Theory OCL_Normalization

(*  Title:       Safe OCL
    Author:      Denis Nikiforov, March 2019
    Maintainer:  Denis Nikiforov <denis.nikif at>
    License:     LGPL
chapter ‹Normalization›
theory OCL_Normalization
  imports OCL_Typing

(*** Normalization Rules ****************************************************)

section ‹Normalization Rules›

text ‹
  The following expression normalization rules includes two kinds of an
  abstract syntax tree transformations:
\item determination of implicit types of variables, iterators, and
      tuple elements,
\item unfolding of navigation shorthands and safe navigation operators,
      described in \autoref{tab:norm_rules}.

  The following variables are used in the table:
\item ‹x› is a non-nullable value,
\item ‹n› is a nullable value,
\item ‹xs› is a collection of non-nullable values,
\item ‹ns› is a collection of nullable values. 

    \caption{Expression Normalization Rules}
      \textbf{Orig. expr.} & \textbf{Normalized expression}\\
      ‹x.op()› & ‹x.op()›\\
      ‹n.op()› & ‹n.op()›\tnote{*}\\
      ‹x?.op()› & ---\\
      ‹n?.op()› & ‹if n <> null then n.oclAsType(T[1]).op() else null endif›\tnote{**}\\
      ‹x->op()› & ‹x.oclAsSet()->op()›\\
      ‹n->op()› & ‹n.oclAsSet()->op()›\\
      ‹x?->op()› & ---\\
      ‹n?->op()› & ---\\
      ‹xs.op()› & ‹xs->collect(x | x.op())›\\
      ‹ns.op()› & ‹ns->collect(n | n.op())›\tnote{*}\\
      ‹xs?.op()› & ---\\
      ‹ns?.op()› & ‹ns->selectByKind(T[1])->collect(x | x.op())›\\
      ‹xs->op()› & ‹xs->op()›\\
      ‹ns->op()› & ‹ns->op()›\\
      ‹xs?->op()› & ---\\
      ‹ns?->op()› & ‹ns->selectByKind(T[1])->op()›\\
    \item[*] The resulting expression will be ill-typed if the operation is unsafe.
    An unsafe operation is an operation which is well-typed for
    a non-nullable source only.
    \item[**] It would be a good idea to prohibit such a transformation
    for safe operations. A safe operation is an operation which is well-typed
    for a nullable source. However, it is hard to define safe operations
    formally considering operations overloading, complex relations between
    operation parameters types (please see the typing rules for the equality
    operator), and user-defined operations.

  Please take a note that name resolution of variables, types,
  attributes, and associations is out of scope of this section.
  It should be done on a previous phase during transformation
  of a concrete syntax tree to an abstract syntax tree.›

fun string_of_nat :: "nat  string" where
  "string_of_nat n = (if n < 10 then [char_of (48 + n)]
      else string_of_nat (n div 10) @ [char_of (48 + (n mod 10))])"

definition "new_vname  String.implode  string_of_nat  fcard  fmdom"

inductive normalize
    :: "('a :: ocl_object_model) type env  'a expr  'a expr  bool"
    ("_  _ / _" [51,51,51] 50) and
    normalize_call ("_ C _ / _" [51,51,51] 50) and
    normalize_expr_list ("_ L _ / _" [51,51,51] 50)
  "Γ  Literal a  Literal a"
  "Γ  init1  init2 
   Γ(v f τ)  body1  body2 
   Γ  Let v (Some τ) init1 body1  Let v (Some τ) init2 body2"
  "Γ  init1  init2 
   Γ E init2 : τ 
   Γ(v f τ)  body1  body2 
   Γ  Let v None init1 body1  Let v (Some τ) init2 body2"
  "Γ  Var v  Var v"
  "Γ  a1  a2 
   Γ  b1  b2 
   Γ  c1  c2 
   Γ  If a1 b1 c1  If a2 b2 c2"

  "Γ  MetaOperationCall τ op  MetaOperationCall τ op"
  "Γ L params1  params2 
   Γ  StaticOperationCall τ op params1  StaticOperationCall τ op params2"

  "Γ  src1  src2 
   Γ E src2 : τ 
   τ  OclAny[?]  τ  Tuple fmempty 
   (Γ, τ) C call1  call2 
   Γ  Call src1 DotCall call1  Call src2 DotCall call2"
  "Γ  src1  src2 
   Γ E src2 : τ 
   OclVoid[?]  τ 
   (Γ, to_required_type τ) C call1  call2 
   src3 = TypeOperationCall src2 DotCall OclAsTypeOp (to_required_type τ) 
   Γ  Call src1 SafeDotCall call1 
       If (OperationCall src2 DotCall NotEqualOp [NullLiteral])
          (Call src3 DotCall call2)
  "Γ  src1  src2 
   Γ E src2 : τ 
   τ  OclAny[?]  τ  Tuple fmempty 
   src3 = OperationCall src2 DotCall OclAsSetOp [] 
   Γ E src3 : σ 
   (Γ, σ) C call1  call2 
   Γ  Call src1 ArrowCall call1  Call src3 ArrowCall call2"

  "Γ  src1  src2 
   Γ E src2 : τ 
   element_type τ _ 
   (Γ, τ) C call1  call2 
   Γ  Call src1 ArrowCall call1  Call src2 ArrowCall call2"
  "Γ  src1  src2 
   Γ E src2 : τ 
   element_type τ σ 
   OclVoid[?]  σ 
   src3 = TypeOperationCall src2 ArrowCall SelectByKindOp
              (to_required_type σ) 
   Γ E src3 : ρ 
   (Γ, ρ) C call1  call2 
   Γ  Call src1 SafeArrowCall call1  Call src3 ArrowCall call2"
  "Γ  src1  src2 
   Γ E src2 : τ 
   element_type τ σ 
   (Γ, σ) C call1  call2 
   it = new_vname Γ 
   Γ  Call src1 DotCall call1 
    CollectIteratorCall src2 ArrowCall [it] (Some σ) (Call (Var it) DotCall call2)"
  "Γ  src1  src2 
   Γ E src2 : τ 
   element_type τ σ 
   OclVoid[?]  σ 
   ρ = to_required_type σ 
   src3 = TypeOperationCall src2 ArrowCall SelectByKindOp ρ 
   (Γ, ρ) C call1  call2 
   it = new_vname Γ 
   Γ  Call src1 SafeDotCall call1 
    CollectIteratorCall src3 ArrowCall [it] (Some ρ) (Call (Var it) DotCall call2)"

  "(Γ, τ) C TypeOperation op ty  TypeOperation op ty"
  "(Γ, τ) C Attribute attr  Attribute attr"
  "(Γ, τ) C AssociationEnd role from  AssociationEnd role from"
  "(Γ, τ) C AssociationClass 𝒜 from  AssociationClass 𝒜 from"
  "(Γ, τ) C AssociationClassEnd role  AssociationClassEnd role"
  "Γ L params1  params2 
   (Γ, τ) C Operation op params1  Operation op params2"
  "(Γ, τ) C TupleElement elem  TupleElement elem"

  "Γ  res_init1  res_init2 
   Γ ++f fmap_of_list (map (λit. (it, σ)) its) 
      Let res res_t1 res_init1 body1  Let res res_t2 res_init2 body2 
   (Γ, τ) C Iterate its (Some σ) res res_t1 res_init1 body1 
      Iterate its (Some σ) res res_t2 res_init2 body2"
  "element_type τ σ 
   Γ  res_init1  res_init2 
   Γ ++f fmap_of_list (map (λit. (it, σ)) its) 
      Let res res_t1 res_init1 body1  Let res res_t2 res_init2 body2 
   (Γ, τ) C Iterate its None res res_t1 res_init1 body1 
      Iterate its (Some σ) res res_t2 res_init2 body2"

  "Γ ++f fmap_of_list (map (λit. (it, σ)) its)  body1  body2  
   (Γ, τ) C Iterator iter its (Some σ) body1  Iterator iter its (Some σ) body2"
  "element_type τ σ 
   Γ ++f fmap_of_list (map (λit. (it, σ)) its)  body1  body2  
   (Γ, τ) C Iterator iter its None body1  Iterator iter its (Some σ) body2"

  "Γ L []  []"
  "Γ  x  y 
   Γ L xs  ys 
   Γ L x # xs  y # ys"

(*** Elimination Rules ******************************************************)

section ‹Elimination Rules›

inductive_cases LiteralNE [elim]: "Γ  Literal a  b"
inductive_cases LetNE [elim]: "Γ  Let v t init body  b"
inductive_cases VarNE [elim]: "Γ  Var v  b"
inductive_cases IfNE [elim]: "Γ  If a b c  d"

inductive_cases MetaOperationCallNE [elim]: "Γ  MetaOperationCall τ op  b"
inductive_cases StaticOperationCallNE [elim]: "Γ  StaticOperationCall τ op as  b"
inductive_cases DotCallNE [elim]: "Γ  Call src DotCall call  b"
inductive_cases SafeDotCallNE [elim]: "Γ  Call src SafeDotCall call  b"
inductive_cases ArrowCallNE [elim]: "Γ  Call src ArrowCall call  b"
inductive_cases SafeArrowCallNE [elim]: "Γ  Call src SafeArrowCall call  b"

inductive_cases CallNE [elim]: "(Γ, τ) C call  b"
inductive_cases OperationCallNE [elim]: "(Γ, τ) C Operation op as  call"
inductive_cases IterateCallNE [elim]: "(Γ, τ) C Iterate its its_ty res res_t res_init body  call"
inductive_cases IteratorCallNE [elim]: "(Γ, τ) C Iterator iter its its_ty body  call"

inductive_cases ExprListNE [elim]: "Γ L xs  ys"

(*** Simplification Rules ***************************************************)

section ‹Simplification Rules›

inductive_simps normalize_alt_simps:
"Γ  Literal a  b"
"Γ  Let v t init body  b"
"Γ  Var v  b"
"Γ  If a b c  d"

"Γ  MetaOperationCall τ op  b"
"Γ  StaticOperationCall τ op as  b"
"Γ  Call src DotCall call  b"
"Γ  Call src SafeDotCall call  b"
"Γ  Call src ArrowCall call  b"
"Γ  Call src SafeArrowCall call  b"

"(Γ, τ) C call  b"
"(Γ, τ) C Operation op as  call"
"(Γ, τ) C Iterate its its_ty res res_t res_init body  call"
"(Γ, τ) C Iterator iter its its_ty body  call"

"Γ L []  ys"
"Γ L x # xs  ys"

(*** Determinism ************************************************************)

section ‹Determinism›

lemma any_has_not_element_type:
  "element_type τ σ  τ  OclAny[?]  τ  Tuple fmempty  False"
  by (erule element_type.cases; auto)

lemma any_has_not_element_type':
  "element_type τ σ  OclVoid[?]  τ  False"
  by (erule element_type.cases; auto)

    "Γ  expr  expr1 
     Γ  expr  expr2  expr1 = expr2" and
    "Γ_τ C call  call1 
     Γ_τ C call  call2  call1 = call2" and
    "Γ L xs  ys 
     Γ L xs  zs  ys = zs"
  for Γ :: "('a :: ocl_object_model) type env"
  and Γ_τ :: "('a :: ocl_object_model) type env × 'a type"
proof (induct arbitrary: expr2 and call2 and zs
       rule: normalize_normalize_call_normalize_expr_list.inducts)
  case (LiteralN Γ a) thus ?case by auto
  case (ExplicitlyTypedLetN Γ init1 init2 v τ body1 body2) thus ?case
    by blast
  case (ImplicitlyTypedLetN Γ init1 init2 τ v body1 body2) thus ?case
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) LetNE option.distinct(1) typing_det)
  case (VarN Γ v) thus ?case by auto
  case (IfN Γ a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2) thus ?case
    apply (insert IfN.prems)
    apply (erule IfNE)
    by (simp add: IfN.hyps)
  case (MetaOperationCallN Γ τ op) thus ?case by auto
  case (StaticOperationCallN Γ params1 params2 τ op) thus ?case by blast
  case (OclAnyDotCallN Γ src1 src2 τ call1 call2) show ?case
    apply (insert OclAnyDotCallN.prems)
    apply (erule DotCallNE)
    using OclAnyDotCallN.hyps typing_det apply metis
    using OclAnyDotCallN.hyps any_has_not_element_type typing_det by metis
  case (OclAnySafeDotCallN Γ src1 src2 τ call1 call2) show ?case
    apply (insert OclAnySafeDotCallN.prems)
    apply (erule SafeDotCallNE)
    using OclAnySafeDotCallN.hyps typing_det comp_apply
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) list.simps(8) list.simps(9))
    using OclAnySafeDotCallN.hyps typing_det any_has_not_element_type'
    by metis
  case (OclAnyArrowCallN Γ src1 src2 τ src3 σ call1 call2) show ?case
    apply (insert OclAnyArrowCallN.prems)
    apply (erule ArrowCallNE)
    using OclAnyArrowCallN.hyps typing_det comp_apply apply metis
    using OclAnyArrowCallN.hyps typing_det any_has_not_element_type
    by metis
  case (CollectionArrowCallN Γ src1 src2 τ uu call1 call2) show ?case
    apply (insert CollectionArrowCallN.prems)
    apply (erule ArrowCallNE)
    using CollectionArrowCallN.hyps typing_det any_has_not_element_type
    apply metis
    using CollectionArrowCallN.hyps typing_det by metis
  case (CollectionSafeArrowCallN Γ src1 src2 τ σ src3 ρ call1 call2) show ?case
    apply (insert CollectionSafeArrowCallN.prems)
    apply (erule SafeArrowCallNE)
    using CollectionSafeArrowCallN.hyps typing_det element_type_det by metis
  case (CollectionDotCallN Γ src1 src2 τ σ call1 call2 it) show ?case
    apply (insert CollectionDotCallN.prems)
    apply (erule DotCallNE)
    using CollectionDotCallN.hyps typing_det any_has_not_element_type
    apply metis
    using CollectionDotCallN.hyps typing_det element_type_det by metis
  case (CollectionSafeDotCallN Γ src1 src2 τ σ src3 call1 call2 it) show ?case
    apply (insert CollectionSafeDotCallN.prems)
    apply (erule SafeDotCallNE)
    using CollectionSafeDotCallN.hyps typing_det any_has_not_element_type'
    apply metis
    using CollectionSafeDotCallN.hyps typing_det element_type_det by metis
  case (TypeOperationN Γ τ op ty) thus ?case by auto
  case (AttributeN Γ τ attr) thus ?case by auto
  case (AssociationEndN Γ τ role "from") thus ?case by auto
  case (AssociationClassN Γ τ 𝒜 "from") thus ?case by auto
  case (AssociationClassEndN Γ τ role) thus ?case by auto
  case (OperationN Γ params1 params2 τ op) thus ?case by blast
  case (TupleElementN Γ τ elem) thus ?case by auto
  case (ExplicitlyTypedIterateN
    Γ res_init1 res_init2 σ its res res_t1 body1 res_t2 body2 τ)
  show ?case
    apply (insert ExplicitlyTypedIterateN.prems)
    apply (erule IterateCallNE)
    using ExplicitlyTypedIterateN.hyps element_type_det by blast+
  case (ImplicitlyTypedIterateN
    τ σ Γ res_init1 res_init2 its res res_t1 body1 res_t2 body2)
  show ?case
    apply (insert ImplicitlyTypedIterateN.prems)
    apply (erule IterateCallNE)
    using ImplicitlyTypedIterateN.hyps element_type_det by blast+
  case (ExplicitlyTypedIteratorN Γ σ its body1 body2 τ iter)
  show ?case
    apply (insert ExplicitlyTypedIteratorN.prems)
    apply (erule IteratorCallNE)
    using ExplicitlyTypedIteratorN.hyps element_type_det by blast+
  case (ImplicitlyTypedIteratorN τ σ Γ its body1 body2 iter)
  show ?case
    apply (insert ImplicitlyTypedIteratorN.prems)
    apply (erule IteratorCallNE)
    using ImplicitlyTypedIteratorN.hyps element_type_det by blast+
  case (ExprListNilN Γ) thus ?case
    using normalize_expr_list.cases by auto
  case (ExprListConsN Γ x y xs ys) thus ?case by blast

(*** Normalized Expressions Typing ******************************************)

section ‹Normalized Expressions Typing›

text ‹
  Here is the final typing rules.›

inductive nf_typing ("(1_/ / (_ :/ _))" [51,51,51] 50) where
  "Γ  expr  exprN 
   Γ E exprN : τ 
   Γ  expr : τ"

lemma nf_typing_det:
  "Γ  expr : τ 
   Γ  expr : σ  τ = σ"
  by (metis nf_typing.cases normalize_det typing_det)

(*** Code Setup *************************************************************)

section ‹Code Setup›

code_pred normalize .

code_pred nf_typing .

definition "check_type Γ expr τ 
  Predicate.eval (nf_typing_i_i_i Γ expr τ) ()"

definition "synthesize_type Γ expr 
  Predicate.singleton (λ_. OclInvalid)
    ( errorable (nf_typing_i_i_o Γ expr))"

text ‹
  It is the only usage of the @{text OclInvalid} type.
  This type is not required to define typing rules.
  It is only required to make the typing function total.›
