Theory Rep_Fin_Groups
theory Rep_Fin_Groups
section ‹Preliminaries›
text ‹
In this section, we establish some basic facts about logic, sets, and functions that are not
available in the HOL library. As well, we develop some theory for almost-everywhere-zero functions
in preparation of the definition of the group ring.
subsection ‹Logic›
lemma conjcases [case_names BothTrue OneTrue OtherTrue BothFalse] :
assumes BothTrue: "P ∧ Q ⟹ R"
and OneTrue: "P ∧ ¬Q ⟹ R"
and OtherTrue: "¬P ∧ Q ⟹ R"
and BothFalse: "¬P ∧ ¬Q ⟹ R"
shows "R"
using assms
by fast
subsection ‹Sets›
lemma empty_set_diff_single : "A - {x} = {} ⟹ A = {} ∨ A = {x}"
by auto
lemma seteqI : "(⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ a ∈ B) ⟹ (⋀b. b ∈ B ⟹ b ∈ A) ⟹ A = B"
using subset_antisym subsetI by fast
lemma prod_ballI : "(⋀a b. (a,b) ∈ AxB ⟹ P a b) ⟹ ∀(a,b)∈AxB. P a b"
by fast
lemma good_card_imp_finite : "of_nat (card A) ≠ (0::'a::semiring_1) ⟹ finite A"
using card_ge_0_finite[of A] by fastforce
subsection ‹Lists›
subsubsection ‹‹zip››
lemma zip_truncate_left : "zip xs ys = zip (take (length ys) xs) ys"
by (induct xs ys rule:list_induct2') auto
lemma zip_truncate_right : "zip xs ys = zip xs (take (length xs) ys)"
by (induct xs ys rule:list_induct2') auto
text ‹
Lemmas ‹zip_append1› and ‹zip_append2› in theory @{theory HOL.List} have unnecessary
‹take (length _)› in them. Here are replacements.
lemma zip_append_left :
"zip (xs@ys) zs = zip xs zs @ zip ys (drop (length xs) zs)"
using zip_append1 zip_truncate_right[of xs zs] by simp
lemma zip_append_right :
"zip xs (ys@zs) = zip xs ys @ zip (drop (length ys) xs) zs"
using zip_append2 zip_truncate_left[of xs ys] by simp
lemma length_concat_map_split_zip :
"length [f x y. (x,y)←zip xs ys] = min (length xs) (length ys)"
by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma concat_map_split_eq_map_split_zip :
"[f x y. (x,y)←zip xs ys] = map (case_prod f) (zip xs ys)"
by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma set_zip_map2 :
"(a,z) ∈ set (zip xs (map f ys)) ⟹ ∃b. (a,b) ∈ set (zip xs ys) ∧ z = f b"
by (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2') auto
subsubsection ‹‹concat››
lemma concat_eq :
"list_all2 (λxs ys. length xs = length ys) xss yss ⟹ concat xss = concat yss
⟹ xss = yss"
by (induct xss yss rule: list_all2_induct) auto
lemma match_concat :
fixes bss :: "'b list list"
defines eq_len: "eq_len ≡ λxs ys. length xs = length ys"
shows "∀as::'a list. length as = length (concat bss)
⟶ (∃css::'a list list. as = concat css ∧ list_all2 eq_len css bss)"
proof (induct bss)
from eq_len
show "∀as. length as = length (concat [])
⟶ (∃css. as = concat css ∧ list_all2 eq_len css [])"
by simp
fix fs :: "'b list" and fss :: "'b list list"
assume prevcase: "∀as. length as = length (concat fss)
⟶ (∃css. as = concat css ∧ list_all2 eq_len css fss)"
have "⋀as. length as = length (concat (fs # fss))
⟹ (∃css. as = concat css ∧ list_all2 eq_len css (fs # fss))"
fix as :: "'a list"
assume as: "length as = length (concat (fs#fss))"
define xs ys where "xs = take (length fs) as" and "ys = drop (length fs) as"
define gss where "gss = (SOME css. ys = concat css ∧ list_all2 eq_len css fss)"
define hss where "hss = xs # gss"
with xs_def ys_def as gss_def eq_len prevcase
show "as = concat hss ∧ list_all2 eq_len hss (fs#fss)"
using someI_ex[of "λcss. ys = concat css ∧ list_all2 eq_len css fss"] by auto
thus "∀as. length as = length (concat (fs # fss))
⟶ (∃css. as = concat css ∧ list_all2 eq_len css (fs # fss))"
by fast
subsubsection ‹‹strip_while››
lemma strip_while_0_nnil :
"as ≠ [] ⟹ set as ≠ 0 ⟹ strip_while ((=) 0) as ≠ []"
by (induct as rule: rev_nonempty_induct) auto
subsubsection ‹‹sum_list››
lemma const_sum_list :
"∀x ∈ set xs. f x = a ⟹ sum_list (map f xs) = a * (length xs)"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma sum_list_prod_cong :
"∀(x,y) ∈ set xys. f x y = g x y
⟹ (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) = (∑(x,y)←xys. g x y)"
using arg_cong[of "map (case_prod f) xys" "map (case_prod g) xys" sum_list] by fastforce
lemma sum_list_prod_map2 :
"(∑(a,y)←zip as (map f bs). g a y) = (∑(a,b)←zip as bs. g a (f b))"
by (induct as bs rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma sum_list_fun_apply : "(∑x←xs. f x) y = (∑x←xs. f x y)"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma sum_list_prod_fun_apply : "(∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) z = (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y z)"
by (induct xys) auto
lemma (in comm_monoid_add) sum_list_plus :
"length xs = length ys
⟹ sum_list xs + sum_list ys = sum_list [a+b. (a,b)←zip xs ys]"
proof (induct xs ys rule: list_induct2)
case Cons thus ?case by (simp add: algebra_simps)
qed simp
lemma sum_list_const_mult_prod :
fixes f :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'r::semiring_0"
shows "r * (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) = (∑(x,y)←xys. r * (f x y))"
using sum_list_const_mult[of r "case_prod f"] prod.case_distrib[of "λx. r*x" f]
by simp
lemma sum_list_mult_const_prod :
fixes f :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'r::semiring_0"
shows "(∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) * r = (∑(x,y)←xys. (f x y) * r)"
using sum_list_mult_const[of "case_prod f" r] prod.case_distrib[of "λx. x*r" f]
by simp
lemma sum_list_update :
fixes xs :: "'a::ab_group_add list"
shows "n < length xs ⟹ sum_list (xs[n := y]) = sum_list xs - xs!n + y"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: n)
case Cons thus ?case by (cases n) auto
qed simp
lemma sum_list_replicate0 : "sum_list (replicate n 0) = 0"
by (induct n) auto
subsubsection ‹‹listset››
lemma listset_ConsI : "x ∈ X ⟹ xs ∈ listset Xs ⟹ x#xs ∈ listset (X#Xs)"
unfolding listset_def set_Cons_def by simp
lemma listset_ConsD : "x#xs ∈ listset (A # As) ⟹ x ∈ A ∧ xs ∈ listset As"
unfolding listset_def set_Cons_def by auto
lemma listset_Cons_conv :
"xs ∈ listset (A # As) ⟹ (∃y ys. y ∈ A ∧ ys ∈ listset As ∧ xs = y#ys)"
unfolding listset_def set_Cons_def by auto
lemma listset_length : "xs ∈ listset Xs ⟹ length xs = length Xs"
using listset_ConsD
unfolding listset_def set_Cons_def
by (induct xs Xs rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma set_sum_list_element :
"x ∈ (∑A←As. A) ⟹ ∃as ∈ listset As. x = (∑a←as. a)"
proof (induct As arbitrary: x)
case Nil hence "x = (∑a←[]. a)" by simp
moreover have "[] ∈ listset []" by simp
ultimately show ?case by fast
case (Cons A As)
from this obtain a as
where a_as: "a ∈ A" "as ∈ listset As" "x = (∑b←(a#as). b)"
using set_plus_def[of A]
by fastforce
have "listset (A#As) = set_Cons A (listset As)" by simp
with a_as(1,2) have "a#as ∈ listset (A#As)" unfolding set_Cons_def by fast
with a_as(3) show "∃bs∈listset (A#As). x = (∑b←bs. b)" by fast
lemma set_sum_list_element_Cons :
assumes "x ∈ (∑X←(A#As). X)"
shows "∃a as. a∈A ∧ as ∈ listset As ∧ x = a + (∑b←as. b)"
from assms obtain xs where xs: "xs ∈ listset (A#As)" "x = (∑b←xs. b)"
using set_sum_list_element by fast
from xs(1) obtain a as where "a ∈ A" "as ∈ listset As" "xs = a # as"
using listset_Cons_conv by fast
with xs(2) show ?thesis by auto
lemma sum_list_listset : "as ∈ listset As ⟹ sum_list as ∈ (∑A←As. A)"
have "length as = length As ⟹ as ∈ listset As ⟹ sum_list as ∈ (∑A←As. A)"
proof (induct as As rule: list_induct2)
case Nil show ?case by simp
case (Cons a as A As) thus ?case
using listset_ConsD[of a] set_plus_def by auto
thus "as ∈ listset As ⟹ sum_list as ∈ (∑A←As. A)" using listset_length by fast
lemma listsetI_nth :
"length xs = length Xs ⟹ ∀n<length xs. xs!n ∈ Xs!n ⟹ xs ∈ listset Xs"
proof (induct xs Xs rule: list_induct2)
case Nil show ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs X Xs) thus "x#xs ∈ listset (X#Xs)"
using listset_ConsI[of x X xs Xs] by fastforce
lemma listsetD_nth : "xs ∈ listset Xs ⟹ ∀n<length xs. xs!n ∈ Xs!n"
have "length xs = length Xs ⟹ xs ∈ listset Xs ⟹ ∀n<length xs. xs!n ∈ Xs!n"
proof (induct xs Xs rule: list_induct2)
case Nil show ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs X Xs)
from Cons(3) have x_xs: "x ∈ X" "xs ∈ listset Xs"
using listset_ConsD[of x] by auto
with Cons(2) have 1: "(x#xs)!0 ∈ (X#Xs)!0" "∀n<length xs. xs!n ∈ Xs!n"
by auto
have "⋀n. n < length (x#xs) ⟹ (x#xs)!n ∈ (X#Xs)!n"
fix n assume "n < length (x#xs)"
with 1 show "(x#xs)!n ∈ (X#Xs)!n" by (cases n) auto
thus "∀n < length (x#xs). (x#xs)!n ∈ (X#Xs)!n" by fast
thus "xs ∈ listset Xs ⟹ ∀n<length xs. xs!n ∈ Xs!n" using listset_length by fast
lemma set_listset_el_subset :
"xs ∈ listset Xs ⟹ ∀X∈set Xs. X ⊆ A ⟹ set xs ⊆ A"
have "⟦ length xs = length Xs; xs ∈ listset Xs; ∀X∈set Xs. X ⊆ A ⟧
⟹ set xs ⊆ A"
proof (induct xs Xs rule: list_induct2)
case Cons thus ?case using listset_ConsD by force
qed simp
thus "xs ∈ listset Xs ⟹ ∀X∈set Xs. X ⊆ A ⟹ set xs ⊆ A"
using listset_length by fast
subsection ‹Functions›
subsubsection ‹Miscellaneous facts›
lemma sum_fun_apply : "finite A ⟹ (∑a∈A. f a) x = (∑a∈A. f a x)"
by (induct set: finite) auto
lemma sum_single_nonzero :
"finite A ⟹ (∀x∈A. ∀y∈A. f x y = (if y = x then g x else 0))
⟹ (∀x∈A. sum (f x) A = g x)"
proof (induct A rule: finite_induct)
case (insert a A)
show "∀x∈insert a A. sum (f x) (insert a A) = g x"
fix x assume x: "x ∈ insert a A"
show "sum (f x) (insert a A) = g x"
proof (cases "x = a")
case True
moreover with insert(2,4) have "∀y∈A. f x y = 0" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using insert(1,2,4) by simp
case False with x insert show ?thesis by simp
qed simp
lemma distrib_comp_sum_right : "(T + T') ∘ S = (T ∘ S) + (T' ∘ S)"
by auto
subsubsection ‹Support of a function›
definition supp :: "('a ⇒ 'b::zero) ⇒ 'a set" where "supp f = {x. f x ≠ 0}"
lemma suppI: "f x ≠ 0 ⟹ x ∈ supp f"
using supp_def by fast
lemma suppI_contra: "x ∉ supp f ⟹ f x = 0"
using suppI by fast
lemma suppD: "x ∈ supp f ⟹ f x ≠ 0"
using supp_def by fast
lemma suppD_contra: "f x = 0 ⟹ x ∉ supp f"
using suppD by fast
lemma zerofun_imp_empty_supp : "supp 0 = {}"
unfolding supp_def by simp
lemma supp_zerofun_subset_any : "supp 0 ⊆ A"
using zerofun_imp_empty_supp by fast
lemma supp_sum_subset_union_supp :
fixes f g :: "'a ⇒ 'b::monoid_add"
shows "supp (f + g) ⊆ supp f ∪ supp g"
unfolding supp_def
by auto
lemma supp_neg_eq_supp :
fixes f :: "'a ⇒ 'b::group_add"
shows "supp (- f) = supp f"
unfolding supp_def
by auto
lemma supp_diff_subset_union_supp :
fixes f g :: "'a ⇒ 'b::group_add"
shows "supp (f - g) ⊆ supp f ∪ supp g"
unfolding supp_def
by auto
abbreviation restrict0 :: "('a⇒'b::zero) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('a⇒'b)" (infix "↓" 70)
where "restrict0 f A ≡ (λa. if a ∈ A then f a else 0)"
lemma supp_restrict0 : "supp (f↓A) ⊆ A"
have "⋀a. a ∉ A ⟹ a ∉ supp (f↓A)" using suppD_contra[of "f↓A"] by simp
thus ?thesis by fast
lemma bij_betw_restrict0 : "bij_betw f A B ⟹ bij_betw (f ↓ A) A B"
using bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_betw_imp_surj_on
unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def
by auto
subsubsection ‹Convolution›
definition convolution ::
"('a::group_add ⇒ 'b::{comm_monoid_add,times}) ⇒ ('a⇒'b) ⇒ ('a⇒'b)"
where "convolution f g
= (λx. ∑y|x - y ∈ supp f ∧ y ∈ supp g. (f (x - y)) * g y)"
lemma convolution_zero :
fixes f g :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
shows "f = 0 ∨ g = 0 ⟹ convolution f g = 0"
unfolding convolution_def
by auto
lemma convolution_symm :
fixes f g :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::{comm_monoid_add,times}"
shows "convolution f g
= (λx. ∑y|y ∈ supp f ∧ -y + x ∈ supp g. (f y) * g (-y + x))"
fix x::'a
define c1 c2 i S1 S2
where "c1 y = (f (x - y)) * g y"
and "c2 y = (f y) * g (-y + x)"
and "i y = -y + x"
and "S1 = {y. x - y ∈ supp f ∧ y ∈ supp g}"
and "S2 = {y. y ∈ supp f ∧ -y + x ∈ supp g}"
for y
have "inj_on i S2" unfolding inj_on_def using i_def by simp
hence "(∑y∈(i ` S2). c1 y) = (∑y∈S2. (c1 ∘ i) y)"
using sum.reindex by fast
moreover have S1_iS2: "S1 = i ` S2"
proof (rule seteqI)
fix y assume y_S1: "y ∈ S1"
define z where "z = x - y"
hence y_eq: "-z + x = y" by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "-z + x ∈ supp g" using y_S1 S1_def by fast
moreover have "z ∈ supp f" using z_def y_S1 S1_def by fast
ultimately have "z ∈ S2" using S2_def by fast
moreover have "y = i z" using i_def [abs_def] y_eq by fast
ultimately show "y ∈ i ` S2" by fast
fix y assume "y ∈ i ` S2"
from this obtain z where z_S2: "z ∈ S2" and y_eq: "y = -z + x"
using i_def by fast
from y_eq have "x - y = z" by (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "x - y ∈ supp f ∧ y ∈ supp g" using y_eq z_S2 S2_def by fastforce
thus "y ∈ S1" using S1_def by fast
ultimately have "(∑y∈S1. c1 y) = (∑y∈S2. (c1 ∘ i) y)" by fast
with i_def c1_def c2_def have "(∑y∈S1. c1 y) = (∑y∈S2. c2 y)"
using diff_add_eq_diff_diff_swap[of x _ x] by simp
thus "convolution f g x
= (∑y|y ∈ supp f ∧ -y + x ∈ supp g. (f y) * g (-y + x))"
unfolding S1_def c1_def S2_def c2_def convolution_def by fast
lemma supp_convolution_subset_sum_supp :
fixes f g :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::{comm_monoid_add,times}"
shows "supp (convolution f g) ⊆ supp f + supp g"
define SS where "SS x = {y. x-y ∈ supp f ∧ y ∈ supp g}" for x
have "convolution f g = (λx. sum (λy. (f (x - y)) * g y) (SS x))"
unfolding SS_def convolution_def by fast
moreover have "⋀x. x ∉ supp f + supp g ⟹ SS x = {}"
have "⋀x. SS x ≠ {} ⟹ x ∈ supp f + supp g"
fix x::'a assume "SS x ≠ {}"
from this obtain y where "x - y ∈ supp f" and y_G: "y ∈ supp g"
using SS_def by fast
from this obtain z where z_F: "z ∈ supp f" and z_eq: "x - y = z" by fast
from z_eq have "x = z + y" using diff_eq_eq by fast
with z_F y_G show "x ∈ supp f + supp g" by fast
thus "⋀x. x ∉ supp f + supp g ⟹ SS x = {}" by fast
ultimately have "⋀x. x ∉ supp f + supp g
⟹ convolution f g x = sum (λy. (f (x - y)) * g y) {}"
by simp
hence "⋀x. x ∉ supp f + supp g ⟹ convolution f g x = 0"
using sum.empty by simp
thus ?thesis unfolding supp_def by fast
subsection ‹Almost-everywhere-zero functions›
subsubsection ‹Definition and basic properties›
definition "aezfun_set = {f::'a⇒'b::zero. finite (supp f)}"
lemma aezfun_setD: "f ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ finite (supp f)"
unfolding aezfun_set_def by fast
lemma aezfun_setI: "finite (supp f) ⟹ f ∈ aezfun_set"
unfolding aezfun_set_def by fast
lemma zerofun_is_aezfun : "0 ∈ aezfun_set"
unfolding supp_def aezfun_set_def by auto
lemma sum_of_aezfun_is_aezfun :
fixes f g :: "'a⇒'b::monoid_add"
shows "f ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ g ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ f + g ∈ aezfun_set"
using supp_sum_subset_union_supp[of f g] finite_subset[of _ "supp f ∪ supp g"]
unfolding aezfun_set_def
by fastforce
lemma neg_of_aezfun_is_aezfun :
fixes f :: "'a⇒'b::group_add"
shows "f ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ - f ∈ aezfun_set"
using supp_neg_eq_supp[of f]
unfolding aezfun_set_def
by simp
lemma diff_of_aezfun_is_aezfun :
fixes f g :: "'a⇒'b::group_add"
shows "f ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ g ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ f - g ∈ aezfun_set"
using supp_diff_subset_union_supp[of f g] finite_subset[of _ "supp f ∪ supp g"]
unfolding aezfun_set_def
by fastforce
lemma restrict_and_extend0_aezfun_is_aezfun :
assumes "f ∈ aezfun_set"
shows "f↓A ∈ aezfun_set"
proof (rule aezfun_setI)
have "⋀a. a ∉ supp f ∩ A ⟹ a ∉ supp (f↓A)"
fix a assume "a ∉ supp f ∩ A"
thus "a ∉ supp (f↓A)" using suppI_contra[of a] suppD_contra[of "f↓A" a]
by (cases "a ∈ A") auto
with assms show "finite (supp (f↓A))"
using aezfun_setD finite_subset[of "supp (f↓A)"] by auto
subsubsection ‹Delta (impulse) functions›
text ‹The notation is set up in the order output-input so that later when these are used to define
the group ring RG, it will be in order ring-element-group-element.›
definition deltafun :: "'b::zero ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b)" (infix "δ" 70)
where "b δ a = (λx. if x = a then b else 0)"
lemma deltafun_apply_eq : "(b δ a) a = b"
unfolding deltafun_def by simp
lemma deltafun_apply_neq : "x ≠ a ⟹ (b δ a) x = 0"
unfolding deltafun_def by simp
lemma deltafun0 : "0 δ a = 0"
unfolding deltafun_def by auto
lemma deltafun_plus :
fixes b c :: "'b::monoid_add"
shows "(b+c) δ a = (b δ a) + (c δ a)"
unfolding deltafun_def
by auto
lemma supp_delta0fun : "supp (0 δ a) = {}"
unfolding supp_def deltafun_def by simp
lemma supp_deltafun : "b ≠ 0 ⟹ supp (b δ a) = {a}"
unfolding supp_def deltafun_def by simp
lemma deltafun_is_aezfun : "b δ a ∈ aezfun_set"
proof (cases "b = 0")
case True
hence "supp (b δ a) = {}" using supp_delta0fun[of a] by fast
thus ?thesis unfolding aezfun_set_def by simp
case False thus ?thesis using supp_deltafun[of b a] unfolding aezfun_set_def by simp
lemma aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set' :
"finite A ⟹ ∃as. distinct as ∧ set as = A
∧ ( ∀f::'a ⇒ 'b::semiring_1. supp f ⊆ A
⟶ (∃bs. length bs = length as ∧ f = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δ a)) )"
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
case empty show ?case unfolding supp_def by auto
case (insert a A)
from insert(3) obtain as
where as: "distinct as" "set as = A"
"⋀f::'a ⇒ 'b. supp f ⊆ A
⟹ ∃bs. length bs = length as ∧ f = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δ a)"
by fast
from as(1,2) insert(2) have "distinct (a#as)" "set (a#as) = insert a A" by auto
have "⋀f::'a ⇒ 'b::semiring_1. supp f ⊆ insert a A
⟹ (∃bs. length bs = length (a#as)
∧ f = (∑(b,a)←zip bs (a#as). b δ a))"
fix f :: "'a ⇒ 'b" assume supp_f : "supp f ⊆ insert a A"
define g where "g x = (if x = a then 0 else f x)" for x
have "supp g ⊆ A"
fix x assume x: "x ∈ supp g"
with x supp_f g_def have "x ∈ insert a A" unfolding supp_def by auto
moreover from x g_def have "x ≠ a" unfolding supp_def by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ A" by fast
with as(3) obtain bs
where bs: "length bs = length as" "g = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δ a)"
by fast
from bs(1) have "length ((f a) # bs) = length (a#as)" by auto
moreover from g_def bs(2) have "f = (∑(b,a)←zip ((f a) # bs) (a#as). b δ a)"
using deltafun_apply_eq[of "f a" a] deltafun_apply_neq[of _ a "f a"] by (cases) auto
show "∃bs. length bs = length (a#as) ∧ f = (∑(b,a)←zip bs (a#as). b δ a)"
by fast
ultimately show ?case by fast
subsubsection ‹Convolution of almost-everywhere-zero functions›
lemma convolution_eq_sum_over_supp_right :
fixes g f :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
assumes "g ∈ aezfun_set"
shows "convolution f g = (λx. ∑y∈supp g. (f (x - y)) * g y )"
fix x::'a
define SS where "SS = {y. x - y ∈ supp f ∧ y ∈ supp g}"
have "finite (supp g)" using assms unfolding aezfun_set_def by fast
moreover have "SS ⊆ supp g" unfolding SS_def by fast
moreover have "⋀y. y ∈ supp g - SS ⟹ (f (x - y)) * g y = 0" using SS_def unfolding supp_def by auto
ultimately show "convolution f g x = (∑y∈supp g. (f (x - y)) * g y )"
unfolding convolution_def
using SS_def sum.mono_neutral_left[of "supp g" SS "λy. (f (x - y)) * g y"]
by fast
lemma convolution_symm_eq_sum_over_supp_left :
fixes f g :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
assumes "f ∈ aezfun_set"
shows "convolution f g = (λx. ∑y∈supp f. (f y) * g (-y + x))"
fix x::'a
define SS where "SS = {y. y ∈ supp f ∧ -y + x ∈ supp g}"
have "finite (supp f)" using assms unfolding aezfun_set_def by fast
moreover have "SS ⊆ supp f" using SS_def by fast
moreover have "⋀y. y ∈ supp f - SS ⟹ (f y) * g (-y + x) = 0"
using SS_def unfolding supp_def by auto
have "(∑y∈SS. (f y) * g (-y + x)) = (∑y∈supp f. (f y) * g (-y + x) )"
unfolding convolution_def
using SS_def sum.mono_neutral_left[of "supp f" SS "λy. (f y) * g (-y + x)"]
by fast
thus "convolution f g x = (∑y∈supp f. (f y) * g (-y + x) )"
using SS_def convolution_symm[of f g] by simp
lemma convolution_delta_left :
fixes b :: "'b::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
and a :: "'a::group_add"
and f :: "'a ⇒ 'b"
shows "convolution (b δ a) f = (λx. b * f (-a + x))"
proof (cases "b = 0")
case True
moreover have "convolution (b δ a) f = 0"
from True have "convolution (b δ a) f = convolution 0 f"
using deltafun0[of a] arg_cong[of "0 δ a" "0::'a⇒'b"]
by (simp add: ‹0 δ a = 0› ‹b = 0›)
thus ?thesis using convolution_zero by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case False thus ?thesis
using deltafun_is_aezfun[of b a] convolution_symm_eq_sum_over_supp_left
supp_deltafun[of b a] deltafun_apply_eq[of b a]
by fastforce
lemma convolution_delta_right :
fixes b :: "'b::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
and f :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b" and a::'a
shows "convolution f (b δ a) = (λx. f (x - a) * b)"
proof (cases "b = 0")
case True
moreover have "convolution f (b δ a) = 0"
from True have "convolution f (b δ a) = convolution f 0"
using deltafun0[of a] arg_cong[of "0 δ a" "0::'a⇒'b"]
by (simp add: ‹0 δ a = 0›)
thus ?thesis using convolution_zero by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case False thus ?thesis
using deltafun_is_aezfun[of b a] convolution_eq_sum_over_supp_right
supp_deltafun[of b a] deltafun_apply_eq[of b a]
by fastforce
lemma convolution_delta_delta :
fixes b1 b2 :: "'b::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
and a1 a2 :: "'a::group_add"
shows "convolution (b1 δ a1) (b2 δ a2) = (b1 * b2) δ (a1 + a2)"
fix x::'a
have 1: "convolution (b1 δ a1) (b2 δ a2) x = (b1 δ a1) (x - a2) * b2"
using convolution_delta_right[of "b1 δ a1"] by simp
show "convolution (b1 δ a1) (b2 δ a2) x = ((b1 * b2) δ (a1 + a2)) x"
proof (cases "x = a1 + a2")
case True
hence "x - a2 = a1" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with 1 have "convolution (b1 δ a1) (b2 δ a2) x = b1 * b2"
using deltafun_apply_eq[of b1 a1] by simp
with True show ?thesis
using deltafun_apply_eq[of "b1 * b2" "a1 + a2"] by simp
case False
hence "x - a2 ≠ a1" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with 1 have "convolution (b1 δ a1) (b2 δ a2) x = 0"
using deltafun_apply_neq[of "x - a2" a1 b1] by simp
with False show ?thesis using deltafun_apply_neq by simp
lemma convolution_of_aezfun_is_aezfun :
fixes f g :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::{comm_monoid_add,times}"
shows "f ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ g ∈ aezfun_set ⟹ convolution f g ∈ aezfun_set"
using supp_convolution_subset_sum_supp[of f g]
finite_set_plus[of "supp f" "supp g"] finite_subset
unfolding aezfun_set_def
by fastforce
lemma convolution_assoc :
fixes f h g :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::semiring_0"
assumes f_aez: "f ∈ aezfun_set" and h_aez: "h ∈ aezfun_set"
shows "convolution (convolution f g) h = convolution f (convolution g h)"
define fg gh where "fg = convolution f g" and "gh = convolution g h"
fix x::'a
have "convolution fg h x
= (∑y∈supp f. (∑z∈supp h. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z) )"
have "convolution fg h x = (∑z∈supp h. fg (x - z) * h z )"
using h_aez convolution_eq_sum_over_supp_right[of h fg] by simp
moreover have "⋀z. fg (x - z) * h z
= (∑y∈supp f. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z)"
fix z::'a
have "fg (x - z) = (∑y∈supp f. f y * g (-y + (x - z)) )"
using fg_def f_aez convolution_symm_eq_sum_over_supp_left by fastforce
hence "fg (x - z) * h z = (∑y∈supp f. f y * g (-y + (x - z)) * h z )"
using sum_distrib_right by simp
thus "fg (x - z) * h z = (∑y∈supp f. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z )"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
have "convolution fg h x
= (∑z∈supp h. (∑y∈supp f. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z) )"
using sum.cong
by simp
thus ?thesis using sum.swap by simp
moreover have "convolution f gh x
= (∑y∈supp f. (∑z∈supp h. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z) )"
have "convolution f gh x = (∑y∈supp f. f y * gh (-y + x) )"
using f_aez convolution_symm_eq_sum_over_supp_left[of f gh] by simp
moreover have "⋀y. f y * gh (-y + x)
= (∑z∈supp h. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z)"
fix y::'a
have triple_cong: "⋀z. f y * (g (-y + x - z) * h z)
= f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z"
using mult.assoc[of "f y"] by simp
have "gh (-y + x) = (∑z∈supp h. g (-y + x - z) * h z)"
using gh_def h_aez convolution_eq_sum_over_supp_right by fastforce
hence "f y * gh (-y + x) = (∑z∈supp h. f y * (g (-y + x - z) * h z))"
using sum_distrib_left by simp
also have "… = (∑z∈supp h. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z)"
using triple_cong sum.cong by simp
show "f y * gh (-y + x) = (∑z∈supp h. f y * g (-y + x - z) * h z)"
by fast
ultimately show ?thesis using sum.cong by simp
ultimately show "convolution fg h x = convolution f gh x" by simp
lemma convolution_distrib_left :
fixes g h f :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::semiring_0"
assumes "g ∈ aezfun_set" "h ∈ aezfun_set"
shows "convolution f (g + h) = convolution f g + convolution f h"
define gh GH where "gh = g + h" and "GH = supp g ∪ supp h"
have fin_GH: "finite GH" using GH_def assms unfolding aezfun_set_def by fast
have gh_aezfun: "gh ∈ aezfun_set" using gh_def assms sum_of_aezfun_is_aezfun by fast
fix x::'a
have zero_ext_g : "⋀y. y ∈ GH - supp g ⟹ (f (x - y)) * g y = 0"
and zero_ext_h : "⋀y. y ∈ GH - supp h ⟹ (f (x - y)) * h y = 0"
and zero_ext_gh: "⋀y. y ∈ GH - supp gh ⟹ (f (x - y)) * gh y = 0"
unfolding supp_def by auto
have "convolution f gh x = (∑y∈supp gh. (f (x - y)) * gh y)"
using assms gh_aezfun convolution_eq_sum_over_supp_right[of gh f] by simp
also from gh_def GH_def have "… = (∑y∈GH. (f (x - y)) * gh y)"
using fin_GH supp_sum_subset_union_supp zero_ext_gh
sum.mono_neutral_left[of GH "supp gh" "(λy. (f (x - y)) * gh y)"]
by fast
also from gh_def
have "… = (∑y∈GH. (f (x - y)) * g y) + (∑y∈GH. (f (x - y)) * h y)"
using sum.distrib by (simp add: algebra_simps)
finally show "convolution f gh x = (convolution f g + convolution f h) x"
using assms GH_def fin_GH zero_ext_g zero_ext_h
sum.mono_neutral_right[of GH "supp g" "(λy. (f (x - y)) * g y)"]
sum.mono_neutral_right[of GH "supp h" "(λy. (f (x - y)) * h y)"]
convolution_eq_sum_over_supp_right[of g f]
convolution_eq_sum_over_supp_right[of h f]
by fastforce
lemma convolution_distrib_right :
fixes f g h :: "'a::group_add ⇒ 'b::semiring_0"
assumes "f ∈ aezfun_set" "g ∈ aezfun_set"
shows "convolution (f + g) h = convolution f h + convolution g h"
define fg FG where "fg = f + g" and "FG = supp f ∪ supp g"
have fin_FG: "finite FG" using FG_def assms unfolding aezfun_set_def by fast
have fg_aezfun: "fg ∈ aezfun_set" using fg_def assms sum_of_aezfun_is_aezfun by fast
fix x::'a
have zero_ext_f : "⋀y. y ∈ FG - supp f ⟹ (f y) * h (-y + x) = 0"
and zero_ext_g : "⋀y. y ∈ FG - supp g ⟹ (g y) * h (-y + x) = 0"
and zero_ext_fg: "⋀y. y ∈ FG - supp fg ⟹ (fg y) * h (-y + x) = 0"
unfolding supp_def by auto
from assms have "convolution fg h x = (∑y∈supp fg. (fg y) * h (-y + x))"
using fg_aezfun convolution_symm_eq_sum_over_supp_left[of fg h] by simp
also from fg_def FG_def have "… = (∑y∈FG. (fg y) * h (-y + x))"
using fin_FG supp_sum_subset_union_supp zero_ext_fg
sum.mono_neutral_left[of FG "supp fg" "(λy. (fg y) * h (-y + x))"]
by fast
also from fg_def
have "… = (∑y∈FG. (f y) * h (-y + x)) + (∑y∈FG. (g y) * h (-y + x))"
using sum.distrib by (simp add: algebra_simps)
finally show "convolution fg h x = (convolution f h + convolution g h) x"
using assms FG_def fin_FG zero_ext_f zero_ext_g
sum.mono_neutral_right[of FG "supp f" "(λy. (f y) * h (-y + x))"]
sum.mono_neutral_right[of FG "supp g" "(λy. (g y) * h (-y + x))"]
convolution_symm_eq_sum_over_supp_left[of f h]
convolution_symm_eq_sum_over_supp_left[of g h]
by fastforce
subsubsection ‹Type definition, instantiations, and instances›
typedef (overloaded) ('a::zero,'b) aezfun = "aezfun_set :: ('b⇒'a) set"
morphisms aezfun Abs_aezfun
using zerofun_is_aezfun
by fast
setup_lifting type_definition_aezfun
lemma aezfun_finite_supp : "finite (supp (aezfun a))"
using aezfun.aezfun unfolding aezfun_set_def by fast
lemma aezfun_transfer : "aezfun a = aezfun b ⟹ a = b" by transfer fast
instantiation aezfun :: (zero, type) zero
lift_definition zero_aezfun :: "('a,'b) aezfun" is "0::'b⇒'a"
using zerofun_is_aezfun by fast
instance ..
lemma zero_aezfun_transfer : "Abs_aezfun ((0::'b::zero) δ (0::'a::zero)) = 0"
define zb za where "zb = (0::'b)" and "za = (0::'a)"
hence "zb δ za = 0" using deltafun0[of za] by fast
moreover have "aezfun 0 = 0" using zero_aezfun.rep_eq by fast
ultimately have "zb δ za = aezfun 0" by simp
with zb_def za_def show ?thesis using aezfun_inverse by simp
lemma zero_aezfun_apply [simp]: "aezfun 0 x = 0"
by transfer simp
instantiation aezfun :: (monoid_add, type) plus
lift_definition plus_aezfun :: "('a, 'b) aezfun ⇒ ('a, 'b) aezfun ⇒ ('a, 'b) aezfun"
is "λf g. f + g"
using sum_of_aezfun_is_aezfun
by auto
instance ..
lemma plus_aezfun_apply [simp]: "aezfun (a+b) x = aezfun a x + aezfun b x"
by transfer simp
instance aezfun :: (monoid_add, type) semigroup_add
fix a b c :: "('a, 'b) aezfun"
have "aezfun (a + b + c) = aezfun (a + (b + c))"
fix x::'b show "aezfun (a + b + c) x = aezfun (a + (b + c)) x"
using add.assoc[of "aezfun a x"] by simp
thus "a + b + c = a + (b + c)" by transfer fast
instance aezfun :: (monoid_add, type) monoid_add
fix a b c :: "('a, 'b) aezfun"
show "0 + a = a" by transfer simp
show "a + 0 = a" by transfer simp
lemma sum_list_aezfun_apply [simp] :
"aezfun (sum_list as) x = (∑a←as. aezfun a x)"
by (induct as) auto
lemma sum_list_map_aezfun_apply [simp] :
"aezfun (∑a←as. f a) x = (∑a←as. aezfun (f a) x)"
by (induct as) auto
lemma sum_list_map_aezfun [simp] :
"aezfun (∑a←as. f a) = (∑a←as. aezfun (f a))"
using sum_list_map_aezfun_apply[of f] sum_list_fun_apply[of "aezfun ∘ f"] by auto
lemma sum_list_prod_map_aezfun_apply :
"aezfun (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) a = (∑(x,y)←xys. aezfun (f x y) a)"
by (induct xys) auto
lemma sum_list_prod_map_aezfun :
"aezfun (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) = (∑(x,y)←xys. aezfun (f x y))"
using sum_list_prod_map_aezfun_apply[of f]
sum_list_prod_fun_apply[of "λy z. aezfun (f y z)"]
by auto
instance aezfun :: (comm_monoid_add, type) comm_monoid_add
fix a b :: "('a, 'b) aezfun"
have "aezfun (a + b) = aezfun (b + a)"
fix x::'b show "aezfun (a + b) x = aezfun (b + a) x"
using add.commute[of "aezfun a x"] by simp
thus "a + b = b + a" by transfer fast
show "0 + a = a" by simp
lemma sum_aezfun_apply [simp] :
"finite A ⟹ aezfun (∑A) x = (∑a∈A. aezfun a x)"
by (induct set: finite) auto
instantiation aezfun :: (group_add, type) minus
lift_definition minus_aezfun :: "('a, 'b) aezfun ⇒ ('a, 'b) aezfun ⇒ ('a, 'b) aezfun"
is "λf g. f - g"
using diff_of_aezfun_is_aezfun
by fast
instance ..
lemma minus_aezfun_apply [simp]: "aezfun (a-b) x = aezfun a x - aezfun b x"
by transfer simp
instantiation aezfun :: (group_add, type) uminus
lift_definition uminus_aezfun :: "('a, 'b) aezfun ⇒ ('a, 'b) aezfun" is "λf. - f"
using neg_of_aezfun_is_aezfun by fast
instance ..
lemma uminus_aezfun_apply [simp]: "aezfun (-a) x = - aezfun a x"
by transfer simp
lemma aezfun_left_minus [simp] :
fixes a :: "('a::group_add, 'b) aezfun"
shows "- a + a = 0"
by transfer simp
lemma aezfun_diff_minus [simp] :
fixes a b :: "('a::group_add, 'b) aezfun"
shows "a - b = a + - b"
by transfer auto
instance aezfun :: (group_add, type) group_add
fix a b :: "('a::group_add, 'b) aezfun"
show "- a + a = 0" "a + - b = a - b" by auto
instance aezfun :: (ab_group_add, type) ab_group_add
fix a b :: "('a::ab_group_add, 'b) aezfun"
show "- a + a = 0" by simp
show "a - b = a + - b" using aezfun_diff_minus by fast
instantiation aezfun :: ("{one,zero}", zero) one
lift_definition one_aezfun :: "('a,'b) aezfun" is "1 δ 0"
using deltafun_is_aezfun by fast
instance ..
lemma one_aezfun_transfer : "Abs_aezfun (1 δ 0) = 1"
define z n where "z = (0::'b::zero)" and "n = (1::'a::{one,zero})"
hence "aezfun 1 = n δ z" using one_aezfun.rep_eq by fast
hence "Abs_aezfun (n δ z) = Abs_aezfun (aezfun 1)" by simp
with z_def n_def show ?thesis using aezfun_inverse by simp
lemma one_aezfun_apply [simp]: "aezfun 1 x = (1 δ 0) x"
by transfer rule
lemma one_aezfun_apply_eq [simp]: "aezfun 1 0 = 1"
using deltafun_apply_eq by simp
lemma one_aezfun_apply_neq [simp]: "x ≠ 0 ⟹ aezfun 1 x = 0"
using deltafun_apply_neq by simp
instance aezfun :: (zero_neq_one, zero) zero_neq_one
have "(0::'a) ≠ 1" "aezfun 0 0 = 0" "aezfun (1::('a,'b) aezfun) 0 = 1"
using zero_neq_one one_aezfun_apply_eq by auto
thus "(0::('a,'b) aezfun) ≠ 1"
using zero_neq_one one_aezfun_apply_eq
fun_eq_iff[of "aezfun (0::('a,'b) aezfun)" "aezfun 1"]
by auto
instantiation aezfun :: ("{comm_monoid_add,times}", group_add) times
lift_definition times_aezfun :: "('a, 'b) aezfun ⇒ ('a, 'b) aezfun ⇒ ('a, 'b) aezfun"
is "λ f g. convolution f g"
using convolution_of_aezfun_is_aezfun
by fast
instance ..
lemma convolution_transfer :
assumes "f ∈ aezfun_set" "g ∈ aezfun_set"
shows "Abs_aezfun (convolution f g) = Abs_aezfun f * Abs_aezfun g"
proof (rule aezfun_transfer)
from assms have "aezfun (Abs_aezfun (convolution f g)) = convolution f g"
using convolution_of_aezfun_is_aezfun Abs_aezfun_inverse by fast
moreover from assms
have "aezfun (Abs_aezfun f * Abs_aezfun g) = convolution f g"
using times_aezfun.rep_eq[of "Abs_aezfun f"] Abs_aezfun_inverse[of f]
Abs_aezfun_inverse[of g]
by simp
ultimately show "aezfun (Abs_aezfun (convolution f g))
= aezfun (Abs_aezfun f * Abs_aezfun g)"
by simp
instance aezfun :: ("{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}", group_add) mult_zero
fix a :: "('a, 'b) aezfun"
show "0 * a = 0" using convolution_zero[of _ "aezfun a"] by transfer fast
show "a * 0 = 0" using convolution_zero[of "aezfun a"] by transfer fast
instance aezfun :: (semiring_0, group_add) semiring_0
fix a b c :: "('a, 'b) aezfun"
show "a * b * c = a * (b * c)"
using convolution_assoc[of "aezfun a" "aezfun c" "aezfun b"] by transfer
show "(a + b) * c = a * c + b * c"
using convolution_distrib_right[of "aezfun a" "aezfun b" "aezfun c"] by transfer
show "a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c"
using convolution_distrib_left[of "aezfun b" "aezfun c" "aezfun a"] by transfer
instance aezfun :: (ring, group_add) ring ..
instance aezfun :: ("{semiring_0,monoid_mult,zero_neq_one}", group_add) monoid_mult
fix a :: "('a, 'b) aezfun"
show "1 * a = a"
have "aezfun (1 * a) = convolution (1 δ 0) (aezfun a)" by transfer fast
hence "aezfun (1 * a) = (aezfun a)"
using one_neq_zero convolution_delta_left[of 1 0 "aezfun a"] minus_zero by simp
thus "1 * a = a" by transfer
show "a * 1 = a"
have "aezfun (a * 1) = convolution (aezfun a) (1 δ 0)" by transfer fast
hence "aezfun (a * 1) = (aezfun a)"
using one_neq_zero convolution_delta_right[of "aezfun a"] by simp
thus ?thesis by transfer
instance aezfun :: (ring_1, group_add) ring_1 ..
subsubsection ‹Transfer facts›
abbreviation aezdeltafun :: "'b::zero ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('b,'a) aezfun" (infix "δδ" 70)
where "b δδ a ≡ Abs_aezfun (b δ a)"
lemma aezdeltafun : "aezfun (b δδ a) = b δ a"
using deltafun_is_aezfun[of b a] Abs_aezfun_inverse by fast
lemma aezdeltafun_plus : "(b+c) δδ a = (b δδ a) + (c δδ a)"
using aezdeltafun[of "b+c" a] deltafun_plus aezdeltafun[of b a] aezdeltafun[of c a]
plus_aezfun.rep_eq[of "b δδ a"]
aezfun_transfer[of "(b+c) δδ a" "(b δδ a) + (c δδ a)"]
by fastforce
lemma times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun :
fixes b1 b2 :: "'b::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
shows "(b1 δδ a1) * (b2 δδ a2) = (b1 * b2) δδ (a1 + a2)"
using deltafun_is_aezfun convolution_transfer[of "b1 δ a1", THEN sym]
convolution_delta_delta[of b1 a1 b2 a2]
by fastforce
lemma aezfun_restrict_and_extend0 : "(aezfun x)↓A ∈ aezfun_set"
using aezfun.aezfun restrict_and_extend0_aezfun_is_aezfun[of "aezfun x"] by fast
lemma aezdeltafun_decomp :
fixes b :: "'b::semiring_1"
shows "b δδ a = (b δδ 0) * (1 δδ a)"
using convolution_delta_delta[of b 0 1 a] deltafun_is_aezfun[of b 0]
deltafun_is_aezfun[of 1 a] convolution_transfer
by fastforce
lemma aezdeltafun_decomp' :
fixes b :: "'b::semiring_1"
shows "b δδ a = (1 δδ a) * (b δδ 0)"
using convolution_delta_delta[of 1 a b 0] deltafun_is_aezfun[of b 0]
deltafun_is_aezfun[of 1 a] convolution_transfer
by fastforce
lemma supp_aezfun1 :
"supp ( aezfun ( 1 :: ('a::zero_neq_one,'b::zero) aezfun ) ) = 0"
using supp_deltafun[of "1::'a" "0::'b"] by transfer simp
lemma supp_aezfun_diff :
"supp (aezfun (x - y)) ⊆ supp (aezfun x) ∪ supp (aezfun y)"
have "supp (aezfun (x - y)) = supp ( (aezfun x) - (aezfun y) )" by transfer fast
thus ?thesis using supp_diff_subset_union_supp by fast
lemma supp_aezfun_times :
"supp (aezfun (x * y)) ⊆ supp (aezfun x) + supp (aezfun y)"
have "supp (aezfun (x * y)) = supp (convolution (aezfun x) (aezfun y))"
by transfer fast
thus ?thesis using supp_convolution_subset_sum_supp by fast
subsubsection ‹Almost-everywhere-zero functions with constrained support›
text ‹The name of the next definition anticipates ‹aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set›
definition aezfun_setspan :: "'a set ⇒ ('b::zero,'a) aezfun set"
where "aezfun_setspan A = {x. supp (aezfun x) ⊆ A}"
lemma aezfun_setspanD : "x ∈ aezfun_setspan A ⟹ supp (aezfun x) ⊆ A"
unfolding aezfun_setspan_def by fast
lemma aezfun_setspanI : "supp (aezfun x) ⊆ A ⟹ x ∈ aezfun_setspan A"
unfolding aezfun_setspan_def by fast
lemma aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set :
assumes "finite A"
shows "∃as. distinct as ∧ set as = A ∧ (
∀x::('b::semiring_1,'a) aezfun ∈ aezfun_setspan A.
∃bs. length bs = length as ∧ x = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δδ a)
from assms aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set'[of A] obtain as
where as: "distinct as" "set as = A"
"∀f::'a ⇒ 'b. supp f ⊆ A
⟶ (∃bs. length bs = length as ∧ f = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δ a))"
by fast
have "⋀x::('b,'a) aezfun. x ∈ aezfun_setspan A ⟹
(∃bs. length bs = length as ∧ x = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δδ a))"
fix x::"('b,'a) aezfun" assume "x ∈ aezfun_setspan A"
with as(3) obtain bs
where bs: "length bs = length as" "aezfun x = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δ a)"
using aezfun_setspanD
by fast
have "⋀b a. (b,a) ∈ set (zip bs as) ⟹ b δ a = aezfun (b δδ a)"
fix b a assume "(b,a) ∈ set (zip bs as)"
show "b δ a = aezfun (b δδ a)" using aezdeltafun[of b a] by simp
with bs show "∃bs. length bs = length as ∧ x = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δδ a)"
using sum_list_prod_cong[of "zip bs as" deltafun "λb a. aezfun (b δδ a)"]
sum_list_prod_map_aezfun[of aezdeltafun "zip bs as"]
aezfun_transfer[of x]
by fastforce
with as(1,2) show ?thesis by fast
lemma aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set_decomp :
fixes G :: "'g::group_add set"
assumes "finite G"
shows "∃gs. distinct gs ∧ set gs = G ∧ (
∀x::('r::semiring_1,'g) aezfun ∈ aezfun_setspan G.
∃rs. length rs = length gs
∧ x = (∑(r,g)←zip rs gs. (r δδ 0) * (1 δδ g))
from aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set[OF assms] obtain gs
where gs: "distinct gs" "set gs = G"
"∀x::('r,'g) aezfun ∈ aezfun_setspan G.
∃rs. length rs = length gs
∧ x = (∑(r,g)←zip rs gs. r δδ g)"
by fast
have "⋀x::('r,'g) aezfun. x ∈ aezfun_setspan G
⟹ ∃rs. length rs = length gs
∧ x = (∑(r,g)←zip rs gs. (r δδ 0) * (1 δδ g))"
fix x::"('r,'g) aezfun" assume "x ∈ aezfun_setspan G"
with gs(3) obtain rs
where "length rs = length gs" "x = (∑(r,g)←zip rs gs. r δδ g)"
using aezfun_setspanD
by fast
thus "∃rs. length rs = length gs
∧ x = (∑(r,g)←zip rs gs. (r δδ 0) * (1 δδ g))"
using aezdeltafun_decomp sum_list_prod_cong[
of "zip rs gs" "λr g. r δδ g" "λr g. (r δδ 0) * (1 δδ g)"
by auto
with gs(1,2) show ?thesis by fast
lemma aezfun_decomp_aezdeltafun :
fixes c :: "('r::semiring_1,'a) aezfun"
shows "∃ras. set (map snd ras) = supp (aezfun c) ∧ c = (∑(r,a)←ras. r δδ a)"
from aezfun_finite_supp[of c] obtain as
where as: "set as = supp (aezfun c)"
"∀x::('r,'a) aezfun ∈ aezfun_setspan (supp (aezfun c)).
∃bs. length bs = length as
∧ x = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δδ a)"
using aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set[of "supp (aezfun c)"]
by fast
from as(2) obtain bs
where bs: "length bs = length as" "c = (∑(b,a)←zip bs as. b δδ a)"
using aezfun_setspanI[of c "supp (aezfun c)"]
by fast
from bs(1) as(1) have "set (map snd (zip bs as)) = supp (aezfun c)" by simp
with bs(2) show ?thesis by fast
lemma aezfun_setspan_el_decomp_aezdeltafun :
fixes c :: "('r::semiring_1,'a) aezfun"
shows "c ∈ aezfun_setspan A
⟹ ∃ras. set (map snd ras) ⊆ A ∧ c = (∑(r,a)←ras. r δδ a)"
using aezfun_setspanD aezfun_decomp_aezdeltafun
by fast
lemma aezdelta0fun_commutes' :
fixes b1 b2 :: "'b::comm_semiring_1"
shows "b1 δδ a * (b2 δδ 0) = b2 δδ 0 * (b1 δδ a)"
using times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of b1 a]
times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of b2 0 b1 a]
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma aezdelta0fun_commutes :
fixes b :: "'b::comm_semiring_1"
shows "c * (b δδ 0) = b δδ 0 * c"
from aezfun_decomp_aezdeltafun obtain ras
where c: "c = (∑(r,a)←ras. r δδ a)"
by fast
thus ?thesis
using sum_list_mult_const_prod[of "λr a. r δδ a" ras] aezdelta0fun_commutes'
sum_list_prod_cong[of ras "λr a. r δδ a * (b δδ 0)" "λr a. b δδ 0 * (r δδ a)"]
sum_list_const_mult_prod[of "b δδ 0" "λr a. r δδ a" ras]
by auto
text ‹
The following definition constrains the support of arbitrary almost-everywhere-zero functions, as
a sort of projection onto a ‹aezfun_setspan›.
definition aezfun_setspan_proj :: "'a set ⇒ ('b::zero,'a) aezfun ⇒ ('b::zero,'a) aezfun"
where "aezfun_setspan_proj A x ≡ Abs_aezfun ((aezfun x)↓A)"
lemma aezfun_setspan_projD1 :
"a ∈ A ⟹ aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A x) a = aezfun x a"
using aezfun_restrict_and_extend0[of A x] Abs_aezfun_inverse[of "(aezfun x)↓A"]
unfolding aezfun_setspan_proj_def
by simp
lemma aezfun_setspan_projD2 :
"a ∉ A ⟹ aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A x) a = 0"
using aezfun_restrict_and_extend0[of A x] Abs_aezfun_inverse[of "(aezfun x)↓A"]
unfolding aezfun_setspan_proj_def
by simp
lemma aezfun_setspan_proj_in_setspan :
"aezfun_setspan_proj A x ∈ aezfun_setspan A"
using aezfun_setspan_projD2[of _ A]
suppD_contra[of "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A x)"]
aezfun_setspanI[of "aezfun_setspan_proj A x" A]
by auto
lemma aezfun_setspan_proj_zero : "aezfun_setspan_proj A 0 = 0"
have "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A 0) = aezfun 0"
fix a show "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A 0) a = aezfun 0 a"
using aezfun_setspan_projD1[of a A 0] aezfun_setspan_projD2[of a A 0]
by (cases "a∈A") auto
thus ?thesis using aezfun_transfer by fast
lemma aezfun_setspan_proj_aezdeltafun :
"aezfun_setspan_proj A (b δδ a) = (if a ∈ A then b δδ a else 0)"
have "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A (b δδ a))
= aezfun (if a ∈ A then b δδ a else 0)"
fix x show "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A (b δδ a)) x
= aezfun (if a ∈ A then b δδ a else 0) x"
proof (cases "x ∈ A")
case True thus ?thesis
using aezfun_setspan_projD1[of x A "b δδ a"] aezdeltafun[of b a]
deltafun_apply_neq[of x]
by fastforce
case False
hence "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A (b δδ a)) x = 0"
using aezfun_setspan_projD2[of x A] by simp
moreover from False
have "a ∈ A ⟹ aezfun (if a ∈ A then b δδ a else 0) x = 0"
using aezdeltafun[of b a] deltafun_apply_neq[of x a b] by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
thus ?thesis using aezfun_transfer by fast
lemma aezfun_setspan_proj_add :
"aezfun_setspan_proj A (x+y)
= aezfun_setspan_proj A x + aezfun_setspan_proj A y"
have "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A (x+y))
= aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A x + aezfun_setspan_proj A y)"
fix a show "aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A (x+y)) a
= aezfun (aezfun_setspan_proj A x + aezfun_setspan_proj A y) a"
using aezfun_setspan_projD1[of a A "x+y"] aezfun_setspan_projD2[of a A "x+y"]
aezfun_setspan_projD1[of a A x] aezfun_setspan_projD1[of a A y]
aezfun_setspan_projD2[of a A x] aezfun_setspan_projD2[of a A y]
by (cases "a ∈ A") auto
thus ?thesis using aezfun_transfer by auto
lemma aezfun_setspan_proj_sum_list :
"aezfun_setspan_proj A (∑x←xs. f x) = (∑x←xs. aezfun_setspan_proj A (f x))"
proof (induct xs)
case Nil show ?case using aezfun_setspan_proj_zero by simp
case (Cons x xs) thus ?case using aezfun_setspan_proj_add[of A "f x"] by simp
lemma aezfun_setspan_proj_sum_list_prod :
"aezfun_setspan_proj A (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y)
= (∑(x,y)←xys. aezfun_setspan_proj A (f x y))"
using aezfun_setspan_proj_sum_list[of A "λxy. case_prod f xy"]
prod.case_distrib[of "aezfun_setspan_proj A" f]
by simp
subsection ‹Polynomials›
lemma nonzero_coeffs_nonzero_poly : "as ≠ [] ⟹ set as ≠ 0 ⟹ Poly as ≠ 0"
using coeffs_Poly[of as] strip_while_0_nnil[of as] by fastforce
lemma const_poly_nonzero_coeff :
assumes "degree p = 0" "p ≠ 0"
shows "coeff p 0 ≠ 0"
assume z: "coeff p 0 = 0"
have "⋀n. coeff p n = 0"
fix n from z assms show "coeff p n = 0"
using coeff_eq_0[of p] by (cases "n = 0") auto
with assms(2) show False using poly_eqI[of p 0] by simp
lemma pCons_induct2 [case_names 00 lpCons rpCons pCons2]:
assumes 00: "P 0 0"
and lpCons: "⋀a p. a ≠ 0 ∨ p ≠ 0 ⟹ P (pCons a p) 0"
and rpCons: "⋀b q. b ≠ 0 ∨ q ≠ 0 ⟹ P 0 (pCons b q)"
and pCons2: "⋀a p b q. a ≠ 0 ∨ p ≠ 0 ⟹ b ≠ 0 ∨ q ≠ 0 ⟹ P p q
⟹ P (pCons a p) (pCons b q)"
shows "P p q"
proof (induct p arbitrary: q)
case 0
show ?case
proof (cases q)
fix b q' assume "q = pCons b q'"
with 00 rpCons show ?thesis by (cases "b ≠ 0 ∨ q' ≠ 0") auto
case (pCons a p)
show ?case
proof (cases q)
fix b q' assume "q = pCons b q'"
with pCons lpCons pCons2 show ?thesis by (cases "b ≠ 0 ∨ q' ≠ 0") auto
subsection ‹Algebra of sets›
subsubsection ‹General facts›
lemma zeroset_eqI: "0 ∈ A ⟹ (⋀a. a ∈ A ⟹ a = 0) ⟹ A = 0"
by auto
lemma sum_list_sets_single : "(∑X←[A]. X) = A"
using add_0_right[of A] by simp
lemma sum_list_sets_double : "(∑X←[A,B]. X) = A + B"
using add_0_right[of B] by simp
subsubsection ‹Additive independence of sets›
primrec add_independentS :: "'a::monoid_add set list ⇒ bool"
where "add_independentS [] = True"
| "add_independentS (A#As) = ( add_independentS As
∧ (∀x∈(∑B←As. B). ∀a∈A. a + x = 0 ⟶ a = 0) )"
lemma add_independentS_doubleI:
assumes "⋀b a. b∈B ⟹ a∈A ⟹ a + b = 0 ⟹ a = 0"
shows "add_independentS [A,B]"
using assms sum_list_sets_single[of B] by simp
lemma add_independentS_doubleD:
assumes "add_independentS [A,B]"
shows "⋀b a. b∈B ⟹ a∈A ⟹ a + b = 0 ⟹ a = 0"
using assms sum_list_sets_single[of B] by simp
lemma add_independentS_double_iff :
"add_independentS [A,B] = (∀b∈B. ∀a∈A. a + b = 0 ⟶ a = 0 )"
using add_independentS_doubleI add_independentS_doubleD by fast
lemma add_independentS_Cons_conv_sum_right :
"add_independentS (A#As)
= (add_independentS [A,∑B←As. B] ∧ add_independentS As)"
using add_independentS_double_iff[of A] by auto
lemma add_independentS_double_sum_conv_append :
"⟦ ∀X∈set As. 0 ∈ X; add_independentS As; add_independentS Bs;
add_independentS [∑X←As. X, ∑X←Bs. X] ⟧
⟹ add_independentS (As@Bs)"
proof (induct As)
case (Cons A As)
have "add_independentS [∑X←As. X, ∑X←Bs. X]"
proof (rule add_independentS_doubleI)
fix b a assume ba: "b ∈ (∑X←Bs. X)" "a ∈ (∑X←As. X)" "a + b = 0"
from Cons(2) ba(2) have "a ∈ (∑X←A#As. X)"
using set_plus_intro[of 0 A a] by simp
with ba(1,3) Cons(5) show "a = 0"
using add_independentS_doubleD[of "∑X←A # As. X" "∑X←Bs. X" b a]
by simp
moreover have "⋀x a. ⟦ x ∈ (∑X←As@Bs. X); a ∈ A; a + x = 0 ⟧
⟹ a = 0"
fix x a assume x_a: "x ∈ (∑X←As@Bs. X)" "a ∈ A" "a + x = 0"
from x_a(1) obtain xa xb
where xa_xb: "x = xa + xb" "xa ∈ (∑X←As. X)" "xb ∈ (∑X←Bs. X)"
using set_plus_elim[of x "∑X←As. X"]
by auto
from x_a(2) xa_xb(2) have "a + xa ∈ A + (∑X←As. X)"
using set_plus_intro by auto
with Cons(3,5) xa_xb x_a(2,3) show "a = 0"
using add_independentS_doubleD[
of "∑X←A # As. X" "∑X←Bs. X" xb "a+xa"
add.assoc[of a] add_independentS_doubleD
by simp
ultimately show "add_independentS ((A#As)@Bs)" using Cons by simp
qed simp
lemma add_independentS_ConsI :
assumes "add_independentS As"
"⋀x a. ⟦ x∈(∑X←As. X); a ∈ A; a+x = 0 ⟧ ⟹ a = 0"
shows "add_independentS (A#As)"
using assms by simp
lemma add_independentS_append_reduce_right :
"add_independentS (As@Bs) ⟹ add_independentS Bs"
by (induct As) auto
lemma add_independentS_append_reduce_left :
"add_independentS (As@Bs) ⟹ 0 ∈ (∑X←Bs. X) ⟹ add_independentS As"
proof (induct As)
case (Cons A As) show "add_independentS (A#As)"
proof (rule add_independentS_ConsI)
from Cons show "add_independentS As" by simp
fix x a assume x: "x ∈ (∑X←As. X)" and a: "a ∈ A" and sum: "a+x = 0"
from x Cons(3) have "x + 0 ∈ (∑X←As. X) + (∑X←Bs. X)" by fast
with a sum Cons(2) show "a = 0" by simp
qed simp
lemma add_independentS_append_conv_double_sum :
"add_independentS (As@Bs) ⟹ add_independentS [∑X←As. X, ∑X←Bs. X]"
proof (induct As)
case (Cons A As)
show "add_independentS [∑X←(A#As). X, ∑X←Bs. X]"
proof (rule add_independentS_doubleI)
fix b x assume bx: "b ∈ (∑X←Bs. X)" "x ∈ (∑X←A # As. X)" "x + b = 0"
from bx(2) obtain a as
where a_as: "a ∈ A" "as ∈ listset As" "x = a + (∑z←as. z)"
using set_sum_list_element_Cons
by fast
from Cons(2) have "add_independentS [A,∑X←As@Bs. X]"
using add_independentS_Cons_conv_sum_right[of A "As@Bs"] by simp
moreover from a_as(2) bx(1)
have "(∑z←as. z) + b ∈ (∑X←(As@Bs). X)"
using sum_list_listset set_plus_intro
by auto
ultimately have "a = 0"
using a_as(1,3) bx(3) add_independentS_doubleD[of A _ _ a] add.assoc[of a]
by auto
with a_as(2,3) bx(1,3) Cons show "x = 0"
using sum_list_listset
add_independentS_doubleD[of "∑X←As. X" "∑X←Bs. X" b "∑z←as. z"]
by auto
qed simp
subsubsection ‹Inner direct sums›
definition inner_dirsum :: "'a::monoid_add set list ⇒ 'a set"
where "inner_dirsum As = (if add_independentS As then ∑A←As. A else 0)"
text‹Some syntactic sugar for ‹inner_dirsum›, borrowed from theory @{theory HOL.List}.›
"_inner_dirsum" :: "pttrn => 'a list => 'b => 'b"
("(3⨁_←_. _)" [0, 51, 10] 10)
"⨁M←Ms. b" == "CONST inner_dirsum (CONST map (%M. b) Ms)"
abbreviation inner_dirsum_double ::
"'a::monoid_add set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a set" (infixr "⊕" 70)
where "inner_dirsum_double A B ≡ inner_dirsum [A,B]"
lemma inner_dirsumI :
"M = (∑N←Ns. N) ⟹ add_independentS Ns ⟹ M = (⨁N←Ns. N)"
unfolding inner_dirsum_def by simp
lemma inner_dirsum_doubleI :
"M = A + B ⟹ add_independentS [A,B] ⟹ M = A ⊕ B"
using inner_dirsumI[of M "[A,B]"] sum_list_sets_double[of A] by simp
lemma inner_dirsumD :
"add_independentS Ms ⟹ (⨁M←Ms. M) = (∑M←Ms. M)"
unfolding inner_dirsum_def by simp
lemma inner_dirsumD2 : "¬ add_independentS Ms ⟹ (⨁M←Ms. M) = 0"
unfolding inner_dirsum_def by simp
lemma inner_dirsum_Nil : "(⨁A←[]. A) = 0"
unfolding inner_dirsum_def by simp
lemma inner_dirsum_singleD : "(⨁N←[M]. N) = M"
using inner_dirsumD[of "[M]"] sum_list_sets_single[of M] by simp
lemma inner_dirsum_doubleD : "add_independentS [M,N] ⟹ M ⊕ N = M + N"
using inner_dirsumD[of "[M,N]"] sum_list_sets_double[of M N] by simp
lemma inner_dirsum_Cons :
"add_independentS (A # As) ⟹ (⨁X←(A#As). X) = A ⊕ (⨁X←As. X)"
using inner_dirsumD[of "A#As"] add_independentS_Cons_conv_sum_right[of A]
inner_dirsum_doubleD[of A] inner_dirsumD[of As]
by simp
lemma inner_dirsum_append :
"add_independentS (As@Bs) ⟹ 0 ∈ (∑X←Bs. X)
⟹ (⨁X←(As@Bs). X) = (⨁X←As. X) ⊕ (⨁X←Bs. X)"
using inner_dirsumD[of "As@Bs"] add_independentS_append_reduce_left[of As]
inner_dirsumD[of As] inner_dirsumD[of Bs]
add_independentS_append_reduce_right[of As Bs]
add_independentS_append_conv_double_sum[of As]
inner_dirsum_doubleD[of "∑X←As. X"]
by simp
lemma inner_dirsum_double_left0: "0 ⊕ A = A"
using add_independentS_doubleD inner_dirsum_doubleI[of "0+A"] add_0_left[of A] by simp
lemma add_independentS_Cons_conv_dirsum_right :
"add_independentS (A#As) = (add_independentS [A,⨁B←As. B]
∧ add_independentS As)"
using add_independentS_Cons_conv_sum_right[of A As] inner_dirsumD by auto
lemma sum_list_listset_dirsum :
"add_independentS As ⟹ as ∈ listset As ⟹ sum_list as ∈ (⨁A←As. A)"
using inner_dirsumD sum_list_listset by fast
section ‹Groups›
subsection ‹Locales and basic facts›
subsubsection ‹Locale ‹Group› and finite variant ‹FinGroup››
text ‹
Define a ‹Group› to be a closed subset of @{term UNIV} for the ‹group_add› class.
locale Group =
fixes G :: "'g::group_add set"
assumes nonempty : "G ≠ {}"
and diff_closed: "⋀g h. g ∈ G ⟹ h ∈ G ⟹ g - h ∈ G"
lemma trivial_Group : "Group 0"
by unfold_locales auto
locale FinGroup = Group G
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
+ assumes finite: "finite G"
lemma (in FinGroup) Group : "Group G" by unfold_locales
lemma (in Group) FinGroupI : "finite G ⟹ FinGroup G" by unfold_locales
context Group
abbreviation Subgroup ::
"'g set ⇒ bool" where "Subgroup H ≡ Group H ∧ H ⊆ G"
lemma SubgroupD1 : "Subgroup H ⟹ Group H" by fast
lemma zero_closed : "0 ∈ G"
from nonempty obtain g where "g ∈ G" by fast
hence "g - g ∈ G" using diff_closed by fast
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma obtain_nonzero: assumes "G ≠ 0" obtains g where "g ∈ G" and "g ≠ 0"
using assms zero_closed by auto
lemma zeroS_closed : "0 ⊆ G"
using zero_closed by simp
lemma neg_closed : "g ∈ G ⟹ -g ∈ G"
using zero_closed diff_closed[of 0 g] by simp
lemma add_closed : "g ∈ G ⟹ h ∈ G ⟹ g + h ∈ G"
using neg_closed[of h] diff_closed[of g "-h"] by simp
lemma neg_add_closed : "g ∈ G ⟹ h ∈ G ⟹ -g + h ∈ G"
using neg_closed add_closed by fast
lemma sum_list_closed : "set (map f as) ⊆ G ⟹ (∑a←as. f a) ∈ G"
using zero_closed add_closed by (induct as) auto
lemma sum_list_closed_prod :
"set (map (case_prod f) xys) ⊆ G ⟹ (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) ∈ G"
using sum_list_closed by fast
lemma set_plus_closed : "A ⊆ G ⟹ B ⊆ G ⟹ A + B ⊆ G"
using set_plus_def[of A B] add_closed by force
lemma zip_add_closed :
"set as ⊆ G ⟹ set bs ⊆ G ⟹ set [a + b. (a,b)←zip as bs] ⊆ G"
using add_closed by (induct as bs rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma list_diff_closed :
"set gs ⊆ G ⟹ set hs ⊆ G ⟹ set [x-y. (x,y)←zip gs hs] ⊆ G"
using diff_closed by (induct gs hs rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma add_closed_converse_right : "g+x ∈ G ⟹ g ∈ G ⟹ x ∈ G"
using neg_add_closed add.assoc[of "-g" g x] by fastforce
lemma add_closed_inverse_right : "x ∉ G ⟹ g ∈ G ⟹ g+x ∉ G"
using add_closed_converse_right by fast
lemma add_closed_converse_left : "g+x ∈ G ⟹ x ∈ G ⟹ g ∈ G"
using diff_closed add.assoc[of g] by fastforce
lemma add_closed_inverse_left : "g ∉ G ⟹ x ∈ G ⟹ g+x ∉ G"
using add_closed_converse_left by fast
lemma right_translate_bij :
assumes "g ∈ G"
shows "bij_betw (λx. x + g) G G"
unfolding bij_betw_def proof
show "inj_on (λx. x + g) G" by (rule inj_onI) simp
show "(λx. x + g) ` G = G"
show "(λx. x + g) ` G ⊆ G" using assms add_closed by fast
show "(λx. x + g) ` G ⊇ G"
fix x assume "x ∈ G"
with assms have "x - g ∈ G" "x = (λx. x + g) (x - g)"
using diff_closed diff_add_cancel[of x] by auto
thus "x ∈ (λx. x + g) ` G" by fast
lemma right_translate_sum : "g ∈ G ⟹ (∑h∈G. f h) = (∑h∈G. f (h + g))"
using right_translate_bij[of g] bij_betw_def[of "λh. h + g"]
sum.reindex[of "λh. h + g" G]
by simp
subsubsection ‹Abelian variant locale ‹AbGroup››
locale AbGroup = Group G
for G :: "'g::ab_group_add set"
lemmas nonempty = nonempty
lemmas zero_closed = zero_closed
lemmas diff_closed = diff_closed
lemmas add_closed = add_closed
lemmas neg_closed = neg_closed
lemma sum_closed : "finite A ⟹ f ` A ⊆ G ⟹ (∑a∈A. f a) ∈ G"
proof (induct set: finite)
case empty show ?case using zero_closed by simp
case (insert a A) thus ?case using add_closed by simp
lemma subset_plus_right : "A ⊆ G + A"
using zero_closed set_zero_plus2 by fast
lemma subset_plus_left : "A ⊆ A + G"
using subset_plus_right add.commute by fast
subsection ‹Right cosets›
context Group
definition rcoset_rel :: "'g set ⇒ ('g×'g) set"
where "rcoset_rel H ≡ {(g,g'). g ∈ G ∧ g' ∈ G ∧ g - g' ∈ H}"
lemma (in Group) rcosets :
assumes subgrp: "Subgroup H" and g: "g ∈ G"
shows "(rcoset_rel H)``{g} = H + {g}"
proof (rule seteqI)
fix x assume "x ∈ (rcoset_rel H)``{g}"
hence "x ∈ G" "g - x ∈ H" using rcoset_rel_def by auto
with subgrp have "x - g ∈ H"
using Group.neg_closed minus_diff_eq[of g x] by fastforce
from this obtain h where h: "h ∈ H" "x - g = h" by fast
from h(2) have "x = h + g" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with h(1) show "x ∈ H + {g}" using set_plus_def by fast
fix x assume "x ∈ H + {g}"
from this obtain h where h: "h ∈ H" "x = h + g" unfolding set_plus_def by fast
with subgrp g have 1: "x ∈ G" using add_closed by fast
from h(2) have "x - g = h" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with subgrp h(1) have "g - x ∈ H" using Group.neg_closed by fastforce
with g 1 show "x ∈ (rcoset_rel H)``{g}" using rcoset_rel_def by fast
lemma rcoset_equiv :
assumes "Subgroup H"
shows "equiv G (rcoset_rel H)"
proof (rule equivI)
show "refl_on G (rcoset_rel H)"
proof (rule refl_onI)
show "(rcoset_rel H) ⊆ G × G" using rcoset_rel_def by auto
fix x assume "x ∈ G"
with assms show "(x,x) ∈ (rcoset_rel H)"
using rcoset_rel_def Group.zero_closed by auto
show "sym (rcoset_rel H)"
proof (rule symI)
fix a b assume "(a,b) ∈ (rcoset_rel H)"
with assms show "(b,a) ∈ (rcoset_rel H)"
using rcoset_rel_def Group.neg_closed[of H "a - b"] minus_diff_eq by simp
show "trans (rcoset_rel H)"
proof (rule transI)
fix x y z assume "(x,y) ∈ (rcoset_rel H)" "(y,z) ∈ (rcoset_rel H)"
with assms show "(x,z) ∈ (rcoset_rel H)"
using rcoset_rel_def Group.add_closed[of H "x - y" "y - z"]
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma rcoset0 : "Subgroup H ⟹ (rcoset_rel H)``{0} = H"
using zero_closed rcosets unfolding set_plus_def by simp
definition is_rcoset_replist :: "'g set ⇒ 'g list ⇒ bool"
where "is_rcoset_replist H gs
≡ set gs ⊆ G ∧ distinct (map (λg. (rcoset_rel H)``{g}) gs)
∧ G = (⋃g∈set gs. (rcoset_rel H)``{g})"
lemma is_rcoset_replistD_set : "is_rcoset_replist H gs ⟹ set gs ⊆ G"
unfolding is_rcoset_replist_def by fast
lemma is_rcoset_replistD_distinct :
"is_rcoset_replist H gs ⟹ distinct (map (λg. (rcoset_rel H)``{g}) gs)"
unfolding is_rcoset_replist_def by fast
lemma is_rcoset_replistD_cosets :
"is_rcoset_replist H gs ⟹ G = (⋃g∈set gs. (rcoset_rel H)``{g})"
unfolding is_rcoset_replist_def by fast
lemma group_eq_subgrp_rcoset_un :
"Subgroup H ⟹ is_rcoset_replist H gs ⟹ G = (⋃g∈set gs. H + {g})"
using is_rcoset_replistD_set is_rcoset_replistD_cosets rcosets
by (auto, smt UN_E subsetCE, blast)
lemma is_rcoset_replist_imp_nrelated_nth :
assumes "Subgroup H" "is_rcoset_replist H gs"
shows "⋀i j. i < length gs ⟹ j < length gs ⟹ i ≠ j ⟹ gs!i - gs!j ∉ H"
fix i j assume ij: "i < length gs" "j < length gs" "i≠j" "gs!i - gs!j ∈ H"
from assms(2) ij(1,2,4) have "(gs!i,gs!j) ∈ rcoset_rel H"
using set_conv_nth is_rcoset_replistD_set rcoset_rel_def by fastforce
with assms(1) ij(1,2)
have "(map (λg. (rcoset_rel H)``{g}) gs)!i
= (map (λg. (rcoset_rel H)``{g}) gs)!j"
using rcoset_equiv equiv_class_eq
by fastforce
with assms(2) ij(1-3) show False
using is_rcoset_replistD_distinct distinct_conv_nth[
of "map (λg. (rcoset_rel H)``{g}) gs"
by auto
lemma is_rcoset_replist_Cons :
"is_rcoset_replist H (g#gs) ⟷
g ∈ G ∧ set gs ⊆ G
∧ (rcoset_rel H)``{g} ∉ set (map (λx. (rcoset_rel H)``{x}) gs)
∧ distinct (map (λx. (rcoset_rel H)``{x}) gs)
∧ G = (rcoset_rel H)``{g} ∪ (⋃x∈set gs. (rcoset_rel H)``{x})"
using is_rcoset_replist_def[of H "g#gs"] by auto
lemma rcoset_replist_Hrep :
assumes "Subgroup H" "is_rcoset_replist H gs"
shows "∃g∈set gs. g ∈ H"
from assms(2) obtain g where g: "g ∈ set gs" "0 ∈ (rcoset_rel H)``{g}"
using zero_closed is_rcoset_replistD_cosets by fast
from assms(1) g(2) have "g ∈ (rcoset_rel H)``{0}"
using rcoset_equiv equivE sym_def[of "rcoset_rel H"] by force
with assms(1) g show "∃g∈set gs. g ∈ H" using rcoset0 by fast
lemma rcoset_replist_reorder :
"is_rcoset_replist H (gs @ g # gs') ⟹ is_rcoset_replist H (g # gs @ gs')"
using is_rcoset_replist_def by auto
lemma rcoset_replist_replacehd :
assumes "Subgroup H" "g' ∈ (rcoset_rel H)``{g}" "is_rcoset_replist H (g # gs)"
shows "is_rcoset_replist H (g' # gs)"
from assms(2) have "g' ∈ G" using rcoset_rel_def by simp
moreover from assms(3) have "set gs ⊆ G"
using is_rcoset_replistD_set by fastforce
moreover from assms(1-3)
have "(rcoset_rel H)``{g'} ∉ set (map (λx. (rcoset_rel H)``{x}) gs)"
using set_conv_nth[of gs] rcoset_equiv equiv_class_eq_iff[of G] is_rcoset_replistD_distinct
by fastforce
moreover from assms(3) have "distinct (map (λg. (rcoset_rel H)``{g}) gs)"
using is_rcoset_replistD_distinct by fastforce
moreover from assms(1-3)
have "G = (rcoset_rel H)``{g'} ∪ (⋃x∈set gs. (rcoset_rel H)``{x})"
using is_rcoset_replistD_cosets[of H "g#gs"] rcoset_equiv equiv_class_eq_iff[of G]
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using is_rcoset_replist_Cons by auto
lemma (in FinGroup) ex_rcoset_replist :
assumes "Subgroup H"
shows "∃gs. is_rcoset_replist H gs"
define r where "r = rcoset_rel H"
hence equiv_r: "equiv G r" using rcoset_equiv[OF assms] by fast
have "∀x∈G//r. ∃g. g ∈ x"
fix x assume "x ∈ G//r"
from this obtain g where g: "g ∈ G" "x = r``{g}"
using quotient_def[of G r] by auto
hence "g ∈ x" using equiv_r equivE[of G r] refl_onD[of G r] by auto
thus "∃g. g ∈ x" by fast
from this obtain f where f: "∀x∈G//r. f x ∈ x" using bchoice by force
from r_def have "r ⊆ G × G" using rcoset_rel_def by auto
with finite have "finite (f`(G//r))" using finite_quotient by auto
from this obtain gs where gs: "distinct gs" "set gs = f`(G//r)"
using finite_distinct_list by force
have 1: "set gs ⊆ G"
fix g assume "g ∈ set gs"
with gs(2) obtain x where x: "x ∈ G//r" "g = f x" by fast
with f show "g ∈ G" using equiv_r Union_quotient by fast
moreover have "distinct (map (λg. r``{g}) gs)"
have "⋀i j. ⟦ i < length (map (λg. r``{g}) gs);
j < length (map (λg. r``{g}) gs); i ≠ j ⟧
⟹ (map (λg. r``{g}) gs)!i ≠ (map (λg. r``{g}) gs)!j"
fix i j assume ij:
"i < length (map (λg. r``{g}) gs)"
"j< length (map (λg. r``{g}) gs)"
"i ≠ j"
"(map (λg. r``{g}) gs)!i = (map (λg. r``{g}) gs)!j"
from ij(1,2) have "gs!i ∈ set gs" "gs!j ∈ set gs" using set_conv_nth by auto
from this gs(2) obtain x y
where x: "x ∈ G//r" "gs!i = f x" and y: "y ∈ G//r" "gs!j = f y"
by auto
have "x = y"
using equiv_r x(1) y(1)
proof (rule quotient_eqI[of G r])
from ij(1,2,4) have "r``{gs!i} = r``{gs!j}" by simp
with ij(1,2) 1 show "(gs!i,gs!j) ∈ r"
using eq_equiv_class_iff[OF equiv_r] by force
from x y f show "gs!i ∈ x" "gs!j ∈ y" by auto
with x(2) y(2) ij(1-3) gs(1) show False using distinct_conv_nth by fastforce
thus ?thesis using distinct_conv_nth by fast
moreover have "G = (⋃g∈set gs. r``{g})"
proof (rule subset_antisym, rule subsetI)
fix g assume "g ∈ G"
hence rg: "r``{g} ∈ G//r" using quotientI by fast
with gs(2) obtain g' where g': "g' ∈ set gs" "g' = f (r``{g})" by fast
from f g'(2) rg have "g ∈ r``{g'}" using equiv_r equivE sym_def[of r] by force
with g'(1) show "g ∈ (⋃g∈set gs. r``{g})" by fast
from r_def show "G ⊇ (⋃g∈set gs. r``{g})" using rcoset_rel_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using r_def unfolding is_rcoset_replist_def by fastforce
lemma (in FinGroup) ex_rcoset_replist_hd0 :
assumes "Subgroup H"
shows "∃gs. is_rcoset_replist H (0#gs)"
from assms obtain xs where xs: "is_rcoset_replist H xs"
using ex_rcoset_replist by fast
with assms obtain x where x: "x ∈ set xs" "x ∈ H"
using rcoset_replist_Hrep by fast
from x(2) have "(0,x) ∈ rcoset_rel H" using rcoset0[OF assms] by auto
moreover have "sym (rcoset_rel H)"
using rcoset_equiv[OF assms] equivE[of G "rcoset_rel H"] by simp
ultimately have "0 ∈ (rcoset_rel H)``{x}" using sym_def by fast
with x(1) xs assms show "∃gs. is_rcoset_replist H (0#gs)"
using split_list rcoset_replist_reorder rcoset_replist_replacehd by fast
subsection ‹Group homomorphisms›
subsubsection ‹Preliminaries›
definition ker :: "('a⇒'b::zero) ⇒ 'a set"
where "ker f = {a. f a = 0}"
lemma kerI : "f a = 0 ⟹ a ∈ ker f"
unfolding ker_def by fast
lemma kerD : "a ∈ ker f ⟹ f a = 0"
unfolding ker_def by fast
lemma ker_im_iff : "(A ≠ {} ∧ A ⊆ ker f) = (f ` A = 0)"
assume A: "A ≠ {} ∧ A ⊆ ker f"
show "f ` A = 0"
proof (rule zeroset_eqI)
from A obtain a where a: "a ∈ A" by fast
with A have "f a = 0" using kerD by fastforce
from this[THEN sym] a show "0 ∈ f ` A" by fast
fix b assume "b ∈ f ` A"
from this obtain a where "a ∈ A" "b = f a" by fast
with A show "b = 0" using kerD by fast
assume fA: "f ` A = 0"
have "A ≠ {}"
from fA obtain a where "a ∈ A" "f a = 0" by force
thus ?thesis by fast
moreover have "A ⊆ ker f"
fix a assume "a ∈ A"
with fA have "f a = 0" by auto
thus "a ∈ ker f" using kerI by fast
ultimately show "A ≠ {} ∧ A ⊆ ker f" by fast
subsubsection ‹Locales›
text ‹The ‹supp› condition is not strictly necessary, but helps with equality
and uniqueness arguments.›
locale GroupHom = Group G
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
+ fixes T :: "'g ⇒ 'h::group_add"
assumes hom : "⋀g g'. g ∈ G ⟹ g' ∈ G ⟹ T (g + g') = T g + T g'"
and supp: "supp T ⊆ G"
abbreviation (in GroupHom) "Ker ≡ ker T ∩ G"
abbreviation (in GroupHom) "ImG ≡ T ` G"
locale GroupEnd = GroupHom G T
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
and T :: "'g ⇒ 'g"
+ assumes endomorph: "ImG ⊆ G"
locale GroupIso = GroupHom G T
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
and T :: "'g ⇒ 'h::group_add"
+ fixes H :: "'h set"
assumes bijective: "bij_betw T G H"
subsubsection ‹Basic facts›
lemma (in Group) trivial_GroupHom : "GroupHom G (0::('g⇒'h::group_add))"
fix g g'
define z z_map where "z = (0::'h)" and "z_map = (0::'g⇒'h)"
thus "z_map (g + g') = z_map g + z_map g'" by simp
qed (rule supp_zerofun_subset_any)
lemma (in Group) GroupHom_idhom : "GroupHom G (id↓G)"
using add_closed supp_restrict0 by unfold_locales simp
context GroupHom
lemma im_zero : "T 0 = 0"
using zero_closed hom[of 0 0] add_diff_cancel[of "T 0" "T 0"] by simp
lemma zero_in_Ker : "0 ∈ Ker"
using im_zero kerI zero_closed by fast
lemma comp_zero : "T ∘ 0 = 0"
using im_zero by auto
lemma im_neg : "T (- g) = - T g"
using im_zero hom[of g "- g"] neg_closed[of g] minus_unique[of "T g"]
neg_closed[of "-g"] supp suppI_contra[of g T] suppI_contra[of "-g" T]
by fastforce
lemma im_diff : "g ∈ G ⟹ g' ∈ G ⟹ T (g - g') = T g - T g'"
using hom neg_closed hom[of g "-g'"] im_neg by simp
lemma eq_im_imp_diff_in_Ker : "⟦ g ∈ G; h ∈ G; T g = T h ⟧ ⟹ g - h ∈ Ker"
using im_diff kerI diff_closed[of g h] by force
lemma im_sum_list_prod :
"set (map (case_prod f) xys) ⊆ G
⟹ T (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) = (∑(x,y)←xys. T (f x y))"
proof (induct xys)
case Nil
show ?case using im_zero by simp
case (Cons xy xys)
define Tf where "Tf = T ∘ (case_prod f)"
have "T (∑(x,y)←(xy#xys). f x y) = T ( (case_prod f) xy + (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) )"
by simp
moreover from Cons(2) have "(case_prod f) xy ∈ G" "set (map (case_prod f) xys) ⊆ G"
by auto
ultimately have "T (∑(x,y)←(xy#xys). f x y) = Tf xy + (∑(x,y)←xys. Tf (x,y))"
using Tf_def sum_list_closed[of "case_prod f"] hom Cons by auto
also have "… = (∑(x,y)←(xy#xys). Tf (x,y))" by simp
finally show ?case using Tf_def by simp
lemma distrib_comp_sum_left :
"range S ⊆ G ⟹ range S' ⊆ G ⟹ T ∘ (S + S') = (T ∘ S) + (T ∘ S')"
using hom by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma Ker_Im_iff : "(Ker = G) = (ImG = 0)"
using nonempty ker_im_iff[of G T] by fast
lemma Ker0_imp_inj_on :
assumes "Ker ⊆ 0"
shows "inj_on T G"
proof (rule inj_onI)
fix x y assume xy: "x ∈ G" "y ∈ G" "T x = T y"
hence "T (x - y) = 0" using im_diff by simp
with xy(1,2) have "x - y ∈ Ker" using diff_closed kerI by fast
with assms show "x = y" using zero_in_Ker by auto
lemma inj_on_imp_Ker0 :
assumes "inj_on T G"
shows "Ker = 0"
using zero_in_Ker kerD zero_closed im_zero inj_onD[OF assms]
by fastforce
lemma nonzero_Ker_el_imp_n_inj :
"g ∈ G ⟹ g ≠ 0 ⟹ T g = 0 ⟹ ¬ inj_on T G"
using inj_on_imp_Ker0 kerI[of T] by auto
lemma Group_Ker : "Group Ker"
show "Ker ≠ {}" using zero_in_Ker by fast
fix g h assume "g ∈ Ker" "h ∈ Ker" thus "g - h ∈ Ker"
using im_diff kerD[of g T] kerD[of h T] diff_closed kerI[of T] by auto
lemma Group_Im : "Group ImG"
show "ImG ≠ {}" using nonempty by fast
fix g' h' assume "g' ∈ ImG" "h' ∈ ImG"
from this obtain g h where gh: "g ∈ G" "g' = T g" "h ∈ G" "h' = T h" by fast
thus "g' - h' ∈ ImG" using im_diff diff_closed by force
lemma GroupHom_restrict0_subgroup :
assumes "Subgroup H"
shows "GroupHom H (T ↓ H)"
proof (intro_locales, rule SubgroupD1[OF assms], unfold_locales)
show "supp (T ↓ H) ⊆ H" using supp_restrict0 by fast
fix h h' assume hh': "h ∈ H" "h' ∈ H"
with assms show "(T ↓ H) (h + h') = (T ↓ H) h + (T ↓ H) h'"
using Group.add_closed hom[of h h'] by auto
lemma im_subgroup :
assumes "Subgroup H"
shows "Group.Subgroup ImG (T ` H)"
from assms have "Group ((T ↓ H) ` H)"
using GroupHom_restrict0_subgroup GroupHom.Group_Im by fast
moreover have "(T ↓ H) ` H = T ` H" by auto
ultimately show "Group (T ` H)" by simp
from assms show "T ` H ⊆ ImG" by fast
lemma GroupHom_composite_left :
assumes "ImG ⊆ H" "GroupHom H S"
shows "GroupHom G (S ∘ T)"
fix g g' assume "g ∈ G" "g' ∈ G"
with hom assms(1) show "(S ∘ T) (g + g') = (S ∘ T) g + (S ∘ T) g'"
using GroupHom.hom[OF assms(2)] by fastforce
from supp have "⋀g. g ∉ G ⟹ (S ∘ T) g = 0"
using suppI_contra GroupHom.im_zero[OF assms(2)] by fastforce
thus "supp (S ∘ T) ⊆ G" using suppD_contra by fast
lemma idhom_left : "T ` G ⊆ H ⟹ (id↓H) ∘ T = T"
using supp suppI_contra by fastforce
subsubsection ‹Basic facts about endomorphisms›
context GroupEnd
lemmas hom = hom
lemma range : "range T ⊆ G"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
fix x show "T x ∈ G"
proof (cases "x ∈ G")
case True with endomorph show ?thesis by fast
case False with supp show ?thesis using suppI_contra zero_closed by fastforce
lemma proj_decomp :
assumes "⋀g. g ∈ G ⟹ T (T g) = T g"
shows "G = Ker ⊕ ImG"
proof (rule inner_dirsum_doubleI, rule subset_antisym, rule subsetI)
fix g assume g: "g ∈ G"
have "g = (g - T g) + T g" using diff_add_cancel[of g] by simp
moreover have "g - T g ∈ Ker"
from g endomorph assms have "T (g - T g) = 0" using im_diff by auto
thus "g - T g ∈ ker T" using kerI by fast
from g endomorph show "g - T g ∈ G" using diff_closed by fast
moreover from g have "T g ∈ ImG" by fast
ultimately show "g ∈ Ker + ImG"
using set_plus_intro[of "g - T g" Ker "T g"] by simp
from endomorph show "G ⊇ Ker + ImG" using set_plus_closed by simp
show "add_independentS [Ker,ImG]"
proof (rule add_independentS_doubleI)
fix g h assume gh: "h ∈ ImG" "g ∈ Ker" "g + h = 0"
from gh(1) obtain g' where "g' ∈ G" "h = T g'" by fast
with gh(2,3) endomorph assms have "h = 0"
using im_zero hom[of g "T g'"] kerD by fastforce
with gh(3) show "g = 0" by simp
subsubsection ‹Basic facts about isomorphisms›
context GroupIso
abbreviation "invT ≡ (the_inv_into G T) ↓ H"
lemma ImG : "ImG = H" using bijective bij_betw_imp_surj_on by fast
lemma GroupH : "Group H" using ImG Group_Im by fast
lemma invT_onto : "invT ` H = G"
using bijective bij_betw_imp_inj_on[of T] ImG the_inv_into_onto[of T] by force
lemma inj_on_invT : "inj_on invT H"
using bijective bij_betw_imp_inj_on[of T G] ImG inj_on_the_inv_into[of T]
unfolding inj_on_def
by force
lemma bijective_invT : "bij_betw invT H G"
using inj_on_invT invT_onto unfolding bij_betw_def by fast
lemma invT_into : "h ∈ H ⟹ invT h ∈ G"
using bijective bij_betw_imp_inj_on ImG the_inv_into_into[of T] by force
lemma T_invT : "h ∈ H ⟹ T (invT h) = h"
using bijective bij_betw_imp_inj_on ImG f_the_inv_into_f[of T] by force
lemma invT_eq: "g ∈ G ⟹ T g = h ⟹ invT h = g"
using bijective bij_betw_imp_inj_on ImG the_inv_into_f_eq[of T] by force
lemma inv : "GroupIso H invT G"
proof (intro_locales, rule GroupH, unfold_locales)
show "supp invT ⊆ H" using supp_restrict0 by fast
show "bij_betw invT H G" using bijective_invT by fast
fix h h' assume "h ∈ H" "h' ∈ H"
thus "invT (h + h') = invT h + invT h'"
using invT_into hom T_invT add_closed invT_eq by simp
subsubsection ‹Hom-sets›
definition GroupHomSet :: "'g::group_add set ⇒ 'h::group_add set ⇒ ('g ⇒ 'h) set"
where "GroupHomSet G H ≡ {T. GroupHom G T} ∩ {T. T ` G ⊆ H}"
lemma GroupHomSetI :
"GroupHom G T ⟹ T ` G ⊆ H ⟹ T ∈ GroupHomSet G H"
unfolding GroupHomSet_def by fast
lemma GroupHomSetD_GroupHom :
"T ∈ GroupHomSet G H ⟹ GroupHom G T"
unfolding GroupHomSet_def by fast
lemma GroupHomSetD_Im : "T ∈ GroupHomSet G H ⟹ T ` G ⊆ H"
unfolding GroupHomSet_def by fast
lemma (in Group) Group_GroupHomSet :
fixes H :: "'h::ab_group_add set"
assumes "AbGroup H"
shows "Group (GroupHomSet G H)"
show "GroupHomSet G H ≠ {}"
using trivial_GroupHom AbGroup.zero_closed[OF assms] GroupHomSetI
by fastforce
fix S T assume ST: "S ∈ GroupHomSet G H" "T ∈ GroupHomSet G H"
show "S - T ∈ GroupHomSet G H"
proof (rule GroupHomSetI, unfold_locales)
from ST show "supp (S - T) ⊆ G"
using GroupHomSetD_GroupHom[of S] GroupHomSetD_GroupHom[of T]
GroupHom.supp[of G S] GroupHom.supp[of G T]
supp_diff_subset_union_supp[of S T]
by auto
show "(S - T) ` G ⊆ H"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
fix g assume "g ∈ G"
with ST have "S g ∈ H" "T g ∈ H"
using GroupHomSetD_Im[of S G] GroupHomSetD_Im[of T G] by auto
thus "(S - T) g ∈ H" using AbGroup.diff_closed[OF assms] by simp
fix g g' assume "g ∈ G" "g' ∈ G"
with ST show "(S - T) (g + g') = (S - T) g + (S - T) g'"
using GroupHomSetD_GroupHom[of S] GroupHom.hom[of G S]
GroupHomSetD_GroupHom[of T] GroupHom.hom[of G T]
by simp
subsection ‹Facts about collections of groups›
lemma listset_Group_plus_closed :
"⟦ ∀G∈set Gs. Group G; as ∈ listset Gs; bs ∈ listset Gs⟧
⟹ [a+b. (a,b)←zip as bs] ∈ listset Gs"
have "⟦ length as = length bs; length bs = length Gs;
as ∈ listset Gs; bs ∈ listset Gs; ∀G∈set Gs. Group G⟧
⟹ [a+b. (a,b)←zip as bs] ∈ listset Gs"
proof (induct as bs Gs rule: list_induct3)
case (Cons a as b bs G Gs)
thus "[x+y. (x,y)←zip (a#as) (b#bs)] ∈ listset (G#Gs)"
using listset_ConsD[of a] listset_ConsD[of b] Group.add_closed
listset_ConsI[of "a+b" G]
by fastforce
qed simp
thus "⟦ ∀G∈set Gs. Group G; as ∈ listset Gs; bs ∈ listset Gs⟧
⟹ [a+b. (a,b)←zip as bs] ∈ listset Gs"
using listset_length[of as Gs] listset_length[of bs Gs, THEN sym] by fastforce
lemma AbGroup_set_plus :
assumes "AbGroup H" "AbGroup G"
shows "AbGroup (H + G)"
from assms show "H + G ≠ {}" using AbGroup.nonempty by blast
fix x y assume "x ∈ H + G" "y ∈ H + G"
from this obtain xh xg yh yg
where xy: "xh ∈ H" "xg ∈ G" "x = xh + xg" "yh ∈ H" "yg ∈ G" "y = yh + yg"
unfolding set_plus_def by fast
hence "x - y = (xh - yh) + (xg - yg)" by simp
thus "x - y ∈ H + G" using assms xy(1,2,4,5) AbGroup.diff_closed by auto
lemma AbGroup_sum_list :
"(∀G∈set Gs. AbGroup G) ⟹ AbGroup (∑G←Gs. G)"
using trivial_Group AbGroup.intro AbGroup_set_plus
by (induct Gs) auto
lemma AbGroup_subset_sum_list :
"∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G ⟹ H ∈ set Gs ⟹ H ⊆ (∑G←Gs. G)"
proof (induct Gs arbitrary: H)
case (Cons G Gs)
show "H ⊆ (∑X←(G#Gs). X)"
proof (cases "H = G")
case True with Cons(2) show ?thesis
using AbGroup_sum_list AbGroup.subset_plus_left by auto
case False
with Cons have "H ⊆ (∑G←Gs. G)" by simp
with Cons(2) show ?thesis using AbGroup.subset_plus_right by auto
qed simp
lemma independent_AbGroups_pairwise_int0 :
"⟦ ∀G∈set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; G ∈ set Gs; G' ∈ set Gs;
G ≠ G' ⟧ ⟹ G ∩ G' = 0"
proof (induct Gs arbitrary: G G')
case (Cons H Hs)
from Cons(1-3) have "⋀A B. ⟦ A ∈ set Hs; B ∈ set Hs; A ≠ B ⟧
⟹ A ∩ B ⊆ 0"
by simp
moreover have "⋀A. A ∈ set Hs ⟹ A ≠ H ⟹ A ∩ H ⊆ 0"
fix A g assume A: "A ∈ set Hs" "A ≠ H" and g: "g ∈ A ∩ H"
from A(1) g Cons(2) have "-g ∈ (∑X←Hs. X)"
using AbGroup.neg_closed AbGroup_subset_sum_list by force
moreover have "g + (-g) = 0" by simp
ultimately show "g ∈ 0" using g Cons(3) by simp
ultimately have "⋀A B. ⟦ A ∈ set (H#Hs); B ∈ set (H#Hs); A ≠ B ⟧
⟹ A ∩ B ⊆ 0"
by auto
with Cons(4-6) have "G ∩ G' ⊆ 0" by fast
moreover from Cons(2,4,5) have "0 ⊆ G ∩ G'"
using AbGroup.zero_closed by auto
ultimately show ?case by fast
qed simp
lemma independent_AbGroups_pairwise_int0_double :
assumes "AbGroup G" "AbGroup G'" "add_independentS [G,G']"
shows "G ∩ G' = 0"
proof (cases "G = 0")
case True with assms(2) show ?thesis using AbGroup.zero_closed by auto
case False show ?thesis
proof (rule independent_AbGroups_pairwise_int0)
from assms(1,2) show "∀G∈set [G,G']. AbGroup G" by simp
from assms(3) show "add_independentS [G,G']" by fast
show "G ∈ set [G,G']" "G' ∈ set [G,G']" by auto
show "G ≠ G'"
assume GG': "G = G'"
from False assms(1) obtain g where g: "g ∈ G" "g ≠ 0"
using AbGroup.nonempty by auto
moreover from assms(2) GG' g(1) have "-g ∈ G'"
using AbGroup.neg_closed by fast
moreover have "g + (-g) = 0" by simp
ultimately show False using assms(3) by force
subsection ‹Inner direct sums of Abelian groups›
subsubsection ‹General facts›
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum :
"∀G∈set Gs. AbGroup G ⟹ AbGroup (⨁G←Gs. G)"
using inner_dirsumD[of Gs] inner_dirsumD2[of Gs] AbGroup_sum_list AbGroup.intro
by (cases "add_independentS Gs") auto
lemma inner_dirsum_double_leftfull_imp_right0:
assumes "Group A" "B ≠ {}" "A = A ⊕ B"
shows "B = 0"
proof (cases "add_independentS [A,B]")
case True
with assms(3) have 1: "A = A + B" using inner_dirsum_doubleD by fast
have "⋀b. b ∈ B ⟹ b = 0"
fix b assume b: "b ∈ B"
from assms(1) obtain a where a: "a ∈ A" using Group.nonempty by fast
with b 1 have "a + b ∈ A" by fast
from this obtain a' where a': "a' ∈ A" "a + b = a'" by fast
hence "(-a'+a) + b = 0" by (simp add: add.assoc)
with assms(1) True a a'(1) b show "b = 0"
using Group.neg_add_closed[of A] add_independentS_doubleD[of A B b "-a'+a"]
by simp
with assms(2) show ?thesis by auto
case False
hence 1: "A ⊕ B = 0" unfolding inner_dirsum_def by auto
moreover with assms(3) have "A = 0" by fast
ultimately show ?thesis using inner_dirsum_double_left0 by auto
lemma AbGroup_subset_inner_dirsum :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; H ∈ set Gs ⟧
⟹ H ⊆ (⨁G←Gs. G)"
using AbGroup_subset_sum_list inner_dirsumD by fast
lemma AbGroup_nth_subset_inner_dirsum :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; n < length Gs ⟧
⟹ Gs!n ⊆ (⨁G←Gs. G)"
using AbGroup_subset_inner_dirsum by force
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_ex1_double :
assumes "AbGroup G" "AbGroup H" "add_independentS [G,H]" "x ∈ G ⊕ H"
shows "∃!gh. fst gh ∈ G ∧ snd gh ∈ H ∧ x = fst gh + snd gh"
proof (rule ex_ex1I)
from assms(3,4) obtain g h where "x = g + h" "g ∈ G" "h ∈ H"
using inner_dirsum_doubleD set_plus_elim by blast
from this have 1: "fst (g,h) ∈ G" "snd (g,h) ∈ H" "x = fst (g,h) + snd (g,h)"
by auto
thus "∃gh. fst gh ∈ G ∧ snd gh ∈ H ∧ x = fst gh + snd gh" by fast
fix gh gh' assume A:
"fst gh ∈ G ∧ snd gh ∈ H ∧ x = fst gh + snd gh "
"fst gh' ∈ G ∧ snd gh' ∈ H ∧ x = fst gh' + snd gh'"
show "gh = gh'"
from A assms(1,2) have "fst gh - fst gh' ∈ G" "snd gh - snd gh' ∈ H"
using AbGroup.diff_closed by auto
moreover from A have z: "(fst gh - fst gh') + (snd gh - snd gh') = 0"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
ultimately show "fst gh = fst gh'"
using assms(3)
add_independentS_doubleD[of G H "snd gh - snd gh'" "fst gh - fst gh'"]
by simp
with z show "snd gh = snd gh'" by simp
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_ex1 :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs ⟧
⟹ ∀x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G). ∃!gs∈listset Gs. x = sum_list gs"
proof (induct Gs)
case Nil
have "⋀x::'a. x ∈ (⨁H←[]. H) ⟹ ∃!gs∈listset []. x = sum_list gs"
fix x::'a assume "x ∈ (⨁G←[]. G)"
moreover define f :: "'a ⇒ 'a list" where "f x = []" for x
ultimately show "f x ∈ listset [] ∧ x = sum_list (f x)"
using inner_dirsum_Nil by auto
fix x::'a and gs
assume x: "x ∈ (⨁G←[]. G)"
and gs: "gs ∈ listset [] ∧ x = sum_list gs"
thus "gs = []" by simp
thus "∀x::'a ∈ (⨁H←[]. H). ∃!gs∈listset []. x = sum_list gs" by fast
case (Cons G Gs)
hence prevcase: "∀x∈(⨁H←Gs. H). ∃!gs∈listset Gs. x = sum_list gs" by auto
from Cons(2) have grps: "AbGroup G" "AbGroup (⨁H←Gs. H)"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum by auto
from Cons(3) have ind: "add_independentS [G, ⨁H←Gs. H]"
using add_independentS_Cons_conv_dirsum_right by fast
have "⋀x. x ∈ (⨁H←(G#Gs). H) ⟹ ∃!gs∈listset (G#Gs). x = sum_list gs"
proof (rule ex_ex1I)
fix x assume "x ∈ (⨁H←(G#Gs). H)"
with Cons(3) have "x ∈ G ⊕ (⨁H←Gs. H)"
using inner_dirsum_Cons by fast
with grps ind obtain gh
where gh: "fst gh ∈ G" "snd gh ∈ (⨁H←Gs. H)" "x = fst gh + snd gh"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_ex1_double
by blast
from gh(2) prevcase obtain gs where gs: "gs ∈ listset Gs" "snd gh = sum_list gs"
by fast
with gh(1) gs(1) have "fst gh # gs ∈ listset (G#Gs)"
using set_Cons_def by fastforce
moreover from gh(3) gs(2) have "x = sum_list (fst gh # gs)" by simp
ultimately show "∃gs. gs ∈ listset (G#Gs) ∧ x = sum_list gs" by fast
fix x gs hs
assume "x ∈ (⨁H←(G#Gs). H)"
and gs: "gs ∈ listset (G#Gs) ∧ x = sum_list gs"
and hs: "hs ∈ listset (G#Gs) ∧ x = sum_list hs"
hence "gs ∈ set_Cons G (listset Gs)" "hs ∈ set_Cons G (listset Gs)" by auto
from this obtain a as b bs
where a_as: "gs = a#as" "a∈G" "as ∈ listset Gs"
and b_bs: "hs = b#bs" "b∈G" "bs ∈ listset Gs"
unfolding set_Cons_def
by fast
from a_as(3) b_bs(3) Cons(3)
have as: "sum_list as ∈ (⨁H←Gs. H)" and bs: "sum_list bs ∈ (⨁H←Gs. H)"
using sum_list_listset_dirsum
by auto
with a_as(2) b_bs(2) grps
have "a - b ∈ G" "sum_list as - sum_list bs ∈ (⨁H←Gs. H)"
using AbGroup.diff_closed
by auto
moreover from gs hs a_as(1) b_bs(1)
have z: "(a - b) + (sum_list as - sum_list bs) = 0"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
ultimately have "a - b = 0" using ind add_independentS_doubleD by blast
with z have 1: "a = b" and z': "sum_list as = sum_list bs" by auto
from z' prevcase as a_as(3) bs b_bs(3) have 2: "as = bs" by fast
from 1 2 a_as(1) b_bs(1) show "gs = hs" by fast
thus "∀x∈(⨁H←(G#Gs). H). ∃!gs. gs ∈ listset (G#Gs) ∧ x = sum_list gs"
by fast
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_pairwise_int0 :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; G ∈ set Gs; G' ∈ set Gs;
G ≠ G' ⟧ ⟹ G ∩ G' = 0"
proof (induct Gs arbitrary: G G')
case (Cons H Hs)
from Cons(1-3) have "⋀A B. ⟦ A ∈ set Hs; B ∈ set Hs; A ≠ B ⟧
⟹ A ∩ B ⊆ 0"
by simp
moreover have "⋀A. A ∈ set Hs ⟹ A ≠ H ⟹ A ∩ H ⊆ 0"
fix A g assume A: "A ∈ set Hs" "A ≠ H" and g: "g ∈ A ∩ H"
from A(1) g Cons(2) have "-g ∈ (∑X←Hs. X)"
using AbGroup.neg_closed AbGroup_subset_sum_list by force
moreover have "g + (-g) = 0" by simp
ultimately show "g ∈ 0" using g Cons(3) by simp
ultimately have "⋀A B. ⟦ A ∈ set (H#Hs); B ∈ set (H#Hs); A ≠ B ⟧
⟹ A ∩ B ⊆ 0"
by auto
with Cons(4-6) have "G ∩ G' ⊆ 0" by fast
moreover from Cons(2,4,5) have "0 ⊆ G ∩ G'"
using AbGroup.zero_closed by auto
ultimately show ?case by fast
qed simp
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_pairwise_int0_double :
assumes "AbGroup G" "AbGroup G'" "add_independentS [G,G']"
shows "G ∩ G' = 0"
proof (cases "G = 0")
case True with assms(2) show ?thesis using AbGroup.zero_closed by auto
case False show ?thesis
proof (rule AbGroup_inner_dirsum_pairwise_int0)
from assms(1,2) show "∀G∈set [G,G']. AbGroup G" by simp
from assms(3) show "add_independentS [G,G']" by fast
show "G ∈ set [G,G']" "G' ∈ set [G,G']" by auto
show "G ≠ G'"
assume GG': "G = G'"
from False assms(1) obtain g where g: "g ∈ G" "g ≠ 0"
using AbGroup.nonempty by auto
moreover from assms(2) GG' g(1) have "-g ∈ G'"
using AbGroup.neg_closed by fast
moreover have "g + (-g) = 0" by simp
ultimately show False using assms(3) by force
subsubsection ‹Element decomposition and projection›
definition inner_dirsum_el_decomp ::
"'g::ab_group_add set list ⇒ ('g ⇒ 'g list)" ("⨁_←")
where "⨁Gs← = (λx. if x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G)
then THE gs. gs ∈ listset Gs ∧ x = sum_list gs else [])"
abbreviation inner_dirsum_el_decomp_double ::
"'g::ab_group_add set ⇒ 'g set ⇒ ('g ⇒ 'g list)" ("_⊕_←") where "G⊕H← ≡ ⨁[G,H]←"
abbreviation inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth ::
"'g::ab_group_add set list ⇒ nat ⇒ ('g ⇒ 'g)" ("⨁_↓_")
where "⨁Gs↓n ≡ restrict0 (λx. (⨁Gs←x)!n) (⨁G←Gs. G)"
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decompI :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G) ⟧
⟹ (⨁Gs←x) ∈ listset Gs ∧ x = sum_list (⨁Gs←x)"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_ex1 theI'[
of "λgs. gs ∈ listset Gs ∧ x = sum_list gs"
unfolding inner_dirsum_el_decomp_def
by fastforce
lemma (in AbGroup) abSubgroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_set :
"⟦ ∀H ∈ set Hs. Subgroup H; add_independentS Hs; x ∈ (⨁H←Hs. H) ⟧
⟹ set (⨁Hs←x) ⊆ G"
using AbGroup.intro AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decompI[of Hs x]
set_listset_el_subset[of "(⨁Hs←x)" Hs G]
by fast
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_eq :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G);
gs ∈ listset Gs; x = sum_list gs ⟧ ⟹ (⨁Gs←x) = gs"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_ex1[of Gs]
inner_dirsum_el_decomp_def[of Gs]
by force
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_plus :
assumes "∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G" "add_independentS Gs" "x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G)"
"y ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G)"
shows "(⨁Gs←(x+y)) = [a+b. (a,b)←zip (⨁Gs←x) (⨁Gs←y)]"
define xs ys where "xs = (⨁Gs←x)" and "ys = (⨁Gs←y)"
with assms
have xy: "xs ∈ listset Gs" "x = sum_list xs" "ys ∈ listset Gs" "y = sum_list ys"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decompI
by auto
from assms(1) xy(1,3) have "[a+b. (a,b)←zip xs ys] ∈ listset Gs"
using AbGroup.axioms listset_Group_plus_closed by fast
moreover from xy have "x + y = sum_list [a+b. (a,b)←zip xs ys]"
using listset_length[of xs Gs] listset_length[of ys Gs, THEN sym] sum_list_plus
by simp
ultimately show "(⨁Gs←(x+y)) = [a+b. (a,b)←zip xs ys]"
using assms AbGroup_inner_dirsum AbGroup.add_closed
by fast
lemma AbGroup_length_inner_dirsum_el_decomp :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G) ⟧
⟹ length (⨁Gs←x) = length Gs"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decompI listset_length by fastforce
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_in_nth :
assumes "∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G" "add_independentS Gs" "n < length Gs"
"x ∈ Gs!n"
shows "(⨁Gs←x) = (replicate (length Gs) 0)[n := x]"
from assms have x: "x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G)"
using AbGroup_nth_subset_inner_dirsum by fast
define xgs where "xgs = (replicate (length Gs) (0::'a))[n := x]"
hence "length xgs = length Gs" by simp
moreover have "∀k<length xgs. xgs!k ∈ Gs!k"
have "⋀k. k < length xgs ⟹ xgs!k ∈ Gs!k"
fix k assume "k < length xgs"
with assms(1,4) xgs_def show "xgs!k ∈ Gs!k"
using AbGroup.zero_closed[of "Gs!k"] by (cases "k = n") auto
thus ?thesis by fast
ultimately have "xgs ∈ listset Gs" using listsetI_nth by fast
moreover from xgs_def assms(3) have "x = sum_list xgs"
using sum_list_update[of n "replicate (length Gs) 0" x] nth_replicate sum_list_replicate0
by simp
ultimately show "(⨁Gs←x) = xgs"
using assms(1,2) x xgs_def AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_eq by fast
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_in_nth :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; k < length Gs;
n < length Gs; x ∈ Gs!n ⟧ ⟹ (⨁Gs↓k) x = (if k = n then x else 0)"
using AbGroup_nth_subset_inner_dirsum
AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_in_nth[of Gs n x]
by auto
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_id_on_nth :
"⟦ ∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G; add_independentS Gs; n < length Gs; x ∈ Gs!n ⟧
⟹ (⨁Gs↓n) x = x"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_in_nth by fastforce
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_onto_nth :
assumes "∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G" "add_independentS Gs" "n < length Gs"
shows "(⨁Gs↓n) ` (⨁G←Gs. G) = Gs!n"
from assms show "(⨁Gs↓n) ` (⨁G←Gs. G) ⊇ Gs!n"
using AbGroup_nth_subset_inner_dirsum[of Gs n]
AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_id_on_nth[of Gs n]
by force
from assms show "(⨁Gs↓n) ` (⨁G←Gs. G) ⊆ Gs!n"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decompI listset_length listsetD_nth by fastforce
lemma AbGroup_inner_dirsum_subset_proj_eq_0 :
assumes "Gs ≠ []" "∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G" "add_independentS Gs"
"X ⊆ (⨁G←Gs. G)" "∀i < length Gs. (⨁Gs↓i) ` X = 0"
shows "X = 0"
have "X ⊆ 0"
fix x assume x: "x ∈ X"
with assms(2-4) have "x = (∑i=0..< length Gs. (⨁Gs↓i) x)"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decompI sum_list_sum_nth[of "(⨁Gs←x)"]
by fastforce
moreover from x assms(5) have "∀i<length Gs. (⨁Gs↓i) x = 0" by auto
ultimately show "x ∈ 0" by simp
moreover from assms(1,5) have "X ≠ {}" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma GroupEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth :
assumes "∀G ∈ set Gs. AbGroup G" "add_independentS Gs" "n < length Gs"
shows "GroupEnd (⨁G←Gs. G) (⨁Gs↓n)"
proof (intro_locales)
from assms(1) show grp: "Group (⨁G←Gs. G)"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum AbGroup.axioms by fast
show "GroupHom_axioms (⨁G←Gs. G) ⨁Gs↓n"
show "supp (⨁Gs↓n) ⊆ (⨁G←Gs. G)" using supp_restrict0 by fast
fix x y assume xy: "x ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G)" "y ∈ (⨁G←Gs. G)"
with assms(1,2) have "(⨁Gs←(x+y)) = [x+y. (x,y)←zip (⨁Gs←x) (⨁Gs←y)]"
using AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_plus by fast
hence "(⨁Gs←(x+y)) = map (case_prod (+)) (zip (⨁Gs←x) (⨁Gs←y))"
using concat_map_split_eq_map_split_zip by simp
moreover from assms xy
have "n < length (⨁Gs←x)" "n < length (⨁Gs←y)"
"n < length (zip (⨁Gs←x) (⨁Gs←y))"
using AbGroup_length_inner_dirsum_el_decomp[of Gs x]
AbGroup_length_inner_dirsum_el_decomp[of Gs y]
by auto
ultimately show "(⨁Gs↓n) (x + y) = (⨁Gs↓n) x + (⨁Gs↓n) y"
using xy assms(1) AbGroup_inner_dirsum
AbGroup.add_closed[of "⨁G←Gs. G"]
by auto
show "GroupEnd_axioms (⨁G←Gs. G) ⨁Gs↓n"
using assms AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_onto_nth AbGroup_nth_subset_inner_dirsum
by unfold_locales fast
subsection ‹Rings›
subsubsection ‹Preliminaries›
lemma (in ring_1) map_times_neg1_eq_map_uminus : "[(-1)*r. r←rs] = [-r. r←rs]"
using map_eq_conv by simp
subsubsection ‹Locale and basic facts›
text ‹Define a ‹Ring1› to be a multiplicatively closed additive subgroup of @{term UNIV} for
the ‹ring_1› class.›
locale Ring1 = Group R
for R :: "'r::ring_1 set"
+ assumes one_closed : "1 ∈ R"
and mult_closed: "⋀r s. r ∈ R ⟹ s ∈ R ⟹ r * s ∈ R"
lemma AbGroup : "AbGroup R"
using Ring1_axioms Ring1.axioms(1) AbGroup.intro by fast
lemmas zero_closed = zero_closed
lemmas add_closed = add_closed
lemmas neg_closed = neg_closed
lemmas diff_closed = diff_closed
lemmas zip_add_closed = zip_add_closed
lemmas sum_closed = AbGroup.sum_closed[OF AbGroup]
lemmas sum_list_closed = sum_list_closed
lemmas sum_list_closed_prod = sum_list_closed_prod
lemmas list_diff_closed = list_diff_closed
abbreviation Subring1 :: "'r set ⇒ bool" where "Subring1 S ≡ Ring1 S ∧ S ⊆ R"
lemma Subring1D1 : "Subring1 S ⟹ Ring1 S" by fast
lemma (in ring_1) full_Ring1 : "Ring1 UNIV"
by unfold_locales auto
subsection ‹The group ring›
subsubsection ‹Definition and basic facts›
text ‹
Realize the group ring as the set of almost-every-zero functions from group to ring. One can
recover the usual notion of group ring element by considering such a function to send group
elements to their coefficients. Here the codomain of such functions is not restricted to some
‹Ring1› subset since we will not be interested in having the ability to change the ring of
scalars for a group ring.
context Group
abbreviation group_ring :: "('a::zero, 'g) aezfun set"
where "group_ring ≡ aezfun_setspan G"
lemmas group_ringD = aezfun_setspan_def[of G]
lemma RG_one_closed : "(1::('r::zero_neq_one,'g) aezfun) ∈ group_ring"
have "supp (aezfun (1::('r,'g) aezfun)) ⊆ G"
using supp_aezfun1 zeroS_closed by fast
thus ?thesis using group_ringD by fast
lemma RG_zero_closed : "(0::('r::zero,'g) aezfun) ∈ group_ring"
have "aezfun (0::('r,'g) aezfun) = (0::'g⇒'r)" using zero_aezfun.rep_eq by fast
hence "supp (aezfun (0::('r,'g) aezfun)) = supp (0::'g⇒'r)" by simp
moreover have "supp (0::'g⇒'r) ⊆ G" using supp_zerofun_subset_any by fast
ultimately show ?thesis using group_ringD by fast
lemma RG_n0 : "group_ring ≠ (0::('r::zero_neq_one, 'g) aezfun set)"
using RG_one_closed zero_neq_one by force
lemma RG_mult_closed :
defines RG: "RG ≡ group_ring :: ('r::ring_1, 'g) aezfun set"
shows "x ∈ RG ⟹ y ∈ RG ⟹ x * y ∈ RG"
using RG supp_aezfun_times[of x y]
set_plus_closed[of "supp (aezfun x)" "supp (aezfun y)"]
by blast
lemma Ring1_RG :
defines RG: "RG ≡ group_ring :: ('r::ring_1, 'g) aezfun set"
shows "Ring1 RG"
from RG show "RG ≠ {}" "1 ∈ RG" "⋀x y. x ∈ RG ⟹ y ∈ RG ⟹ x * y ∈ RG"
using RG_one_closed RG_mult_closed by auto
fix x y assume "x ∈ RG" "y ∈ RG"
with RG show "x - y ∈ RG" using supp_aezfun_diff[of x y] group_ringD by blast
lemma RG_aezdeltafun_closed :
defines RG: "RG ≡ group_ring :: ('r::ring_1, 'g) aezfun set"
assumes "g ∈ G"
shows "r δδ g ∈ RG"
have supp: "supp (aezfun (r δδ g)) = supp (r δ g)"
using aezdeltafun arg_cong[of _ _ "supp"] by fast
have "supp (aezfun (r δδ g)) ⊆ G"
proof (cases "r = 0")
case True with supp show ?thesis using supp_delta0fun by fast
case False with assms supp show ?thesis using supp_deltafun[of r g] by fast
with RG show ?thesis using group_ringD by fast
lemma RG_aezdelta0fun_closed : "(r::'r::ring_1) δδ 0 ∈ group_ring"
using zero_closed RG_aezdeltafun_closed[of 0] by fast
lemma RG_sum_list_rddg_closed :
defines RG: "RG ≡ group_ring :: ('r::ring_1, 'g) aezfun set"
assumes "set (map snd rgs) ⊆ G"
shows "(∑(r,g)←rgs. r δδ g) ∈ RG"
proof (rule Ring1.sum_list_closed_prod)
from RG show "Ring1 RG" using Ring1_RG by fast
from assms show "set (map (case_prod aezdeltafun) rgs) ⊆ RG"
using RG_aezdeltafun_closed by fastforce
lemmas RG_el_decomp_aezdeltafun = aezfun_setspan_el_decomp_aezdeltafun[of _ G]
lemma Subgroup_imp_Subring :
fixes H :: "'g set"
and FH :: "('r::ring_1,'g) aezfun set"
and FG :: "('r,'g) aezfun set"
defines "FH ≡ Group.group_ring H"
and "FG ≡ group_ring"
shows "Subgroup H ⟹ Ring1.Subring1 FG FH"
using assms Group.Ring1_RG Group.RG_el_decomp_aezdeltafun RG_sum_list_rddg_closed
by fast
lemma (in FinGroup) group_ring_spanning_set :
"∃gs. distinct gs ∧ set gs = G
∧ (∀f∈ (group_ring :: ('b::semiring_1, 'g) aezfun set). ∃bs.
length bs = length gs ∧ f = (∑(b,g)←zip bs gs. (b δδ 0) * (1 δδ g)) )"
using finite aezfun_common_supp_spanning_set_decomp[of G] group_ringD
by fast
subsubsection ‹Projecting almost-everywhere-zero functions onto a group ring›
context Group
abbreviation "RG_proj ≡ aezfun_setspan_proj G"
lemmas RG_proj_in_RG = aezfun_setspan_proj_in_setspan
lemmas RG_proj_sum_list_prod = aezfun_setspan_proj_sum_list_prod[of G]
lemma RG_proj_mult_leftdelta' :
fixes r s :: "'r::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
shows "g ∈ G ⟹ RG_proj (r δδ g * (s δδ g')) = r δδ g * RG_proj (s δδ g')"
using add_closed add_closed_inverse_right times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of r g]
aezfun_setspan_proj_aezdeltafun[of G "r*s"]
aezfun_setspan_proj_aezdeltafun[of G s]
by simp
lemma RG_proj_mult_leftdelta :
fixes r :: "'r::semiring_1"
assumes "g ∈ G"
shows "RG_proj ((r δδ g) * x) = r δδ g * RG_proj x"
from aezfun_decomp_aezdeltafun obtain rgs
where rgs: "x = (∑(s,h)←rgs. s δδ h)"
using RG_el_decomp_aezdeltafun
by fast
hence "RG_proj ((r δδ g) * x) = (∑(s,h)←rgs. RG_proj ((r δδ g) * (s δδ h)))"
using sum_list_const_mult_prod[of "r δδ g" "λs h. s δδ h"] RG_proj_sum_list_prod
by simp
also from assms rgs have "… = (r δδ g) * RG_proj x"
using RG_proj_mult_leftdelta'[of g r]
sum_list_const_mult_prod[of "r δδ g" "λs h. RG_proj (s δδ h)"]
RG_proj_sum_list_prod[of "λs h. s δδ h" rgs]
by simp
finally show ?thesis by fast
lemma RG_proj_mult_rightdelta' :
fixes r s :: "'r::{comm_monoid_add,mult_zero}"
assumes "g' ∈ G"
shows "RG_proj (r δδ g * (s δδ g')) = RG_proj (r δδ g) * (s δδ g')"
using assms times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of r g]
aezfun_setspan_proj_aezdeltafun[of G "r*s"]
add_closed add_closed_inverse_left aezfun_setspan_proj_aezdeltafun[of G r]
by simp
lemma RG_proj_mult_rightdelta :
fixes r :: "'r::semiring_1"
assumes "g ∈ G"
shows "RG_proj (x * (r δδ g)) = (RG_proj x) * (r δδ g)"
from aezfun_decomp_aezdeltafun obtain rgs
where rgs: "x = (∑(s,h)←rgs. s δδ h)"
using RG_el_decomp_aezdeltafun
by fast
hence "RG_proj (x * (r δδ g)) = (∑(s,h)←rgs. RG_proj ((s δδ h) * (r δδ g)))"
using sum_list_mult_const_prod[of "λs h. s δδ h" rgs] RG_proj_sum_list_prod
by simp
with assms rgs show ?thesis
using RG_proj_mult_rightdelta'[of g _ _ r]
rgs "λs h. RG_proj ((s δδ h) * (r δδ g))"
"λs h. RG_proj (s δδ h) * (r δδ g)"
sum_list_mult_const_prod[of "λs h. RG_proj (s δδ h)" rgs]
RG_proj_sum_list_prod[of "λs h. s δδ h" rgs]
sum_list_mult_const_prod[of "λs h. RG_proj (s δδ h)" rgs "r δδ g"]
RG_proj_sum_list_prod[of "λs h. s δδ h" rgs]
by simp
lemma RG_proj_mult_right :
"x ∈ (group_ring :: ('r::ring_1, 'g) aezfun set)
⟹ RG_proj (y * x) = RG_proj y * x"
using RG_el_decomp_aezdeltafun sum_list_const_mult_prod[of y "λr g. r δδ g"]
RG_proj_sum_list_prod[of "λr g. y * (r δδ g)"] RG_proj_mult_rightdelta[of _ y]
of _ "λr g. RG_proj (y * (r δδ g))" "λr g. RG_proj y * (r δδ g)"
sum_list_const_mult_prod[of "RG_proj y" "λr g. r δδ g"]
by fastforce
section ‹Modules›
subsection ‹Locales and basic facts›
subsubsection ‹Locales›
locale scalar_mult =
fixes smult :: "'r::ring_1 ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
locale R_scalar_mult = scalar_mult smult + Ring1 R
for R :: "'r::ring_1 set"
and smult :: "'r ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
lemma (in scalar_mult) R_scalar_mult : "R_scalar_mult UNIV"
using full_Ring1 R_scalar_mult.intro by fast
lemma (in R_scalar_mult) Ring1 : "Ring1 R" ..
locale RModule = R_scalars?: R_scalar_mult R smult + VecGroup?: Group M
for R :: "'r::ring_1 set"
and smult :: "'r ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and M :: "'m set"
+ assumes smult_closed : "⟦ r ∈ R; m ∈ M ⟧ ⟹ r ⋅ m ∈ M"
and smult_distrib_left [simp] : "⟦ r ∈ R; m ∈ M; n ∈ M ⟧
⟹ r ⋅ (m + n) = r ⋅ m + r ⋅ n"
and smult_distrib_right [simp] : "⟦ r ∈ R; s ∈ R; m ∈ M ⟧
⟹ (r + s) ⋅ m = r ⋅ m + s ⋅ m"
and smult_assoc [simp] : "⟦ r ∈ R; s ∈ R; m ∈ M ⟧
⟹ r ⋅ s ⋅ m = (r * s) ⋅ m"
and one_smult [simp] : "m ∈ M ⟹ 1 ⋅ m = m"
lemmas RModuleI = RModule.intro[OF R_scalar_mult.intro]
locale Module = RModule UNIV smult M
for smult :: "'r::ring_1 ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and M :: "'m set"
lemmas ModuleI = RModuleI[of UNIV, OF full_Ring1, THEN Module.intro]
subsubsection ‹Basic facts›
lemma trivial_RModule :
fixes smult :: "'r::ring_1 ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
assumes "Ring1 R" "∀r∈R. smult r (0::'m::ab_group_add) = 0"
shows "RModule R smult (0::'m set)"
proof (rule RModuleI, rule assms(1), rule trivial_Group, unfold_locales)
define Z where "Z = (0::'m set)"
fix r s m n assume rsmn: "r ∈ R" "s ∈ R" "m ∈ Z" "n ∈ Z"
from rsmn(1,3) Z_def assms(2) show "r ⋅ m ∈ Z" by simp
from rsmn(1,3,4) Z_def assms(2) show "r ⋅ (m+n) = r ⋅ m + r ⋅ n" by simp
from rsmn(1-3) Z_def assms show "(r + s) ⋅ m = r ⋅ m + s ⋅ m"
using Ring1.add_closed by auto
from rsmn(1-3) Z_def assms show "r ⋅ (s ⋅ m) = (r*s) ⋅ m"
using Ring1.mult_closed by auto
define Z where "Z = (0::'m set)"
fix m assume "m ∈ Z" with Z_def assms show "1 ⋅ m = m"
using Ring1.one_closed by auto
context RModule
abbreviation RSubmodule :: "'m set ⇒ bool"
where "RSubmodule N ≡ RModule R smult N ∧ N ⊆ M"
lemma Group : "Group M"
using RModule_axioms RModule.axioms(2) by fast
lemma Subgroup_RSubmodule : "RSubmodule N ⟹ Subgroup N"
using RModule.Group by fast
lemma AbGroup : "AbGroup M"
using AbGroup.intro Group by fast
lemmas zero_closed = zero_closed
lemmas diff_closed = diff_closed
lemmas set_plus_closed = set_plus_closed
lemmas sum_closed = AbGroup.sum_closed[OF AbGroup]
lemma map_smult_closed :
"r ∈ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M ⟹ set (map ((⋅) r) ms) ⊆ M"
using smult_closed by (induct ms) auto
lemma zero_smult : "m ∈ M ⟹ 0 ⋅ m = 0"
using R_scalars.zero_closed smult_distrib_right[of 0] add_left_imp_eq by simp
lemma smult_zero : "r ∈ R ⟹ r ⋅ 0 = 0"
using zero_closed smult_distrib_left[of r 0] by simp
lemma neg_smult : "r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ (-r) ⋅ m = - (r ⋅ m)"
using R_scalars.neg_closed smult_distrib_right[of r "-r" m]
zero_smult minus_unique[of "r ⋅ m"]
by simp
lemma neg_eq_neg1_smult : "m ∈ M ⟹ (-1) ⋅ m = - m"
using one_closed neg_smult one_smult by fastforce
lemma smult_neg : "r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ r ⋅ (- m) = - (r ⋅ m)"
using neg_eq_neg1_smult one_closed R_scalars.neg_closed smult_assoc[of r "- 1"]
by force
lemma smult_distrib_left_diff :
"⟦ r ∈ R; m ∈ M; n ∈ M ⟧ ⟹ r ⋅ (m - n) = r ⋅ m - r ⋅ n"
using neg_closed smult_distrib_left[of r m "-n"] smult_neg by (simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma smult_distrib_right_diff :
"⟦ r ∈ R; s ∈ R; m ∈ M ⟧ ⟹ (r - s) ⋅ m = r ⋅ m - s ⋅ m"
using R_scalars.neg_closed smult_distrib_right[of r "-s"] neg_smult
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
lemma smult_sum_distrib :
assumes "r ∈ R"
shows "finite A ⟹ f ` A ⊆ M ⟹ r ⋅ (∑a∈A. f a) = (∑a∈A. r ⋅ f a)"
proof (induct set: finite)
case empty from assms show ?case using smult_zero by simp
case (insert a A) with assms show ?case using sum_closed[of A] by simp
lemma sum_smult_distrib :
assumes "m ∈ M"
shows "finite A ⟹ f ` A ⊆ R ⟹ (∑a∈A. f a) ⋅ m = (∑a∈A. (f a) ⋅ m)"
proof (induct set: finite)
case empty from assms show ?case using zero_smult by simp
case (insert a A) with assms show ?case using R_scalars.sum_closed[of A] by simp
lemma smult_sum_list_distrib :
"r ∈ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M ⟹ r ⋅ (sum_list ms) = (∑m←ms. r ⋅ m)"
using smult_zero sum_list_closed[of id] by (induct ms) auto
lemma sum_list_prod_map_smult_distrib :
"m ∈ M ⟹ set (map (case_prod f) xys) ⊆ R
⟹ (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y) ⋅ m = (∑(x,y)←xys. f x y ⋅ m)"
using zero_smult R_scalars.sum_list_closed_prod[of f]
by (induct xys) auto
lemma RSubmoduleI :
assumes "Subgroup N" "⋀r n. r ∈ R ⟹ n ∈ N ⟹ r ⋅ n ∈ N"
shows "RSubmodule N"
show "RModule R smult N"
proof (intro_locales, rule SubgroupD1[OF assms(1)], unfold_locales)
from assms(2) show "⋀r m. r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ N ⟹ r ⋅ m ∈ N" by fast
from assms(1)
show "⋀r m n. ⟦ r ∈ R; m ∈ N; n ∈ N ⟧ ⟹ r ⋅ (m + n) = r ⋅ m + r ⋅ n"
using smult_distrib_left
by blast
from assms(1)
show "⋀r s m. ⟦ r ∈ R; s ∈ R; m ∈ N ⟧ ⟹ (r + s) ⋅ m = r ⋅ m + s ⋅ m"
using smult_distrib_right
by blast
from assms(1)
show "⋀r s m. ⟦ r ∈ R; s ∈ R; m ∈ N ⟧ ⟹ r ⋅ s ⋅ m = (r * s) ⋅ m"
using smult_assoc
by blast
from assms(1) show "⋀m. m ∈ N ⟹ 1 ⋅ m = m" using one_smult by blast
from assms(1) show "N ⊆ M" by fast
lemma (in R_scalar_mult) listset_RModule_Rsmult_closed :
"⟦ ∀M∈set Ms. RModule R smult M; r ∈ R; ms ∈ listset Ms ⟧
⟹ [r ⋅ m. m←ms] ∈ listset Ms"
have "⟦ length ms = length Ms; ms ∈ listset Ms;
∀M∈set Ms. RModule R smult M; r ∈ R ⟧
⟹ [r ⋅ m. m←ms] ∈ listset Ms"
proof (induct ms Ms rule: list_induct2)
case (Cons m ms M Ms) thus ?case
using listset_ConsD[of m] RModule.smult_closed listset_ConsI[of "r ⋅ m" M]
by fastforce
qed simp
thus "⟦ ∀M∈set Ms. RModule R smult M; r ∈ R; ms ∈ listset Ms ⟧
⟹ [r ⋅ m. m←ms] ∈ listset Ms"
using listset_length[of ms Ms] by fast
context Module
abbreviation Submodule :: "'m set ⇒ bool"
where "Submodule ≡ RModule.RSubmodule UNIV smult M"
lemmas AbGroup = AbGroup
lemmas SubmoduleI = RSubmoduleI
subsubsection ‹Module and submodule instances›
lemma (in R_scalar_mult) trivial_RModule :
"(⋀r. r ∈ R ⟹ r ⋅ 0 = 0) ⟹ RModule R smult 0"
using trivial_Group add_closed mult_closed one_closed by unfold_locales auto
context RModule
lemma trivial_RSubmodule : "RSubmodule 0"
using zeroS_closed smult_zero trivial_RModule by fast
lemma RSubmodule_set_plus :
assumes "RSubmodule L" "RSubmodule N"
shows "RSubmodule (L + N)"
proof (rule RSubmoduleI)
from assms have "Group (L + N)"
using RModule.AbGroup AbGroup_set_plus[of L N] AbGroup.axioms by fast
moreover from assms have "L + N ⊆ M"
using Group Group.set_plus_closed by auto
ultimately show "Subgroup (L + N)" by fast
fix r x assume rx: "r ∈ R" "x ∈ L + N"
from rx(2) obtain m n where mn: "m ∈ L" "n ∈ N" "x = m + n"
using set_plus_def[of L N] by fast
with assms rx(1) show "r ⋅ x ∈ L + N"
using RModule.smult_closed[of R smult L] RModule.smult_closed[of R smult N]
smult_distrib_left set_plus_def
by fast
lemma RSubmodule_sum_list :
"(∀N∈set Ns. RSubmodule N) ⟹ RSubmodule (∑N←Ns. N)"
using trivial_RSubmodule RSubmodule_set_plus
by (induct Ns) auto
lemma RSubmodule_inner_dirsum :
assumes "(∀N∈set Ns. RSubmodule N)"
shows "RSubmodule (⨁N←Ns. N)"
proof (cases "add_independentS Ns")
case True with assms show ?thesis
using RSubmodule_sum_list inner_dirsumD by fastforce
case False thus ?thesis
using inner_dirsumD2[of Ns] trivial_RSubmodule by simp
lemma RModule_inner_dirsum :
"(∀N∈set Ns. RSubmodule N) ⟹ RModule R smult (⨁N←Ns. N)"
using RSubmodule_inner_dirsum by fast
lemma SModule_restrict_scalars :
assumes "Subring1 S"
shows "RModule S smult M"
proof (rule RModuleI, rule Subring1D1[OF assms], rule Group, unfold_locales)
from assms show
"⋀r m. r ∈ S ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ r ⋅ m ∈ M"
"⋀r m n. r ∈ S ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ n ∈ M ⟹ r ⋅ (m + n) = r ⋅ m + r ⋅ n"
"⋀m. m ∈ M ⟹ 1 ⋅ m = m"
using smult_closed smult_distrib_left
by auto
from assms
show "⋀r s m. r ∈ S ⟹ s ∈ S ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ (r + s) ⋅ m = r ⋅ m + s ⋅ m"
using Ring1.add_closed smult_distrib_right
by fast
from assms
show "⋀r s m. r ∈ S ⟹ s ∈ S ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ r ⋅ s ⋅ m = (r * s) ⋅ m"
using Ring1.mult_closed smult_assoc
by fast
subsection ‹Linear algebra in modules›
subsubsection ‹Linear combinations: ‹lincomb››
context scalar_mult
definition lincomb :: "'r list ⇒ 'm list ⇒ 'm" (infix "∙⋅" 70)
where "rs ∙⋅ ms = (∑(r,m)←zip rs ms. r ⋅ m)"
text ‹Note: ‹zip› will truncate if lengths of coefficient and vector lists differ.›
lemma lincomb_Nil : "rs = [] ∨ ms = [] ⟹ rs ∙⋅ ms = 0"
unfolding lincomb_def by auto
lemma lincomb_singles : "[a] ∙⋅ [m] = a ⋅ m"
using lincomb_def by simp
lemma lincomb_Cons : "(r # rs) ∙⋅ (m # ms) = r ⋅ m + rs ∙⋅ ms"
unfolding lincomb_def by simp
lemma lincomb_append :
"length rs = length ms ⟹ (rs@ss) ∙⋅ (ms@ns) = rs ∙⋅ ms + ss ∙⋅ ns"
unfolding lincomb_def by simp
lemma lincomb_append_left :
"(rs @ ss) ∙⋅ ms = rs ∙⋅ ms + ss ∙⋅ drop (length rs) ms"
using zip_append_left[of rs ss ms] unfolding lincomb_def by simp
lemma lincomb_append_right :
"rs ∙⋅ (ms@ns) = rs ∙⋅ ms + (drop (length ms) rs) ∙⋅ ns"
using zip_append_right[of rs ms] unfolding lincomb_def by simp
lemma lincomb_conv_take_right : "rs ∙⋅ ms = rs ∙⋅ take (length rs) ms"
using lincomb_Nil lincomb_Cons by (induct rs ms rule: list_induct2') auto
context RModule
lemmas lincomb_Nil = lincomb_Nil
lemmas lincomb_Cons = lincomb_Cons
lemma lincomb_closed : "set rs ⊆ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M ⟹ rs ∙⋅ ms ∈ M"
proof (induct ms arbitrary: rs)
case Nil show ?case using lincomb_Nil zero_closed by simp
case (Cons m ms)
hence Cons1: "⋀rs. set rs ⊆ R ⟹ rs ∙⋅ ms ∈ M" "m ∈ M" "set rs ⊆ R" by auto
show "rs ∙⋅ (m#ms) ∈ M"
proof (cases rs)
case Nil thus ?thesis using lincomb_Nil zero_closed by simp
case Cons with Cons1 show ?thesis
using lincomb_Cons smult_closed add_closed by fastforce
lemma smult_lincomb :
"⟦ set rs ⊆ R; s ∈ R; set ms ⊆ M ⟧ ⟹ s ⋅ (rs ∙⋅ ms) = [s*r. r←rs] ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_Nil smult_zero lincomb_Cons smult_closed lincomb_closed
by (induct rs ms rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma neg_lincomb :
"set rs ⊆ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M ⟹ - (rs ∙⋅ ms) = [-r. r←rs] ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_closed neg_eq_neg1_smult one_closed R_scalars.neg_closed[of 1]
smult_lincomb[of rs "- 1"] map_times_neg1_eq_map_uminus
by auto
lemma lincomb_sum_left :
"⟦ set rs ⊆ R; set ss ⊆ R; set ms ⊆ M; length rs ≤ length ss ⟧
⟹ [r + s. (r,s)←zip rs ss] ∙⋅ ms = rs ∙⋅ ms + (take (length rs) ss) ∙⋅ ms"
proof (induct rs ss arbitrary: ms rule: list_induct2')
case 1 show ?case using lincomb_Nil by simp
case (2 r rs)
show "⋀ms. length (r#rs) ≤ length []
⟹ [a + b. (a,b)←zip (r#rs) []] ∙⋅ ms
= (r#rs) ∙⋅ ms + (take (length (r#rs)) []) ∙⋅ ms"
by simp
case 3 show ?case using lincomb_Nil by simp
case (4 r rs s ss)
thus "[a+b. (a,b)←zip (r#rs) (s#ss)] ∙⋅ ms
= (r#rs) ∙⋅ ms + (take (length (r#rs)) (s#ss)) ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_Nil lincomb_Cons by (cases ms) auto
lemma lincomb_sum :
assumes "set rs ⊆ R" "set ss ⊆ R" "set ms ⊆ M" "length rs ≤ length ss"
shows "rs ∙⋅ ms + ss ∙⋅ ms
= ([a + b. (a,b)←zip rs ss] @ (drop (length rs) ss)) ∙⋅ ms"
define zs fss bss
where "zs = [a + b. (a,b)←zip rs ss]"
and "fss = take (length rs) ss"
and "bss = drop (length rs) ss"
from assms(4) zs_def fss_def have "length zs = length rs" "length fss = length rs"
using length_concat_map_split_zip[of "λa b. a + b" rs] by auto
hence "(zs @ bss) ∙⋅ ms = rs ∙⋅ ms + (fss @ bss) ∙⋅ ms"
using assms(1,2,3) zs_def fss_def lincomb_sum_left lincomb_append_left
by simp
thus ?thesis using fss_def bss_def zs_def by simp
lemma lincomb_diff_left :
"⟦ set rs ⊆ R; set ss ⊆ R; set ms ⊆ M; length rs ≤ length ss ⟧
⟹ [r - s. (r,s)←zip rs ss] ∙⋅ ms = rs ∙⋅ ms - (take (length rs) ss) ∙⋅ ms"
proof (induct rs ss arbitrary: ms rule: list_induct2')
case 1 show ?case using lincomb_Nil by simp
case (2 r rs)
show "⋀ms. length (r#rs) ≤ length []
⟹ [a - b. (a,b)←zip (r#rs) []] ∙⋅ ms
= (r#rs) ∙⋅ ms - (take (length (r#rs)) []) ∙⋅ ms"
by simp
case 3 show ?case using lincomb_Nil by simp
case (4 r rs s ss)
thus "[a-b. (a,b)←zip (r#rs) (s#ss)] ∙⋅ ms
= (r#rs) ∙⋅ ms - (take (length (r#rs)) (s#ss)) ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_Nil lincomb_Cons smult_distrib_right_diff by (cases ms) auto
lemma lincomb_replicate_left :
"r ∈ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M ⟹ (replicate k r) ∙⋅ ms = r ⋅ ( ∑m←(take k ms). m )"
proof (induct k arbitrary: ms)
case 0 thus ?case using lincomb_Nil smult_zero by simp
case (Suc k)
show ?case
proof (cases ms)
case Nil with Suc(2) show ?thesis using lincomb_Nil smult_zero by simp
case (Cons m ms) with Suc show ?thesis
using lincomb_Cons set_take_subset[of k ms] sum_list_closed[of id]
by auto
lemma lincomb_replicate0_left : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ (replicate k 0) ∙⋅ ms = 0"
assume ms: "set ms ⊆ M"
hence "(replicate k 0) ∙⋅ ms = 0 ⋅ (∑m←(take k ms). m)"
using R_scalars.zero_closed lincomb_replicate_left by fast
moreover from ms have "(∑m←(take k ms). m) ∈ M"
using set_take_subset sum_list_closed by fastforce
ultimately show "(replicate k 0) ∙⋅ ms = 0" using zero_smult by simp
lemma lincomb_0coeffs : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ ∀s∈set rs. s = 0 ⟹ rs ∙⋅ ms = 0"
using lincomb_Nil lincomb_Cons zero_smult
by (induct rs ms rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma delta_scalars_lincomb_eq_nth :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ n < length ms
⟹ ((replicate (length ms) 0)[n := 1]) ∙⋅ ms = ms!n"
proof (induct ms arbitrary: n)
case (Cons m ms) thus ?case
using lincomb_Cons lincomb_replicate0_left zero_smult by (cases n) auto
qed simp
lemma lincomb_obtain_same_length_Rcoeffs :
"set rs ⊆ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M
⟹ ∃ss. set ss ⊆ R ∧ length ss = length ms
∧ take (length rs) ss = take (length ms) rs ∧ rs ∙⋅ ms = ss ∙⋅ ms"
proof (induct rs ms rule: list_induct2')
case 1 show ?case using lincomb_Nil by simp
case 2 thus ?case using lincomb_Nil by simp
case (3 m ms)
define ss where "ss = replicate (Suc (length ms)) (0::'r)"
from 3(2) ss_def
have "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length (m#ms)" "[] ∙⋅ (m#ms) = ss ∙⋅ (m#ms)"
using R_scalars.zero_closed lincomb_Nil
lincomb_replicate0_left[of "m#ms" "Suc (length ms)"]
by auto
thus ?case by auto
case (4 r rs m ms)
from this obtain ss
where ss: "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length ms"
"take (length rs) ss = take (length ms) rs" "rs ∙⋅ ms = ss ∙⋅ ms"
by auto
from 4(2) ss have
"set (r#ss) ⊆ R" "length (r#ss) = length (m#ms)"
"take (length (r#rs)) (r#ss) = take (length (m#ms)) (r#rs)"
"(r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = (r#ss) ∙⋅ (m#ms)"
using lincomb_Cons
by auto
thus ?case by fast
lemma lincomb_concat :
"list_all2 (λrs ms. length rs = length ms) rss mss
⟹ (concat rss) ∙⋅ (concat mss) = (∑(rs,ms)←zip rss mss. rs ∙⋅ ms)"
using lincomb_Nil lincomb_append by (induct rss mss rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma lincomb_snoc0 : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ (as@[0]) ∙⋅ ms = as ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_append_left set_drop_subset lincomb_replicate0_left[of _ 1] by fastforce
lemma lincomb_strip_while_0coeffs :
assumes "set ms ⊆ M"
shows "(strip_while ((=) 0) as) ∙⋅ ms = as ∙⋅ ms"
proof (induct as rule: rev_induct)
case (snoc a as)
hence caseassm: "strip_while ((=) 0) as ∙⋅ ms = as ∙⋅ ms" by fast
show ?case
proof (cases "a = 0")
case True
moreover with assms have "(as@[a]) ∙⋅ ms = as ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_snoc0 by fast
ultimately show "strip_while ((=) 0) (as @ [a]) ∙⋅ ms = (as@[a]) ∙⋅ ms"
using caseassm by simp
qed simp
qed simp
lemmas (in Module) lincomb_obtain_same_length_coeffs = lincomb_obtain_same_length_Rcoeffs
lemmas (in Module) lincomb_concat = lincomb_concat
subsubsection ‹Spanning: ‹RSpan› and ‹Span››
context R_scalar_mult
primrec RSpan :: "'m list ⇒ 'm set"
where "RSpan [] = 0"
| "RSpan (m#ms) = { r ⋅ m | r. r ∈ R } + RSpan ms"
lemma RSpan_single : "RSpan [m] = { r ⋅ m | r. r ∈ R }"
using add_0_right[of "{ r ⋅ m | r. r ∈ R }"] by simp
lemma RSpan_Cons : "RSpan (m#ms) = RSpan [m] + RSpan ms"
using RSpan_single by simp
lemma in_RSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs :
"n ∈ RSpan ms ⟹ ∃rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms ∧ n = rs ∙⋅ ms"
proof (induct ms arbitrary: n)
case Nil
hence "n = 0" by simp
thus "∃rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length [] ∧ n = rs ∙⋅ []"
using lincomb_Nil by simp
case (Cons m ms)
from this obtain r rs
where "set (r#rs) ⊆ R" "length (r#rs) = length (m#ms)" "n = (r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms)"
using set_plus_def[of _ "RSpan ms"] lincomb_Cons
by fastforce
thus "∃rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length (m#ms) ∧ n = rs ∙⋅ (m#ms)" by fast
lemma in_RSpan_Cons_obtain_same_length_coeffs :
"n ∈ RSpan (m#ms) ⟹ ∃r rs. set (r#rs) ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms
∧ n = r ⋅ m + rs ∙⋅ ms"
assume "n ∈ RSpan (m#ms)"
from this obtain x y where "x ∈ RSpan [m]" "y ∈ RSpan ms" "n = x + y"
using RSpan_Cons set_plus_def[of "RSpan [m]"] by auto
thus "∃r rs. set (r # rs) ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms ∧ n = r ⋅ m + rs ∙⋅ ms"
using RSpan_single in_RSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of y ms] by auto
lemma RSpanD_lincomb :
"RSpan ms = { rs ∙⋅ ms | rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms}"
show "RSpan ms ⊆ {rs ∙⋅ ms |rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms}"
using in_RSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs by fast
show "{rs ∙⋅ ms |rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms} ⊆ RSpan ms"
fix x assume "x ∈ {rs ∙⋅ ms |rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms}"
from this obtain rs where rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "length rs = length ms" "x = rs ∙⋅ ms"
by fast
from rs(2) have "set rs ⊆ R ⟹ rs ∙⋅ ms ∈ RSpan ms"
using lincomb_Nil lincomb_Cons by (induct rs ms rule: list_induct2) auto
with rs(1,3) show "x ∈ RSpan ms" by fast
lemma RSpan_append : "RSpan (ms @ ns) = RSpan ms + RSpan ns"
proof (induct ms)
case Nil show ?case using add_0_left[of "RSpan ns"] by simp
case (Cons m ms) thus ?case
using RSpan_Cons[of m "ms@ns"] add.assoc by fastforce
context scalar_mult
abbreviation "Span ≡ R_scalar_mult.RSpan UNIV smult"
lemmas Span_append = R_scalar_mult.RSpan_append[OF R_scalar_mult, of smult]
lemmas SpanD_lincomb
= R_scalar_mult.RSpanD_lincomb [OF R_scalar_mult, of smult]
lemmas in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs
= R_scalar_mult.in_RSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs[
OF R_scalar_mult, of _ smult
context RModule
lemma RSpan_contains_spanset_single : "m ∈ M ⟹ m ∈ RSpan [m]"
using one_closed RSpan_single by fastforce
lemma RSpan_single_nonzero : "m ∈ M ⟹ m ≠ 0 ⟹ RSpan [m] ≠ 0"
using RSpan_contains_spanset_single by auto
lemma Group_RSpan_single :
assumes "m ∈ M"
shows "Group (RSpan [m])"
from assms show "RSpan [m] ≠ {}" using RSpan_contains_spanset_single by fast
fix x y assume "x ∈ RSpan [m]" "y ∈ RSpan [m]"
from this obtain r s where rs: "r ∈ R" "x = r ⋅ m" "s ∈ R" "y = s ⋅ m"
using RSpan_single by auto
with assms have "x - y = (r - s) ⋅ m" using smult_distrib_right_diff by simp
with rs(1,3) show "x - y ∈ RSpan [m]"
using R_scalars.diff_closed[of r s] RSpan_single[of m] by auto
lemma Group_RSpan : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ Group (RSpan ms)"
proof (induct ms)
case Nil show ?case using trivial_Group by simp
case (Cons m ms)
hence "Group (RSpan [m])" "Group (RSpan ms)"
using Group_RSpan_single[of m] by auto
thus ?case
using RSpan_Cons[of m ms] AbGroup.intro AbGroup_set_plus AbGroup.axioms(1)
by fastforce
lemma RSpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ RSpan ms = { rs ∙⋅ ms | rs. set rs ⊆ R }"
show "RSpan ms ⊆ { rs ∙⋅ ms | rs. set rs ⊆ R }" using RSpanD_lincomb by fast
show "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ RSpan ms ⊇ { rs ∙⋅ ms | rs. set rs ⊆ R }"
proof (induct ms)
case Nil show ?case using lincomb_Nil by auto
case (Cons m ms) show ?case
fix x assume "x ∈ { rs ∙⋅ (m#ms) | rs. set rs ⊆ R }"
from this obtain rs where rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "x = rs ∙⋅ (m#ms)" by fast
with Cons show "x ∈ RSpan (m#ms)"
using lincomb_Nil Group_RSpan[of "m#ms"] Group.zero_closed lincomb_Cons
by (cases rs) auto
lemma RSpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs :
"set rs ⊆ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M ⟹ rs ∙⋅ ms ∈ RSpan ms"
using RSpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs by fast
lemma RSpan_contains_RSpans_Cons_left :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ RSpan [m] ⊆ RSpan (m#ms)"
using RSpan_Cons Group_RSpan AbGroup.intro AbGroup.subset_plus_left by fast
lemma RSpan_contains_RSpans_Cons_right :
"m ∈ M ⟹ RSpan ms ⊆ RSpan (m#ms)"
using RSpan_Cons Group_RSpan_single AbGroup.intro AbGroup.subset_plus_right by fast
lemma RSpan_contains_RSpans_append_left :
"set ns ⊆ M ⟹ RSpan ms ⊆ RSpan (ms@ns)"
using RSpan_append Group_RSpan AbGroup.intro AbGroup.subset_plus_left
by fast
lemma RSpan_contains_spanset : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ set ms ⊆ RSpan ms"
proof (induct ms)
case Nil show ?case by simp
case (Cons m ms) thus ?case
using RSpan_contains_spanset_single
RSpan_contains_RSpans_Cons_left[of ms m]
RSpan_contains_RSpans_Cons_right[of m ms]
by auto
lemma RSpan_contains_spanset_append_left :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ set ns ⊆ M ⟹ set ms ⊆ RSpan (ms@ns)"
using RSpan_contains_spanset[of "ms@ns"] by simp
lemma RSpan_contains_spanset_append_right :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ set ns ⊆ M ⟹ set ns ⊆ RSpan (ms@ns)"
using RSpan_contains_spanset[of "ms@ns"] by simp
lemma RSpan_zero_closed : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ 0 ∈ RSpan ms"
using Group_RSpan Group.zero_closed by fast
lemma RSpan_single_closed : "m ∈ M ⟹ RSpan [m] ⊆ M"
using RSpan_single smult_closed by auto
lemma RSpan_closed : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ RSpan ms ⊆ M"
proof (induct ms)
case Nil show ?case using zero_closed by simp
case (Cons m ms) thus ?case
using RSpan_single_closed RSpan_Cons Group Group.set_plus_closed[of M]
by simp
lemma RSpan_smult_closed :
assumes "r ∈ R" "set ms ⊆ M" "n ∈ RSpan ms"
shows "r ⋅ n ∈ RSpan ms"
from assms(2,3) obtain rs where rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "n = rs ∙⋅ ms"
using RSpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs by fast
with assms(1,2) show ?thesis
using smult_lincomb[OF rs(1) assms(1,2)] mult_closed
RSpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs[of "[r*a. a←rs]" ms]
by auto
lemma RSpan_add_closed :
assumes "set ms ⊆ M" "n ∈ RSpan ms" "n' ∈ RSpan ms"
shows "n + n' ∈ RSpan ms"
from assms (2,3) obtain rs ss
where rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "length rs = length ms" "n = rs ∙⋅ ms"
and ss: "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length ms" "n' = ss ∙⋅ ms"
using RSpanD_lincomb by auto
with assms(1) have "n + n' = [r + s. (r,s)←zip rs ss] ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_sum_left by simp
moreover from rs(1) ss(1) have "set [r + s. (r,s)←zip rs ss] ⊆ R"
using set_zip_leftD[of _ _ rs ss] set_zip_rightD[of _ _ rs ss]
R_scalars.add_closed R_scalars.zip_add_closed by blast
ultimately show "n + n' ∈ RSpan ms"
using assms(1) RSpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs by simp
lemma RSpan_lincomb_closed :
"⟦ set rs ⊆ R; set ms ⊆ M; set ns ⊆ RSpan ms ⟧ ⟹ rs ∙⋅ ns ∈ RSpan ms"
using lincomb_Nil RSpan_zero_closed lincomb_Cons RSpan_smult_closed RSpan_add_closed
by (induct rs ns rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma RSpanI : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ M ⊆ RSpan ms ⟹ M = RSpan ms"
using RSpan_closed by fast
lemma RSpan_contains_RSpan_take :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ RSpan (take k ms) ⊆ RSpan ms"
using append_take_drop_id set_drop_subset
RSpan_contains_RSpans_append_left[of "drop k ms"]
by fastforce
lemma RSubmodule_RSpan_single :
assumes "m ∈ M"
shows "RSubmodule (RSpan [m])"
proof (rule RSubmoduleI)
from assms show "Subgroup (RSpan [m])"
using Group_RSpan_single RSpan_closed[of "[m]"] by simp
fix r n assume rn: "r ∈ R" "n ∈ RSpan [m]"
from rn(2) obtain s where s: "s ∈ R" "n = s ⋅ m" using RSpan_single by fast
with assms rn(1) have "r * s ∈ R" "r ⋅ n = (r * s) ⋅ m"
using mult_closed by auto
thus "r ⋅ n ∈ RSpan [m]" using RSpan_single by fast
lemma RSubmodule_RSpan : "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ RSubmodule (RSpan ms)"
proof (induct ms)
case Nil show ?case using trivial_RSubmodule by simp
case (Cons m ms)
hence "RSubmodule (RSpan [m])" "RSubmodule (RSpan ms)"
using RSubmodule_RSpan_single by auto
thus ?case using RSpan_Cons RSubmodule_set_plus by simp
lemma RSpan_RSpan_closed :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ set ns ⊆ RSpan ms ⟹ RSpan ns ⊆ RSpan ms"
using RSpanD_lincomb[of ns] RSpan_lincomb_closed by auto
lemma spanset_reduce_Cons :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ m ∈ RSpan ms ⟹ RSpan (m#ms) = RSpan ms"
using RSpan_Cons RSpan_RSpan_closed[of ms "[m]"]
RSpan_contains_RSpans_Cons_right[of m ms]
RSubmodule_RSpan[of ms]
RModule.set_plus_closed[of R smult "RSpan ms" "RSpan [m]" "RSpan ms"]
by auto
lemma RSpan_replace_hd :
assumes "n ∈ M" "set ms ⊆ M" "m ∈ RSpan (n # ms)"
shows "RSpan (m # ms) ⊆ RSpan (n # ms)"
fix x assume "x ∈ RSpan (m # ms)"
from this assms(3) obtain r rs s ss
where r_rs: "r ∈ R" "set rs ⊆ R" "length rs = length ms" "x = r ⋅ m + rs ∙⋅ ms"
and s_ss: "s ∈ R" "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length ms" "m = s ⋅ n + ss ∙⋅ ms"
using in_RSpan_Cons_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of x m ms]
in_RSpan_Cons_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of m n ms]
by fastforce
from r_rs(1) s_ss(2) have set1: "set [r*a. a←ss] ⊆ R" using mult_closed by auto
have "x = ((r * s) # [a + b. (a,b)←zip [r*a. a←ss] rs]) ∙⋅ (n # ms)"
from r_rs(2,3) s_ss(3) assms(2)
have "[r*a. a←ss] ∙⋅ ms + rs ∙⋅ ms
= [a + b. (a,b)←zip [r*a. a←ss] rs] ∙⋅ ms"
using set1 lincomb_sum
by simp
moreover from assms(1,2) r_rs(1,2,4) s_ss(1,2,4)
have "x = (r * s) ⋅ n + ([r*a. a←ss] ∙⋅ ms + rs ∙⋅ ms)"
using smult_closed lincomb_closed smult_lincomb mult_closed lincomb_sum
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using lincomb_Cons by simp
moreover have "set ((r * s) # [a + b. (a,b)←zip [r*a. a←ss] rs]) ⊆ R"
from r_rs(2) have "set [a + b. (a,b)←zip [r*a. a←ss] rs] ⊆ R"
using set1 R_scalars.zip_add_closed by fast
with r_rs(1) s_ss(1) show ?thesis using mult_closed by simp
ultimately show "x ∈ RSpan (n # ms)"
using assms(1,2) RSpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs[of _ "n#ms"] by fastforce
lemmas (in scalar_mult)
Span_Cons = R_scalar_mult.RSpan_Cons[OF R_scalar_mult, of smult]
context Module
lemmas SpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs = RSpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs
lemmas SpanI = RSpanI
lemmas SpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs = RSpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs
lemmas Span_contains_Spans_Cons_right = RSpan_contains_RSpans_Cons_right
lemmas Span_contains_spanset = RSpan_contains_spanset
lemmas Span_contains_spanset_append_left = RSpan_contains_spanset_append_left
lemmas Span_contains_spanset_append_right = RSpan_contains_spanset_append_right
lemmas Span_closed = RSpan_closed
lemmas Span_smult_closed = RSpan_smult_closed
lemmas Span_contains_Span_take = RSpan_contains_RSpan_take
lemmas Span_replace_hd = RSpan_replace_hd
lemmas Submodule_Span = RSubmodule_RSpan
subsubsection ‹Finitely generated modules›
context R_scalar_mult
abbreviation "R_fingen M ≡ (∃ms. set ms ⊆ M ∧ RSpan ms = M)"
text ‹
Similar to definition of ‹card› for finite sets, we default ‹dim› to 0 if no finite
spanning set exists. Note that @{term "RSpan [] = 0"} implies that @{term "dim_R {0} = 0"}.
definition dim_R :: "'m set ⇒ nat"
where "dim_R M = (if R_fingen M then (
LEAST n. ∃ms. length ms = n ∧ set ms ⊆ M ∧ RSpan ms = M
) else 0)"
lemma dim_R_nonzero :
assumes "dim_R M > 0"
shows "M ≠ 0"
assume M: "M = 0"
hence "dim_R M
= (LEAST n. ∃ms. length ms = n ∧ set ms ⊆ M ∧ RSpan ms = M)"
using dim_R_def by simp
moreover from M have "length [] = 0 ∧ set [] ⊆ M ∧ RSpan [] = M" by simp
ultimately show False using assms by simp
hide_const real_vector.dim
hide_const (open) Real_Vector_Spaces.dim
abbreviation (in scalar_mult) "fingen ≡ R_scalar_mult.R_fingen UNIV smult"
abbreviation (in scalar_mult) "dim ≡ R_scalar_mult.dim_R UNIV smult"
lemmas (in Module) dim_nonzero = dim_R_nonzero
subsubsection ‹@{term R}-linear independence›
context R_scalar_mult
primrec R_lin_independent :: "'m list ⇒ bool" where
R_lin_independent_Nil: "R_lin_independent [] = True" |
"R_lin_independent (m#ms) = (R_lin_independent ms
∧ (∀r rs. (set (r#rs) ⊆ R ∧ (r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0) ⟶ r = 0))"
lemma R_lin_independent_ConsI :
assumes "R_lin_independent ms"
"⋀r rs. set (r#rs) ⊆ R ⟹ (r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0 ⟹ r = 0"
shows "R_lin_independent (m#ms)"
using assms R_lin_independent_Cons
by fast
lemma R_lin_independent_ConsD1 :
"R_lin_independent (m#ms) ⟹ R_lin_independent ms"
by simp
lemma R_lin_independent_ConsD2 :
"⟦ R_lin_independent (m#ms); set (r#rs) ⊆ R; (r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0 ⟧
⟹ r = 0"
by auto
context RModule
lemma R_lin_independent_imp_same_scalars :
"⟦ length rs = length ss; length rs ≤ length ms; set rs ⊆ R; set ss ⊆ R;
set ms ⊆ M; R_lin_independent ms; rs ∙⋅ ms = ss ∙⋅ ms ⟧ ⟹ rs = ss"
proof (induct rs ss arbitrary: ms rule: list_induct2)
case (Cons r rs s ss)
from Cons(3) have "ms ≠ []" by auto
from this obtain n ns where ms: "ms = n#ns"
using neq_Nil_conv[of ms] by fast
from Cons(4,5) have "set ([a-b. (a,b)←zip (r#rs) (s#ss)]) ⊆ R"
using Ring1 Ring1.list_diff_closed by fast
hence "set ((r-s)#[a-b. (a,b)←zip rs ss]) ⊆ R" by simp
moreover from Cons(1,4-6,8) ms
have 1: "((r-s)#[a-b. (a,b)←zip rs ss]) ∙⋅ (n#ns) = 0"
using lincomb_diff_left[of "r#rs" "s#ss"]
by simp
ultimately have "r - s = 0" using Cons(7) ms R_lin_independent_Cons by fast
hence 2: "r = s" by simp
with 1 Cons(1,4-6) ms have "rs ∙⋅ ns = ss ∙⋅ ns"
using lincomb_Cons zero_smult lincomb_diff_left by simp
with Cons(2-7) ms have "rs = ss" by simp
with 2 show ?case by fast
qed fast
lemma R_lin_independent_obtain_unique_scalars :
"⟦ set ms ⊆ M; R_lin_independent ms; n ∈ RSpan ms ⟧
⟹ (∃! rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms ∧ n = rs ∙⋅ ms)"
using in_RSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of n ms]
R_lin_independent_imp_same_scalars[of _ _ ms]
by auto
lemma R_lin_independentI_all_scalars :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹
(∀rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length ms ∧ rs ∙⋅ ms = 0 ⟶ set rs ⊆ 0)
⟹ R_lin_independent ms"
proof (induct ms)
case (Cons m ms) show ?case
proof (rule R_lin_independent_ConsI)
have "⋀rs. ⟦ set rs ⊆ R; length rs = length ms; rs ∙⋅ ms = 0 ⟧ ⟹ set rs ⊆ 0"
fix rs assume rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "length rs = length ms" "rs ∙⋅ ms = 0"
with Cons(2) have "set (0#rs) ⊆ R" "length (0#rs)
= length (m#ms)" "(0#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0"
using R_scalars.zero_closed lincomb_Cons zero_smult by auto
with Cons(3) have "set (0#rs) ⊆ 0" by fast
thus "set rs ⊆ 0" by simp
with Cons(1,2) show "R_lin_independent ms" by simp
fix r rs assume r_rs: "set (r # rs) ⊆ R" "(r # rs) ∙⋅ (m # ms) = 0"
from r_rs(1) Cons(2) obtain ss
where ss: "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length ms" "rs ∙⋅ ms = ss ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_obtain_same_length_Rcoeffs[of rs ms]
by auto
with r_rs have "(r#ss) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0" using lincomb_Cons by simp
moreover from r_rs(1) ss(1) have "set (r#ss) ⊆ R" by simp
moreover from ss(2) have "length (r#ss) = length (m#ms)" by simp
ultimately have "set (r#ss) ⊆ 0" using Cons(3) by fast
thus "r = 0" by simp
qed simp
lemma R_lin_independentI_concat_all_scalars :
defines eq_len: "eq_len ≡ λxs ys. length xs = length ys"
assumes "set (concat mss) ⊆ M"
"⋀rss. set (concat rss) ⊆ R ⟹ list_all2 eq_len rss mss
⟹ (concat rss) ∙⋅ (concat mss) = 0 ⟹ (∀rs ∈ set rss. set rs ⊆ 0)"
shows "R_lin_independent (concat mss)"
using assms(2)
proof (rule R_lin_independentI_all_scalars)
have "⋀rs. ⟦ set rs ⊆ R; length rs = length (concat mss); rs ∙⋅ concat mss = 0 ⟧
⟹ set rs ⊆ 0"
fix rs
assume rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "length rs = length (concat mss)" "rs ∙⋅ concat mss = 0"
from rs(2) eq_len obtain rss where "rs = concat rss" "list_all2 eq_len rss mss"
using match_concat by fast
with rs(1,3) assms(3) show "set rs ⊆ 0" by auto
thus "∀rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ length rs = length (concat mss) ∧ rs ∙⋅ concat mss = 0
⟶ set rs ⊆ 0"
by auto
lemma R_lin_independentD_all_scalars :
"⟦ set rs ⊆ R; set ms ⊆ M; length rs ≤ length ms; R_lin_independent ms;
rs ∙⋅ ms = 0 ⟧ ⟹ set rs ⊆ 0"
proof (induct rs ms rule: list_induct2')
case (4 r rs m ms)
from 4(2,5,6) have "r = 0" by auto
moreover with 4 have "set rs ⊆ 0" using lincomb_Cons zero_smult by simp
ultimately show ?case by simp
qed auto
lemma R_lin_independentD_all_scalars_nth :
assumes "set rs ⊆ R" "set ms ⊆ M" "R_lin_independent ms" "rs ∙⋅ ms = 0"
"k < min (length rs) (length ms)"
shows "rs!k = 0"
from assms(1,2) obtain ss
where ss: "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length ms"
"take (length rs) ss = take (length ms) rs" "rs ∙⋅ ms = ss ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_obtain_same_length_Rcoeffs[of rs ms]
by fast
from ss(1,2,4) assms(2,3,4) have "set ss ⊆ 0"
using R_lin_independentD_all_scalars by auto
moreover from assms(5) ss(3) have "rs!k = (take (length rs) ss)!k" by simp
moreover from assms(5) ss(2) have "k < length (take (length rs) ss)" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using in_set_conv_nth by force
lemma R_lin_dependent_dependence_relation :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ ¬ R_lin_independent ms
⟹ ∃rs. set rs ⊆ R ∧ set rs ≠ 0 ∧ length rs = length ms ∧ rs ∙⋅ ms = 0"
proof (induct ms)
case (Cons m ms) show ?case
proof (cases "R_lin_independent ms")
case True
with Cons(3)
have "¬ (∀r rs. (set (r#rs) ⊆ R ∧ (r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0) ⟶ r = 0)"
by simp
from this obtain r rs
where r_rs: "set (r#rs) ⊆ R" "(r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0" "r ≠ 0"
by fast
from r_rs(1) Cons(2) obtain ss
where ss: "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length ms" "rs ∙⋅ ms = ss ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_obtain_same_length_Rcoeffs[of rs ms]
by auto
from ss r_rs have "set (r#ss) ⊆ R ∧ set (r#ss) ≠ 0
∧ length (r#ss) = length (m#ms) ∧ (r#ss) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0"
using lincomb_Cons
by simp
thus ?thesis by fast
case False
with Cons(1,2) obtain rs
where rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "set rs ≠ 0" "length rs = length ms" "rs ∙⋅ ms = 0"
by fastforce
from False rs Cons(2)
have "set (0#rs) ⊆ R ∧ set (0#rs) ≠ 0 ∧ length (0#rs) = length (m#ms)
∧ (0#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0"
using Ring1.zero_closed[OF Ring1] lincomb_Cons[of 0 rs m ms]
zero_smult[of m] empty_set_diff_single[of "set rs"]
by fastforce
thus ?thesis by fast
qed simp
lemma R_lin_independent_imp_distinct :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ R_lin_independent ms ⟹ distinct ms"
proof (induct ms)
case (Cons m ms)
have "⋀n. n ∈ set ms ⟹ m ≠ n"
fix n assume n: "n ∈ set ms" "m = n"
from n(1) obtain xs ys where "ms = xs @ n # ys" using split_list by fast
with Cons(2) n(2)
have "(1 # replicate (length xs) 0 @ [-1]) ∙⋅ (m # ms) = 0"
using lincomb_Cons lincomb_append lincomb_replicate0_left lincomb_Nil neg_eq_neg1_smult
by simp
with Cons(3) have "1 = 0"
using R_scalars.zero_closed one_closed R_scalars.neg_closed by force
thus False using one_neq_zero by fast
with Cons show ?case by auto
qed simp
lemma R_lin_independent_imp_independent_take :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ R_lin_independent ms ⟹ R_lin_independent (take n ms)"
proof (induct ms arbitrary: n)
case (Cons m ms) show ?case
proof (cases n)
case (Suc k)
hence "take n (m#ms) = m # take k ms" by simp
moreover have "R_lin_independent (m # take k ms)"
proof (rule R_lin_independent_ConsI)
from Cons show "R_lin_independent (take k ms)" by simp
fix r rs assume r_rs: "set (r#rs) ⊆ R" "(r#rs)∙⋅(m # take k ms) = 0"
from r_rs(1) Cons(2) obtain ss
where ss: "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length (take k ms)"
"rs ∙⋅ take k ms = ss ∙⋅ take k ms"
using set_take_subset[of k ms] lincomb_obtain_same_length_Rcoeffs
by force
from r_rs(1) ss(1) have "set (r#ss) ⊆ R" by simp
moreover from r_rs(2) ss have "(r#ss) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0"
using lincomb_Cons lincomb_Nil
lincomb_append_right[of ss "take k ms" "drop k ms"]
by simp
ultimately show "r = 0" using Cons(3) by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
qed simp
qed simp
lemma R_lin_independent_Cons_imp_independent_RSpans :
assumes "m ∈ M" "R_lin_independent (m#ms)"
shows "add_independentS [RSpan [m], RSpan ms]"
proof (rule add_independentS_doubleI)
fix x y assume xy: "x ∈ RSpan [m]" "y ∈ RSpan ms" "x + y = 0"
from xy(1,2) obtain r rs where r_rs: "r ∈ R" "x = r ⋅ m" "set rs ⊆ R" "y = rs ∙⋅ ms"
using RSpan_single RSpanD_lincomb by fast
with xy(3) have "set (r#rs) ⊆ R" "(r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms) = 0"
using lincomb_Cons by auto
with assms r_rs(2) show "x = 0" using zero_smult by auto
lemma hd0_imp_R_lin_dependent : "¬ R_lin_independent (0#ms)"
using lincomb_Cons[of 1 "[]" 0 ms] lincomb_Nil[of "[]" ms] smult_zero one_closed
by fastforce
lemma R_lin_independent_imp_hd_n0 : "R_lin_independent (m#ms) ⟹ m ≠ 0"
using hd0_imp_R_lin_dependent by fast
lemma R_lin_independent_imp_hd_independent_from_RSpan :
assumes "m ∈ M" "set ms ⊆ M" "R_lin_independent (m#ms)"
shows "m ∉ RSpan ms"
assume m: "m ∈ RSpan ms"
with assms(2) have "(-1) ⋅ m ∈ RSpan ms"
using RSubmodule_RSpan[of ms]
RModule.smult_closed[of R smult "RSpan ms" "-1" m]
one_closed R_scalars.neg_closed[of 1]
by simp
moreover from assms(1) have "m + (-1) ⋅ m = 0"
using neg_eq_neg1_smult by simp
ultimately show False
using RSpan_contains_spanset_single assms R_lin_independent_Cons_imp_independent_RSpans
add_independentS_doubleD R_lin_independent_imp_hd_n0
by fast
lemma R_lin_independent_reduce :
assumes "n ∈ M"
shows "set ms ⊆ M ⟹ R_lin_independent (ms @ n # ns)
⟹ R_lin_independent (ms @ ns)"
proof (induct ms)
case (Cons m ms)
moreover have "⋀r rs. set (r#rs) ⊆ R ⟹ (r#rs) ∙⋅ (m#ms@ns) = 0
⟹ r = 0"
fix r rs assume r_rs: "set (r#rs) ⊆ R" "(r#rs) ∙⋅ (m # ms @ ns) = 0"
from Cons(2) r_rs(1) obtain ss
where ss: "set ss ⊆ R" "length ss = length ms" "rs ∙⋅ ms = ss ∙⋅ ms"
using lincomb_obtain_same_length_Rcoeffs[of rs ms]
by auto
from assms ss(2,3) r_rs(2)
have "(r # ss @ 0 # drop (length ms) rs) ∙⋅ (m # ms @ n # ns) = 0"
using lincomb_Cons
lincomb_append_right add.assoc[of "r⋅m" "rs∙⋅ms" "(drop (length ms) rs)∙⋅ns"]
zero_smult lincomb_append
by simp
moreover from r_rs(1) ss(1)
have "set (r # ss @ 0 # drop (length ms) rs) ⊆ R"
using R_scalars.zero_closed set_drop_subset[of _ rs]
by auto
ultimately show "r = 0"
using Cons(3)
R_lin_independent_ConsD2[of m _ r "ss @ 0 # drop (length ms) rs"]
by simp
ultimately show "R_lin_independent ( (m#ms) @ ns)" by auto
qed simp
lemma R_lin_independent_vs_lincomb0 :
assumes "set (ms@n#ns) ⊆ M" "R_lin_independent (ms @ n # ns)"
"set (rs@s#ss) ⊆ R" "length rs = length ms"
"(rs@s#ss) ∙⋅ (ms@n#ns) = 0"
shows "s = 0"
define k where "k = length rs"
hence "(rs@s#ss)!k = s" by simp
moreover from k_def assms(4) have "k < min (length (rs@s#ss)) (length (ms@n#ns))"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms(1,2,3,5) R_lin_independentD_all_scalars_nth[of "rs@s#ss" "ms@n#ns"]
by simp
lemma R_lin_independent_append_imp_independent_RSpans :
"set ms ⊆ M ⟹ R_lin_independent (ms@ns)
⟹ add_independentS [RSpan ms, RSpan ns]"
proof (induct ms)
case (Cons m ms)
show ?case
proof (rule add_independentS_doubleI)
fix x y assume xy: "y ∈ RSpan ns""x ∈ RSpan (m#ms)" "x + y = 0"
from xy(2) obtain x1 x2
where x1_x2: "x1 ∈ RSpan [m]" "x2 ∈ RSpan ms" "x = x1 + x2"
using RSpan_Cons set_plus_def[of "RSpan [m]"]
by auto
from x1_x2(1,2) xy(1) obtain r rs ss
where r_rs_ss: "set (r#(rs@ss)) ⊆ R" "length rs = length ms" "x1 = r ⋅ m"
"x2 = rs ∙⋅ ms" "y = ss ∙⋅ ns"
using RSpan_single in_RSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of x2 ms]
RSpanD_lincomb[of ns]
by auto
have x1_0: "x1 = 0"
from xy(3) x1_x2(3) r_rs_ss(2-5) have "(r#(rs@ss)) ∙⋅ (m#(ms@ns)) = 0"
using lincomb_append lincomb_Cons by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with r_rs_ss(1,3) Cons(2,3) show ?thesis
using R_lin_independent_ConsD2[of m "ms@ns" r "rs@ss"] zero_smult by simp
moreover have "x2 = 0"
from x1_0 xy(3) x1_x2(3) have "x2 + y = 0" by simp
with xy(1) x1_x2(2) Cons show ?thesis
using add_independentS_doubleD by simp
ultimately show "x = 0" using x1_x2(3) by simp
qed simp
subsubsection ‹Linear independence over ‹UNIV››
context scalar_mult
abbreviation "lin_independent ms
≡ R_scalar_mult.R_lin_independent UNIV smult ms"
lemmas lin_independent_ConsI
= R_scalar_mult.R_lin_independent_ConsI [OF R_scalar_mult, of smult]
lemmas lin_independent_ConsD1
= R_scalar_mult.R_lin_independent_ConsD1[OF R_scalar_mult, of smult]
context Module
lemmas lin_independent_imp_independent_take = R_lin_independent_imp_independent_take
lemmas lin_independent_reduce = R_lin_independent_reduce
lemmas lin_independent_vs_lincomb0 = R_lin_independent_vs_lincomb0
lemmas lin_dependent_dependence_relation = R_lin_dependent_dependence_relation
lemmas lin_independent_imp_distinct = R_lin_independent_imp_distinct
lemmas lin_independent_imp_hd_independent_from_Span
= R_lin_independent_imp_hd_independent_from_RSpan
lemmas lin_independent_append_imp_independent_Spans
= R_lin_independent_append_imp_independent_RSpans
subsubsection ‹Rank›
context R_scalar_mult
definition R_finrank :: "'m set ⇒ bool"
where "R_finrank M = (∃n. ∀ms. set ms ⊆ M
∧ R_lin_independent ms ⟶ length ms ≤ n)"
lemma R_finrankI :
"(⋀ms. set ms ⊆ M ⟹ R_lin_independent ms ⟹ length ms ≤ n)
⟹ R_finrank M"
unfolding R_finrank_def by blast
lemma R_finrankD :
"R_finrank M ⟹ ∃n. ∀ms. set ms ⊆ M ∧ R_lin_independent ms
⟶ length ms ≤ n"
unfolding R_finrank_def by fast
lemma submodule_R_finrank : "R_finrank M ⟹ N ⊆ M ⟹ R_finrank N"
unfolding R_finrank_def by blast
context scalar_mult
abbreviation finrank :: "'m set ⇒ bool"
where "finrank ≡ R_scalar_mult.R_finrank UNIV smult"
lemmas finrankI = R_scalar_mult.R_finrankI[OF R_scalar_mult, of _ smult]
lemmas finrankD = R_scalar_mult.R_finrankD[OF R_scalar_mult, of smult]
lemmas submodule_finrank
= R_scalar_mult.submodule_R_finrank [OF R_scalar_mult, of smult]
subsection ‹Module homomorphisms›
subsubsection ‹Locales›
locale RModuleHom = Domain?: RModule R smult M
+ Codomain?: scalar_mult smult'
+ GroupHom?: GroupHom M T
for R :: "'r::ring_1 set"
and smult :: "'r ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and M :: "'m set"
and smult' :: "'r ⇒ 'n::ab_group_add ⇒ 'n" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and T :: "'m ⇒ 'n"
+ assumes R_map: "⋀r m. r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ T (r ⋅ m) = r ⋆ T m"
abbreviation (in RModuleHom) lincomb' :: "'r list ⇒ 'n list ⇒ 'n" (infix "∙⋆" 70)
where "lincomb' ≡ Codomain.lincomb"
lemma (in RModule) RModuleHomI :
assumes "GroupHom M T"
"⋀r m. r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ T (r ⋅ m) = smult' r (T m)"
shows "RModuleHom R smult M smult' T"
by (
rule RModuleHom.intro, rule RModule_axioms, rule assms(1), unfold_locales,
rule assms(2)
locale RModuleEnd = RModuleHom R smult M smult T
for R :: "'r::ring_1 set"
and smult :: "'r ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and M :: "'m set"
and T :: "'m ⇒ 'm"
+ assumes endomorph: "ImG ⊆ M"
locale ModuleHom = RModuleHom UNIV smult M smult' T
for smult :: "'r::ring_1 ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and M :: "'m set"
and smult' :: "'r ⇒ 'n::ab_group_add ⇒ 'n" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and T :: "'m ⇒ 'n"
lemmas (in ModuleHom) hom = hom
lemmas (in Module) ModuleHomI = RModuleHomI[THEN ModuleHom.intro]
locale ModuleEnd = ModuleHom smult M smult T
for smult :: "'r::ring_1 ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and M :: "'m set" and T :: "'m ⇒ 'm"
+ assumes endomorph: "ImG ⊆ M"
locale RModuleIso = RModuleHom R smult M smult' T
for R :: "'r::ring_1 set"
and smult :: "'r ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and M :: "'m set"
and smult' :: "'r ⇒ 'n::ab_group_add ⇒ 'n" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and T :: "'m ⇒ 'n"
+ fixes N :: "'n set"
assumes bijective: "bij_betw T M N"
lemma (in RModule) RModuleIsoI :
assumes "GroupIso M T N"
"⋀r m. r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ T (r ⋅ m) = smult' r (T m)"
shows "RModuleIso R smult M smult' T N"
proof (rule RModuleIso.intro)
from assms show "RModuleHom R (⋅) M smult' T"
using GroupIso.axioms(1) RModuleHomI by fastforce
from assms(1) show "RModuleIso_axioms M T N"
using GroupIso.bijective by unfold_locales
subsubsection ‹Basic facts›
lemma (in RModule) trivial_RModuleHom :
"∀r∈R. smult' r 0 = 0 ⟹ RModuleHom R smult M smult' 0"
using trivial_GroupHom RModuleHomI by fastforce
lemma (in RModule) RModHom_idhom : "RModuleHom R smult M smult (id↓M)"
using RModule_axioms GroupHom_idhom
proof (rule RModuleHom.intro)
show "RModuleHom_axioms R (⋅) M (⋅) (id ↓ M)"
using smult_closed by unfold_locales simp
context RModuleHom
lemmas additive = hom
lemmas supp = supp
lemmas im_zero = im_zero
lemmas im_diff = im_diff
lemmas Ker_Im_iff = Ker_Im_iff
lemmas Ker0_imp_inj_on = Ker0_imp_inj_on
lemma GroupHom : "GroupHom M T" ..
lemma codomain_smult_zero : "r ∈ R ⟹ r ⋆ 0 = 0"
using im_zero smult_zero zero_closed R_map[of r 0] by simp
lemma RSubmodule_Ker : "Domain.RSubmodule Ker"
proof (rule Domain.RSubmoduleI, rule conjI, rule Group_Ker)
fix r m assume r: "r ∈ R" and m: "m ∈ Ker"
thus "r ⋅ m ∈ Ker"
using R_map[of r m] kerD[of m T] codomain_smult_zero kerI Domain.smult_closed
by simp
qed fast
lemma RModule_Im : "RModule R smult' ImG"
using Ring1 Group_Im
proof (rule RModuleI, unfold_locales)
show "⋀n. n ∈ T ` M ⟹ 1 ⋆ n = n" using one_closed R_map[of 1] by auto
fix r s m n assume r: "r ∈ R" and s: "s ∈ R" and m: "m ∈ T ` M"
and n: "n ∈ T ` M"
from m n obtain m' n'
where m': "m' ∈ M" "m = T m'" and n': "n' ∈ M" "n = T n'"
by fast
from m' r R_map have "r ⋆ m = T (r ⋅ m')" by simp
with r m'(1) show "r ⋆ m ∈ T ` M" using smult_closed by fast
from r m' n' show "r ⋆ (m + n) = r ⋆ m + r ⋆ n"
using hom add_closed R_map[of r "m'+n'"] smult_closed R_map[of r] by simp
from r s m' show "(r + s) ⋆ m = r ⋆ m + s ⋆ m"
using R_scalars.add_closed R_map[of "r+s"] smult_closed hom R_map by simp
from r s m' show "r ⋆ s ⋆ m = (r * s) ⋆ m"
using smult_closed R_map[of s] R_map[of r "s ⋅ m'"] mult_closed R_map[of "r*s"]
by simp
lemma im_submodule :
assumes "RSubmodule N"
shows "RModule.RSubmodule R smult' ImG (T ` N)"
proof (rule RModule.RSubmoduleI, rule RModule_Im)
from assms show "Group.Subgroup (T ` M) (T ` N)"
using im_subgroup Subgroup_RSubmodule by fast
from assms R_map show "⋀r n. r ∈ R ⟹ n ∈ T ` N ⟹ r ⋆ n ∈ T ` N"
using RModule.smult_closed by force
lemma RModHom_composite_left :
assumes "T ` M ⊆ N" "RModuleHom R smult' N smult'' S"
shows "RModuleHom R smult M smult'' (S ∘ T)"
proof (rule RModule.RModuleHomI, rule RModule_axioms)
from assms(1) show "GroupHom M (S ∘ T)"
using RModuleHom.GroupHom[OF assms(2)] GroupHom_composite_left
by auto
from assms(1)
show "⋀r m. r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ (S ∘ T) (r ⋅ m) = smult'' r ((S ∘ T) m)"
using R_map RModuleHom.R_map[OF assms(2)]
by auto
lemma RModuleHom_restrict0_submodule :
assumes "RSubmodule N"
shows "RModuleHom R smult N smult' (T ↓ N)"
proof (rule RModuleHom.intro)
from assms show "RModule R (⋅) N" by fast
from assms show "GroupHom N (T ↓ N)"
using RModule.Group GroupHom_restrict0_subgroup by fast
show "RModuleHom_axioms R (⋅) N (⋆) (T ↓ N)"
fix r m assume "r ∈ R" "m ∈ N"
with assms show "(T ↓ N) (r ⋅ m) = r ⋆ (T ↓ N) m"
using RModule.smult_closed R_map by fastforce
lemma distrib_lincomb :
"set rs ⊆ R ⟹ set ms ⊆ M ⟹ T (rs ∙⋅ ms) = rs ∙⋆ map T ms"
using Domain.lincomb_Nil im_zero Codomain.lincomb_Nil R_map Domain.lincomb_Cons
Domain.smult_closed Domain.lincomb_closed additive Codomain.lincomb_Cons
by (induct rs ms rule: list_induct2') auto
lemma same_image_on_RSpanset_imp_same_hom :
assumes "RModuleHom R smult M smult' S" "set ms ⊆ M"
"M = Domain.R_scalars.RSpan ms" "∀m∈set ms. S m = T m"
shows "S = T"
fix m show "S m = T m"
proof (cases "m ∈ M")
case True
with assms(2,3) obtain rs where rs: "set rs ⊆ R" "m = rs ∙⋅ ms"
using Domain.RSpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs by fast
from rs(1) assms(2) have "S (rs ∙⋅ ms) = rs ∙⋆ (map S ms)"
using RModuleHom.distrib_lincomb[OF assms(1)] by simp
moreover from rs(1) assms(2) have "T (rs ∙⋅ ms) = rs ∙⋆ (map T ms)"
using distrib_lincomb by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using assms(4) map_ext[of ms S T] rs(2) by auto
case False with assms(1) supp show ?thesis
using RModuleHom.supp suppI_contra[of _ S] suppI_contra[of _ T] by fastforce
lemma RSubmodule_eigenspace :
fixes smult :: "'r::ring_1 ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add ⇒ 'm" (infixr "⋅" 70)
assumes RModHom: "RModuleHom R smult M smult T"
and r: "r ∈ R" "⋀s m. s ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ s ⋅ r ⋅ m = r ⋅ s ⋅ m"
defines E: "E ≡ {m ∈ M. T m = r ⋅ m}"
shows "RModule.RSubmodule R smult M E"
proof (rule RModule.RSubmoduleI)
from RModHom show rmod: "RModule R smult M"
using RModuleHom.axioms(1) by fast
have "Group E"
from r(1) E show "E ≠ {}"
using RModule.zero_closed[OF rmod] RModuleHom.im_zero[OF RModHom]
RModule.smult_zero[OF rmod]
by auto
fix m n assume "m ∈ E" "n ∈ E"
with r(1) E show "m - n ∈ E"
using RModule.diff_closed[OF rmod] RModuleHom.im_diff[OF RModHom]
RModule.smult_distrib_left_diff[OF rmod]
by simp
with E show "Group.Subgroup M E" by fast
show "⋀s m. s ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ E ⟹ s ⋅ m ∈ E"
fix s m assume "s ∈ R" "m ∈ E"
with E r RModuleHom.R_map[OF RModHom] show "s ⋅ m ∈ E"
using RModule.smult_closed[OF rmod] by simp
subsubsection ‹Basic facts about endomorphisms›
lemma (in RModule) Rmap_endomorph_is_RModuleEnd :
assumes grpend: "GroupEnd M T"
and Rmap : "⋀r m. r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ M ⟹ T (r ⋅ m) = r ⋅ (T m)"
shows "RModuleEnd R smult M T"
proof (rule RModuleEnd.intro, rule RModuleHomI)
from grpend show "GroupHom M T" using GroupEnd.axioms(1) by fast
from grpend show "RModuleEnd_axioms M T"
using GroupEnd.endomorph by unfold_locales
qed (rule Rmap)
lemma (in RModuleEnd) GroupEnd : "GroupEnd M T"
proof (rule GroupEnd.intro)
from endomorph show "GroupEnd_axioms M T" by unfold_locales
qed (unfold_locales)
lemmas (in RModuleEnd) proj_decomp = GroupEnd.proj_decomp[OF GroupEnd]
lemma (in ModuleEnd) RModuleEnd : "RModuleEnd UNIV smult M T"
using endomorph RModuleEnd.intro by unfold_locales
lemmas (in ModuleEnd) GroupEnd = RModuleEnd.GroupEnd[OF RModuleEnd]
lemma RModuleEnd_over_UNIV_is_ModuleEnd :
"RModuleEnd UNIV rsmult M T ⟹ ModuleEnd rsmult M T"
proof (rule ModuleEnd.intro, rule ModuleHom.intro)
assume endo: "RModuleEnd UNIV rsmult M T"
thus "RModuleHom UNIV rsmult M rsmult T"
using RModuleEnd.axioms(1) by fast
from endo show "ModuleEnd_axioms M T"
using RModuleEnd.endomorph by unfold_locales
subsubsection ‹Basic facts about isomorphisms›
context RModuleIso
abbreviation "invT ≡ (the_inv_into M T) ↓ N"
lemma GroupIso : "GroupIso M T N"
proof (rule GroupIso.intro)
show "GroupHom M T" ..
from bijective show "GroupIso_axioms M T N" by unfold_locales
lemmas ImG = GroupIso.ImG [OF GroupIso]
lemmas GroupHom_inv = GroupIso.inv [OF GroupIso]
lemmas invT_into = GroupIso.invT_into [OF GroupIso]
lemmas T_invT = GroupIso.T_invT [OF GroupIso]
lemmas invT_eq = GroupIso.invT_eq [OF GroupIso]
lemma RModuleN : "RModule R smult' N" using RModule_Im ImG by fast
lemma inv : "RModuleIso R smult' N smult invT M"
using RModuleN GroupHom_inv
proof (rule RModule.RModuleIsoI)
fix r n assume rn: "r ∈ R" "n ∈ N"
thus "invT (r ⋆ n) = r ⋅ invT n"
using invT_into smult_closed R_map T_invT invT_eq by simp
subsection ‹Inner direct sums of RModules›
lemma (in RModule) RModule_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_Rsmult :
assumes "∀N∈set Ns. RSubmodule N" "add_independentS Ns" "r ∈ R"
"x ∈ (⨁N←Ns. N)"
shows "(⨁Ns←(r ⋅ x)) = [r ⋅ m. m←(⨁Ns←x)]"
define xs where "xs = (⨁Ns←x)"
with assms have x: "xs ∈ listset Ns" "x = sum_list xs"
using RModule.AbGroup[of R] AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decompI[of Ns x]
by auto
from assms(1,2,4) xs_def have xs_M: "set xs ⊆ M"
using Subgroup_RSubmodule
AbGroup.abSubgroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_set[OF AbGroup]
by fast
from assms(1,3) x(1) have "[r ⋅ m. m←xs] ∈ listset Ns"
using listset_RModule_Rsmult_closed by fast
moreover from x assms(3) xs_M have "r ⋅ x = sum_list [r ⋅ m. m←xs]"
using smult_sum_list_distrib by fast
moreover from assms(1,3,4) have "r ⋅ x ∈ (⨁M←Ns. M)"
using RModule_inner_dirsum RModule.smult_closed by fast
ultimately show "(⨁Ns←(r ⋅ x)) = [r ⋅ m. m←xs]"
using assms(1,2) RModule.AbGroup AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_eq
by fast
lemma (in RModule) RModuleEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth :
assumes "∀N ∈ set Ns. RSubmodule N" "add_independentS Ns" "n < length Ns"
shows "RModuleEnd R smult (⨁N←Ns. N) (⨁Ns↓n)"
proof (rule RModule.Rmap_endomorph_is_RModuleEnd)
from assms(1) show "RModule R smult (⨁N←Ns. N)"
using RSubmodule_inner_dirsum by fast
from assms show "GroupEnd (⨁N←Ns. N) ⨁Ns↓n"
using RModule.AbGroup GroupEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth[of Ns] by fast
show "⋀r m. r ∈ R ⟹ m ∈ (⨁N←Ns. N)
⟹ (⨁Ns↓n) (r ⋅ m) = r ⋅ ((⨁Ns↓n) m)"
fix r m assume "r ∈ R" "m ∈ (⨁N←Ns. N)"
moreover with assms(1) have "r ⋅ m ∈ (⨁M←Ns. M)"
using RModule_inner_dirsum RModule.smult_closed by fast
ultimately show "(⨁Ns↓n) (r ⋅ m) = r ⋅ (⨁Ns↓n) m"
using assms RModule.AbGroup[of R smult]
AbGroup_length_inner_dirsum_el_decomp[of Ns]
by simp
section ‹Vector Spaces›
subsection ‹Locales and basic facts›
text ‹Here we don't care about being able to switch scalars.›
locale fscalar_mult = scalar_mult smult
for smult :: "'f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
abbreviation (in fscalar_mult) "findim ≡ fingen"
locale VectorSpace = Module smult V
for smult :: "'f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
lemmas VectorSpaceI = ModuleI[THEN VectorSpace.intro]
sublocale VectorSpace < fscalar_mult proof- qed
locale FinDimVectorSpace = VectorSpace
+ assumes findim: "findim V"
lemma (in VectorSpace) FinDimVectorSpaceI :
"findim V ⟹ FinDimVectorSpace (⋅) V"
by unfold_locales fast
context VectorSpace
abbreviation Subspace :: "'v set ⇒ bool" where "Subspace ≡ Submodule"
lemma SubspaceD1 : "Subspace U ⟹ VectorSpace smult U"
using VectorSpace.intro Module.intro by fast
lemmas AbGroup = AbGroup
lemmas add_closed = add_closed
lemmas smult_closed = smult_closed
lemmas one_smult = one_smult
lemmas smult_assoc = smult_assoc
lemmas smult_distrib_left = smult_distrib_left
lemmas smult_distrib_right = smult_distrib_right
lemmas zero_closed = zero_closed
lemmas zero_smult = zero_smult
lemmas smult_zero = smult_zero
lemmas smult_lincomb = smult_lincomb
lemmas smult_distrib_left_diff = smult_distrib_left_diff
lemmas smult_sum_distrib = smult_sum_distrib
lemmas sum_smult_distrib = sum_smult_distrib
lemmas lincomb_sum = lincomb_sum
lemmas lincomb_closed = lincomb_closed
lemmas lincomb_concat = lincomb_concat
lemmas lincomb_replicate0_left = lincomb_replicate0_left
lemmas delta_scalars_lincomb_eq_nth = delta_scalars_lincomb_eq_nth
lemmas SpanI = SpanI
lemmas Span_closed = Span_closed
lemmas SpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs = SpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs
lemmas SpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs = SpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs
lemmas in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs = in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs
lemmas SubspaceI = SubmoduleI
lemmas subspace_finrank = submodule_finrank
lemma cancel_scalar: "⟦ a ≠ 0; u ∈ V; v ∈ V; a ⋅ u = a ⋅ v ⟧ ⟹ u = v"
using smult_assoc[of "1/a" a u] by simp
subsection ‹Linear algebra in vector spaces›
subsubsection ‹Linear independence and spanning›
context VectorSpace
lemmas Subspace_Span = Submodule_Span
lemmas lin_independent_Nil = R_lin_independent_Nil
lemmas lin_independentI_concat_all_scalars = R_lin_independentI_concat_all_scalars
lemmas lin_independentD_all_scalars = R_lin_independentD_all_scalars
lemmas lin_independent_obtain_unique_scalars = R_lin_independent_obtain_unique_scalars
lemma lincomb_Cons_0_imp_in_Span :
"⟦ v ∈ V; set vs ⊆ V; a ≠ 0; (a#as) ∙⋅ (v#vs) = 0 ⟧ ⟹ v ∈ Span vs"
using lincomb_Cons eq_neg_iff_add_eq_0[of "a ⋅ v" "as ∙⋅ vs"]
neg_lincomb smult_assoc[of "1/a" a v] smult_lincomb SpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs
by auto
lemma lin_independent_Cons_conditions :
"⟦ v ∈ V; set vs ⊆ V; v ∉ Span vs; lin_independent vs ⟧
⟹ lin_independent (v#vs)"
using lincomb_Cons_0_imp_in_Span lin_independent_ConsI by fast
lemma coeff_n0_imp_in_Span_others :
assumes "v ∈ V" "set us ⊆ V" "set vs ⊆ V" "b ≠ 0" "length as = length us"
"w = (as @ b # bs) ∙⋅ (us @ v # vs)"
shows "v ∈ Span (w # us @ vs)"
define x where "x = (1 # [- c. c←as@bs]) ∙⋅ (w # us @ vs)"
from assms(1,4-6) have "v = (1/b) ⋅ (w + - ( (as@bs) ∙⋅ (us@vs) ))"
using lincomb_append lincomb_Cons by simp
moreover from assms(1,2,3,6) have w: "w ∈ V" using lincomb_closed by simp
ultimately have "v = (1/b) ⋅ x"
using x_def assms(2,3) neg_lincomb[of _ "us@vs"] lincomb_Cons[of 1 _ w] by simp
with x_def w assms(2,3) show ?thesis
using SpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs[of "w # us @ vs"]
Span_smult_closed[of "1/b" "w # us @ vs" x]
by auto
lemma lin_independent_replace1_by_lincomb :
assumes "set us ⊆ V" "v ∈ V" "set vs ⊆ V" "lin_independent (us @ v # vs)"
"length as = length us" "b ≠ 0"
shows "lin_independent ( ((as @ b # bs) ∙⋅ (us @ v # vs)) # us @ vs )"
define w where "w = (as @ b # bs) ∙⋅ (us @ v # vs)"
from assms(1,2,4) have "lin_independent (us @ vs)"
using lin_independent_reduce by fast
hence "lin_independent (w # us @ vs)"
proof (rule lin_independent_ConsI)
fix c cs assume A: "(c#cs) ∙⋅ (w # us @ vs) = 0"
from assms(1,3) obtain ds es fs
where dsesfs: "length ds = length vs" "bs ∙⋅ vs = ds ∙⋅ vs"
"length es = length vs" "(drop (length us) cs) ∙⋅ vs = es ∙⋅ vs"
"length fs = length us" "cs ∙⋅ us = fs ∙⋅ us"
using lincomb_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of bs vs]
lincomb_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of "drop (length us) cs" vs]
lincomb_obtain_same_length_coeffs[of cs us]
by auto
define xs ys
where "xs = [x+y. (x,y)←zip [c*a. a←as] fs]"
and "ys = [x+y. (x,y)←zip es [c*d. d←ds]]"
with assms(5) dsesfs(5) have len_xs: "length xs = length us"
using length_concat_map_split_zip[of _ "[c*a. a←as]" fs] by simp
from A w_def assms(1-3,5) dsesfs(2,4,6)
have "0 = c ⋅ as ∙⋅ us + fs ∙⋅ us + (c * b) ⋅ v + es ∙⋅ vs + c ⋅ ds ∙⋅ vs"
using lincomb_Cons lincomb_append_right lincomb_append add_closed smult_closed
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also from assms(1,3,5) dsesfs(1,3,5) xs_def ys_def len_xs
have "… = (xs @ (c * b) # ys) ∙⋅ (us @ v # vs)"
using smult_lincomb lincomb_sum lincomb_Cons lincomb_append by simp
finally have "(xs @ (c * b) # ys) ∙⋅ (us @ v # vs) = 0" by simp
with assms(1-3,4,6) len_xs show "c = 0"
using lin_independent_vs_lincomb0 by fastforce
with w_def show ?thesis by fast
lemma build_lin_independent_seq :
assumes us_V: "set us ⊆ V"
and indep_us: "lin_independent us"
shows "∃ws. set ws ⊆ V ∧ lin_independent (ws @ us) ∧ (Span (ws @ us) = V
∨ length ws = n)"
proof (induct n)
case 0 from indep_us show ?case by force
case (Suc m)
from this obtain ws
where ws: "set ws ⊆ V" "lin_independent (ws @ us)"
"Span (ws@us) = V ∨ length ws = m"
by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "V = Span (ws@us)")
case True with ws show ?thesis by fast
case False
moreover from ws(1) us_V have ws_us_V: "set (ws @ us) ⊆ V" by simp
ultimately have "Span (ws@us) ⊂ V" using Span_closed by fast
from this obtain w where w: "w ∈ V" "w ∉ Span (ws@us)" by fast
define vs where "vs = w # ws"
with w ws_us_V ws(2,3)
have "set (vs @ us) ⊆ V" "lin_independent (vs @ us)" "length vs = Suc m"
using lin_independent_Cons_conditions[of w "ws@us"]
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
subsubsection ‹Basis for a vector space: ‹basis_for››
abbreviation (in fscalar_mult) basis_for :: "'v set ⇒ 'v list ⇒ bool"
where "basis_for V vs ≡ (set vs ⊆ V ∧ V = Span vs ∧ lin_independent vs)"
context VectorSpace
lemma spanset_contains_basis :
"set vs ⊆ V ⟹ ∃us. set us ⊆ set vs ∧ basis_for (Span vs) us"
proof (induct vs)
case Nil show ?case using lin_independent_Nil by simp
case (Cons v vs)
from this obtain ws where ws: "set ws ⊆ set vs" "basis_for (Span vs) ws" by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "v ∈ Span vs")
case True
with Cons(2) ws(2) have "basis_for (Span (v#vs)) ws"
using spanset_reduce_Cons by force
with ws(1) show ?thesis by auto
case False
from Cons(2) ws
have "set (v#ws) ⊆ set (v#vs)" "set (v#ws) ⊆ Span (v#vs)"
"Span (v#vs) = Span (v#ws)"
using Span_contains_spanset[of "v#vs"]
Span_contains_Spans_Cons_right[of v vs] Span_Cons
by auto
moreover have "lin_independent (v#ws)"
proof (rule lin_independent_Cons_conditions)
from Cons(2) ws(1) show "v ∈ V" "set ws ⊆ V" by auto
from ws(2) False show "v ∉ Span ws" "lin_independent ws" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma basis_for_Span_ex : "set vs ⊆ V ⟹ ∃us. basis_for (Span vs) us"
using spanset_contains_basis by fastforce
lemma replace_basis_one_step :
assumes closed: "set vs ⊆ V" "set us ⊆ V" and indep: "lin_independent (us@vs)"
and new_w: "w ∈ Span (us@vs) - Span us"
shows "∃xs y ys. vs = xs @ y # ys
∧ basis_for (Span (us@vs)) (w # us @ xs @ ys)"
from new_w obtain u v where uv: "u ∈ Span us" "v ∈ Span vs" "w = u + v"
using Span_append set_plus_def[of "Span us"] by auto
from uv(1,3) new_w have v_n0: "v ≠ 0" by auto
from uv(1,2) obtain as bs
where as_bs: "length as = length us" "u = as ∙⋅ us" "length bs = length vs"
"v = bs ∙⋅ vs"
using in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs
by blast
from v_n0 as_bs(4) closed(1) obtain b where b: "b ∈ set bs" "b ≠ 0"
using lincomb_0coeffs[of vs] by auto
from b(1) obtain cs ds where cs_ds: "bs = cs @ b # ds" using split_list by fast
define n where "n = length cs"
define fvs where "fvs = take n vs"
define y where "y = vs!n"
define bvs where "bvs = drop (Suc n) vs"
define ufvs where "ufvs = us @ fvs"
define acs where "acs = as @ cs"
from as_bs(1,3) cs_ds n_def acs_def ufvs_def fvs_def
have n_len_vs: "n < length vs" and len_acs: "length acs = length ufvs"
by auto
from n_len_vs fvs_def y_def bvs_def have vs_decomp: "vs = fvs @ y # bvs"
using id_take_nth_drop by simp
with uv(3) as_bs(1,2,4) cs_ds acs_def ufvs_def
have w_decomp: "w = (acs @ b # ds) ∙⋅ (ufvs @ y # bvs)"
using lincomb_append
by simp
from closed(1) vs_decomp
have y_V: "y ∈ V" and fvs_V: "set fvs ⊆ V" and bvs_V: "set bvs ⊆ V"
by auto
from ufvs_def fvs_V closed(2) have ufvs_V: "set ufvs ⊆ V" by simp
from w_decomp ufvs_V y_V bvs_V have w_V: "w ∈ V"
using lincomb_closed by simp
have "Span (us@vs) = Span (w # ufvs @ bvs)"
from vs_decomp ufvs_def have 1: "Span (us@vs) = Span (y # ufvs @ bvs)"
using Span_append Span_Cons[of y bvs] Span_Cons[of y ufvs]
Span_append[of "y#ufvs" bvs]
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with new_w y_V ufvs_V bvs_V show "Span (w # ufvs @ bvs) ⊆ Span (us@vs)"
using Span_replace_hd by simp
from len_acs w_decomp y_V ufvs_V bvs_V have "y ∈ Span (w # ufvs @ bvs)"
using b(2) coeff_n0_imp_in_Span_others by simp
with w_V ufvs_V bvs_V have "Span (y # ufvs @ bvs) ⊆ Span (w # ufvs @ bvs)"
using Span_replace_hd by simp
with 1 show "Span (us@vs) ⊆ Span (w # ufvs @ bvs)" by fast
moreover from ufvs_V y_V bvs_V ufvs_def indep vs_decomp w_decomp len_acs b(2)
have "lin_independent (w # ufvs @ bvs)"
using lin_independent_replace1_by_lincomb[of ufvs y bvs acs b ds]
by simp
moreover have "set (w # (us@fvs) @ bvs) ⊆ Span (us@vs)"
from new_w have "w ∈ Span (us@vs)" by fast
moreover from closed have "set us ⊆ Span (us@vs)"
using Span_contains_spanset_append_left by fast
moreover from closed fvs_def have "set fvs ⊆ Span (us@vs)"
using Span_contains_spanset_append_right[of us] set_take_subset by fastforce
moreover from closed bvs_def have "set bvs ⊆ Span (us@vs)"
using Span_contains_spanset_append_right[of us] set_drop_subset by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using ufvs_def vs_decomp by auto
lemma replace_basis :
assumes closed: "set vs ⊆ V" and indep_vs: "lin_independent vs"
shows "⟦ length us ≤ length vs; set us ⊆ Span vs; lin_independent us ⟧
⟹ ∃pvs. length pvs = length vs ∧ set pvs = set vs
∧ basis_for (Span vs) (take (length vs) (us @ pvs))"
proof (induct us)
case Nil from closed indep_vs show ?case
using Span_contains_spanset[of vs] by fastforce
case (Cons u us)
from this obtain ppvs
where ppvs: "length ppvs = length vs" "set ppvs = set vs"
"basis_for (Span vs) (take (length vs) (us @ ppvs))"
using lin_independent_ConsD1[of u us]
by auto
define fppvs bppvs
where "fppvs = take (length vs - length us) ppvs"
and "bppvs = drop (length vs - length us) ppvs"
with ppvs(1) Cons(2)
have ppvs_decomp: "ppvs = fppvs @ bppvs"
and len_fppvs : "length fppvs = length vs - length us"
by auto
from closed Cons(3) have uus_V: "u ∈ V" "set us ⊆ V"
using Span_closed by auto
from closed ppvs(2) have "set ppvs ⊆ V" by fast
with fppvs_def have fppvs_V: "set fppvs ⊆ V" using set_take_subset[of _ ppvs] by fast
from fppvs_def Cons(2)
have prev_basis_decomp: "take (length vs) (us @ ppvs) = us @ fppvs"
by auto
with Cons(3,4) ppvs(3) fppvs_V uus_V obtain xs y ys
where xs_y_ys: "fppvs = xs @ y # ys" "basis_for (Span vs) (u # us @ xs @ ys)"
using lin_independent_imp_hd_independent_from_Span
replace_basis_one_step[of fppvs us u]
by auto
define pvs where "pvs = xs @ ys @ y # bppvs"
with xs_y_ys len_fppvs ppvs_decomp ppvs(1,2)
have "length pvs = length vs" "set pvs = set vs"
"basis_for (Span vs) (take (length vs) ((u # us) @ pvs))"
using take_append[of "length vs" "u # us @ xs @ ys"]
by auto
thus ?case by fast
lemma replace_basis_completely :
"⟦ set vs ⊆ V; lin_independent vs; length us = length vs;
set us ⊆ Span vs; lin_independent us ⟧ ⟹ basis_for (Span vs) us"
using replace_basis[of vs us] by auto
lemma basis_for_obtain_unique_scalars :
"basis_for V vs ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ ∃! as. length as = length vs ∧ v = as ∙⋅ vs"
using lin_independent_obtain_unique_scalars by fast
lemma add_unique_scalars :
assumes vs: "basis_for V vs" and v: "v ∈ V" and v': "v' ∈ V"
defines as: "as ≡ (THE ds. length ds = length vs ∧ v = ds ∙⋅ vs)"
and bs: "bs ≡ (THE ds. length ds = length vs ∧ v' = ds ∙⋅ vs)"
and cs: "cs ≡ (THE ds. length ds = length vs ∧ v+v' = ds ∙⋅ vs)"
shows "cs = [a+b. (a,b)←zip as bs]"
from vs v v' as bs
have as': "length as = length vs ∧ v = as ∙⋅ vs"
and bs': "length bs = length vs ∧ v' = bs ∙⋅ vs"
using basis_for_obtain_unique_scalars theI'[
of "λds. length ds = length vs ∧ v = ds ∙⋅ vs"
theI'[of "λds. length ds = length vs ∧ v' = ds ∙⋅ vs"]
by auto
have "length [a+b. (a,b)←zip as bs] = length (zip as bs)"
by (induct as bs rule: list_induct2') auto
with vs as' bs'
have "length [a+b. (a,b)←zip as bs]
= length vs ∧ v + v' = [a + b. (a,b)←zip as bs] ∙⋅ vs"
using lincomb_sum
by auto
moreover from vs v v' have "∃! ds. length ds = length vs ∧ v+v' = ds ∙⋅ vs"
using add_closed basis_for_obtain_unique_scalars by force
ultimately show ?thesis using cs the1_equality by fast
lemma smult_unique_scalars :
fixes a::'f
assumes vs: "basis_for V vs" and v: "v ∈ V"
defines as: "as ≡ (THE cs. length cs = length vs ∧ v = cs ∙⋅ vs)"
and bs: "bs ≡ (THE cs. length cs = length vs ∧ a ⋅ v = cs ∙⋅ vs)"
shows "bs = map ((*) a) as"
from vs v as have "length as = length vs ∧ v = as ∙⋅ vs"
using basis_for_obtain_unique_scalars theI'[
of "λcs. length cs = length vs ∧ v = cs ∙⋅ vs"
by auto
with vs have "length (map ((*) a) as)
= length vs ∧ a ⋅ v = (map ((*) a) as) ∙⋅ vs"
using smult_lincomb by auto
moreover from vs v have "∃! cs. length cs = length vs ∧ a ⋅ v = cs ∙⋅ vs"
using smult_closed basis_for_obtain_unique_scalars by fast
ultimately show ?thesis using bs the1_equality by fast
lemma max_lin_independent_set_in_Span :
assumes "set vs ⊆ V" "set us ⊆ Span vs" "lin_independent us"
shows "length us ≤ length vs"
proof (cases us)
case (Cons x xs)
from assms(1) spanset_contains_basis[of vs] obtain bvs
where bvs: "set bvs ⊆ set vs" "basis_for (Span vs) bvs"
by auto
with assms(1) have len_bvs: "length bvs ≤ length vs"
using lin_independent_imp_distinct[of bvs] distinct_card finite_set
card_mono[of "set vs" "set bvs"] card_length[of vs]
by fastforce
moreover have "length (x#xs) > length bvs ⟹ ¬ lin_independent (x#xs)"
assume A: "length (x#xs) > length bvs" "lin_independent (x#xs)"
define ws where "ws = take (length bvs) xs"
from Cons assms(1,2) have xxs_V: "x ∈ V" "set xs ⊆ V"
using Span_closed by auto
from ws_def A(1) have "length ws = length bvs" by simp
moreover from Cons assms(2) bvs(2) ws_def have "set ws ⊆ Span bvs"
using set_take_subset by fastforce
ultimately have "basis_for (Span vs) ws"
using A(2) ws_def assms(1) bvs xxs_V lin_independent_ConsD1
lin_independent_imp_independent_take replace_basis_completely[of bvs ws]
by force
with Cons assms(2) ws_def A(2) xxs_V show False
using Span_contains_Span_take[of xs]
lin_independent_imp_hd_independent_from_Span[of x xs]
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using Cons assms(3) by fastforce
qed simp
lemma finrank_Span : "set vs ⊆ V ⟹ finrank (Span vs)"
using max_lin_independent_set_in_Span finrankI by blast
subsection ‹Finite dimensional spaces›
context VectorSpace
lemma dim_eq_size_basis : "basis_for V vs ⟹ length vs = dim V"
using max_lin_independent_set_in_Span
of "λn::nat. ∃us. length us = n ∧ set us ⊆ V ∧ RSpan us = V" "length vs"
unfolding dim_R_def by fastforce
lemma finrank_imp_findim :
assumes "finrank V"
shows "findim V"
from assms obtain n
where "∀vs. set vs ⊆ V ∧ lin_independent vs ⟶ length vs ≤ n"
using finrankD
by fastforce
moreover from build_lin_independent_seq[of "[]"] obtain ws
where "set ws ⊆ V" "lin_independent ws" "Span ws = V ∨ length ws = Suc n"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma subspace_Span_is_findim :
"⟦ set vs ⊆ V; Subspace W; W ⊆ Span vs ⟧ ⟹ findim W"
using finrank_Span subspace_finrank[of "Span vs" W] SubspaceD1[of W]
by auto
context FinDimVectorSpace
lemma Subspace_is_findim : "Subspace U ⟹ findim U"
using findim subspace_Span_is_findim by fast
lemma basis_ex : "∃vs. basis_for V vs"
using findim basis_for_Span_ex by auto
lemma lin_independent_length_le_dim :
"set us ⊆ V ⟹ lin_independent us ⟹ length us ≤ dim V"
using basis_ex max_lin_independent_set_in_Span dim_eq_size_basis
by force
lemma too_long_lin_dependent :
"set us ⊆ V ⟹ length us > dim V ⟹ ¬ lin_independent us"
using lin_independent_length_le_dim by fastforce
lemma extend_lin_independent_to_basis :
assumes "set us ⊆ V" "lin_independent us"
shows "∃vs. basis_for V (vs @ us)"
define n where "n = Suc (dim V - length us)"
from assms obtain vs
where vs: "set vs ⊆ V" "lin_independent (vs @ us)"
"Span (vs @ us) = V ∨ length vs = n"
using build_lin_independent_seq[of us n]
by fast
with assms n_def show ?thesis
using set_append lin_independent_length_le_dim[of "vs @ us"] by auto
lemma extend_Subspace_basis :
"U ⊆ V ⟹ basis_for U us ⟹ ∃vs. basis_for V (vs@us)"
using Span_contains_spanset extend_lin_independent_to_basis by fast
lemma Subspace_dim_le :
assumes "Subspace U"
shows "dim U ≤ dim V"
using assms findim
from assms obtain us where "basis_for U us"
using Subspace_is_findim SubspaceD1
VectorSpace.FinDimVectorSpaceI[of "(⋅)" U]
FinDimVectorSpace.basis_ex[of "(⋅)" U]
by auto
with assms show ?thesis
using RSpan_contains_spanset[of us] lin_independent_length_le_dim[of us]
SubspaceD1 VectorSpace.dim_eq_size_basis[of "(⋅)" U us]
by auto
lemma Subspace_eqdim_imp_equal :
assumes "Subspace U" "dim U = dim V"
shows "U = V"
from assms(1) obtain us where us: "basis_for U us"
using Subspace_is_findim SubspaceD1
VectorSpace.FinDimVectorSpaceI[of "(⋅)" U]
FinDimVectorSpace.basis_ex[of "(⋅)" U]
by auto
with assms(1) obtain vs where vs: "basis_for V (vs@us)"
using extend_Subspace_basis[of U us] by fast
from assms us vs show ?thesis
using SubspaceD1 VectorSpace.dim_eq_size_basis[of smult U]
dim_eq_size_basis[of "vs@us"]
by auto
lemma Subspace_dim_lt : "Subspace U ⟹ U ≠ V ⟹ dim U < dim V"
using Subspace_dim_le Subspace_eqdim_imp_equal by fastforce
lemma semisimple :
assumes "Subspace U"
shows "∃W. Subspace W ∧ (V = W ⊕ U)"
from assms obtain us where us: "basis_for U us"
using SubspaceD1 Subspace_is_findim VectorSpace.FinDimVectorSpaceI
FinDimVectorSpace.basis_ex[of _ U]
by fastforce
with assms obtain ws where basis: "basis_for V (ws@us)"
using extend_Subspace_basis by fastforce
hence ws_V: "set ws ⊆ V" and ind_ws_us: "lin_independent (ws@us)"
and V_eq: "V = Span (ws@us)"
by auto
have "V = Span ws ⊕ Span us"
proof (rule inner_dirsum_doubleI)
from V_eq show "V = Span ws + Span us" using Span_append by fast
from ws_V ind_ws_us show "add_independentS [Span ws, Span us]"
using lin_independent_append_imp_independent_Spans by auto
with us ws_V have "Subspace (Span ws) ∧ V = (Span ws) ⊕ U"
using Subspace_Span by auto
thus ?thesis by fast
subsection ‹Vector space homomorphisms›
subsubsection ‹Locales›
locale VectorSpaceHom = ModuleHom smult V smult' T
for smult :: "'f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and smult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and T :: "'v ⇒ 'w"
sublocale VectorSpaceHom < VectorSpace ..
lemmas (in VectorSpace)
VectorSpaceHomI = ModuleHomI[THEN VectorSpaceHom.intro]
lemma (in VectorSpace) VectorSpaceHomI_fromaxioms :
assumes "⋀g g'. g ∈ V ⟹ g' ∈ V ⟹ T (g + g') = T g + T g'"
"supp T ⊆ V"
"⋀r m. r ∈ UNIV ⟹ m ∈ V ⟹ T (r ⋅ m) = smult' r (T m)"
shows "VectorSpaceHom smult V smult' T"
using assms
by unfold_locales
locale VectorSpaceEnd = VectorSpaceHom smult V smult T
for smult :: "'f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and T :: "'v ⇒ 'v"
+ assumes endomorph: "ImG ⊆ V"
abbreviation (in VectorSpace) "VEnd ≡ VectorSpaceEnd smult V"
lemma VectorSpaceEndI :
fixes smult :: "'f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v"
assumes "VectorSpaceHom smult V smult T" "T ` V ⊆ V"
shows "VectorSpaceEnd smult V T"
by (rule VectorSpaceEnd.intro, rule assms(1), unfold_locales, rule assms(2))
lemma (in VectorSpaceEnd) VectorSpaceHom: "VectorSpaceHom smult V smult T"
lemma (in VectorSpaceEnd) ModuleEnd : "ModuleEnd smult V T"
using endomorph ModuleEnd.intro by unfold_locales
locale VectorSpaceIso = VectorSpaceHom smult V smult' T
for smult :: "'f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and smult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and T :: "'v ⇒ 'w"
+ fixes W :: "'w set"
assumes bijective: "bij_betw T V W"
abbreviation (in VectorSpace) isomorphic ::
"('f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w) ⇒ 'w set ⇒ bool"
where "isomorphic smult' W ≡ (∃ T. VectorSpaceIso smult V smult' T W)"
subsubsection ‹Basic facts›
lemma (in VectorSpace) trivial_VectorSpaceHom :
"(⋀a. smult' a 0 = 0) ⟹ VectorSpaceHom smult V smult' 0"
using trivial_RModuleHom[of smult'] ModuleHom.intro VectorSpaceHom.intro
by fast
lemma (in VectorSpace) VectorSpaceHom_idhom :
"VectorSpaceHom smult V smult (id↓V)"
using smult_zero RModHom_idhom ModuleHom.intro VectorSpaceHom.intro
by fast
context VectorSpaceHom
lemmas hom = hom
lemmas supp = supp
lemmas f_map = R_map
lemmas im_zero = im_zero
lemmas im_sum_list_prod = im_sum_list_prod
lemmas additive = additive
lemmas GroupHom = GroupHom
lemmas distrib_lincomb = distrib_lincomb
lemmas same_image_on_spanset_imp_same_hom
= same_image_on_RSpanset_imp_same_hom[
OF ModuleHom.axioms(1), OF VectorSpaceHom.axioms(1)
lemma VectorSpace_Im : "VectorSpace smult' ImG"
using RModule_Im VectorSpace.intro Module.intro by fast
lemma VectorSpaceHom_scalar_mul :
"VectorSpaceHom smult V smult' (λv. a ⋆ T v)"
show "⋀v v'. v ∈ V ⟹ v' ∈ V ⟹ a ⋆ T (v + v') = a ⋆ T v + a ⋆ T v'"
using additive VectorSpace.smult_distrib_left[OF VectorSpace_Im] by simp
have "⋀v. v ∉ V ⟹ v ∉ supp (λv. a ⋆ T v)"
fix v assume "v ∉ V"
hence "a ⋆ T v = 0"
using supp suppI_contra[of _ T] codomain_smult_zero by fastforce
thus "v ∉ supp (λv. a ⋆ T v)" using suppD_contra by fast
thus "supp (λv. a ⋆ T v) ⊆ V" by fast
show "⋀c v. v ∈ V ⟹ a ⋆ T (c ⋅ v) = c ⋆ a ⋆ T v"
using f_map VectorSpace.smult_assoc[OF VectorSpace_Im] by (simp add: field_simps)
lemma VectorSpaceHom_composite_left :
assumes "ImG ⊆ W" "VectorSpaceHom smult' W smult'' S"
shows "VectorSpaceHom smult V smult'' (S ∘ T)"
have "RModuleHom UNIV smult' W smult'' S"
using VectorSpaceHom.axioms(1)[OF assms(2)] ModuleHom.axioms(1)
by fast
with assms(1) have "RModuleHom UNIV smult V smult'' (S ∘ T)"
using RModHom_composite_left[of W] by fast
thus ?thesis using ModuleHom.intro VectorSpaceHom.intro by fast
lemma findim_domain_findim_image :
assumes "findim V"
shows "fscalar_mult.findim smult' ImG"
from assms obtain vs where vs: "set vs ⊆ V" "scalar_mult.Span smult vs = V"
by fast
define ws where "ws = map T vs"
with vs(1) have 1: "set ws ⊆ ImG" by auto
moreover have "Span ws = ImG"
show "Span ws ⊆ ImG"
using 1 VectorSpace.Span_closed[OF VectorSpace_Im] by fast
from vs ws_def show "Span ws ⊇ ImG"
using 1 SpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs distrib_lincomb
VectorSpace.SpanD_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs[OF VectorSpace_Im]
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
lemma (in VectorSpace) basis_im_defines_hom :
fixes smult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and lincomb' :: "'f list ⇒ 'w list ⇒ 'w" (infixr "∙⋆" 70)
defines lincomb' : "lincomb' ≡ scalar_mult.lincomb smult'"
assumes VSpW : "VectorSpace smult' W"
and basisV : "basis_for V vs"
and basisV_im : "set ws ⊆ W" "length ws = length vs"
shows "∃! T. VectorSpaceHom smult V smult' T ∧ map T vs = ws"
proof (rule ex_ex1I)
define T where "T = restrict0 (λv. (THE as. length as = length vs ∧ v = as ∙⋅ vs) ∙⋆ ws) V"
have "VectorSpaceHom (⋅) V smult' T"
fix v v' assume vv': "v ∈ V" "v' ∈ V"
with T_def lincomb' basisV basisV_im(1) show "T (v + v') = T v + T v'"
using basis_for_obtain_unique_scalars theI'[
of "λds. length ds = length vs ∧ v = ds ∙⋅ vs"
theI'[of "λds. length ds = length vs ∧ v' = ds ∙⋅ vs"] add_closed
add_unique_scalars VectorSpace.lincomb_sum[OF VSpW]
by auto
from T_def show "supp T ⊆ V" using supp_restrict0 by fast
fix a v assume v: "v ∈ V"
with basisV basisV_im(1) T_def lincomb' show "T (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ T v"
using smult_closed smult_unique_scalars VectorSpace.smult_lincomb[OF VSpW] by auto
moreover have "map T vs = ws"
proof (rule nth_equalityI)
from basisV_im(2) show "length (map T vs) = length ws" by simp
have "⋀i. i<length (map T vs) ⟹ map T vs ! i = ws ! i"
fix i assume i: "i < length (map T vs)"
define zs where "zs = (replicate (length vs) (0::'f))[i:=1]"
with basisV i have "length zs = length vs ∧ vs!i = zs ∙⋅ vs"
using delta_scalars_lincomb_eq_nth by auto
moreover from basisV i have "vs!i ∈ V" by auto
ultimately show "(map T vs)!i = ws!i"
using basisV basisV_im T_def lincomb' zs_def i
basis_for_obtain_unique_scalars[of vs "vs!i"]
the1_equality[of "λzs. length zs = length vs ∧ vs!i = zs ∙⋅ vs"]
VectorSpace.delta_scalars_lincomb_eq_nth[OF VSpW, of ws]
by force
thus "⋀i. i < length (map T vs) ⟹ map T vs ! i = ws ! i" by fast
ultimately have "VectorSpaceHom (⋅) V smult' T ∧ map T vs = ws" by fast
thus "∃T. VectorSpaceHom (⋅) V smult' T ∧ map T vs = ws" by fast
fix S T assume
"VectorSpaceHom (⋅) V smult' S ∧ map S vs = ws"
"VectorSpaceHom (⋅) V smult' T ∧ map T vs = ws"
with basisV show "S = T"
using VectorSpaceHom.same_image_on_spanset_imp_same_hom map_eq_conv
by fastforce
subsubsection ‹Hom-sets›
definition VectorSpaceHomSet ::
"('f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v) ⇒ 'v set ⇒ ('f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w)
⇒ 'w set ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w) set"
where "VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W
≡ {T. VectorSpaceHom fsmult V fsmult' T} ∩ {T. T ` V ⊆ W}"
abbreviation (in VectorSpace) "VectorSpaceEndSet ≡ {S. VEnd S}"
lemma VectorSpaceHomSetI :
"VectorSpaceHom fsmult V fsmult' T ⟹ T ` V ⊆ W
⟹ T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W"
unfolding VectorSpaceHomSet_def by fast
lemma VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom :
"T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' N
⟹ VectorSpaceHom fsmult V fsmult' T"
unfolding VectorSpaceHomSet_def by fast
lemma VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im :
"T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W ⟹ T ` V ⊆ W"
unfolding VectorSpaceHomSet_def by fast
context VectorSpace
lemma VectorSpaceHomSet_is_fmaps_in_GroupHomSet :
fixes smult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
shows "VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W
= (GroupHomSet V W) ∩ {T. ∀a. ∀v∈V. T (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ (T v)}"
show "VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W
⊆ (GroupHomSet V W) ∩ {T. ∀a. ∀v∈V. T (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ (T v)}"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom[of _ smult]
VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[of _ smult]
VectorSpaceHom.GroupHom[of smult] GroupHomSetI[of V _ W]
VectorSpaceHom.f_map[of smult]
by fastforce
show "VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W
⊇ (GroupHomSet V W) ∩ {T. ∀a. ∀v∈V. T (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ (T v)}"
fix T assume T: "T ∈ (GroupHomSet V W)
∩ {T. ∀a. ∀v∈V. T (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ (T v)}"
have "VectorSpaceHom smult V smult' T"
proof (rule VectorSpaceHom.intro, rule ModuleHom.intro, rule RModuleHom.intro)
show "RModule UNIV (⋅) V" ..
from T show "GroupHom V T" using GroupHomSetD_GroupHom by fast
from T show "RModuleHom_axioms UNIV smult V smult' T"
by unfold_locales fast
with T show "T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W"
using GroupHomSetD_Im[of T] VectorSpaceHomSetI by fastforce
lemma Group_VectorSpaceHomSet :
fixes smult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
assumes "VectorSpace smult' W"
shows "Group (VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W)"
show "VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W ≠ {}"
using VectorSpace.smult_zero[OF assms] VectorSpace.zero_closed[OF assms]
trivial_VectorSpaceHom[of smult'] VectorSpaceHomSetI
by fastforce
fix S T
assume S: "S ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W"
and T: "T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W"
from S T
have ST: "S ∈ (GroupHomSet V W)
∩ {T. ∀a. ∀v∈V. T (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ (T v)}"
"T ∈ (GroupHomSet V W) ∩ {T. ∀a. ∀v∈V. T (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ (T v)}"
using VectorSpaceHomSet_is_fmaps_in_GroupHomSet
by auto
hence "S - T ∈ GroupHomSet V W"
using VectorSpace.AbGroup[OF assms] Group_GroupHomSet Group.diff_closed
by fast
moreover have "⋀a v. v ∈ V ⟹ (S - T) (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ ((S-T) v)"
fix a v assume "v ∈ V"
with ST show "(S - T) (a ⋅ v) = a ⋆ ((S - T) v)"
using GroupHomSetD_Im
VectorSpace.smult_distrib_left_diff[OF assms, of a "S v" "T v"]
by fastforce
ultimately show "S - T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet (⋅) V (⋆) W"
using VectorSpaceHomSet_is_fmaps_in_GroupHomSet[of smult' W] by fast
lemma VectorSpace_VectorSpaceHomSet :
fixes smult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and hom_smult :: "'f ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w) ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w)" (infixr "⋆⋅" 70)
defines hom_smult: "hom_smult ≡ λa T v. a ⋆ T v"
assumes VSpW: "VectorSpace smult' W"
shows "VectorSpace hom_smult (VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult' W)"
proof (rule VectorSpace.intro, rule Module.intro, rule RModule.intro, rule R_scalar_mult)
from VSpW show "Group (VectorSpaceHomSet (⋅) V (⋆) W)"
using Group_VectorSpaceHomSet by fast
show "RModule_axioms UNIV hom_smult (VectorSpaceHomSet (⋅) V (⋆) W)"
fix a b S T
assume S: "S ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet (⋅) V (⋆) W"
and T: "T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet (⋅) V (⋆) W"
show "a ⋆⋅ T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet (⋅) V (⋆) W"
proof (rule VectorSpaceHomSetI)
from assms T show "VectorSpaceHom (⋅) V (⋆) (a ⋆⋅ T)"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im
by fast
from hom_smult show "(a ⋆⋅ T) ` V ⊆ W"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[OF T] VectorSpace.smult_closed[OF VSpW]
by auto
show "a ⋆⋅ (S + T) = a ⋆⋅ S + a ⋆⋅ T"
fix v from assms show "(a ⋆⋅ (S + T)) v = (a ⋆⋅ S + a ⋆⋅ T) v"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[OF S] VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[OF T]
VectorSpace.smult_distrib_left[OF VSpW, of a "S v" "T v"]
VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom[OF S]
VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom[OF S]
VectorSpaceHom.supp suppI_contra[of v S] suppI_contra[of v T]
by fastforce
show "(a + b) ⋆⋅ T = a ⋆⋅ T + b ⋆⋅ T"
fix v from assms show "((a + b) ⋆⋅ T) v = (a ⋆⋅ T + b ⋆⋅ T) v"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[OF T] VectorSpace.smult_distrib_right
VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom[OF T] VectorSpaceHom.supp
suppI_contra[of v] VectorSpace.smult_zero
by fastforce
show "a ⋆⋅ b ⋆⋅ T = (a * b) ⋆⋅ T"
fix v from assms show "(a ⋆⋅ b ⋆⋅ T) v = ((a * b) ⋆⋅ T) v"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[OF T] VectorSpace.smult_assoc
VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom[OF T]
VectorSpaceHom.supp suppI_contra[of v]
VectorSpace.smult_zero[OF VSpW, of b]
VectorSpace.smult_zero[OF VSpW, of a]
VectorSpace.smult_zero[OF VSpW, of "a * b"]
by fastforce
show "1 ⋆⋅ T = T"
fix v from assms T show "(1 ⋆⋅ T) v = T v"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im VectorSpace.one_smult
VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom VectorSpaceHom.supp
suppI_contra[of v] VectorSpace.smult_zero
by fastforce
subsubsection ‹Basic facts about endomorphisms›
lemma ModuleEnd_over_field_is_VectorSpaceEnd :
fixes smult :: "'f::field ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v"
assumes "ModuleEnd smult V T"
shows "VectorSpaceEnd smult V T"
proof (rule VectorSpaceEndI, rule VectorSpaceHom.intro)
from assms show "ModuleHom smult V smult T"
using ModuleEnd.axioms(1) by fast
from assms show "T ` V ⊆ V" using ModuleEnd.endomorph by fast
context VectorSpace
lemmas VectorSpaceEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth =
THEN RModuleEnd_over_UNIV_is_ModuleEnd,
THEN ModuleEnd_over_field_is_VectorSpaceEnd
abbreviation end_smult :: "'f ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'v) ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'v)" (infixr "⋅⋅" 70)
where "a ⋅⋅ T ≡ (λv. a ⋅ T v)"
abbreviation end_lincomb
:: "'f list ⇒ (('v ⇒ 'v) list) ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'v)" (infixr "∙⋅⋅" 70)
where "end_lincomb ≡ scalar_mult.lincomb end_smult"
lemma end_smult0: "a ⋅⋅ 0 = 0"
using smult_zero by auto
lemma end_0smult: "range T ⊆ V ⟹ 0 ⋅⋅ T = 0"
using zero_smult by fastforce
lemma end_smult_distrib_left :
assumes "range S ⊆ V" "range T ⊆ V"
shows "a ⋅⋅ (S + T) = a ⋅⋅ S + a ⋅⋅ T"
fix v from assms show "(a ⋅⋅ (S + T)) v = (a ⋅⋅ S + a ⋅⋅ T) v"
using smult_distrib_left[of a "S v" "T v"] by fastforce
lemma end_smult_distrib_right :
assumes "range T ⊆ V"
shows "(a+b) ⋅⋅ T = a ⋅⋅ T + b ⋅⋅ T"
fix v from assms show "((a+b) ⋅⋅ T) v = (a ⋅⋅ T + b ⋅⋅ T) v"
using smult_distrib_right[of a b "T v"] by fastforce
lemma end_smult_assoc :
assumes "range T ⊆ V"
shows "a ⋅⋅ b ⋅⋅ T = (a * b) ⋅⋅ T"
fix v from assms show "(a ⋅⋅ b ⋅⋅ T) v = ((a * b) ⋅⋅ T) v"
using smult_assoc[of a b "T v"] by fastforce
lemma end_smult_comp_comm_left : "(a ⋅⋅ T) ∘ S = a ⋅⋅ (T ∘ S)"
by auto
lemma end_idhom : "VEnd (id↓V)"
by (rule VectorSpaceEnd.intro, rule VectorSpaceHom_idhom, unfold_locales) auto
lemma VectorSpaceEndSet_is_VectorSpaceHomSet :
"VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult V = {T. VEnd T}"
show "VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult V ⊆ {T. VEnd T}"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im
by fast
show "VectorSpaceHomSet smult V smult V ⊇ {T. VEnd T}"
using VectorSpaceEnd.VectorSpaceHom[of smult V]
VectorSpaceEnd.endomorph[of smult V]
VectorSpaceHomSetI[of smult V smult _ V]
by fast
lemma VectorSpace_VectorSpaceEndSet : "VectorSpace end_smult VectorSpaceEndSet"
using VectorSpace_axioms VectorSpace_VectorSpaceHomSet
by fastforce
context VectorSpaceEnd
lemmas f_map = R_map
lemmas supp = supp
lemmas GroupEnd = ModuleEnd.GroupEnd[OF ModuleEnd]
lemmas idhom_left = idhom_left
lemmas range = GroupEnd.range[OF GroupEnd]
lemmas Ker0_imp_inj_on = Ker0_imp_inj_on
lemmas inj_on_imp_Ker0 = inj_on_imp_Ker0
lemmas nonzero_Ker_el_imp_n_inj = nonzero_Ker_el_imp_n_inj
lemmas VectorSpaceHom_composite_left
= VectorSpaceHom_composite_left[OF endomorph]
lemma in_VEndSet : "T ∈ VectorSpaceEndSet"
using VectorSpaceEnd_axioms by fast
lemma end_smult_comp_comm_right :
"range S ⊆ V ⟹ T ∘ (a ⋅⋅ S) = a ⋅⋅ (T ∘ S)"
using f_map by fastforce
lemma VEnd_end_smult_VEnd : "VEnd (a ⋅⋅ T)"
using in_VEndSet VectorSpace.smult_closed[OF VectorSpace_VectorSpaceEndSet]
by fast
lemma VEnd_composite_left :
assumes "VEnd S"
shows "VEnd (S ∘ T)"
using endomorph VectorSpaceEnd.axioms(1)[OF assms] VectorSpaceHom_composite_left
VectorSpaceEnd.endomorph[OF assms] VectorSpaceEndI[of smult V "S ∘ T"]
by fastforce
lemma VEnd_composite_right : "VEnd S ⟹ VEnd (T ∘ S)"
using VectorSpaceEnd_axioms VectorSpaceEnd.VEnd_composite_left by fast
lemma (in VectorSpace) inj_comp_end :
assumes "VEnd S" "inj_on S V" "VEnd T" "inj_on T V"
shows "inj_on (S ∘ T) V"
have "ker (S ∘ T) ∩ V ⊆ 0"
fix v assume "v ∈ ker (S ∘ T) ∩ V"
moreover hence "T v = 0" using kerD[of v "S ∘ T"]
using VectorSpaceEnd.endomorph[OF assms(3)] kerI[of S]
VectorSpaceEnd.inj_on_imp_Ker0[OF assms(1,2)]
by auto
ultimately show "v ∈ 0"
using kerI[of T] VectorSpaceEnd.inj_on_imp_Ker0[OF assms(3,4)] by auto
with assms(1,3) show ?thesis
using VectorSpaceEnd.VEnd_composite_right VectorSpaceEnd.Ker0_imp_inj_on
by fast
lemma (in VectorSpace) n_inj_comp_end :
"⟦ VEnd S; VEnd T; ¬ inj_on (S ∘ T) V ⟧ ⟹ ¬ inj_on S V ∨ ¬ inj_on T V"
using inj_comp_end by fast
subsubsection ‹Polynomials of endomorphisms›
context VectorSpaceEnd
primrec endpow :: "nat ⇒ ('v⇒'v)"
where endpow0: "endpow 0 = id↓V"
| endpowSuc: "endpow (Suc n) = T ∘ (endpow n)"
definition polymap :: "'f poly ⇒ ('v⇒'v)"
where "polymap p ≡ (coeffs p) ∙⋅⋅ (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])"
lemma VEnd_endpow : "VEnd (endpow n)"
proof (induct n)
case 0 show ?case using end_idhom by simp
case (Suc k)
moreover have "VEnd T" ..
ultimately have "VEnd (T ∘ (endpow k))" using VEnd_composite_right by fast
moreover have "endpow (Suc k) = T ∘ (endpow k)" by simp
ultimately show "VEnd (endpow (Suc k))" by simp
lemma endpow_list_apply_closed :
"v ∈ V ⟹ set (map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<k])) ⊆ V"
using VEnd_endpow VectorSpaceEnd.endomorph by fastforce
lemma map_endpow_Suc :
"map endpow [0..<Suc n] = (id↓V) # map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<n])"
proof (induct n)
case (Suc k)
hence "map endpow [0..<Suc (Suc k)] = id ↓ V
# map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<k]) @ map ((∘) T) [endpow k]"
by auto
also have "… = id ↓ V # map ((∘) T) (map endpow ([0..<Suc k]))" by simp
finally show ?case by fast
qed simp
lemma T_endpow_list_apply_commute :
"map T (map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<n]))
= map (λS. S v) (map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<n]))"
by (induct n) auto
lemma polymap0 : "polymap 0 = 0"
using polymap_def scalar_mult.lincomb_Nil by force
lemma VEnd_polymap : "VEnd (polymap p)"
have "set (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]) ⊆ {S. VEnd S}"
using VEnd_endpow by auto
thus ?thesis
using polymap_def VectorSpace_VectorSpaceEndSet VectorSpace.lincomb_closed
by fastforce
lemma polymap_pCons : "polymap (pCons a p) = a ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + (T ∘ (polymap p))"
proof cases
assume p: "p = 0"
show ?thesis
proof cases
assume "a = 0" with p show ?thesis
using polymap0 VectorSpace_VectorSpaceEndSet VectorSpace.zero_smult end_idhom
by fastforce
assume a: "a ≠ 0"
define zmap where "zmap = (0::'v⇒'v)"
from a p have "polymap (pCons a p) = a ⋅⋅ (endpow 0)"
using polymap_def scalar_mult.lincomb_singles by simp
moreover have "a ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + (T ∘ (polymap p)) = a ⋅⋅ (id↓V)"
using p polymap0 comp_zero by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
assume "p ≠ 0"
hence "polymap (pCons a p)
= (a # (coeffs p)) ∙⋅⋅ (map endpow [0..<Suc (Suc (degree p))])"
using polymap_def by simp
also have "… = (a # (coeffs p))
∙⋅⋅ ((id↓V) # map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]))"
using map_endpow_Suc[of "Suc (degree p)"] by fastforce
also have "… = a ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + (coeffs p)
∙⋅⋅ (map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]))"
using scalar_mult.lincomb_Cons by simp
also have "… = a ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + (∑(c,S)
←zip (coeffs p) (map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])).
c ⋅⋅ S)"
using scalar_mult.lincomb_def by simp
finally have calc:
"polymap (pCons a p) = a ⋅⋅ (id↓V)
+ (∑(c,k)←zip (coeffs p) [0..<Suc (degree p)]. c ⋅⋅ (T ∘ (endpow k)))"
using sum_list_prod_map2[
of "λc S. c ⋅⋅ S" "coeffs p" "(∘) T" "map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]"
of "λc S. c ⋅⋅ (T ∘ S)" "coeffs p" endpow "[0..<Suc (degree p)]"
by simp
show ?thesis
fix v show "polymap (pCons a p) v = ((a ⋅⋅ (id↓V)) + (T ∘ (polymap p))) v"
proof (cases "v ∈ V")
case True
with calc
have "polymap (pCons a p) v = a ⋅ v + (∑(c,k)
←zip (coeffs p) [0..<Suc (degree p)]. c ⋅ T (endpow k v))"
using sum_list_prod_fun_apply[of "λc k. c ⋅⋅ (T ∘ (endpow k))"] by simp
hence "polymap (pCons a p) v = a ⋅ v + (coeffs p) ∙⋅ (map T
(map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])))"
using sum_list_prod_map2[
of "λc S. c ⋅ T (S v)" "coeffs p" endpow "[0..<Suc (degree p)]"
of "λc u. c ⋅ T u" "coeffs p" "λS. S v" "map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]"
of "λc u. c ⋅ u" "coeffs p" T
"map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])"
by simp
also from True
have "… = a ⋅ v + T ( (coeffs p)
∙⋅ (map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])) )"
using endpow_list_apply_closed[of v "Suc (degree p)"] distrib_lincomb
by simp
finally show ?thesis
using True lincomb_def
of "λc u. c ⋅ u" "coeffs p" "λS. S v" "map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]"
sum_list_prod_fun_apply[of "λc S. c ⋅⋅ S"] polymap_def
scalar_mult.lincomb_def[of end_smult]
by simp
case False
hence "polymap (pCons a p) v = 0"
using VEnd_polymap VectorSpaceEnd.supp suppI_contra by fast
moreover from False have "((a ⋅⋅ (id↓V)) + (T ∘ (polymap p))) v = 0"
using smult_zero VEnd_polymap[of p] VectorSpaceEnd.supp suppI_contra
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma polymap_plus : "polymap (p + q) = polymap p + polymap q"
proof (induct p q rule: pCons_induct2)
case 00 show ?case using polymap0 by simp
case lpCons show ?case using polymap0 by simp
case rpCons show ?case using polymap0 by simp
case (pCons2 a p b q)
have "polymap (pCons a p + pCons b q) = a ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + b ⋅⋅ (id↓V)
+ (T ∘ (polymap (p+q)))"
using polymap_pCons end_idhom end_smult_distrib_right[OF VectorSpaceEnd.range]
by simp
also from pCons2(3)
have "… = a ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + b ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + (T ∘ (polymap p + polymap q))"
by auto
finally show ?case
using pCons2(3) distrib_comp_sum_left[of "polymap p" "polymap q"] VEnd_polymap
VectorSpaceEnd.range polymap_pCons
by fastforce
lemma polymap_polysmult : "polymap (Polynomial.smult a p) = a ⋅⋅ polymap p"
proof (induct p)
case 0 show "polymap (Polynomial.smult a 0) = a ⋅⋅ polymap 0"
using polymap0 end_smult0 by simp
case (pCons b p)
hence "polymap (Polynomial.smult a (pCons b p))
= a ⋅⋅ b ⋅⋅ (id↓V) + a ⋅⋅ (T ∘ polymap p)"
using polymap_pCons VectorSpaceEnd.range[OF VEnd_polymap]
end_smult_comp_comm_right VectorSpaceEnd.range[OF end_idhom] end_smult_assoc
by simp
thus "polymap (Polynomial.smult a (pCons b p)) = a ⋅⋅ (polymap (pCons b p))"
using VectorSpaceEnd.VEnd_end_smult_VEnd[OF end_idhom, of b]
VEnd_composite_right[OF VEnd_polymap, of p]
OF VectorSpaceEnd.range VectorSpaceEnd.range,
of smult _ smult "T ∘ polymap p"
by simp
lemma polymap_times : "polymap (p * q) = (polymap p) ∘ (polymap q)"
proof (induct p)
case 0 show ?case using polymap0 by auto
case (pCons a p)
have "polymap (pCons a p * q) = a ⋅⋅ polymap q + (T ∘ (polymap (p*q)))"
using polymap_plus polymap_polysmult polymap_pCons end_idhom
end_0smult[OF VectorSpaceEnd.range]
by simp
also from pCons(2)
have "… = a ⋅⋅ ((id↓V) ∘ polymap q) + (T ∘ polymap p ∘ polymap q)"
using VectorSpaceEnd.endomorph[OF VEnd_polymap]
VectorSpaceEnd.idhom_left[OF VEnd_polymap]
by auto
finally show "polymap (pCons a p * q) = (polymap (pCons a p)) ∘ (polymap q)"
using end_smult_comp_comm_left
distrib_comp_sum_right[of "a ⋅⋅ id ↓ V" _ "polymap q"]
by simp
lemma polymap_apply :
assumes "v ∈ V"
shows "polymap p v = (coeffs p)
∙⋅ (map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]))"
proof (induct p)
case 0 show ?case
using lincomb_Nil scalar_mult.lincomb_Nil[of _ _ end_smult] polymap_def
by simp
case (pCons a p)
show ?case
proof (cases "p = 0")
case True
moreover with pCons(1) have "polymap (pCons a p) = a ⋅⋅ id↓V"
using polymap_pCons polymap0 comp_zero by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using assms pCons(1) lincomb_singles by simp
case False
from assms pCons(2)
have "polymap (pCons a p) v = a ⋅ v
+ T (coeffs p ∙⋅ map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]))"
using polymap_pCons by simp
with assms pCons(1)
have 1: "polymap (pCons a p) v = (coeffs (pCons a p)) ∙⋅ (v #
map T (map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])))"
using endpow_list_apply_closed[of v "Suc (degree p)"] distrib_lincomb lincomb_Cons
by auto
have 2: "map T (map (λS. S v) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]))
= map (λS. S v) (map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)]))"
using T_endpow_list_apply_commute[of v "Suc (degree p)"] by simp
from 1 2
have "polymap (pCons a p) v = (coeffs (pCons a p)) ∙⋅ (v #
map (λS. S v) (map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])))"
using subst[
OF 2, of "λx. polymap (pCons a p) v = (coeffs (pCons a p)) ∙⋅ (v # x)"
by simp
with assms
have 3: "polymap (pCons a p) v = (coeffs (pCons a p))
∙⋅ (map (λS. S v) (id↓V # map ((∘) T)
(map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])))"
by simp
from False pCons(1)
have 4: "id ↓ V # map ((∘) T) (map endpow [0..<Suc (degree p)])
= map endpow [0..<Suc (degree (pCons a p))]"
using map_endpow_Suc[of "Suc (degree p)", THEN sym]
by simp
from 3 show ?thesis
using subst[
OF 4,
of "λx. polymap (pCons a p) v
= (coeffs (pCons a p)) ∙⋅ (map (λS. S v) x)"
by simp
lemma polymap_apply_linear : "v ∈ V ⟹ polymap [:-c, 1:] v = T v - c ⋅ v"
using polymap_apply lincomb_def neg_smult endomorph by auto
lemma polymap_const_inj :
assumes "degree p = 0" "p ≠ 0"
shows "inj_on (polymap p) V"
proof (rule inj_onI)
fix u v assume uv: "u ∈ V" "v ∈ V" "polymap p u = polymap p v"
from assms have p: "coeffs p = [coeff p 0]" unfolding coeffs_def by simp
from uv assms have "(coeff p 0) ⋅ u = (coeff p 0) ⋅ v"
using polymap_apply lincomb_singles unfolding coeffs_def by simp
with assms uv(1,2) show "u = v"
using const_poly_nonzero_coeff cancel_scalar by auto
lemma n_inj_polymap_times :
"¬ inj_on (polymap (p * q)) V
⟹ ¬ inj_on (polymap p) V ∨ ¬ inj_on (polymap q) V"
using polymap_times VEnd_polymap n_inj_comp_end by fastforce
text ‹In the following lemma, @{term "[:-c, 1:]"} is the linear polynomial @{term "x - c"}.›
lemma n_inj_polymap_findlinear :
assumes alg_closed: "⋀p::'f poly. degree p > 0 ⟹ ∃c. poly p c = 0"
shows "p ≠ 0 ⟹ ¬ inj_on (polymap p) V
⟹ ∃c. ¬ inj_on (polymap [:-c, 1:]) V"
proof (induct n ≡ "degree p" arbitrary: p)
case (0 p) thus ?case using polymap_const_inj by simp
case (Suc n p)
from Suc(2) alg_closed obtain c where c: "poly p c = 0" by fastforce
define q where "q = synthetic_div p c"
with c have p_decomp: "p = [:-c, 1:] * q"
using synthetic_div_correct'[of c p] by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "inj_on (polymap q) V")
case True with Suc(4) show ?thesis
using p_decomp n_inj_polymap_times by fast
case False
then have "n = degree q"
using degree_synthetic_div [of p c] q_def ‹Suc n = degree p›
by auto
moreover have "q ≠ 0"
using ‹p ≠ 0› p_decomp
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using False
by (rule Suc.hyps)
subsubsection ‹Existence of eigenvectors of endomorphisms of finite-dimensional vector spaces›
lemma (in FinDimVectorSpace) endomorph_has_eigenvector :
assumes alg_closed: "⋀p::'a poly. degree p > 0 ⟹ ∃c. poly p c = 0"
and dim : "dim V > 0"
and endo : "VectorSpaceEnd smult V T"
shows "∃c u. u ∈ V ∧ u ≠ 0 ∧ T u = c ⋅ u"
define Tpolymap where "Tpolymap = VectorSpaceEnd.polymap smult V T"
from dim obtain v where v: "v ∈ V" "v ≠ 0"
using dim_nonzero nonempty by auto
define Tpows where "Tpows = map (VectorSpaceEnd.endpow V T) [0..<Suc (dim V)]"
define Tpows_v where "Tpows_v = map (λS. S v) Tpows"
with endo Tpows_def v(1) have Tpows_v_V: "set Tpows_v ⊆ V"
using VectorSpaceEnd.endpow_list_apply_closed by fast
moreover from Tpows_v_def Tpows_def Tpows_v_V have "¬ lin_independent Tpows_v"
using too_long_lin_dependent by simp
ultimately obtain as
where as: "set as ≠ 0" "length as = length Tpows_v" "as ∙⋅ Tpows_v = 0"
using lin_dependent_dependence_relation
by fast
define p where "p = Poly as"
with dim Tpows_def Tpows_v_def as(1,2) have p_n0: "p ≠ 0"
using nonzero_coeffs_nonzero_poly[of as] by fastforce
define Tpows' where "Tpows' = map (VectorSpaceEnd.endpow V T) [0..<Suc (degree p)]"
define Tpows_v' where "Tpows_v' = map (λS. S v) Tpows'"
have "Tpows' = take (Suc (degree p)) Tpows"
from Tpows_def
have 1: "take (Suc (degree p)) Tpows = map (VectorSpaceEnd.endpow V T)
(take (Suc (degree p)) [0..<Suc (dim V)])"
using take_map[of _ _ "[0..<Suc (dim V)]"]
by simp
from p_n0 p_def as(2) Tpows_v_def Tpows_def
have 2: "take (Suc (degree p)) [0..<Suc (dim V)] = [0..<Suc (degree p)]"
using length_coeffs_degree[of p] length_strip_while_le[of "(=) 0" as]
take_upt[of 0 "Suc (degree p)" "Suc (dim V)"]
by simp
from 1 Tpows'_def have "take (Suc (degree p)) Tpows = Tpows'"
using subst[OF 2] by fast
thus ?thesis by simp
with Tpows_v_def Tpows_v'_def have "Tpows_v' = take (Suc (degree p)) Tpows_v"
using take_map[of _ "λS. S v" Tpows] by simp
moreover from p_def Tpows_v_V as(3) Tpows_v'_def have "(coeffs p) ∙⋅ Tpows_v = 0"
using lincomb_strip_while_0coeffs by simp
ultimately have "(coeffs p) ∙⋅ Tpows_v' = 0"
using p_n0 lincomb_conv_take_right[of "coeffs p"] length_coeffs_degree[of p] by simp
with Tpolymap_def v(1) Tpows_v'_def Tpows'_def have "Tpolymap p v = 0"
using VectorSpaceEnd.polymap_apply[OF endo] by simp
with alg_closed Tpolymap_def v endo p_n0 obtain c
where "¬ inj_on (Tpolymap [:-c, 1:]) V"
using VectorSpaceEnd.VEnd_polymap VectorSpaceEnd.nonzero_Ker_el_imp_n_inj
VectorSpaceEnd.n_inj_polymap_findlinear[OF endo]
by fastforce
with Tpolymap_def have "(GroupHom.Ker V (Tpolymap [:-c, 1:])) - 0 ≠ {}"
using VectorSpaceEnd.VEnd_polymap[OF endo] VectorSpaceEnd.Ker0_imp_inj_on
by fast
from this obtain u where "u ∈ V" "Tpolymap [:-c, 1:] u = 0" "u ≠ 0"
using kerD by fastforce
with Tpolymap_def show ?thesis
using VectorSpaceEnd.polymap_apply_linear[OF endo] by auto
section ‹Modules Over a Group Ring›
subsection ‹Almost-everywhere-zero functions as scalars›
locale aezfun_scalar_mult = scalar_mult smult
for smult ::
"('r::ring_1, 'g::group_add) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
definition fsmult :: "'r ⇒ 'v ⇒ 'v" (infixr "♯⋅" 70) where "a ♯⋅ v ≡ (a δδ 0) ⋅ v"
abbreviation flincomb :: "'r list ⇒ 'v list ⇒ 'v" (infixr "∙♯⋅" 70)
where "as ∙♯⋅ vs ≡ scalar_mult.lincomb fsmult as vs"
abbreviation f_lin_independent :: "'v list ⇒ bool"
where "f_lin_independent ≡ scalar_mult.lin_independent fsmult"
abbreviation fSpan :: "'v list ⇒ 'v set" where "fSpan ≡ scalar_mult.Span fsmult"
definition Gmult :: "'g ⇒ 'v ⇒ 'v" (infixr "*⋅" 70) where "g *⋅ v ≡ (1 δδ g) ⋅ v"
lemmas R_scalar_mult = R_scalar_mult
lemma fsmultD : "a ♯⋅ v = (a δδ 0) ⋅ v"
unfolding fsmult_def by fast
lemma GmultD : "g *⋅ v = (1 δδ g) ⋅ v"
unfolding Gmult_def by fast
definition negGorbit_list :: "'g list ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'v) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'v list list"
where "negGorbit_list gs T as ≡ map (λg. map (Gmult (-g) ∘ T) as) gs"
lemma negGorbit_Cons :
"negGorbit_list (g#gs) T as
= (map (Gmult (-g) ∘ T) as) # negGorbit_list gs T as"
using negGorbit_list_def[of _ T as] by simp
lemma length_negGorbit_list : "length (negGorbit_list gs T as) = length gs"
using negGorbit_list_def[of gs T] by simp
lemma length_negGorbit_list_sublist :
"fs ∈ set (negGorbit_list gs T as) ⟹ length fs = length as"
using negGorbit_list_def[of gs T] by auto
lemma length_concat_negGorbit_list :
"length (concat (negGorbit_list gs T as)) = (length gs) * (length as)"
using length_concat[of "negGorbit_list gs T as"]
length_negGorbit_list_sublist[of _ gs T as]
const_sum_list[of "negGorbit_list gs T as" length "length as"] length_negGorbit_list
by auto
lemma negGorbit_list_nth :
"⋀i. i < length gs ⟹ (negGorbit_list gs T as)!i = map (Gmult (-gs!i) ∘ T) as"
proof (induct gs)
case (Cons g gs) thus ?case using negGorbit_Cons[of _ _ T] by (cases i) auto
qed simp
subsection ‹Locale and basic facts›
locale FGModule = ActingGroup?: Group G
+ FGMod?: RModule ActingGroup.group_ring smult V
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
sublocale FGModule < aezfun_scalar_mult proof- qed
lemma (in Group) trivial_FGModule :
fixes smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v"
assumes smult_zero: "∀a∈group_ring. smult a (0::'v) = 0"
shows "FGModule G smult (0::'v set)"
proof (rule FGModule.intro)
from assms show "RModule group_ring smult 0"
using Ring1_RG trivial_RModule by fast
qed (unfold_locales)
context FGModule
abbreviation FG :: "('f,'g) aezfun set" where "FG ≡ ActingGroup.group_ring"
abbreviation "FGSubmodule ≡ RSubmodule"
abbreviation "FG_proj ≡ ActingGroup.RG_proj"
lemma GroupG: "Group G" ..
lemmas zero_closed = zero_closed
lemmas neg_closed = neg_closed
lemmas diff_closed = diff_closed
lemmas zero_smult = zero_smult
lemmas smult_zero = smult_zero
lemmas AbGroup = AbGroup
lemmas sum_closed = AbGroup.sum_closed[OF AbGroup]
lemmas FGSubmoduleI = RSubmoduleI
lemmas FG_proj_mult_leftdelta = ActingGroup.RG_proj_mult_leftdelta
lemmas FG_proj_mult_right = ActingGroup.RG_proj_mult_right
lemmas FG_el_decomp = ActingGroup.RG_el_decomp_aezdeltafun
lemma FG_n0: "FG ≠ 0" using ActingGroup.RG_n0 by fast
lemma FG_proj_in_FG : "FG_proj x ∈ FG"
using ActingGroup.RG_proj_in_RG by fast
lemma FG_fddg_closed : "g ∈ G ⟹ a δδ g ∈ FG"
using ActingGroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed by fast
lemma FG_fdd0_closed : "a δδ 0 ∈ FG"
using ActingGroup.RG_aezdelta0fun_closed by fast
lemma Gmult_closed : "g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ g *⋅ v ∈ V"
using FG_fddg_closed smult_closed GmultD by simp
lemma map_Gmult_closed :
"g ∈ G ⟹ set vs ⊆ V ⟹ set (map ((*⋅) g) vs) ⊆ V"
using Gmult_def FG_fddg_closed map_smult_closed[of "1 δδ g" vs] by auto
lemma Gmult0 :
assumes "v ∈ V"
shows "0 *⋅ v = v"
have "0 *⋅ v = (1 δδ 0) ⋅ v" using GmultD by fast
moreover have "1 δδ 0 = (1::('f,'g) aezfun)" using one_aezfun_transfer by fast
ultimately have "0 *⋅ v = (1::('f,'g) aezfun) ⋅ v" by simp
with assms show ?thesis using one_smult by simp
lemma Gmult_assoc :
assumes "g ∈ G" "h ∈ G" "v ∈ V"
shows "g *⋅ h *⋅ v = (g + h) *⋅ v"
define n where "n = (1::'f)"
with assms have "g *⋅ h *⋅ v = ((n δδ g) * (n δδ h)) ⋅ v"
using FG_fddg_closed GmultD by simp
moreover from n_def have "n δδ g * (n δδ h) = n δδ (g + h)"
using times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of n g n h] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using n_def GmultD by simp
lemma Gmult_distrib_left :
"⟦ g ∈ G; v ∈ V; v' ∈ V ⟧ ⟹ g *⋅ (v + v') = g *⋅ v + g *⋅ v'"
using GmultD FG_fddg_closed by simp
lemma neg_Gmult : "g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ g *⋅ (- v) = - (g *⋅ v)"
using GmultD FG_fddg_closed smult_neg by simp
lemma Gmult_neg_left : "g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ (- g) *⋅ g *⋅ v = v"
using ActingGroup.neg_closed Gmult_assoc[of "- g" g] Gmult0 by simp
lemma fddg_smult_decomp : "g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ (f δδ g) ⋅ v = f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v"
using aezdeltafun_decomp[of f g] FG_fddg_closed FG_fdd0_closed GmultD
by simp
lemma sum_list_aezdeltafun_smult_distrib :
assumes "v ∈ V" "set (map snd fgs) ⊆ G"
shows "(∑(f,g)←fgs. f δδ g) ⋅ v = (∑(f,g)←fgs. f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v)"
from assms(2) have "set (map (case_prod aezdeltafun) fgs) ⊆ FG"
using FG_fddg_closed by auto
with assms(1) have "(∑(f,g)←fgs. f δδ g) ⋅ v = (∑(f,g)←fgs. (f δδ g) ⋅ v)"
using sum_list_prod_map_smult_distrib by auto
also have "… = (∑(f,g)←fgs. f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v)"
using assms fddg_smult_decomp
sum_list_prod_cong[of fgs "λ f g. (f δδ g) ⋅ v" "λ f g. f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v"]
by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by fast
abbreviation "GSubspace ≡ RSubmodule"
abbreviation "GSpan ≡ RSpan"
abbreviation "G_fingen ≡ R_fingen"
lemma GSubspaceI : "FGModule G smult U ⟹ U ⊆ V ⟹ GSubspace U"
using FGModule.axioms(2) by fast
lemma GSubspace_is_FGModule :
assumes "GSubspace U"
shows "FGModule G smult U"
proof (rule FGModule.intro, rule GroupG)
from assms show "RModule FG (⋅) U" by fast
qed (unfold_locales)
lemma restriction_to_subgroup_is_module :
fixes H :: "'g set"
assumes subgrp: "Group.Subgroup G H"
shows "FGModule H smult V"
proof (rule FGModule.intro)
from subgrp show "Group H" by fast
from assms show "RModule (Group.group_ring H) (⋅) V"
using ActingGroup.Subgroup_imp_Subring SModule_restrict_scalars by fast
lemma negGorbit_list_V :
assumes "set gs ⊆ G" "T ` (set as) ⊆ V"
shows "set (concat (negGorbit_list gs T as)) ⊆ V"
from assms(2)
have "set (concat (negGorbit_list gs T as)) ⊆ (⋃g∈set gs. (Gmult (-g)) ` V)"
using set_concat negGorbit_list_def[of gs T as]
by force
moreover from assms(1) have "⋀g. g ∈ set gs ⟹ (Gmult (-g)) ` V ⊆ V"
using ActingGroup.neg_closed Gmult_closed by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
lemma negGorbit_list_Cons0 :
"T ` (set as) ⊆ V
⟹ negGorbit_list (0#gs) T as = (map T as) # (negGorbit_list gs T as)"
using negGorbit_Cons[of 0 gs T as] Gmult0 by auto
subsection ‹Modules over a group ring as a vector spaces›
context FGModule
lemma fVectorSpace : "VectorSpace fsmult V"
proof (rule VectorSpaceI, unfold_locales)
fix a::'f show "⋀v. v ∈ V ⟹ a ♯⋅ v ∈ V"
using fsmult_def smult_closed FG_fdd0_closed by simp
fix a::'f show "⋀u v. u ∈ V ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ a ♯⋅ (u + v) = a ♯⋅ u + a ♯⋅ v"
using fsmult_def FG_fdd0_closed by simp
fix a b :: 'f and v :: 'v assume v: "v ∈ V"
have "(a+b) ♯⋅ v = (a δδ 0 + b δδ 0) ⋅ v"
using aezdeltafun_plus[of a b 0] arg_cong[of _ _ "λr. r ⋅ v"] fsmult_def by fastforce
with v show "(a+b) ♯⋅ v = a ♯⋅ v + b ♯⋅ v"
using fsmult_def FG_fdd0_closed by simp
fix a b :: 'f show "⋀v. v ∈ V ⟹ a ♯⋅ (b ♯⋅ v) = (a * b) ♯⋅ v"
using times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of a 0 b 0] arg_cong fsmult_def FG_fdd0_closed
by simp
fix v :: 'v assume "v ∈ V" thus "1 ♯⋅ v = v"
using one_aezfun_transfer arg_cong[of "1 δδ 0" 1 "λa. a ⋅ v"] fsmult_def by fastforce
abbreviation "fSubspace ≡ VectorSpace.Subspace fsmult V"
abbreviation "fbasis_for ≡ fscalar_mult.basis_for fsmult"
abbreviation "fdim ≡ scalar_mult.dim fsmult V"
lemma VectorSpace_fSubspace : "fSubspace W ⟹ VectorSpace fsmult W"
using Module.intro VectorSpace.intro by fast
lemma fsmult_closed : "v ∈ V ⟹ a ♯⋅ v ∈ V"
using FG_fdd0_closed smult_closed fsmult_def by simp
lemmas one_fsmult [simp] = VectorSpace.one_smult [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas fsmult_assoc [simp] = VectorSpace.smult_assoc [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas fsmult_zero [simp] = VectorSpace.smult_zero [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas fsmult_distrib_left [simp] = VectorSpace.smult_distrib_left
[OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas flincomb_closed = VectorSpace.lincomb_closed [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas fsmult_sum_distrib = VectorSpace.smult_sum_distrib [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas sum_fsmult_distrib = VectorSpace.sum_smult_distrib [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas flincomb_concat = VectorSpace.lincomb_concat [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas fSpan_closed = VectorSpace.Span_closed [OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas flin_independentD_all_scalars
= VectorSpace.lin_independentD_all_scalars[OF fVectorSpace]
lemmas in_fSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs
= VectorSpace.in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs [OF fVectorSpace]
lemma fsmult_smult_comm : "r ∈ FG ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ a ♯⋅ r ⋅ v = r ⋅ a ♯⋅ v"
using fsmultD FG_fdd0_closed smult_assoc aezdelta0fun_commutes[of r] by simp
lemma fsmult_Gmult_comm : "g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ a ♯⋅ g *⋅ v = g *⋅ a ♯⋅ v"
using aezdeltafun_decomp[of a g] aezdeltafun_decomp'[of a g] FG_fddg_closed
FG_fdd0_closed fsmult_def GmultD
by simp
lemma Gmult_flincomb_comm :
assumes "g ∈ G" "set vs ⊆ V"
shows "g *⋅ as ∙♯⋅ vs = as ∙♯⋅ (map (Gmult g) vs)"
have "g *⋅ as ∙♯⋅ vs = (1 δδ g) ⋅ (∑(a,v)←zip as vs. a ♯⋅ v)"
using Gmult_def scalar_mult.lincomb_def[of fsmult] by simp
with assms have "g *⋅ as ∙♯⋅ vs
= sum_list (map ((⋅) (1 δδ g) ∘ (λ(x, y). x ♯⋅ y)) (zip as vs))"
using set_zip_rightD fsmult_closed FG_fddg_closed[of g "1::'f"]
smult_sum_list_distrib[of "1 δδ g" "map (case_prod (♯⋅)) (zip as vs)"]
map_map[of "(⋅) (1 δδ g)" "case_prod (♯⋅)" "zip as vs"]
by fastforce
moreover have "(⋅) (1 δδ g) ∘ (λ(x, y). x ♯⋅ y) = (λ(x,y). (1 δδ g) ⋅ (x ♯⋅ y))"
by auto
ultimately have "g *⋅ as ∙♯⋅ vs = sum_list (map (λ(x,y). g *⋅ x ♯⋅ y) (zip as vs))"
using Gmult_def by simp
moreover from assms have "∀(x,y) ∈ set (zip as vs). g *⋅ x ♯⋅ y = x ♯⋅ g *⋅ y"
using set_zip_rightD fsmult_Gmult_comm by fastforce
ultimately have "g *⋅ as ∙♯⋅ vs
= sum_list (map (λ(x,y). x ♯⋅ y) (zip as (map (Gmult g) vs)))"
using sum_list_prod_cong sum_list_prod_map2[of "λx y. x ♯⋅ y" as "Gmult g"]
by force
thus ?thesis using scalar_mult.lincomb_def[of fsmult] by simp
lemma GSubspace_is_Subspace :
"GSubspace U ⟹ VectorSpace.Subspace fsmult V U"
using GSubspace_is_FGModule FGModule.fVectorSpace VectorSpace.axioms
by fast
subsection ‹Homomorphisms of modules over a group ring›
subsubsection ‹Locales›
locale FGModuleHom = ActingGroup?: Group G
+ RModHom?: RModuleHom ActingGroup.group_ring smult V smult' T
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and T :: "'v ⇒ 'w"
sublocale FGModuleHom < FGModule ..
lemma (in FGModule) FGModuleHomI_fromaxioms :
assumes "⋀v v'. v ∈ V ⟹ v' ∈ V ⟹ T (v + v') = T v + T v'"
"supp T ⊆ V" "⋀r m. r ∈ FG ⟹ m ∈ V ⟹ T (r ⋅ m) = smult' r (T m)"
shows "FGModuleHom G smult V smult' T"
using assms
by unfold_locales
locale FGModuleEnd = FGModuleHom G smult V smult T
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
and FG :: "('f::field,'g) aezfun set"
and smult :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and T :: "'v ⇒ 'v"
+ assumes endomorph: "ImG ⊆ V"
locale FGModuleIso = FGModuleHom G smult V smult' T
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and T :: "'v ⇒ 'w"
+ fixes W :: "'w set"
assumes bijective: "bij_betw T V W"
abbreviation (in FGModule) isomorphic ::
"(('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w) ⇒ 'w set ⇒ bool"
where "isomorphic smult' W ≡ (∃ T. FGModuleIso G smult V smult' T W)"
subsubsection ‹Basic facts›
context FGModule
lemma trivial_FGModuleHom :
assumes "⋀r. r ∈ FG ⟹ smult' r 0 = 0"
shows "FGModuleHom G smult V smult' 0"
proof (rule FGModuleHom.intro)
from assms show "RModuleHom FG (⋅) V smult' 0"
using trivial_RModuleHom by auto
qed (unfold_locales)
lemma FGModHom_idhom : "FGModuleHom G smult V smult (id↓V)"
proof (rule FGModuleHom.intro)
show "RModuleHom FG smult V smult (id↓V)" using RModHom_idhom by fast
qed (unfold_locales)
lemma VecHom_GMap_is_FGModuleHom :
fixes smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
and Gmult' :: "'g ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "*⋆" 70)
defines fsmult': "fsmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult'"
and Gmult' : "Gmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult smult'"
assumes hom : "VectorSpaceHom fsmult V fsmult' T"
and Im_W : "FGModule G smult' W" "T ` V ⊆ W"
and G_map : "⋀g v. g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ (T v)"
shows "FGModuleHom G smult V smult' T"
show "⋀v v'. v ∈ V ⟹ v' ∈ V ⟹ T (v + v') = T v + T v'"
using VectorSpaceHom.GroupHom[OF hom] GroupHom.hom by auto
from hom show "supp T ⊆ V" using VectorSpaceHom.supp by fast
show "⋀r v. r ∈ FG ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ T (r ⋅ v) = r ⋆ T v"
fix r v assume r: "r ∈ FG" and v: "v ∈ V"
from r obtain fgs
where fgs: "set (map snd fgs) ⊆ G" "r = (∑(f,g)←fgs. f δδ g)"
using FG_el_decomp
by fast
from fgs v have "r ⋅ v = (∑(f,g)←fgs. f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v)"
using sum_list_aezdeltafun_smult_distrib by simp
moreover from v fgs(1) have "set (map (λ(f,g). f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v) fgs) ⊆ V"
using Gmult_closed fsmult_closed by auto
ultimately have "T (r ⋅ v) = (∑(f,g)←fgs. T (f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v))"
using hom VectorSpaceHom.im_sum_list_prod by auto
moreover from hom G_map fgs(1) v
have "∀(f,g) ∈ set fgs. T (f ♯⋅ g *⋅ v) = f ♯⋆ g *⋆ T v"
using Gmult_closed VectorSpaceHom.f_map[of fsmult V fsmult' T]
by auto
ultimately have "T (r ⋅ v) = (∑(f,g)←fgs. f ♯⋆ g *⋆ T v)"
using sum_list_prod_cong by simp
with v fgs fsmult' Gmult' Im_W(2) show "T (r ⋅ v) = r ⋆ (T v)"
using FGModule.sum_list_aezdeltafun_smult_distrib[OF Im_W(1)] by auto
lemma VecHom_GMap_on_fbasis_is_FGModuleHom :
fixes smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
and Gmult' :: "'g ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "*⋆" 70)
and flincomb' :: "'f list ⇒ 'w list ⇒ 'w" (infixr "∙♯⋆" 70)
defines fsmult' : "fsmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult'"
and Gmult' : "Gmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult smult'"
and flincomb' : "flincomb' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.flincomb smult'"
assumes fbasis : "fbasis_for V vs"
and hom : "VectorSpaceHom fsmult V fsmult' T"
and Im_W : "FGModule G smult' W" "T ` V ⊆ W"
and G_map : "⋀g v. g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ set vs ⟹ T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ (T v)"
shows "FGModuleHom G smult V smult' T"
proof (rule VecHom_GMap_is_FGModuleHom)
from fsmult' hom
show "VectorSpaceHom (♯⋅) V (aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult (⋆)) T"
by fast
fix g v assume g: "g ∈ G" and v: "v ∈ V"
from v fbasis obtain cs where cs: "v = cs ∙♯⋅ vs"
using VectorSpace.in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs[OF fVectorSpace] by fast
with g(1) fbasis fsmult' flincomb'
have "T (g *⋅ v) = cs ∙♯⋆ (map (T ∘ (Gmult g)) vs)"
using Gmult_flincomb_comm map_Gmult_closed
VectorSpaceHom.distrib_lincomb[OF hom]
by auto
moreover have "T ∘ (Gmult g) = (λv. T (g *⋅ v))" by auto
ultimately have "T (g *⋅ v) = cs ∙♯⋆ (map (λv. g *⋆ (T v)) vs)"
using fbasis g(1) G_map map_cong[of vs vs "λv. T (g *⋅ v)"]
by simp
moreover have "(λv. g *⋆ (T v)) = (Gmult' g) ∘ T" by auto
ultimately have "T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ cs ∙♯⋆ (map T vs)"
using g(1) fbasis Im_W(2) Gmult' flincomb'
FGModule.Gmult_flincomb_comm[OF Im_W(1), of g "map T vs"]
by fastforce
thus "T (g *⋅ v) = aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult (⋆) g (T v)"
using fbasis fsmult' Gmult' flincomb' cs
VectorSpaceHom.distrib_lincomb[OF hom]
by auto
qed (rule Im_W(1), rule Im_W(2))
context FGModuleHom
abbreviation fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
where "fsmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult'"
abbreviation Gmult' :: "'g ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "*⋆" 70)
where "Gmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult smult'"
lemmas supp = supp
lemmas additive = additive
lemmas FG_map = R_map
lemmas FG_fdd0_closed = FG_fdd0_closed
lemmas fsmult_smult_domain_comm = fsmult_smult_comm
lemmas GSubspace_Ker = RSubmodule_Ker
lemmas Ker_Im_iff = Ker_Im_iff
lemmas Ker0_imp_inj_on = Ker0_imp_inj_on
lemmas eq_im_imp_diff_in_Ker = eq_im_imp_diff_in_Ker
lemmas im_submodule = im_submodule
lemmas fsmultD' = aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmultD[of smult']
lemmas GmultD' = aezfun_scalar_mult.GmultD[of smult']
lemma f_map : "v ∈ V ⟹ T (a ♯⋅ v) = a ♯⋆ T v"
using fsmultD ActingGroup.RG_aezdelta0fun_closed[of a] FG_map fsmultD'
by simp
lemma G_map : "g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ T v"
using GmultD ActingGroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed[of g 1] FG_map GmultD'
by simp
lemma VectorSpaceHom : "VectorSpaceHom fsmult V fsmult' T"
by (
rule VectorSpace.VectorSpaceHomI, rule fVectorSpace, unfold_locales,
rule f_map
lemmas distrib_flincomb = VectorSpaceHom.distrib_lincomb[OF VectorSpaceHom]
lemma FGModule_Im : "FGModule G smult' ImG"
by (rule FGModule.intro, rule GroupG, rule RModule_Im, unfold_locales)
lemma FGModHom_composite_left :
assumes "FGModuleHom G smult' W smult'' S" "T ` V ⊆ W"
shows "FGModuleHom G smult V smult'' (S ∘ T)"
proof (rule FGModuleHom.intro)
from assms(2) show "RModuleHom FG smult V smult'' (S ∘ T)"
using FGModuleHom.axioms(2)[OF assms(1)] RModHom_composite_left[of W]
by fast
qed (rule GroupG, unfold_locales)
lemma restriction_to_subgroup_is_hom :
fixes H :: "'g set"
assumes subgrp: "Group.Subgroup G H"
shows "FGModuleHom H smult V smult' T"
proof (rule FGModule.FGModuleHomI_fromaxioms)
have "FGModule G smult V" ..
with assms show "FGModule H (⋅) V"
using FGModule.restriction_to_subgroup_is_module by fast
from supp show "supp T ⊆ V" by fast
from assms
show "⋀r m. ⟦ r ∈ (Group.group_ring H); m ∈ V ⟧ ⟹ T (r ⋅ m) = r ⋆ T m"
using FG_map ActingGroup.Subgroup_imp_Subring by fast
qed (rule hom)
lemma FGModuleHom_restrict0_GSubspace :
assumes "GSubspace U"
shows "FGModuleHom G smult U smult' (T ↓ U)"
proof (rule FGModuleHom.intro)
from assms show "RModuleHom FG (⋅) U (⋆) (T ↓ U)"
using RModuleHom_restrict0_submodule by fast
qed (unfold_locales)
lemma FGModuleHom_fscalar_mul :
"FGModuleHom G smult V smult' (λv. a ♯⋆ T v)"
have vsphom: "VectorSpaceHom fsmult V fsmult' (λv. a ♯⋆ T v)"
using VectorSpaceHom.VectorSpaceHom_scalar_mul[OF VectorSpaceHom]
by fast
thus "⋀v v'. v ∈ V ⟹ v' ∈ V ⟹ a ♯⋆ T (v + v') = a ♯⋆ T v + a ♯⋆ T v'"
using VectorSpaceHom.additive[of fsmult V] by auto
from vsphom show "supp (λv. a ♯⋆ T v) ⊆ V"
using VectorSpaceHom.supp by fast
fix r v assume rv: "r ∈ FG" "v ∈ V"
thus "a ♯⋆ T (r ⋅ v) = r ⋆ a ♯⋆ T v"
using FG_map FGModule.fsmult_smult_comm[OF FGModule_Im]
by auto
lemma GSubspace_eigenspace :
fixes e :: "'f::field"
and E :: "'v::ab_group_add set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g::group_add) aezfun ⇒ 'v ⇒ 'v" (infixr "⋅" 70)
assumes FGModHom: "FGModuleHom G smult V smult T"
defines E : "E ≡ {v ∈ V. T v = aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult e v}"
shows "FGModule.GSubspace G smult V E"
have "FGModule.GSubspace G smult V {v ∈ V. T v = (e δδ 0) ⋅ v}"
using FGModuleHom.axioms(2)[OF FGModHom]
proof (rule RSubmodule_eigenspace)
show "e δδ 0 ∈ FGModule.FG G"
using FGModuleHom.FG_fdd0_closed[OF FGModHom] by fast
show "⋀s v. s ∈ FGModule.FG G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ s ⋅ (e δδ 0) ⋅ v = (e δδ 0) ⋅ s ⋅ v"
using FGModuleHom.fsmult_smult_domain_comm[OF FGModHom]
aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmultD[of smult]
by simp
with E show ?thesis using aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmultD[of smult] by simp
subsubsection ‹Basic facts about endomorphisms›
lemma RModuleEnd_over_group_ring_is_FGModuleEnd :
fixes G :: "'g::group_add set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v"
assumes G : "Group G" and endo: "RModuleEnd (Group.group_ring G) smult V T"
shows "FGModuleEnd G smult V T"
proof (rule FGModuleEnd.intro, rule FGModuleHom.intro, rule G)
from endo show "RModuleHom (Group.group_ring G) smult V smult T"
using RModuleEnd.axioms(1) by fast
from endo show "FGModuleEnd_axioms V T"
using RModuleEnd.endomorph by unfold_locales
lemma (in FGModule) VecEnd_GMap_is_FGModuleEnd :
assumes endo : "VectorSpaceEnd fsmult V T"
and G_map: "⋀g v. g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋅ (T v)"
shows "FGModuleEnd G smult V T"
proof (rule FGModuleEnd.intro, rule VecHom_GMap_is_FGModuleHom)
from endo show "VectorSpaceHom (♯⋅) V (♯⋅) T"
using VectorSpaceEnd.axioms(1) by fast
from endo show "T ` V ⊆ V" using VectorSpaceEnd.endomorph by fast
from endo show "FGModuleEnd_axioms V T"
using VectorSpaceEnd.endomorph by unfold_locales
qed (unfold_locales, rule G_map)
lemma (in FGModule) GEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth :
"⟦ ∀U∈set Us. GSubspace U; add_independentS Us; n < length Us ⟧
⟹ FGModuleEnd G smult (⨁U←Us. U) (⨁Us↓n)"
using GroupG RModuleEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth
by fast
context FGModuleEnd
lemma RModuleEnd : "RModuleEnd ActingGroup.group_ring smult V T"
using endomorph by unfold_locales
lemma VectorSpaceEnd : "VectorSpaceEnd fsmult V T"
by (
rule VectorSpaceEnd.intro, rule VectorSpaceHom, unfold_locales,
rule endomorph
lemmas proj_decomp = RModuleEnd.proj_decomp[OF RModuleEnd]
lemmas GSubspace_Ker = GSubspace_Ker
lemmas FGModuleHom_restrict0_GSubspace = FGModuleHom_restrict0_GSubspace
subsubsection ‹Basic facts about isomorphisms›
context FGModuleIso
lemmas VectorSpaceHom = VectorSpaceHom
abbreviation "invT ≡ (the_inv_into V T) ↓ W"
lemma RModuleIso : "RModuleIso FG smult V smult' T W"
proof (rule RModuleIso.intro)
show "RModuleHom FG (⋅) V (⋆) T"
using FGModuleIso_axioms FGModuleIso.axioms(1) FGModuleHom.axioms(2)
by fast
qed (unfold_locales, rule bijective)
lemmas ImG = RModuleIso.ImG[OF RModuleIso]
lemma FGModuleIso_restrict0_GSubspace :
assumes "GSubspace U"
shows "FGModuleIso G smult U smult' (T ↓ U) (T ` U)"
proof (rule FGModuleIso.intro)
from assms show "FGModuleHom G (⋅) U (⋆) (T ↓ U)"
using FGModuleHom_restrict0_GSubspace by fast
show "FGModuleIso_axioms U (T ↓ U) (T ` U)"
from assms bijective have "bij_betw T U (T ` U)"
using subset_inj_on unfolding bij_betw_def by auto
thus "bij_betw (T ↓ U) U (T ` U)" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by auto
lemma inv : "FGModuleIso G smult' W smult invT V"
proof (rule FGModuleIso.intro, rule FGModuleHom.intro)
show "RModuleHom FG (⋆) W (⋅) invT"
using RModuleIso.inv[OF RModuleIso] RModuleIso.axioms(1) by fast
show "FGModuleIso_axioms W invT V"
using RModuleIso.inv[OF RModuleIso] RModuleIso.bijective by unfold_locales
qed (unfold_locales)
lemma FGModIso_composite_left :
assumes "FGModuleIso G smult' W smult'' S X"
shows "FGModuleIso G smult V smult'' (S ∘ T) X"
proof (rule FGModuleIso.intro)
from assms show "FGModuleHom G (⋅) V smult'' (S ∘ T)"
using FGModuleIso.axioms(1) ImG FGModHom_composite_left by fast
show "FGModuleIso_axioms V (S ∘ T) X"
using bijective FGModuleIso.bijective[OF assms] bij_betw_trans by unfold_locales
lemma isomorphic_sym : "FGModule.isomorphic G smult' W smult V"
using inv by fast
lemma isomorphic_trans :
"FGModule.isomorphic G smult' W smult'' X
⟹ FGModule.isomorphic G smult V smult'' X"
using FGModIso_composite_left by fast
lemma isomorphic_to_zero_left : "V = 0 ⟹ W = 0"
using bijective bij_betw_imp_surj_on im_zero by fastforce
lemma isomorphic_to_zero_right : "W = 0 ⟹ V = 0"
using isomorphic_sym FGModuleIso.isomorphic_to_zero_left by fast
lemma isomorphic_to_irr_right' :
assumes "⋀U. FGModule.GSubspace G smult' W U ⟹ U = 0 ∨ U = W"
shows "⋀U. GSubspace U ⟹ U = 0 ∨ U = V"
fix U assume U: "GSubspace U"
have "U ≠ V ⟹ U = 0"
assume UV: "U ≠ V"
from U bijective have "T ` U = T ` V ⟹ U = V"
using bij_betw_imp_inj_on[of T V W] inj_onD[of T V] by fast
with UV bijective have "T ` U ≠ W" using bij_betw_imp_surj_on by fast
moreover from U have "FGModule.GSubspace G smult' W (T ` U)"
using ImG im_submodule by fast
ultimately show "U = 0"
using assms U FGModuleIso_restrict0_GSubspace
by fast
thus "U = 0 ∨ U = V" by fast
context FGModule
lemma isomorphic_sym :
"isomorphic smult' W ⟹ FGModule.isomorphic G smult' W smult V"
using FGModuleIso.inv by fast
lemma isomorphic_trans :
"isomorphic smult' W ⟹ FGModule.isomorphic G smult' W smult'' X
⟹ isomorphic smult'' X"
using FGModuleIso.FGModIso_composite_left by fast
lemma isomorphic_to_zero_left : "V = 0 ⟹ isomorphic smult' W ⟹ W = 0"
using FGModuleIso.isomorphic_to_zero_left by fast
lemma isomorphic_to_zero_right : "isomorphic smult' 0 ⟹ V = 0"
using FGModuleIso.isomorphic_to_zero_right by fast
lemma FGModIso_idhom : "FGModuleIso G smult V smult (id↓V) V"
using FGModHom_idhom
proof (rule FGModuleIso.intro)
show "FGModuleIso_axioms V (id↓V) V"
using bij_betw_id bij_betw_restrict0 by unfold_locales fast
lemma isomorphic_refl : "isomorphic smult V" using FGModIso_idhom by fast
subsubsection ‹Hom-sets›
definition FGModuleHomSet ::
"'g::group_add set ⇒ (('f::field,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v) ⇒ 'v set
⇒ (('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w) ⇒ 'w set
⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w) set"
where "FGModuleHomSet G fgsmult V fgsmult' W
≡ {T. FGModuleHom G fgsmult V fgsmult' T} ∩ {T. T ` V ⊆ W}"
lemma FGModuleHomSetI :
"FGModuleHom G fgsmult V fgsmult' T ⟹ T ` V ⊆ W
⟹ T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G fgsmult V fgsmult' W"
unfolding FGModuleHomSet_def by fast
lemma FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom :
"T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G fgsmult V fgsmult' W
⟹ FGModuleHom G fgsmult V fgsmult' T"
unfolding FGModuleHomSet_def by fast
lemma FGModuleHomSetD_Im :
"T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G fgsmult V fgsmult' W ⟹ T ` V ⊆ W"
unfolding FGModuleHomSet_def by fast
context FGModule
lemma FGModuleHomSet_is_Gmaps_in_VectorSpaceHomSet :
fixes smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
and Gmult' :: "'g ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "*⋆" 70)
defines fsmult' : "fsmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult'"
and Gmult' : "Gmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult smult'"
assumes FGModW : "FGModule G smult' W"
shows "FGModuleHomSet G smult V smult' W
= (VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W)
∩ {T. ∀g∈G. ∀v∈V. T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ (T v)}"
from fsmult' Gmult'
show "FGModuleHomSet G smult V smult' W
⊆ (VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W)
∩ {T. ∀g∈G. ∀v∈V. T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ T v}"
using FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom[of _ G smult V smult']
FGModuleHom.VectorSpaceHom[of G smult V smult']
FGModuleHomSetD_Im[of _ G smult V smult']
VectorSpaceHomSetI[of fsmult V fsmult']
FGModuleHom.G_map[of G smult V smult']
by auto
show "FGModuleHomSet G smult V smult' W
⊇ (VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W)
∩ {T. ∀g∈G. ∀v∈V. T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ T v}"
fix T
assume T: "T ∈ (VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W)
∩ {T. ∀g∈G. ∀v∈V. T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ T v}"
show "T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G smult V smult' W"
proof (rule FGModuleHomSetI, rule VecHom_GMap_is_FGModuleHom)
from T fsmult'
show "VectorSpaceHom (♯⋅) V (aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult') T"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_VectorSpaceHom
by fast
from T show "T ` V ⊆ W" using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im by fast
from T Gmult'
show "⋀g v. g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V
⟹ T (g *⋅ v) = aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult (⋆) g (T v)"
by fast
from T show "T ` V ⊆ W" using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im by fast
qed (rule FGModW)
lemma Group_FGModuleHomSet :
fixes smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
and Gmult' :: "'g ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "*⋆" 70)
defines fsmult' : "fsmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult'"
and Gmult' : "Gmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult smult'"
assumes FGModW : "FGModule G smult' W"
shows "Group (FGModuleHomSet G smult V smult' W)"
from FGModW show "FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V smult' W ≠ {}"
using FGModule.smult_zero trivial_FGModuleHom[of smult'] FGModule.zero_closed
by fastforce
fix S T
assume S: "S ∈ FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V smult' W"
and T: "T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V smult' W"
with assms
have ST: "S ∈ (VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W)
∩ {T. ∀g∈G. ∀v∈V. T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ T v}"
"T ∈ (VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W)
∩ {T. ∀g∈G. ∀v∈V. T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ T v}"
using FGModuleHomSet_is_Gmaps_in_VectorSpaceHomSet
by auto
with fsmult' have "S - T ∈ VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W"
using FGModule.fVectorSpace[OF FGModW]
VectorSpace.Group_VectorSpaceHomSet[OF fVectorSpace] Group.diff_closed
by fast
moreover have "⋀g v. g∈G ⟹ v∈V ⟹ (S-T) (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ ((S-T) v)"
fix g v assume "g ∈ G" "v ∈ V"
moreover with ST have "S v ∈ W" "T v ∈ W" "- T v ∈ W"
using VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[of S fsmult V fsmult']
VectorSpaceHomSetD_Im[of T fsmult V fsmult']
FGModule.neg_closed[OF FGModW]
by auto
ultimately show "(S-T) (g *⋅ v) = g *⋆ ((S-T) v)"
using ST Gmult' FGModule.neg_Gmult[OF FGModW]
FGModule.Gmult_distrib_left[OF FGModW, of g "S v" "- T v"]
by auto
ultimately show "S - T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V smult' W"
using fsmult' Gmult'
FGModuleHomSet_is_Gmaps_in_VectorSpaceHomSet[OF FGModW]
by fast
lemma Subspace_FGModuleHomSet :
fixes smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
and Gmult' :: "'g ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "*⋆" 70)
and hom_fsmult :: "'f ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w) ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w)" (infixr "♯⋆⋅" 70)
defines fsmult' : "fsmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult'"
and Gmult' : "Gmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.Gmult smult'"
defines hom_fsmult : "hom_fsmult ≡ λa T v. a ♯⋆ T v"
assumes FGModW : "FGModule G smult' W"
shows "VectorSpace.Subspace hom_fsmult
(VectorSpaceHomSet fsmult V fsmult' W)
(FGModuleHomSet G smult V smult' W)"
proof (rule VectorSpace.SubspaceI)
from hom_fsmult fsmult'
show "VectorSpace (♯⋆⋅) (VectorSpaceHomSet (♯⋅) V (♯⋆) W)"
using FGModule.fVectorSpace[OF FGModW]
VectorSpace.VectorSpace_VectorSpaceHomSet[OF fVectorSpace]
by fast
from fsmult' Gmult' FGModW
show "Group (FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V (⋆) W)
∧ FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V (⋆) W
⊆ VectorSpaceHomSet (♯⋅) V (♯⋆) W"
using Group_FGModuleHomSet FGModuleHomSet_is_Gmaps_in_VectorSpaceHomSet
by fast
fix a T assume T: "T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V (⋆) W"
from hom_fsmult fsmult' have "FGModuleHom G smult V smult' (a ♯⋆⋅ T)"
using FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom[OF T]
FGModuleHomSetD_Im[OF T]
by simp
moreover from hom_fsmult fsmult' have "(a ♯⋆⋅ T) ` V ⊆ W"
using FGModuleHomSetD_Im[OF T] FGModule.fsmult_closed[OF FGModW]
by auto
ultimately show "a ♯⋆⋅ T ∈ FGModuleHomSet G (⋅) V (⋆) W"
using FGModuleHomSetI by fastforce
lemma VectorSpace_FGModuleHomSet :
fixes smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
and hom_fsmult :: "'f ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w) ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w)" (infixr "♯⋆⋅" 70)
defines "fsmult' ≡ aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult'"
defines "hom_fsmult ≡ λa T v. a ♯⋆ T v"
assumes "FGModule G smult' W"
shows "VectorSpace hom_fsmult (FGModuleHomSet G smult V smult' W)"
using assms Subspace_FGModuleHomSet Module.intro VectorSpace.intro
by fast
subsection ‹Induced modules›
subsubsection ‹Additive function spaces›
definition addfunset ::
"'a::monoid_add set ⇒ 'm::monoid_add set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'm) set"
where "addfunset A M ≡ {f. supp f ⊆ A ∧ range f ⊆ M
∧ (∀x∈A. ∀y∈A. f (x+y) = f x + f y) }"
lemma addfunsetI :
"⟦ supp f ⊆ A; range f ⊆ M; ∀x∈A. ∀y∈A. f (x+y) = f x + f y ⟧
⟹ f ∈ addfunset A M"
unfolding addfunset_def by fast
lemma addfunsetD_supp : "f ∈ addfunset A M ⟹ supp f ⊆ A"
unfolding addfunset_def by fast
lemma addfunsetD_range : "f ∈ addfunset A M ⟹ range f ⊆ M"
unfolding addfunset_def by fast
lemma addfunsetD_range' : "f ∈ addfunset A M ⟹ f x ∈ M"
using addfunsetD_range by fast
lemma addfunsetD_add :
"⟦ f ∈ addfunset A M; x∈A; y∈A ⟧ ⟹ f (x+y) = f x + f y"
unfolding addfunset_def by fast
lemma addfunset0 : "addfunset A (0::'m::monoid_add set) = 0"
show "addfunset A 0 ⊆ 0" using addfunsetD_range' by fastforce
have "(0::'a⇒'m) ∈ addfunset A 0"
using supp_zerofun_subset_any by (rule addfunsetI) auto
thus "addfunset A (0::'m::monoid_add set) ⊇ 0" by simp
lemma Group_addfunset :
fixes M::"'g::ab_group_add set"
assumes "Group M"
shows "Group (addfunset R M)"
from assms show "addfunset R M ≠ {}"
using addfunsetI[of 0 R M] supp_zerofun_subset_any Group.zero_closed
by fastforce
fix g h assume gh: "g ∈ addfunset R M" "h ∈ addfunset R M"
show "g - h ∈ addfunset R M"
proof (rule addfunsetI)
from gh show "supp (g - h) ⊆ R"
using addfunsetD_supp supp_diff_subset_union_supp by fast
from gh show "range (g - h) ⊆ M"
using addfunsetD_range Group.diff_closed [OF assms]
by (simp add: addfunsetD_range' image_subsetI)
show "∀x∈R. ∀y∈R. (g - h) (x + y) = (g - h) x + (g - h) y"
using addfunsetD_add[OF gh(1)] addfunsetD_add[OF gh(2)] by simp
subsubsection ‹Spaces of functions which transform under scalar multiplication by
almost-everywhere-zero functions›
context aezfun_scalar_mult
definition smultfunset :: "'g set ⇒ ('r,'g) aezfun set ⇒ (('r,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) set"
where "smultfunset G FH ≡ {f. (∀a::'r. ∀g∈G. ∀x∈FH.
f ( a δδ g * x ) = (a δδ g) ⋅ (f x))}"
lemma smultfunsetD :
"⟦f ∈ smultfunset G FH; g∈G; x∈FH ⟧ ⟹ f ( a δδ g * x ) = (a δδ g) ⋅ (f x)"
unfolding smultfunset_def by fast
lemma smultfunsetI :
"∀a::'r. ∀g∈G. ∀x∈FH. f ( a δδ g * x ) = (a δδ g) ⋅ (f x)
⟹ f ∈ smultfunset G FH"
unfolding smultfunset_def by fast
subsubsection ‹General induced spaces of functions on a group ring›
context aezfun_scalar_mult
definition indspace ::
"'g set ⇒ ('r,'g) aezfun set ⇒ 'v set ⇒ (('r,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) set"
where "indspace G FH V = addfunset FH V ∩ smultfunset G FH"
lemma indspaceD :
"f ∈ indspace G FH V ⟹ f ∈ addfunset FH V ∩ smultfunset G FH"
using indspace_def by fast
lemma indspaceD_supp : "f ∈ indspace G FH V ⟹ supp f ⊆ FH"
using indspace_def addfunsetD_supp by fast
lemma indspaceD_supp' : "f ∈ indspace G FH V ⟹ x ∉ FH ⟹ f x = 0"
using indspaceD_supp suppI_contra by fast
lemma indspaceD_range : "f ∈ indspace G FH V ⟹ range f ⊆ V"
using indspace_def addfunsetD_range by fast
lemma indspaceD_range': "f ∈ indspace G FH V ⟹ f x ∈ V"
using indspaceD_range by fast
lemma indspaceD_add :
"⟦ f ∈ indspace G FH V; x∈FH; y∈FH ⟧ ⟹ f (x+y) = f x + f y"
using indspace_def addfunsetD_add by auto
lemma indspaceD_transform :
"⟦f ∈ indspace G FH V; g∈G; x∈FH ⟧ ⟹ f ( a δδ g * x ) = (a δδ g) ⋅ (f x)"
using indspace_def smultfunsetD by auto
lemma indspaceI :
"f ∈ addfunset FH V ⟹ f ∈ smultfunset G FH ⟹ f ∈ indspace G FH V"
using indspace_def by fast
lemma indspaceI' :
"⟦ supp f ⊆ FH; range f ⊆ V; ∀x∈FH. ∀y∈FH. f (x+y) = f x + f y;
∀a::'r. ∀g∈G. ∀x∈FH. f ( a δδ g * x ) = (a δδ g) ⋅ (f x) ⟧
⟹ f ∈ indspace G FH V"
using smultfunsetI addfunsetI[of f] indspaceI by simp
lemma mono_indspace : "mono (indspace G FH)"
proof (rule monoI)
fix U V :: "'v set" assume U_V: "U ⊆ V"
show "indspace G FH U ⊆ indspace G FH V"
fix f assume f: "f ∈ indspace G FH U"
show "f ∈ indspace G FH V" using indspaceD_supp[OF f]
proof (rule indspaceI')
from f U_V show "range f ⊆ V" using indspaceD_range[of f G FH] by auto
from f show "∀x∈FH. ∀y∈FH. f (x+y) = f x + f y"
using indspaceD_add by auto
from f show "∀a::'r. ∀g∈G. ∀x∈FH. f ( a δδ g * x ) = (a δδ g) ⋅ (f x)"
using indspaceD_transform by auto
context FGModule
lemma zero_transforms : "0 ∈ smultfunset G FH"
using smultfunsetI FG_fddg_closed smult_zero by simp
lemma indspace0 : "indspace G FH 0 = 0"
using zero_transforms addfunset0 indspace_def by auto
lemma Group_indspace :
assumes "Ring1 FH"
shows "Group (indspace G FH V)"
from zero_closed have "0 ⊆ V" by simp
with mono_indspace [of G FH]
have "indspace G FH 0 ⊆ indspace G FH V"
by (auto dest!: monoD [of _ 0 V])
then show "indspace G FH V ≠ {}"
using indspace0 [of FH] by auto
fix f1 f2 assume ff: "f1 ∈ indspace G FH V" "f2 ∈ indspace G FH V"
hence "f1 - f2 ∈ addfunset FH V"
using assms indspaceD indspaceD Group Group_addfunset Group.diff_closed
by fast
moreover from ff have "f1 - f2 ∈ smultfunset G FH"
using indspaceD_transform FG_fddg_closed indspaceD_range' smult_distrib_left_diff
by simp
ultimately show "f1 - f2 ∈ indspace G FH V" using indspaceI by fast
subsubsection ‹The right regular action›
context Ring1
definition rightreg_scalar_mult ::
"'r::ring_1 ⇒ ('r ⇒ 'm::ab_group_add) ⇒ ('r ⇒ 'm)" (infixr "¤" 70)
where "rightreg_scalar_mult r f = (λx. if x ∈ R then f (x*r) else 0)"
lemma rightreg_scalar_multD1 : "x ∈ R ⟹ (r ¤ f) x = f (x*r)"
unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def by simp
lemma rightreg_scalar_multD2 : "x ∉ R ⟹ (r ¤ f) x = 0"
unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def by simp
lemma rrsmult_supp : "supp (r ¤ f) ⊆ R"
using rightreg_scalar_multD2 suppD_contra by force
lemma rrsmult_range : "range (r ¤ f) ⊆ {0} ∪ range f"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
fix x show "(r ¤ f) x ∈ {0} ∪ range f"
using rightreg_scalar_multD1[of x r f] image_eqI
rightreg_scalar_multD2[of x r f]
by (cases "x ∈ R") auto
lemma rrsmult_distrib_left : "r ¤ (f + g) = r ¤ f + r ¤ g"
fix x show "(r ¤ (f + g)) x = (r ¤ f + r ¤ g) x"
unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def by (cases "x ∈ R") auto
lemma rrsmult_distrib_right :
assumes "⋀x y. x ∈ R ⟹ y ∈ R ⟹ f (x+y) = f x + f y" "r ∈ R" "s ∈ R"
shows "(r + s) ¤ f = r ¤ f + s ¤ f"
fix x show "((r + s) ¤ f) x = (r ¤ f + s ¤ f) x"
using assms mult_closed
unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def
by (cases "x ∈ R") (auto simp add: distrib_left)
lemma RModule_addfunset :
fixes M::"'g::ab_group_add set"
assumes "Group M"
shows "RModule R rightreg_scalar_mult (addfunset R M)"
proof (rule RModuleI)
from assms show "Group (addfunset R M)" using Group_addfunset by fast
show "RModule_axioms R (¤) (addfunset R M)"
fix r f assume r: "r ∈ R" and f: "f ∈ addfunset R M"
show "r ¤ f ∈ addfunset R M"
proof (rule addfunsetI)
show "supp (r ¤ f) ⊆ R"
using rightreg_scalar_multD2 suppD_contra by force
show "range (r ¤ f) ⊆ M"
using addfunsetD_range[OF f] Group.zero_closed[OF assms]
unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def
by fastforce
from r show "∀x∈R. ∀y∈R. (r ¤ f) (x + y) = (r ¤ f) x + (r ¤ f) y"
using mult_closed add_closed addfunsetD_add[OF f]
unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def
by (simp add: distrib_right)
show "⋀r f g. r ¤ (f + g) = r ¤ f + r ¤ g" using rrsmult_distrib_left by fast
fix r s f assume "r ∈ R" "s ∈ R" "f ∈ addfunset R M"
thus "(r + s) ¤ f = r ¤ f + s ¤ f"
using addfunsetD_add[of f] rrsmult_distrib_right[of f] by simp
fix r s f assume r: "r ∈ R" and s: "s ∈ R" and f: "f ∈ addfunset R M"
show "r ¤ s ¤ f = (r * s) ¤ f"
fix x from r show "(r ¤ s ¤ f) x = ((r * s) ¤ f) x"
using mult_closed unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def
by (cases "x ∈ R") (auto simp add: mult.assoc)
fix f assume f: "f ∈ addfunset R M"
show "1 ¤ f = f"
fix x show "(1 ¤ f) x = f x"
unfolding rightreg_scalar_mult_def
using addfunsetD_supp[OF f] suppI_contra[of x f]
contra_subsetD[of "supp f"]
by (cases "x ∈ R") auto
qed (unfold_locales)
subsubsection ‹Locale and basic facts›
text ‹
In the following locale, @{term G} is a subgroup of @{term H}, @{term V} is a module over the
group ring for @{term G}, and the induced space @{term indV} will be shown to be a module over the
group ring for @{term H} under the right regular scalar multiplication @{term rrsmult}.
locale InducedFHModule = Supgroup?: Group H
+ BaseFGMod? : FGModule G smult V
+ induced_smult?: aezfun_scalar_mult rrsmult
for H :: "'g::group_add set"
and G :: "'g set"
and FG :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun set"
and smult :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixl "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and rrsmult :: "('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ (('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) ⇒ (('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)"
(infixl "¤" 70)
+ fixes FH :: "('f, 'g) aezfun set"
and indV :: "(('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) set"
defines FH : "FH ≡ Supgroup.group_ring"
and indV : "indV ≡ BaseFGMod.indspace G FH V"
assumes rrsmult : "rrsmult = Ring1.rightreg_scalar_mult FH"
and Subgroup: "Supgroup.Subgroup G"
abbreviation indfsmult ::
"'f ⇒ (('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) ⇒ (('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)" (infixl "¤¤" 70)
where "indfsmult ≡ induced_smult.fsmult"
abbreviation indflincomb ::
"'f list ⇒ (('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) list ⇒ (('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)" (infixl "∙¤¤" 70)
where "indflincomb ≡ induced_smult.flincomb"
abbreviation Hmult ::
"'g ⇒ (('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) ⇒ (('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)" (infixl "*¤" 70)
where "Hmult ≡ induced_smult.Gmult"
lemma Ring1_FH : "Ring1 FH" using FH Supgroup.Ring1_RG by fast
lemma FG_subring_FH : "Ring1.Subring1 FH BaseFGMod.FG"
using FH Supgroup.Subgroup_imp_Subring[OF Subgroup] by fast
lemma rrsmultD1 : "x ∈ FH ⟹ (r ¤ f) x = f (x*r)"
using Ring1.rightreg_scalar_multD1[OF Ring1_FH] rrsmult by simp
lemma rrsmultD2 : "x ∉ FH ⟹ (r ¤ f) x = 0"
using Ring1.rightreg_scalar_multD2[OF Ring1_FH] rrsmult by fast
lemma rrsmult_supp : "supp (r ¤ f) ⊆ FH"
using Ring1.rrsmult_supp[OF Ring1_FH] rrsmult by auto
lemma rrsmult_range : "range (r ¤ f) ⊆ {0} ∪ range f"
using Ring1.rrsmult_range[OF Ring1_FH] rrsmult by auto
lemma FHModule_addfunset : "FGModule H rrsmult (addfunset FH V)"
proof (rule FGModule.intro)
from FH rrsmult show "RModule Supgroup.group_ring (¤) (addfunset FH V)"
using Group Supgroup.Ring1_RG Ring1.RModule_addfunset by fast
qed (unfold_locales)
lemma FHSubmodule_indspace :
"FGModule.FGSubmodule H rrsmult (addfunset FH V) indV"
proof (rule FGModule.FGSubmoduleI[of H], rule FHModule_addfunset, rule conjI)
from Ring1_FH indV show "Group indV" using Group_indspace by fast
from indV show "indV ⊆ addfunset FH V"
using BaseFGMod.indspaceD by fast
fix r f assume rf: "r ∈ (Supgroup.group_ring :: ('f,'g) aezfun set)" "f ∈ indV"
from rf(2) indV have rf2': "f ∈ BaseFGMod.indspace G FH V" by fast
show "r ¤ f ∈ indV"
unfolding indV
proof (rule BaseFGMod.indspaceI', rule rrsmult_supp)
show "range (r ¤ f) ⊆ V"
using rrsmult_range BaseFGMod.indspaceD_range[OF rf2'] zero_closed
by force
from FH rf(1) rf2'
show "∀x∈FH. ∀y∈FH. (r ¤ f) (x + y) = (r ¤ f) x + (r ¤ f) y"
using Ring1.add_closed[OF Ring1_FH] rrsmultD1[of _ r f]
Ring1.mult_closed[OF Ring1_FH] BaseFGMod.indspaceD_add
by (simp add: distrib_right)
fix a g x assume gx: "g∈G" "x∈FH"
with FH have "a δδ g * x ∈ FH"
using FG_fddg_closed FG_subring_FH Ring1.mult_closed[OF Ring1_FH]
by fast
with FH rf(1) gx(2) have "(r ¤ f) (a δδ g * x) = a δδ g ⋅ ((r ¤ f) x)"
using rrsmultD1[of _ r f] Ring1.mult_closed[OF Ring1_FH]
BaseFGMod.indspaceD_transform[OF rf2' gx(1)]
by (simp add: mult.assoc)
thus "∀a. ∀g∈G. ∀x∈FH. (r ¤ f) (a δδ g * x) = a δδ g ⋅ (r ¤ f) x" by fast
lemma FHModule_indspace : "FGModule H rrsmult indV"
proof (rule FGModule.intro)
show "RModule Supgroup.group_ring (¤) indV" using FHSubmodule_indspace by fast
qed (unfold_locales)
lemmas fVectorSpace_indspace = FGModule.fVectorSpace[OF FHModule_indspace]
lemmas restriction_is_FGModule
= FGModule.restriction_to_subgroup_is_module[OF FHModule_indspace]
definition induced_vector :: "'v ⇒ (('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)"
where "induced_vector v ≡ (if v ∈ V
then (λy. if y ∈ FH then (FG_proj y) ⋅ v else 0) else 0)"
lemma induced_vector_apply1 :
"v ∈ V ⟹ x ∈ FH ⟹ induced_vector v x = (FG_proj x) ⋅ v"
using induced_vector_def by simp
lemma induced_vector_apply2 : "v ∈ V ⟹ x ∉ FH ⟹ induced_vector v x = 0"
using induced_vector_def by simp
lemma induced_vector_indV :
assumes v: "v ∈ V"
shows "induced_vector v ∈ indV"
unfolding indV
proof (rule BaseFGMod.indspaceI')
from assms show "supp (induced_vector v) ⊆ FH"
using induced_vector_def supp_restrict0[of FH "λy. (FG_proj y) ⋅ v"] by simp
show "range (induced_vector v) ⊆ V"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
fix y
from v show "(induced_vector v) y ∈ V"
using induced_vector_def zero_closed aezfun_setspan_proj_in_setspan[of G y]
smult_closed ActingGroup.group_ringD
by auto
fix x y assume xy: "x ∈ FH" "y ∈ FH"
with v have "(induced_vector v) (x + y)
= (induced_vector v) x + (induced_vector v) y"
using Ring1_FH Ring1.add_closed aezfun_setspan_proj_add[of G x y] FG_proj_in_FG
smult_distrib_left induced_vector_def
by auto
thus "∀x∈FH. ∀y∈FH. induced_vector v (x + y)
= induced_vector v x + induced_vector v y"
by fast
fix a g x assume g: "g ∈ G" and x: "x ∈ FH"
with v FH
have "(induced_vector v) (a δδ g * x) = a δδ g ⋅ (induced_vector v) x"
using FG_subring_FH FG_fddg_closed Ring1_FH
Ring1.mult_closed[of FH "a δδ g"] FG_proj_mult_leftdelta[of g a]
FG_fddg_closed FG_proj_in_FG smult_assoc induced_vector_def
by fastforce
thus "∀a. ∀g∈G. ∀x∈FH. induced_vector v (a δδ g * x)
= a δδ g ⋅ induced_vector v x"
by fast
lemma induced_vector_additive :
"v ∈ V ⟹ v' ∈ V
⟹ induced_vector (v+v') = induced_vector v + induced_vector v'"
using add_closed induced_vector_def FG_proj_in_FG smult_distrib_left by auto
lemma hom_induced_vector : "FGModuleHom G smult V rrsmult induced_vector"
show "⋀v v'. v ∈ V ⟹ v' ∈ V
⟹ induced_vector (v + v') = induced_vector v + induced_vector v'"
using induced_vector_additive by fast
have "induced_vector = (λv. if v∈V then λy. if y ∈ FH
then (FG_proj y) ⋅ v else 0 else 0)"
using induced_vector_def by fast
thus "supp induced_vector ⊆ V" using supp_restrict0[of V] by fastforce
show "⋀x v. x ∈ BaseFGMod.FG ⟹ v ∈ V
⟹ induced_vector (x ⋅ v) = x ¤ induced_vector v"
fix x v assume xv: "x ∈ BaseFGMod.FG" "v ∈ V"
show "induced_vector (x ⋅ v) = x ¤ induced_vector v"
fix a
from xv FH show "induced_vector (x ⋅ v) a = (x ¤ induced_vector v) a"
using smult_closed induced_vector_def FG_proj_in_FG smult_assoc rrsmultD1
FG_subring_FH Ring1.mult_closed[OF Ring1_FH] induced_vector_apply1
FG_proj_mult_right[of x] smult_closed induced_vector_apply2 rrsmultD2
by auto
lemma indspace_sum_list_fddh:
"⟦ fhs ≠ []; set (map snd fhs) ⊆ H; f ∈ indV ⟧
⟹ f (∑(a,h)←fhs. a δδ h) = (∑(a,h)←fhs. f (a δδ h))"
proof (induct fhs rule: list_nonempty_induct)
case (single fh) show ?case
using split_beta[of "λa h. a δδ h" fh] split_beta[of "λa h. f (a δδ h)" fh] by simp
case (cons fh fhs)
hence prevcase: "snd fh ∈ H" "set (map snd fhs) ⊆ H" "f ∈ indV"
"f (∑(a,h)←fhs. a δδ h) = (∑(a,h)←fhs. f (a δδ h))"
by auto
have "f (∑(a,h)←fh#fhs. a δδ h)
= f ((fst fh) δδ (snd fh) + (∑ah←fhs. case_prod (λa h. a δδ h) ah))"
using split_beta[of "λa h. a δδ h" fh] by simp
moreover from prevcase(1) FH have "(fst fh) δδ (snd fh) ∈ FH"
using Supgroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed by fast
moreover from prevcase(2) FH
have "(∑ah←fhs. case_prod (λa h. a δδ h) ah) ∈ FH"
using Supgroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed
Ring1.sum_list_closed[OF Ring1_FH, of "λah. case_prod (λa h. a δδ h) ah" fhs]
by fastforce
ultimately have "f (∑(a,h)←fh#fhs. a δδ h)
= f ((fst fh) δδ (snd fh)) + f (∑(a,h)←fhs. a δδ h)"
using indV prevcase(3) BaseFGMod.indspaceD_add by simp
with prevcase(4) show ?case using split_beta[of "λa h. f (a δδ h)" fh] by simp
lemma induced_fsmult_conv_fsmult_1ddh :
"f ∈ indV ⟹ h ∈ H ⟹ (r ¤¤ f) (1 δδ h) = r ♯⋅ (f (1 δδ h))"
using FH indV induced_smult.fsmultD Supgroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed[of h "1::'f"]
rrsmultD1 aezdeltafun_decomp'[of r h]
aezdeltafun_decomp[of r h] Supgroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed[of h "1::'f"]
Group.zero_closed[OF GroupG]
BaseFGMod.indspaceD_transform[of f G FH V 0 "(1::'f) δδ h" r]
by simp
lemma indspace_el_eq_on_1ddh_imp_eq_on_rddh :
assumes "HmodG ⊆ H" "H = (⋃h∈HmodG. G + {h})" "f ∈ indV" "f' ∈ indV"
"∀h∈HmodG. f (1 δδ h) = f' (1 δδ h)" "h ∈ H"
shows "f (r δδ h) = f' (r δδ h)"
from assms(2,6) obtain h' where h': "h' ∈ HmodG" "h ∈ G + {h'}" by fast
from h'(2) obtain g where g: "g ∈ G" "h = g + h'"
using set_plus_def[of G] by auto
from g(2) have "r δδ h = r δδ 0 * (1 δδ (g+h'))"
using aezdeltafun_decomp by simp
moreover have "(1::'f) δδ (g+h') = 1 δδ g * (1 δδ h')"
using times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of "1::'f", THEN sym] by simp
ultimately have "r δδ h = r δδ g * (1 δδ h')"
using aezdeltafun_decomp[of r g]
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
with indV FH assms(1,3,4) g(1) h'(1)
have "f (r δδ h) = r δδ g ⋅ f (1 δδ h')" "f' (r δδ h) = r δδ g ⋅ f' (1 δδ h')"
using Supgroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed[of h' 1]
BaseFGMod.indspaceD_transform[of f G FH V g "1 δδ h'" r]
BaseFGMod.indspaceD_transform[of f' G FH V g "1 δδ h'" r]
by auto
thus "f (r δδ h) = f' (r δδ h)" using h'(1) assms(5) by simp
lemma indspace_el_eq :
assumes "HmodG ⊆ H" "H = (⋃h∈HmodG. G + {h})" "f ∈ indV" "f' ∈ indV"
"∀h∈HmodG. f (1 δδ h) = f' (1 δδ h)"
shows "f = f'"
fix x show "f x = f' x"
proof (cases "x = 0" "x ∈ FH" rule: conjcases)
case BothTrue
hence "x = 0 δδ 0" using zero_aezfun_transfer by simp
with assms show ?thesis
using indspace_el_eq_on_1ddh_imp_eq_on_rddh[of HmodG f f'] Supgroup.zero_closed
by auto
case OneTrue with FH show ?thesis using Supgroup.RG_zero_closed by fast
case OtherTrue
with FH obtain rhs
where rhs: "set (map snd rhs) ⊆ H" "x = (∑(r,h)←rhs. r δδ h)"
using Supgroup.RG_el_decomp_aezdeltafun
by fast
from OtherTrue rhs(2) have rhs_nnil: "rhs ≠ []" by auto
with assms(3,4) rhs
have "f x = (∑(r,h)←rhs. f (r δδ h))" "f' x = (∑(r,h)←rhs. f' (r δδ h))"
using indspace_sum_list_fddh
by auto
moreover from rhs(1) assms have "∀(r,h) ∈ set rhs. f (r δδ h) = f' (r δδ h)"
using indspace_el_eq_on_1ddh_imp_eq_on_rddh[of HmodG f f'] by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
using sum_list_prod_cong[of rhs "λr h. f (r δδ h)"] by simp
case BothFalse
with indV assms(3,4) show ?thesis
using BaseFGMod.indspaceD_supp'[of f] BaseFGMod.indspaceD_supp'[of f']
by simp
lemma indspace_el_eq' :
assumes "set hs ⊆ H" "H = (⋃h∈set hs. G + {h})" "f ∈ indV" "f' ∈ indV"
"∀i<length hs. f (1 δδ (hs!i)) = f' (1 δδ (hs!i))"
shows "f = f'"
using assms(1-4)
proof (rule indspace_el_eq[of "set hs"])
have "⋀h. h∈set hs ⟹ f (1 δδ h) = f' (1 δδ h)"
fix h assume "h ∈ set hs"
from this obtain i where "i < length hs" "h = hs!i"
using in_set_conv_nth[of h] by fast
with assms(5) show "f (1 δδ h) = f' (1 δδ h)" by simp
thus "∀h∈set hs. f (1 δδ h) = f' (1 δδ h)" by fast
section ‹Representations of Finite Groups›
subsection ‹Locale and basic facts›
text ‹
Define a group representation to be a module over the group ring that is finite-dimensional as
a vector space. The only restriction on the characteristic of the field is that it does not
divide the order of the group. Also, we don't explicitly assume that the group is finite;
instead, the ‹good_char› assumption implies that the cardinality of G is not zero, which
implies G is finite. (See lemma ‹good_card_imp_finite›.)
locale FinGroupRepresentation = FGModule G smult V
for G :: "'g::group_add set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixl "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
assumes good_char: "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f)"
and findim : "fscalar_mult.findim fsmult V"
lemma (in Group) trivial_FinGroupRep :
fixes smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v"
assumes good_char : "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f)"
and smult_zero : "∀a∈group_ring. smult a (0::'v) = 0"
shows "FinGroupRepresentation G smult (0::'v set)"
proof (rule FinGroupRepresentation.intro)
from smult_zero show "FGModule G smult (0::'v set)"
using trivial_FGModule by fast
have "fscalar_mult.findim (aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult) 0"
by auto (metis R_scalar_mult.RSpan.simps(1) aezfun_scalar_mult.R_scalar_mult empty_set empty_subsetI set_zero)
with good_char show "FinGroupRepresentation_axioms G smult 0" by unfold_locales
context FinGroupRepresentation
abbreviation ordG :: 'f where "ordG ≡ of_nat (card G)"
abbreviation "GRepHom ≡ FGModuleHom G smult V"
abbreviation "GRepIso ≡ FGModuleIso G smult V"
abbreviation "GRepEnd ≡ FGModuleEnd G smult V"
lemmas zero_closed = zero_closed
lemmas Group = Group
lemmas GSubmodule_GSpan_single = RSubmodule_RSpan_single
lemmas GSpan_single_nonzero = RSpan_single_nonzero
lemma finiteG: "finite G"
using good_char good_card_imp_finite by fast
lemma FinDimVectorSpace: "FinDimVectorSpace fsmult V"
using findim fVectorSpace VectorSpace.FinDimVectorSpaceI by fast
lemma GSubspace_is_FinGroupRep :
assumes "GSubspace U"
shows "FinGroupRepresentation G smult U"
proof (
rule FinGroupRepresentation.intro, rule GSubspace_is_FGModule[OF assms], unfold_locales
from assms show "fscalar_mult.findim fsmult U"
using FinDimVectorSpace GSubspace_is_Subspace FinDimVectorSpace.Subspace_is_findim
by fast
qed (rule good_char)
lemma isomorphic_imp_GRep :
assumes "isomorphic smult' W"
shows "FinGroupRepresentation G smult' W"
proof (rule FinGroupRepresentation.intro)
from assms show "FGModule G smult' W"
using FGModuleIso.ImG FGModuleHom.FGModule_Im[OF FGModuleIso.axioms(1)]
by fast
from assms have "fscalar_mult.findim (aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult') W"
using FGModuleIso.ImG findim FGModuleIso.VectorSpaceHom
by fastforce
with good_char show "FinGroupRepresentation_axioms G smult' W" by unfold_locales
subsection ‹Irreducible representations›
locale IrrFinGroupRepresentation = FinGroupRepresentation
+ assumes irr: "GSubspace U ⟹ U = 0 ∨ U = V"
lemmas AbGroup = AbGroup
lemma zero_isomorphic_to_FG_zero :
assumes "V = 0"
shows "isomorphic (*) (0::('b,'a) aezfun set)"
show "GRepIso (*) 0 0"
proof (rule FGModuleIso.intro)
show "GRepHom (*) 0" using trivial_FGModuleHom[of "(*)"] by simp
show "FGModuleIso_axioms V 0 0"
from assms show "bij_betw 0 V 0" unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by simp
lemma eq_GSpan_single : "v ∈ V ⟹ v ≠ 0 ⟹ V = GSpan [v]"
using irr RSubmodule_RSpan_single RSpan_single_nonzero by fast
lemma (in Group) trivial_IrrFinGroupRepI :
fixes smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v"
assumes "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f)"
and "∀a∈group_ring. smult a (0::'v) = 0"
shows "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult (0::'v set)"
proof (rule IrrFinGroupRepresentation.intro)
from assms show "FinGroupRepresentation G smult 0"
using trivial_FinGroupRep by fast
show "IrrFinGroupRepresentation_axioms G smult 0"
using RModule.zero_closed by unfold_locales auto
lemma (in Group) trivial_IrrFinGroupRepresentation_in_FG :
"of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f::field)
⟹ IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) (0::('f,'g) aezfun set)"
using trivial_IrrFinGroupRepI[of "(*)"] by simp
context FinGroupRepresentation
lemma IrrFinGroupRep_trivialGSubspace :
"IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult (0::'v set)"
have "ordG ≠ (0::'f)" using good_char by fast
moreover have "∀a∈FG. a ⋅ 0 = 0" using smult_zero by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using ActingGroup.trivial_IrrFinGroupRepI[of smult] by fast
lemma IrrI :
assumes "⋀U. FGModule.GSubspace G smult V U ⟹ U = 0 ∨ U = V"
shows "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult V"
using assms IrrFinGroupRepresentation.intro by unfold_locales
lemma notIrr :
"¬ IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult V
⟹ ∃U. GSubspace U ∧ U ≠ 0 ∧ U ≠ V"
using IrrI by fast
subsection ‹Maschke's theorem›
subsubsection ‹Averaged projection onto a G-subspace›
context FinGroupRepresentation
lemma avg_proj_eq_id_on_right :
assumes "VectorSpace fsmult W" "add_independentS [W,V]" "v ∈ V"
defines P : "P ≡ (⨁[W,V]↓1)"
defines CP: "CP ≡ (λg. Gmult (- g) ∘ P ∘ Gmult g)"
defines T : "T ≡ fsmult (1/ordG) ∘ (∑g∈G. CP g)"
shows "T v = v"
from P assms(2,3) have "⋀g. g ∈ G ⟹ P (g *⋅ v) = g *⋅ v"
using Gmult_closed VectorSpace.AbGroup[OF assms(1)] AbGroup
AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_id_on_nth[of "[W,V]"]
by simp
with CP assms(3) have "⋀g. g ∈ G ⟹ CP g v = v"
using Gmult_neg_left by simp
with assms(3) good_char T show "T v = v"
using finiteG sum_fun_apply[of G CP] sum_fsmult_distrib[of v G "λx. 1"]
fsmult_assoc[of _ ordG v]
by simp
lemma avg_proj_onto_right :
assumes "VectorSpace fsmult W" "GSubspace U" "add_independentS [W,U]"
"V = W ⊕ U"
defines P : "P ≡ (⨁[W,U]↓1)"
defines CP: "CP ≡ (λg. Gmult (- g) ∘ P ∘ Gmult g)"
defines T : "T ≡ fsmult (1/ordG) ∘ (∑g∈G. CP g)"
shows "T ` V = U"
from assms(2) have U: "FGModule G smult U"
using GSubspace_is_FGModule by fast
show "T ` V ⊆ U"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
fix v assume v: "v ∈ V"
with assms(1,3,4) P U have "⋀g. g ∈ G ⟹ P (g *⋅ v) ∈ U"
using Gmult_closed VectorSpace.AbGroup FGModule.AbGroup
AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_onto_nth[of "[W,U]" 1]
by fastforce
with U CP have "⋀g. g ∈ G ⟹ CP g v ∈ U"
using FGModule.Gmult_closed GroupG Group.neg_closed by fastforce
with assms(2) U T show "T v ∈ U"
using finiteG FGModule.sum_closed[of G smult U G "λg. CP g v"]
sum_fun_apply[of G CP] FGModule.fsmult_closed[of G smult U]
by fastforce
show "T ` V ⊇ U"
fix u assume u: "u ∈ U"
with u T CP P assms(1,2,3) have "T u = u"
using GSubspace_is_FinGroupRep FinGroupRepresentation.avg_proj_eq_id_on_right
by fast
from this[THEN sym] assms(1-4) u show "u ∈ T ` V"
using Module.AbGroup RModule.AbGroup AbGroup_subset_inner_dirsum
by fast
lemma FGModuleEnd_avg_proj_right :
assumes "fSubspace W" "GSubspace U" "add_independentS [W,U]" "V = W ⊕ U"
defines P : "P ≡ (⨁[W,U]↓1)"
defines CP: "CP ≡ (λg. Gmult (- g) ∘ P ∘ Gmult g)"
defines T : "T ≡ (fsmult (1/ordG) ∘ (∑g∈G. CP g))↓V"
shows "FGModuleEnd G smult V T"
proof (rule VecEnd_GMap_is_FGModuleEnd)
from T have T_apply: "⋀v. v∈V ⟹ T v = (1/ordG) ♯⋅ (∑g∈G. CP g v)"
using finiteG sum_fun_apply[of G CP] by simp
from assms(1-4) P have Pgv: "⋀g v. g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ P ( g *⋅ v ) ∈ V"
using Gmult_closed VectorSpace_fSubspace VectorSpace.AbGroup[of fsmult W]
RModule.AbGroup[of FG smult U]
GroupEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth[of "[W,U]" 1]
GroupEnd.endomorph[of V]
by force
have im_CP_V: "⋀v. v ∈ V ⟹ (λg. CP g v) ` G ⊆ V"
fix v assume "v ∈ V" thus "(λg. CP g v) ` G ⊆ V"
using CP Pgv[of _ v] ActingGroup.neg_closed Gmult_closed finiteG by auto
have sumCP_V: "⋀v. v ∈ V ⟹ (∑g∈G. CP g v) ∈ V"
using finiteG im_CP_V sum_closed by force
show "VectorSpaceEnd (♯⋅) V T"
proof (
rule VectorSpaceEndI, rule VectorSpace.VectorSpaceHomI, rule fVectorSpace
show "GroupHom V T"
fix v v' assume vv': "v ∈ V" "v' ∈ V"
with T_apply have "T (v + v') = (1/ordG) ♯⋅ (∑g∈G. CP g (v + v'))"
using add_closed by fast
moreover have "⋀g. g ∈ G ⟹ CP g (v + v') = CP g v + CP g v'"
fix g assume g: "g ∈ G"
with CP P vv' assms(1-4)
have "CP g (v + v') = (- g) *⋅ ( P ( g *⋅ v ) + P ( g *⋅ v' ) )"
using Gmult_distrib_left Gmult_closed VectorSpace_fSubspace
VectorSpace.AbGroup[of fsmult W] RModule.AbGroup[of FG smult U]
GroupEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth[of "[W,U]" 1]
GroupEnd.hom[of V P]
by simp
with g vv' have "CP g (v + v')
= (- g) *⋅ P ( g *⋅ v ) + (- g) *⋅ P ( g *⋅ v' )"
using Pgv ActingGroup.neg_closed Gmult_distrib_left by simp
thus "CP g (v + v') = CP g v + CP g v'" using CP by simp
ultimately show "T (v + v') = T v + T v'"
using vv' sumCP_V[of v] sumCP_V[of v'] sum.distrib[of "λg. CP g v"]
by simp
from T show "supp T ⊆ V" using supp_restrict0 by fast
show "⋀a v. v ∈ V ⟹ T (a ♯⋅ v) = a ♯⋅ T v"
fix a::'f and v assume v: "v ∈ V"
with T_apply have "T (a ♯⋅ v) = (1/ordG) ♯⋅ (∑g∈G. CP g (a ♯⋅ v))"
using fsmult_closed by fast
moreover have "⋀g. g ∈ G ⟹ CP g (a ♯⋅ v) = a ♯⋅ CP g v"
fix g assume "g ∈ G"
with assms(1-4) CP P v show "CP g (a ♯⋅ v) = a ♯⋅ CP g v"
using fsmult_Gmult_comm GSubspace_is_Subspace Gmult_closed fVectorSpace
VectorSpace.VectorSpaceEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth[of fsmult]
VectorSpaceEnd.f_map[of fsmult "(⨁N←[W, U]. N)" P a "g *⋅ v"]
ActingGroup.neg_closed Pgv
by simp
ultimately show "T (a ♯⋅ v) = a ♯⋅ T v"
using v im_CP_V sumCP_V T_apply finiteG
fsmult_sum_distrib[of a G "λg. CP g v"]
fsmult_assoc[of "1/ordG" a "(∑g∈G. CP g v)"]
by simp
show "T ` V ⊆ V" using sumCP_V fsmult_closed T_apply image_subsetI by auto
show "⋀g v. g ∈ G ⟹ v ∈ V ⟹ T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋅ T v"
fix g v assume g: "g ∈ G" and v: "v ∈ V"
with T_apply have "T (g *⋅ v) = (1/ordG) ♯⋅ (∑h∈G. CP h (g *⋅ v))"
using Gmult_closed by fast
with g have "T (g *⋅ v) = (1/ordG) ♯⋅ (∑h∈G. CP (h + - g) (g *⋅ v))"
using GroupG Group.neg_closed
Group.right_translate_sum[of G "- g" "λh. CP h (g *⋅ v)"]
by fastforce
moreover from CP
have "⋀h. h ∈ G ⟹ CP (h + - g) (g *⋅ v) = g *⋅ CP h v"
using g v Gmult_closed[of g v] ActingGroup.neg_closed
Gmult_assoc[of _ "- g" "g *⋅ v", THEN sym]
Gmult_neg_left minus_add[of _ "- g"] Pgv Gmult_assoc
by simp
ultimately show "T (g *⋅ v) = g *⋅ T v"
using g v GmultD finiteG FG_fddg_closed im_CP_V sumCP_V
smult_sum_distrib[of "1 δδ g" G]
fsmult_Gmult_comm[of g "∑h∈G. (CP h v)"] T_apply
by simp
lemma avg_proj_is_proj_right :
assumes "VectorSpace fsmult W" "GSubspace U" "add_independentS [W,U]"
"V = W ⊕ U" "v ∈ V"
defines P : "P ≡ (⨁[W,U]↓1)"
defines CP: "CP ≡ (λg. Gmult (- g) ∘ P ∘ Gmult g)"
defines T : "T ≡ fsmult (1/ordG) ∘ (∑g∈G. CP g)"
shows "T (T v) = T v"
using assms avg_proj_onto_right GSubspace_is_FinGroupRep
by fast
subsubsection ‹The theorem›
context FinGroupRepresentation
theorem Maschke :
assumes "GSubspace U"
shows "∃W. GSubspace W ∧ V = W ⊕ U"
proof (cases "V = 0")
case True
moreover from assms True have "U = 0" using RModule.zero_closed by auto
ultimately have "V = 0 + U" using set_plus_def by fastforce
moreover have "add_independentS [0,U]" by simp
ultimately have "V = 0 ⊕ U" using inner_dirsum_doubleI by fast
moreover have "GSubspace 0" using trivial_RSubmodule zero_closed by auto
ultimately show "∃W. GSubspace W ∧ V = W ⊕ U" by fast
case False
from assms obtain W'
where W': "VectorSpace.Subspace fsmult V W' ∧ V = W' ⊕ U"
using GSubspace_is_Subspace FinDimVectorSpace FinDimVectorSpace.semisimple
by force
hence vsp_W': "VectorSpace fsmult W'" and dirsum: "V = W' ⊕ U"
using VectorSpace.SubspaceD1[OF fVectorSpace] by auto
from False dirsum have indS: "add_independentS [W',U]"
using inner_dirsumD2 by fastforce
define P where "P = (⨁[W',U]↓1)"
define CP where "CP = (λg. Gmult (- g) ∘ P ∘ Gmult g)"
define S where "S = fsmult (1/ordG) ∘ (∑g∈G. CP g)"
define W where "W = GroupHom.Ker V (S↓V)"
from assms W' indS S_def CP_def P_def have endo: "GRepEnd (S↓V)"
using FGModuleEnd_avg_proj_right by fast
moreover from S_def CP_def P_def have "⋀v. v ∈ V ⟹ (S↓V) ((S↓V) v) = (S↓V) v"
using endo FGModuleEnd.endomorph
avg_proj_is_proj_right[OF vsp_W' assms indS dirsum]
by fastforce
moreover have "(S↓V) ` V = U"
from assms indS P_def CP_def S_def dirsum vsp_W' have "S ` V = U"
using avg_proj_onto_right by fast
moreover have "(S↓V) ` V = S ` V" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
ultimately have "V = W ⊕ U" "GSubspace W"
using W_def FGModuleEnd.proj_decomp[of G smult V "S↓V"]
by auto
thus ?thesis by fast
corollary Maschke_proper :
assumes "GSubspace U" "U ≠ 0" "U ≠ V"
shows "∃W. GSubspace W ∧ W ≠ 0 ∧ W ≠ V ∧ V = W ⊕ U"
from assms(1) obtain W where W: "GSubspace W" "V = W ⊕ U"
using Maschke by fast
from assms(3) W(2) have "W ≠ 0" using inner_dirsum_double_left0 by fast
moreover from assms(1,2) W have "W ≠ V"
using Subgroup_RSubmodule Group.nonempty
inner_dirsum_double_leftfull_imp_right0[of W U]
by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis using W by fast
subsubsection ‹Consequence: complete reducibility›
lemma (in FinGroupRepresentation) notIrr_decompose :
"¬ IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult V
⟹ ∃U W. GSubspace U ∧ U ≠ 0 ∧ U ≠ V ∧ GSubspace W ∧ W ≠ 0
∧ W ≠ V ∧ V = U ⊕ W"
using notIrr Maschke_proper by blast
text ‹
In the following decomposition lemma, we do not need to explicitly include the condition that all
@{term U} in @{term "set Us"} are subsets of @{term V}. (See lemma ‹AbGroup_subset_inner_dirsum›.)
lemma FinGroupRepresentation_reducible' :
fixes n::nat
shows "⋀V. FinGroupRepresentation G fgsmult V
∧ n = FGModule.fdim fgsmult V
⟹ (∃Us. Ball (set Us) (IrrFinGroupRepresentation G fgsmult)
∧ (0 ∉ set Us) ∧ V = (⨁U←Us. U) )"
proof (induct n rule: full_nat_induct)
fix n V
define GRep IGRep GSubspace GSpan fdim
where "GRep = FinGroupRepresentation G fgsmult"
and "IGRep = IrrFinGroupRepresentation G fgsmult"
and "GSubspace = FGModule.GSubspace G fgsmult V"
and "GSpan = FGModule.GSpan G fgsmult"
and "fdim = FGModule.fdim fgsmult"
assume "∀m. Suc m ≤ n ⟶ (∀x. GRep x ∧ m = fdim x ⟶ ( ∃Us.
Ball (set Us) IGRep ∧ (0 ∉ set Us) ∧ x = (⨁U←Us. U)) )"
hence prev_case:
"⋀m. m < n ⟹ (⋀W. GRep W ⟹ m = fdim W ⟹ ( ∃Us.
Ball (set Us) IGRep ∧ (0 ∉ set Us) ∧ W = (⨁U←Us. U)))"
using Suc_le_eq by auto
show "GRep V ∧ n = fdim V ⟹ ( ∃Us.
Ball (set Us) IGRep ∧ (0 ∉ set Us) ∧ V = (⨁U←Us. U) )"
assume V: "GRep V ∧ n = fdim V"
show "(∃Us. Ball (set Us) IGRep ∧ (0 ∉ set Us) ∧ V = (⨁U←Us. U))"
proof (cases "IGRep V" "V = 0" rule: conjcases)
case BothTrue
moreover have "Ball (set []) IGRep" "∀U∈set []. U ≠ 0" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using inner_dirsum_Nil by fast
case OneTrue
with V GRep_def obtain v where v: "v ∈ V" "v ≠ 0"
using FinGroupRepresentation.Group[of G fgsmult] Group.obtain_nonzero
by auto
from v(1) V GRep_def GSpan_def GSubspace_def have GSub: "GSubspace (GSpan [v])"
using FinGroupRepresentation.GSubmodule_GSpan_single by fast
moreover from v V GRep_def GSpan_def have nzero: "GSpan [v] ≠ 0"
using FinGroupRepresentation.GSpan_single_nonzero by fast
ultimately have "V = GSpan [v]"
using OneTrue GSpan_def GSubspace_def IGRep_def IrrFinGroupRepresentation.irr
by fast
with OneTrue
have "Ball (set [GSpan [v]]) IGRep" "0 ∉ set [GSpan [v]]"
"V = (⨁U←[GSpan [v]]. U)"
using nzero GSub inner_dirsum_singleD
by auto
thus ?thesis by fast
case OtherTrue with V GRep_def IGRep_def show ?thesis
using FinGroupRepresentation.IrrFinGroupRep_trivialGSubspace by fast
case BothFalse
with V GRep_def IGRep_def GSubspace_def obtain U W
where U: "GSubspace U" "U ≠ 0" "U ≠ V"
and W: "GSubspace W" "W ≠ 0" "W ≠ V"
and Vdecompose: "V = U ⊕ W"
using FinGroupRepresentation.notIrr_decompose[of G fgsmult V]
by auto
from U(1,3) W(1,3) V GRep_def GSubspace_def fdim_def
have "fdim U < fdim V" "fdim W < fdim V"
using FinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1)
FGModule.GSubspace_is_Subspace[of G fgsmult V U]
FGModule.GSubspace_is_Subspace[of G fgsmult V W]
FinGroupRepresentation.FinDimVectorSpace[of G fgsmult V]
of "aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult fgsmult" V U
of "aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult fgsmult" V W
by auto
from this U(1) W(1) V GSubspace_def obtain Us Ws
where "Ball (set Us) IGRep ∧ (0 ∉ set Us) ∧ U = (⨁X←Us. X)"
and "Ball (set Ws) IGRep ∧ (0 ∉ set Ws) ∧ W = (⨁X←Ws. X)"
using prev_case[of "fdim U"] prev_case[of "fdim W"] GRep_def
of G fgsmult V U
of G fgsmult V W
by fastforce
hence Us: "Ball (set Us) IGRep" "0 ∉ set Us" "U = (⨁X←Us. X)"
and Ws: "Ball (set Ws) IGRep" "0 ∉ set Ws" "W = (⨁X←Ws. X)"
by auto
from Us(1) Ws(1) have "Ball (set (Us@Ws)) IGRep" by auto
moreover from Us(2) Ws(2) have "0 ∉ set (Us@Ws)" by auto
moreover have "V = (⨁X←(Us@Ws). X)"
from U(2) Us(3) W(2) Ws(3)
have indUs: "add_independentS Us"
and indWs: "add_independentS Ws"
using inner_dirsumD2
by auto
moreover from IGRep_def Us(1) have "Ball (set Us) ((∈) 0)"
using IrrFinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1)[of G fgsmult]
FinGroupRepresentation.zero_closed[of G fgsmult]
by fast
moreover from Us(3) Ws(3) BothFalse Vdecompose indUs indWs
have "add_independentS [(∑X←Us. X),(∑X←Ws. X)]"
using inner_dirsumD2[of "[U,W]"] inner_dirsumD[of Us]
inner_dirsumD[of Ws]
by auto
ultimately have "add_independentS (Us@Ws)"
by (metis add_independentS_double_sum_conv_append)
moreover from W(1) Ws(3) indWs have "0 ∈ (∑X←Ws. X)"
using inner_dirsumD GSubspace_def RModule.zero_closed by fast
ultimately show ?thesis
using Vdecompose Us(3) Ws(3) inner_dirsum_append by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
theorem (in FinGroupRepresentation) reducible :
"∃Us. (∀U∈set Us. IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult U) ∧ (0 ∉ set Us)
∧ V = (⨁U←Us. U)"
using FinGroupRepresentation_axioms FinGroupRepresentation_reducible' by fast
subsubsection ‹Consequence: decomposition relative to a homomomorphism›
lemma (in FinGroupRepresentation) GRepHom_decomp :
fixes T :: "'v ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add"
defines KerT : "KerT ≡ (ker T ∩ V)"
assumes hom : "GRepHom smult' T" and nonzero: "V ≠ 0"
shows "∃U. GSubspace U ∧ V = U ⊕ KerT
∧ FGModule.isomorphic G smult U smult' (T ` V)"
from KerT have KerT': "GSubspace KerT"
using FGModuleHom.GSubspace_Ker[OF hom] by fast
from this obtain U where U: "GSubspace U" "V = U ⊕ KerT"
using Maschke[of KerT] by fast
from nonzero U(2) have indep: "add_independentS [U,KerT]"
using inner_dirsumD2 by fastforce
have "FGModuleIso G smult U smult' (T ↓ U) (T ` V)"
proof (rule FGModuleIso.intro)
from U(1) show "FGModuleHom G (⋅) U smult' (T ↓ U)"
using FGModuleHom.FGModuleHom_restrict0_GSubspace[OF hom] by fast
show "FGModuleIso_axioms U (T ↓ U) (T ` V)"
unfolding FGModuleIso_axioms_def bij_betw_def
proof (rule conjI, rule inj_onI)
show "(T ↓ U) ` U = T ` V"
from U(1) show "(T ↓ U) ` U ⊆ T ` V" by auto
show "(T ↓ U) ` U ⊇ T ` V"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
fix v assume "v ∈ V"
with U(2) obtain u k where uk: "u ∈ U" "k ∈ KerT" "v = u + k"
using inner_dirsum_doubleD[OF indep] set_plus_def[of U KerT] by fast
with KerT U(1) have "T v = (T ↓ U) u"
using kerD FGModuleHom.additive[OF hom] by force
with uk(1) show "T v ∈ (T ↓ U) ` U" by fast
fix x y assume xy: "x ∈ U" "y ∈ U" "(T ↓ U) x = (T ↓ U) y"
with U(1) KerT have "x - y ∈ U ∩ KerT"
using FGModuleHom.eq_im_imp_diff_in_Ker[OF hom]
GSubspace_is_FGModule FGModule.diff_closed[of G smult U x y]
by auto
moreover from U(1) have "AbGroup U" using RModule.AbGroup by fast
moreover from KerT' have "AbGroup KerT"
using RModule.AbGroup by fast
ultimately show "x = y"
using indep AbGroup_inner_dirsum_pairwise_int0_double[of U KerT]
by force
with U show ?thesis by fast
subsection ‹Schur's lemma›
lemma (in IrrFinGroupRepresentation) Schur_Ker :
"GRepHom smult' T ⟹ T ` V ≠ 0 ⟹ inj_on T V"
using irr FGModuleHom.GSubspace_Ker[of G smult V smult' T]
FGModuleHom.Ker_Im_iff[of G smult V smult' T]
FGModuleHom.Ker0_imp_inj_on[of G smult V smult' T]
by auto
lemma (in FinGroupRepresentation) Schur_Im :
assumes "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult' W" "GRepHom smult' T"
"T ` V ⊆ W"
"T ` V ≠ 0"
shows "T ` V = W"
have "FGModule.GSubspace G smult' W (T ` V)"
from assms(2) show "RModule FG smult' (T ` V)"
using FGModuleHom.axioms(2)[of G]
RModuleHom.RModule_Im[of FG smult V smult' T]
by fast
from assms(3) show "T ` V ⊆ W" by fast
with assms(1,4) show ?thesis using IrrFinGroupRepresentation.irr by fast
theorem (in IrrFinGroupRepresentation) Schur1 :
assumes "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult' W"
"GRepHom smult' T" "T ` V ⊆ W" "T ` V ≠ 0"
shows "GRepIso smult' T W"
proof (rule FGModuleIso.intro, rule assms(2), unfold_locales)
show "bij_betw T V W"
using IrrFinGroupRepresentation_axioms assms
IrrFinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1)[of G]
FinGroupRepresentation.Schur_Im[of G]
IrrFinGroupRepresentation.Schur_Ker[of G smult V smult' T]
unfolding bij_betw_def
by fast
theorem (in IrrFinGroupRepresentation) Schur2 :
assumes GRep : "GRepEnd T"
and fdim : "fdim > 0"
and alg_closed: "⋀p::'b poly. degree p > 0 ⟹ ∃c. poly p c = 0"
shows "∃c. ∀v ∈ V. T v = c ♯⋅ v"
from fdim alg_closed obtain e u where eu: "u ∈ V" "u ≠ 0" "T u = e ♯⋅ u"
using FGModuleEnd.VectorSpaceEnd[OF GRep]
OF FinDimVectorSpace, of T
by fast
define U where "U = {v ∈ V. T v = e ♯⋅ v}"
moreover from eu U_def have "U ≠ 0" by auto
ultimately have "∀v ∈ V. T v = e ♯⋅ v"
using GRep irr FGModuleEnd.axioms(1)[of G smult V T]
GSubspace_eigenspace[of G smult]
by fast
thus ?thesis by fast
subsection ‹The group ring as a representation space›
subsubsection ‹The group ring is a representation space›
lemma (in Group) FGModule_FG :
defines FG: "FG ≡ group_ring :: ('f::field, 'g) aezfun set"
shows "FGModule G (*) FG"
proof (rule FGModule.intro, rule Group_axioms, rule RModuleI)
show 1: "Ring1 group_ring" using Ring1_RG by fast
from 1 FG show "Group FG" using Ring1.axioms(1) by fast
from 1 FG show "RModule_axioms group_ring (*) FG"
using Ring1.mult_closed
by unfold_locales (auto simp add: algebra_simps)
theorem (in Group) FinGroupRepresentation_FG :
defines FG: "FG ≡ group_ring :: ('f::field, 'g) aezfun set"
assumes good_char: "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f)"
shows "FinGroupRepresentation G (*) FG"
proof (rule FinGroupRepresentation.intro)
from FG show "FGModule G (*) FG" using FGModule_FG by fast
show "FinGroupRepresentation_axioms G (*) FG"
from FG good_char obtain gs
where gs: "set gs = G"
"∀f∈ FG. ∃bs. length bs = length gs
∧ f = (∑(b,g)←zip bs gs. (b δδ 0) * (1 δδ g))"
using good_card_imp_finite FinGroupI FinGroup.group_ring_spanning_set
by fast
define xs where "xs = map ((δδ) (1::'f)) gs"
with FG gs(1) have 1: "set xs ⊆ FG" using RG_aezdeltafun_closed by auto
moreover have "aezfun_scalar_mult.fSpan (*) xs = FG"
from 1 FG show "aezfun_scalar_mult.fSpan (*) xs ⊆ FG"
using FGModule_FG FGModule.fSpan_closed by fast
show "aezfun_scalar_mult.fSpan (*) xs ⊇ FG"
fix x assume "x ∈ FG"
from this gs(2) obtain bs
where bs: "length bs = length gs"
"x = (∑(b,g)←zip bs gs. (b δδ 0) * (1 δδ g))"
by fast
from bs(2) xs_def have "x = (∑(b,a)←zip bs xs. (b δδ 0) * a)"
using sum_list_prod_map2[THEN sym] by fast
with bs(1) xs_def show "x ∈ aezfun_scalar_mult.fSpan (*) xs"
using aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmultD[of "(*)", THEN sym]
of "zip bs xs" "λb a. (b δδ 0) * a"
"λb a. aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult (*) b a"
scalar_mult.lincomb_def[of "aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult (*)" bs xs]
scalar_mult.SpanD_lincomb[of "aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult (*)"]
by force
ultimately show "∃xs. set xs ⊆ FG ∧ aezfun_scalar_mult.fSpan (*) xs = FG"
by fast
qed (rule good_char)
lemma (in FinGroupRepresentation) FinGroupRepresentation_FG :
"FinGroupRepresentation G (*) FG"
using good_char ActingGroup.FinGroupRepresentation_FG by fast
lemma (in Group) FG_reducible :
assumes "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f::field)"
shows "∃Us::('f,'g) aezfun set list.
(∀U∈set Us. IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) U) ∧ 0 ∉ set Us
∧ group_ring = (⨁U←Us. U)"
using assms FinGroupRepresentation_FG FinGroupRepresentation.reducible
by fast
subsubsection ‹Irreducible representations are constituents of the group ring›
lemma (in FGModuleIso) isomorphic_to_irr_right :
assumes "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult' W"
shows "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult V"
proof (rule FinGroupRepresentation.IrrI)
from assms show "FinGroupRepresentation G (⋅) V"
using IrrFinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1) isomorphic_sym
by fast
from assms show "⋀U. GSubspace U ⟹ U = 0 ∨ U = V"
using IrrFinGroupRepresentation.irr isomorphic_to_irr_right' by fast
lemma (in FinGroupRepresentation) IrrGSubspace_iso_constituent :
assumes nonzero : "V ≠ 0"
and subsp : "W ⊆ V" "W ≠ 0" "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult W"
and V_decomp: "∀U∈set Us. IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult U"
"0 ∉ set Us" "V = (⨁U←Us. U)"
shows "∃U∈set Us. FGModule.isomorphic G smult W smult U"
from V_decomp(1) have abGrp: "∀U∈set Us. AbGroup U"
using IrrFinGroupRepresentation.AbGroup by fast
from nonzero V_decomp(3) have indep: "add_independentS Us"
using inner_dirsumD2 by fast
with V_decomp (3) have "∀U∈set Us. U ⊆ V"
using abGrp AbGroup_subset_inner_dirsum by fast
with subsp(1,3) V_decomp(1)
have GSubspaces: "GSubspace W" "∀U∈ set Us. GSubspace U"
using IrrFinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1)[of G smult]
FinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1)[of G smult] GSubspaceI
by auto
have "⋀i. i < length Us ⟹ (⨁Us↓i) ` W ≠ 0
⟹ FGModuleIso G smult W smult ( (⨁Us↓i) ↓ W ) (Us!i)"
fix i assume i: "i < length Us" "(⨁Us↓i) ` W ≠ 0"
from i(1) V_decomp(3) have "GRepEnd (⨁Us↓i)"
using GSubspaces(2) indep GEnd_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth by fast
hence "FGModuleHom G smult W smult ( (⨁Us↓i) ↓ W )"
using GSubspaces(1) FGModuleEnd.FGModuleHom_restrict0_GSubspace
by fast
moreover have "( (⨁Us↓i) ↓ W ) ` W ⊆ Us!i"
from V_decomp(3) i(1) subsp(1,3) have "(⨁Us↓i) ` W ⊆ Us!i"
using indep abGrp AbGroup_inner_dirsum_el_decomp_nth_onto_nth by fast
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover from i(1) V_decomp(1)
have "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G smult (Us!i)"
by simp
ultimately show "FGModuleIso G smult W smult ( (⨁Us↓i) ↓ W ) (Us!i)"
using i(2)
OF subsp(3), of smult "Us!i" "(⨁Us↓i) ↓ W "
by auto
moreover from nonzero V_decomp(3)
have "∀i<length Us. (⨁Us↓i) ` W = 0 ⟹ W = 0"
using inner_dirsum_Nil abGrp subsp(1) indep
AbGroup_inner_dirsum_subset_proj_eq_0[of Us W]
by fastforce
ultimately have "∃i<length Us. FGModuleIso G smult W smult
( (⨁Us↓i) ↓ W ) (Us!i)"
using subsp(2) by auto
thus ?thesis using set_conv_nth[of Us] by auto
theorem (in IrrFinGroupRepresentation) iso_FG_constituent :
assumes nonzero : "V ≠ 0"
and FG_decomp: "∀U∈set Us. IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) U"
"0 ∉ set Us" "FG = (⨁U←Us. U)"
shows "∃U∈set Us. isomorphic (*) U"
from nonzero obtain v where v: "v ∈ V" "v ≠ 0" using nonempty by auto
define T where "T = (λx. x ⋅ v)↓FG"
have "FGModuleHom G (*) FG smult T"
proof (rule FGModule.FGModuleHomI_fromaxioms)
show "FGModule G (*) FG"
using ActingGroup.FGModule_FG by fast
from T_def v(1) show "⋀v v'. v ∈ FG ⟹ v' ∈ FG ⟹ T (v + v') = T v + T v'"
using Ring1.add_closed[OF Ring1] smult_distrib_right by auto
from T_def show "supp T ⊆ FG" using supp_restrict0 by fast
from T_def v(1) show "⋀r m. r ∈ FG ⟹ m ∈ FG ⟹ T (r * m) = r ⋅ T m"
using ActingGroup.RG_mult_closed by auto
then obtain W
where W: "FGModule.GSubspace G (*) FG W" "FG = W ⊕ (ker T ∩ FG)"
"FGModule.isomorphic G (*) W smult (T ` FG)"
using FG_n0
OF FinGroupRepresentation_FG
by fast
from T_def v have "T ` FG = V" using eq_GSpan_single RSpan_single by auto
with W(3) have W': "FGModule.isomorphic G (*) W smult V" by fast
with W(1) nonzero have "W ≠ 0"
using FGModule.GSubspace_is_FGModule[OF ActingGroup.FGModule_FG]
by fastforce
moreover from W' have "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) W"
using IrrFinGroupRepresentation_axioms FGModuleIso.isomorphic_to_irr_right
by fast
ultimately have "∃U∈set Us. FGModule.isomorphic G (*) W (*) U"
using FG_decomp W(1) good_char FG_n0
OF ActingGroup.FinGroupRepresentation_FG, of W
by simp
with W(1) W' show ?thesis
using FGModule.GSubspace_is_FGModule[OF ActingGroup.FGModule_FG]
FGModule.isomorphic_sym[of G "(*)" W smult] isomorphic_trans
by fast
subsection ‹Isomorphism classes of irreducible representations›
text ‹
We have already demonstrated that the relation ‹FGModule.isomorphic› is reflexive
(lemma ‹FGModule.isomorphic_refl›), symmetric (lemma ‹FGModule.isomorphic_sym›),
and transitive (lemma ‹FGModule.isomorphic_trans›). In this section, we provide a finite
set of representatives for the resulting isomorphism classes of irreducible representations.
context Group
primrec remisodups :: "('f::field,'g) aezfun set list ⇒ ('f,'g) aezfun set list" where
"remisodups [] = []"
| "remisodups (U # Us) = (if
(∃W∈set Us. FGModule.isomorphic G (*) U (*) W)
then remisodups Us else U # remisodups Us)"
lemma set_remisodups : "set (remisodups Us) ⊆ set Us"
by (induct Us) auto
lemma isodistinct_remisodups :
"⟦ ∀U∈set Us. FGModule G (*) U; V ∈ set (remisodups Us);
W ∈ set (remisodups Us); V ≠ W ⟧
⟹ ¬ (FGModule.isomorphic G (*) V (*) W)"
proof (induct Us arbitrary: V W)
case (Cons U Us)
show ?case
proof (cases "∃X∈set Us. FGModule.isomorphic G (*) U (*) X")
case True with Cons show ?thesis by simp
case False show ?thesis
proof (cases "V=U" "W=U" rule: conjcases)
case BothTrue with Cons(5) show ?thesis by fast
case OneTrue with False Cons(4,5) show ?thesis
using set_remisodups by auto
case OtherTrue with False Cons(2,3) show ?thesis
using set_remisodups FGModule.isomorphic_sym[of G "(*)" V "(*)" W]
by fastforce
case BothFalse with Cons False show ?thesis by simp
qed simp
definition "FG_constituents ≡ SOME Us.
(∀U∈set Us. IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) U)
∧ 0 ∉ set Us ∧ group_ring = (⨁U←Us. U)"
lemma FG_constituents_irr :
"of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f::field)
⟹ ∀U∈set (FG_constituents::('f,'g) aezfun set list).
IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) U"
using someI_ex[OF FG_reducible] unfolding FG_constituents_def by fast
lemma FG_consitutents_n0:
"of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f::field)
⟹ 0 ∉ set (FG_constituents::('f,'g) aezfun set list)"
using someI_ex[OF FG_reducible] unfolding FG_constituents_def by fast
lemma FG_constituents_constituents :
"of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f::field)
⟹ (group_ring::('f,'g) aezfun set) = (⨁U←FG_constituents. U)"
using someI_ex[OF FG_reducible] unfolding FG_constituents_def by fast
definition "GIrrRep_repset ≡ 0 ∪ set (remisodups FG_constituents)"
lemma finite_GIrrRep_repset : "finite GIrrRep_repset"
unfolding GIrrRep_repset_def by simp
lemma all_irr_GIrrRep_repset :
assumes "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f::field)"
shows "∀U∈(GIrrRep_repset::('f,'g) aezfun set set).
IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) U"
fix U :: "('f,'g) aezfun set" assume "U ∈ GIrrRep_repset"
with assms show "IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) U"
using trivial_IrrFinGroupRepresentation_in_FG GIrrRep_repset_def
set_remisodups FG_constituents_irr
by (cases "U = 0") auto
lemma isodistinct_GIrrRep_repset :
defines "GIRRS ≡ GIrrRep_repset :: ('f::field,'g) aezfun set set"
assumes "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f)" "V ∈ GIRRS" "W ∈ GIRRS" "V ≠ W"
shows "¬ (FGModule.isomorphic G (*) V (*) W)"
proof (cases "V = 0" "W = 0" rule: conjcases)
case BothTrue with assms(5) show ?thesis by fast
case OneTrue with assms(1,2,4,5) show ?thesis
using GIrrRep_repset_def set_remisodups FG_consitutents_n0
trivial_FGModule[of "(*)"] FGModule.isomorphic_to_zero_left[of G "(*)"]
by fastforce
case OtherTrue
moreover with assms(1,3) have "V ∈ set FG_constituents"
using GIrrRep_repset_def set_remisodups by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms(2) FG_consitutents_n0 FG_constituents_irr
FGModule.isomorphic_to_zero_right[of G "(*)" V "(*)"]
by fastforce
case BothFalse
with assms(1,3,4) have "V ∈ set (remisodups FG_constituents)"
"W ∈ set (remisodups FG_constituents)"
using GIrrRep_repset_def by auto
with assms(2,5) show ?thesis
using FG_constituents_irr IrrFinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1)
FinGroupRepresentation.axioms(1) isodistinct_remisodups
by fastforce
lemma (in FGModule) iso_in_list_imp_iso_in_remisodups :
"∃U∈set Us. isomorphic (*) U
⟹ ∃U∈set (ActingGroup.remisodups Us). isomorphic (*) U"
proof (induct Us)
case (Cons U Us)
from Cons(2) obtain W where W: "W ∈ set (U#Us)" "isomorphic (*) W"
by fast
show ?case
proof (
cases "W = U" "∃X∈set Us. FGModule.isomorphic G (*) U (*) X"
rule: conjcases
case BothTrue with W(2) Cons(1) show ?thesis
using isomorphic_trans[of "(*)" W] by force
case OneTrue with W(2) show ?thesis by simp
case OtherTrue with Cons(1) W show ?thesis by auto
case BothFalse with Cons(1) W show ?thesis by auto
qed simp
lemma (in IrrFinGroupRepresentation) iso_to_GIrrRep_rep :
"∃U∈ActingGroup.GIrrRep_repset. isomorphic (*) U"
using zero_isomorphic_to_FG_zero ActingGroup.GIrrRep_repset_def
good_char ActingGroup.FG_constituents_irr
ActingGroup.FG_consitutents_n0 ActingGroup.FG_constituents_constituents
iso_FG_constituent iso_in_list_imp_iso_in_remisodups
by (cases "V = 0") auto
theorem (in Group) iso_class_reps :
defines "GIRRS ≡ GIrrRep_repset :: ('f::field,'g) aezfun set set"
assumes "of_nat (card G) ≠ (0::'f)"
shows "finite GIRRS"
"∀U∈GIRRS. IrrFinGroupRepresentation G (*) U"
"⋀U W. ⟦ U ∈ GIRRS; W ∈ GIRRS; U ≠ W ⟧
⟹ ¬ (FGModule.isomorphic G (*) U (*) W)"
"⋀fgsmult V. IrrFinGroupRepresentation G fgsmult V
⟹ ∃U∈GIRRS. FGModule.isomorphic G fgsmult V (*) U"
using assms finite_GIrrRep_repset all_irr_GIrrRep_repset
isodistinct_GIrrRep_repset IrrFinGroupRepresentation.iso_to_GIrrRep_rep
by auto
subsection ‹Induced representations›
subsubsection ‹Locale and basic facts›
locale InducedFinGroupRepresentation = Supgroup?: Group H
+ BaseRep?: FinGroupRepresentation G smult V
+ induced_smult?: aezfun_scalar_mult rrsmult
for H :: "'g::group_add set"
and G :: "'g set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixl "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and rrsmult :: "('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ (('f,'g) aezfun ⇒'v)
⇒ (('f,'g) aezfun ⇒'v)" (infixl "¤" 70)
+ fixes FH :: "('f, 'g) aezfun set"
and indV :: "(('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) set"
defines FH : "FH ≡ Supgroup.group_ring"
and indV : "indV ≡ BaseRep.indspace G FH V"
assumes rrsmult : "rrsmult = Ring1.rightreg_scalar_mult FH"
and good_ordSupgrp: "of_nat (card H) ≠ (0::'f)"
and Subgroup : "Supgroup.Subgroup G"
sublocale InducedFinGroupRepresentation < InducedFHModule
using FH indV rrsmult Subgroup by unfold_locales fast
context InducedFinGroupRepresentation
abbreviation ordH :: 'f where "ordH ≡ of_nat (card H)"
abbreviation "is_Vfbasis ≡ fbasis_for V"
abbreviation "GRepHomSet ≡ FGModuleHomSet G smult V"
abbreviation "HRepHom ≡ FGModuleHom H rrsmult indV"
abbreviation "HRepHomSet ≡ FGModuleHomSet H rrsmult indV"
lemma finiteSupgroup: "finite H"
using good_ordSupgrp good_card_imp_finite by fast
lemma FinGroupSupgroup : "FinGroup H"
using finiteSupgroup Supgroup.FinGroupI by fast
lemmas fVectorSpace = fVectorSpace
lemmas FinDimVectorSpace = FinDimVectorSpace
lemmas ex_rcoset_replist_hd0
= FinGroup.ex_rcoset_replist_hd0[OF FinGroupSupgroup Subgroup]
subsubsection ‹A basis for the induced space›
context InducedFinGroupRepresentation
abbreviation "negHorbit_list ≡ induced_smult.negGorbit_list"
lemmas ex_rcoset_replist
= FinGroup.ex_rcoset_replist[OF FinGroupSupgroup Subgroup]
lemmas length_negHorbit_list = induced_smult.length_negGorbit_list
lemmas length_negHorbit_list_sublist = induced_smult.length_negGorbit_list_sublist
lemmas negHorbit_list_indV = FGModule.negGorbit_list_V[OF FHModule_indspace]
lemma flincomb_Horbit_induced_veclist_reduce :
fixes vs :: "'v list"
and hs :: "'g list"
defines hfvss : "hfvss ≡ negHorbit_list hs induced_vector vs"
assumes vs : "set vs ⊆ V" and i: "i < length hs"
and scalars : "list_all2 (λrs ms. length rs = length ms) css hfvss"
and rcoset_reps : "Supgroup.is_rcoset_replist G hs"
shows "((concat css) ∙¤¤ (concat hfvss)) (1 δδ (hs!i)) = (css!i) ∙♯⋅ vs"
have mostly_zero:
"⋀k j. k < length hs ⟹ j < length hs
⟹ ((css!j) ∙¤¤ (hfvss!j)) (1 δδ hs!k)
= (if j = k then (css!k) ∙♯⋅ vs else 0)"
fix k j assume k: "k < length hs" and j: "j < length hs"
hence hsk_H: "hs!k ∈ H" and hsj_H: "hs!j ∈ H"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF rcoset_reps] by auto
define LHS where "LHS = ((css!j) ∙¤¤ (hfvss!j)) (1 δδ hs!k)"
with hfvss
have "LHS = (∑(r,m)←zip (css!j) (hfvss!j). (r ¤¤ m) (1 δδ hs!k))"
using length_negHorbit_list scalar_mult.lincomb_def[of induced_smult.fsmult]
by simp
moreover have "∀(r,m) ∈ set (zip (css!j) (hfvss!j)).
(induced_smult.fsmult r m) (1 δδ hs!k) = r ♯⋅ m (1 δδ hs!k)"
proof (rule prod_ballI)
fix r m assume "(r,m) ∈ set (zip (css!j) (hfvss!j))"
with k j vs hfvss
show "(induced_smult.fsmult r m) (1 δδ hs!k) = r ♯⋅ m (1 δδ hs!k)"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF rcoset_reps] set_zip_rightD
set_concat length_negHorbit_list[of hs induced_vector vs]
nth_mem[of j hfvss] hsk_H induced_fsmult_conv_fsmult_1ddh[of m "hs!k" r]
induced_vector_indV negHorbit_list_indV[of hs induced_vector vs]
by force
ultimately have
"LHS = (∑(r,v)←zip (css!j) vs.
r ♯⋅ (induced_vector v) (1 δδ hs!k * (1 δδ - hs!j)))"
using FH j hfvss induced_smult.negGorbit_list_def[of hs induced_vector vs]
sum_list_prod_cong[of _ "λr m. (induced_smult.fsmult r m) (1 δδ hs!k)"]
"λr m. r ♯⋅ m (1 δδ hs!k)" _ "Hmult (- hs!j)" "map induced_vector vs"
sum_list_prod_map2[of "λr v. r ♯⋅ (Hmult (-hs!j) v) (1 δδ hs!k)"]
induced_smult.GmultD hsk_H
Supgroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed[of "hs!k" "1::'f"]
rrsmultD1[of "1 δδ (hs!k)"]
by force
moreover have "(1::'f) δδ hs!k * (1 δδ - hs!j) = 1 δδ (hs!k - hs!j)"
using times_aezdeltafun_aezdeltafun[of "1::'f" "hs!k" 1 "-(hs!j)"]
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
ultimately have "LHS = (∑(r,v)←zip (css!j) vs.
r ♯⋅ (induced_vector v) (1 δδ (hs!k - hs!j)))"
using sum_list_prod_map2 by simp
moreover from FH vs
have "∀(r,v) ∈ set (zip (css!j) vs). r ♯⋅ (induced_vector v) (1 δδ (hs!k - hs!j))
= r ♯⋅ (FG_proj (1 δδ (hs!k - hs!j)) ⋅ v)"
using set_zip_rightD induced_vector_def hsk_H hsj_H Supgroup.diff_closed
Supgroup.RG_aezdeltafun_closed[of _ "1::'f"]
by fastforce
ultimately have calc: "LHS = (∑(r,v)←zip (css!j) vs.
r ♯⋅ (FG_proj (1 δδ (hs!k - hs!j)) ⋅ v) )"
using sum_list_prod_cong by force
show "LHS = (if j = k then (css!k) ∙♯⋅ vs else 0)"
proof (cases "j = k")
case True
with calc have "LHS = (∑(r,v)←zip (css!k) vs. r ♯⋅ 1 ♯⋅ v)"
using Group.zero_closed[OF GroupG]
aezfun_setspan_proj_aezdeltafun[of G "1::'f"]
by simp
moreover from vs have "∀(r,v) ∈ set (zip (css!k) vs). r ♯⋅ 1 ♯⋅ v = r ♯⋅ v"
using set_zip_rightD BaseRep.fsmult_assoc by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
using True sum_list_prod_cong[of _ "λr v. r ♯⋅ 1 ♯⋅ v"]
scalar_mult.lincomb_def[of BaseRep.fsmult]
by simp
case False
with k j calc have "LHS = (∑(r,v)←zip (css!j) vs. r ♯⋅ (0 ⋅ v))"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replist_imp_nrelated_nth[OF Subgroup rcoset_reps]
aezfun_setspan_proj_aezdeltafun[of G "1::'f"]
by simp
moreover from vs have "∀(r,v) ∈ set (zip (css!j) vs). r ♯⋅ (0 ⋅ v) = 0"
using set_zip_rightD BaseRep.zero_smult by fastforce
ultimately have "LHS = (∑(r,v)←zip (css!j) vs. (0::'v))"
using sum_list_prod_cong[of _ "λr v. r ♯⋅ (0 ⋅ v)"] by simp
hence "LHS = (∑rv←zip (css!j) vs. case_prod (λr v. (0::'v)) rv)" by fastforce
with False show ?thesis by simp
define terms LHS
where "terms = map (λa. case_prod (λcs hfvs. (cs ∙¤¤ hfvs) (1 δδ hs!i)) a) (zip css hfvss)"
and "LHS = ((concat css) ∙¤¤ (concat hfvss)) (1 δδ (hs!i))"
hence "LHS = sum_list terms"
using scalars
VectorSpace.lincomb_concat[OF fVectorSpace_indspace, of css hfvss]
by simp
hence "LHS = (∑j∈{0..<length terms}. terms!j)"
using sum_list_sum_nth[of terms] by simp
moreover from terms_def
have "∀j∈{0..<length terms}. terms!j = ((css!j) ∙¤¤ (hfvss!j)) (1 δδ hs!i)"
by simp
ultimately show "LHS = (css!i) ∙♯⋅ vs"
using terms_def sum.cong scalars list_all2_lengthD[of _ css hfvss] hfvss
length_negHorbit_list[of hs induced_vector vs] i mostly_zero
of "{0..<length hs}" "λi j. ((css!j) ∙¤¤ (hfvss!j)) (1 δδ (hs!i))"
"λi. (css!i) ∙♯⋅ vs"
by simp
lemma indspace_fspanning_set :
fixes vs :: "'v list"
and hs :: "'g list"
defines hfvss : "hfvss ≡ negHorbit_list hs induced_vector vs"
assumes base_spset : "set vs ⊆ V" "V = BaseRep.fSpan vs"
and rcoset_reps : "Supgroup.is_rcoset_replist G hs"
shows "indV = induced_smult.fSpan (concat hfvss)"
proof (rule VectorSpace.SpanI[OF fVectorSpace_indspace])
from base_spset(1) hfvss show "set (concat hfvss) ⊆ indV"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF rcoset_reps]
induced_vector_indV negHorbit_list_indV
by fast
show "indV ⊆ R_scalar_mult.RSpan UNIV (aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult (¤))
(concat hfvss)"
fix f assume f: "f ∈ indV"
hence "∀h ∈ set hs. f (1 δδ h) ∈ V"
using indV BaseRep.indspaceD_range by fast
with base_spset(2)
have coeffs_exist: "∀h ∈ set hs. ∃ahs. length ahs = length vs
∧ f (1 δδ h) = ahs ∙♯⋅ vs"
using BaseRep.in_fSpan_obtain_same_length_coeffs
by fast
define f_coeffs
where "f_coeffs h = (SOME ahs. length ahs = length vs ∧ f (1 δδ h) = ahs ∙♯⋅ vs)" for h
define ahss where "ahss = map f_coeffs hs"
hence len_ahss: "length ahss = length hs" by simp
with hfvss have len_zip_ahss_hfvss: "length (zip ahss hfvss) = length hs"
using length_negHorbit_list[of hs induced_vector vs] by simp
have len_ahss_el: "∀ahs∈set ahss. length ahs = length vs"
fix ahs assume "ahs ∈ set ahss"
from this ahss_def obtain h where h: "h ∈ set hs" "ahs = f_coeffs h"
using set_map by auto
from h(1) have "∃ahs. length ahs = length vs ∧ f (1 δδ h) = ahs ∙♯⋅ vs"
using coeffs_exist by fast
with h(2) show "length ahs = length vs"
unfolding f_coeffs_def
using someI_ex[of "λahs. length ahs = length vs ∧ f (1 δδ h) = ahs ∙♯⋅ vs"]
by fast
have "∀(ahs,hfvs)∈set (zip ahss hfvss). length ahs = length hfvs"
fix x assume x: "x ∈ set (zip ahss hfvss)"
show "case x of (ahs, hfvs) ⇒ length ahs = length hfvs"
fix ahs hfvs assume "x = (ahs,hfvs)"
with x hfvss have "length ahs = length vs" "length hfvs = length vs"
using set_zip_leftD[of ahs hfvs] len_ahss_el set_zip_rightD[of ahs hfvs]
length_negHorbit_list_sublist[of _ hs induced_vector]
by auto
thus "length ahs = length hfvs" by simp
with hfvss have list_all2_len_ahss_hfvss:
"list_all2 (λrs ms. length rs = length ms) ahss hfvss"
using len_ahss length_negHorbit_list[of hs induced_vector vs]
list_all2I[of ahss hfvss]
by auto
define f' where "f' = (concat ahss) ∙¤¤ (concat hfvss)"
have "f = f'"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF rcoset_reps]
Supgroup.group_eq_subgrp_rcoset_un[OF Subgroup rcoset_reps]
proof (rule indspace_el_eq'[of hs])
from f'_def hfvss base_spset(1) show "f' ∈ indV"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF rcoset_reps]
induced_vector_indV negHorbit_list_indV[of hs induced_vector vs]
FGModule.flincomb_closed[OF FHModule_indspace]
by fast
have "⋀i. i<length hs ⟹ f (1 δδ (hs!i)) = f' (1 δδ (hs!i))"
fix i assume i: "i < length hs"
with f_coeffs_def have "f (1 δδ (hs!i)) = (f_coeffs (hs!i)) ∙♯⋅ vs"
using coeffs_exist
someI_ex[of "λahs. length ahs = length vs ∧ f (1 δδ hs!i) = ahs ∙♯⋅ vs"]
by auto
moreover from i hfvss f'_def base_spset(1) rcoset_reps ahss_def
have "f' (1 δδ (hs!i)) = (f_coeffs (hs!i)) ∙♯⋅ vs"
using list_all2_len_ahss_hfvss flincomb_Horbit_induced_veclist_reduce
by simp
ultimately show "f (1 δδ (hs!i)) = f' (1 δδ (hs!i))" by simp
thus "∀i<length hs. f (1 δδ (hs!i)) = f' (1 δδ (hs!i))" by fast
with f'_def hfvss base_spset(1) show "f ∈ induced_smult.fSpan (concat hfvss)"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF rcoset_reps]
induced_vector_indV negHorbit_list_indV[of hs induced_vector vs]
VectorSpace.SpanI_lincomb_arb_len_coeffs[OF fVectorSpace_indspace]
by fast
lemma indspace_basis :
fixes vs :: "'v list"
and hs :: "'g list"
defines hfvss : "hfvss ≡ negHorbit_list hs induced_vector vs"
assumes base_spset : "BaseRep.fbasis_for V vs"
and rcoset_reps : "Supgroup.is_rcoset_replist G hs"
shows "fscalar_mult.basis_for induced_smult.fsmult indV (concat hfvss)"
from assms
have 1: "set (concat hfvss) ⊆ indV"
and "indV = induced_smult.fSpan (concat hfvss)"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF rcoset_reps]
induced_vector_indV negHorbit_list_indV[of hs induced_vector vs]
indspace_fspanning_set[of vs hs]
by auto
moreover have "induced_smult.f_lin_independent (concat hfvss)"
proof (
rule VectorSpace.lin_independentI_concat_all_scalars[OF fVectorSpace_indspace],
rule 1
fix rss
assume rss: "list_all2 (λxs ys. length xs = length ys) rss hfvss"
"(concat rss) ∙¤¤ (concat hfvss) = 0"
from rss(1) have len_rss_hfvsss: "length rss = length hfvss"
using list_all2_lengthD by fast
with hfvss have len_rss_hs: "length rss = length hs"
using length_negHorbit_list by fastforce
show "∀rs∈set rss. set rs ⊆ 0"
fix rs assume "rs ∈ set rss"
from this obtain i where i: "i < length rss" "rs = rss!i"
using in_set_conv_nth[of rs] by fast
with hfvss rss(1) have "length rs = length vs"
using list_all2_nthD len_rss_hfvsss in_set_conv_nth[of _ hfvss]
by fastforce
moreover from hfvss rss i base_spset(1) rcoset_reps have "rs ∙♯⋅ vs = 0"
using len_rss_hs flincomb_Horbit_induced_veclist_reduce by force
ultimately show "set rs ⊆ 0"
using base_spset flin_independentD_all_scalars by force
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
lemma induced_vector_decomp :
fixes vs :: "'v list"
and hs :: "'g list"
and cs :: "'f list"
defines hfvss : "hfvss ≡ negHorbit_list (0#hs) induced_vector vs"
and extrazeros : "extrazeros ≡ replicate ((length hs)*(length vs)) 0"
assumes base_spset : "BaseRep.fbasis_for V vs"
and rcoset_reps : "Supgroup.is_rcoset_replist G (0#hs)"
and cs : "length cs = length vs"
and v : "v = cs ∙♯⋅ vs"
shows "induced_vector v = (cs@extrazeros) ∙¤¤ (concat hfvss)"
from hfvss base_spset
have "hfvss = (map induced_vector vs) # (negHorbit_list hs induced_vector vs)"
using induced_vector_indV
FGModule.negGorbit_list_Cons0[OF FHModule_indspace]
by fastforce
with cs extrazeros base_spset rcoset_reps v
show "induced_vector v = (cs@extrazeros) ∙¤¤ (concat hfvss)"
using scalar_mult.lincomb_append[of cs _ induced_smult.fsmult]
Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set induced_vector_indV
negHorbit_list_indV[of hs induced_vector vs]
VectorSpace.lincomb_replicate0_left[OF fVectorSpace_indspace]
FGModuleHom.VectorSpaceHom[OF hom_induced_vector]
by fastforce
subsubsection ‹The induced space is a representation space›
context InducedFinGroupRepresentation
lemma indspace_findim :
"fscalar_mult.findim induced_smult.fsmult indV"
from BaseRep.findim obtain vs where vs: "set vs ⊆ V" "V = BaseRep.fSpan vs"
by fast
obtain hs where hs: "Supgroup.is_rcoset_replist G hs"
using ex_rcoset_replist by fast
define hfvss where "hfvss = negHorbit_list hs induced_vector vs"
with vs hs
have "set (concat hfvss) ⊆ indV" "indV = induced_smult.fSpan (concat hfvss)"
using Supgroup.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF hs] induced_vector_indV
negHorbit_list_indV[of hs induced_vector vs] indspace_fspanning_set
by auto
thus ?thesis by fast
theorem FinGroupRepresentation_indspace :
"FinGroupRepresentation H rrsmult indV"
using FHModule_indspace
proof (rule FinGroupRepresentation.intro)
from good_ordSupgrp show "FinGroupRepresentation_axioms H (¤) indV"
using indspace_findim by unfold_locales fast
subsection ‹Frobenius reciprocity›
subsubsection ‹Locale and basic facts›
text ‹There are a number of defined objects and lemmas concerning those objects leading up to the
theorem of Frobenius reciprocity, so we create a locale to contain it all.›
locale FrobeniusReciprocity
= GRep?: InducedFinGroupRepresentation H G smult V rrsmult
+ HRep?: FinGroupRepresentation H smult' W
for H :: "'g::group_add set"
and G :: "'g set"
and smult :: "('f::field, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v::ab_group_add ⇒ 'v" (infixl "⋅" 70)
and V :: "'v set"
and rrsmult :: "('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ (('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)
⇒ (('f,'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)" (infixl "¤" 70)
and smult' :: "('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'w::ab_group_add ⇒ 'w" (infixr "⋆" 70)
and W :: "'w set"
abbreviation fsmult' :: "'f ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "♯⋆" 70)
where "fsmult' ≡ HRep.fsmult"
abbreviation flincomb' :: "'f list ⇒ 'w list ⇒ 'w" (infixr "∙♯⋆" 70)
where "flincomb' ≡ HRep.flincomb"
abbreviation Hmult' :: "'g ⇒ 'w ⇒ 'w" (infixr "*⋆" 70)
where "Hmult' ≡ HRep.Gmult"
definition Tsmult1 ::
"'f ⇒ ((('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)⇒'w) ⇒ ((('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v)⇒'w)" (infixr "⋆¤" 70)
where "Tsmult1 ≡ λa T. λf. a ♯⋆ (T f)"
definition Tsmult2 :: "'f ⇒ ('v⇒'w) ⇒ ('v⇒'w)" (infixr "⋆⋅" 70)
where "Tsmult2 ≡ λa T. λv. a ♯⋆ (T v)"
lemma FHModuleW : "FGModule H (⋆) W" ..
lemma FGModuleW: "FGModule G smult' W"
using FHModuleW Subgroup HRep.restriction_to_subgroup_is_module
by fast
text ‹
In order to build an inverse for the required isomorphism of Hom-sets, we will need a basis for
the induced @{term H}-space.
definition Vfbasis :: "'v list" where "Vfbasis ≡ (SOME vs. is_Vfbasis vs)"
lemma Vfbasis : "is_Vfbasis Vfbasis"
using Vfbasis_def FinDimVectorSpace.basis_ex[OF GRep.FinDimVectorSpace] someI_ex
by simp
lemma Vfbasis_V : "set Vfbasis ⊆ V"
using Vfbasis by fast
definition nonzero_H_rcoset_reps :: "'g list"
where "nonzero_H_rcoset_reps ≡ (SOME hs. Group.is_rcoset_replist H G (0#hs))"
definition H_rcoset_reps :: "'g list" where "H_rcoset_reps ≡ 0 # nonzero_H_rcoset_reps"
lemma H_rcoset_reps : "Group.is_rcoset_replist H G H_rcoset_reps"
using H_rcoset_reps_def nonzero_H_rcoset_reps_def GRep.ex_rcoset_replist_hd0 someI_ex
by simp
lemma H_rcoset_reps_H : "set H_rcoset_reps ⊆ H"
using H_rcoset_reps Group.is_rcoset_replistD_set[OF HRep.GroupG] by fast
lemma nonzero_H_rcoset_reps_H : "set nonzero_H_rcoset_reps ⊆ H"
using H_rcoset_reps_H H_rcoset_reps_def by simp
abbreviation negHorbit_homVfbasis :: "('v ⇒ 'w) ⇒ 'w list list"
where "negHorbit_homVfbasis T ≡ HRep.negGorbit_list H_rcoset_reps T Vfbasis"
lemma negHorbit_Hom_indVfbasis_W :
"T ` V ⊆ W ⟹ set (concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)) ⊆ W"
using H_rcoset_reps_H Vfbasis_V
HRep.negGorbit_list_V[of H_rcoset_reps T Vfbasis]
by fast
lemma negHorbit_HomSet_indVfbasis_W :
"T ∈ GRepHomSet smult' W ⟹ set (concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)) ⊆ W"
using FGModuleHomSetD_Im negHorbit_Hom_indVfbasis_W by fast
definition indVfbasis :: "(('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) list list"
where "indVfbasis ≡ GRep.negHorbit_list H_rcoset_reps induced_vector Vfbasis"
lemma indVfbasis :
"fscalar_mult.basis_for induced_smult.fsmult indV (concat indVfbasis)"
using Vfbasis H_rcoset_reps indVfbasis_def indspace_basis[of Vfbasis H_rcoset_reps]
by auto
lemma indVfbasis_indV : "hfvs ∈ set indVfbasis ⟹ set hfvs ⊆ indV"
using indVfbasis by auto
subsubsection ‹The required isomorphism of Hom-sets›
context FrobeniusReciprocity
text ‹The following function will demonstrate the required isomorphism of Hom-sets (as vector
definition φ :: "((('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) ⇒ 'w) ⇒ ('v ⇒ 'w)"
where "φ ≡ restrict0 (λT. T ∘ GRep.induced_vector) (HRepHomSet smult' W)"
lemma φ_im : "φ ` HRepHomSet (⋆) W ⊆ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
fix T assume T: "T ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W"
show "φ T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
proof (rule FGModuleHomSetI)
from T have "FGModuleHom G rrsmult indV smult' T"
using FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom GRep.Subgroup
by fast
thus "BaseRep.GRepHom (⋆) (φ T)"
using T φ_def GRep.hom_induced_vector GRep.induced_vector_indV
by fastforce
show "φ T ` V ⊆ W"
using T φ_def GRep.induced_vector_indV FGModuleHomSetD_Im by fastforce
subsubsection ‹The inverse map of Hom-sets›
text ‹In this section we build an inverse for the required isomorphism, @{term "φ"}.›
context FrobeniusReciprocity
definition ψ_condition :: "('v ⇒ 'w) ⇒ ((('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) ⇒ 'w) ⇒ bool"
where "ψ_condition T S
≡ VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' S
∧ map (map S) indVfbasis = negHorbit_homVfbasis T"
lemma inverse_im_exists' :
assumes "T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
shows "∃! S. VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' S
∧ map S (concat indVfbasis) = concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)"
proof (
rule VectorSpace.basis_im_defines_hom, rule fVectorSpace_indspace,
rule HRep.fVectorSpace, rule indVfbasis
from assms show "set (concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)) ⊆ W"
using negHorbit_HomSet_indVfbasis_W by fast
show "length (concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)) = length (concat indVfbasis)"
using length_concat_negGorbit_list indVfbasis_def
induced_smult.length_concat_negGorbit_list[of H_rcoset_reps induced_vector]
by simp
lemma inverse_im_exists :
assumes "T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
shows "∃! S. ψ_condition T S"
have "∃ S. ψ_condition T S"
from assms obtain S
where S: "VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' S"
"map S (concat indVfbasis) = concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)"
using inverse_im_exists'
by fast
from S(2) have "concat (map (map S) indVfbasis)
= concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)"
using map_concat[of S] by simp
moreover have "list_all2 (λxs ys. length xs = length ys)
(map (map S) indVfbasis) (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)"
proof (rule iffD2[OF list_all2_iff], rule conjI)
show "length (map (map S) indVfbasis) = length (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)"
using indVfbasis_def induced_smult.length_negGorbit_list
HRep.length_negGorbit_list[of H_rcoset_reps T]
by auto
show "∀(xs,ys)∈set (zip (map (map S) indVfbasis)
(negHorbit_homVfbasis T)). length xs = length ys"
proof (rule prod_ballI)
fix xs ys
assume xsys: "(xs,ys) ∈ set (zip (map (map S) indVfbasis)
(negHorbit_homVfbasis T))"
from this obtain zs where zs: "zs ∈ set indVfbasis" "xs = map S zs"
using set_zip_leftD by fastforce
with xsys show "length xs = length ys"
using indVfbasis_def set_zip_rightD[of xs ys]
HRep.length_negGorbit_list_sublist[of ys H_rcoset_reps T Vfbasis]
by simp
ultimately have "map (map S) indVfbasis = negHorbit_homVfbasis T"
using concat_eq[of "map (map S) indVfbasis"] by fast
with S(1) show ?thesis using ψ_condition_def by fast
moreover have "⋀S U. ψ_condition T S ⟹ ψ_condition T U ⟹ S = U"
fix S U assume "ψ_condition T S" "ψ_condition T U"
hence "VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' S"
"map S (concat indVfbasis) = concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)"
"VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' U"
"map U (concat indVfbasis) = concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T)"
using ψ_condition_def map_concat[of S] map_concat[of U] by auto
with assms show "S = U" using inverse_im_exists' by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
definition ψ :: "('v ⇒ 'w) ⇒ ((('f, 'g) aezfun ⇒ 'v) ⇒ 'w)"
where "ψ ≡ restrict0 (λT. THE S. ψ_condition T S) (GRepHomSet (⋆) W)"
lemma ψD : "T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W ⟹ ψ_condition T (ψ T)"
using ψ_def inverse_im_exists[of T] theI'[of "λS. ψ_condition T S"] by simp
lemma ψD_VectorSpaceHom :
"T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W
⟹ VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' (ψ T)"
using ψD ψ_condition_def by fast
lemma ψD_im :
"T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W ⟹ map (map (ψ T)) indVfbasis
= aezfun_scalar_mult.negGorbit_list (⋆) H_rcoset_reps T Vfbasis"
using ψD ψ_condition_def by fast
lemma ψD_im_single :
assumes "T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W" "h ∈ set H_rcoset_reps" "v ∈ set Vfbasis"
shows "ψ T ((- h) *¤ (induced_vector v)) = (-h) *⋆ (T v)"
from assms(2,3) obtain i j
where i: "i < length H_rcoset_reps" "h = H_rcoset_reps!i"
and j: "j < length Vfbasis" "v = Vfbasis!j"
using set_conv_nth[of H_rcoset_reps] set_conv_nth[of Vfbasis] by auto
hence "map (map (ψ T)) indVfbasis !i !j = ψ T ((-h) *¤ (induced_vector v))"
using indVfbasis_def
of rrsmult H_rcoset_reps induced_vector
of i H_rcoset_reps rrsmult induced_vector
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms(1) HRep.negGorbit_list_nth[of i H_rcoset_reps T] ψD_im by simp
lemma ψT_W :
assumes "T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
shows "ψ T ` indV ⊆ W"
proof (rule image_subsetI)
from assms have T: "VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' (ψ T)"
using ψD_VectorSpaceHom by fast
fix f assume "f ∈ indV"
from this obtain cs
where cs:"length cs = length (concat indVfbasis)" "f = cs ∙¤¤ (concat indVfbasis)"
using indVfbasis scalar_mult.in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs
by fast
from cs(1) obtain css
where css: "cs = concat css" "list_all2 (λxs ys. length xs = length ys) css indVfbasis"
using match_concat
by fast
from assms cs(2) css
have "ψ T f = ψ T (∑(cs,hfvs)←zip css indVfbasis. cs ∙¤¤ hfvs)"
using VectorSpace.lincomb_concat[OF fVectorSpace_indspace] by simp
also have "… = (∑(cs,hfvs)←zip css indVfbasis. ψ T (cs ∙¤¤ hfvs))"
using set_zip_rightD[of _ _ css indVfbasis] indVfbasis_indV
VectorSpace.lincomb_closed[OF GRep.fVectorSpace_indspace]
VectorSpaceHom.im_sum_list_prod[OF T]
by force
finally have "ψ T f = (∑(cs,ψThfvs)←zip css (map (map (ψ T)) indVfbasis).
cs ∙♯⋆ ψThfvs)"
using set_zip_rightD[of _ _ css indVfbasis] indVfbasis_indV
VectorSpaceHom.distrib_lincomb[OF T]
"zip css indVfbasis" "λcs hfvs. ψ T (cs ∙¤¤ hfvs)"
"λcs hfvs. cs ∙♯⋆ (map (ψ T) hfvs)"
sum_list_prod_map2[of "λcs ψThfvs. cs ∙♯⋆ ψThfvs" css "map (ψ T)"]
by fastforce
moreover from css(2)
have "list_all2 (λxs ys. length xs = length ys) css (map (map (ψ T)) indVfbasis)"
using list_all2_iff[of _ css indVfbasis] set_zip_map2
list_all2_iff[of _ css "map (map (ψ T)) indVfbasis"]
by force
ultimately have "ψ T f = (concat css) ∙♯⋆ (concat (negHorbit_homVfbasis T))"
using HRep.flincomb_concat map_concat[of "ψ T"] ψD_im[OF assms]
by simp
thus "ψ T f ∈ W"
using assms negHorbit_HomSet_indVfbasis_W HRep.flincomb_closed by simp
lemma ψT_Hmap_on_indVfbasis :
assumes "T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
shows "⋀x f. x ∈ H ⟹ f ∈ set (concat indVfbasis)
⟹ ψ T (x *¤ f) = x *⋆ (ψ T f)"
fix x f assume x: "x ∈ H" and f: "f ∈ set (concat indVfbasis)"
from f obtain i where i: "i < length indVfbasis" "f ∈ set (indVfbasis!i)"
using set_concat set_conv_nth[of indVfbasis] by auto
from i(1) have i': "i < length H_rcoset_reps"
using indVfbasis_def
of rrsmult H_rcoset_reps induced_vector
by simp
define hi where "hi = H_rcoset_reps!i"
with i' have hi_H: "hi ∈ H" using set_conv_nth H_rcoset_reps_H by fast
from hi_def i(2) have "f ∈ set (map (Hmult (-hi) ∘ induced_vector) Vfbasis)"
using indVfbasis_def i'
of i H_rcoset_reps rrsmult induced_vector
by simp
from this obtain v where v: "v ∈ set Vfbasis" "f = (-hi) *¤ (induced_vector v)"
by auto
from v(1) have v_V: "v ∈ V" and Tv_W: "T v ∈ W"
using Vfbasis_V FGModuleHomSetD_Im[OF assms] by auto
from x have "hi - x ∈ H" using hi_H Supgroup.diff_closed by fast
from this obtain j
where j: "j < length H_rcoset_reps" "hi - x ∈ G + {H_rcoset_reps!j}"
using set_conv_nth[of H_rcoset_reps] H_rcoset_reps
Group.group_eq_subgrp_rcoset_un[OF HRep.GroupG Subgroup H_rcoset_reps]
by force
from j(1) have j': "j < length indVfbasis"
using indVfbasis_def
of rrsmult H_rcoset_reps induced_vector
by simp
define hj where "hj = H_rcoset_reps!j"
with j(1) have hj_H: "hj ∈ H" using set_conv_nth H_rcoset_reps_H by fast
from hj_def j(2) obtain g where g: "g ∈ G" "hi - x = g + hj"
unfolding set_plus_def by fast
from g(2) have x_hi: "x - hi = - hj + - g"
using minus_diff_eq[of hi x] minus_add[of g] by simp
from g(1) have "-g *⋅ v ∈ V"
using v_V ActingGroup.neg_closed BaseRep.Gmult_closed by fast
from this obtain cs
where cs: "length cs = length Vfbasis" "-g *⋅ v = cs ∙♯⋅ Vfbasis"
using Vfbasis
VectorSpace.in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs[OF GRep.fVectorSpace]
by fast
from v(2) x have "ψ T (x *¤ f) = ψ T ((x-hi) *¤ (induced_vector v))"
using hi_H Supgroup.neg_closed v_V induced_vector_indV
FGModule.Gmult_assoc[OF GRep.FHModule_indspace]
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also from g(1) have "… = ψ T ((-hj) *¤ (induced_vector (-g *⋅ v)))"
using x_hi hj_H Subgroup Supgroup.neg_closed v_V induced_vector_indV
FGModule.Gmult_assoc[OF GRep.FHModule_indspace]
FGModuleHom.G_map[OF hom_induced_vector]
by auto
also from cs(2) hj_def j(1) have "… = ψ T (cs ∙¤¤ (indVfbasis!j))"
using hj_H Vfbasis_V FGModuleHom.distrib_flincomb[OF hom_induced_vector]
indVfbasis_def Supgroup.neg_closed[of hj] induced_vector_indV
OF GRep.FHModule_indspace,
of "-hj" "map induced_vector Vfbasis"
of j H_rcoset_reps rrsmult induced_vector
by fastforce
also have "… = cs ∙♯⋆ ((map (map (ψ T)) indVfbasis)!j)"
using ψD_VectorSpaceHom[OF assms] indVfbasis_indV j' set_conv_nth
VectorSpaceHom.distrib_lincomb[of induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult']
by simp
also from j(1) hj_def have "… = (- hj) *⋆ cs ∙♯⋆ (map T Vfbasis)"
using ψD_im[OF assms]
aezfun_scalar_mult.negGorbit_list_nth[of j H_rcoset_reps smult' T] hj_H
Group.neg_closed[OF HRep.GroupG]
Vfbasis_V FGModuleHomSetD_Im[OF assms]
HRep.Gmult_flincomb_comm[of "- hj" "map T Vfbasis"]
by fastforce
also from cs(2) g(1) have "… = (- hj) *⋆ (-g) *⋆ (T v)"
using v_V FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom[OF assms] Vfbasis_V
FGModuleHom.distrib_flincomb[of G smult V smult']
FGModuleHom.G_map[of G smult V smult' T "-g" v]
by auto
also from g(1) v(1) have "… = (x - hi) *⋆ (T v)"
using FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom[OF assms] Vfbasis_V Supgroup.neg_closed
hj_H Subgroup FGModuleHomSetD_Im[OF assms]
HRep.Gmult_assoc[of "-hj" "-g" "T v"] x_hi
by auto
also from x(1) have "… = x *⋆ (- hi) *⋆ (T v)"
using hi_H Supgroup.neg_closed Tv_W HRep.Gmult_assoc
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
finally show "ψ T (x *¤ f) = x *⋆ (ψ T f)"
using assms(1) v hi_def i' set_conv_nth[of H_rcoset_reps] ψD_im_single by fastforce
lemma ψT_hom :
assumes "T ∈ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
shows "HRepHom (⋆) (ψ T)"
using indVfbasis ψD_VectorSpaceHom[OF assms] FHModuleW
proof (
rule FGModule.VecHom_GMap_on_fbasis_is_FGModuleHom[
OF GRep.FHModule_indspace
show "ψ T ` indV ⊆ W" using indVfbasis ψT_W[OF assms] by fast
show "⋀g v. g ∈ H ⟹ v ∈ set (concat indVfbasis)
⟹ ψ T (g *¤ v) = g *⋆ ψ T v"
using ψT_Hmap_on_indVfbasis[OF assms] by fast
lemma ψ_im : "ψ ` GRepHomSet (⋆) W ⊆ HRepHomSet (⋆) W"
using ψT_W ψT_hom FGModuleHomSetI by fastforce
subsubsection ‹Demonstration of bijectivity›
text ‹Now we demonstrate that @{term "φ"} is bijective via the inverse @{term "ψ"}.›
context FrobeniusReciprocity
lemma φψ :
assumes "T ∈ GRepHomSet smult' W"
shows "(φ ∘ ψ) T = T"
fix v show "(φ ∘ ψ) T v = T v"
proof (cases "v ∈ V")
case True
from this obtain cs where cs: "length cs = length Vfbasis" "v = cs ∙♯⋅ Vfbasis"
using Vfbasis
VectorSpace.in_Span_obtain_same_length_coeffs[OF GRep.fVectorSpace]
by fast
define extrazeros
where "extrazeros = replicate ((length nonzero_H_rcoset_reps)*(length Vfbasis)) (0::'f)"
with cs have "GRep.induced_vector v = (cs@extrazeros) ∙¤¤ (concat indVfbasis)"
using H_rcoset_reps induced_vector_decomp[OF Vfbasis]
unfolding H_rcoset_reps_def indVfbasis_def
by auto
with assms
have "(φ ∘ ψ) T v = (cs@extrazeros) ∙♯⋆ (map (ψ T) (concat indVfbasis))"
using ψ_im φ_def indVfbasis
VectorSpaceHom.distrib_lincomb[OF ψD_VectorSpaceHom]
by auto
also have "… = (cs@extrazeros) ∙♯⋆ (map T Vfbasis
@ concat (HRep.negGorbit_list nonzero_H_rcoset_reps T Vfbasis))"
using map_concat[of "ψ T"] ψD_im[OF assms] H_rcoset_reps_def
FGModuleHomSetD_Im[OF assms] Vfbasis_V HRep.negGorbit_list_Cons0
by fastforce
also from cs(1)
have "… = cs ∙♯⋆ (map T Vfbasis) + extrazeros
∙♯⋆ (concat (HRep.negGorbit_list nonzero_H_rcoset_reps T Vfbasis))"
using scalar_mult.lincomb_append[of cs _ fsmult']
by simp
also have "… = cs ∙♯⋆ (map T Vfbasis)"
using nonzero_H_rcoset_reps_H Vfbasis FGModuleHomSetD_Im[OF assms]
VectorSpace.lincomb_replicate0_left[OF HRep.fVectorSpace]
unfolding extrazeros_def
by force
also from cs(2) have "… = T v"
using FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom[OF assms]
FGModuleHom.VectorSpaceHom Vfbasis
VectorSpaceHom.distrib_lincomb[of "aezfun_scalar_mult.fsmult smult"]
by fastforce
finally show ?thesis by fast
case False
with assms show ?thesis
using ψ_im φ_def GRep.induced_vector_def ψD_VectorSpaceHom
FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom[of T G smult V]
FGModuleHom.supp suppI_contra
by fastforce
lemma φ_inverse_im : "φ ` HRepHomSet (⋆) W ⊇ GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
using φψ ψ_im by force
lemma bij_φ : "bij_betw φ (HRepHomSet (⋆) W) (GRepHomSet (⋆) W)"
unfolding bij_betw_def
have "⋀ S T. ⟦ S ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W; T ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W;
φ S = φ T ⟧ ⟹ S = T"
proof (rule VectorSpaceHom.same_image_on_spanset_imp_same_hom)
fix S T
assume ST: "S ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W" "T ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W" "φ S = φ T"
from ST(1,2) have ST': "HRepHom smult' S" "HRepHom smult' T"
using FGModuleHomSetD_FGModuleHom[of _ H rrsmult] by auto
from ST'
show "VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' S"
"VectorSpaceHom induced_smult.fsmult indV fsmult' T"
using FGModuleHom.VectorSpaceHom[of H rrsmult indV smult']
by auto
show "indV = induced_smult.fSpan (concat indVfbasis)"
"set (concat indVfbasis) ⊆ indV"
using indVfbasis by auto
show "∀f∈set (concat indVfbasis). S f = T f"
fix f assume "f ∈ set (concat indVfbasis)"
from this obtain hfvs where hfvs: "hfvs ∈ set indVfbasis" "f ∈ set hfvs"
using set_concat by fast
from hfvs(1) obtain h
where h: "h ∈ set H_rcoset_reps"
"hfvs = map (Hmult (-h) ∘ induced_vector) Vfbasis"
using indVfbasis_def
induced_smult.negGorbit_list_def[of H_rcoset_reps induced_vector]
by auto
from hfvs(2) h(2) obtain v
where v: "v ∈ set Vfbasis" "f = (-h) *¤ (induced_vector v)"
by auto
from v h(1) ST(1) have "S f = (-h) *⋆ (φ S v)"
using ST'(1) H_rcoset_reps_H Group.neg_closed[OF HRep.GroupG]
GRep.induced_vector_indV Vfbasis_V φ_def FGModuleHom.G_map
by fastforce
moreover from v h(1) ST(2) have "T f = (-h) *⋆ (φ T v)"
using ST'(2) H_rcoset_reps_H Group.neg_closed[OF HRep.GroupG] GRep.induced_vector_indV
Vfbasis_V φ_def FGModuleHom.G_map
by fastforce
ultimately show "S f = T f" using ST(3) by simp
thus "inj_on φ (HRepHomSet (⋆) W)" unfolding inj_on_def by fast
show "φ ` HRepHomSet (⋆) W = GRepHomSet (⋆) W"
using φ_im φ_inverse_im by fast
subsubsection ‹The theorem›
text ‹
Finally we demonstrate that @{term "φ"} is an isomorphism of vector spaces between the two
hom-sets, leading to Frobenius reciprocity.
context FrobeniusReciprocity
lemma VectorSpaceIso_φ :
"VectorSpaceIso Tsmult1 (HRepHomSet (⋆) W) Tsmult2 φ
(GRepHomSet (⋆) W)"
proof (rule VectorSpaceIso.intro, rule VectorSpace.VectorSpaceHomI_fromaxioms)
from Tsmult1_def show "VectorSpace Tsmult1 (HRepHomSet (⋆) W)"
using FHModule_indspace FHModuleW
by simp
from φ_def show "supp φ ⊆ HRepHomSet (⋆) W"
using suppD_contra[of φ] by fastforce
have "bij_betw φ (HRepHomSet (⋆) W) (GRepHomSet (⋆) W)"
using bij_φ by fast
thus "VectorSpaceIso_axioms (HRepHomSet (⋆) W) φ (GRepHomSet (⋆) W)"
by unfold_locales
fix S T assume "S ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W" "T ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W"
thus "φ (S + T) = φ S + φ T"
using φ_def Group.add_closed
FGModule.Group_FGModuleHomSet[OF FHModule_indspace FHModuleW]
by auto
fix a T assume T: "T ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W"
moreover with Tsmult1_def have aT: "a ⋆¤ T ∈ HRepHomSet (⋆) W"
using FGModule.VectorSpace_FGModuleHomSet[
OF FHModule_indspace FHModuleW
by simp
ultimately show "φ (a ⋆¤ T) = a ⋆⋅ (φ T)"
using φ_def Tsmult1_def Tsmult2_def by auto
theorem FrobeniusReciprocity :
"VectorSpace.isomorphic Tsmult1 (HRepHomSet smult' W) Tsmult2
(GRepHomSet smult' W)"
using VectorSpaceIso_φ by fast