Theory Sparc_Types

 * Copyright 2016, NTU
 * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
 * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
 * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
 * Author: Zhe Hou, David Sanan. 

section ‹SPARC V8 architecture CPU model›
theory Sparc_Types    
imports Main "../lib/WordDecl" "Word_Lib.Bit_Shifts_Infix_Syntax"

text ‹The following type definitions are taken from David Sanan's 
definitions for SPARC machines.›

type_synonym machine_word = word32
type_synonym byte = word8
type_synonym phys_address = word36

type_synonym virtua_address = word32
type_synonym page_address = word24
type_synonym offset = word12

type_synonym table_entry = word8

definition page_size :: "word32" where "page_size  4096"

type_synonym virtua_page_address = word20
type_synonym context_type = word8

type_synonym word_length_t1 = word_length8
type_synonym word_length_t2 = word_length6
type_synonym word_length_t3 = word_length6
type_synonym word_length_offset = word_length12
type_synonym word_length_page = word_length24
type_synonym word_length_phys_address = word_length36
type_synonym word_length_virtua_address = word_length32
type_synonym word_length_entry_type = word_length2
type_synonym word_length_machine_word = word_length32

definition length_machine_word :: "nat" 
 where "length_machine_word  LENGTH(word_length_machine_word)"

text_raw ‹\newpage›

section ‹CPU Register Definitions›

 The definitions below come from the SPARC Architecture Manual, Version 8.
 The LEON3 processor has been certified SPARC V8 conformant (2005).

definition leon3khz ::"word32"
"leon3khz  33000"

text ‹The following type definitions for MMU is taken from 
David Sanan's definitions for MMU.›

  The definitions below come from the UT699 LEON 3FT/SPARC V8 Microprocessor Functional Manual, 
   Aeroflex, June 20, 2012, p35.
datatype MMU_register
 = CR    ― ‹Control Register›
 | CTP   ― ‹ConText Pointer register›
 | CNR   ― ‹Context Register›
 | FTSR   ― ‹Fault Status Register›
 | FAR   ― ‹Fault Address Register›

lemma MMU_register_induct: 
    P x"
  by (cases x) auto

lemma UNIV_MMU_register [no_atp]: "UNIV = {CR, CTP, CNR, FTSR, FAR}"
   apply (safe)
   apply (case_tac x)
   apply (auto intro:MMU_register_induct)

instantiation MMU_register :: enum begin

definition "enum_MMU_register = [ CR, CTP, CNR, FTSR, FAR ]"

  "enum_all_MMU_register P  P CR  P CTP  P CNR  P FTSR  P FAR "
  "enum_ex_MMU_register P  P CR  P CTP  P CNR  P FTSR  P FAR"

 instance proof
  qed (simp_all only: enum_MMU_register_def enum_all_MMU_register_def 
                      enum_ex_MMU_register_def UNIV_MMU_register, simp_all)
type_synonym MMU_context = "MMU_register  machine_word"

text PTE_flags› is the last 8 bits of a PTE. See page 242 of SPARCv8 manual.
 C - bit 7
 M - bit 6,
 R - bit 5
 ACC - bit 4~2
 ET - bit 1~0.›

type_synonym PTE_flags = word8

text @{term CPU_register} datatype is an enumeration with the CPU registers defined in the SPARC V8 
datatype CPU_register = 
   PSR   ― ‹Processor State Register›
 | WIM   ― ‹Window Invalid Mask›
 | TBR   ― ‹Trap Base Register›
 | Y     ― ‹Multiply/Divide Register›
 | PC    ― ‹Program Counter›
 | nPC   ― ‹next Program Counter›
 | DTQ   ― ‹Deferred-Trap Queue›
 | FSR   ― ‹Floating-Point State Register›
 | FQ    ― ‹Floating-Point Deferred-Trap Queue›
 | CSR   ― ‹Coprocessor State Register›
 | CQ    ― ‹Coprocessor Deferred-Trap Queue›
 (*| CCR   --   "Cache Control Register"*)
 | ASR "word5"  ― ‹Ancillary State Register›

text ‹The following two functions are dummies since we will not use 
        ASRs. Future formalisation may add more details to this.›

  includes bit_operations_syntax

definition privileged_ASR :: "word5  bool"
"privileged_ASR r  False

definition illegal_instruction_ASR :: "word5  bool"
"illegal_instruction_ASR r  False

definition get_tt :: "word32  word8"
"get_tt tbr 
  ucast (((AND) tbr 0b00000000000000000000111111110000) >> 4)

text ‹Write the tt field of the TBR register. 
        Return the new value of TBR.›
definition write_tt :: "word8  word32  word32"
"write_tt new_tt_val tbr_val 
  let tmp = (AND) tbr_val 0b111111111111111111111000000001111 in
      (OR) tmp (((ucast new_tt_val)::word32) << 4)

text ‹Get the nth bit of WIM. This equals ((AND) WIM $2^n$). 
        N.B. the first bit of WIM is the 0th bit.›
definition get_WIM_bit :: "nat  word32  word1"
"get_WIM_bit n wim 
  let mask = ((ucast (0b1::word1))::word32) << n in
  ucast (((AND) mask wim) >> n)

definition get_CWP :: "word32  word5"
"get_CWP psr  
  ucast ((AND) psr 0b00000000000000000000000000011111) 

definition get_ET :: "word32  word1"
"get_ET psr  
  ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000000000000000000000100000) >> 5) 

definition get_PIL :: "word32  word4"
"get_PIL psr  
  ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000000000000000111100000000) >> 8) 

definition get_PS :: "word32  word1"
"get_PS psr  
  ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000000000000000000001000000) >> 6) 

definition get_S :: "word32  word1"
"get_S psr  
  ⌦‹ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000000000000000000010000000) >> 7)›
  if ((AND) psr (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32)) = 0 then 0
  else 1

definition get_icc_N :: "word32  word1"
"get_icc_N psr 
  ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000100000000000000000000000) >> 23)

definition get_icc_Z :: "word32  word1"
"get_icc_Z psr 
  ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000010000000000000000000000) >> 22)

definition get_icc_V :: "word32  word1"
"get_icc_V psr 
  ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000001000000000000000000000) >> 21)

definition get_icc_C :: "word32  word1"
"get_icc_C psr 
  ucast (((AND) psr 0b00000000000100000000000000000000) >> 20)

definition update_S :: "word1  word32  word32"
"update_S s_val psr_val 
  let tmp0 = (AND) psr_val 0b11111111111111111111111101111111 in
  (OR) tmp0 (((ucast s_val)::word32) << 7)

text ‹Update the CWP field of PSR. 
        Return the new value of PSR.›
definition update_CWP :: "word5  word32  word32"
"update_CWP cwp_val psr_val 
  let tmp0 = (AND) psr_val (0b11111111111111111111111111100000::word32);
      s_val = ((ucast (get_S psr_val))::word1)
  if s_val = 0 then  
    (AND) ((OR) tmp0 ((ucast cwp_val)::word32)) (0b11111111111111111111111101111111::word32)
    (OR) ((OR) tmp0 ((ucast cwp_val)::word32)) (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32)

text ‹Update the the ET, CWP, and S fields of PSR. 
        Return the new value of PSR.›
definition update_PSR_rett :: "word5  word1  word1  word32  word32"
"update_PSR_rett cwp_val et_val s_val psr_val 
  let tmp0 = (AND) psr_val 0b11111111111111111111111101000000;
      tmp1 = (OR) tmp0 ((ucast cwp_val)::word32);
      tmp2 = (OR) tmp1 (((ucast et_val)::word32) << 5); 
      tmp3 = (OR) tmp2 (((ucast s_val)::word32) << 7)

definition update_PSR_exe_trap :: "word5  word1  word1  word32  word32"
"update_PSR_exe_trap cwp_val et_val ps_val psr_val 
  let tmp0 = (AND) psr_val 0b11111111111111111111111110000000;
      tmp1 = (OR) tmp0 ((ucast cwp_val)::word32);
      tmp2 = (OR) tmp1 (((ucast et_val)::word32) << 5); 
      tmp3 = (OR) tmp2 (((ucast ps_val)::word32) << 6)

text ‹Update the N, Z, V, C fields of PSR. 
        Return the new value of PSR.›
definition update_PSR_icc :: "word1  word1  word1  word1  word32  word32"
"update_PSR_icc n_val z_val v_val c_val psr_val 
      n_val_32 = if n_val = 0 then 0 
                 else       (0b00000000100000000000000000000000::word32); 
      z_val_32 = if z_val = 0 then 0 
                 else       (0b00000000010000000000000000000000::word32); 
      v_val_32 = if v_val = 0 then 0 
                 else       (0b00000000001000000000000000000000::word32);
      c_val_32 = if c_val = 0 then 0 
                 else       (0b00000000000100000000000000000000::word32);
      tmp0 = (AND) psr_val (0b11111111000011111111111111111111::word32);
      tmp1 = (OR) tmp0 n_val_32;
      tmp2 = (OR) tmp1 z_val_32;
      tmp3 = (OR) tmp2 v_val_32;
      tmp4 = (OR) tmp3 c_val_32

text ‹Update the ET, PIL fields of PSR. 
        Return the new value of PSR.›
definition update_PSR_et_pil :: "word1  word4  word32  word32"
"update_PSR_et_pil et pil psr_val 
  let tmp0 = (AND) psr_val 0b111111111111111111111000011011111;
      tmp1 = (OR) tmp0 (((ucast et)::word32) << 5);
      tmp2 = (OR) tmp1 (((ucast pil)::word32) << 8)


text ‹
   SPARC V8 architecture is organized in windows of 32 user registers.
   The data stored in a register is defined as a 32 bits word @{term reg_type}:
type_synonym reg_type = "word32"

text ‹
  The access to the value of a CPU register of type @{term CPU_register} is
  defined by a total function @{term cpu_context}

type_synonym cpu_context = "CPU_register  reg_type"

text ‹
  User registers are defined with the type @{term user_reg} represented by a 5 bits word.

type_synonym user_reg_type = "word5"

definition PSR_S ::"reg_type"
where "PSR_S  6"
text ‹
  Each window context is defined by a total function @{term window_context} from @{term user_register} 
  to @{term reg_type} (32 bits word storing the actual value of the register).

type_synonym window_context = "user_reg_type  reg_type"
text ‹
  The number of windows is implementation dependent. 
  The LEON architecture is composed of 16 different windows (a 4 bits word).

definition NWINDOWS :: "int"
where "NWINDOWS  8"

text ‹Maximum number of windows is 32 in SPARCv8.›
type_synonym ('a) window_size = "'a word"

text ‹
Finally the user context is defined by another total function @{term user_context} from 
@{term window_size} to @{term window_context}. That is, the user context is a function taking as
argument a register set window and a register within that window, and it returns the value stored
in that user register.
type_synonym ('a) user_context = "('a) window_size  window_context"

datatype sys_reg = 
         CCR    ― ‹Cache control register›
        |ICCR   ― ‹Instruction cache configuration register›
        |DCCR   ― ‹Data cache configuration register›

type_synonym sys_context = "sys_reg  reg_type"

The memory model is defined by a total function from 32 bits words to 8 bits words
type_synonym asi_type = "word8"

text ‹
 The memory is defined as a function from page address to page, which is also defined
  as a function from physical address to @{term "machine_word"}

type_synonym mem_val_type = "word8"
type_synonym mem_context = "asi_type  phys_address  mem_val_type option"

type_synonym cache_tag = "word20"
type_synonym cache_line_size = "word12"
type_synonym cache_type = "(cache_tag × cache_line_size)"
type_synonym cache_context = "cache_type  mem_val_type option"

text ‹The delayed-write pool generated from write state register instructions.›
type_synonym delayed_write_pool = "(int × reg_type × CPU_register) list"

definition DELAYNUM :: "int"
where "DELAYNUM  0"

text ‹Convert a set to a list.›
definition list_of_set :: "'a set  'a list"
  where "list_of_set s = (SOME l. set l = s)"

lemma set_list_of_set: "finite s  set (list_of_set s) = s"
unfolding list_of_set_def 
by (metis (mono_tags) finite_list some_eq_ex)

type_synonym ANNUL = "bool"
type_synonym RESET_TRAP = "bool"
type_synonym EXECUTE_MODE = "bool"
type_synonym RESET_MODE = "bool"
type_synonym ERROR_MODE = "bool"
type_synonym TICC_TRAP_TYPE = "word7"
type_synonym INTERRUPT_LEVEL = "word3"
type_synonym STORE_BARRIER_PENDING = "bool"

text ‹The processor asserts this signal to ensure that the
memory system will not process another SWAP or
LDSTUB operation to the same memory byte.›
type_synonym pb_block_ldst_byte = "virtua_address  bool"

text‹The processor asserts this signal to ensure that the
memory system will not process another SWAP or
LDSTUB operation to the same memory word.›
type_synonym pb_block_ldst_word = "virtua_address  bool"

record sparc_state_var =
annul:: ANNUL
resett:: RESET_TRAP
reset:: RESET_MODE
atm_ldst_byte:: pb_block_ldst_byte
atm_ldst_word:: pb_block_ldst_word

definition get_annul :: "sparc_state_var  bool"
where "get_annul v  annul v"

definition get_reset_trap :: "sparc_state_var  bool"
where "get_reset_trap v  resett v"

definition get_exe_mode :: "sparc_state_var  bool"
where "get_exe_mode v  exe v"

definition get_reset_mode :: "sparc_state_var  bool"
where "get_reset_mode v  reset v"

definition get_err_mode :: "sparc_state_var  bool"
where "get_err_mode v  err v"

definition get_ticc_trap_type :: "sparc_state_var  word7"
where "get_ticc_trap_type v  ticc v"

definition get_interrupt_level :: "sparc_state_var  word3"
where "get_interrupt_level v  itrpt_lvl v"

definition get_store_barrier_pending :: "sparc_state_var  bool"
where "get_store_barrier_pending v  st_bar v"

definition write_annul :: "bool  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_annul b v  vannul := b"

definition write_reset_trap :: "bool  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_reset_trap b v  vresett := b"

definition write_exe_mode :: "bool  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_exe_mode b v  vexe := b"

definition write_reset_mode :: "bool  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_reset_mode b v  vreset := b"

definition write_err_mode :: "bool  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_err_mode b v  verr := b"

definition write_ticc_trap_type :: "word7  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_ticc_trap_type w v  vticc := w"

definition write_interrupt_level :: "word3  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_interrupt_level w v  vitrpt_lvl := w"

definition write_store_barrier_pending :: "bool  sparc_state_var  sparc_state_var"
where "write_store_barrier_pending b v  vst_bar := b"

  includes bit_operations_syntax

text ‹Given a word7 value, find the highest bit,
        and fill the left bits to be the highest bit.›
definition sign_ext7::"word7  word32"
"sign_ext7 w  
  let highest_bit = ((AND) w 0b1000000) >> 6 in
  if highest_bit = 0 then
    (ucast w)::word32
  else (OR) ((ucast w)::word32) 0b11111111111111111111111110000000

definition zero_ext8 :: "word8  word32"
"zero_ext8 w  (ucast w)::word32

text ‹Given a word8 value, find the highest bit,
        and fill the left bits to be the highest bit.›
definition sign_ext8::"word8  word32"
"sign_ext8 w  
  let highest_bit = ((AND) w 0b10000000) >> 7 in
  if highest_bit = 0 then
    (ucast w)::word32
  else (OR) ((ucast w)::word32) 0b11111111111111111111111100000000

text ‹Given a word13 value, find the highest bit,
        and fill the left bits to be the highest bit.›
definition sign_ext13::"word13  word32"
"sign_ext13 w  
  let highest_bit = ((AND) w 0b1000000000000) >> 12 in
  if highest_bit = 0 then
    (ucast w)::word32
  else (OR) ((ucast w)::word32) 0b11111111111111111110000000000000

definition zero_ext16 :: "word16  word32"
"zero_ext16 w  (ucast w)::word32

text ‹Given a word16 value, find the highest bit,
        and fill the left bits to be the highest bit.›
definition sign_ext16::"word16  word32"
"sign_ext16 w  
  let highest_bit = ((AND) w 0b1000000000000000) >> 15 in
  if highest_bit = 0 then
    (ucast w)::word32
  else (OR) ((ucast w)::word32) 0b11111111111111110000000000000000

text ‹Given a word22 value, find the highest bit,
        and fill the left bits to tbe the highest bit.›
definition sign_ext22::"word22  word32"
"sign_ext22 w 
  let highest_bit = ((AND) w 0b1000000000000000000000) >> 21 in
  if highest_bit = 0 then
    (ucast w)::word32
  else (OR) ((ucast w)::word32) 0b11111111110000000000000000000000

text ‹Given a word24 value, find the highest bit,
        and fill the left bits to tbe the highest bit.›
definition sign_ext24::"word24  word32"
"sign_ext24 w 
  let highest_bit = ((AND) w 0b100000000000000000000000) >> 23 in
  if highest_bit = 0 then
    (ucast w)::word32
  else (OR) ((ucast w)::word32) 0b11111111000000000000000000000000

Operations to be defined.
The SPARC V8 architecture is composed of the following set of instructions:
   Load Integer Instructions
   Load Floating-point Instructions
   Load Coprocessor Instructions
   Store Integer Instructions
   Store Floating-point Instructions
   Store Coprocessor Instructions
   Atomic Load-Store Unsigned Byte Instructions
   SWAP Register With Memory Instruction
   SETHI Instructions
   NOP Instruction
   Logical Instructions
   Shift Instructions
   Add Instructions
   Tagged Add Instructions
   Subtract Instructions
   Tagged Subtract Instructions
   Multiply Step Instruction
   Multiply Instructions
   Divide Instructions
   SAVE and RESTORE Instructions
   Branch on Integer Condition Codes Instructions
   Branch on Floating-point Condition Codes Instructions
   Branch on Coprocessor Condition Codes Instructions
   Call and Link Instruction
   Jump and Link Instruction
   Return from Trap Instruction
   Trap on Integer Condition Codes Instructions
   Read State Register Instructions
   Write State Register Instructions
   STBAR Instruction
   Unimplemented Instruction
   Flush Instruction Memory
   Floating-point Operate (FPop) Instructions
   Convert Integer to Floating point Instructions
   Convert Floating point to Integer Instructions
   Convert Between Floating-point Formats Instructions
   Floating-point Move Instructions
   Floating-point Square Root Instructions
   Floating-point Add and Subtract Instructions
   Floating-point Multiply and Divide Instructions
   Floating-point Compare Instructions
   Coprocessor Operate Instructions

text ‹The CALL instruction.›
datatype call_type = CALL ― ‹Call and Link›

text ‹The SETHI instruction.›
datatype sethi_type = SETHI    ― ‹Set High 22 bits of r Register›

text ‹The NOP instruction.›
datatype nop_type = NOP      ― ‹No Operation›

text ‹The Branch on integer condition codes instructions.› 
datatype bicc_type = 
  BE       ― ‹Branch on Equal›
 | BNE      ― ‹Branch on Not Equal›
 | BGU      ― ‹Branch on Greater Unsigned›
 | BLE      ― ‹Branch on Less or Equal›
 | BL       ― ‹Branch on Less›
 | BGE      ― ‹Branch on Greater or Equal›
 | BNEG     ― ‹Branch on Negative›
 | BG       ― ‹Branch on Greater›
 | BCS      ― ‹Branch on Carry Set (Less than, Unsigned)›
 | BLEU     ― ‹Branch on Less or Equal Unsigned›
 | BCC      ― ‹Branch on Carry Clear (Greater than or Equal, Unsigned)›
 | BA       ― ‹Branch Always›
 | BN       ― ‹Branch Never› ― ‹Added for unconditional branches›
 | BPOS     ― ‹Branch on Positive›
 | BVC      ― ‹Branch on Overflow Clear›
 | BVS      ― ‹Branch on Overflow Set›

text ‹Memory instructions. That is, load and store.›
datatype load_store_type =
  LDSB     ― ‹Load Signed Byte›
 | LDUB     ― ‹Load Unsigned Byte›
 | LDUBA    ― ‹Load Unsigned Byte from Alternate space›
 | LDUH     ― ‹Load Unsigned Halfword›
 | LD       ― ‹Load Word›
 | LDA      ― ‹Load Word from Alternate space›
 | LDD      ― ‹Load Doubleword›
 | STB      ― ‹Store Byte›
 | STH      ― ‹Store Halfword›
 | ST       ― ‹Store Word›
 | STA      ― ‹Store Word into Alternate space›
 | STD      ― ‹Store Doubleword›
 | LDSBA    ― ‹Load Signed Byte from Alternate space›
 | LDSH     ― ‹Load Signed Halfword›
 | LDSHA    ― ‹Load Signed Halfword from Alternate space›
 | LDUHA    ― ‹Load Unsigned Halfword from Alternate space›
 | LDDA     ― ‹Load Doubleword from Alternate space›
 | STBA     ― ‹Store Byte into Alternate space›
 | STHA     ― ‹Store Halfword into Alternate space›
 | STDA     ― ‹Store Doubleword into Alternate space›
 | LDSTUB   ― ‹Atomic Load Store Unsigned Byte›
 | LDSTUBA  ― ‹Atomic Load Store Unsinged Byte in Alternate space›
 | SWAP     ― ‹Swap r Register with Mmemory›
 | SWAPA    ― ‹Swap r Register with Mmemory in Alternate space›
 | FLUSH    ― ‹Flush Instruction Memory›
 | STBAR    ― ‹Store Barrier›

text ‹Arithmetic instructions.›
datatype arith_type =
  ADD      ― ‹Add›
 | ADDcc    ― ‹Add and modify icc›
 | ADDX     ― ‹Add with Carry›
 | SUB      ― ‹Subtract›
 | SUBcc    ― ‹Subtract and modify icc›
 | SUBX     ― ‹Subtract with Carry›
 | UMUL     ― ‹Unsigned Integer Multiply›
 | SMUL     ― ‹Signed Integer Multiply›
 | SMULcc   ― ‹Signed Integer Multiply and modify icc›
 | UDIV     ― ‹Unsigned Integer Divide›
 | UDIVcc   ― ‹Unsigned Integer Divide and modify icc›
 | SDIV     ― ‹Signed Integer Divide› 
 | ADDXcc   ― ‹Add with Carry and modify icc›
 | TADDcc   ― ‹Tagged Add and modify icc›
 | TADDccTV ― ‹Tagged Add and modify icc and Trap on overflow›
 | SUBXcc   ― ‹Subtract with Carry and modify icc›
 | TSUBcc   ― ‹Tagged Subtract and modify icc›
 | TSUBccTV ― ‹Tagged Subtract and modify icc and Trap on overflow›
 | MULScc   ― ‹Multiply Step and modify icc›
 | UMULcc   ― ‹Unsigned Integer Multiply and modify icc›
 | SDIVcc   ― ‹Signed Integer Divide and modify icc›

text ‹Logical instructions.›
datatype logic_type =
  ANDs      ― ‹And›
 | ANDcc    ― ‹And and modify icc›
 | ANDN     ― ‹And Not›
 | ANDNcc   ― ‹And Not and modify icc›
 | ORs       ― ‹Inclusive-Or›
 | ORcc     ― ‹Inclusive-Or and modify icc›
 | ORN      ― ‹Inclusive Or Not›
 | XORs      ― ‹Exclusive-Or›
 | XNOR     ― ‹Exclusive-Nor›
 | ORNcc    ― ‹Inclusive-Or Not and modify icc›
 | XORcc    ― ‹Exclusive-Or and modify icc›
 | XNORcc   ― ‹Exclusive-Nor and modify icc›
text ‹Shift instructions.›
datatype shift_type =
  SLL      ― ‹Shift Left Logical›
 | SRL      ― ‹Shift Right Logical›
 | SRA      ― ‹Shift Right Arithmetic› 

text ‹Other Control-transfer instructions.›
datatype ctrl_type = 
  JMPL     ― ‹Jump and Link›
 | RETT     ― ‹Return from Trap›
 | SAVE     ― ‹Save caller's window›
 | RESTORE  ― ‹Restore caller's window› 

text ‹Access state registers instructions.›
datatype sreg_type =
  RDASR    ― ‹Read Ancillary State Register›
 | RDY      ― ‹Read Y Register›
 | RDPSR    ― ‹Read Processor State Register›
 | RDWIM    ― ‹Read Window Invalid Mask Register›
 | RDTBR    ― ‹Read Trap Base Regiser›
 | WRASR    ― ‹Write Ancillary State Register›
 | WRY      ― ‹Write Y Register›
 | WRPSR    ― ‹Write Processor State Register›
 | WRWIM    ― ‹Write Window Invalid Mask Register›
 | WRTBR    ― ‹Write Trap Base Register› 

text ‹Unimplemented instruction.›
datatype uimp_type = UNIMP    ― ‹Unimplemented› 

text ‹Trap on integer condition code instructions.›
datatype ticc_type =
 TA       ― ‹Trap Always›
 | TN       ― ‹Trap Never›
 | TNE      ― ‹Trap on Not Equal›
 | TE       ― ‹Trap on Equal›
 | TG       ― ‹Trap on Greater›
 | TLE      ― ‹Trap on Less or Equal›
 | TGE      ― ‹Trap on Greater or Equal›
 | TL       ― ‹Trap on Less›
 | TGU      ― ‹Trap on Greater Unsigned›
 | TLEU     ― ‹Trap on Less or Equal Unsigned›
 | TCC      ― ‹Trap on Carry Clear (Greater than or Equal, Unsigned)›
 | TCS      ― ‹Trap on Carry Set (Less Than, Unsigned)›
 | TPOS     ― ‹Trap on Postive›
 | TNEG     ― ‹Trap on Negative›
 | TVC      ― ‹Trap on Overflow Clear›
 | TVS      ― ‹Trap on Overflow Set›

datatype sparc_operation =
  call_type call_type
 | sethi_type sethi_type
 | nop_type nop_type
 | bicc_type bicc_type
 | load_store_type load_store_type
 | arith_type arith_type
 | logic_type logic_type
 | shift_type shift_type
 | ctrl_type ctrl_type
 | sreg_type sreg_type
 | uimp_type uimp_type
 | ticc_type ticc_type

datatype Trap = 

datatype Exception =
― ‹The following are processor states that are not in the instruction model,›
― ‹but we MAY want to deal with these from hardware perspective.›
― ‹The following are self-defined exceptions.›
|illegal_instruction2 ― ‹when i = 0› for load/store not from alternate space›

