Theory Big_Proof
section "Big Proofs"
theory Big_Proof
imports Big_Aux Common_Proof
lemma step_list [simp]: "invar big ⟹ list (step big) = list big"
proof(induction big rule: step_big_state.induct)
case 1
then show ?case
by auto
case 2
then show ?case
by(auto split: current.splits)
case 3
then show ?case
by(auto simp: rev_take take_drop drop_Suc tl_take rev_drop split: current.splits)
lemma step_list_current [simp]: "invar big ⟹ list_current (step big) = list_current big"
by(induction big rule: step_big_state.induct)(auto split: current.splits)
lemma push_list [simp]: "list (push x big) = x # list big"
proof(induction x big rule: push.induct)
case (1 x state)
then show ?case
by auto
case (2 x current big aux count)
then show ?case
by(induction x current rule: Current.push.induct) auto
lemma list_Big1: "⟦
0 < size (Big1 current big aux count);
invar (Big1 current big aux count)
⟧ ⟹ first current # list (Big1 (drop_first current) big aux count) =
list (Big1 current big aux count)"
proof(induction current rule: Current.pop.induct)
case (1 added old remained)
then have [simp]: "remained - Suc 0 < length (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux)"
by(auto simp: le_diff_conv)
then have "
⟦0 < size old; 0 < remained; added = 0; remained - count ≤ length aux; count ≤ size big;
Stack_Aux.list old =
rev (take (size old - size big) aux) @ rev (take (size old) (rev (Stack_Aux.list big)));
take remained (rev (take (size old - size big) aux)) @
take (remained - min (length aux) (size old - size big))
(rev (take (size old) (rev (Stack_Aux.list big)))) =
rev (take (remained - count) aux) @ rev (take remained (rev (take count (Stack_Aux.list big))))⟧
⟹ hd (rev (take (size old - size big) aux) @ rev (take (size old) (rev (Stack_Aux.list big)))) =
(rev (take count (Stack_Aux.list big)) @ aux) ! (remained - Suc 0)"
by (smt (verit) Suc_pred hd_drop_conv_nth hd_rev hd_take last_snoc length_rev length_take min.absorb2 rev_append take_rev_def size_list_length take_append take_hd_drop)
with 1 have [simp]: "Stack.first old = (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux) ! (remained - Suc 0)"
by(auto simp: take_hd_drop first_hd)
from 1 show ?case
using take_rev_nth[of
"remained - Suc 0" "take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux" "Stack.first old" "[]"
by auto
case 2
then show ?case by auto
lemma size_list [simp]: "⟦0 < size big; invar big; list big = []⟧ ⟹ False"
proof(induction big rule: list.induct)
case 1
then show ?case
using list_size by auto
case 2
then show ?case
by (metis list.distinct(1) list_Big1)
lemma pop_list [simp]: "⟦0 < size big; invar big; Big.pop big = (x, big')⟧
⟹ x # list big' = list big"
proof(induction big arbitrary: x rule: list.induct)
case 1
then show ?case
by(auto split: prod.splits)
case 2
then show ?case
by (metis Big.pop.simps(2) list_Big1 prod.inject)
lemma pop_list_tl: "⟦0 < size big; invar big; pop big = (x, big')⟧ ⟹ list big' = tl (list big)"
using pop_list cons_tl[of x "list big'" "list big"]
by force
lemma invar_step: "invar (big :: 'a big_state) ⟹ invar (step big)"
proof(induction big rule: step_big_state.induct)
case 1
then show ?case
by(auto simp: invar_step)
case (2 current big aux)
then obtain extra old remained where current:
"current = Current extra (length extra) old remained"
by(auto split: current.splits)
with 2 have "⟦
current = Current extra (length extra) old remained;
remained ≤ length aux;
Stack_Aux.list old =
rev (take (size old - size big) aux) @ rev (take (size old) (rev (Stack_Aux.list big)));
take remained (rev (take (size old - size big) aux)) @
take (remained - min (length aux) (size old - size big))
(rev (take (size old) (rev (Stack_Aux.list big)))) =
rev (take remained aux)⟧
⟹ remained ≤ size old"
by(metis length_rev length_take min.absorb_iff2 size_list_length take_append)
with 2 current have "remained - size old = 0"
by auto
with current 2 show ?case
by(auto simp: take_rev_drop drop_rev)
case (3 current big aux count)
then have "0 < size big"
by(auto split: current.splits)
then have big_not_empty: "Stack_Aux.list big ≠ []"
by(auto simp: Stack_Proof.size_not_empty Stack_Proof.list_not_empty)
with 3 have a: "
rev (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux =
rev (Stack_Aux.list (Stack.pop big)) @ Stack.first big # aux"
by(auto simp: rev_tl_hd first_hd split: current.splits)
from 3 have "0 < size big"
by(auto split: current.splits)
from 3 big_not_empty have "
take_rev (Suc count) (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux =
take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list (Stack.pop big)) @ (Stack.first big # aux)"
using take_rev_tl_hd[of "Suc count" "Stack_Aux.list big" aux]
by(auto simp: Stack_Proof.list_not_empty split: current.splits)
with 3 a show ?case
by(auto split: current.splits)
lemma invar_push: "invar big ⟹ invar (push x big)"
by(induction x big rule: push.induct)(auto simp: invar_push split: current.splits)
lemma invar_pop: "⟦
0 < size big;
invar big;
pop big = (x, big')
⟧ ⟹ invar big'"
proof(induction big arbitrary: x rule: pop.induct)
case (1 state)
then show ?case
by(auto simp: invar_pop split: prod.splits)
case (2 current big aux count)
then show ?case
proof(induction current rule: Current.pop.induct)
case (1 added old remained)
have linarith: "⋀x y z. x - y ≤ z ⟹ x - (Suc y) ≤ z"
by linarith
have a: " ⟦remained ≤ count + length aux; 0 < remained; added = 0; x = Stack.first old;
big' = Big1 (Current [] 0 (Stack.pop old) (remained - Suc 0)) big aux count;
count ≤ size big; Stack_Aux.list old = rev aux @ Stack_Aux.list big;
take remained (rev aux) @ take (remained - length aux) (Stack_Aux.list big) =
drop (count + length aux - remained) (rev aux) @
drop (count - remained) (take count (Stack_Aux.list big));
¬ size old ≤ length aux + size big⟧
⟹ tl (rev aux @ Stack_Aux.list big) = rev aux @ Stack_Aux.list big"
by (metis le_refl length_append length_rev size_list_length)
have b: "⟦remained ≤ length (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux); 0 < size old;
0 < remained; added = 0;
x = Stack.first old;
big' = Big1 (Current [] 0 (Stack.pop old) (remained - Suc 0)) big aux count;
remained - count ≤ length aux; count ≤ size big;
Stack_Aux.list old =
drop (length aux - (size old - size big)) (rev aux) @
drop (size big - size old) (Stack_Aux.list big);
take remained (drop (length aux - (size old - size big)) (rev aux)) @
take (remained + (length aux - (size old - size big)) - length aux)
(drop (size big - size old) (Stack_Aux.list big)) =
drop (length (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux) - remained)
(rev (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux))⟧
⟹ tl (drop (length aux - (size old - size big)) (rev aux) @
drop (size big - size old) (Stack_Aux.list big)) =
drop (length aux - (size old - Suc (size big))) (rev aux) @
drop (Suc (size big) - size old) (Stack_Aux.list big)"
apply(cases "size old - size big ≤ length aux"; cases "size old ≤ size big")
by(auto simp: tl_drop_2 Suc_diff_le le_diff_conv le_refl a)
from 1 have "remained ≤ length (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux)"
with 1 show ?case
apply(auto simp: rev_take take_tl drop_Suc Suc_diff_le tl_drop linarith simp del: take_rev_def)
using b
apply (metis ‹remained ≤ length (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list big) @ aux)› le_diff_conv rev_append rev_take take_append)
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Nat.diff_cancel tl_append_if Suc_diff_le append_self_conv2 diff_add_inverse diff_diff_cancel diff_is_0_eq diff_le_mono drop_eq_Nil2 length_rev nle_le not_less_eq_eq plus_1_eq_Suc tl_drop_2)
case (2 x xs added old remained)
then show ?case by auto
lemma push_list_current [simp]: "list_current (push x big) = x # list_current big"
by(induction x big rule: push.induct) auto
lemma pop_list_current [simp]: "⟦invar big; 0 < size big; Big.pop big = (x, big')⟧
⟹ x # list_current big' = list_current big"
proof(induction big arbitrary: x rule: pop.induct)
case (1 state)
then show ?case
by(auto simp: pop_list_current split: prod.splits)
case (2 current big aux count)
then show ?case
proof(induction current rule: Current.pop.induct)
case (1 added old remained)
then have
"rev (take (size old - size big) aux) @ rev (take (size old) (rev (Stack_Aux.list big))) ≠ []"
order_less_le_trans[of 0 "size old" "size big"]
order_less_le_trans[of 0 count "size big"]
by(auto simp: Stack_Proof.size_not_empty Stack_Proof.list_not_empty)
with 1 show ?case
by(auto simp: first_hd)
case (2 x xs added old remained)
then show ?case
by auto
lemma list_current_size: "⟦0 < size big; list_current big = []; invar big⟧ ⟹ False"
proof(induction big rule: list_current.induct)
case 1
then show ?case
using list_current_size
by simp
case (2 current uu uv uw)
then show ?case
apply(cases current)
by(auto simp: Stack_Proof.size_not_empty Stack_Proof.list_empty)
lemma step_size: "invar (big :: 'a big_state) ⟹ size big = size (step big)"
by(induction big rule: step_big_state.induct)(auto split: current.splits)
lemma remaining_steps_step [simp]: "⟦invar (big :: 'a big_state); remaining_steps big > 0⟧
⟹ Suc (remaining_steps (step big)) = remaining_steps big"
by(induction big rule: step_big_state.induct)(auto split: current.splits)
lemma remaining_steps_step_0 [simp]: "⟦invar (big :: 'a big_state); remaining_steps big = 0⟧
⟹ remaining_steps (step big) = 0"
by(induction big)(auto split: current.splits)
lemma remaining_steps_push: "invar big ⟹ remaining_steps (push x big) = remaining_steps big"
by(induction x big rule: push.induct)(auto split: current.splits)
lemma remaining_steps_pop: "⟦invar big; pop big = (x, big')⟧
⟹ remaining_steps big' ≤ remaining_steps big"
proof(induction big rule: pop.induct)
case (1 state)
then show ?case
by(auto simp: remaining_steps_pop split: prod.splits)
case (2 current big aux count)
then show ?case
by(induction current rule: Current.pop.induct) auto
lemma size_push [simp]: "invar big ⟹ size (push x big) = Suc (size big)"
by(induction x big rule: push.induct)(auto split: current.splits)
lemma size_new_push [simp]: "invar big ⟹ size_new (push x big) = Suc (size_new big)"
by(induction x big rule: Big.push.induct)(auto split: current.splits)
lemma size_pop [simp]: "⟦invar big; 0 < size big; pop big = (x, big')⟧
⟹ Suc (size big') = size big"
proof(induction big rule: pop.induct)
case 1
then show ?case
by(auto split: prod.splits)
case (2 current big aux count)
then show ?case
by(induction current rule: Current.pop.induct) auto
lemma size_new_pop [simp]: "⟦invar big; 0 < size_new big; pop big = (x, big')⟧
⟹ Suc (size_new big') = size_new big"
proof(induction big rule: pop.induct)
case 1
then show ?case
by(auto split: prod.splits)
case (2 current big aux count)
then show ?case
by(induction current rule: Current.pop.induct) auto
lemma size_size_new: "⟦invar (big :: 'a big_state); 0 < size big⟧ ⟹ 0 < size_new big"
by(induction big)(auto simp: size_size_new)