 4 + 2 * 2 * 2 ^ (k + 3)"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(+)"] refl)
using power_Suc mult.assoc by metis
also have "... = 4 * (k + 3 + 2 ^ (k + 3) + 1)" by simp
also have "... ≤ 4 * 2 ^ (2 * (k + 3) - 2)" using Suc.IH by simp
also have "... = 2 ^ ((2 * (k + 3)) - 2 + 2)" by (simp add: power_add)
also have "... = 2 ^ (2 * (Suc k + 3) - 2)" by simp
finally show ?case .
qed simp
assume "n > 2"
then have "n ≥ 3" by simp
then obtain k where "n = k + 3"
by (metis add.commute le_Suc_ex)
then show ?thesis using 1
by (metis add_lessD1 le_eq_less_or_eq less_add_one)
lemma aux_ineq_3: "n > 1 ⟹ 2 ^ n ≥ n + 2"
proof -
have 1: "⋀k. 2 ^ (k + 2) ≥ (k + 2) + 2"
subgoal for k
by (induction k) simp_all
assume ‹n > 1›
then obtain k where "n = k + 2"
by (metis Suc_eq_plus1_left add_2_eq_Suc' less_natE)
then show ?thesis using 1 by blast
lemma (in residues) nat_embedding_eq: "ring.nat_embedding R x = int x mod m"
apply (induction x)
subgoal by (simp add: zero_cong)
subgoal for x by (simp add: res_add_eq one_cong mod_add_eq add.commute)
lemma (in residues) carrier_mod_eq: "x ∈ carrier R ⟹ x mod m = x"
unfolding res_carrier_eq by simp
text "The Schoenhage-Strassen Multiplication in $\\mathbb{Z}_{F_m}$ works recursively.
In the following, we will state some lemmas that will be useful in the recursion case
($m \\geq 3$)."
locale m_lemmas =
fixes m :: nat
assumes m_ge_3: "¬ m < 3"
text "Lemmas in @{type nat} resp. @{type int}."
lemma m_gt_0: "m > 0" using m_ge_3 by simp
definition n :: nat where
"n ≡ (if odd m then (m + 1) div 2 else (m + 2) div 2)"
definition oe_n :: nat where
"oe_n ≡ (if odd m then n + 1 else n)"
lemma n_gt_1: "n > 1" unfolding n_def using m_ge_3 by simp
lemma n_ge_2: "n ≥ 2" using n_gt_1 by simp
lemma n_gt_0: "n > 0" using n_gt_1 by simp
lemma even_m_imp_n_ge_3: "even m ⟹ n ≥ 3" unfolding n_def using m_ge_3 by auto
lemma n_lt_m: "n < m" unfolding n_def using m_ge_3 by auto
lemma oe_n_gt_1: "oe_n > 1" unfolding oe_n_def using n_gt_1 by simp
lemma oe_n_gt_0: "oe_n > 0" using oe_n_gt_1 by simp
lemma oe_n_le_n: "oe_n ≤ n + 1" unfolding oe_n_def by simp
lemma oe_n_minus_1_le_n: "oe_n - 1 ≤ n" unfolding oe_n_def by simp
lemma two_pow_oe_n_div_2: "(2::nat) ^ oe_n div 2 = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
by (simp add: Suc_leI power_diff oe_n_gt_0)
lemma two_pow_oe_n_as_halves: "(2::nat) ^ oe_n = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
using two_pow_oe_n_div_2 oe_n_gt_0
by (metis add_self_div_2 div_add dvd_power)
lemma two_pow_Suc_oe_n_as_prod: "(2::nat) ^ (oe_n + 1) = 4 * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
using oe_n_gt_0 by (simp add: power_eq_if)
lemma index_intros:
fixes i :: nat
assumes "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
shows "i < 2 ^ oe_n" "2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i < 2 ^ oe_n"
using assms two_pow_oe_n_as_halves by simp_all
lemma index_decomp:
assumes "j < (2::nat) ^ (oe_n + 1)"
"j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) < 4"
"j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
"j = (j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + (j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1))"
using assms two_pow_Suc_oe_n_as_prod
by (simp_all add: less_mult_imp_div_less div_mod_decomp)
lemma index_comp:
fixes i j :: nat
assumes "i < 4" "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
"i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)"
"(i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) = i"
"(i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) = j"
proof -
from assms have "i ≤ 3" by simp
then have "i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j < 3 * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)›
using nat_less_add_iff2 trans_less_add2 by blast
then show "i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)"
unfolding two_pow_Suc_oe_n_as_prod by simp
show "(i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) = i"
using assms by simp
show "(i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) = j"
using assms by simp
lemma mn:
"odd m ⟹ m = 2 * n - 1"
"even m ⟹ m = 2 * n - 2"
using n_def by simp_all
lemma m0: "m = (n - 1) + (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding oe_n_def using n_gt_0 mn
by auto
lemma m1: "m + 1 = (n - 1) + oe_n"
using m0 oe_n_gt_0 by linarith
lemma two_pow_m1_as_prod: "(2::nat) ^ (m + 1) = 2 ^ (n - 1) * 2 ^ oe_n"
by (simp only: power_add[symmetric] m1)
lemma two_pow_m0_as_prod: "(2::nat) ^ m = 2 ^ (n - 1) * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
using m0 by (simp only: power_add[symmetric])
lemma two_pow_two_n_le: "(2::nat) ^ (2 * n) ≤ 2 * 2 ^ (m + 1)"
proof -
have "(2::nat) ^ (2 * n) = 2 ^ (2 * n - 2 + 2)"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = power] refl)
using n_gt_1 by linarith
also have "... = 2 ^ 2 * 2 ^ (2 * n - 2)" by simp
also have "... ≤ 2 ^ 2 * 2 ^ m" using mn by (cases "odd m"; simp)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma oe_n_m_bound_0: "oe_n + 2 ^ n < 2 ^ m"
proof (cases "odd m")
case True
then have "m = 2 * n - 1" "oe_n = n + 1" using mn oe_n_def by simp_all
then show ?thesis using aux_ineq_1[OF n_gt_1] by argo
case False
then have "m = 2 * n - 2" "oe_n = n" "n > 2" using mn oe_n_def even_m_imp_n_ge_3
by simp_all
then show ?thesis using aux_ineq_2[OF ‹n > 2›] by argo
lemma oe_n_m_bound_1: "oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n ≤ 2 ^ m"
using oe_n_m_bound_0 by simp
lemma two_pow_oe_n_m_bound_1: "(2::'a::linordered_semidom) ^ (oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n) ≤ 2 ^ 2 ^ m"
by (intro power_increasing oe_n_m_bound_1) simp
lemma two_pow_oe_n_m_bound_0_int: "2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) < int_lsbf_fermat.n m"
by (metis oe_n_m_bound_0 one_less_numeral_iff power_strict_increasing_iff semiring_norm(76) trans_less_add1)
lemma two_pow_oe_n_m_bound_1_int: "2 ^ (oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n) < int_lsbf_fermat.n m"
using two_pow_oe_n_m_bound_1
by (metis le_eq_less_or_eq less_add_one trans_less_add1)
lemma oe_n_n_bound_1: "oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n ≤ 2 ^ (n + 1)"
proof -
have "oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n ≤ n + 2 + 2 ^ n" unfolding oe_n_def by simp
also have "... ≤ 2 ^ n + 2 ^ n"
by (intro add_mono order.refl aux_ineq_3 n_gt_1)
also have "... = 2 ^ (n + 1)" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
definition pad_length where "pad_length = 3 * n + 5"
text "Lemmas using residue rings."
definition Zn where "Zn = residue_ring (int_lsbf_mod.n (n + 2))"
definition Fn where "Fn = residue_ring (int_lsbf_fermat.n n)"
definition Fm where "Fm = residue_ring (int_lsbf_fermat.n m)"
text "Lemmas in $\\mathbb{Z}_{2 ^ {n + 2}}$"
sublocale Znr : int_lsbf_mod "n + 2"
rewrites "Znr.Zn ≡ Zn"
proof -
show "int_lsbf_mod (n + 2)" by unfold_locales simp
then interpret A : int_lsbf_mod "n + 2" .
show "A.Zn ≡ Zn" unfolding Zn_def A.Zn_def .
text "Lemmas in $\\mathbb{Z}_{F_m}$ resp. $\\mathbb{Z}_{F_n}$."
sublocale Fnr : int_lsbf_fermat n
rewrites "Fnr.Fn ≡ Fn"
subgoal unfolding int_lsbf_fermat.Fn_def Fn_def .
sublocale Fnr_M : multiplicative_subgroup Fn "Units Fn" "units_of Fn"
by (rule Fnr.units_subgroup)
sublocale Fmr : int_lsbf_fermat m
rewrites "Fmr.Fn ≡ Fm"
subgoal unfolding int_lsbf_fermat.Fn_def Fm_def .
sublocale Fmr_M : multiplicative_subgroup Fm "Units Fm" "units_of Fm"
by (rule Fmr.units_subgroup)
lemma two_pow_oe_n_primitive_root_Fm:
"Fmr.primitive_root (2 ^ oe_n) (2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (2::nat) ^ (n - 1))"
apply (intro Fmr.two_powers_primitive_root)
subgoal using m1 by argo
subgoal using n_lt_m by simp
lemma two_pow_oe_n_root_of_unity_Fm:
"Fmr.root_of_unity (2 ^ oe_n) (2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (2::nat) ^ (n - 1))"
using two_pow_oe_n_primitive_root_Fm by simp
lemma four_prim_root_Fn: "Fnr.primitive_root (2 ^ n) (2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat))"
using Fnr.primitive_root_recursion[OF _ Fnr.two_is_primitive_root] by simp
lemma two_oe_n: "2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ oe_n = 2 ^ oe_n"
proof -
have "2 ^ n ≥ n + 1" using aux_ineq_3[OF n_gt_1] by simp
then have "2 ^ n ≥ oe_n" unfolding oe_n_def by simp
then have "(2::int) ^ oe_n ≤ 2 ^ 2 ^ n" by simp
then have two_oe_n_mod_Fn: "2 ^ oe_n mod int Fnr.n = 2 ^ oe_n"
using zle_iff_zadd by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding Fnr.pow_nat_eq .
lemma two_oe_n_Units_Fn: "2 ^ oe_n ∈ Units Fn"
apply (intro Fnr.two_powers_Units)
unfolding oe_n_def using aux_ineq_3[OF n_gt_1] by simp
lemma two_oe_n_carrier_Fn: "2 ^ oe_n ∈ carrier Fn"
by (intro Fnr.Units_closed two_oe_n_Units_Fn)
definition prim_root_exponent :: nat where "prim_root_exponent = (if odd m then 1 else 2)"
definition μ where "μ = 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ prim_root_exponent"
lemma μ_Units_Fn: "μ ∈ Units Fn"
unfolding μ_def by (intro Fnr.Units_pow_closed Fnr.two_is_unit)
lemma μ_carrier_Fn: "μ ∈ carrier Fn"
by (intro Fnr.Units_closed μ_Units_Fn)
lemma μ_prim_root: "Fnr.primitive_root (2 ^ oe_n) μ"
proof (cases "odd m")
case True
then show ?thesis unfolding oe_n_def μ_def prim_root_exponent_def
using Fnr.two_in_carrier Fnr.two_is_primitive_root by simp
case False
then show ?thesis unfolding oe_n_def μ_def prim_root_exponent_def
using four_prim_root_Fn by simp
lemma μ_root_of_unity: "Fnr.root_of_unity (2 ^ oe_n) μ"
using μ_prim_root by simp
lemma μ_halfway_property: "μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ ((2::nat) ^ oe_n div 2) = ⊖⇘Fn⇙ 𝟭⇘Fn⇙"
proof -
have "prim_root_exponent * (2 ^ oe_n div 2) = 2 ^ n"
unfolding prim_root_exponent_def oe_n_def
using n_gt_1 by simp
then have "μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ ((2::nat) ^ oe_n div 2) = 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ ((2::nat) ^ n)"
unfolding μ_def by (simp add: Fnr.nat_pow_pow[OF Fnr.two_in_carrier])
then show ?thesis
using Fnr.two_pow_half_carrier_length_residue_ring
unfolding Fn_def[symmetric] by argo
text "Lemmas only depending on one of the input arguments (and $m$)."
locale carrier_input = m_lemmas +
fixes num :: nat_lsbf
assumes num_carrier: "num ∈ int_lsbf_fermat.fermat_non_unique_carrier m"
definition num_blocks where "num_blocks = subdivide (2 ^ (n - 1)) num"
definition num_blocks_carrier where "num_blocks_carrier = map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) num_blocks"
definition num_Zn where "num_Zn = map Znr.reduce num_blocks"
definition num_Zn_pad where "num_Zn_pad = concat (map (fill pad_length) num_Zn)"
definition num_dft where "num_dft = Fnr.fft prim_root_exponent num_blocks_carrier"
definition num_dft_odds where "num_dft_odds = evens_odds False num_dft"
lemmas defs = num_blocks_def num_blocks_carrier_def num_Zn_def num_Zn_pad_def num_dft_def num_dft_odds_def
lemma length_num[simp]: "length num = 2 ^ (m + 1)"
using num_carrier by (elim Fmr.fermat_non_unique_carrierE)
lemma length_num_blocks[simp]: "length num_blocks = 2 ^ oe_n"
apply (unfold num_blocks_def)
apply (intro conjunct1[OF subdivide_correct])
using two_pow_m1_as_prod by simp_all
lemma length_nth_num_blocks[simp]:
fixes i :: nat
assumes "i < 2 ^ oe_n"
shows "length (num_blocks ! i) = 2 ^ (n - 1)"
apply (intro mp[OF conjunct2[OF subdivide_correct[of "2 ^ (n - 1)" num "2 ^ oe_n"]]])
subgoal by simp
subgoal using length_num two_pow_m1_as_prod by argo
subgoal using assms length_num_blocks unfolding num_blocks_def[symmetric] by simp
lemma num_blocks_bound[simp]:
fixes i :: nat
assumes "i < 2 ^ oe_n"
shows "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_blocks ! i) < 2 ^ 2 ^ (n - 1)"
using length_nth_num_blocks[OF assms] to_nat_length_bound by metis
lemma num_blocks_carrier_Fm[simp]:
fixes i :: nat
assumes "i < 2 ^ oe_n"
shows "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_blocks ! i)) ∈ carrier Fm"
unfolding Fmr.res_carrier_eq atLeastAtMost_iff
proof (intro conjI)
show "0 ≤ int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_blocks ! i))" by simp
have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_blocks ! i)) < 2 ^ 2 ^ (n - 1)"
using num_blocks_bound[OF assms] by simp
also have "... < 2 ^ 2 ^ m" using n_lt_m by simp
finally show "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_blocks ! i)) ≤ int (2 ^ 2 ^ m + 1) - 1" by simp
lemma length_num_blocks_carrier[simp]: "length num_blocks_carrier = 2 ^ oe_n"
unfolding num_blocks_carrier_def by simp
lemma to_res_num: "Fmr.to_residue_ring num = (⨁⇘Fm⇙j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) num_blocks ! j ⊗⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ (n - 1))) [^]⇘Fm⇙ j))"
proof -
let ?m = "int Fmr.n"
have "(⨁⇘Fm⇙j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) num_blocks ! j ⊗⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ (n - 1))) [^]⇘Fm⇙ j)) =
(⨁⇘Fm⇙j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) num_blocks ! j ⊗⇘Fm⇙ (2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (j * (2::nat) ^ (n - 1))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong)
unfolding Fmr.nat_pow_pow[OF Fmr.two_in_carrier]
by (intro arg_cong2[where f = "([^]⇘Fm⇙)"] refl mult.commute)
also have "... = (∑j←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) num_blocks ! j * (2 ^ (j * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod ?m) mod ?m) mod ?m"
unfolding Fmr.monoid_sum_list_eq_sum_list Fmr.res_mult_eq Fmr.pow_nat_eq by (rule refl)
also have "... = (∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
(map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) num_blocks ! j * 2 ^ (j * 2 ^ (n - 1)))) mod ?m"
by (simp only: mod_mult_right_eq sum_list_mod)
also have "... = (∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_blocks ! j)) * (2 ^ (j * 2 ^ (n - 1))))) mod ?m"
by (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (mod), cong_tag_2 (*)]" more: refl semiring_1_sum_list_eq)
also have "... = int (∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
(Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_blocks ! j) * (2 ^ (j * 2 ^ (n - 1))))) mod ?m"
by (simp add: sum_list_int)
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat num) mod ?m"
unfolding num_blocks_def
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = "λi. i mod ?m"] arg_cong[where f = int])
apply (intro to_nat_subdivide[symmetric])
subgoal by simp
subgoal by (simp only: length_num two_pow_m1_as_prod)
finally show ?thesis unfolding Fmr.to_residue_ring.simps by argo
lemma length_num_Zn[simp]: "length num_Zn = 2 ^ oe_n"
unfolding num_Zn_def using length_num_blocks by simp
lemma length_nth_num_Zn[simp]:
fixes i :: nat
assumes "i < 2 ^ oe_n"
shows "length (num_Zn ! i) = n + 2"
unfolding num_Zn_def using length_num_blocks Znr.length_reduce assms by simp
lemma length_num_Zn_pad[simp]: "length num_Zn_pad = pad_length * 2 ^ oe_n"
unfolding num_Zn_pad_def length_concat
proof -
have "sum_list (map length (map (fill pad_length) num_Zn)) =
sum_list (map (length ∘ (fill pad_length)) num_Zn)"
by simp
also have "... = sum_list (map (λj. pad_length) num_Zn)"
proof (intro arg_cong[where f = sum_list] map_cong refl)
fix x
assume "x ∈ set num_Zn"
then obtain i where "i < 2 ^ oe_n" "x = num_Zn ! i" using length_num_Zn
by (metis in_set_conv_nth)
then have "length x = n + 2" using length_nth_num_Zn by simp
then show "(length ∘ fill pad_length) x = pad_length" using length_fill pad_length_def by simp
also have "... = pad_length * 2 ^ oe_n"
using length_num_Zn sum_list_triv[of pad_length num_Zn] by simp
finally show "sum_list (map length (map (fill pad_length) num_Zn)) = ..." .
lemma to_nat_num_Zn_pad:
"Nat_LSBF.to_nat num_Zn_pad = (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_Zn ! i) * 2 ^ (i * pad_length))"
proof -
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat num_Zn_pad = (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (subdivide pad_length num_Zn_pad ! i) * 2 ^ (i * pad_length))"
using length_num_Zn_pad by (intro to_nat_subdivide length_num_Zn_pad) (simp add: pad_length_def)
also have "subdivide pad_length num_Zn_pad = map (fill pad_length) num_Zn"
unfolding num_Zn_pad_def
apply (intro subdivide_concat)
by (simp_all add: Znr.length_reduce length_fill pad_length_def)
also have "(∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (map (fill pad_length) num_Zn ! i) * 2 ^ (i * pad_length))
= (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (num_Zn ! i) * 2 ^ (i * pad_length))"
apply (intro semiring_1_sum_list_eq arg_cong2[where f = "(*)"] refl)
using length_num_Zn by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma length_num_dft[simp]: "length num_dft = 2 ^ oe_n"
unfolding num_dft_def
by (intro Fnr.length_fft) simp
lemma fill_num_blocks_carrier[simp]: "set num_blocks_carrier ⊆ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
apply (intro set_subseteqI Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrierI)
by (simp only: num_blocks_carrier_def length_num_blocks length_map nth_map length_fill length_nth_num_blocks power_increasing[of "n - 1" "n + 1" "2::nat"])
lemma num_dft_carrier[simp]: "set num_dft ⊆ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
unfolding num_dft_def
apply (intro Fnr.fft_carrier[of _ oe_n])
subgoal by simp
subgoal by (rule fill_num_blocks_carrier)
lemma to_res_num_dft:
"map Fnr.to_residue_ring num_dft = Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring num_blocks_carrier)"
unfolding num_dft_def μ_def prim_root_exponent_def
apply (intro Fnr.fft_correct[of _ oe_n _ "if odd m then 0 else 1"])
subgoal by simp
subgoal unfolding prim_root_exponent_def by simp
subgoal unfolding oe_n_def by simp
subgoal by (rule oe_n_gt_0)
subgoal by (rule fill_num_blocks_carrier)
lemma length_num_dft_odds[simp]: "length num_dft_odds = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding num_dft_odds_def
by (simp add: length_evens_odds two_pow_oe_n_as_halves)
lemma num_dft_odds_carrier[simp]: "set num_dft_odds ⊆ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
unfolding num_dft_odds_def using set_evens_odds num_dft_carrier by fastforce
subsubsection "A special residue problem"
definition solve_special_residue_problem where
"solve_special_residue_problem n ξ η =
(let δ = int_lsbf_mod.subtract_mod (n + 2) η (take (n + 2) ξ) in
add_nat ξ (add_nat (δ >>⇩n (2 ^ n)) δ))"
lemma two_pow_n_geq_n_plus_2: "n ≥ 2 ⟹ 2 ^ n ≥ n + 2"
proof -
have aux: "⋀k. 2 ^ (k + 2) ≥ k + 4"
subgoal for k
by (induction k) simp_all
assume "n ≥ 2"
then obtain k where "n = k + 2" by (metis le_add_diff_inverse2)
then show ?thesis using aux[of k] by presburger
lemma fermat_mod_pow_2_aux: "n ≥ 2 ⟹ (2::nat) ^ (2 ^ n) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) = 0"
proof -
assume "n ≥ 2"
then show ?thesis using two_pow_n_geq_n_plus_2[of n]
by (meson dvd_imp_mod_0 le_imp_power_dvd)
definition solves_special_residue_problem where
"solves_special_residue_problem z n ξ η ≡
z < 2 ^ (n + 2) * int_lsbf_fermat.n n
∧ z mod int_lsbf_fermat.n n = ξ
∧ z mod (2 ^ (n + 2)) = η"
lemma solve_special_residue_problem_correct:
fixes n :: nat
fixes ξ η :: nat_lsbf
assumes "n ≥ 2"
assumes "length η ≤ n + 2"
assumes "Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ < int_lsbf_fermat.n n"
assumes "z = solve_special_residue_problem n ξ η"
shows "solves_special_residue_problem (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z) n (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ) (Nat_LSBF.to_nat η)"
unfolding solves_special_residue_problem_def
proof (intro conjI)
define δ where "δ = int_lsbf_mod.subtract_mod (n + 2) η (take (n + 2) ξ)"
then have "z = ξ +⇩n ((δ >>⇩n (2 ^ n)) +⇩n δ)"
using assms(4) by (simp add: Let_def solve_special_residue_problem_def)
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z = Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ + (2 ^ (2 ^ n) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ + Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ)"
by (simp add: add_nat_correct to_nat_app)
then have 0: "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z = Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ + int_lsbf_fermat.n n * Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ"
by simp
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z mod int_lsbf_fermat.n n = Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ mod int_lsbf_fermat.n n"
by presburger
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ"
using assms(3) by simp
finally show "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z mod int_lsbf_fermat.n n = Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ" .
have "int_lsbf_fermat.n n mod 2 ^ (n + 2) = 1"
using assms(1) fermat_mod_pow_2_aux[of n]
by (metis Nat.add_0_right add.left_commute add_lessD1 less_exp mod_add_right_eq mod_less nat_1_add_1)
then have 1: "int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) = 1"
by (metis int_ops(2) of_nat_numeral of_nat_power zmod_int)
interpret Znr: int_lsbf_mod "n + 2"
apply unfold_locales by simp
have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ) mod int Znr.n = Znr.to_residue_ring δ"
by (rule Znr.to_residue_ring_def[symmetric])
also have "... = Znr.to_residue_ring η ⊖⇘Znr.Zn⇙ Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) ξ)"
unfolding δ_def
apply (intro Znr.subtract_mod_correct)
subgoal using assms by argo
subgoal by simp
subgoal using Znr.m_gt_one by linarith
also have "... = (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat η) - int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ)) mod int Znr.n"
unfolding Znr.residues_minus_eq Znr.to_residue_ring_def to_nat_take
by (simp add: mod_diff_eq zmod_int)
finally have 2: "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ) mod int Znr.n = ..." .
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat η < 2 ^ (n + 2)" using ‹length η ≤ n + 2› to_nat_length_bound[of η] power_increasing[of "length η" "n + 2" "2::nat"]
by linarith
from 0 have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z) mod Znr.n = (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ) + int_lsbf_fermat.n n * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ)) mod Znr.n"
using int_ops(7) int_plus by presburger
also have "... = (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ) mod Znr.n + (int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) mod Znr.n) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ) mod Znr.n)) mod Znr.n"
by (simp only: mod_add_eq[of "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ)" Znr.n, symmetric]
mod_mult_eq[of "int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n)" Znr.n, symmetric]
also have "... = (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ) mod Znr.n + (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ) mod Znr.n)) mod Znr.n"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (mod), cong_tag_2 (+)]" more: refl)
using 1 by simp
also have "... = (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ) mod Znr.n + (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat η) mod Znr.n - int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ) mod Znr.n)) mod Znr.n"
using 2 by (simp add: mod_simps)
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat η) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
by simp
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat η)" using ‹Nat_LSBF.to_nat η < 2 ^ (n + 2)›
by (metis mod_less of_nat_mod real_of_nat_eq_numeral_power_cancel_iff)
finally have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z) mod Znr.n = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat η)" .
then show "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z mod 2 ^ (n + 2) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat η"
by (metis nat_int_comparison(1) zmod_int)
show "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z < 2 ^ (n + 2) * int_lsbf_fermat.n n"
proof -
have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z) = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ξ) + int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ)"
using 0
using int_ops(7) int_plus by presburger
also have "... ≤ (2::int) ^ (2 ^ n) + int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ)"
using assms(3) by simp
also have "int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ) ≤ int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) * ((2::int) ^ (n + 2) - 1)"
proof -
have "length δ ≤ n + 2"
unfolding δ_def
apply (intro Znr.length_subtract_mod ‹length η ≤ n + 2›)
using Znr.length_reduce by simp
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ ≤ 2 ^ (n + 2) - 1"
using to_nat_length_upper_bound[of δ] power_increasing[OF ‹length δ ≤ n + 2›, of 2]
using diff_le_mono by fastforce
then have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ) ≤ (2::int) ^ (n + 2) - 1"
using nat_int_comparison(3)[of "Nat_LSBF.to_nat δ" "2 ^ (n + 2) - 1"]
by (simp add: of_nat_diff)
then show ?thesis
using int_lsbf_fermat.n_positive[of n]
by (meson mult_left_mono of_nat_0_le_iff)
finally have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z) ≤ (2::int) ^ (2 ^ n) + (2 ^ (2 ^ n) + 1) * ((2::int) ^ (n + 2) - 1)"
by force
also have "... = ((2::int) ^ (2 ^ n) + 1) * 2 ^ (n + 2) - 1"
apply (simp add: distrib_right)
apply (simp only: diff_conv_add_uminus[of "(4::int) * 2 ^ n" 1])
apply (simp only: distrib_left)
finally have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z) < 2 ^ (n + 2) * (int (int_lsbf_fermat.n n))"
by (simp add: add.commute mult.commute)
thus "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z < 2 ^ (n + 2) * int_lsbf_fermat.n n"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) of_nat_less_imp_less of_nat_mult of_nat_numeral of_nat_power)
lemma fn_zn_coprime: "coprime (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) (2 ^ (n + 2))"
proof -
consider "n = 0" | "n = 1 " | "n ≥ 2" by linarith
then show ?thesis
proof cases
case 1
have "gcd (3::nat) 4 = nat (gcd (3::int) 4)" using gcd_int_int_eq[of 3 4] by simp
also have "... = gcd 1 3" using gcd_diff1[of "4::int" 3, symmetric] gcd.commute[of "4::int" 3]
by simp
also have "... = 1" by simp
finally show ?thesis unfolding coprime_iff_gcd_eq_1 by (simp add: 1)
case 2
have "gcd (5::nat) 8 = nat (gcd (5::int) 8)" using gcd_int_int_eq[of 5 8] by simp
also have "... = nat (gcd 3 5)" using gcd_diff1[of "8::int" 5] by (simp add: gcd.commute)
also have "... = nat (gcd 2 3)" using gcd_diff1[of "5::int" 3] by (simp add: gcd.commute)
also have "... = nat (gcd 1 2)" using gcd_diff1[of "3::int" 2] by (simp add: gcd.commute)
also have "... = 1" by simp
finally show ?thesis unfolding coprime_iff_gcd_eq_1 by (simp add: 2)
case 3
then have "2 ^ n ≥ n + 2" by (rule two_pow_n_geq_n_plus_2)
then obtain k where "2 ^ n = (n + 2) + k" by (meson le_iff_add)
then have 0: "(2::nat) ^ 2 ^ n = 2 ^ (n + 2) * 2 ^ k" by (simp add: power_add)
show ?thesis
unfolding coprime_iff_gcd_eq_1 gcd_red_nat[of "2 ^ 2 ^ n + 1" "2 ^ (n + 2)"]
unfolding 0 mod_mult_self4
by simp
lemma int_ideal_add: "Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} <+>⇘𝒵⇙ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} = Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {gcd m n}"
proof (intro equalityI subsetI)
fix x
assume "x ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} <+>⇘𝒵⇙ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n}"
then obtain y z where "y ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m}" "z ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n}" "x = y ⊕⇘𝒵⇙ z"
unfolding AbelCoset.set_add_def Coset.set_mult_def by auto
then obtain y' z' where "y = y' * m" "z = z' * n"
using int_Idl by fastforce
then have 1: "x = y' * m + z' * n" using ‹x = y ⊕⇘𝒵⇙ z› by simp
obtain m' where 2: "m = m' * gcd m n"
by (metis dvdE gcd_dvd1 mult.commute)
obtain n' where 3: "n = n' * gcd m n"
by (metis dvdE gcd_dvd2 mult.commute)
from 1 2 3 have "x = (y' * m' + z' * n') * gcd m n"
by (simp add: int_distrib(1) mult.assoc)
then show "x ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {gcd m n}" using int_Idl by blast
fix x
assume "x ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {gcd m n}"
then obtain x' where 1: "x = x' * gcd m n" using int_Idl by fastforce
obtain s t where "gcd m n = s * m + t * n" using bezout_int by metis
with 1 have "x = (x' * s) * m ⊕⇘𝒵⇙ (x' * t) * n"
by (simp add: int_distrib)
moreover have "(x' * s) * m ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m}" "(x' * t) * n ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n}"
using int_Idl by simp_all
ultimately show "x ∈ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} <+>⇘𝒵⇙ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n}"
unfolding AbelCoset.set_add_def Coset.set_mult_def by auto
lemma int_ideal_inter: "Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} ∩ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} = Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {lcm m n}"
proof -
have "Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} ∩ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} = {u. ∃x. u = x * m} ∩ {u. ∃x. u = x * n}"
unfolding int_Idl by simp
also have "... = {u. m dvd u} ∩ {u. n dvd u}"
using dvd_def[symmetric, of _ m]
using dvd_def[symmetric, of _ n]
using mult.commute[of m] mult.commute[of n]
by algebra
also have "... = {u. m dvd u ∧ n dvd u}" by blast
also have "... = {u. lcm m n dvd u}" using lcm_least_iff[of m n] by blast
also have "... = {u. ∃x. u = x * lcm m n}"
using dvd_def[symmetric, of _ "lcm m n"]
using mult.commute[of "lcm m n"]
by algebra
also have "... = Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {lcm m n}" unfolding int_Idl by simp
finally show ?thesis .
corollary "coprime m n ⟹ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} <+>⇘𝒵⇙ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} = carrier 𝒵"
using int_ideal_add coprime_imp_gcd_eq_1 int.genideal_one by simp
lemma genideal_uminus: "Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {-x} = Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {x}"
unfolding int_Idl
by (metis minus_mult_commute minus_mult_minus)
lemma genideal_normalize: "Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {x} = Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {normalize x}"
apply (cases "x ≥ 0")
unfolding normalize_int_def using genideal_uminus by simp_all
corollary "coprime m n ⟹ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} ∩ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} = Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m * n}"
using int_ideal_inter lcm_coprime genideal_normalize by metis
lemma int_ideal_inter_a_r_coset_distrib: "(Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} ∩ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n}) +>⇘𝒵⇙ x = (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} +>⇘𝒵⇙ x) ∩ (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} +>⇘𝒵⇙ x)"
by (auto simp add: a_r_coset_def r_coset_def)
lemma chinese_remainder_very_simple_int:
fixes x y m n :: int
assumes "x mod m = y mod m"
assumes "x mod n = y mod n"
shows "x mod (lcm m n) = y mod (lcm m n)"
proof -
have "?thesis ⟷ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {lcm m n} +>⇘𝒵⇙ x = Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {lcm m n} +>⇘𝒵⇙ y"
using ZMod_def ZMod_eq_mod by algebra
also have "... ⟷ (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} ∩ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n}) +>⇘𝒵⇙ x = (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} ∩ Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n}) +>⇘𝒵⇙ y"
using int_ideal_inter by presburger
also have "... ⟷ (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} +>⇘𝒵⇙ x) ∩ (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} +>⇘𝒵⇙ x) = (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {m} +>⇘𝒵⇙ y) ∩ (Idl⇘𝒵⇙ {n} +>⇘𝒵⇙ y)"
by (simp only: int_ideal_inter_a_r_coset_distrib)
also have "..." using assms ZMod_def ZMod_eq_mod by blast
finally show ?thesis by blast
lemma chinese_remainder_very_simple_nat:
fixes x y m n :: nat
assumes "x mod m = y mod m"
assumes "x mod n = y mod n"
shows "x mod (lcm m n) = y mod (lcm m n)"
using assms chinese_remainder_very_simple_int
by (meson lcm_unique_nat mod_eq_iff_dvd_symdiff_nat)
lemma special_residue_problem_unique_solution:
fixes n :: nat
fixes ξ η :: nat
assumes "solves_special_residue_problem z1 n ξ η"
assumes "solves_special_residue_problem z2 n ξ η"
shows "z1 = z2"
proof -
from assms have "z1 mod (lcm (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) (2 ^ (n + 2))) = z2 mod (lcm (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) (2 ^ (n + 2)))"
unfolding solves_special_residue_problem_def
using chinese_remainder_very_simple_nat by presburger
moreover have "coprime (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) (2 ^ (n + 2))"
using fn_zn_coprime .
hence "lcm (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) (2 ^ (n + 2)) = (int_lsbf_fermat.n n) * (2 ^ (n + 2))"
by (simp add: lcm_coprime)
ultimately show "z1 = z2" using assms unfolding solves_special_residue_problem_def
by (metis mod_less mult.commute)
subsubsection "Subroutine for combining the final result"
fun combine_z_aux where
"combine_z_aux l acc [] = concat (rev acc)"
| "combine_z_aux l acc [z] = combine_z_aux l (z # acc) []"
| "combine_z_aux l acc (z1 # z2 # zs) = (let
(z1h, z1t) = split_at l z1 in
combine_z_aux l (z1h # acc) ((add_nat z1t z2) # zs)
definition combine_z :: "nat ⇒ nat_lsbf list ⇒ nat_lsbf" where
"combine_z l zs = combine_z_aux l [] zs"
lemma combine_z_aux_correct:
assumes "l > 0"
assumes "⋀z. z ∈ set zs ⟹ length z ≥ l"
shows "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (combine_z_aux l acc zs) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (concat (rev acc)) +
2 ^ (length (concat acc)) * (∑i ← [0..<length zs]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (zs ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l))"
using assms
proof (induction l acc zs rule: combine_z_aux.induct)
case (1 l acc)
then show ?case by simp
case (2 l acc z)
then show ?case by (simp add: to_nat_app)
case (3 l acc z1 z2 zs)
define z1h z1t where "z1h = take l z1" "z1t = drop l z1"
have lena: "l ≤ length (add_nat z1t z2)"
using length_add_nat_lower[of z1t z2] "3.prems" by force
from z1h_z1t_def have "combine_z_aux l acc (z1 # z2 # zs) = combine_z_aux l (z1h # acc) ((add_nat z1t z2) # zs)"
by simp
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (combine_z_aux l acc (z1 # z2 # zs)) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat ..." by argo
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (concat (rev (z1h # acc))) +
2 ^ length (concat (z1h # acc)) *
(∑i←[0..<length (add_nat z1t z2 # zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((add_nat z1t z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l))"
(is "... = ?t1 + ?p * ?t2")
apply (intro "3.IH"[OF refl])
subgoal unfolding split_at.simps using z1h_z1t_def by simp
subgoal by (rule "3.prems")
subgoal using "3.prems" lena by auto
also have "?t1 = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (concat (rev acc) @ z1h)"
by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (concat (rev acc)) + 2 ^ length (concat acc) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1h" (is "... = ?ta + ?tb")
by (simp add: to_nat_app)
also have "(?ta + ?tb) + ?p * ?t2 = ?ta + (?tb + ?p * ?t2)"
by simp
also have "?p = 2 ^ length (concat acc) * 2 ^ length z1h"
by (simp add: power_add)
also have "length z1h = l" using z1h_z1t_def "3.prems" by simp
also have "?tb + (2 ^ length (concat acc) * 2 ^ l) * ?t2 = 2 ^ length (concat acc) * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1h + 2 ^ l *
(∑i←[0..<length (add_nat z1t z2 # zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((add_nat z1t z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)))"
(is "_ = _ * ?t3")
by (simp add: add_mult_distrib2)
also have "?t3 = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1h +
2 ^ l * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (add_nat z1t z2) + (∑i←[1..<Suc (length zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((add_nat z1t z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)))"
(is "_ = _ + _ * (_ + ?sum)")
using sum_list_split_0[of "λi. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((add_nat z1t z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)" "length zs"] by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1h + 2 ^ l * Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1t + 2 ^ l * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z2 + ?sum)"
by (simp only: add_mult_distrib2 add_nat_correct)
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z1h @ z1t) + 2 ^ l * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z2 + ?sum)"
by (simp add: to_nat_app ‹length z1h = l›)
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1 + 2 ^ l * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z2 + ?sum)"
using z1h_z1t_def by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1 + 2 ^ l * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z2 + (∑i←[1..<Suc (length zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (+), cong_tag_2 (*)]" more: refl sum_list_eq)
subgoal premises prems for x
proof -
from prems obtain x' where "x = Suc x'"
by (metis atLeastAtMost_iff atLeastAtMost_upt not0_implies_Suc not_one_le_zero)
then show ?thesis by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1 + 2 ^ l * (∑i ← [0..<Suc (length zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l))"
using sum_list_split_0[of "λi. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)"] by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1 + (∑i ← [0..<Suc (length zs)]. 2 ^ l * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)))"
by (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(+)"] refl sum_list_const_mult[symmetric])
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1 + (∑i ← [0..<Suc (length zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (Suc i * l))"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(+)"] refl sum_list_eq)
by (simp add: power_add)
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1 + (∑i ← [0..<Suc (length zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z1 # z2 # zs) ! Suc i) * 2 ^ (Suc i * l))"
by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat z1 + (∑i ← [1..<Suc (Suc (length zs))]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z1 # z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l))"
unfolding sum_list_index_trafo[of "λi. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z1 # z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)" Suc "[0..<Suc (length zs)]"]
unfolding map_Suc_upt by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z1 # z2 # zs) ! 0) * 2 ^ (0 * l) + (∑i ← [1..<length (z1 # z2 # zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z1 # z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l))"
by simp
also have "... = (∑i ← [0..<length (z1 # z2 # zs)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z1 # z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l))"
using sum_list_split_0[where f = "λi. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z1 # z2 # zs) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l)"] by simp
finally show ?case .
lemma combine_z_correct:
assumes "l > 0"
assumes "⋀z. z ∈ set zs ⟹ length z ≥ l"
shows "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (combine_z l zs) = (∑i ← [0..<length zs]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (zs ! i) * 2 ^ (i * l))"
unfolding combine_z_def using combine_z_aux_correct[OF assms] by simp
lemma length_combine_z_aux_le:
assumes "⋀z. z ∈ set zs ⟹ length z ≤ lz"
assumes "length z ≤ lz + 1"
assumes "l > 0"
shows "length (combine_z_aux l acc (z # zs)) ≤ (lz + 1) * (length zs + 1) + length (concat acc)"
using assms proof (induction zs arbitrary: acc z)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons z1 zs)
then have len_drop_z: "length (drop l z) ≤ lz" by simp
have lena: "length (add_nat (drop l z) z1) ≤ lz + 1"
apply (estimation estimate: length_add_nat_upper)
using len_drop_z Cons.prems by simp
have "length (combine_z_aux l acc (z # z1 # zs)) =
length (combine_z_aux l (take l z # acc) (add_nat (drop l z) z1 # zs))"
by simp
also have "... ≤ (lz + 1) * (length zs + 1) + length (concat (take l z # acc))"
apply (intro Cons.IH)
subgoal using Cons.prems by simp
subgoal using lena .
subgoal using Cons.prems by simp
also have "... = (lz + 1) * (length (z1 # zs)) + length (take l z) + length (concat acc)"
by simp
also have "... ≤ (lz + 1) * length (z1 # zs) + (lz + 1) + length (concat acc)"
apply (intro add_mono mult_le_mono order.refl)
using Cons.prems by simp
also have "... = (lz + 1) * (length (z1 # zs) + 1) + length (concat acc)"
by simp
finally show ?case .
lemma length_combine_z_le:
assumes "⋀z. z ∈ set zs ⟹ length z ≤ lz"
assumes "l > 0"
shows "length (combine_z l zs) ≤ (lz + 1) * length zs"
proof (cases zs)
case Nil
then show ?thesis by (simp add: combine_z_def)
case (Cons z zs')
have "length (combine_z l zs) ≤ (lz + 1) * (length zs' + 1) + length (concat ([] :: nat_lsbf list))"
unfolding Cons combine_z_def
apply (intro length_combine_z_aux_le)
subgoal using assms Cons by simp
subgoal using assms Cons by fastforce
subgoal using assms by simp
also have "... = (lz + 1) * length zs"
unfolding Cons by simp
finally show ?thesis .
subsection "Schoenhage-Strassen Multiplication in $\\mathbb{Z}_{F_m}$"
function schoenhage_strassen :: "nat ⇒ nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf ⇒ nat_lsbf" where
"schoenhage_strassen m a b =
(if m < 3 then int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf m (grid_mul_nat a b) else
n = (if odd m then (m + 1) div 2 else (m + 2) div 2);
oe_n = (if odd m then n + 1 else n);
a' = subdivide (2 ^ (n - 1)) a;
b' = subdivide (2 ^ (n - 1)) b;
α = map (int_lsbf_mod.reduce (n + 2)) a';
u = concat (map (fill (3*n + 5)) α);
β = map (int_lsbf_mod.reduce (n + 2)) b';
v = concat (map (fill (3*n + 5)) β);
uv = ensure_length ((3*n + 5) * 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)) (karatsuba_mul_nat u v);
γ = subdivide (2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) (subdivide (3*n + 5) uv);
η = map4 (λx y z w.
int_lsbf_mod.add_mod (n + 2)
(int_lsbf_mod.subtract_mod (n + 2) (take (n + 2) x) (take (n + 2) y))
(int_lsbf_mod.subtract_mod (n + 2) (take (n + 2) z) (take (n + 2) w))
(γ ! 0) (γ ! 1) (γ ! 2) (γ ! 3);
prim_root_exponent = (if odd m then 1 else 2);
a'_carrier = map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) a';
b'_carrier = map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) b';
a_dft = int_lsbf_fermat.fft n prim_root_exponent a'_carrier;
b_dft = int_lsbf_fermat.fft n prim_root_exponent b'_carrier;
a_dft_odds = evens_odds False a_dft;
b_dft_odds = evens_odds False b_dft;
c_dft_odds = map2 (schoenhage_strassen n) a_dft_odds b_dft_odds;
c_diffs = int_lsbf_fermat.ifft n (prim_root_exponent * 2) c_dft_odds;
ξ' = map2 (λcj j. int_lsbf_fermat.add_fermat n
(int_lsbf_fermat.divide_by_power_of_2 cj (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1))
(int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf n (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True])))
c_diffs [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)];
ξ = map (int_lsbf_fermat.reduce n) ξ';
z = map2 (solve_special_residue_problem n) ξ η;
z_filled = map (fill (2 ^ (n - 1))) z;
z_consts = replicate (2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True]);
z_sum = combine_z (2 ^ (n - 1)) (z_filled @ z_consts);
result = int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf m z_sum
in result)"
by pat_completeness auto
apply (relation "Wellfounded.measure (λ(n, a, b). n)")
subgoal by blast
by fastforce
declare schoenhage_strassen.simps[simp del]
locale schoenhage_strassen_context =
fixes m :: nat
fixes a :: nat_lsbf
fixes b :: nat_lsbf
assumes m_ge_3: "¬ m < 3"
assumes a_carrier: "a ∈ int_lsbf_fermat.fermat_non_unique_carrier m"
assumes b_carrier: "b ∈ int_lsbf_fermat.fermat_non_unique_carrier m"
sublocale m_lemmas
using m_ge_3 by unfold_locales simp
sublocale A: carrier_input m a
by unfold_locales (rule a_carrier)
sublocale B: carrier_input m b
by unfold_locales (rule b_carrier)
definition uv_length where "uv_length = pad_length * 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)"
definition uv_unpadded where "uv_unpadded = karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad"
definition uv where "uv = ensure_length uv_length uv_unpadded"
definition γs where "γs = subdivide pad_length uv"
definition γ where "γ = subdivide (2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) γs"
definition η where "η = map4 (λx y z w. int_lsbf_mod.add_mod (n + 2)
(int_lsbf_mod.subtract_mod (n + 2) (take (n + 2) x) (take (n + 2) y))
(int_lsbf_mod.subtract_mod (n + 2) (take (n + 2) z) (take (n + 2) w))
) (γ ! 0) (γ ! 1) (γ ! 2) (γ ! 3)"
definition c_dft_odds where "c_dft_odds = map2 (schoenhage_strassen n) A.num_dft_odds B.num_dft_odds"
definition c_diffs where "c_diffs = int_lsbf_fermat.ifft n (prim_root_exponent * 2) c_dft_odds"
definition ξ' where "ξ' = map2 (λcj j. int_lsbf_fermat.add_fermat n
(int_lsbf_fermat.divide_by_power_of_2 cj (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1))
(int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf n (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True])))
c_diffs [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]"
definition ξ where "ξ = map (int_lsbf_fermat.reduce n) ξ'"
definition z where "z = map2 (solve_special_residue_problem n) ξ η"
definition z_filled where "z_filled = map (fill (2 ^ (n - 1))) z"
definition z_consts where "z_consts = replicate (2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True])"
definition z_sum where "z_sum = combine_z (2 ^ (n - 1)) (z_filled @ z_consts)"
definition result where "result = int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf m z_sum"
lemmas defs = n_def oe_n_def A.defs B.defs pad_length_def uv_length_def uv_unpadded_def uv_def
γs_def γ_def η_def c_dft_odds_def c_diffs_def ξ'_def ξ_def z_def z_filled_def z_consts_def
z_sum_def result_def prim_root_exponent_def μ_def
lemma result_eq: "schoenhage_strassen m a b = result"
unfolding schoenhage_strassen.simps[of m a b]
unfolding iffD2[OF eq_False m_ge_3] if_False Let_def defs[symmetric]
by (rule refl)
lemma length_uv: "length uv = uv_length"
unfolding uv_def by (intro ensure_length_correct)
lemma pad_length_gt_0: "pad_length > 0" unfolding pad_length_def by simp
lemma scuv:
"length (subdivide pad_length uv) = 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)"
"x ∈ set (subdivide pad_length uv) ⟹ length x = pad_length"
using subdivide_correct[OF pad_length_gt_0] length_uv uv_length_def
by auto
lemma length_c_dft_odds: "length c_dft_odds = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding c_dft_odds_def
using A.length_num_dft_odds B.length_num_dft_odds by simp
lemma length_c_diffs: "length c_diffs = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding c_diffs_def
by (intro Fnr.length_ifft length_c_dft_odds)
lemma length_ξ': "length ξ' = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding ξ'_def by (simp add: length_c_diffs)
lemma length_ξ: "length ξ = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding ξ_def by (simp add: length_ξ')
lemma γ_nth: "⋀i j. i < 4 ⟹ j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) ⟹ γ ! i ! j = (subdivide pad_length uv) ! (i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)"
subgoal for i j
unfolding γ_def γs_def
apply (intro nth_nth_subdivide[where k = 4])
subgoal by simp
apply (intro conjunct1[OF subdivide_correct])
subgoal unfolding pad_length_def by simp
subgoal using length_uv two_pow_Suc_oe_n_as_prod uv_length_def
by simp
lemma γ_nth': "⋀j. j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1) ⟹ γ ! (j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) ! (j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) = subdivide pad_length uv ! j"
using index_decomp γ_nth by algebra
lemma scγ: "length γ = 4" "⋀i. i < 4 ⟹ length (γ ! i) = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
proof -
have 1: "(2::nat) ^ (oe_n - 1) > 0" by simp
have 2: "length (subdivide pad_length uv) = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) * 4"
using two_pow_Suc_oe_n_as_prod scuv(1) by simp
show "length γ = 4" "⋀i. i < 4 ⟹ length (γ ! i) = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
using subdivide_correct[OF 1 2]
unfolding γ_def[symmetric] γs_def[symmetric] by simp_all
lemmas length_γ = scγ(1)
lemmas length_γ_i = scγ(2)
lemma length_γ_nth: "⋀i j. i < 4 ⟹ j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) ⟹ length (γ ! i ! j) = pad_length"
subgoal for i j
using scuv γ_nth index_comp[of i j] by fastforce
lemma length_η: "length η = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" unfolding η_def
using length_γ_i by (simp add: map4_as_map)
lemma length_z: "length z = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding z_def using length_ξ length_η by simp
lemma nth_z: "z ! j = solve_special_residue_problem n (ξ ! j) (η ! j)" if "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for j
unfolding z_def using length_z that length_ξ length_η by simp
lemma length_z_filled: "length z_filled = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding z_filled_def by (simp add: length_z)
lemma length_z_consts: "length z_consts = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
unfolding z_consts_def by simp
theorem schoenhage_strassen_correct':
assumes "a ∈ int_lsbf_fermat.fermat_non_unique_carrier m"
assumes "b ∈ int_lsbf_fermat.fermat_non_unique_carrier m"
shows "int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m (schoenhage_strassen m a b)
= int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m a ⊗⇘int_lsbf_fermat.Fn m⇙ int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m b ∧ schoenhage_strassen m a b ∈ int_lsbf_fermat.fermat_non_unique_carrier m"
using assms
proof (induction m arbitrary: a b rule: less_induct)
case (less m)
then show ?case
proof (cases "m < 3")
case True
then have def: "schoenhage_strassen m a b = int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf m (grid_mul_nat a b)"
by (simp add: schoenhage_strassen.simps)
then have "int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m (schoenhage_strassen m a b)
= int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m (grid_mul_nat a b)"
using int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf_correct by simp
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (grid_mul_nat a b)) mod int (2 ^ (2 ^ m) + 1)"
unfolding int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring.simps by argo
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat a * Nat_LSBF.to_nat b) mod int (2 ^ (2 ^ m) + 1)"
by (simp add: grid_mul_nat_correct)
also have "... = int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m a ⊗⇘residue_ring (2 ^ (2 ^ m) + 1)⇙ int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m b"
apply (simp add: residue_ring_def int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring.simps)
using mod_mult_eq
by (metis add.commute)
finally show ?thesis unfolding int_lsbf_fermat.Fn_def using def int_lsbf_fermat.from_nat_lsbf_correct(1)
by (simp add: add.commute)
case False
interpret schoenhage_strassen_context m a b
using False "less.prems" by unfold_locales assumption+
have Fn_def': "Fn = residue_ring (2 ^ 2 ^ n + 1)"
unfolding Fn_def by (simp add: int_ops add.commute)
have fn_Fn[simp]: "int_lsbf_fermat.Fn n = Fn"
unfolding Fn_def int_lsbf_fermat.Fn_def by (rule refl)
from Fmr.res_carrier_eq have Fm_carrierI: "⋀i. 0 ≤ i ⟹ i < 2 ^ 2 ^ m + 1 ⟹ i ∈ carrier Fm"
by simp
define c' where "c' = map (λj. ∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n))))) [0..<2 ^ oe_n]"
define z' where "z' = (λj. if j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) then c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) else 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n))"
define z'' where "z'' = (λj. if j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) then c' ! j ⊖⇘Fm⇙ c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) ⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) else 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n))"
have length_c': "length c' = 2 ^ oe_n" unfolding c'_def by simp
have c'_nth: "c' ! j = (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)))))"
if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
unfolding c'_def using that by simp
have c'_nth_nat: "c' ! j = int (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n))))"
if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
proof -
have "c' ! j = (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)))))"
unfolding c'_nth[OF that] by simp
also have "... = int (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)))"
by (intro sum_list_int[symmetric])
finally show "c' ! j = ..." .
have c'_lower_bound: "c' ! j ≥ 0" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
unfolding c'_nth[OF that]
apply (intro sum_list_nonneg) by fastforce
have c'_upper_bound: "c' ! j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
proof -
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)) < 2 ^ 2 ^ n"
if "σ < 2 ^ oe_n" for σ
proof -
have "length (A.num_blocks ! σ) = 2 ^ (n - 1)" using A.length_nth_num_blocks that by simp
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ) < 2 ^ 2 ^ (n - 1)"
using to_nat_length_bound by metis
moreover have "length (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)) = 2 ^ (n - 1)"
using B.length_nth_num_blocks by simp
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)) < 2 ^ 2 ^ (n - 1)"
using to_nat_length_bound by metis
ultimately have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)) <
2 ^ 2 ^ (n - 1) * 2 ^ 2 ^ (n - 1)"
by (intro mult_strict_mono) simp_all
also have "... = 2 ^ 2 ^ n" using n_gt_1
by (simp add: power_add[symmetric] mult_2[symmetric] power_Suc[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
then have "(∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)))) < length [0..<2 ^ oe_n] * 2 ^ 2 ^ n"
by (intro sum_list_estimation_le) simp_all
then have "c' ! j < length [0..<2 ^ oe_n] * 2 ^ 2 ^ n"
unfolding c'_nth_nat[OF that]
using nat_int_comparison(2)[symmetric] by blast
also have "... = 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
by (simp add: power_add)
finally show "c' ! j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)" .
have c'_carrier: "c' ! j ∈ carrier Fm" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
proof -
have "c' ! j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)" using c'_upper_bound[OF that] .
also have "... < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n)" by simp
also have "... ≤ 2 ^ 2 ^ m" using iffD2[OF zle_int two_pow_oe_n_m_bound_1] by simp
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: Fm_def residue_ring_def c'_lower_bound[OF that])
have c'_alt: "c' ! j = (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. of_bool ([j = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n)) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ρ))))"
if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
proof -
have "c' ! j = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) *
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n))))"
using c'_nth[OF that] .
also have "... = (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. of_bool (ρ = (2 ^ oe_n + j - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ρ))))"
by (intro semiring_1_sum_list_eq of_bool_distinct_in[symmetric]) simp_all
also have "... = (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. of_bool ([j = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n)) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ρ))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (*), cong_tag_1 of_bool]" more: semiring_1_sum_list_eq refl)
subgoal premises prems for σ ρ
unfolding cong_def
using cyclic_index_lemma[of σ "2 ^ oe_n" ρ j, symmetric] that prems
by auto
finally show ?thesis .
have z'_z'': "z' j = z'' j" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
proof -
have "(2 :: int) ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) = int (2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n))" by simp
also have "... = int (2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) mod Fmr.n)"
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = int] mod_less[symmetric])
using oe_n_m_bound_0
by (meson one_less_numeral_iff power_strict_increasing semiring_norm(76) trans_less_add1)
also have "... = 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
by (simp add: Fmr.pow_nat_eq zmod_int)
finally have twopow: "(2 :: int) ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) = 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)" .
show "z' j = z'' j"
proof (cases "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)")
case True
then have "z' j = c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
unfolding z'_def by simp
moreover have "... ≥ 0" "... < Fmr.n"
subgoal using c'_upper_bound[of "2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j"] c'_lower_bound[of j]
using ‹j < 2 ^ oe_n› index_intros(2)[of j] True by simp
proof -
have "c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) < 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
using c'_upper_bound[OF ‹j < 2 ^ oe_n›] c'_lower_bound[OF index_intros(2)[OF ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)›]]
by simp
then have "c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n)"
by simp
also have "... < 2 ^ 2 ^ m + 1"
using two_pow_oe_n_m_bound_1 by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
ultimately have "z' j = z' j mod Fmr.n" by simp
have "z'' j = c' ! j ⊖⇘Fm⇙ c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) ⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
unfolding z''_def using True by simp
also have "... = ((c' ! j ⊖⇘Fm⇙ c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) + 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fmr.n"
by (intro Fmr.res_add_eq)
also have "... = ((c' ! j ⊖⇘Fm⇙ c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fmr.n"
using ‹2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) = 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)› by argo
also have "... = ((c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod Fmr.n + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fmr.n"
using Fmr.residues_minus_eq by simp
also have "... = ((c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fmr.n"
by (simp add: mod_add_left_eq)
also have "... = z' j mod Fmr.n"
unfolding ‹z' j = c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)› by (intro refl)
finally show ?thesis using ‹z' j = z' j mod Fmr.n› by argo
case False
then show ?thesis unfolding z'_def z''_def using twopow by simp
have z'_carrier: "z'' j ∈ carrier Fm" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
unfolding z''_def
apply (intro prop_ifI[where P = "λp. p ∈ carrier Fm"] Fmr.a_closed Fmr.minus_closed Fmr.nat_pow_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
using index_intros by simp_all
have "Fmr.to_residue_ring a ⊗⇘Fm⇙ Fmr.to_residue_ring b =
(⨁⇘Fm⇙j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (⨁⇘Fm⇙k ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) A.num_blocks ! k ⊗⇘Fm⇙ map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - k) mod 2 ^ oe_n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (2::nat) ^ (n - 1)) [^]⇘Fm⇙ j))"
unfolding A.to_res_num B.to_res_num
apply (intro Fmr.root_of_unity_power_sum_product)
apply (intro Fmr.root_of_unity_power_sum_product two_pow_oe_n_root_of_unity_Fm A.num_blocks_carrier_Fm)
subgoal for j using A.num_blocks_carrier_Fm[of j] A.length_num_blocks by simp
subgoal for j using B.num_blocks_carrier_Fm[of j] B.length_num_blocks by simp
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (c' ! i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong arg_cong2[where f = "(⊗⇘Fm⇙)"])
subgoal premises prems for j
proof -
from prems have "j < 2 ^ oe_n" by simp
have "(⨁⇘Fm⇙k ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) A.num_blocks ! k ⊗⇘Fm⇙
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - k) mod 2 ^ oe_n)) =
(⨁⇘Fm⇙k ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) A.num_blocks ! k *
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - k) mod 2 ^ oe_n)) mod Fmr.n)"
by (intro Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong Fmr.res_mult_eq)
also have "... = (∑k ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) A.num_blocks ! k *
map (int ∘ Nat_LSBF.to_nat) B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + j - k) mod 2 ^ oe_n))) mod Fmr.n"
by (intro Fmr.monoid_sum_list_eq_sum_list')
also have "... = c' ! j mod Fmr.n"
unfolding c'_nth[OF ‹j < 2 ^ oe_n›]
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (mod)]" more: refl semiring_1_sum_list_eq)
using A.length_num_blocks B.length_num_blocks by simp_all
also have "... = c' ! j"
using Fmr.carrier_mod_eq[OF c'_carrier[OF ‹j < 2 ^ oe_n›]] .
finally show ?thesis .
subgoal for j unfolding Fmr.nat_pow_pow[OF Fmr.two_in_carrier]
by (intro arg_cong2[where f = "([^]⇘Fm⇙)"] refl mult.commute)
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (z' i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
proof -
have "(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (z' i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) =
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (z'' i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fm⇙)]" more: Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong refl)
using z'_z'' by simp
also have "... =
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. (z'' i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) ⊕⇘Fm⇙
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ (oe_n - 1) * 2 ^ (n - 1)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. (z'' (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro Fmr.monoid_pow_sum_split two_pow_oe_n_as_halves[symmetric] z'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
by assumption
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. (c' ! i ⊖⇘Fm⇙ c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) ⊕⇘Fm⇙
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ (oe_n - 1) * 2 ^ (n - 1)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙), cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fm⇙)]" more: Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong refl)
by (simp_all add: z''_def)
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! i ⊖⇘Fm⇙ c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙), cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fm⇙), cong_tag_2 ([^]⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl)
using two_pow_m0_as_prod by simp
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! i ⊖⇘Fm⇙ (c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊖⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n))) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙), cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong Fmr.diff_diff[symmetric] Fmr.nat_pow_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
using index_intros by simp_all
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊖⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl Fmr.monoid_pow_sum_diff'[symmetric] Fmr.minus_closed Fmr.nat_pow_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
using index_intros by simp_all
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ (⊖⇘Fm⇙ 𝟭⇘Fm⇙) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊖⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl Fmr.diff_eq_add_mult_one Fmr.monoid_sum_list_closed Fmr.m_closed Fmr.nat_pow_closed Fmr.minus_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
using index_intros by simp_all
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ (2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊖⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
using Fmr.two_pow_half_carrier_length_residue_ring by argo
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊖⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))))"
apply (intro Fmr.a_assoc Fmr.m_closed Fmr.nat_pow_closed Fmr.monoid_sum_list_closed Fmr.minus_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
using index_intros by simp_all
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
((⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊖⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl Fmr.r_distr[symmetric] Fmr.monoid_sum_list_closed Fmr.m_closed Fmr.nat_pow_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier Fmr.minus_closed)
using index_intros by simp
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i) ⊖⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) ⊕⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙), cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl Fmr.monoid_pow_sum_add' Fmr.minus_closed Fmr.nat_pow_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
using index_intros by simp
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ m)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Fm⇙), cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fm⇙)]" more: refl Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong Fmr.minus_cancel Fmr.nat_pow_closed c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
using index_intros by simp
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))
⊕⇘Fm⇙ ((2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ ((2::nat) ^ (oe_n - 1) * 2 ^ (n - 1))) ⊗⇘Fm⇙
(⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)].
(c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + i)) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))))"
using two_pow_m0_as_prod by (simp add: mult.commute)
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. c' ! i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro Fmr.monoid_pow_sum_split[symmetric] two_pow_oe_n_as_halves[symmetric] c'_carrier Fmr.two_in_carrier)
by assumption
finally show ?thesis by argo
finally have result0: "Fmr.to_residue_ring a ⊗⇘Fm⇙ Fmr.to_residue_ring b
= (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (z' i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))" .
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv = Nat_LSBF.to_nat A.num_Zn_pad * Nat_LSBF.to_nat B.num_Zn_pad"
proof (cases "length (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad) ≤ uv_length")
case True
have "uv = fill uv_length (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad)"
unfolding uv_def ensure_length_def uv_unpadded_def
apply (intro take_id)
using True unfolding length_fill' by linarith
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad)" by simp
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat A.num_Zn_pad * Nat_LSBF.to_nat B.num_Zn_pad" by (rule karatsuba_mul_nat_correct)
finally show ?thesis .
case False
define uv' where "uv' = take uv_length (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad)"
define f where "f = drop uv_length (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad)"
have "karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad = uv' @ f"
unfolding uv'_def f_def
by (rule append_take_drop_id[symmetric])
from uv'_def False have "length uv' = uv_length"
unfolding uv'_def length_take using False
by (intro min.absorb2) linarith
have "f = replicate (length f) False"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "f ≠ replicate (length f) False"
with list_is_replicate_iff obtain i where "i < length f" "f ! i = True" by force
define j where "j = uv_length + i"
then have "karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad ! j = True"
using ‹karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad = uv' @ f› ‹length uv' = uv_length›
using ‹f ! i = True› by (metis nth_append_length_plus)
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad) ≥ 2 ^ j"
apply (intro to_nat_nth_True_bound)
subgoal using j_def ‹i < length f› ‹length uv' = uv_length›
using ‹karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad = uv' @ f› by simp
subgoal .
moreover have "(2::nat) ^ j ≥ 2 ^ uv_length"
apply (intro power_increasing) using j_def by simp_all
ultimately have G: "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad) ≥ 2 ^ uv_length"
by linarith
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat A.num_Zn_pad * Nat_LSBF.to_nat B.num_Zn_pad"
by (intro karatsuba_mul_nat_correct)
also have "... < 2 ^ length A.num_Zn_pad * 2 ^ length B.num_Zn_pad"
by (intro mult_strict_mono to_nat_length_bound) simp_all
also have "... = 2 ^ (length A.num_Zn_pad + length B.num_Zn_pad)"
by (simp only: power_add)
also have "... = 2 ^ (pad_length * 2 ^ oe_n + pad_length * 2 ^ oe_n)"
using A.length_num_Zn_pad B.length_num_Zn_pad
by simp
also have "... = 2 ^ uv_length"
unfolding uv_length_def
by (intro arg_cong[where f = "power 2"]) simp
finally show "False" using G by linarith
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv'"
using ‹karatsuba_mul_nat A.num_Zn_pad B.num_Zn_pad = uv' @ f›
using to_nat_app_replicate by metis
moreover have "uv' = uv"
unfolding uv'_def uv_def ensure_length_def uv_unpadded_def
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = take] refl fill_id[symmetric])
using False by linarith
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding karatsuba_mul_nat_correct by simp
define γ' where "γ' ≡ λτ. (∑σ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. of_bool (τ = σ + ρ) * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ)))"
have to_nat_γ: "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! i ! j) = γ' (i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)"
if "i < 4" "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for i j
proof -
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv = (∑j ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (subdivide pad_length uv ! j) * 2 ^ (j * pad_length))"
apply (intro to_nat_subdivide pad_length_gt_0)
unfolding length_uv uv_length_def by (rule refl)
also have "... = (∑j ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1)].
Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! (j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) ! (j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)))
* 2 ^ (j * pad_length))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (*), cong_tag_1 Nat_LSBF.to_nat]" more: semiring_1_sum_list_eq refl)
apply (intro γ_nth'[symmetric]) by simp
finally have 1: "Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv = ..." .
let ?exp = "λi. 2 ^ (i * pad_length)"
let ?a = "λi. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! i)"
let ?b = "λi. Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! i)"
from A.to_nat_num_Zn_pad B.to_nat_num_Zn_pad
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv =
(∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ?a i * ?exp i) *
(∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ?b j * ?exp j)"
using ‹Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv = Nat_LSBF.to_nat A.num_Zn_pad * Nat_LSBF.to_nat B.num_Zn_pad›
by argo
also have "... = (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (?a i * ?exp i) * (?b j * ?exp j))"
by (rule sum_list_mult_sum_list)
also have "... = (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (?a i * ?b j) * ?exp (i + j))"
by (intro sum_list_eq; simp add: algebra_simps power_add)
also have "... = (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑k ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1].
of_bool (k = i + j) * ((?a i * ?b j) * ?exp (i + j)))"
by (intro sum_list_eq of_bool_distinct_in[symmetric]; simp)
also have "... = (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑k ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1].
of_bool (k = i + j) * ((?a i * ?b j) * ?exp k))"
by (intro sum_list_eq[where xs = "[0..<2 ^ oe_n]"] of_bool_var_swap[symmetric])
also have "... = (∑k ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1]. ∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n].
of_bool (k = i + j) * ((?a i * ?b j) * ?exp k))"
by (simp only: sum_swap[where ys = "[0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1]"])
also have "... = (∑k ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1]. γ' k * ?exp k)"
apply (unfold γ'_def)
apply (intro sum_list_eq)
apply (unfold sum_list_mult_const[symmetric])
apply (intro sum_list_eq)
apply (simp only: algebra_simps)
also have "... = (∑k ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1)]. γ' k * 2 ^ (k * pad_length))"
proof -
have "(∑k ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1)]. γ' k * 2 ^ (k * pad_length)) =
(∑k ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1]. γ' k * 2 ^ (k * pad_length)) + γ' (2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1) * 2 ^ ((2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1) * pad_length)"
apply (intro sum_list_split_Suc) by simp
also have "γ' (2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1) = (∑i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑j ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. 0)"
unfolding γ'_def
proof (intro semiring_1_sum_list_eq)
fix i j :: nat
assume "i ∈ set [0..<2 ^ oe_n]" "j ∈ set [0..<2 ^ oe_n]"
then have "i + j ≤ (2 ^ oe_n - 1) + (2 ^ oe_n - 1)" by simp
also have "... = 2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 2" by simp
also have "... < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1" using oe_n_gt_0
by (meson diff_less_mono2 one_less_numeral_iff one_less_power pos_add_strict semiring_norm(76) zero_less_one)
finally have "2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1 ≠ i + j" by simp
then have "of_bool (2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1 = i + j) = 0" by simp
then show "of_bool (2 ^ (oe_n + 1) - 1 = i + j) * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! i) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! j)) = 0"
using mult_zero_left by metis
also have "... = 0" by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
finally have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat uv = ..." .
with 1 have 2: "(∑j ← [0..<2 ^ (oe_n + 1)].
Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! (j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) ! (j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)))
* 2 ^ (j * pad_length)) = ..." by argo
have "⋀j. j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1) ⟹
Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! (j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) ! (j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1))) = γ' j"
apply (intro power_sum_nat_eq[where n = "2 ^ (oe_n + 1)" and g = γ' and x = 2 and c = pad_length])
subgoal by simp
subgoal by (rule pad_length_gt_0)
subgoal for i j
proof -
assume "j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)"
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! (j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) ! (j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1))) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (subdivide pad_length uv ! j)"
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = Nat_LSBF.to_nat] γ_nth') .
also have "... < 2 ^ (length (subdivide pad_length uv ! j))"
by (intro to_nat_length_bound)
also have "... = 2 ^ pad_length"
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = "power 2"] scuv(2) nth_mem)
using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)› scuv(1) by argo
finally show "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! (j div 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)) ! (j mod 2 ^ (oe_n - 1))) < 2 ^ pad_length" .
subgoal for i j
proof -
have "γ' j = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. of_bool (j = σ + ρ) * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ)))"
unfolding γ'_def by argo
also have "... ≤ (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. of_bool (j = σ + ρ) * ((2 ^ (n + 2) - 1) * (2 ^ (n + 2) - 1)))"
apply (intro sum_list_mono mult_le_mono2 mult_le_mono)
subgoal for σ ρ unfolding A.num_Zn_def
using A.length_num_blocks to_nat_length_upper_bound[of "map Znr.reduce A.num_blocks ! σ"] Znr.length_reduce
by simp
subgoal for σ ρ unfolding B.num_Zn_def
using B.length_num_blocks to_nat_length_upper_bound[of "map Znr.reduce B.num_blocks ! ρ"] Znr.length_reduce
by simp
also have "... = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. of_bool (j = σ + ρ)) * ((2 ^ (n + 2) - 1) * (2 ^ (n + 2) - 1))"
by (simp add: sum_list_mult_const)
also have "... ≤ (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. 1) * ((2 ^ (n + 2) - 1) * (2 ^ (n + 2) - 1))"
apply (intro mult_le_mono1 sum_list_mono)
subgoal for σ
by (intro of_bool_sum_leq_1) simp_all
also have "... = 2 ^ oe_n * ((2 ^ (n + 2) - 1) * (2 ^ (n + 2) - 1))"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(*)"] refl)
using sum_list_triv[of "(1::nat)" "[0..<2 ^ oe_n]"] by simp
also have "... < 2 ^ oe_n * (2 ^ (n + 2) * 2 ^ (n + 2))"
apply (intro iffD2[OF mult_less_cancel1] conjI)
subgoal by simp
subgoal by (intro mult_strict_mono) simp_all
also have "... = 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 * n + 4)" by (simp add: power_add power2_eq_square power_even_eq)
finally show ?thesis unfolding oe_n_def apply (cases "odd m")
subgoal by (simp add: add.commute pad_length_def)
subgoal by (simp add: power_add pad_length_def)
subgoal for j using 2 .
subgoal by assumption
then show "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! i ! j) = γ' (i * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)"
using index_comp that by metis
have γc: "[int (γ' τ) + int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + τ)) = c' ! τ] (mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
if "τ < 2 ^ oe_n" for τ
proof -
have "c' ! τ mod 2 ^ (n + 2) = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
of_bool [τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n) *
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ρ)))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
by (intro arg_cong[where f = "λj. j mod _"] c'_alt[OF that])
also have "... = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
(of_bool [τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n) *
((int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ρ)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
apply (intro sum_list_mod')
using mod_mult_right_eq[of "of_bool _"] mod_mult_eq[of "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! _))" _ "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! _))"]
by metis
also have "(∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
(of_bool [τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n) *
((int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ρ)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))))) =
(∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
(of_bool [τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n) *
((int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ))) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ))))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (*)]" more: semiring_1_sum_list_eq refl)
unfolding A.num_Zn_def B.num_Zn_def
subgoal for σ ρ
using A.length_num_blocks
using Znr.to_nat_reduce
by (simp add: zmod_int)
subgoal for σ ρ
using B.length_num_blocks Znr.to_nat_reduce
by (simp add: zmod_int)
also have "... = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
of_bool (τ = σ + ρ ∨ τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ) *
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ))))"
proof (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (*), cong_tag_1 of_bool]" more: semiring_1_sum_list_eq refl)
fix σ ρ :: nat
assume a: "σ ∈ set [0..<2 ^ oe_n]" "ρ ∈ set [0..<2 ^ oe_n]"
have "[τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n) ⟹ τ = σ + ρ ∨ τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ"
proof -
assume "[τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n)"
then have "τ mod (2 ^ oe_n) = (σ + ρ) mod (2 ^ oe_n)"
unfolding cong_def .
then have "τ = (σ + ρ) mod (2 ^ oe_n)"
using mod_less ‹τ < 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
define i where "i = (σ + ρ) div (2 ^ oe_n)"
have "τ + i * 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ"
unfolding ‹τ = (σ + ρ) mod (2 ^ oe_n)› i_def
by (simp add: mod_div_mult_eq)
moreover have "i ≤ 1"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ i ≤ 1"
then have "i ≥ 2" by simp
then have "σ + ρ ≥ 2 ^ (oe_n + 1)"
using ‹τ + i * 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ›
by (metis div_exp_eq div_greater_zero_iff i_def pos2 power_one_right)
then show False using a by simp
hence "i = 0 ∨ i = 1" by linarith
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "τ = σ + ρ ∨ τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ ⟹ [τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n)"
by (metis cong_add_lcancel_0_nat cong_refl cong_sym cong_to_1'_nat mult_1)
ultimately show "[τ = σ + ρ] (mod 2 ^ oe_n) = (τ = σ + ρ ∨ τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ)" by argo
also have "... = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
(of_bool (τ = σ + ρ) + of_bool (τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ)) *
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (*)]" more: semiring_1_sum_list_eq refl of_bool_disj_excl)
by simp
also have "... = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
of_bool (τ = σ + ρ) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ)))) +
(∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
of_bool (τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ) * (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ)) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ))))"
by (simp add: int_distrib(1) sum_list_addf)
also have "... = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
int (of_bool (τ = σ + ρ) * ((Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ))))) +
(∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
int (of_bool (τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ) * ((Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ) * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ))))))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (+)]" more: semiring_1_sum_list_eq)
by simp_all
also have "... = int (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
of_bool (τ = σ + ρ) * ((Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ) * Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ)))) +
int (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. ∑ρ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n].
of_bool (τ + 2 ^ oe_n = σ + ρ) * ((Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_Zn ! σ) * (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_Zn ! ρ)))))"
by (simp add: sum_list_int)
also have "... = int (γ' τ) + int (γ' (τ + 2 ^ oe_n))"
unfolding γ'_def by argo
finally show "[int (γ' τ) + int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + τ)) = c' ! τ] (mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
unfolding cong_def by (simp add: add.commute)
have η_carrier: "length (η ! j) = n + 2" if "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for j
proof -
have "η ! j = Znr.add_mod
(Znr.subtract_mod (take (n + 2) (γ ! 0 ! j)) (take (n + 2) (γ ! 1 ! j)))
(Znr.subtract_mod (take (n + 2) (γ ! 2 ! j)) (take (n + 2) (γ ! 3 ! j)))"
unfolding η_def apply (intro nth_map4) using scγ that by simp_all
then show ?thesis using Znr.add_mod_closed by simp
have η_residues: "Znr.to_residue_ring (η ! j) = z' j mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
if "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for j
proof -
have "Znr.to_residue_ring (η ! j) =
Znr.to_residue_ring (
(Znr.subtract_mod (take (n + 2) (γ ! 0 ! j)) (take (n + 2) (γ ! 1 ! j)))
(Znr.subtract_mod (take (n + 2) (γ ! 2 ! j)) (take (n + 2) (γ ! 3 ! j))))"
unfolding η_def
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = Znr.to_residue_ring] nth_map4)
using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› scγ
by simp_all
also have "... =
Znr.to_residue_ring (Znr.subtract_mod (take (n + 2) (γ ! 0 ! j)) (take (n + 2) (γ ! 1 ! j))) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
Znr.to_residue_ring (Znr.subtract_mod (take (n + 2) (γ ! 2 ! j)) (take (n + 2) (γ ! 3 ! j)))"
by (intro Znr.add_mod_correct)
also have "... =
(Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 0 ! j)) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 1 ! j))) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
(Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 2 ! j)) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 3 ! j)))"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(⊕⇘Zn⇙)"])
using less_exp[of "n + 2"] by (intro Znr.subtract_mod_correct) simp_all
using less_exp[of "n + 2"] by (intro Znr.subtract_mod_correct) simp_all
also have "... =
(Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 0 ! j)) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 2 ! j))) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
(Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 1 ! j)) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
Znr.to_residue_ring (take (n + 2) (γ ! 3 ! j)))"
apply (intro Znr.diff_sum)
using Znr.to_residue_ring_in_carrier by simp_all
also have "... =
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (take (n + 2) (γ ! 0 ! j))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (take (n + 2) (γ ! 2 ! j))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (take (n + 2) (γ ! 1 ! j))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (take (n + 2) (γ ! 3 ! j))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
unfolding Znr.to_residue_ring_def by simp
also have "... =
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! 0 ! j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! 2 ! j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! 1 ! j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (γ ! 3 ! j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (λi j. i ⊖⇘Zn⇙ j), cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Zn⇙)]")
by (simp_all add: to_nat_take zmod_int)
also have "... =
(int (γ' (0 * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (γ' (2 * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
(int (γ' (1 * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (γ' (3 * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (λi j. i ⊖⇘Zn⇙ j), cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Zn⇙), cong_tag_2 (mod), cong_tag_1 int]" more: refl to_nat_γ ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)›)
by simp_all
also have "... =
(int (γ' j) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
(int (γ' (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊕⇘Zn⇙
int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (λi j. i ⊖⇘Zn⇙ j), cong_tag_2 (⊕⇘Zn⇙), cong_tag_2 (mod), cong_tag_1 int, cong_tag_1 γ']" more: refl)
using two_pow_oe_n_as_halves by simp_all
also have "... =
(int (γ' j) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) +
int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
(int (γ' (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) +
int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (λi j. i ⊖⇘Zn⇙ j)]")
unfolding Znr.res_add_eq
subgoal by (intro arg_cong[where f = "λi. _ mod i"], unfold int_exp_hom[symmetric], simp)
subgoal by (intro arg_cong[where f = "λi. _ mod i"], simp)
also have "... =
(int (γ' j) + int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + j))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) ⊖⇘Zn⇙
(int (γ' (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) +
int (γ' (2 ^ oe_n + (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)))) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
by (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (λi j. i ⊖⇘Zn⇙ j)]" more: mod_add_eq)
also have "... = ((c' ! j) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)) ⊖⇘Zn⇙ ((c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "λi j. i ⊖⇘Zn⇙ j"])
using γc unfolding cong_def using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› index_intros[of j]
by simp_all
also have "... = (c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
unfolding Znr.residues_minus_eq
by (simp add: mod_diff_eq)
also have "... = (c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
proof -
have "oe_n ≥ n" unfolding oe_n_def by simp
moreover have "2 ^ n ≥ n + 2" using aux_ineq_3[OF n_gt_1] .
ultimately have "oe_n + 2 ^ n ≥ n + 2"
by simp
then have "(2::int) ^ (n + 2) dvd 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
apply (intro le_imp_power_dvd) .
then have "(2::int) ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) mod 2 ^ (n + 2) = 0"
using dvd_imp_mod_0 by blast
then show ?thesis using mod_add_right_eq by fastforce
also have "... = z' j mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
unfolding z'_def using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› by presburger
finally show "Znr.to_residue_ring (η ! j) = z' j mod 2 ^ (n + 2)" .
define c'_mod where "c'_mod = map (λi. i mod Fnr.n) c'"
then have "length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n" using ‹length c' = 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
have c'_mod_carrier: "⋀j. j < 2 ^ oe_n ⟹ c'_mod ! j ∈ carrier Fn"
unfolding c'_mod_def
using Fnr.mod_in_carrier ‹length c' = 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
have c'_mod_eq: "c'_mod = Fnr.cyclic_convolution (2 ^ oe_n) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks)"
proof (intro nth_equalityI)
show "length c'_mod = length
(Fnr.cyclic_convolution (2 ^ oe_n) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks))"
by (simp add: ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n›)
fix i
assume "i < length c'_mod"
then have "i < 2 ^ oe_n" using ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
then have "c'_mod ! i = (∑σ←[0..<2 ^ oe_n]. int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) *
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + i - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)))) mod int Fnr.n"
unfolding c'_mod_def using c'_nth[OF ‹i < 2 ^ oe_n›] ‹length c' = 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fn⇙σ←[0..< 2 ^ oe_n]. (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) *
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + i - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)))) mod int Fnr.n)"
by (intro Fnr.monoid_sum_list_eq_sum_list'[symmetric])
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fn⇙σ←[0..< 2 ^ oe_n]. ((int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (A.num_blocks ! σ)) mod int Fnr.n) *
(int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + i - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n))) mod int Fnr.n))
mod int Fnr.n)"
by (intro Fnr.monoid_sum_list_cong mod_mult_eq[symmetric])
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fn⇙σ←[0..< 2 ^ oe_n]. (Fnr.to_residue_ring (A.num_blocks ! σ) *
Fnr.to_residue_ring (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + i - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n))) mod int Fnr.n)"
unfolding Fnr.to_residue_ring.simps by argo
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fn⇙σ←[0..< 2 ^ oe_n]. Fnr.to_residue_ring (A.num_blocks ! σ) ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.to_residue_ring (B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + i - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n)))"
unfolding Fnr.res_mult_eq by argo
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fn⇙σ←[0..< 2 ^ oe_n]. map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks ! σ ⊗⇘Fn⇙
map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks ! ((2 ^ oe_n + i - σ) mod 2 ^ oe_n))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)]" more: Fnr.monoid_sum_list_cong nth_map[symmetric])
subgoal using A.length_num_blocks by simp
subgoal using B.length_num_blocks by simp
also have "... = Fnr.cyclic_convolution (2 ^ oe_n) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks) ! i"
by (intro Fnr.cyclic_convolution_nth[symmetric] ‹i < 2 ^ oe_n›)
finally show "c'_mod ! i =
Fnr.cyclic_convolution (2 ^ oe_n) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks) ! i" .
have fill_a': "map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks = map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) A.num_blocks)"
apply (intro nth_equalityI)
subgoal by simp
subgoal for i
unfolding Fnr.to_residue_ring.simps by simp
have fill_b': "map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks = map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) B.num_blocks)"
apply (intro nth_equalityI)
subgoal by simp
subgoal for i
unfolding Fnr.to_residue_ring.simps by simp
have aux0: "Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod = map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙) (Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) A.num_blocks)))
(Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) B.num_blocks)))"
proof (intro nth_equalityI)
show "length (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) = length (map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)
(Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) A.num_blocks)))
(Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) B.num_blocks))))"
using ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n› A.length_num_blocks B.length_num_blocks by simp
fix i :: nat
assume "i < length (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod)"
then have "i < 2 ^ oe_n" using ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
have "Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod ! i =
Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks) ! i ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks) ! i"
unfolding c'_mod_eq
apply (intro Fnr.convolution_rule[symmetric] set_subseteqI)
subgoal using A.length_num_blocks by simp
subgoal using B.length_num_blocks by simp
subgoal using Fnr.to_residue_ring_in_carrier by simp
subgoal using Fnr.to_residue_ring_in_carrier by simp
subgoal using μ_root_of_unity .
subgoal using ‹i < 2 ^ oe_n› .
then show "Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod ! i = map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)
(Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) A.num_blocks)))
(Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map (fill (2 ^ (n + 1))) B.num_blocks))) ! i"
unfolding fill_a' fill_b'
using A.length_num_blocks B.length_num_blocks ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n›
by (simp add: ‹i < 2 ^ oe_n›)
have IH_inst: "Fnr.to_residue_ring (schoenhage_strassen n (evens_odds False A.num_dft ! i) (evens_odds False B.num_dft ! i)) =
Fnr.to_residue_ring (evens_odds False A.num_dft ! i) ⊗⇘int_lsbf_fermat.Fn n⇙
Fnr.to_residue_ring (evens_odds False B.num_dft ! i) ∧
schoenhage_strassen n (evens_odds False A.num_dft ! i) (evens_odds False B.num_dft ! i) ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
if "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for i
apply (intro "less.IH" n_lt_m)
apply (rule set_mp[OF A.num_dft_carrier])
apply (rule set_mp[OF set_evens_odds])
apply (rule nth_mem)
apply (unfold A.num_dft_odds_def[symmetric] A.length_num_dft_odds)
apply (rule that)
apply (rule set_mp[OF B.num_dft_carrier])
apply (rule set_mp[OF set_evens_odds])
apply (rule nth_mem)
apply (unfold B.num_dft_odds_def[symmetric] B.length_num_dft_odds)
apply (rule that)
have aux4: "Fnr.to_residue_ring (c_dft_odds ! i) =
Fnr.to_residue_ring (A.num_dft_odds ! i) ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.to_residue_ring (B.num_dft_odds ! i)"
"c_dft_odds ! i ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
if "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for i
proof -
from that have "i < length c_dft_odds" using length_c_dft_odds by simp
then have "c_dft_odds ! i = schoenhage_strassen n (A.num_dft_odds ! i) (B.num_dft_odds ! i)"
unfolding c_dft_odds_def by simp
also have "Fnr.to_residue_ring ... =
Fnr.to_residue_ring (A.num_dft_odds ! i) ⊗⇘int_lsbf_fermat.Fn n⇙
Fnr.to_residue_ring (B.num_dft_odds ! i) ∧
... ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
using IH_inst[OF that]
using A.num_dft_odds_def B.num_dft_odds_def Fn_def
by argo
finally show "Fnr.to_residue_ring (c_dft_odds ! i) =
Fnr.to_residue_ring (A.num_dft_odds ! i) ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.to_residue_ring (B.num_dft_odds ! i)"
"c_dft_odds ! i ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier "
by simp_all
then have to_res_c_dft_odds: "map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds = map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_dft_odds)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_dft_odds)"
apply (intro nth_equalityI)
using length_c_dft_odds A.length_num_dft_odds B.length_num_dft_odds
by auto
have "set c'_mod ⊆ carrier Fn"
apply (intro set_subseteqI)
using c'_mod_carrier ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
have "Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) =
map ((⊗⇘Fn⇙) (Fnr.nat_embedding (2 ^ oe_n))) c'_mod"
apply (intro Fnr.inversion_rule)
subgoal by simp
subgoal using μ_prim_root .
subgoal premises prems for i
apply (intro Fnr.sufficiently_good[of _ _ oe_n])
subgoal using μ_prim_root .
subgoal using μ_halfway_property by blast
subgoal by (fact prems)
subgoal using ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n› by simp
subgoal using ‹set c'_mod ⊆ carrier Fn› .
also have "... = map ((⊗⇘Fn⇙) (2 ^ oe_n mod int Fnr.n)) c'_mod"
unfolding Fnr.nat_embedding_eq by simp
also have "... = map ((⊗⇘Fn⇙) (2 ^ oe_n)) c'_mod"
unfolding Fnr.pow_nat_eq[symmetric] two_oe_n by argo
finally have aux1: "Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) ! j =
(2 ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (c'_mod ! j)" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
using ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n› that by simp
have c'_NTT_NTT_carrier: "Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) ! j ∈ carrier Fn" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
apply (intro set_subseteqD[OF Fnr.NTT_closed] Fnr.NTT_closed Fnr.Units_inv_closed μ_Units_Fn μ_carrier_Fn ‹set c'_mod ⊆ carrier Fn›)
by (simp add: ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n› that)
have aux2: "inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) ! j =
(c'_mod ! j)" if "j < 2 ^ oe_n" for j
apply (intro Fnr.inv_cancel_left)
subgoal using c'_NTT_NTT_carrier that by presburger
subgoal using c'_mod_carrier[OF that] by simp
subgoal unfolding two_oe_n[symmetric] by (intro Fnr.Units_pow_closed Fnr.two_is_unit)
subgoal using aux1[OF that] .
have aux3: "c'_mod ! j ⊖⇘Fn⇙ c'_mod ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) =
(inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1) ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j"
if "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for j
proof -
have odd_indices: "⋀i. i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) ⟹ (2::nat) * i + 1 < 2 ^ oe_n"
proof -
fix i :: nat
assume "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
then have "i + 1 ≤ 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" by simp
then have "2 * i + 2 ≤ 2 * 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" by simp
also have "... = 2 ^ oe_n" using two_pow_oe_n_as_halves by simp
finally show "2 * i + 1 < 2 ^ oe_n" by simp
have "c'_mod ! j ⊖⇘Fn⇙ c'_mod ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) =
inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) ! j) ⊖⇘Fn⇙
inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j))"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "λi j. i ⊖⇘Fn⇙ j"])
using aux2 index_intros[OF that] by simp_all
also have "... = inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) ! j ⊖⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod) ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j))"
apply (intro Fnr.r_distr_diff[symmetric])
subgoal by (intro Fnr.Units_closed Fnr.Units_inv_Units two_oe_n_Units_Fn)
subgoal using index_intros[OF that] c'_NTT_NTT_carrier by presburger
subgoal using index_intros[OF that] c'_NTT_NTT_carrier by presburger
also have "... = inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (Fnr.nat_embedding 2 ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ j ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat))
(map ((!) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod)) (filter odd [0..<2 ^ oe_n])) ! j))"
unfolding two_pow_oe_n_div_2[symmetric]
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(⊗⇘Fn⇙)"] refl Fnr.NTT_diffs)
subgoal using oe_n_gt_0 by simp
subgoal by (intro Fnr.primitive_root_inv μ_prim_root) simp
subgoal by (simp add: ‹length c'_mod = 2 ^ oe_n›)
subgoal using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› unfolding ‹2 ^ (oe_n - 1) = 2 ^ oe_n div 2› .
subgoal by (intro Fnr.NTT_closed ‹set c'_mod ⊆ carrier Fn› μ_carrier_Fn)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.inv_halfway_property μ_Units_Fn μ_halfway_property)
also have "... = inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (2 ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ j ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat))
(map ((!) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod)) (filter odd [0..<2 ^ oe_n])) ! j))"
using Fnr.nat_embedding_eq Fnr.carrier_mod_eq[OF Fnr.two_in_carrier] by simp
also have "Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (map ((!) (Fnr.NTT μ c'_mod)) (filter odd [0..<2 ^ oe_n])) ! j =
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (
map ((!) (map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)
(Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_blocks_carrier))
(Fnr.NTT μ (map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_blocks_carrier))
(filter odd [0..<2 ^ oe_n])
) ! j"
using aux0 unfolding A.num_blocks_carrier_def B.num_blocks_carrier_def by argo
also have "... = Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (
map ((!) (map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_dft)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_dft)
(filter odd [0..<2 ^ oe_n])
) ! j"
by (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (!), cong_tag_2 Fnr.NTT, cong_tag_2 map, cong_tag_1 (!), cong_tag_2 zip]" more: refl A.to_res_num_dft[symmetric] B.to_res_num_dft[symmetric])
also have "map ((!) (map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring A.num_dft)
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring B.num_dft)
(filter odd [0..<2 ^ oe_n]) =
map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map ((!) A.num_dft) (filter odd [0..<length A.num_dft])))
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring (map ((!) B.num_dft) (filter odd [0..<length B.num_dft])))"
apply (intro nth_equalityI)
subgoal by (simp add: length_filter_odd)
subgoal for i
using odd_indices[of i] length_filter_odd[of "2 ^ oe_n"] filter_odd_nth[of i "2 ^ oe_n"] A.length_num_dft B.length_num_dft two_pow_oe_n_as_halves
by simp
also have "... =
map2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring (evens_odds False A.num_dft))
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring (evens_odds False B.num_dft))"
using filter_comprehension_evens_odds by metis
also have "... = map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds"
using to_res_c_dft_odds[symmetric] unfolding A.num_dft_odds_def B.num_dft_odds_def .
also have "inv⇘Fn⇙ ((2::int) ^ oe_n) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (2 ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ j ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j)) =
(inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ oe_n ⊗⇘Fn⇙ ((inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ (-1::int) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ ((inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ (prim_root_exponent * j) ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j))"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (⊗⇘Fn⇙)]" more: refl)
unfolding two_oe_n[symmetric] by (intro Fnr.inv_nat_pow Fnr.two_is_unit)
subgoal by (metis Fnr.Units_inv_Units Fnr.Units_inv_inv Fnr.units_inv_int_pow Fnr.two_is_unit)
proof -
have "inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ j = inv⇘Fn⇙ (μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ j)"
using Fnr.inv_nat_pow[OF μ_Units_Fn, symmetric] .
also have "... = inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (prim_root_exponent * j))"
unfolding μ_def Fnr.nat_pow_pow[OF Fnr.two_in_carrier] by argo
also have "... = inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (prim_root_exponent * j)"
using Fnr.inv_nat_pow[OF Fnr.two_is_unit] .
finally show ?thesis .
also have "... = inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ oe_n ⊗⇘Fn⇙ inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (-1::int) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (prim_root_exponent * j) ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j"
apply (intro Fnr.assoc4)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.nat_pow_closed Fnr.Units_inv_closed Fnr.two_is_unit)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.Units_closed Fnr.int_pow_closed Fnr.Units_inv_Units Fnr.two_is_unit)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.nat_pow_closed Fnr.Units_inv_closed Fnr.two_is_unit)
apply (intro set_subseteqD[OF Fnr.NTT_closed])
apply (intro set_subseteqI)
using Fnr.to_residue_ring_in_carrier
by simp
subgoal by (intro Fnr.Units_closed Fnr.Units_pow_closed Fnr.Units_inv_Units μ_Units_Fn)
subgoal using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› by (simp add: length_c_dft_odds)
also have "inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ oe_n ⊗⇘Fn⇙ inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (-1::int) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (prim_root_exponent * j) =
inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1)"
unfolding int_pow_int[symmetric] Fnr.int_pow_mult[OF Fnr.Units_inv_Units[OF Fnr.two_is_unit]]
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = "([^]⇘Fn⇙) _"])
using oe_n_gt_0 by linarith
finally show "c'_mod ! j ⊖⇘Fn⇙ c'_mod ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) =
inv⇘Fn⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1) ⊗⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j" .
have c_dft_odds_carrier: "set c_dft_odds ⊆ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
unfolding c_dft_odds_def
apply (intro set_subseteqI)
using conjunct2[OF IH_inst] A.length_num_dft_odds B.length_num_dft_odds
unfolding A.num_dft_odds_def B.num_dft_odds_def
by simp
have c_diffs_carrier: "c_diffs ! i ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier" if "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for i
unfolding c_diffs_def Fnr.ifft.simps
apply (intro set_subseteqD[OF Fnr.fft_ifft_carrier[of _ "oe_n - 1"]])
subgoal using length_c_dft_odds .
subgoal using c_dft_odds_carrier .
subgoal using Fnr.length_ifft[OF length_c_dft_odds] that by simp
have ξ'_residues: "Fnr.to_residue_ring (ξ' ! j) = z' j mod Fnr.n" if "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for j
proof -
from that have "Fnr.to_residue_ring (ξ' ! j) = Fnr.to_residue_ring
(Fnr.divide_by_power_of_2 (c_diffs ! j) (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1))
(Fnr.from_nat_lsbf (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True])))"
unfolding ξ'_def by (simp add: length_c_diffs)
also have "... = Fnr.to_residue_ring (Fnr.divide_by_power_of_2 (c_diffs ! j) (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1)) ⊕⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.to_residue_ring (Fnr.from_nat_lsbf (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True]))"
apply (intro Fnr.add_fermat_correct)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.divide_by_power_of_2_closed c_diffs_carrier that)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.from_nat_lsbf_correct(1))
also have "... = Fnr.to_residue_ring (c_diffs ! j) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1) ⊕⇘Fn⇙
Fnr.to_residue_ring (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True])"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(⊕⇘Fn⇙)"])
subgoal by (intro Fnr.divide_by_power_of_2_correct c_diffs_carrier that)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.from_nat_lsbf_correct(2))
also have "Fnr.to_residue_ring (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True]) =
(2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fnr.n"
by (simp add: zmod_int)
also have "... = 2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
using Fnr.pow_nat_eq[symmetric] by (simp add: zmod_int)
also have "Fnr.to_residue_ring (c_diffs ! j) =
map Fnr.to_residue_ring
(Fnr.ifft (prim_root_exponent * 2) c_dft_odds) ! j"
unfolding c_diffs_def using length_c_dft_odds ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)›
apply (intro nth_map[symmetric])
by (simp add: Fnr.length_fft_ifft)
also have "... = Fnr.NTT ((inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ (prim_root_exponent * 2)) (map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = "(!)"] refl Fnr.ifft_correct[of _ "oe_n - 1" _ prim_root_exponent])
subgoal using length_c_dft_odds .
subgoal unfolding prim_root_exponent_def by simp
subgoal unfolding prim_root_exponent_def oe_n_def using n_gt_1 by simp
subgoal using oe_n_gt_1 by simp
subgoal apply (intro set_subseteqI) using aux4 ‹length c_dft_odds = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› by fastforce
also have "... = Fnr.NTT
(inv⇘Fn⇙ (2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (prim_root_exponent * 2)))
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j"
by (intro arg_cong[where f = "λa. Fnr.NTT a _ ! _"] Fnr.inv_nat_pow[symmetric] Fnr.two_is_unit)
also have "... = Fnr.NTT (inv⇘Fn⇙ (μ [^]⇘Fn⇙ (2::nat)))
(map Fnr.to_residue_ring c_dft_odds) ! j"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (!), cong_tag_2 Fnr.NTT, cong_tag_1 (λj. inv⇘Fn⇙ j)]" more: refl)
unfolding μ_def
by (intro Fnr.nat_pow_pow[symmetric] Fnr.two_in_carrier)
also have "... ⊗⇘Fn⇙ (inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1) =
(inv⇘Fn⇙ 2) [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + prim_root_exponent * j - 1) ⊗⇘Fn⇙ ..."
apply (intro Fnr.m_comm)
apply (intro set_subseteqD[OF Fnr.NTT_closed])
subgoal apply (intro set_subseteqI) using Fnr.to_residue_ring_in_carrier by simp
subgoal by (intro Fnr.Units_closed Fnr.Units_inv_Units Fnr.Units_pow_closed μ_Units_Fn)
subgoal using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› by (simp add: length_c_dft_odds)
by (intro Fnr.nat_pow_closed Fnr.Units_inv_closed Fnr.two_is_unit)
finally have "Fnr.to_residue_ring (ξ' ! j) =
(c'_mod ! j ⊖⇘Fn⇙ c'_mod ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) ⊕⇘Fn⇙
2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
unfolding aux3[OF ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)›]
using Fnr.inv_nat_pow[OF μ_Units_Fn] by presburger
also have "... = ((c'_mod ! j ⊖⇘Fn⇙ c'_mod ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) +
2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fnr.n"
by (intro Fnr.res_add_eq)
also have "... = ((c'_mod ! j - (c'_mod ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j))) mod Fnr.n +
2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fnr.n"
by (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (mod), cong_tag_2 (+)]" more: refl Fnr.residues_minus_eq)
also have "... = (((c' ! j) mod Fnr.n - (c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j)) mod Fnr.n) mod Fnr.n +
2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fnr.n"
apply (intro_cong "[cong_tag_2 (mod), cong_tag_2 (+), cong_tag_2 (-)]" more: refl)
unfolding c'_mod_def using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› index_intros[of j] ‹length c' = 2 ^ oe_n›
by simp_all
also have "... = (c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) +
2 [^]⇘Fn⇙ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fnr.n"
by (simp only: mod_diff_eq mod_add_left_eq)
also have "... = (c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) +
2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) mod Fnr.n"
by (simp only: Fnr.pow_nat_eq mod_add_right_eq)
also have "... = z' j mod Fnr.n"
unfolding z'_def using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› by presburger
finally show "Fnr.to_residue_ring (ξ' ! j) = z' j mod Fnr.n" .
have ξ'_carrier: "ξ' ! i ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier" if "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for i
proof -
from that have "ξ' ! i = Fnr.add_fermat
(Fnr.divide_by_power_of_2 (c_diffs ! i)
(oe_n + prim_root_exponent * ([0..<2 ^ (oe_n - 1)] ! i) - 1))
(Fnr.from_nat_lsbf (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True]))" unfolding ξ'_def
apply (intro nth_map2)
using length_c_diffs by simp_all
also have "... ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
apply (intro Fnr.add_fermat_closed)
by (intro Fnr.divide_by_power_of_2_closed that c_diffs_carrier)
subgoal by (intro Fnr.from_nat_lsbf_correct(1))
finally show "ξ' ! i ∈ Fnr.fermat_non_unique_carrier" .
have ξ_ξ': "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (ξ ! i) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (ξ' ! i) mod Fnr.n"
if "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for i
unfolding ξ_def using Fnr.reduce_correct[OF ξ'_carrier[OF that]]
using that length_ξ' by simp
have z'_bounds: "z' j ≥ 0" "z' j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1) * 2 ^ 2 ^ n" if "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for j
proof -
have "z' j = c' ! j - c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)" (is "_ = ?z")
unfolding z'_def using that by simp
have "c' ! j ≥ 0" "c' ! j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
using c'_upper_bound[of j] c'_lower_bound[of j] index_intros[of j] ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)›
by simp_all
moreover have "c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) ≥ 0" "c' ! (2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j) < 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
using c'_upper_bound c'_lower_bound index_intros[of j] ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› by simp_all
ultimately have "?z ≥ 0" "?z < 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n) + 2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)"
by linarith+
then have "?z < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1 + 2 ^ n)"
by simp
also have "... = 2 ^ (oe_n + 1) * 2 ^ 2 ^ n" by (simp add: power_add)
finally show "z' j ≥ 0" "z' j < 2 ^ (oe_n + 1) * 2 ^ 2 ^ n" using ‹z' j = ?z› ‹?z ≥ 0› by simp_all
have z_z': "Fmr.to_residue_ring (z ! j) = z' j" if "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)" for j
proof -
from that have "z ! j = solve_special_residue_problem n (ξ ! j) (η ! j)"
unfolding z_def using length_ξ length_η by simp
then have "solves_special_residue_problem (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z ! j)) n (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (ξ ! j)) (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (η ! j))"
apply (intro solve_special_residue_problem_correct)
subgoal using n_gt_1 by simp
subgoal using η_carrier[OF that] by simp
subgoal using ξ_ξ'[OF that] by simp
subgoal .
moreover have "solves_special_residue_problem (nat (z' j)) n (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (ξ ! j)) (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (η ! j))"
unfolding solves_special_residue_problem_def
apply (intro conjI)
apply (intro iffD2[OF nat_int_comparison(2)])
unfolding nat_0_le[of "z' j", OF z'_bounds(1)[OF that]]
unfolding int_ops
apply (intro order.strict_trans2[OF z'_bounds(2)[OF that]])
apply (intro mult_mono)
unfolding oe_n_def by simp_all
subgoal unfolding ξ_ξ'[OF that] using ξ'_residues[OF that, symmetric]
apply (intro iffD1[OF int_int_eq])
using nat_0_le[OF z'_bounds(1)[OF that], symmetric] zmod_int
by simp
proof -
have "z' j mod 2 ^ (n + 2) = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (η ! j)) mod 2 ^ (n + 2)"
using η_residues[OF that] unfolding Znr.to_residue_ring_def by simp
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (η ! j) mod 2 ^ (n + 2))"
by (simp add: zmod_int)
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (η ! j))"
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = int])
using to_nat_length_bound η_carrier[OF that] mod_less by metis
finally show ?thesis
apply (intro iffD1[OF int_int_eq])
using nat_0_le[OF z'_bounds(1)[OF that]] zmod_int by simp
ultimately have "nat (z' j) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z ! j)"
using special_residue_problem_unique_solution by simp
then have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z ! j)) = z' j" using nat_0_le[OF z'_bounds(1)[OF that]] by argo
have "z' j ∈ carrier Fm"
using z'_carrier z'_z'' index_intros that by simp
then have "z' j mod Fmr.n = z' j"
apply (intro Fmr.carrier_mod_eq) .
with ‹int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z ! j)) = z' j› show "Fmr.to_residue_ring (z ! j) = z' j"
by simp
have result_value: "Fmr.to_residue_ring result = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (z' i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
proof -
have "Fmr.to_residue_ring result = Fmr.to_residue_ring z_sum"
unfolding result_def by (rule Fmr.from_nat_lsbf_correct(2))
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat z_sum) mod int Fmr.n"
unfolding Fmr.to_residue_ring.simps by simp
also have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat z_sum = (∑i←[0..<length (z_filled @ z_consts)]. Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z_filled @ z_consts) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
unfolding z_sum_def
apply (intro combine_z_correct)
subgoal by simp
subgoal premises prems for zi
unfolding set_append
proof (cases "zi ∈ set z_filled")
case True
then obtain i where "zi = fill (2 ^ (n - 1)) i" "i ∈ set z"
unfolding z_filled_def set_map by auto
then show ?thesis using length_fill' by simp
case False
then have "zi = replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True]"
using prems unfolding z_consts_def by simp
then have "length zi ≥ 2 ^ n" by simp
moreover have "2 ^ n ≥ (2::nat) ^ (n - 1)" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by linarith
finally have "Fmr.to_residue_ring result = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i←[0..<length (z_filled @ z_consts)]. int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z_filled @ z_consts) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod Fmr.n)"
unfolding Fmr.monoid_sum_list_eq_sum_list' sum_list_int .
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z_filled @ z_consts) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod Fmr.n)"
apply (intro arg_cong2[where f = Fmr.monoid_sum_list] refl arg_cong[where f = "λi. [0..<i]"])
by (simp add: length_z_filled length_z_consts two_pow_oe_n_as_halves)
also have "... = (⨁⇘Fm⇙i ← [0..<2 ^ oe_n]. (z' i) ⊗⇘Fm⇙ 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)))"
apply (intro Fmr.monoid_sum_list_cong)
subgoal premises prems for i
proof (cases "i < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)")
case True
then have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z_filled @ z_consts) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n
= int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z_filled ! i) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n"
using length_z_filled nth_append by metis
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z ! i) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n"
unfolding z_filled_def using length_z True by simp
also have "... = (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z ! i)) mod int Fmr.n * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n"
by (simp add: mod_mult_left_eq)
also have "... = (z' i * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n"
using z_z'[OF True] unfolding Fmr.to_residue_ring.simps by argo
also have "... = (z' i * (2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod int Fmr.n)) mod int Fmr.n"
by (simp add: mod_mult_right_eq)
also have "... = z' i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ (2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod int Fmr.n)"
by (rule Fmr.res_mult_eq[symmetric])
also have "2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod int Fmr.n = 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))"
by (rule Fmr.pow_nat_eq[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
case False
define j where "j = i - 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
then have "i = 2 ^ (oe_n - 1) + j" "j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)"
subgoal using False by linarith
subgoal using j_def prems two_pow_oe_n_as_halves by simp
then have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat ((z_filled @ z_consts) ! i) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n =
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (z_consts ! j) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n"
using length_z_filled nth_append_length_plus by metis
also have "... = int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (replicate (oe_n + 2 ^ n) False @ [True]) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))) mod int Fmr.n"
unfolding z_consts_def using ‹j < 2 ^ (oe_n - 1)› by simp
also have "... = int (2 ^ (oe_n + 2 ^ n)) * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod int Fmr.n"
by simp
also have "... = z' i * 2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod int Fmr.n"
unfolding z'_def using False by simp
also have "... = z' i ⊗⇘Fm⇙ (2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod int Fmr.n)"
by (simp add: mod_mult_right_eq Fmr.res_mult_eq)
also have "2 ^ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1)) mod int Fmr.n = 2 [^]⇘Fm⇙ (i * 2 ^ (n - 1))"
by (rule Fmr.pow_nat_eq[symmetric])
finally show ?thesis .
finally show ?thesis .
have "Fmr.to_residue_ring result = Fmr.to_residue_ring a ⊗⇘Fm⇙ Fmr.to_residue_ring b"
using result_value result0 by argo
moreover have "result ∈ Fmr.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
unfolding result_def
by (rule Fmr.from_nat_lsbf_correct(1))
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding result_eq Fm_def int_lsbf_fermat.Fn_def by simp
subsection "Schoenhage-Strassen Multiplication in $\\mathbb{N}$"
text "In order to multiply $a$ and $b$ (given in LSBF representation), find an $m$ s.t. $a \\cdot b < F_m$."
text "It suffices to just pick @{term ‹m = max (bitsize (length a)) (bitsize (length b)) + 1›}."
definition schoenhage_strassen_mul where
"schoenhage_strassen_mul a b = (let m = max (bitsize (length a)) (bitsize (length b)) + 1 in
int_lsbf_fermat.reduce m (schoenhage_strassen m (fill (2 ^ (m + 1)) a) (fill (2 ^ (m + 1)) b))
locale schoenhage_strassen_mul_context =
fixes a b :: nat_lsbf
definition bits_a where "bits_a = bitsize (length a)"
definition bits_b where "bits_b = bitsize (length b)"
definition m' where "m' = max bits_a bits_b"
definition m where "m = m' + 1"
definition car_len where "car_len = (2::nat) ^ (m + 1)"
definition fill_a where "fill_a = fill car_len a"
definition fill_b where "fill_b = fill car_len b"
definition fm_result where "fm_result = schoenhage_strassen m fill_a fill_b"
lemmas defs = bits_a_def bits_b_def m'_def m_def car_len_def fill_a_def fill_b_def
shows length_a: "length a < 2 ^ (m - 1)"
and length_b: "length b < 2 ^ (m - 1)"
using m_def bitsize_length defs by fastforce+
shows length_a': "length a ≤ 2 ^ (m + 1)"
and length_b': "length b ≤ 2 ^ (m + 1)"
using length_a length_b by (simp_all add: m_def nat_le_real_less nat_less_real_le)
lemma length_fill_a: "length fill_a = 2 ^ (m + 1)"
unfolding fill_a_def car_len_def
by (intro length_fill length_a')
lemma length_fill_b: "length fill_b = 2 ^ (m + 1)"
unfolding fill_b_def car_len_def
by (intro length_fill length_b')
sublocale fm: int_lsbf_fermat m .
definition Fm where "Fm = residue_ring (int_lsbf_fermat.n m)"
sublocale Fmr: residues fm.n "Fm"
rewrites fm_Fm: "fm.Fn ≡ Fm"
unfolding Fm_def fm.Fn_def by (rule fm.residues_axioms reflexive)+
lemma fill_a_carrier[simp, intro]: "fill_a ∈ fm.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
by (intro fm.fermat_non_unique_carrierI length_fill_a)
lemma fill_b_carrier[simp, intro]: "fill_b ∈ fm.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
by (intro fm.fermat_non_unique_carrierI length_fill_b)
lemma fm_result_carrier[simp, intro]: "fm_result ∈ fm.fermat_non_unique_carrier"
unfolding fm_result_def
by (intro conjunct2[OF schoenhage_strassen_correct'] fill_a_carrier fill_b_carrier)
lemma ssc': "fm.to_residue_ring fm_result = fm.to_residue_ring fill_a ⊗⇘Fm⇙ fm.to_residue_ring fill_b"
and "fm_result ∈ int_lsbf_fermat.fermat_non_unique_carrier m"
unfolding atomize_conj fm_result_def fm_Fm[symmetric]
by (intro schoenhage_strassen_correct' fill_a_carrier fill_b_carrier)
theorem schoenhage_strassen_mul_correct: "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (schoenhage_strassen_mul a b) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat a * Nat_LSBF.to_nat b"
proof -
interpret schoenhage_strassen_mul_context a b .
have "int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat a) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat b) < int_lsbf_fermat.n m"
proof -
have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat a < 2 ^ length a" "Nat_LSBF.to_nat b < 2 ^ length b" by (intro to_nat_length_bound)+
moreover have "(2::nat) ^ length a < 2 ^ 2 ^ (m - 1)" "(2::nat) ^ length b < 2 ^ 2 ^ (m - 1)"
using length_a length_b by simp_all
ultimately have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat a * Nat_LSBF.to_nat b < 2 ^ 2 ^ (m - 1) * 2 ^ 2 ^ (m - 1)"
by (metis bot_nat_0.extremum max.absorb3 max_less_iff_conj mult_strict_mono pos2 zero_less_power)
also have "... = 2 ^ 2 ^ m" by (simp add: power2_eq_square power_even_eq m_def)
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: nat_int_comparison(2))
then have "int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m a ⊗⇘Fm⇙ int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m b =
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat a) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat b)"
by (simp add: Fmr.res_mult_eq int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring.simps mod_mult_eq)
also have "int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m a = int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m fill_a"
unfolding int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring.simps defs by simp
also have "int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m b = int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m fill_b"
unfolding int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring.simps defs by simp
finally have c: "int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m fill_a ⊗⇘Fm⇙ int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m fill_b =
int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat a) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat b)" .
have "schoenhage_strassen_mul a b = int_lsbf_fermat.reduce m (schoenhage_strassen m fill_a fill_b)"
by (simp only: schoenhage_strassen_mul_def Let_def defs)
then have "Nat_LSBF.to_nat (schoenhage_strassen_mul a b) = Nat_LSBF.to_nat (schoenhage_strassen m fill_a fill_b) mod int_lsbf_fermat.n m"
using fm.reduce_correct[OF fm_result_carrier] fm_result_def by algebra
also have "... = nat (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat (schoenhage_strassen m fill_a fill_b) mod int_lsbf_fermat.n m))"
by simp
also have "... = nat (int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m (schoenhage_strassen m fill_a fill_b))"
unfolding int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring.simps
by (intro arg_cong[where f = nat] zmod_int)
also have "... = nat (
int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m fill_a ⊗⇘Fm⇙
int_lsbf_fermat.to_residue_ring m fill_b)"
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = nat]) using ssc' unfolding fm_result_def .
also have "... = nat (int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat a) * int (Nat_LSBF.to_nat b))"
by (intro arg_cong[where f = nat] c)
also have "... = Nat_LSBF.to_nat a * Nat_LSBF.to_nat b"
by (simp add: nat_mult_distrib)
finally show ?thesis .