Theory Risk_Free_Lending

theory Risk_Free_Lending

section ‹Accounts \label{sec:accounts}›

text ‹We model accounts as functions from typnat to typreal with
      ‹finite support›.›

text ‹Index @{term [show_types] "0 :: nat"} corresponds to an account's
      ‹cash› reserve (see \S\ref{sec:cash} for details).›

text ‹An index greater than term0::nat may be regarded as corresponding to
      a financial product. Such financial products are similar to ‹notes›.
      Our notes are intended to be as easy to use for exchange as cash.
      Positive values are debited. Negative values are credited.›

text ‹We refer to our new financial products as ‹risk-free loans›, because
      they may be regarded as 0\% APY loans that bear interest for the debtor.
      They are ‹risk-free› because we prove a ‹safety› theorem for them.
      Our safety theorem proves no account will ``be in the red'', with more
      credited loans than debited loans, provided an invariant is maintained.
      We call this invariant ‹strictly solvent›. See \S\ref{sec:bulk-update}
      for   details on our safety proof.›

text ‹Each risk-free loan index corresponds to a progressively shorter
      ‹loan period›. Informally, a loan period is the time it takes for 99\%
      of a loan to be returned given a ‹rate function› termρ. Rate
      functions are introduced in \S\ref{sec:update}.›

text ‹It is unnecessary to track counter-party obligations so we do not.
      See \S\ref{subsec:balanced-ledgers} and \S\ref{subsec:transfers} for

typedef account = "(fin_support 0 UNIV) :: (nat  real) set"
proof -
  have "(λ _ . 0)  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    unfolding fin_support_def support_def
    by simp
  thus "x :: nat  real. x  fin_support 0 UNIV" by fastforce

text ‹The type definition for typaccount automatically generates two
      functions: @{term [show_types] "Rep_account"} and
      @{term [show_types] "Rep_account"}. termRep_account is a left inverse
      of termAbs_account. For convenience we introduce the following
      shorthand notation:›

notation Rep_account ("π")
notation Abs_account ("ι")

text ‹Accounts form an Abelian group. ‹Summing› accounts will be helpful in
      expressing how all credited and debited loans can cancel across a
      ledger. This is done in \S\ref{subsec:balanced-ledgers}.›

text ‹It is also helpful to think of an account as a transferable quantity.
      Transferring subtracts values under indexes from one account and adds
      them to another. Transfers are presented in \S\ref{subsec:transfers}.›

instantiation account :: ab_group_add

definition "0 = ι (λ _ . 0)"
definition "- α = ι (λ n . - π α n)"
definition "α1 + α2 = ι (λ n. π α1 n + π α2 n)"
definition "(α1 :: account) - α2 = α1 + - α2"

lemma Rep_account_zero [simp]: "π 0 = (λ _ . 0)"
proof -
  have "(λ _ . 0)  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    unfolding fin_support_def support_def
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding zero_account_def
    using Abs_account_inverse by blast

lemma Rep_account_uminus [simp]:
  "π (- α) = (λ n . - π α n)"
proof -
  have "π α  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    using Rep_account by blast
  hence "(λx. - π α x)  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    unfolding fin_support_def support_def
    by force
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding uminus_account_def
    using Abs_account_inverse by blast

lemma fin_support_closed_under_addition:
  fixes f g :: "'a  real"
  assumes "f  fin_support 0 A"
  and "g  fin_support 0 A"
  shows "(λ x . f x + g x)  fin_support 0 A"
  using assms
  unfolding fin_support_def support_def
  by (metis (mono_tags) mem_Collect_eq sum.finite_Collect_op)

lemma Rep_account_plus [simp]:
  "π (α1 + α2) = (λ n. π α1 n + π α2 n)"
  unfolding plus_account_def
  by (metis (full_types)

  fix a b c :: account
  have "n. π (a + b) n + π c n = π a n + π (b + c) n"
    using Rep_account_plus plus_account_def
    by auto
  thus "a + b + c = a + (b + c)"
    unfolding plus_account_def
    by force
  fix a b :: account
  show "a + b = b + a"
    unfolding plus_account_def
    by (simp add: add.commute)
  fix a :: account
  show "0 + a = a"
    unfolding plus_account_def Rep_account_zero
    by (simp add: Rep_account_inverse)
  fix a :: account
  show "- a + a = 0"
    unfolding plus_account_def zero_account_def Rep_account_uminus
    by (simp add: Abs_account_inverse)
  fix a b :: account
  show "a - b = a + - b"
    using minus_account_def by blast


section ‹Strictly Solvent›

text ‹An account is ‹strictly solvent› when, for every loan period, the sum of
      all the debited and credited loans for longer periods is positive.
      This implies that the ‹net asset value› for the account is positive.
      The net asset value is the sum of all of the credit and debit in the
      account. We prove strictly_solvent α ⟹ 0 ≤ net_asset_value α› in

definition strictly_solvent :: "account  bool" where
  "strictly_solvent α   n . 0  ( in . π α i)"

lemma additive_strictly_solvent:
  assumes "strictly_solvent α1" and "strictly_solvent α2"
  shows "strictly_solvent (α1 + α2)"
  using assms Rep_account_plus
  unfolding strictly_solvent_def plus_account_def
  by (simp add: Abs_account_inverse sum.distrib)

text ‹The notion of strictly solvent generalizes to a partial order, making
      typaccount an ordered Abelian group.›

instantiation account :: ordered_ab_group_add

definition less_eq_account :: "account  account  bool" where
  "less_eq_account α1 α2   n . ( in . π α1 i)  ( in . π α2 i)"

definition less_account :: "account  account  bool" where
  "less_account α1 α2  (α1  α2  ¬ α2  α1)"

  fix x y :: account
  show "(x < y) = (x  y  ¬ y  x)"
    unfolding less_account_def ..
  fix x :: account
  show "x  x"
    unfolding less_eq_account_def by auto
  fix x y z :: account
  assume "x  y" and "y  z"
  thus "x  z"
    unfolding less_eq_account_def
    by (meson order_trans)
  fix x y :: account
  assume "x  y" and "y  x"
  hence : " n . ( in . π x i) = ( in . π y i)"
    unfolding less_eq_account_def
    using dual_order.antisym by blast
    fix n
    have "π x n = π y n"
    proof (cases "n = 0")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using 
        by (metis
              sum.empty sum.insert)
      case False
      from this obtain m where
        "n = m + 1"
        by (metis Nat.add_0_right Suc_eq_plus1 add_eq_if)
      have "( in . π x i) = ( in . π y i)"
        using  by auto
        "( im . π x i) + π x n =
         ( im . π y i) + π y n"
        using n = m + 1
        by simp
      moreover have "( im . π x i) = ( im . π y i)"
        using  by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by linarith
  hence "π x = π y" by auto
  thus "x = y"
    by (metis Rep_account_inverse)
  fix x y z :: account
  assume "x  y"
    fix n :: nat
      "( in . π (z + x) i) =
       ( in . π z i) + ( in . π x i)"
      "( in . π (z + y) i) =
       ( in . π z i) + ( in . π y i)"
      unfolding Rep_account_plus
      by (simp add: sum.distrib)+
    moreover have "( in . π x i)  ( in . π y i)"
      using x  y
      unfolding less_eq_account_def by blast
    ultimately have
      "( in . π (z + x) i)  ( in . π (z + y) i)"
      by linarith
  thus "z + x  z + y"
      less_eq_account_def by auto

text ‹An account is strictly solvent exactly when it is
      ‹greater than or equal to› @{term [show_types] "0 :: account"},
      according to the partial order just defined.›

lemma strictly_solvent_alt_def: "strictly_solvent α = (0  α)"
  using zero_account_def
  by force

section ‹Cash \label{sec:cash}›

text ‹The ‹cash reserve› in an account is the value under index 0.›

text ‹Cash is treated with distinction. For instance it grows with interest
      (see \S\ref{sec:interest}). When we turn to balanced ledgers in
      \S\ref{subsec:balanced-ledgers}, we will see that cash is the only
      quantity that does not cancel out.›

definition cash_reserve :: "account  real" where
  "cash_reserve α = π α 0"

text ‹If α› is strictly solvent then it has non-negative cash reserves.›

lemma strictly_solvent_non_negative_cash:
  assumes "strictly_solvent α"
  shows "0  cash_reserve α"
  using assms
  unfolding strictly_solvent_def cash_reserve_def
  by (metis

text ‹An account consists of ‹just cash› when it has no other credit or debit
      other than under the first index.›

definition just_cash :: "real  account" where
  "just_cash c = ι (λ n . if n = 0 then c else 0)"

lemma Rep_account_just_cash [simp]:
  "π (just_cash c) = (λ n . if n = 0 then c else 0)"
proof(cases "c = 0")
  case True
  hence "just_cash c = 0"
    unfolding just_cash_def zero_account_def
    by force
  then show ?thesis
    using Rep_account_zero True by force
  case False
  hence "finite (support 0 UNIV (λ n :: nat . if n = 0 then c else 0))"
    unfolding support_def
    by auto
  hence "(λ n :: nat . if n = 0 then c else 0)  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    unfolding fin_support_def
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding just_cash_def
    using Abs_account_inverse by auto

section ‹Ledgers›

text ‹We model a ‹ledger› as a function from an index type typ'a to
      an typaccount. A ledger could be thought of as an ‹indexed set› of

type_synonym 'a ledger = "'a  account"

subsection ‹Balanced Ledgers \label{subsec:balanced-ledgers}›

text ‹We say a ledger is ‹balanced› when all of the debited and credited
      loans cancel, and all that is left is just cash.›

text ‹Conceptually, given a balanced ledger we are justified in not tracking
      counter-party obligations.›

definition (in finite) balanced :: "'a ledger  real  bool" where
  "balanced  c  ( a  UNIV.  a) = just_cash c"

text ‹Provided the total cash is non-negative, a balanced ledger is a special
      case of a ledger which is globally strictly solvent.›

lemma balanced_strictly_solvent:
  assumes "0  c" and "balanced  c"
  shows "strictly_solvent ( a  UNIV.  a)"
  using assms
  unfolding balanced_def strictly_solvent_def
  by simp

lemma (in finite) finite_Rep_account_ledger [simp]:
  "π ( a  (A :: 'a set).  a) n = ( a  A. π ( a) n)"
  using finite
  by (induct A rule: finite_induct, auto)

text ‹An alternate definition of balanced is that the termcash_reserve
      for each account sums to c›, and all of the other credited and debited
      assets cancels out.›

lemma (in finite) balanced_alt_def:
  "balanced  c =
     (( a  UNIV. cash_reserve ( a)) = c
       ( n > 0. ( a  UNIV. π ( a) n) = 0))"
  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs
  hence "( a  UNIV. cash_reserve ( a)) = c"
    unfolding balanced_def cash_reserve_def
    by (metis Rep_account_just_cash finite_Rep_account_ledger)
    fix n :: "nat"
    assume "n > 0"
    with ?lhs have "( a  UNIV. π ( a) n) = 0"
      unfolding balanced_def
      by (metis
  ultimately show ?rhs by auto
  assume ?rhs
  have "cash_reserve (just_cash c) = c"
    unfolding cash_reserve_def
    using Rep_account_just_cash
    by presburger
  also have "... = (aUNIV. cash_reserve ( a))" using ?rhs by auto
  finally have
    "cash_reserve ( a  UNIV.  a) = cash_reserve (just_cash c)"
    unfolding cash_reserve_def
    by auto
    fix n :: "nat"
    assume "n > 0"
    hence "π ( a  UNIV.  a) n = 0" using ?rhs by auto
    hence "π ( a  UNIV.  a) n = π (just_cash c) n"
      unfolding Rep_account_just_cash using n > 0 by auto
  ultimately have
    " n . π ( a  UNIV.  a) n = π (just_cash c) n"
    unfolding cash_reserve_def
    by (metis gr_zeroI)
  hence "π ( a  UNIV.  a) = π (just_cash c)"
    by auto
  thus ?lhs
    unfolding balanced_def
    using Rep_account_inject
    by blast

subsection ‹Transfers \label{subsec:transfers}›

text ‹A ‹transfer amount› is the same as an typaccount. It is just a
      function from typnat to typreal with finite support.›

type_synonym transfer_amount = "account"

text ‹When transferring between accounts in a ledger we make use of the
      Abelian group operations defined in \S\ref{sec:accounts}.›

definition transfer :: "'a ledger  transfer_amount  'a  'a  'a ledger" where
  "transfer  τ a b x = (if a = b then  x
                             else if x = a then  a - τ
                             else if x = b then  b + τ
                             else  x)"

text ‹Transferring from an account to itself is a no-op.›

lemma transfer_collapse:
  "transfer  τ a a = "
  unfolding transfer_def by auto

text ‹After a transfer, the sum totals of all credited and debited assets are

lemma (in finite) sum_transfer_equiv:
  fixes x y :: "'a"
  shows "( a  UNIV.  a) = ( a  UNIV. transfer  τ x y a)"
  (is "_ = ( a  UNIV. ?ℒ' a)")
proof (cases "x = y")
  case True
  show ?thesis
    unfolding x = y transfer_collapse ..
  case False
  let ?sum_ℒ = "( a  UNIV - {x,y}.  a)"
  let ?sum_ℒ' = "( a  UNIV - {x,y}. ?ℒ' a)"
  have " a  UNIV - {x,y}. ?ℒ' a =  a "
    by (simp add: transfer_def)
  hence "?sum_ℒ' = ?sum_ℒ"
    by (meson sum.cong)
  have "{x,y}  UNIV" by auto
  have "( a  UNIV. ?ℒ' a) = ?sum_ℒ' + ( a  {x,y}. ?ℒ' a)"
    using finite_UNIV sum.subset_diff [OF {x,y}  UNIV]
    by fastforce
  also have "... = ?sum_ℒ' + ?ℒ' x + ?ℒ' y"
      x  y
    by (simp add: insert_Diff_if)
  also have "... = ?sum_ℒ' +  x - τ +  y + τ"
    unfolding transfer_def
    using x  y
    by auto
  also have "... = ?sum_ℒ' +  x +  y"
    by simp
  also have "... = ?sum_ℒ +  x +  y"
    unfolding ?sum_ℒ' = ?sum_ℒ ..
  also have "... = ?sum_ℒ + ( a  {x,y}.  a)"
      x  y
    by (simp add: insert_Diff_if)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (metis local.finite sum.subset_diff top_greatest)

text ‹Since the sum totals of all credited and debited assets are preserved
      after transfer, a ledger is balanced if and only if it is balanced after

lemma (in finite) balanced_transfer:
  "balanced  c = balanced (transfer  τ a b) c"
  unfolding balanced_def
  using sum_transfer_equiv
  by force

text ‹Similarly, the sum total of a ledger is strictly solvent if and only if
      it is strictly solvent after transfer.›

lemma (in finite) strictly_solvent_transfer:
  fixes x y :: "'a"
  shows "strictly_solvent ( a  UNIV.  a) =
           strictly_solvent ( a  UNIV. transfer  τ x y a)"
  using sum_transfer_equiv
  by presburger

subsection ‹The Valid Transfers Protocol›

text ‹In this section we give a ‹protocol› for safely transferring value
      from one account to another.›

text ‹We enforce that every transfer is ‹valid›. Valid transfers are
      intended to be intuitive. For instance one cannot transfer negative
      cash. Nor is it possible for an account that only has \$50 to loan out

text ‹A transfer is valid just in case the typtransfer_amount is strictly
      solvent and the account being credited the transfer will be strictly
      solvent afterwards.›

definition valid_transfer :: "account  transfer_amount  bool" where
  "valid_transfer α τ = (strictly_solvent τ  strictly_solvent (α - τ))"

lemma valid_transfer_alt_def: "valid_transfer α τ = (0  τ  τ  α)"
  unfolding valid_transfer_def strictly_solvent_alt_def
  by simp

text ‹Only strictly solvent accounts can make valid transfers to begin with.›

lemma only_strictly_solvent_accounts_can_transfer:
  assumes "valid_transfer α τ"
  shows "strictly_solvent α"
  using assms
  unfolding strictly_solvent_alt_def valid_transfer_alt_def
  by auto

text ‹We may now give a key result: accounts remain strictly solvent given a
      valid transfer.›

theorem strictly_solvent_still_strictly_solvent_after_valid_transfer:
  assumes "valid_transfer ( a) τ"
  and "strictly_solvent ( b)"
    "strictly_solvent ((transfer  τ a b) a)"
    "strictly_solvent ((transfer  τ a b) b)"
  using assms
  by (cases "a = b", auto)

subsection ‹Embedding Conventional Cash-Only Ledgers›

text ‹We show that in a sense the ledgers presented generalize conventional
      ledgers which only track cash.›

text ‹An account consisting of just cash is strictly solvent if and only if
      it consists of a non-negative amount of cash.›

lemma strictly_solvent_just_cash_equiv:
  "strictly_solvent (just_cash c) = (0  c)"
  unfolding strictly_solvent_def
  using Rep_account_just_cash just_cash_def by force

text ‹An empty account corresponds to @{term [show_types] "0 :: account"};
      the account with no cash or debit or credit.›

lemma zero_account_alt_def: "just_cash 0 = 0"
  unfolding zero_account_def just_cash_def
  by simp

text ‹Building on @{thm zero_account_alt_def}, we have that termjust_cash
      is an embedding into an ordered subgroup. This means that termjust_cash
      is an order-preserving group homomorphism from the reals to the universe
      of accounts.›

lemma just_cash_embed: "(a = b) = (just_cash a = just_cash b)"
proof (rule iffI)
  assume "a = b"
  thus "just_cash a = just_cash b"
    by force
  assume "just_cash a = just_cash b"
  hence "cash_reserve (just_cash a) = cash_reserve (just_cash b)"
    by presburger
  thus "a = b"
    unfolding Rep_account_just_cash cash_reserve_def
    by auto

lemma partial_nav_just_cash [simp]:
 "( in . π (just_cash a) i) = a"
  unfolding Rep_account_just_cash
  by (induct n, auto)

lemma just_cash_order_embed: "(a  b) = (just_cash a  just_cash b)"
  unfolding less_eq_account_def
  by simp

lemma just_cash_plus [simp]: "just_cash a + just_cash b = just_cash (a + b)"
proof -
    fix x
    have "π (just_cash a + just_cash b) x = π (just_cash (a + b)) x"
    proof (cases "x = 0")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using Rep_account_just_cash just_cash_def by force
      case False
      then show ?thesis by simp
  hence "π (just_cash a + just_cash b) = π (just_cash (a + b))"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis Rep_account_inverse)

lemma just_cash_uminus [simp]: "- just_cash a = just_cash (- a)"
proof -
    fix x
    have "π (- just_cash a) x = π (just_cash (- a)) x"
    proof (cases "x = 0")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
        using Rep_account_just_cash just_cash_def by force
      case False
      then show ?thesis by simp
  hence "π (- just_cash a) = π (just_cash (- a))"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis Rep_account_inverse)

lemma just_cash_subtract [simp]:
  "just_cash a - just_cash b = just_cash (a - b)"
  by (simp add: minus_account_def)

text ‹Valid transfers as per @{thm valid_transfer_alt_def} collapse into
      inequalities over the real numbers.›

lemma just_cash_valid_transfer:
  "valid_transfer (just_cash c) (just_cash t) = ((0 :: real)  t  t  c)"
  unfolding valid_transfer_alt_def
  by (simp add: less_eq_account_def)

text ‹Finally a ledger consisting of accounts with only cash is trivially

lemma (in finite) just_cash_summation:
  fixes A :: "'a set"
  assumes " a  A.  c .  a = just_cash c"
  shows " c . ( a  A .  a) = just_cash c"
  using finite assms
  by (induct A rule: finite_induct, auto, metis zero_account_alt_def)

lemma (in finite) just_cash_UNIV_is_balanced:
  assumes " a .  c .  a = just_cash c"
  shows " c . balanced  c"
    unfolding balanced_def
      just_cash_summation [where A=UNIV]
    by simp

section ‹Interest \label{sec:interest}›

text ‹In this section we discuss how to calculate the interest accrued by
      an account for a period. This is done by looking at the sum of all of
      the credit and debit in an account. This sum is called the
      ‹net asset value› of an account.›

subsection ‹Net Asset Value \label{subsec:net-asset-value}›

text ‹The net asset value of an account is the sum of all of the non-zero
      entries. Since accounts have finite support this sum is always well

definition net_asset_value :: "account  real" where
  "net_asset_value α = ( i | π α i  0 . π α i)"

subsubsection ‹The Shortest Period for Credited \& Debited Assets in an

text ‹Higher indexes for an account correspond to shorter loan periods.
      Since accounts only have a finite number of entries, it makes sense to
      talk about the ‹shortest› period an account has an entry for. The net
      asset value for an account has a simpler expression in terms of that
      account's shortest period.›

definition shortest_period :: "account  nat" where
  "shortest_period α =
    (if ( i. π α i = 0)
     then 0
     else Max {i . π α i  0})"

lemma shortest_period_uminus:
  "shortest_period (- α) = shortest_period α"
  unfolding shortest_period_def
  using Rep_account_uminus uminus_account_def
  by force

lemma finite_account_support:
  "finite {i . π α i  0}"
proof -
  have "π α  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    by (simp add: Rep_account)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding fin_support_def support_def
    by fastforce

lemma shortest_period_plus:
  "shortest_period (α + β)  max (shortest_period α) (shortest_period β)"
  (is "_  ?MAX")
proof (cases " i . π (α + β) i = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis unfolding shortest_period_def by auto
  case False
  have "shortest_period α  ?MAX" and "shortest_period β  ?MAX"
    by auto
  have " i > shortest_period α . π α i = 0"
  and " i > shortest_period β . π β i = 0"
    unfolding shortest_period_def
    using finite_account_support Max.coboundedI leD Collect_cong
    by auto
  have " i > ?MAX . π α i = 0"
  and " i > ?MAX . π β i = 0"
    by simp+
  hence " i > ?MAX . π (α + β) i = 0"
    by simp
  hence " i . π (α + β) i  0  i  ?MAX"
    by (meson not_le)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding shortest_period_def
      finite_account_support [where α = "α + β"]
    by simp

lemma shortest_period_π:
  assumes "π α i  0"
  shows "π α (shortest_period α)  0"
proof -
  let ?support = "{i . π α i  0}"
  have A: "finite ?support"
    using finite_account_support by blast
  have B: "?support  {}" using assms by auto
  have "shortest_period α = Max ?support"
    using assms
    unfolding shortest_period_def
    by auto
  have "shortest_period α  ?support"
    unfolding shortest_period α = Max ?support
    using Max_in [OF A B] by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma shortest_period_bound:
  assumes "π α i  0"
  shows "i  shortest_period α"
proof -
  let ?support = "{i . π α i  0}"
  have "shortest_period α = Max ?support"
    using assms
    unfolding shortest_period_def
    by auto
  have "shortest_period α  ?support"
    using assms shortest_period_π by force
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding shortest_period α = Max ?support
    by (simp add: assms finite_account_support)

text ‹Using termshortest_period we may give an alternate definition for

lemma net_asset_value_alt_def:
  "net_asset_value α = ( i  shortest_period α. π α i)"
proof -
  let ?support = "{i . π α i  0}"
    fix k
    have "( i | i  k  π α i  0 . π α i) = ( i  k. π α i)"
    proof (induct k)
      case 0
      thus ?case
      proof (cases "π α 0 = 0")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          by fastforce
        case False
          fix i
          have "(i  0  π α i  0) = (i  0)"
            using False
            by blast
        hence "( i | i  0  π α i  0. π α i) =
                 (i | i  0. π α i)"
          by presburger
        also have "... = (i  0. π α i)"
          by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by simp
      case (Suc k)
      then show ?case
      proof (cases "π α (Suc k) = 0")
        case True
          fix i
          have "(i  Suc k  π α i  0) =
                  (i  k  π α i  0)"
            using True le_Suc_eq by blast
        hence "(i | i  Suc k  π α i  0. π α i) =
                 (i | i  k  π α i  0. π α i)"
          by presburger
        also have "... = ( i  k. π α i)"
          using Suc by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis using True
          by simp
        let ?A = "{i . i  Suc k  π α i  0}"
        let ?A' = "{i . i  k  π α i  0}"
        case False
        hence "?A = {i . (i  k  π α i  0)  i = Suc k}"
          by auto
        hence "?A = ?A'  {i . i = Suc k}"
          by (simp add: Collect_disj_eq)
        hence : "?A = ?A'  {Suc k}"
          by simp
        hence : "finite (?A'  {Suc k})"
          using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le
          by blast
          "(i | i  Suc k  π α i  0. π α i) =
             ( i  ?A'  {Suc k}. π α i)"
          by auto
        also have "... = ( i  ?A'. π α i) + ( i  {Suc k}. π α i)"
          by force
        also have "... = ( i  ?A'. π α i) + π α (Suc k)"
          by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (simp add: Suc)
  hence :
    "(i | i  shortest_period α  π α i  0. π α i) =
            ( i  shortest_period α. π α i)"
    by auto
    fix i
    have "(i  shortest_period α  π α i  0) = (π α i  0)"
      using shortest_period_bound by blast
  note  = this
  show ?thesis
    unfolding  net_asset_value_def
    by blast

lemma greater_than_shortest_period_zero:
  assumes "shortest_period α < m"
  shows "π α m = 0"
proof -
  let ?support = "{i . π α i  0}"
  have " i  ?support . i  shortest_period α"
    by (simp add: finite_account_support shortest_period_def)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (meson CollectI leD)

text ‹An account's termnet_asset_value does not change when summing beyond
      its termshortest_period. This is helpful when computing aggregate
      net asset values across multiple accounts.›

lemma net_asset_value_shortest_period_ge:
  assumes "shortest_period α  n"
  shows "net_asset_value α = ( i  n. π α i)"
proof (cases "shortest_period α = n")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding net_asset_value_alt_def by auto
  case False
  hence "shortest_period α < n" using assms by auto
  hence "( i=shortest_period α + 1.. n. π α i) = 0"
    (is "?Σextra = 0")
    using greater_than_shortest_period_zero
    by auto
  moreover have "( i  n. π α i) =
                  ( i  shortest_period α. π α i) + ?Σextra"
    (is "?lhs = ?Σshortest_period + _")
    by (metis
          shortest_period α < n
  ultimately have "?lhs = ?Σshortest_period"
    by linarith
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding net_asset_value_alt_def by auto

subsubsection ‹Net Asset Value Properties \label{subsubsec:net-asset-value-properties}›

text ‹In this section we explore how termnet_asset_value forms an
      order-preserving group homomorphism from the universe of accounts to the
      real numbers.›

text ‹We first observe that termstrictly_solvent implies the more
      conventional notion of solvent, where an account's net asset value is

lemma strictly_solvent_net_asset_value:
  assumes "strictly_solvent α"
  shows "0  net_asset_value α"
  using assms strictly_solvent_def net_asset_value_alt_def by auto

text ‹Next we observe that termnet_asset_value is a order preserving
      group homomorphism from the universe of accounts to termreal.›

lemma net_asset_value_zero [simp]: "net_asset_value 0 = 0"
  unfolding net_asset_value_alt_def
  using zero_account_def by force

lemma net_asset_value_mono:
  assumes "α  β"
  shows "net_asset_value α  net_asset_value β"
proof -
  let ?r = "max (shortest_period α) (shortest_period β)"
  have "shortest_period α  ?r" and "shortest_period β  ?r" by auto
  hence "net_asset_value α = ( i  ?r. π α i)"
  and "net_asset_value β = ( i  ?r. π β i)"
    using net_asset_value_shortest_period_ge by presburger+
  thus ?thesis using assms unfolding less_eq_account_def by auto

lemma net_asset_value_uminus: "net_asset_value (- α) = - net_asset_value α"
  by (simp add: sum_negf)

lemma net_asset_value_plus:
  "net_asset_value (α + β) = net_asset_value α + net_asset_value β"
  (is "?lhs = ?Σα + ?Σβ")
proof -
  let ?r = "max (shortest_period α) (shortest_period β)"
  have  A: "shortest_period (α + β)  ?r"
    and B: "shortest_period α  ?r"
    and C: "shortest_period β  ?r"
    using shortest_period_plus by presburger+
  have "?lhs = ( i  ?r. π (α + β) i)"
    using net_asset_value_shortest_period_ge [OF A] .
  also have " = ( i  ?r. π α i + π β i)"
    using Rep_account_plus by presburger
  ultimately show ?thesis
      net_asset_value_shortest_period_ge [OF B]
      net_asset_value_shortest_period_ge [OF C]
    by (simp add: sum.distrib)

lemma net_asset_value_minus:
  "net_asset_value (α - β) = net_asset_value α - net_asset_value β"
  using additive.diff additive.intro net_asset_value_plus by blast

text ‹Finally we observe that termjust_cash is the right inverse of

lemma net_asset_value_just_cash_left_inverse:
  "net_asset_value (just_cash c) = c"
  using net_asset_value_alt_def partial_nav_just_cash by presburger

subsection ‹Distributing Interest›

text ‹We next show that the total interest accrued for a ledger at
      distribution does not change when one account makes a transfer to

definition (in finite) total_interest :: "'a ledger  real  real"
  where "total_interest  i = ( a  UNIV. i * net_asset_value ( a))"

lemma (in finite) total_interest_transfer:
  "total_interest (transfer  τ a b) i = total_interest  i"
  (is "total_interest ?ℒ' i = _")
proof (cases "a = b")
  case True
  show ?thesis
    unfolding a = b transfer_collapse ..
  case False
  have "total_interest ?ℒ' i = ( a  UNIV . i * net_asset_value (?ℒ' a))"
    unfolding total_interest_def ..
  also have " = ( a  UNIV - {a, b}  {a,b}. i * net_asset_value (?ℒ' a))"
    by (metis Un_Diff_cancel2 Un_UNIV_left)
  also have " = ( a  UNIV - {a, b}. i * net_asset_value (?ℒ' a)) +
                   i * net_asset_value (?ℒ' a) + i * net_asset_value (?ℒ' b)"
    (is "_ =  + _ + _")
    using a  b
    by simp
  also have " =  +
                    i * net_asset_value ( a - τ) +
                    i * net_asset_value ( b + τ)"
    unfolding transfer_def
    using a  b
    by auto
  also have " =  +
                  i * net_asset_value ( a) +
                  i * net_asset_value (- τ) +
                  i * net_asset_value ( b) +
                  i * net_asset_value τ"
    unfolding minus_account_def net_asset_value_plus
    by (simp add: distrib_left)
  also have " =  +
                  i * net_asset_value ( a) +
                  i * net_asset_value ( b)"
    unfolding net_asset_value_uminus
    by linarith
  also have " = ( a  UNIV - {a, b}. i * net_asset_value ( a)) +
                  i * net_asset_value ( a) +
                  i * net_asset_value ( b)"
    unfolding transfer_def
    using a  b
    by force
  also have " = ( a  UNIV - {a, b}  {a,b}. i * net_asset_value ( a))"
    using a  b by force
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding total_interest_def
    by (metis Diff_partition Un_commute top_greatest)

section ‹Update \label{sec:update}›

text ‹Periodically the ledger is ‹updated›. When this happens interest is
      distributed and loans are returned. Each time loans are returned, a
      fixed fraction of each loan for each period is returned.›

text ‹The fixed fraction for returned loans is given by a ‹rate function›.
      We denote rate functions with @{term [show_types] "ρ :: nat  real"}.
      In principle this function obeys the rules:
        termρ (0::nat) = (0 ::real) -- Cash is not returned.
        termn ::nat . ρ n < (1 :: real) -- The fraction of a loan
         returned never exceeds 1.
        termn m :: nat. n < m  ((ρ n) :: real) < ρ m -- Higher indexes
         correspond to shorter loan periods. This in turn corresponds to
         a higher fraction of loans returned at update for higher indexes.

text ‹In practice, rate functions determine the time it takes for 99\%
      of the loan to be returned. However, the presentation here abstracts
      away from time. In \S\ref{subsec:bulk-update-closed-form} we establish
      a closed form for updating. This permits for a production implementation
      to efficiently (albeit ‹lazily›) update ever ‹millisecond› if so

definition return_loans :: "(nat  real)  account  account" where
  "return_loans ρ α = ι (λ n . (1 - ρ n) * π α n)"

lemma Rep_account_return_loans [simp]:
  "π (return_loans ρ α) = (λ n . (1 - ρ n) * π α n)"
proof -
  have "(support 0 UNIV (λ n . (1 - ρ n) * π α n)) 
          (support 0 UNIV (π α))"
    unfolding support_def
    by (simp add: Collect_mono)
  moreover have "finite (support 0 UNIV (π α))"
    using Rep_account
    unfolding fin_support_def by auto
  ultimately have "finite (support 0 UNIV (λ n . (1 - ρ n) * π α n))"
    using infinite_super by blast
  hence "(λ n . (1 - ρ n) * π α n)  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    unfolding fin_support_def by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

text ‹As discussed, updating an account involves distributing interest and
      returning its credited and debited loans.›

definition update_account :: "(nat  real)  real  account  account" where
  "update_account ρ i α = just_cash (i * net_asset_value α) + return_loans ρ α"

definition update_ledger :: "(nat  real)  real  'a ledger  'a ledger"
    "update_ledger ρ i  a = update_account ρ i ( a)"

subsection ‹Update Preserves Ledger Balance›

text ‹A key theorem is that if all credit and debit in a ledger cancel,
      they will continue to cancel after update. In this sense the monetary
      supply grows with the interest rate, but is otherwise conserved.›

text ‹A consequence of this theorem is that while counter-party obligations
      are not explicitly tracked by the ledger, these obligations are fulfilled
      as funds are returned by the protocol.›

definition shortest_ledger_period :: "'a ledger  nat" where
  "shortest_ledger_period  = Max (image shortest_period (range ))"

lemma (in finite) shortest_ledger_period_bound:
  fixes  :: "'a ledger"
  shows "shortest_period ( a)  shortest_ledger_period "
proof -
    fix α :: account
    fix S :: "account set"
    assume "finite S" and "α  S"
    hence "shortest_period α  Max (shortest_period ` S)"
    proof (induct S rule: finite_induct)
      case empty
      then show ?case by auto
      case (insert β S)
      then show ?case
      proof (cases "α = β")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          by (simp add: insert.hyps(1))
        case False
        hence "α  S"
          using insert.prems by fastforce
        then show ?thesis
          by (meson
  have "finite (range )"
    by force
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: shortest_ledger_period_def)

theorem (in finite) update_balanced:
  assumes "ρ 0 = 0" and "n. ρ n < 1" and "0  i"
  shows "balanced  c = balanced (update_ledger ρ i ) ((1 + i) * c)"
    (is "_ = balanced ?ℒ' ((1 + i) * c)")
  assume "balanced  c"
  have "n>0. (aUNIV. π (?ℒ' a) n) = 0"
  proof (rule allI, rule impI)
    fix n :: nat
    assume "n > 0"
      fix a
      let ?α' = "λn. (1 - ρ n) * π ( a) n"
      have "π (?ℒ' a) n = ?α' n"
        using plus_account_def n > 0
        by simp
    hence "(aUNIV. π (?ℒ' a) n) =
             (1 - ρ n) * (aUNIV. π ( a) n)"
      using finite_UNIV
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) sum.cong sum_distrib_left)
    thus "(aUNIV. π (?ℒ' a) n) = 0"
      using 0 < n balanced  c local.balanced_alt_def by force
    fix S :: "'a set"
    let  = "shortest_ledger_period "
    assume "(aS. cash_reserve ( a)) = c"
    and "n>0. (aS. π ( a) n) = 0"
    have "(aS. cash_reserve (?ℒ' a)) =
              (aS. i * ( n  . π ( a) n) +
                   cash_reserve ( a))"
    using finite
    proof (induct S arbitrary: c rule: finite_induct)
      case empty
      then show ?case
        by auto
      case (insert x S)
      have "(ainsert x S. cash_reserve (?ℒ' a)) =
              (ainsert x S. i * ( n  . π ( a) n) +
                    cash_reserve ( a))"
        unfolding update_ledger_def update_account_def cash_reserve_def
        by (simp add: ρ 0 = 0,
            metis (no_types)
      thus ?case .
    also have "... = (aS. i * ( n = 1 .. . π ( a) n) +
                          i * cash_reserve ( a) + cash_reserve ( a))"
      unfolding cash_reserve_def
      by (simp add:
    also have "... = (aS. i * ( n = 1 .. . π ( a) n) +
                         (1 + i) * cash_reserve ( a))"
      using finite
      by (induct S rule: finite_induct, auto, simp add: distrib_right)
    also have "... = i * (aS. ( n = 1 .. . π ( a) n)) +
                        (1 + i) * (aS. cash_reserve ( a))"
      by (simp add: sum.distrib sum_distrib_left)
    also have "... = i * ( n = 1 .. . (aS. π ( a) n)) +
                        (1 + i) * c"
      using (aS. cash_reserve ( a)) = c sum.swap by force
    finally have "(aS. cash_reserve (?ℒ' a)) = c * (1 + i)"
      using n>0. (aS. π ( a) n) = 0
      by simp
  hence "(aUNIV. cash_reserve (?ℒ' a)) = c * (1 + i)"
    using balanced  c
    unfolding balanced_alt_def
    by fastforce
  ultimately show "balanced ?ℒ' ((1 + i) * c)"
    unfolding balanced_alt_def
    by auto
  assume "balanced ?ℒ' ((1 + i) * c)"
  have : "n>0. (aUNIV. π ( a) n) = 0"
  proof (rule allI, rule impI)
    fix n :: nat
    assume "n > 0"
    hence "0 = (aUNIV. π (?ℒ' a) n)"
      using balanced ?ℒ' ((1 + i) * c)
      unfolding balanced_alt_def
      by auto
    also have " = (aUNIV. (1 - ρ n) * π ( a) n)"
      using n > 0
      by auto
    also have " = (1 - ρ n) * (aUNIV. π ( a) n)"
      by (simp add: sum_distrib_left)
    finally show "(aUNIV. π ( a) n) = 0"
      by (metis
             r . ρ r < 1
    fix S :: "'a set"
    let  = "shortest_ledger_period "
    assume "(aS. cash_reserve (?ℒ' a)) = (1 + i) * c"
    and "n>0. (aS. π ( a) n) = 0"
    hence "(1 + i) * c = (aS. cash_reserve (?ℒ' a))"
      by auto
    also have " = (aS. i * ( n  . π ( a) n) +
                         cash_reserve ( a))"
    using finite
    proof (induct S rule: finite_induct)
      case empty
      then show ?case
        by auto
      case (insert x S)
      have "(ainsert x S. cash_reserve (?ℒ' a)) =
              (ainsert x S.
                  i * ( n  . π ( a) n) + cash_reserve ( a))"
        unfolding update_ledger_def update_account_def cash_reserve_def
        by (simp add: ρ 0 = 0,
            metis (no_types)
      thus ?case .
    also have " = (aS. i * ( n = 1 .. . π ( a) n) +
                               i * cash_reserve ( a) + cash_reserve ( a))"
      unfolding cash_reserve_def
      by (simp add:
    also have " = (aS. i * ( n = 1 .. . π ( a) n) +
                           (1 + i) * cash_reserve ( a))"
      using finite
      by (induct S rule: finite_induct, auto, simp add: distrib_right)
    also have " = i * (aS. ( n = 1 .. . π ( a) n)) +
                        (1 + i) * (aS. cash_reserve ( a))"
      by (simp add: sum.distrib sum_distrib_left)
    also have " =  i * ( n = 1 .. . (aS. π ( a) n)) +
                       (1 + i) * (aS. cash_reserve ( a))"
      using sum.swap by force
    also have " = (1 + i) * (aS. cash_reserve ( a))"
      using n>0. (aS. π ( a) n) = 0
      by simp
    finally have "c = (aS. cash_reserve ( a))"
      using 0  i
      by force
  hence "(aUNIV. cash_reserve ( a)) = c"
    unfolding cash_reserve_def
    by (metis
          balanced ?ℒ' ((1 + i) * c)
  ultimately show "balanced  c"
    unfolding balanced_alt_def
    by auto

subsection ‹Strictly Solvent is Forever Strictly Solvent›

text ‹The final theorem presented in this section is that if an account is
      strictly solvent, it will still be strictly solvent after update.›

text ‹This theorem is the key to how the system avoids counter party risk.
      Provided the system enforces that all accounts are strictly solvent and
      transfers are ‹valid› (as discussed in \S\ref{subsec:transfers}),
      all accounts will remain strictly solvent forever.›

text ‹We first prove that termreturn_loans is a group homomorphism.›

text ‹It is order preserving given certain assumptions.›

lemma return_loans_plus:
  "return_loans ρ (α + β) = return_loans ρ α + return_loans ρ β"
proof -
  let  = "π α"
  let  = "π β"
  let ?ραβ = "λn. (1 - ρ n) * ( n +  n)"
  let ?ρα = "λn. (1 - ρ n) *  n"
  let ?ρβ = "λn. (1 - ρ n) *  n"
  have "support 0 UNIV ?ρα  support 0 UNIV "
       "support 0 UNIV ?ρβ  support 0 UNIV "
       "support 0 UNIV ?ραβ  support 0 UNIV   support 0 UNIV "
    unfolding support_def
    by auto
  moreover have
    "  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    "  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    using Rep_account by force+
  ultimately have :
    "?ρα  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    "?ρβ  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    "?ραβ  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    unfolding fin_support_def
    using finite_subset by auto+
    fix n
    have "π (return_loans ρ (α + β)) n =
          π (return_loans ρ α + return_loans ρ β) n"
      unfolding return_loans_def Rep_account_plus
      using  Abs_account_inverse distrib_left by auto
  hence "π (return_loans ρ (α + β)) =
         π (return_loans ρ α + return_loans ρ β)"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis Rep_account_inverse)

lemma return_loans_zero [simp]: "return_loans ρ 0 = 0"
proof -
  have "(λn. (1 - ρ n) * 0) = (λ_. 0)"
    by force
  hence "ι (λn. (1 - ρ n) * 0) = 0"
    unfolding zero_account_def
    by presburger
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding return_loans_def Rep_account_zero .

lemma return_loans_uminus: "return_loans ρ (- α) = - return_loans ρ α"
  by (metis

lemma return_loans_subtract:
  "return_loans ρ (α - β) = return_loans ρ α - return_loans ρ β"
  by (simp add: additive.diff additive_def return_loans_plus)

text ‹As presented in \S\ref{sec:accounts}, each index corresponds to a
      progressively shorter loan period. This is captured by a monotonicity
      assumption on the rate function @{term [show_types] "ρ :: nat  real"}.
      In particular, provided term n . ρ n < (1 :: real) and
      term n m :: nat . n < m  ρ n < (ρ m :: real) then we know that
      all outstanding credit is going away faster than loans debited for
      longer periods.›

text ‹Given the monotonicity assumptions for a rate function
      @{term [show_types] "ρ :: nat  real"}, we may in turn prove monotonicity
      for termreturn_loans over (≤)::account ⇒ account ⇒ bool›.›

lemma return_loans_mono:
  assumes " n . ρ n < 1"
  and " n m . n  m  ρ n  ρ m"
  and "α  β"
  shows "return_loans ρ α  return_loans ρ β"
proof -
    fix α :: account
    assume "0  α"
      fix n :: nat
      let  = "π α"
      let ?ρα = "λn. (1 - ρ n) *  n"
      have " n . 0  ( in .  i)"
        using 0  α
        unfolding less_eq_account_def Rep_account_zero
        by simp
      hence "0  ( in .  i)" by auto
      moreover have "(1 - ρ n) * ( in .  i)  ( in . ?ρα i)"
      proof (induct n)
        case 0
        then show ?case by simp
        case (Suc n)
        have "0  (1 - ρ (Suc n))"
          by (simp add:  n . ρ n < 1 less_eq_real_def)
        moreover have "(1 - ρ (Suc n))  (1 - ρ n)"
          using  n m . n  m  ρ n  ρ m
          by simp
        ultimately have
          "(1 - ρ (Suc n)) * ( in .  i)  (1 - ρ n) * ( in .  i)"
          using  n . 0  ( in .  i)
          by (meson le_less mult_mono')
          "(1 - ρ (Suc n)) * ( i Suc n .  i) 
           (1 - ρ n) * ( in .  i) + (1 - ρ (Suc n)) * ( (Suc n))"
          (is "_  ?X")
          by (simp add: distrib_left)
        moreover have
          "?X  ( i Suc n . ?ρα i)"
          using Suc.hyps by fastforce
        ultimately show ?case by auto
      moreover have "0 < 1 - ρ n"
        by (simp add:  n . ρ n < 1)
      ultimately have "0  ( in . ?ρα i)"
        using dual_order.trans by fastforce
    hence "strictly_solvent (return_loans ρ α)"
      unfolding strictly_solvent_def Rep_account_return_loans
      by auto
  hence "0  return_loans ρ (β - α)"
    using α  β
    by (simp add: strictly_solvent_alt_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis

lemma return_loans_just_cash:
  assumes "ρ 0 = 0"
  shows "return_loans ρ (just_cash c) = just_cash c"
proof -
  have "(λn. (1 - ρ n) * π (ι (λn. if n = 0 then c else 0)) n)
        = (λn. if n = 0 then (1 - ρ n) * c else 0)"
    using Rep_account_just_cash just_cash_def by force
  also have " = (λn. if n = 0 then c else 0)"
    using ρ 0 = 0
    by force
  finally show ?thesis
  unfolding return_loans_def just_cash_def
  by presburger

lemma distribute_interest_plus:
   "just_cash (i * net_asset_value (α + β)) =
      just_cash (i * net_asset_value α) +
      just_cash (i * net_asset_value β)"
  unfolding just_cash_def net_asset_value_plus
  by (metis

text ‹We now prove that termupdate_account is an order-preserving group
      homomorphism just as termjust_cash, termnet_asset_value, and
      termreturn_loans are.›

lemma update_account_plus:
  "update_account ρ i (α + β) =
     update_account ρ i α + update_account ρ i β"
  by simp

lemma update_account_zero [simp]: "update_account ρ i 0 = 0"
  by (metis add_cancel_right_left update_account_plus)

lemma update_account_uminus:
  "update_account ρ i (-α) = - update_account ρ i α"
  unfolding update_account_def
  by (simp add: net_asset_value_uminus return_loans_uminus)

lemma update_account_subtract:
  "update_account ρ i (α - β) =
     update_account ρ i α - update_account ρ i β"
  by (simp add: additive.diff additive.intro update_account_plus)

lemma update_account_mono:
  assumes "0  i"
  and " n . ρ n < 1"
  and " n m . n  m  ρ n  ρ m"
  and "α  β"
  shows "update_account ρ i α  update_account ρ i β"
proof -
  have "net_asset_value α  net_asset_value β"
    using α  β net_asset_value_mono by presburger
  hence "i * net_asset_value α  i * net_asset_value β"
    by (simp add: 0  i mult_left_mono)
  hence "just_cash (i * net_asset_value α) 
         just_cash (i * net_asset_value β)"
    by (simp add: just_cash_order_embed)
  have "return_loans ρ α  return_loans ρ β"
    using assms return_loans_mono by presburger
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding update_account_def
    by (simp add: add_mono)

text ‹It follows from monotonicity and @{thm update_account_zero [no_vars]} that
      strictly solvent accounts remain strictly solvent after update.›

lemma update_preserves_strictly_solvent:
  assumes "0  i"
  and " n . ρ n < 1"
  and " n m . n  m  ρ n  ρ m"
  and "strictly_solvent α"
  shows "strictly_solvent (update_account ρ i α)"
  using assms
  unfolding strictly_solvent_alt_def
  by (metis update_account_mono update_account_zero)

section ‹Bulk Update \label{sec:bulk-update}›

text ‹In this section we demonstrate there exists a closed form for
      bulk-updating an account.›

primrec bulk_update_account ::
   "nat  (nat  real)  real  account  account"
   "bulk_update_account 0 _ _ α = α"
 | "bulk_update_account (Suc n) ρ i α =
      update_account ρ i (bulk_update_account n ρ i α)"

text ‹As with termupdate_account, termbulk_update_account is an
      order-preserving group homomorphism.›

text ‹We now prove that termupdate_account is an order-preserving group
      homomorphism just as termjust_cash, termnet_asset_value, and
      termreturn_loans are.›

lemma bulk_update_account_plus:
  "bulk_update_account n ρ i (α + β) =
     bulk_update_account n ρ i α + bulk_update_account n ρ i β"
proof (induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case
    using bulk_update_account.simps(2) update_account_plus by presburger

lemma bulk_update_account_zero [simp]: "bulk_update_account n ρ i 0 = 0"
  by (metis add_cancel_right_left bulk_update_account_plus)

lemma bulk_update_account_uminus:
  "bulk_update_account n ρ i (-α) = - bulk_update_account n ρ i α"
  by (metis add_eq_0_iff bulk_update_account_plus bulk_update_account_zero)

lemma bulk_update_account_subtract:
  "bulk_update_account n ρ i (α - β) =
     bulk_update_account n ρ i α - bulk_update_account n ρ i β"
  by (simp add: additive.diff additive_def bulk_update_account_plus)

lemma bulk_update_account_mono:
  assumes "0  i"
  and " n . ρ n < 1"
  and " n m . n  m  ρ n  ρ m"
  and "α  β"
  shows "bulk_update_account n ρ i α  bulk_update_account n ρ i β"
  using assms
proof (induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case
    using bulk_update_account.simps(2) update_account_mono by presburger

text ‹In follows from the fact that termbulk_update_account is an
      order-preserving group homomorphism that the update protocol is ‹safe›.
      Informally this means that provided we enforce every account is strictly
      solvent then no account will ever have negative net asset value
      (ie, be in the red).›

theorem bulk_update_safety:
  assumes "0  i"
  and " n . ρ n < 1"
  and " n m . n  m  ρ n  ρ m"
  and "strictly_solvent α"
  shows "0  net_asset_value (bulk_update_account n ρ i α)"
  using assms
  by (metis

subsection ‹Decomposition›

text ‹In order to express termbulk_update_account using a closed
      formulation, we first demonstrate how to ‹decompose› an account
      into a summation of credited and debited loans for different periods.›

definition loan :: "nat  real  account" ("δ")
    "δ n x = ι (λ m . if n = m then x else 0)"

lemma loan_just_cash: "δ 0 c = just_cash c"
  unfolding just_cash_def loan_def
  by force

lemma Rep_account_loan [simp]:
  "π (δ n x) = (λ m . if n = m then x else 0)"
proof -
  have "(λ m . if n = m then x else 0)  fin_support 0 UNIV"
    unfolding fin_support_def support_def
    by force
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding loan_def
    using Abs_account_inverse by blast

lemma loan_zero [simp]: "δ n 0 = 0"
  unfolding loan_def
  using zero_account_def by fastforce

lemma shortest_period_loan:
  assumes "c  0"
  shows "shortest_period (δ n c) = n"
  using assms
  unfolding shortest_period_def Rep_account_loan
  by simp

lemma net_asset_value_loan [simp]: "net_asset_value (δ n c) = c"
proof (cases "c = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case False
  hence "shortest_period (δ n c) = n" using shortest_period_loan by blast
  then show ?thesis unfolding net_asset_value_alt_def by simp

lemma return_loans_loan [simp]: "return_loans ρ (δ n c) = δ n ((1 - ρ n) * c)"
proof -
  have "return_loans ρ (δ n c) =
          ι (λna. (if n = na then (1 - ρ n) * c else 0))"
    unfolding return_loans_def
    by (metis Rep_account_loan mult.commute mult_zero_left)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: loan_def)

lemma account_decomposition:
  "α = ( i  shortest_period α. δ i (π α i))"
proof -
  let ?p = "shortest_period α"
  let ?πα = "π α"
  let ?Σδ = " i  ?p. δ i (?πα i)"
    fix n m :: nat
    fix f :: "nat  real"
    assume "n > m"
    hence "π ( i  m. δ i (f i)) n = 0"
      by (induct m, simp+)
  note  = this
    fix n :: nat
    have "π ?Σδ n = ?πα n"
    proof (cases "n  ?p")
      case True
        fix n m :: nat
        fix f :: "nat  real"
        assume "n  m"
        hence "π ( i  m. δ i (f i)) n = f n"
        proof (induct m)
          case 0
          then show ?case by simp
          case (Suc m)
          then show ?case
          proof (cases "n = Suc m")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using  by auto
            case False
            hence "n  m"
              using Suc.prems le_Suc_eq by blast
            then show ?thesis
              by (simp add: Suc.hyps)
      then show ?thesis using True by auto
      case False
      have "?πα n = 0"
        unfolding shortest_period_def
        using False shortest_period_bound by blast
      thus ?thesis using False  by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis Rep_account_inject ext)

subsection ‹Simple Transfers›

text ‹Building on our decomposition, we can understand the necessary and
      sufficient conditions to transfer a loan of termδ n c.›

text ‹We first give a notion of the ‹reserves for a period n›. This
      characterizes the available funds for a loan of period n› that an
      account α› possesses.›

definition reserves_for_period :: "account  nat  real" where
  "reserves_for_period α n =
        [( ik . π α i) . k  [n..<shortest_period α+1]]
        ( in . π α i)"

lemma nav_reserves_for_period:
  assumes "shortest_period α  n"
  shows "reserves_for_period α n = net_asset_value α"
proof cases
  assume "shortest_period α = n"
  hence "[n..<shortest_period α+1] = [n]"
    by simp
  hence "[( ik . π α i) . k  [n..<shortest_period α+1]] =
           [( in . π α i)]"
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding reserves_for_period_def
    by (simp add: shortest_period α = n net_asset_value_alt_def)
  assume "shortest_period α  n"
  hence "shortest_period α < n"
    using assms order_le_imp_less_or_eq by blast
  hence "[( ik . π α k) . k  [n..<shortest_period α+1]] = []"
    by force
  hence "reserves_for_period α n = ( in . π α i)"
    unfolding reserves_for_period_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using assms net_asset_value_shortest_period_ge by presburger

lemma reserves_for_period_exists:
  "mn. reserves_for_period α n = ( im . π α i)
          (un. ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i))"
proof -
    fix j
    have "mn. ( im . π α i) =
                    [( ik . π α i) . k  [n..<j]]
                    ( in . π α i)
                  (un. u < j  ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i))"
    proof (induct j)
      case 0
      then show ?case by auto
      case (Suc j)
      then show ?case
      proof cases
        assume "j  n"
        thus ?thesis
          by (simp, metis dual_order.refl le_less_Suc_eq)
        assume "¬(j  n)"
        hence "n < j" by auto
        obtain m where
          "m  n"
          "un. u < j  ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
          "( im . π α i) =
                      [( ik . π α i) . k  [n..<j]]
                      ( in . π α i)"
          using Suc by blast
        note  = this
        hence : "min ( im . π α i) ( ij . π α i) =
                  [( ik . π α i) . k  [n..<Suc j]]
                  ( in . π α i)"
          (is "_ = ?fold")
          using n < j by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof cases
          assume "( im . π α i) < ( ij . π α i)"
            "un. u < Suc j  ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
            by (metis
          thus ?thesis
            using  m  n by auto
          assume : "¬ (( im . π α i) < ( ij . π α i))"
            "un. u < j  ( ij . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
            using (2)
            by auto
            "un. u < Suc j  ( ij . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
            by (simp add: less_Suc_eq)
          also have "?fold = ( ij . π α i)"
            using   by linarith
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by (metis n < j less_or_eq_imp_le)
  from this obtain m where
      "m  n"
      "( im . π α i) = reserves_for_period α n"
      "un. u < shortest_period α + 1
               ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
    unfolding reserves_for_period_def
    by blast
  note  = this
  hence "( im . π α i)  ( ishortest_period α . π α i)"
    by (metis
  hence "ushortest_period α. ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
    by (metis
  hence "un. ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
    by (metis (3) Suc_eq_plus1 less_Suc_eq linorder_not_le)
  thus ?thesis
    using (1) (2)
    by metis

lemma permissible_loan_converse:
  assumes "strictly_solvent (α - δ n c)"
  shows "c  reserves_for_period α n"
proof -
  obtain m where
    "n  m"
    "reserves_for_period α n = ( im . π α i)"
    using reserves_for_period_exists by blast
  have "( im . π (α - δ n c) i) = ( im . π α i) - c"
    using n  m
  proof (induct m)
    case 0
    hence "n = 0" by auto
    have "π (α - δ n c + δ n c) 0 = π (α - δ n c) 0 + π (δ n c) 0"
      using Rep_account_plus by presburger
    thus ?case
      unfolding n = 0
      by simp
    case (Suc m)
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      assume "n = Suc m"
      hence "m < n" by auto
      hence "( im . π (α - δ n c) i) = ( im . π α i)"
      proof(induct m)
        case 0
        then show ?case
          by (metis
                (no_types, opaque_lifting)
                atMost_0 bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum
        case (Suc m)
        hence "m < n" and "n  Suc m"
          using Suc_lessD by blast+
        moreover have
          "π (α - δ n c + δ n c) (Suc m) =
              π (α - δ n c) (Suc m) + π (δ n c) (Suc m)"
          using Rep_account_plus by presburger
        ultimately show ?case by (simp add: Suc.hyps)
      have "π (α - δ (Suc m) c + δ (Suc m) c) (Suc m) =
              π (α - δ (Suc m) c) (Suc m) + π (δ (Suc m) c) (Suc m)"
        by (meson Rep_account_plus)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        unfolding n = Suc m
        by simp
      assume "n  Suc m"
      hence "n  m"
        using Suc.prems le_SucE by blast
      have "π (α - δ n c + δ n c) (Suc m) =
              π (α - δ n c) (Suc m) + π (δ n c) (Suc m)"
        by (meson Rep_account_plus)
      moreover have "0 = (if n = Suc m then c else 0)"
        using n  Suc m by presburger
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (simp add: Suc.hyps n  m)
  hence "0  ( im . π α i) - c"
    by (metis assms strictly_solvent_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: reserves_for_period α n = sum (π α) {..m})

lemma permissible_loan:
  assumes "strictly_solvent α"
  shows "strictly_solvent (α - δ n c) = (c  reserves_for_period α n)"
  assume "strictly_solvent (α - δ n c)"
  thus "c  reserves_for_period α n"
    using permissible_loan_converse by blast
  assume "c  reserves_for_period α n"
    fix j
    have "0  ( ij . π (α - δ n c) i)"
    proof cases
      assume "j < n"
      hence "( ij . π (α - δ n c) i) = ( ij . π α i)"
      proof (induct j)
        case 0
        then show ?case
          by (simp,
                j < n
        case (Suc j)
        moreover have "π (α - δ n c + δ n c) (Suc j) =
                         π (α - δ n c) (Suc j) + π (δ n c) (Suc j)"
          using Rep_account_plus by presburger
        ultimately show ?case by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by (metis assms strictly_solvent_def)
      assume "¬ (j < n)"
      hence "n  j" by auto
      obtain m where
        "reserves_for_period α n = ( im . π α i)"
        "un. ( im . π α i)  ( iu . π α i)"
        using reserves_for_period_exists by blast
      hence "un. c  ( iu . π α i)"
        using c  reserves_for_period α n
        by auto
      hence "c  ( ij . π α i)"
        using n  j by presburger
      hence "0  ( ij . π α i) - c"
        by force
      moreover have "( ij . π α i) - c = ( ij . π (α - δ n c) i)"
        using n  j
      proof (induct j)
        case 0
        hence "n = 0" by auto
        have "π (α - δ 0 c + δ 0 c) 0 = π (α - δ 0 c) 0 + π (δ 0 c) 0"
          using Rep_account_plus by presburger
        thus ?case unfolding n = 0 by simp
        case (Suc j)
        then show ?case
        proof cases
          assume "n = Suc j"
          hence "j < n"
            by blast
          hence "( ij . π (α - δ n c) i) = ( ij . π α i)"
          proof (induct j)
            case 0
            then show ?case
              by (simp,
                    j < n
            case (Suc j)
            moreover have "π (α - δ n c + δ n c) (Suc j) =
                             π (α - δ n c) (Suc j) + π (δ n c) (Suc j)"
              using Rep_account_plus by presburger
            ultimately show ?case by simp
          moreover have
            "π (α - δ (Suc j) c + δ (Suc j) c) (Suc j) =
               π (α - δ (Suc j) c) (Suc j) + π (δ (Suc j) c) (Suc j)"
            using Rep_account_plus by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            unfolding n = Suc j
            by simp
          assume "n  Suc j"
          hence "n  j"
            using Suc.prems le_SucE by blast
          hence "( ij . π α i) - c = ( ij . π (α - δ n c) i)"
            using Suc.hyps by blast
          moreover have "π (α - δ n c + δ n c) (Suc j) =
                           π (α - δ n c) (Suc j) + π (δ n c) (Suc j)"
            using Rep_account_plus by presburger
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by (simp add: n  Suc j)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  thus "strictly_solvent (α - δ n c)"
    unfolding strictly_solvent_def
    by auto

subsection ‹Closed Forms \label{subsec:bulk-update-closed-form}›

text ‹We first give closed forms for loans termδ n c.  The simplest closed
      form is for termjust_cash. Here the closed form is just the compound
      interest accrued from each update.›

lemma bulk_update_just_cash_closed_form:
  assumes "ρ 0 = 0"
  shows "bulk_update_account n ρ i (just_cash c) =
           just_cash ((1 + i) ^ n * c)"
proof (induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Suc n)
  have "return_loans ρ (just_cash ((1 + i) ^ n * c)) =
          just_cash ((1 + i) ^ n * c)"
    using assms return_loans_just_cash by blast
  thus ?case
    using Suc net_asset_value_just_cash_left_inverse
    by (simp add: update_account_def,

lemma bulk_update_loan_closed_form:
  assumes "ρ k  1"
  and "ρ k > 0"
  and "ρ 0 = 0"
  and "i  0"
  shows "bulk_update_account n ρ i (δ k c) =
           just_cash (c * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n) / (i + ρ k))
           + δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ n * c)"
proof (induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: zero_account_alt_def)
  case (Suc n)
  have "i + ρ k > 0"
    using assms(2) assms(4) by force
  hence "(i + ρ k) / (i + ρ k) = 1"
    by force
  hence "bulk_update_account (Suc n) ρ i (δ k c) =
              ((c * i) / (i + ρ k) * (1 + i) * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n) +
               c * i * (1 - ρ k) ^ n * ((i + ρ k) / (i + ρ k)))
            + δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ (n + 1) * c)"
    using Suc
    by (simp add:
            ρ 0 = 0
  also have
    " =
        ((c * i) / (i + ρ k) * (1 + i) * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n) +
         (c * i) / (i + ρ k) * (1 - ρ k) ^ n * (i + ρ k))
      + δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ (n + 1) * c)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) times_divide_eq_left times_divide_eq_right)
  also have
    " =
        ((c * i) / (i + ρ k) * (
              (1 + i) * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n)
            + (1 - ρ k) ^ n * (i + ρ k)))
      + δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ (n + 1) * c)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) mult.assoc ring_class.ring_distribs(1))
  also have
    " =
        ((c * i) / (i + ρ k) * ((1 + i) ^ (n + 1) - (1 - ρ k) ^ (n + 1)))
      + δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ (n + 1) * c)"
    by (simp add: mult.commute mult_diff_mult)
  ultimately show ?case by simp

text ‹We next give an ‹algebraic› closed form. This uses the ordered
      abelian group that typaccounts form.›

lemma bulk_update_algebraic_closed_form:
  assumes "0  i"
  and " n . ρ n < 1"
  and " n m . n < m  ρ n < ρ m"
  and "ρ 0 = 0"
  shows "bulk_update_account n ρ i α
           = just_cash (
                (1 + i) ^ n * (cash_reserve α)
                + ( k = 1..shortest_period α.
                      (π α k) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n)
                         / (i + ρ k))
             + (k = 1..shortest_period α. δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k))"
proof -
    fix m
    have " k  {1..m}. ρ k  1  ρ k > 0"
      by (metis
    hence : " k  {1..m}.
                 bulk_update_account n ρ i (δ k (π α k))
               = just_cash ((π α k) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n)
                               / (i + ρ k))
                 + δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ n * (π α k))"
      using assms(1) assms(4) bulk_update_loan_closed_form by blast
    have "bulk_update_account n ρ i ( k  m. δ k (π α k))
            = ( k  m. bulk_update_account n ρ i (δ k (π α k)))"
      by (induct m, simp, simp add: bulk_update_account_plus)
    also have
      " =   bulk_update_account n ρ i (δ 0 (π α 0))
            + ( k = 1..m. bulk_update_account n ρ i (δ k (π α k)))"
      by (simp add: atMost_atLeast0 sum.atLeast_Suc_atMost)
    also have
      " =   just_cash ((1 + i) ^ n * cash_reserve α)
            + ( k = 1..m. bulk_update_account n ρ i (δ k (π α k)))"
        ρ 0 = 0
      by presburger
    also have
      " =   just_cash ((1 + i) ^ n * cash_reserve α)
            + ( k = 1..m.
                  just_cash ((π α k) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n)
                                 / (i + ρ k))
                  + δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ n * (π α k)))"
      using  by auto
    also have
      " =   just_cash ((1 + i) ^ n * cash_reserve α)
            + ( k = 1..m.
                  just_cash ((π α k) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n)
                                 / (i + ρ k)))
            + ( k = 1..m. δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ n * (π α k)))"
      by (induct m, auto)
    also have
      " =   just_cash ((1 + i) ^ n * cash_reserve α)
            + just_cash
                ( k = 1..m.
                   (π α k) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n) / (i + ρ k))
            + ( k = 1..m. δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ n * (π α k)))"
      by (induct m, auto, metis (no_types, lifting) add.assoc just_cash_plus)
    ultimately have
      "bulk_update_account n ρ i ( k  m. δ k (π α k)) =
          just_cash (
              (1 + i) ^ n * cash_reserve α
            + ( k = 1..m.
                  (π α k) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ k) ^ n) / (i + ρ k)))
        + ( k = 1..m. δ k ((1 - ρ k) ^ n * (π α k)))"
     by simp
  note  = this
    "bulk_update_account n ρ i α
       = bulk_update_account n ρ i ( k  shortest_period α. δ k (π α k))"
    using account_decomposition by presburger
  thus ?thesis unfolding  .

text ‹We finally give a ‹functional› closed form for bulk updating an
      account. Since the form is in terms of exponentiation, we may
      efficiently compute the bulk update output using

theorem bulk_update_closed_form:
  assumes "0  i"
  and " n . ρ n < 1"
  and " n m . n < m  ρ n < ρ m"
  and "ρ 0 = 0"
  shows "bulk_update_account n ρ i α
           = ι ( λ k .
                if k = 0 then
                  (1 + i) ^ n * (cash_reserve α)
                  + ( j = 1..shortest_period α.
                        (π α j) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ j) ^ n)
                           / (i + ρ j))
                  (1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k
  (is "_ = ι ")
proof -
  obtain ν where X: "ν = " by blast
  moreover obtain ν' where Y:
    "ν' = π ( just_cash (
                (1 + i) ^ n * (cash_reserve α)
                + ( j = 1..shortest_period α.
                      (π α j) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ j) ^ n)
                         / (i + ρ j))
              + (j = 1..shortest_period α. δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)))"
    by blast
    fix k
    have " k > shortest_period α . ν k = ν' k"
    proof (rule allI, rule impI)
      fix k
      assume "shortest_period α < k"
      hence "ν k = 0"
        unfolding X
        by (simp add: greater_than_shortest_period_zero)
      moreover have "ν' k = 0"
      proof -
        have " c. π (just_cash c) k = 0"
            shortest_period α < k
          by auto
        have " m < k. π (j = 1..m. δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k = 0"
        proof (rule allI, rule impI)
          fix m
          assume "m < k"
          let ?πΣδ = "π (j = 1..m. δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j))"
          have "?πΣδ k = (j = 1..m. π (δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k)"
            by (induct m, auto)
          also have " = (j = 1..m. 0)"
            using m < k
            by (induct m, simp+)
          finally show "?πΣδ k = 0"
            by force
        ultimately show ?thesis unfolding Y
          using shortest_period α < k by force
      ultimately show "ν k = ν' k" by auto
    moreover have " k . 0 < k  k  shortest_period α  ν k = ν' k"
    proof (rule allI, (rule impI)+)
      fix k
      assume "0 < k"
      and "k  shortest_period α"
      have "ν k = (1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k"
        unfolding X
        using 0 < k by fastforce
      moreover have "ν' k = (1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k"
      proof -
        have " c. π (just_cash c) k = 0"
          using 0 < k by auto
          fix m
          assume "k  m"
          have "  π (j = 1..m. δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k
                = (j = 1..m. π (δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k)"
            by (induct m, auto)
          have " = (1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k"
            using 0 < k k  m
          proof (induct m)
            case 0
            then show ?case by simp
            case (Suc m)
            then show ?case
            proof (cases "k = Suc m")
              case True
              hence "k > m" by auto
              hence "(j = 1..m. π (δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k) = 0"
                by (induct m, auto)
              then show ?thesis
                using k > m k = Suc m
                by simp
              case False
              hence "(j = 1..m. π (δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k)
                       = (1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k"
                using Suc.hyps Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(2) le_Suc_eq by blast
              moreover have "k  m"
                using False Suc.prems(2) le_Suc_eq by blast
              ultimately show ?thesis using 0 < k by simp
          finally have
            "π (j = 1..m. δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k
                 = (1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k" .
          " m  k.
              π (j = 1..m. δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) k
            = (1 - ρ k) ^ n * π α k" by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          unfolding Y
          using k  shortest_period α
          by force
      ultimately show "ν k = ν' k"
        by fastforce
    moreover have "ν 0 = ν' 0"
    proof -
      have "ν 0 = (1 + i) ^ n * (cash_reserve α)
                  + ( j = 1..shortest_period α.
                        (π α j) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ j) ^ n)
                           / (i + ρ j))"
        using X by presburger
      have "ν' 0 = (1 + i) ^ n * (cash_reserve α)
                   + ( j = 1..shortest_period α.
                         (π α j) * i * ((1 + i) ^ n - (1 - ρ j) ^ n)
                            / (i + ρ j))"
      proof -
          fix m
          have "π (j = 1..m. δ j ((1 - ρ j) ^ n * π α j)) 0 = 0"
            by (induct m, simp+)
        thus ?thesis unfolding Y
          by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately have "ν k = ν' k"
      by (metis linorder_not_less not_gr0)
  hence "ι ν = ι ν'"
    by presburger
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by presburger
