Theory CategoryWithBoundedPushouts

(*  Title:       CategoryWithBoundedPushouts
    Author:      Eugene W. Stark <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Eugene W. Stark <>

section "Categories with Bounded Pushouts"

subsection "Bounded Spans"

We call a span in a category ``bounded'' if it can be completed to a
commuting square.  A category with bounded pushouts is a category in which
every bounded span has a pushout.

theory CategoryWithBoundedPushouts
imports Category3.EpiMonoIso Category3.CategoryWithPullbacks

  context category

    definition bounded_span
    where "bounded_span h k  f g. commutative_square f g h k"

    lemma bounded_spanI [intro]:
    assumes "commutative_square f g h k"
    shows "bounded_span h k"
      using assms bounded_span_def by auto

    lemma bounded_spanE [elim]:
    assumes "bounded_span h k"
    obtains f g where "commutative_square f g h k"
      using assms bounded_span_def by auto

    lemma bounded_span_sym:
    shows "bounded_span h k  bounded_span k h"
      unfolding bounded_span_def commutative_square_def
      by (metis seqE seqI)


  subsection "Pushouts"

    Here we give a definition of the notion ``pushout square'' in a category, and prove that
    pushout squares compose.  The definition here is currently a ``free-standing'' one,
    because it has been stated on its own, without deriving it from a general notion of colimit.
    At some future time, once the general development of limits given in cite"Category3-AFP"
    has been suitably dualized to obtain a corresponding development of colimits,
    this formal connection should be made.

  context category

    definition pushout_square
    where "pushout_square f g h k 
             commutative_square f g h k 
             (f' g'. commutative_square f' g' h k  (∃!l. l  f = f'  l  g = g'))"

    lemma pushout_squareI [intro]:
    assumes "cospan f g" and "span h k" and "dom f = cod h" and "f  h = g  k"
    and "f' g'. commutative_square f' g' h k  ∃!l. l  f = f'  l  g = g'"
    shows "pushout_square f g h k"
      using assms pushout_square_def by simp

    lemma composition_of_pushouts:
    assumes "pushout_square u' t' t u" and "pushout_square v' t'' t' v"
    shows "pushout_square (v'  u') t'' t (v  u)"
      show 1: "cospan (v'  u') t''"
        using assms
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) commutative_square_def seqI cod_comp
      show "span t (v  u)"
        using assms pushout_square_def by fastforce
      show "dom (v'  u') = cod t"
        using assms
        by (metis 1 commutative_squareE dom_comp pushout_square_def)
      show "(v'  u')  t = t''  v  u"
        using assms
        by (metis commutative_squareE comp_assoc pushout_square_def)
      fix w x
      assume wx: "commutative_square w x t (v  u)"
      show "∃!l. l  v'  u' = w  l  t'' = x"
      proof -
        have 1: "commutative_square w (x  v) t u"
          using wx
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) cod_comp commutative_square_def
              dom_comp comp_assoc seqE seqI)
        hence *: "∃!z. z  u' = w  z  t' = x  v"
          using assms pushout_square_def by auto
        obtain z where z: "z  u' = w  z  t' = x  v"
          using * by auto
        have 2: "commutative_square z x t' v"
          using z
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) 1 cod_comp commutative_square_def
              dom_comp seqE)
        hence **: "l. l  v' = z  l  t'' = x"
          by (meson assms(2) pushout_square_def)
        obtain l where l: "l  v' = z  l  t'' = x"
          using ** by auto
        have "l  v'  u' = w  l  t'' = x"
          using l comp_assoc z by force
        moreover have "l l'. l  v'  u' = w  l  t'' = x;
                               l'  v'  u' = w  l'  t'' = x
                                  l = l'"
        proof -
          fix l l'
          assume l: "l  v'  u' = w  l  t'' = x"
          assume l': "l'  v'  u' = w  l'  t'' = x"
          have "(l  v')  u' = w  (l  v')  t' = x  v 
                (l'  v')  u' = w  (l'  v')  t' = x  v"
            using assms(2)
            by (metis commutative_squareE pushout_square_def l l' comp_assoc)
          thus "l = l'"
            by (metis * 2 assms(2) l l' pushout_square_def z)
        ultimately show ?thesis by blast


  locale category_with_bounded_pushouts =
    category C
  for C :: "'a comp"            (infixr "" 55) +
  assumes has_bounded_pushouts: "bounded_span h k  f g. pushout_square f g h k"

  locale elementary_category_with_bounded_pushouts =
    category C
  for C :: "'a comp"            (infixr  55)
  and inj0 :: "'a  'a  'a"   (𝗂0[_, _])
  and inj1 :: "'a  'a  'a"   (𝗂1[_, _]) +
  assumes inj0_ext: "¬ bounded_span h k  𝗂0[h, k] = null"
  and inj1_ext: "¬ bounded_span h k  𝗂1[h, k] = null"
  and pushout_commutes [intro]:
        "bounded_span h k  commutative_square 𝗂1[h, k] 𝗂0[h, k] h k"
  and pushout_universal:
        "commutative_square f g h k  ∃!l. l  𝗂1[h, k] = f  l  𝗂0[h, k] = g"

    lemma dom_inj [simp]:
    assumes "bounded_span h k"
    shows "dom 𝗂0[h, k] = cod k" and "dom 𝗂1[h, k] = cod h"
      using assms pushout_commutes by blast+

    lemma cod_inj:
    assumes "bounded_span h k"
    shows "cod 𝗂1[h, k] = cod 𝗂0[h, k]"
      using assms pushout_commutes by auto

    lemma has_bounded_pushouts:
    assumes "bounded_span h k"
    shows "pushout_square 𝗂1[h, k] 𝗂0[h, k] h k"
      using assms pushout_square_def pushout_commutes pushout_universal by simp

    sublocale category_with_bounded_pushouts C
      using has_bounded_pushouts
      by unfold_locales auto

    lemma is_category_with_bounded_pushouts:
    shows "category_with_bounded_pushouts C"


  context category_with_bounded_pushouts

    definition inj0  ("𝗂0[_, _]")
    where "inj0 h k  if bounded_span h k
                      then fst (SOME inj. pushout_square (snd inj) (fst inj) h k)
                      else null"

    definition inj1  ("𝗂1[_, _]")
    where "inj1 h k  if bounded_span h k
                      then snd (SOME inj. pushout_square (snd inj) (fst inj) h k)
                      else null"

    lemma extends_to_elementary_category_with_bounded_pushouts:
    shows "elementary_category_with_bounded_pushouts C inj0 inj1"
      show "h k. ¬ bounded_span h k  𝗂0[h, k] = null"
        unfolding inj0_def by simp
      show "h k. ¬ bounded_span h k  𝗂1[h, k] = null"
        unfolding inj1_def by simp
      have 1: "h k. bounded_span h k  pushout_square 𝗂1[h, k] 𝗂0[h, k] h k"
      proof -
        fix h k
        assume hk: "bounded_span h k"
        show "pushout_square 𝗂1[h, k] 𝗂0[h, k] h k"
          using hk has_bounded_pushouts inj0_def inj1_def
                someI_ex [of "λx. pushout_square (snd x) (fst x) h k"]
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) split_pairs)
      show "h k. bounded_span h k  commutative_square 𝗂1[h, k] 𝗂0[h, k] h k"
        using 1 pushout_square_def by auto
      show "f g h k. commutative_square f g h k  ∃!l. l  𝗂1[h, k] = f  l  𝗂0[h, k] = g"
        using 1 pushout_square_def bounded_spanI by force

