Theory Possibility

(*  Title:       The Relational Method with Message Anonymity for the Verification of Cryptographic Protocols
    Author:      Pasquale Noce
                 Software Engineer at HID Global, Italy
                 pasquale dot noce dot lavoro at gmail dot com
                 pasquale dot noce at hidglobal dot com

section "Possibility properties"

theory Possibility
  imports Anonymity

text ‹

type_synonym seskey_tuple = "key_id × key_id × key_id × key_id × key_id"

type_synonym stage = "state × seskey_tuple"

abbreviation pred_asset_i :: "agent_id  state  stage  bool" where
"pred_asset_i n s x 
  S. PriKey S  used s  x = (insert (Asset n, PriKey S) s 
    {Asset n, Spy} × {Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S)} 
    {(Spy, Log (Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S)))},
    S, 0, 0, 0, 0)"

definition run_asset_i :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_asset_i n s  SOME x. pred_asset_i n s x"

abbreviation pred_owner_ii :: "agent_id  stage  stage  bool" where
"pred_owner_ii n x y  case x of (s, S, _) 
  A. PriKey A  used s  y = (insert (Owner n, PriKey A) s 
    {Owner n, Spy} × {Num 1, PubKey A} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S), Num 1, PubKey A},
    S, A, 0, 0, 0)"

definition run_owner_ii :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_owner_ii n s  SOME x. pred_owner_ii n (run_asset_i n s) x"

abbreviation pred_asset_ii :: "agent_id  stage  stage  bool" where
"pred_asset_ii n x y  case x of (s, S, A, _) 
  B. PriKey B  used s  y = (insert (Asset n, PriKey B) s 
    {Asset n, Spy} × {Num 2, PubKey B} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Num 1, PubKey A, Num 2, PubKey B},
    S, A, B, 0, 0)"

definition run_asset_ii :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_asset_ii n s  SOME x. pred_asset_ii n (run_owner_ii n s) x"

abbreviation pred_owner_iii :: "agent_id  stage  stage  bool" where
"pred_owner_iii n x y  case x of (s, S, A, B, _) 
  C. PriKey C  used s  y = (insert (Owner n, PriKey C) s 
    {Owner n, Spy} × {Num 3, PubKey C} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Num 2, PubKey B, Num 3, PubKey C},
    S, A, B, C, 0)"

definition run_owner_iii :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_owner_iii n s  SOME x. pred_owner_iii n (run_asset_ii n s) x"

abbreviation pred_asset_iii :: "agent_id  stage  stage  bool" where
"pred_asset_iii n x y  case x of (s, S, A, B, C, _) 
  D. PriKey D  used s  y = (insert (Asset n, PriKey D) s 
    {Asset n, Spy} × {Num 4, PubKey D} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Num 3, PubKey C, Num 4, PubKey D},
    S, A, B, C, D)"

definition run_asset_iii :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_asset_iii n s  SOME x. pred_asset_iii n (run_owner_iii n s) x"

abbreviation stage_owner_iv :: "agent_id  stage  stage" where
"stage_owner_iv n x  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = x;
  SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  (insert (Owner n, SesKey SK) s 
    {Owner n, Spy} × {Crypt (SesK SK) (PubKey D)} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Num 4, PubKey D, Crypt (SesK SK) (PubKey D)},
    S, A, B, C, D)"

definition run_owner_iv :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_owner_iv n s  stage_owner_iv n (run_asset_iii n s)"

abbreviation stage_asset_iv :: "agent_id  stage  stage" where
"stage_asset_iv n x  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = x;
  SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  (s  {Asset n} × {SesKey SK, PubKey B} 
    {Asset n, Spy} × {Token n (Auth_PriK n) B C SK} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Crypt (SesK SK) (PubKey D),
      Token n (Auth_PriK n) B C SK},
    S, A, B, C, D)"

definition run_asset_iv :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_asset_iv n s  stage_asset_iv n (run_owner_iv n s)"

abbreviation stage_owner_v :: "agent_id  stage  stage" where
"stage_owner_v n x  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = x;
  SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  (s  {Owner n, Spy} × {Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n)} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Token n (Auth_PriK n) B C SK, Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n)},
    S, A, B, C, D)"

definition run_owner_v :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_owner_v n s  stage_owner_v n (run_asset_iv n s)"

abbreviation stage_asset_v :: "agent_id  stage  stage" where
"stage_asset_v n x  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = x;
  SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  (s  {Asset n, Spy} × {Crypt (SesK SK) (Num 0)} 
    {Spy} × Log ` {Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n), Crypt (SesK SK) (Num 0)},
    S, A, B, C, D)"

definition run_asset_v :: "agent_id  state  stage" where
"run_asset_v n s  stage_asset_v n (run_owner_v n s)"

lemma prikey_unused_1:
 "infinite {A. PriKey A  used s0}"
by (rule infinite_super [of "- range Auth_PriK"], rule subsetI, simp add:
 image_def bad_prik_def, rule someI2 [of _ "{}"], simp, blast, subst Auth_PriK_def,
 rule someI [of _ "λn. 0"], simp)

lemma prikey_unused_2:
 "s  s'; infinite {A. PriKey A  used s} 
    infinite {A. PriKey A  used s'}"
by (simp add: rel_def, ((erule disjE)?, (erule exE)+, simp add: image_iff,
 (((subst conj_commute | subst Int_commute), simp add: Collect_conj_eq Collect_neg_eq
 Diff_eq [symmetric])+)?, ((rule Diff_infinite_finite, rule msg.induct, simp_all,
 rule key.induct, simp_all)+)?)+)

proposition prikey_unused:
 "s0  s  A. PriKey A  used s"
by (subgoal_tac "infinite {A. PriKey A  used s}", drule infinite_imp_nonempty,
 simp, erule rtrancl_induct, rule prikey_unused_1, rule prikey_unused_2)

lemma pubkey_unused_1:
 "s  s'; PubKey A  parts (used s)  PriKey A  used s;
    PubKey A  parts (used s') 
  PriKey A  used s'"
by (simp add: rel_def, ((erule disjE)?, ((erule exE)+)?, simp add: parts_insert
 image_iff split: if_split_asm, ((erule conjE)+, drule RangeI, (drule parts_used,
 drule parts_snd)?, simp | (subst (asm) disj_assoc [symmetric])?, erule disjE,
 (drule parts_dec | drule parts_enc | drule parts_sep | drule parts_con), simp)?)+)

proposition pubkey_unused [rule_format]:
 "s0  s 
    PriKey A  used s 
  PubKey A  parts (used s)"
by (erule rtrancl_induct, subst parts_init, simp add: Range_iff image_def, rule impI,
 erule contrapos_nn [OF _ pubkey_unused_1], blast+)

proposition run_asset_i_ex:
 "s0  s  pred_asset_i n s (run_asset_i n s)"
by (drule prikey_unused, erule exE, subst run_asset_i_def, rule someI_ex, blast)

proposition run_asset_i_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_asset_i n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (drule run_asset_i_ex [of _ n], rule r_into_rtrancl,
 subgoal_tac "(s, ?t)  rel_asset_i", simp_all add: rel_def, erule exE, auto)

proposition run_asset_i_msg:
 "s0  s 
    case run_asset_i n s of (s', S, _) 
      (Asset n, Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S))  s'"
by (drule run_asset_i_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_asset_i_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_asset_i n s)))  used s"
by (drule run_asset_i_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_asset_i_unused:
 "s0  s  A. PriKey A  used (fst (run_asset_i n s))"
by (rule prikey_unused, rule rtrancl_trans, simp, rule run_asset_i_rel)

proposition run_owner_ii_ex:
 "s0  s  pred_owner_ii n (run_asset_i n s) (run_owner_ii n s)"
by (drule run_asset_i_unused, erule exE, subst run_owner_ii_def, rule someI_ex,
 auto simp add: split_def)

proposition run_owner_ii_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_owner_ii n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_asset_i_rel [of _ n], frule run_asset_i_msg,
 drule run_owner_ii_ex, subgoal_tac "(fst (run_asset_i n s), ?t)  rel_owner_ii",
 simp_all add: rel_def split_def, erule exE, (rule exI)+, auto)

proposition run_owner_ii_msg:
 "s0  s 
    case run_owner_ii n s of (s', S, A, _) 
      {(Asset n, Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S)),
        (Owner n, Num 1, PubKey A)}  s'"
by (frule run_asset_i_msg [of _ n], drule run_owner_ii_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_owner_ii_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_owner_ii n s)))  used s"
by (frule run_asset_i_nonce [of _ n], drule run_owner_ii_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_owner_ii_unused:
 "s0  s  B. PriKey B  used (fst (run_owner_ii n s))"
by (rule prikey_unused, rule rtrancl_trans, simp, rule run_owner_ii_rel)

proposition run_asset_ii_ex:
 "s0  s  pred_asset_ii n (run_owner_ii n s) (run_asset_ii n s)"
by (drule run_owner_ii_unused, erule exE, subst run_asset_ii_def, rule someI_ex,
 auto simp add: split_def)

proposition run_asset_ii_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_asset_ii n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_owner_ii_rel [of _ n], frule run_owner_ii_msg,
 drule run_asset_ii_ex, subgoal_tac "(fst (run_owner_ii n s), ?t)  rel_asset_ii",
 simp_all add: rel_def split_def, erule exE, (rule exI)+, auto)

proposition run_asset_ii_msg:
  assumes A: "s0  s"
  shows "case run_asset_ii n s of (s', S, A, B, _) 
    insert (Owner n, Num 1, PubKey A)
      ({Asset n} × {Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S),
       Num 2, PubKey B})  s' 
    (Asset n, PubKey B)  s'"
by (insert run_owner_ii_msg [OF A, of n], insert run_asset_ii_ex [OF A, of n],
 simp add: split_def, erule exE, simp, insert run_owner_ii_rel [OF A, of n],
 drule rtrancl_trans [OF A], drule pubkey_unused, auto)

proposition run_asset_ii_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_asset_ii n s)))  used s"
by (frule run_owner_ii_nonce [of _ n], drule run_asset_ii_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_asset_ii_unused:
 "s0  s  C. PriKey C  used (fst (run_asset_ii n s))"
by (rule prikey_unused, rule rtrancl_trans, simp, rule run_asset_ii_rel)

proposition run_owner_iii_ex:
 "s0  s  pred_owner_iii n (run_asset_ii n s) (run_owner_iii n s)"
by (drule run_asset_ii_unused, erule exE, subst run_owner_iii_def, rule someI_ex,
 auto simp add: split_def)

proposition run_owner_iii_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_owner_iii n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_asset_ii_rel [of _ n], frule run_asset_ii_msg,
 drule run_owner_iii_ex, subgoal_tac "(fst (run_asset_ii n s), ?t)  rel_owner_iii",
 simp_all add: rel_def split_def, erule exE, (rule exI)+, auto)

proposition run_owner_iii_msg:
 "s0  s 
    case run_owner_iii n s of (s', S, A, B, C, _) 
      {Asset n} × {Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S), Num 2, PubKey B} 
      {Owner n} × {Num 1, PubKey A, Num 3, PubKey C}  s' 
      (Asset n, PubKey B)  s'"
by (frule run_asset_ii_msg [of _ n], drule run_owner_iii_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_owner_iii_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_owner_iii n s)))  used s"
by (frule run_asset_ii_nonce [of _ n], drule run_owner_iii_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_owner_iii_unused:
 "s0  s  D. PriKey D  used (fst (run_owner_iii n s))"
by (rule prikey_unused, rule rtrancl_trans, simp, rule run_owner_iii_rel)

proposition run_asset_iii_ex:
 "s0  s  pred_asset_iii n (run_owner_iii n s) (run_asset_iii n s)"
by (drule run_owner_iii_unused, erule exE, subst run_asset_iii_def, rule someI_ex,
 auto simp add: split_def)

proposition run_asset_iii_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_asset_iii n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_owner_iii_rel [of _ n], frule run_owner_iii_msg,
 drule run_asset_iii_ex, subgoal_tac "(fst (run_owner_iii n s), ?t)  rel_asset_iii",
 simp_all add: rel_def split_def, erule exE, (rule exI)+, auto)

proposition run_asset_iii_msg:
 "s0  s 
    case run_asset_iii n s of (s', S, A, B, C, D) 
      {Asset n} × {Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S), Num 2, PubKey B,
        Num 4, PubKey D} 
      {Owner n} × {Num 1, PubKey A, Num 3, PubKey C}  s' 
      (Asset n, PubKey B)  s'"
by (frule run_owner_iii_msg [of _ n], drule run_asset_iii_ex [of _ n], auto)

proposition run_asset_iii_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_asset_iii n s)))  used s"
by (frule run_owner_iii_nonce [of _ n], drule run_asset_iii_ex [of _ n], auto)

lemma run_owner_iv_rel_1:
 "s0  s; run_asset_iii n s = (s', S, A, B, C, D) 
    s  fst (run_owner_iv n s)"
      (is "_; _  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_asset_iii_rel [of _ n], drule run_asset_iii_msg
 [of _ n], subgoal_tac "(s', ?t)  rel_owner_iv", simp_all add: rel_def run_owner_iv_def
 Let_def, rule exI [of _ n], rule exI [of _ S], rule exI [of _ A], rule exI [of _ B],
 rule exI [of _ C], rule exI [of _ D], rule exI [of _ "Auth_ShaKey n"], auto)

proposition run_owner_iv_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_owner_iv n s)"
by (insert run_owner_iv_rel_1, cases "run_asset_iii n s", simp)

proposition run_owner_iv_msg:
 "s0  s 
    let (s', S, A, B, C, D) = run_owner_iv n s;
      SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      {Asset n} × {Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S), Num 2, PubKey B,
        Num 4, PubKey D} 
      {Owner n} × {Num 1, PubKey A, Num 3, PubKey C, SesKey SK,
        Crypt (SesK SK) (PubKey D)}  s' 
      (Asset n, PubKey B)  s'"
by (drule run_asset_iii_msg [of _ n], simp add: run_owner_iv_def split_def Let_def)

proposition run_owner_iv_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_owner_iv n s)))  used s"
by (drule run_asset_iii_nonce [of _ n], simp add: run_owner_iv_def split_def Let_def)

proposition run_asset_iv_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_asset_iv n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_owner_iv_rel [of _ n], drule run_owner_iv_msg
 [of _ n], subgoal_tac "(fst (run_owner_iv n s), ?t)  rel_asset_iv", simp_all add:
 rel_def run_asset_iv_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition run_asset_iv_msg:
 "s0  s 
    let (s', S, A, B, C, D) = run_asset_iv n s; SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      insert (Owner n, SesKey SK)
        ({Asset n} × {SesKey SK, Token n (Auth_PriK n) B C SK})  s'"
by (drule run_owner_iv_msg [of _ n], simp add: run_asset_iv_def split_def Let_def)

proposition run_asset_iv_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_asset_iv n s)))  used s"
by (drule run_owner_iv_nonce [of _ n], simp add: run_asset_iv_def split_def Let_def)

proposition run_owner_v_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_owner_v n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_asset_iv_rel [of _ n], drule run_asset_iv_msg
 [of _ n], subgoal_tac "(fst (run_asset_iv n s), ?t)  rel_owner_v", simp_all add:
 rel_def run_owner_v_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition run_owner_v_msg:
 "s0  s 
    let (s', S, A, B, C, D) = run_owner_v n s;
      SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      {(Asset n, SesKey SK),
        (Owner n, Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n))}  s'"
by (drule run_asset_iv_msg [of _ n], simp add: run_owner_v_def split_def Let_def)

proposition run_owner_v_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_owner_v n s)))  used s"
by (drule run_asset_iv_nonce [of _ n], simp add: run_owner_v_def split_def Let_def)

proposition run_asset_v_rel:
 "s0  s  s  fst (run_asset_v n s)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule run_owner_v_rel [of _ n], drule run_owner_v_msg
 [of _ n], subgoal_tac "(fst (run_owner_v n s), ?t)  rel_asset_v", simp_all add:
 rel_def run_asset_v_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition run_asset_v_msg:
 "s0  s 
    let (s', S, A, B, C, D) = run_asset_v n s; SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      {(Owner n, Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n)),
        (Asset n, Crypt (SesK SK) (Num 0))}  s'"
by (drule run_owner_v_msg [of _ n], simp add: run_asset_v_def split_def Let_def)

proposition run_asset_v_nonce:
 "s0  s  PriKey (fst (snd (run_asset_v n s)))  used s"
by (drule run_owner_v_nonce [of _ n], simp add: run_asset_v_def split_def Let_def)

lemma runs_unbounded_1:
 "s0  s; run_asset_v n s = (s', S, A, B, C, D) 
    s' S SK. (Asset n, Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S))  s 
      {(Owner n, Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n)),
       (Asset n, Crypt (SesK SK) (Num 0))}  s' 
      s  s'  fst SK = Some S"
by (rule exI [of _ s'], rule exI [of _ S], rule exI [of _ "(Some S, {A, B}, {C, D})"],
 rule conjI, rule notI, frule run_asset_v_nonce [of _ n], frule asset_i_used [of _ n S],
 simp, frule run_asset_v_rel [of _ n], drule run_asset_v_msg [of _ n],
 simp add: Let_def)

theorem runs_unbounded:
 "s0  s  s' S SK. s  s'  fst SK = Some S 
    (Asset n, Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S))  s 
    {(Owner n, Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n)),
     (Asset n, Crypt (SesK SK) (Num 0))}  s'"
by (insert runs_unbounded_1, cases "run_asset_v n s", blast)

definition pwd_spy_i :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_i n 
  (insert (Spy, Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (Auth_PriKey n)) s0,
    Auth_PriK n, 0, 0, 0, 0)"

definition pwd_owner_ii :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_owner_ii n  SOME x. pred_owner_ii n (pwd_spy_i n) x"

definition pwd_spy_ii :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_ii n 
  case pwd_owner_ii n of (s, S, A, _) 
    (insert (Spy, Num 2, PubKey S) s, S, A, S, 0, 0)"

definition pwd_owner_iii :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_owner_iii n  SOME x. pred_owner_iii n (pwd_spy_ii n) x"

definition pwd_spy_iii :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_iii n 
  case pwd_owner_iii n of (s, S, A, B, C, _) 
    (insert (Spy, Num 4, PubKey S) s, S, A, B, C, S)"

definition pwd_owner_iv :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_owner_iv n  stage_owner_iv n (pwd_spy_iii n)"

definition pwd_spy_sep_map :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_sep_map n 
  case pwd_owner_iv n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    (insert (Spy, PubKey A) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_sep_agr :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_sep_agr n 
  case pwd_spy_sep_map n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    (insert (Spy, PubKey C) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_sesk :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_sesk n 
  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_sep_agr n;
    SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
    (insert (Spy, SesKey SK) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_mult :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_mult n 
  case pwd_spy_sesk n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    (insert (Spy, Auth_PriK n  B) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_enc_pubk :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_enc_pubk n 
  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_mult n; SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
    (insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (PubKey C)) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_enc_mult :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_enc_mult n 
  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_enc_pubk n;
    SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
    (insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (Auth_PriK n  B)) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_enc_sign :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_enc_sign n 
  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_enc_mult n;
    SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
    (insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (Sign n (Auth_PriK n))) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_con :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_con n 
  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_enc_sign n;
    SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
    (insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (Auth_PriK n  B),
      Crypt (SesK SK) (Sign n (Auth_PriK n))) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_iv :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_iv n 
  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_con n; SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
    (insert (Spy, Token n (Auth_PriK n) B C SK) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_owner_v :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_owner_v n  stage_owner_v n (pwd_spy_iv n)"

definition pwd_spy_dec :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_dec n 
  case pwd_owner_v n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    (insert (Spy, Pwd n) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_id_prik :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_id_prik n 
  case pwd_spy_dec n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    (insert (Spy, n, PriKey S) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_id_pubk :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_id_pubk n 
  case pwd_spy_id_prik n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    (insert (Spy, n, PubKey S) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_id_sesk :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_id_sesk n 
  let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_id_pubk n;
    SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
    (insert (Spy, n, SesKey SK) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

definition pwd_spy_id_pwd :: "agent_id  stage" where
"pwd_spy_id_pwd n 
  case pwd_spy_id_sesk n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    (insert (Spy, n, Pwd n) s, S, A, B, C, D)"

proposition key_sets_crypts_subset:
 "U  key_sets X (crypts (Log -` spied H)); H  H' 
    U  key_sets X (crypts (Log -` spied H'))"
      (is "_  ?A; _  _")
by (rule subsetD [of ?A], rule key_sets_mono, rule crypts_mono, blast)

fun pwd_spy_i_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_i_state n (S, _) = {Spy} × ({PriKey S, PubKey S, Key (Auth_ShaKey n),
  Auth_PriKey n, Sign n (Auth_PriK n), Crypt (Auth_ShaKey n) (PriKey S),
  n, Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  range Num)"

proposition pwd_spy_i_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_i n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule r_into_rtrancl, subgoal_tac "(s0, ?t)  rel_enc", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_i_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_i_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_i n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_i_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s"
by (simp add: pwd_spy_i_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_i_unused:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  A. PriKey A  used (fst (pwd_spy_i n))"
by (drule pwd_spy_i_rel, rule prikey_unused)

fun pwd_owner_ii_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_owner_ii_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  pwd_spy_i_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  {Owner n, Spy} × {Num 1, PubKey A}"

proposition pwd_owner_ii_ex:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    pred_owner_ii n (pwd_spy_i n) (pwd_owner_ii n)"
by (drule pwd_spy_i_unused, erule exE, subst pwd_owner_ii_def, rule someI_ex,
 auto simp add: split_def)

proposition pwd_owner_ii_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_owner_ii n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_i_rel, frule pwd_spy_i_msg,
 drule pwd_owner_ii_ex, subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_i n), ?t)  rel_owner_ii",
 simp_all add: rel_def split_def, erule exE, rule exI, auto)

proposition pwd_owner_ii_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_owner_ii n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_owner_ii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (frule pwd_spy_i_msg, drule pwd_owner_ii_ex, simp add: split_def, erule exE,
 simp add: Image_def, simp only: Collect_disj_eq crypts_union key_sets_union,
 simp add: crypts_insert key_sets_insert, blast)

fun pwd_spy_ii_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_ii_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  pwd_owner_ii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  {Spy} × {PriKey B,
    Num 2, PubKey B}"

proposition pwd_spy_ii_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_ii n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_owner_ii_rel, drule pwd_owner_ii_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_owner_ii n), ?t)  rel_con", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_ii_def split_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_ii_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_ii n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_ii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_owner_ii_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_ii_def split_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

proposition pwd_spy_ii_unused:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  C. PriKey C  used (fst (pwd_spy_ii n))"
by (drule pwd_spy_ii_rel, rule prikey_unused)

fun pwd_owner_iii_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_owner_iii_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  pwd_spy_ii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  {Owner n, Spy} × {Num 3, PubKey C}"

proposition pwd_owner_iii_ex:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    pred_owner_iii n (pwd_spy_ii n) (pwd_owner_iii n)"
by (drule pwd_spy_ii_unused, erule exE, subst pwd_owner_iii_def, rule someI_ex,
 auto simp add: split_def)

proposition pwd_owner_iii_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_owner_iii n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_ii_rel, frule pwd_spy_ii_msg,
 drule pwd_owner_iii_ex, subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_ii n), ?t)  rel_owner_iii",
 simp_all add: rel_def split_def, rule exI, rule exI, auto)

proposition pwd_owner_iii_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_owner_iii n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_owner_iii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (frule pwd_spy_ii_msg, drule pwd_owner_iii_ex, simp add: split_def, erule exE,
 simp, (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_iii_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_iii_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  pwd_owner_iii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  {Spy} × {PriKey D,
    Num 4, PubKey D}"

proposition pwd_spy_iii_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_iii n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_owner_iii_rel, drule pwd_owner_iii_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_owner_iii n), ?t)  rel_con", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_iii_def split_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_iii_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_iii n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_iii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_owner_iii_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_iii_def split_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_owner_iv_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_owner_iv_state n (S, A, B, C, D) = (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Owner n, SesKey SK) (pwd_spy_iii_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

lemma pwd_owner_iv_rel_1:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey; pwd_spy_iii n = (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
    s0  fst (pwd_owner_iv n)"
      (is "_; _  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_iii_rel, drule pwd_spy_iii_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(s, ?t)  rel_owner_iv", simp_all add: rel_def pwd_owner_iv_def
 Let_def, rule exI [of _ n], rule exI [of _ S], rule exI [of _ A], rule exI [of _ B],
 rule exI [of _ C], rule exI [of _ D], rule exI [of _ "Auth_ShaKey n"], auto)

proposition pwd_owner_iv_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_owner_iv n)"
by (insert pwd_owner_iv_rel_1, cases "pwd_spy_iii n", simp)

proposition pwd_owner_iv_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_owner_iv n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_owner_iv_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_iii_msg, simp add: pwd_owner_iv_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_sep_map_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_sep_map_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  insert (Spy, PubKey A) (pwd_owner_iv_state n (S, A, B, C, D))"

proposition pwd_spy_sep_map_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_sep_map n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_owner_iv_rel, drule pwd_owner_iv_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_owner_iv n), ?t)  rel_sep", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_sep_map_def split_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_sep_map_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_sep_map n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_sep_map_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_owner_iv_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_sep_map_def split_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_sep_agr_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_sep_agr_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  insert (Spy, PubKey C) (pwd_spy_sep_map_state n (S, A, B, C, D))"

proposition pwd_spy_sep_agr_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_sep_agr n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_sep_map_rel, drule pwd_spy_sep_map_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_sep_map n), ?t)  rel_sep", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_sep_agr_def split_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_sep_agr_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_sep_agr n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_sep_agr_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_sep_map_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_sep_agr_def split_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_sesk_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_sesk_state n (S, A, B, C, D) = (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, SesKey SK) (pwd_spy_sep_agr_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_spy_sesk_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_sesk n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_sep_agr_rel, drule pwd_spy_sep_agr_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_sep_agr n), ?t)  rel_sesk", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_sesk_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_sesk_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_sesk n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_sesk_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_sep_agr_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_sesk_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_mult_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_mult_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  insert (Spy, Auth_PriK n  B) (pwd_spy_sesk_state n (S, A, B, C, D))"

proposition pwd_spy_mult_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_mult n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_sesk_rel, drule pwd_spy_sesk_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_sesk n), ?t)  rel_mult", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_mult_def split_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_mult_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_mult n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_mult_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_sesk_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_mult_def split_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_enc_pubk_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_enc_pubk_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (PubKey C))
    (pwd_spy_mult_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_spy_enc_pubk_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_enc_pubk n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_mult_rel, drule pwd_spy_mult_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_mult n), ?t)  rel_enc", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_enc_pubk_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_enc_pubk_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_enc_pubk n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_enc_pubk_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_mult_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_enc_pubk_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_enc_mult_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_enc_mult_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (Auth_PriK n  B))
    (pwd_spy_enc_pubk_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_spy_enc_mult_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_enc_mult n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_enc_pubk_rel, drule pwd_spy_enc_pubk_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_enc_pubk n), ?t)  rel_enc", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_enc_mult_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_enc_mult_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_enc_mult n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_enc_mult_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_enc_pubk_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_enc_mult_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_enc_sign_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_enc_sign_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (Sign n (Auth_PriK n)))
    (pwd_spy_enc_mult_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_spy_enc_sign_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_enc_sign n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_enc_mult_rel, drule pwd_spy_enc_mult_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_enc_mult n), ?t)  rel_enc", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_enc_sign_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_enc_sign_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_enc_sign n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_enc_sign_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_enc_mult_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_enc_sign_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_con_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_con_state n (S, A, B, C, D) = (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (Auth_PriK n  B),
    Crypt (SesK SK) (Sign n (Auth_PriK n)))
    (pwd_spy_enc_sign_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_spy_con_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_con n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_enc_sign_rel, drule pwd_spy_enc_sign_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_enc_sign n), ?t)  rel_con", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_con_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_con_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_con n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_con_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_enc_sign_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_con_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_iv_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_iv_state n (S, A, B, C, D) = (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, Token n (Auth_PriK n) B C SK)
    (pwd_spy_con_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_spy_iv_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_iv n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_con_rel, drule pwd_spy_con_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_con n), ?t)  rel_con", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_iv_def split_def Let_def, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_iv_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_iv n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_iv_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_con_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_iv_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_owner_v_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_owner_v_state n (S, A, B, C, D) = (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, Crypt (SesK SK) (Pwd n)) (pwd_spy_iv_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_owner_v_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_owner_v n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_iv_rel, drule pwd_spy_iv_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_iv n), ?t)  rel_owner_v", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_owner_v_def split_def Let_def, (rule exI)+, blast)

proposition pwd_owner_v_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_owner_v n; SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      pwd_owner_v_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s)) 
      {SesKey SK}  key_sets (Pwd n) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_iv_msg, simp add: pwd_owner_v_def split_def Let_def, (erule conjE)+,
 (rule conjI, (erule key_sets_crypts_subset)?, blast)+, simp add: Image_def, simp
 only: Collect_disj_eq crypts_union key_sets_union, simp add: crypts_insert

abbreviation pwd_spy_dec_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_dec_state n x  insert (Spy, Pwd n) (pwd_owner_v_state n x)"

proposition pwd_spy_dec_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_dec n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_owner_v_rel, drule pwd_owner_v_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_owner_v n), ?t)  rel_dec", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_dec_def split_def Let_def, (rule exI)+, auto)

proposition pwd_spy_dec_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_dec n; SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      pwd_spy_dec_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {Key (Auth_ShaKey n)}  key_sets (PriKey S) (crypts (Log -` spied s)) 
      {SesKey SK}  key_sets (Pwd n) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_owner_v_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_dec_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI)?, (erule key_sets_crypts_subset)?, blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_id_prik_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_id_prik_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  insert (Spy, n, PriKey S) (pwd_spy_dec_state n (S, A, B, C, D))"

proposition pwd_spy_id_prik_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_id_prik n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_dec_rel, drule pwd_spy_dec_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_dec n), ?t)  rel_id_crypt", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_id_prik_def split_def Let_def, (rule exI)+, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_id_prik_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_id_prik n;
      SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      pwd_spy_id_prik_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {SesKey SK}  key_sets (Pwd n) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_dec_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_id_prik_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_id_pubk_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_id_pubk_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  insert (Spy, n, PubKey S) (pwd_spy_id_prik_state n (S, A, B, C, D))"

proposition pwd_spy_id_pubk_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_id_pubk n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_id_prik_rel, drule pwd_spy_id_prik_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_id_prik n), ?t)  rel_id_invk", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_id_pubk_def split_def Let_def, (rule exI)+, auto)

proposition pwd_spy_id_pubk_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_id_pubk n;
      SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      pwd_spy_id_pubk_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {SesKey SK}  key_sets (Pwd n) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_id_prik_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_id_pubk_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

fun pwd_spy_id_sesk_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_id_sesk_state n (S, A, B, C, D) =
  (let SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
  insert (Spy, n, SesKey SK) (pwd_spy_id_pubk_state n (S, A, B, C, D)))"

proposition pwd_spy_id_sesk_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_id_sesk n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_id_pubk_rel, drule pwd_spy_id_pubk_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_id_pubk n), ?t)  rel_id_sesk", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_id_sesk_def split_def Let_def, rule exI, rule exI, rule exI
 [of _ "Some (fst (snd (pwd_spy_id_pubk n)))"], auto)

proposition pwd_spy_id_sesk_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    let (s, S, A, B, C, D) = pwd_spy_id_sesk n;
      SK = (Some S, {A, B}, {C, D}) in
      pwd_spy_id_sesk_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s 
      {SesKey SK}  key_sets (Pwd n) (crypts (Log -` spied s))"
by (drule pwd_spy_id_pubk_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_id_sesk_def split_def Let_def,
 (erule conjE)+, ((rule conjI | erule key_sets_crypts_subset), blast)+)

abbreviation pwd_spy_id_pwd_state :: "agent_id  seskey_tuple  state" where
"pwd_spy_id_pwd_state n x  insert (Spy, n, Pwd n) (pwd_spy_id_sesk_state n x)"

proposition pwd_spy_id_pwd_rel:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s0  fst (pwd_spy_id_pwd n)"
    (is "_  _  ?t")
by (rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl, erule pwd_spy_id_sesk_rel, drule pwd_spy_id_sesk_msg,
 subgoal_tac "(fst (pwd_spy_id_sesk n), ?t)  rel_id_crypt", simp_all add: rel_def
 pwd_spy_id_pwd_def split_def Let_def, (rule exI)+, blast)

proposition pwd_spy_id_pwd_msg:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey 
    case pwd_spy_id_pwd n of (s, S, A, B, C, D) 
      pwd_spy_id_pwd_state n (S, A, B, C, D)  s"
by (drule pwd_spy_id_sesk_msg, simp add: pwd_spy_id_pwd_def split_def Let_def,

theorem pwd_compromised:
 "n  bad_prikey  bad_id_shakey  s. s0  s  {Pwd n, n, Pwd n}  spied s"
by (rule exI [of _ "fst (pwd_spy_id_pwd n)"], rule conjI, erule pwd_spy_id_pwd_rel,
 drule pwd_spy_id_pwd_msg, simp add: split_def)
