Theory Rensets
section ‹Renaming-Enriched Sets (Rensets)›
theory Rensets
imports Lambda_Terms
text ‹This theory defines rensets and proves their basic properties. ›
subsection ‹Rensets›
locale Renset =
fixes vsubstA :: "'A ⇒ var ⇒ var ⇒ 'A"
vsubstA_id[simp]: "⋀x a. vsubstA a x x = a"
vsubstA_idem[simp]: "⋀x y1 y2 a. y1 ≠ x ⟹ vsubstA (vsubstA a y1 x) y2 x = vsubstA a y1 x"
vsubstA_chain: "⋀u x1 x2 x3 a.
u ≠ x2 ⟹
vsubstA (vsubstA (vsubstA a u x2) x2 x1) x3 x2 =
vsubstA (vsubstA a u x2) x3 x1"
"⋀ x y u a v. x ≠ v ⟹ y ≠ u ⟹ x ≠ y ⟹
vsubstA (vsubstA a u x) v y = vsubstA (vsubstA a v y) u x"
definition freshA where "freshA x a ≡ finite {y. vsubstA a y x ≠ a}"
lemma freshA_vsubstA_idle:
assumes n: "freshA x a" and xy: "x ≠ y"
shows "vsubstA a y x = a"
obtain yy where yy: "vsubstA a yy x = a" "yy ≠ x"
using n unfolding freshA_def using exists_var by force
hence "vsubstA a y x = vsubstA (vsubstA a yy x) y x" by simp
also have "… = vsubstA a yy x" by (simp add: yy(2))
also have "… = a" using yy(1) .
finally show ?thesis .
lemma vsubstA_chain_freshA:
assumes "freshA x2 a"
shows "vsubstA (vsubstA a x2 x1) x3 x2 = vsubstA a x3 x1"
obtain yy where yy: "yy ≠ x2"
by (metis(full_types) list.set_intros(1) pickFresh_var)
have 0: "a = vsubstA a yy x2"
using assms freshA_vsubstA_idle yy by presburger
show ?thesis
by (metis "0" vsubstA_chain yy)
lemma freshA_vsubstA:
assumes "freshA u a" and "u ≠ y"
shows "freshA u (vsubstA a y x)"
have "{ya. vsubstA (vsubstA a y x) ya u ≠ vsubstA a y x} ⊆ {y. vsubstA a y u ≠ a} ∪ {x,y,u} ∪ {y. ¬ freshA y a}"
using assms by auto (metis vsubstA_commute_diff vsubstA_idem)
show ?thesis using assms unfolding freshA_def
by (smt (verit, best) Collect_mono_iff finite_subset vsubstA_commute_diff vsubstA_id vsubstA_idem)
lemma freshA_vsubstA2:
assumes "freshA z a ∨ z = x" and "freshA x a ∨ z ≠ y"
shows "freshA z (vsubstA a y x)"
proof(cases "z = y")
case True
thus ?thesis using assms by (metis freshA_vsubstA_idle vsubstA_id)
case False
hence "{ya. vsubstA (vsubstA a y x) ya z ≠ vsubstA a y x} ⊆
{ya. vsubstA a ya z ≠ a} ∪ {ya. vsubstA a ya y ≠ a} ∪ {x}"
by auto (metis vsubstA_commute_diff vsubstA_idem)
thus ?thesis
using assms unfolding freshA_def
by (smt (verit, best) False assms(1) freshA_vsubstA freshA_vsubstA_idle not_finite_existsD vsubstA_idem)
lemma vsubstA_idle_freshA:
assumes "vsubstA a y x = a" and xy: "x ≠ y"
shows "freshA x a"
by (smt (verit, best) assms(1) freshA_def not_finite_existsD vsubstA_idem xy)
lemma freshA_iff_ex_vvsubstA_idle:
"freshA x a ⟷ (∃y. y≠x ∧ vsubstA a y x = a)"
by (smt (verit) CollectI exists_var finite.insertI insertCI freshA_def vsubstA_idle_freshA)
lemma freshA_iff_all_vvsubstA_idle:
"freshA x a ⟷ (∀y. y≠x ⟶ vsubstA a y x = a)"
by (metis list.set_intros(1) freshA_vsubstA_idle pickFresh_var vsubstA_idle_freshA)
subsection ‹Finitely supported rensets›
locale Renset_FinSupp = Renset vsubstA
for vsubstA :: "'A ⇒ var ⇒ var ⇒ 'A"
assumes cofinite_freshA: "⋀a. finite {x. ¬ freshA x a}"
definition pickFreshSA :: "var set ⇒ var list ⇒ 'A list ⇒ var" where
"pickFreshSA X xs ds ≡ SOME z. z ∉ X ∧ z ∉ set xs ∧ (∀a ∈ set ds. freshA z a)"
lemma exists_freshA_set:
assumes "finite X"
shows "∃ z. z ∉ X ∧ z ∉ set xs ∧ (∀a ∈ set ds. freshA z a)"
have 1: "{x. ∃a∈set ds. ¬ freshA x a} = ⋃ {{x. ¬ freshA x a} | a. a∈set ds}" by auto
have "finite {x. ∃a∈set ds. ¬ freshA x a}"
unfolding 1 apply(rule finite_Union)
using assms cofinite_freshA by auto
hence 0: "finite (X ∪ set xs ∪ {x. ∃a∈set ds. ¬ freshA x a})"
using assms by blast
show ?thesis using exists_var[OF 0] by simp
lemma exists_freshA:
"∃ z. z ∉ set xs ∧ (∀a ∈ set ds. freshA z a)"
using exists_freshA_set by blast
lemma pickFreshSA:
assumes "finite X"
"pickFreshSA X xs ds ∉ X ∧
pickFreshSA X xs ds ∉ set xs ∧
(∀a ∈ set ds. freshA (pickFreshSA X xs ds) a)"
using exists_freshA_set[OF assms] unfolding pickFreshSA_def
by (rule someI_ex)
lemmas pickFreshSA_set = pickFreshSA[THEN conjunct1]
and pickFreshSA_var = pickFreshSA[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]
and pickFreshSA_freshA = pickFreshSA[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, unfolded Ball_def, rule_format]
definition "pickFreshA ≡ pickFreshSA {}"
lemmas pickFreshA = pickFreshSA[OF finite.emptyI, unfolded pickFreshA_def[symmetric], simplified]
lemmas pickFreshA_var = pickFreshSA_var[OF finite.emptyI, unfolded pickFreshA_def[symmetric]]
and pickFreshA_freshA = pickFreshSA_freshA[OF finite.emptyI, unfolded pickFreshA_def[symmetric]]
subsection ‹Morphisms between rensets›
locale Renset_Morphism =
A: Renset_FinSupp substA + B: Renset_FinSupp substB
for substA :: "'A ⇒ var ⇒ var ⇒ 'A" and substB :: "'B ⇒ var ⇒ var ⇒ 'B"
fixes f :: "'A ⇒ 'B"
assumes f_substA_substB: "⋀a y z. f (substA a y z) = substB (f a) y z"