Theory JinjaDCI.JVMExecInstr
section ‹ Program Execution in the JVM ›
theory JVMExecInstr
imports JVMInstructions JVMExceptions
fun create_init_frame :: "[jvm_prog, cname] ⇒ frame" where
"create_init_frame P C =
(let (D,b,Ts,T,(mxs,mxl⇩0,ins,xt)) = method P C clinit
in ([],(replicate mxl⇩0 undefined),D,clinit,0,No_ics)
primrec exec_instr :: "[instr, jvm_prog, heap, val list, val list,
cname, mname, pc, init_call_status, frame list, sheap] ⇒ jvm_state"
"exec_instr (Load n) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(None, h, ((loc ! n) # stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)"
| exec_instr_Store:
"exec_instr (Store n) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(None, h, (tl stk, loc[n:=hd stk], C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)"
| exec_instr_Push:
"exec_instr (Push v) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(None, h, (v # stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)"
| exec_instr_New:
"exec_instr (New C) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(case (ics, sh C) of
(Called Cs, _) ⇒
(case new_Addr h of
None ⇒ (⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt OutOfMemory⌋, h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, No_ics)#frs, sh)
| Some a ⇒ (None, h(a↦blank P C), (Addr a#stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, No_ics)#frs, sh)
| (_, Some(obj, Done)) ⇒
(case new_Addr h of
None ⇒ (⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt OutOfMemory⌋, h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| Some a ⇒ (None, h(a↦blank P C), (Addr a#stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| _ ⇒ (None, h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, Calling C [])#frs, sh)
| exec_instr_Getfield:
"exec_instr (Getfield F C) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let v = hd stk;
(D,fs) = the(h(the_Addr v));
(D',b,t) = field P C F;
xp' = if v=Null then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer⌋
else if ¬(∃t b. P ⊢ D has F,b:t in C)
then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NoSuchFieldError⌋
else case b of Static ⇒ ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt IncompatibleClassChangeError⌋
| NonStatic ⇒ None
in case xp' of None ⇒ (xp', h, (the(fs(F,C))#(tl stk), loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc+1, ics)#frs, sh)
| Some x ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh))"
| exec_instr_Getstatic:
"exec_instr (Getstatic C F D) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let (D',b,t) = field P D F;
xp' = if ¬(∃t b. P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D)
then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NoSuchFieldError⌋
else case b of NonStatic ⇒ ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt IncompatibleClassChangeError⌋
| Static ⇒ None
in (case (xp', ics, sh D') of
(Some a, _) ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| (_, Called Cs, _) ⇒ let (sfs, i) = the(sh D');
v = the(sfs F)
in (xp', h, (v#stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, No_ics)#frs, sh)
| (_, _, Some (sfs, Done)) ⇒ let v = the (sfs F)
in (xp', h, (v#stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| _ ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, Calling D' [])#frs, sh)
| exec_instr_Putfield:
"exec_instr (Putfield F C) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let v = hd stk;
r = hd (tl stk);
a = the_Addr r;
(D,fs) = the (h a);
(D',b,t) = field P C F;
xp' = if r=Null then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer⌋
else if ¬(∃t b. P ⊢ D has F,b:t in C)
then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NoSuchFieldError⌋
else case b of Static ⇒ ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt IncompatibleClassChangeError⌋
| NonStatic ⇒ None;
h' = h(a ↦ (D, fs((F,C) ↦ v)))
in case xp' of None ⇒ (xp', h', (tl (tl stk), loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc+1, ics)#frs, sh)
| Some x ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| exec_instr_Putstatic:
"exec_instr (Putstatic C F D) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let (D',b,t) = field P D F;
xp' = if ¬(∃t b. P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D)
then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NoSuchFieldError⌋
else case b of NonStatic ⇒ ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt IncompatibleClassChangeError⌋
| Static ⇒ None
in (case (xp', ics, sh D') of
(Some a, _) ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| (_, Called Cs, _)
⇒ let (sfs, i) = the(sh D')
in (xp', h, (tl stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, No_ics)#frs, sh(D':=Some ((sfs(F ↦ hd stk)), i)))
| (_, _, Some (sfs, Done))
⇒ (xp', h, (tl stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh(D':=Some ((sfs(F ↦ hd stk)), Done)))
| _ ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, Calling D' [])#frs, sh)
| exec_instr_Checkcast:
"exec_instr (Checkcast C) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(if cast_ok P C h (hd stk)
then (None, h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)
else (⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt ClassCast⌋, h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| exec_instr_Invoke:
"exec_instr (Invoke M n) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let ps = take n stk;
r = stk!n;
C = fst(the(h(the_Addr r)));
(D,b,Ts,T,mxs,mxl⇩0,ins,xt)= method P C M;
xp' = if r=Null then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer⌋
else if ¬(∃Ts T m D b. P ⊢ C sees M,b:Ts → T = m in D)
then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NoSuchMethodError⌋
else case b of Static ⇒ ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt IncompatibleClassChangeError⌋
| NonStatic ⇒ None;
f' = ([],[r]@(rev ps)@(replicate mxl⇩0 undefined),D,M,0,No_ics)
in case xp' of None ⇒ (xp', h, f'#(stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| Some a ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| exec_instr_Invokestatic:
"exec_instr (Invokestatic C M n) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let ps = take n stk;
(D,b,Ts,T,mxs,mxl⇩0,ins,xt)= method P C M;
xp' = if ¬(∃Ts T m D b. P ⊢ C sees M,b:Ts → T = m in D)
then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NoSuchMethodError⌋
else case b of NonStatic ⇒ ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt IncompatibleClassChangeError⌋
| Static ⇒ None;
f' = ([],(rev ps)@(replicate mxl⇩0 undefined),D,M,0,No_ics)
in (case (xp', ics, sh D) of
(Some a, _) ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| (_, Called Cs, _) ⇒ (xp', h, f'#(stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, No_ics)#frs, sh)
| (_, _, Some (sfs, Done)) ⇒ (xp', h, f'#(stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh)
| _ ⇒ (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, Calling D [])#frs, sh)
| exec_instr_Return:
"exec_instr Return P h stk⇩0 loc⇩0 C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(case frs of
[] ⇒ let sh' = (case M⇩0 = clinit of True ⇒ sh(C⇩0:=Some(fst(the(sh C⇩0)), Done))
| _ ⇒ sh
in (None, h, [], sh')
| (stk',loc',C',m',pc',ics')#frs'
⇒ let (D,b,Ts,T,(mxs,mxl⇩0,ins,xt)) = method P C⇩0 M⇩0;
offset = case b of NonStatic ⇒ 1 | Static ⇒ 0;
(sh'', stk'', pc'') = (case M⇩0 = clinit of True ⇒ (sh(C⇩0:=Some(fst(the(sh C⇩0)), Done)), stk', pc')
| _ ⇒ (sh, (hd stk⇩0)#(drop (length Ts + offset) stk'), Suc pc')
in (None, h, (stk'',loc',C',m',pc'',ics')#frs', sh'')
| exec_instr_Pop:
"exec_instr Pop P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh = (None, h, (tl stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)"
| exec_instr_IAdd:
"exec_instr IAdd P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(None, h, (Intg (the_Intg (hd (tl stk)) + the_Intg (hd stk))#(tl (tl stk)), loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)"
| exec_instr_IfFalse:
"exec_instr (IfFalse i) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let pc' = if hd stk = Bool False then nat(int pc+i) else pc+1
in (None, h, (tl stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc', ics)#frs, sh))"
| exec_instr_CmpEq:
"exec_instr CmpEq P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(None, h, (Bool (hd (tl stk) = hd stk) # tl (tl stk), loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, Suc pc, ics)#frs, sh)"
| exec_instr_Goto:
"exec_instr (Goto i) P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(None, h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, nat(int pc+i), ics)#frs, sh)"
| exec_instr_Throw:
"exec_instr Throw P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh =
(let xp' = if hd stk = Null then ⌊addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer⌋
else ⌊the_Addr(hd stk)⌋
in (xp', h, (stk, loc, C⇩0, M⇩0, pc, ics)#frs, sh))"
text "Given a preallocated heap, a thrown exception is either a system exception or
thrown directly by @{term Throw}."
lemma exec_instr_xcpts:
assumes "σ' = exec_instr i P h stk loc C M pc ics' frs sh"
and "fst σ' = Some a"
shows "i = (JVMInstructions.Throw) ∨ a ∈ {a. ∃x ∈ sys_xcpts. a = addr_of_sys_xcpt x}"
using assms
proof(cases i)
case (New C1) then show ?thesis using assms
proof(cases "sh C1")
case (Some a)
then obtain sfs i where sfsi: "a = (sfs,i)" by(cases a)
then show ?thesis using Some New assms
proof(cases i) qed(cases ics', auto)+
qed(cases ics', auto)
case (Getfield F1 C1)
obtain D' b t where field: "field P C1 F1 = (D',b,t)" by(cases "field P C1 F1")
obtain D fs where addr: "the (h (the_Addr (hd stk))) = (D,fs)" by(cases "the (h (the_Addr (hd stk)))")
show ?thesis using addr field Getfield assms
proof(cases "hd stk = Null")
case nNull:False then show ?thesis using addr field Getfield assms
proof(cases "∄t b. P ⊢ (cname_of h (the_Addr (hd stk))) has F1,b:t in C1")
case exists:False show ?thesis
proof(cases "fst(snd(field P C1 F1))")
case Static
then show ?thesis using exists nNull addr field Getfield assms
by(auto simp: sys_xcpts_def split_beta split: staticb.splits)
case NonStatic
then show ?thesis using exists nNull addr field Getfield assms
by(auto simp: sys_xcpts_def split_beta split: staticb.splits)
case (Getstatic C1 F1 D1)
obtain D' b t where field: "field P D1 F1 = (D',b,t)" by(cases "field P D1 F1")
show ?thesis using field Getstatic assms
proof(cases "∄t b. P ⊢ C1 has F1,b:t in D1")
case exists:False then show ?thesis using field Getstatic assms
proof(cases "fst(snd(field P D1 F1))")
case Static
then obtain sfs i where "the(sh D') = (sfs, i)" by(cases "the(sh D')")
then show ?thesis using exists field Static Getstatic assms by(cases ics'; cases i, auto)
case (Putfield F1 C1)
let ?r = "hd(tl stk)"
obtain D' b t where field: "field P C1 F1 = (D',b,t)" by(cases "field P C1 F1")
obtain D fs where addr: "the (h (the_Addr ?r)) = (D,fs)"
by(cases "the (h (the_Addr ?r))")
show ?thesis using addr field Putfield assms
proof(cases "?r = Null")
case nNull:False then show ?thesis using addr field Putfield assms
proof(cases "∄t b. P ⊢ (cname_of h (the_Addr ?r)) has F1,b:t in C1")
case exists:False show ?thesis
proof(cases b)
case Static
then show ?thesis using exists nNull addr field Putfield assms
by(auto simp: sys_xcpts_def split_beta split: staticb.splits)
case NonStatic
then show ?thesis using exists nNull addr field Putfield assms
by(auto simp: sys_xcpts_def split_beta split: staticb.splits)
case (Putstatic C1 F1 D1)
obtain D' b t where field: "field P D1 F1 = (D',b,t)" by(cases "field P D1 F1")
show ?thesis using field Putstatic assms
proof(cases "∄t b. P ⊢ C1 has F1,b:t in D1")
case exists:False then show ?thesis using field Putstatic assms
proof(cases b)
case Static
then obtain sfs i where "the(sh D') = (sfs, i)" by(cases "the(sh D')")
then show ?thesis using exists field Static Putstatic assms by(cases ics'; cases i, auto)
case (Checkcast C1) then show ?thesis using assms by(cases "cast_ok P C1 h (hd stk)", auto)
case (Invoke M n)
let ?r = "stk!n"
let ?C = "cname_of h (the_Addr ?r)"
show ?thesis using Invoke assms
proof(cases "?r = Null")
case nNull:False then show ?thesis using Invoke assms
proof(cases "¬(∃Ts T m D b. P ⊢ ?C sees M,b:Ts → T = m in D)")
case exists:False then show ?thesis using nNull Invoke assms
proof(cases "fst(snd(method P ?C M))")
case Static
then show ?thesis using exists nNull Invoke assms
by(auto simp: sys_xcpts_def split_beta split: staticb.splits)
case NonStatic
then show ?thesis using exists nNull Invoke assms
by(auto simp: sys_xcpts_def split_beta split: staticb.splits)
case (Invokestatic C1 M n)
show ?thesis using Invokestatic assms
proof(cases "¬(∃Ts T m D b. P ⊢ C1 sees M,b:Ts → T = m in D)")
case exists:False then show ?thesis using Invokestatic assms
proof(cases "fst(snd(method P C1 M))")
case Static
then obtain sfs i where "the(sh (fst(method P C1 M))) = (sfs, i)"
by(cases "the(sh (fst(method P C1 M)))")
then show ?thesis using exists Static Invokestatic assms
by(auto split: init_call_status.splits init_state.splits)
case Return then show ?thesis using assms
proof(cases frs)
case (Cons f frs') then show ?thesis using Return assms
by(cases f, cases "method P C M", cases "M=clinit", auto)
case (IfFalse x17) then show ?thesis using assms
proof(cases "hd stk")
case (Bool b) then show ?thesis using IfFalse assms by(cases b, auto)
lemma exec_instr_prealloc_pres:
assumes "preallocated h"
and "exec_instr i P h stk loc C⇩0 M⇩0 pc ics frs sh = (xp',h',frs',sh')"
shows "preallocated h'"
using assms
proof(cases i)
case (New C1)
then obtain sfs i where sfsi: "the(sh C1) = (sfs,i)" by(cases "the(sh C1)")
then show ?thesis using preallocated_new[of h] New assms
by(cases "blank P C1", auto dest: new_Addr_SomeD split: init_call_status.splits init_state.splits)
case (Getfield F1 C1) then show ?thesis using assms
by(cases "the (h (the_Addr (hd stk)))", cases "field P C1 F1", auto)
case (Getstatic C1 F1 D1)
then obtain sfs i where sfsi: "the(sh (fst (field P D1 F1))) = (sfs, i)"
by(cases "the(sh (fst (field P D1 F1)))")
then show ?thesis using Getstatic assms
by(cases "field P D1 F1", auto split: init_call_status.splits init_state.splits)
case (Putfield F1 C1) then show ?thesis using preallocated_new preallocated_upd_obj assms
by(cases "the (h (the_Addr (hd (tl stk))))", cases "field P C1 F1", auto, metis option.collapse)
case (Putstatic C1 F1 D1)
then obtain sfs i where sfsi: "the(sh (fst (field P D1 F1))) = (sfs, i)"
by(cases "the(sh (fst (field P D1 F1)))")
then show ?thesis using Putstatic assms
by(cases "field P D1 F1", auto split: init_call_status.splits init_state.splits)
case (Checkcast C1)
then show ?thesis using assms
proof(cases "hd stk = Null")
case False then show ?thesis
using Checkcast assms
by(cases "P ⊢ cname_of h (the_Addr (hd stk)) ≼⇧* C1", auto simp: cast_ok_def)
qed(simp add: cast_ok_def)
case (Invoke M n)
then show ?thesis using assms by(cases "method P (cname_of h (the_Addr (stk ! n))) M", auto)
case (Invokestatic C1 M n)
show ?thesis
proof(cases "sh (fst (method P C1 M))")
case None then show ?thesis using Invokestatic assms
by(cases "method P C1 M", auto split: init_call_status.splits)
case (Some a)
then obtain sfs i where sfsi: "a = (sfs, i)" by(cases a)
then show ?thesis using Some Invokestatic assms
proof(cases i) qed(cases "method P C1 M", auto split: init_call_status.splits)+
case Return
then show ?thesis using assms by(cases "method P C⇩0 M⇩0", auto simp: split_beta split: list.splits)
case (IfFalse x17) then show ?thesis using assms by(auto split: val.splits bool.splits)
case Throw then show ?thesis using assms by(auto split: val.splits)