Theory Approximate_Model_Counting.ApproxMCCore

section ‹ ApproxMCCore definitions ›

text ‹
  This section defines the ApproxMCCore locale and various failure events to be used in its probabilistic analysis.
  The definitions closely follow Section 4.2 of Chakraborty et al.~\cite{DBLP:conf/ijcai/ChakrabortyMV16}.
  Some non-probabilistic properties of the events are proved, most notably, the event inclusions of Lemma 3~\cite{DBLP:conf/ijcai/ChakrabortyMV16}.
  Note that ``events'' here refer to subsets of hash functions.

theory ApproxMCCore imports

(* An 'a assg is a finite map from 'a to bool
  It is useful to think of 'a as the type of (projected) variables *)
type_synonym 'a assg = "'a  bool"

(* Restrict function to a domain (analogous to restrict_map) *)
definition restr :: "'a set  ('a  bool)  'a assg"
  where "restr S w = (λx. if x  S then Some (w x) else None)"

lemma restrict_eq_mono:
  assumes "x  y"
  assumes "f |` y = g |` y"
  shows "f |` x = g |` x"
  using assms
  by (metis Map.restrict_restrict inf.absorb_iff2)

(* Projection of a solution set W onto variables S *)
definition proj :: "'a set  ('a  bool) set  'a assg set"
  where "proj S W = restr S ` W"

lemma card_proj:
  assumes "finite S"
  shows "finite (proj S W)" "card (proj S W)  2 ^ card S"
proof -
  have *: "proj S W  {w. dom w = S}"
    unfolding proj_def restr_def
    by (auto split: if_splits)
  also have 1: "{w. dom w = S} = {w. dom w = S  ran w  {True,False}}"
    by auto
  have f: "finite  {w. dom w = S  ran w  {True,False}}"
    by (simp add: assms finite_set_of_finite_maps)
  thus "finite (proj S W)"
    using * 1
    by (metis finite_subset)

  have 2:"card {w. dom w = S  ran w  {True,False}} = (card {True,False}) ^ card S"
    apply (intro card_dom_ran)
    using assms by auto

  show "card (proj S W)  2 ^ card S"
    using * 1 2
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) f card.empty card_insert_disjoint card_mono finite.emptyI finite.insertI insert_absorb insert_not_empty numeral_2_eq_2 singleton_insert_inj_eq)

lemma proj_mono:
  assumes "x  y"
  shows "proj w x  proj w y"
  unfolding proj_def
  using assms by blast

(* We can view nat assg as bit vectors, and take the i-th prefix slices *)
definition aslice :: "nat  nat assg  nat assg"
  where "aslice i a = a |` {..<i}"

lemma aslice_eq:
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "dom a = {..<n}"
  shows "aslice i a = aslice n a"
  using assms
  unfolding aslice_def restrict_map_def dom_def
  by fastforce

(*  Prefix slice after hashing *)
definition hslice :: "nat 
  ('a assg  nat assg)  ('a assg  nat assg)"
  where "hslice i h = aslice i  h"

(* Convenient grouping of assumptions and parameters *)
locale ApproxMCCore =
  fixes W :: "('a  bool) set"
  fixes S :: "'a set"
  fixes ε :: "real"
  fixes α :: "nat assg"
  fixes thresh :: "nat"
  assumes α: "dom α = {0..<card S - 1}"
  assumes ε: "ε > 0"
  assumes thresh:
    "thresh > 4"
    "card (proj S W)  thresh"
  assumes S: "finite S"

lemma finite_proj_S:
  shows "finite (proj S W)"
  using S by (auto intro!: card_proj)

definition μ :: "nat  real"
  where "μ i = card (proj S W) / 2 ^ i"

(* A frequently used expression for the number of projected
   witnesses w whose i-th slices match the target *)
definition card_slice ::"
  ('a assg  nat assg) 
  nat  nat"
  where "card_slice h i =
    card (proj S W  {w. hslice i h w = aslice i α})"

lemma card_slice_anti_mono:
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "card_slice h j  card_slice h i"
proof -
  have *: "{..<i}  {..<j}" using assms by auto
  have "{w. hslice j h w = aslice j α}
     {w. hslice i h w = aslice i α}"
    by (auto intro: restrict_eq_mono[OF *] simp add: hslice_def aslice_def)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding card_slice_def
    apply (intro card_mono)
    subgoal using finite_proj_S by blast
    by (auto intro!: proj_mono)

lemma hslice_eq:
  assumes "n  i"
  assumes "w. dom (h w) = {..<n}"
  shows "hslice i h = hslice n h"
  using assms aslice_eq
  unfolding hslice_def by auto

lemma card_slice_lim:
  assumes "card S - 1  i"
  assumes "w. dom (h w) = {..<(card S - 1)}"
  shows "card_slice h i = card_slice h (card S - 1)"
  unfolding card_slice_def
  apply(subst aslice_eq[OF assms(1)])
  subgoal using α by auto
  apply(subst hslice_eq[OF assms(1)])
  using assms by auto

(* Defining the various events with respect to a fixed h *)
definition T :: "nat 
  ('a assg  nat assg) set"
  where "T i = {h. card_slice h i < thresh}"

lemma T_mono:
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "T i  T j"
  unfolding T_def
  using card_slice_anti_mono[OF assms]
  by blast

lemma μ_anti_mono:
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "μ i  μ j"
proof -
  have "2^ i  (2::real) ^ j"
    by (simp add: assms)
  then show ?thesis unfolding μ_def
    by (simp add: frac_le)

lemma card_proj_witnesses:
  "card (proj S W) > 0"
  using thresh by linarith

lemma μ_strict_anti_mono:
  assumes "i < j"
  shows "μ i > μ j"
proof -
  have "2^ i < (2::real) ^ j"
    by (simp add: assms)
  then show ?thesis unfolding μ_def
    using card_proj_witnesses
    by (simp add: frac_less2)

lemma μ_gt_zero:
  shows "μ i > 0"
  unfolding μ_def
  using card_proj_witnesses
  by auto

definition L :: "nat 
  ('a assg  nat assg) set"
  where "
    L i =
    {h. real (card_slice h i) < μ i / (1 + ε)}"

definition U :: "nat 
  ('a assg  nat assg) set"
  where "
    U i =
    {h. real (card_slice h i)  μ i * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))}"

(* Model of ApproxMC core without random choice of h *)
definition approxcore :: "
  ('a assg  nat assg) 
  nat × nat"
  where "
    approxcore h =
    (case List.find
      (λi. h  T i) [1..<card S] of
      None  (2 ^ card S, 1)
    | Some m 
      (2 ^ m, card_slice h m))"

(* The failure event as a set over hashes *)
definition approxcore_fail :: "
  ('a assg  nat assg) set"
  where "approxcore_fail  =
      let (cells,sols) = approxcore h in
      cells * sols 
      { card (proj S W) / (1 + ε) ..
        (1 + ε::real) * card (proj S W)}

(* This is a global assumption of the locale *)
lemma T0_empty:
  shows "T 0 = {}"
  unfolding T_def card_slice_def
    hslice_def aslice_def
  using thresh(2) by auto

lemma L0_empty:
  shows "L 0 = {}"
proof -
  have "0 < ε 
    real (card (proj S W))
    < real (card (proj S W)) / (1 + ε) 
    by (smt (z3) card_proj_witnesses divide_minus1 frac_less2 nonzero_minus_divide_right of_nat_0_less_iff)
  thus ?thesis
  unfolding L_def card_slice_def
  hslice_def aslice_def μ_def
  using ε by clarsimp

lemma U0_empty:
  shows "U 0 = {}"
proof -
  have *: "(1 + ε / (1 + ε)) > 1"
    using ε by auto
  have **: "U 0 = {}"
    unfolding U_def card_slice_def
      hslice_def aslice_def μ_def
    using *
    by (simp add: card_proj_witnesses)
  thus ?thesis using ** by auto

lemma real_divide_pos_left:
  assumes "(0::real) < a"
  assumes "a * b < c"
  shows "b < c / a"
  using assms
  by (simp add: mult.commute mult_imp_less_div_pos)

lemma real_divide_pos_right:
  assumes "a > (0::real)"
  assumes "b < a * c"
  shows "b / a < c"
  using assms
  by (simp add: mult.commute mult_imp_div_pos_less)

(* The first inclusion used in the upper bound of Lemma 3 *)
lemma failure_imp:
  shows "approxcore_fail 
    (i{1..<card S}.
      (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)) 
    -T (card S - 1)"
proof standard
  fix h
  assume "h  approxcore_fail"
  then obtain cells sols where
    h: "approxcore h = (cells, sols)"
    "cells * sols 
      { card (proj S W) / (1 + ε) ..
        (1 + ε::real) * card (proj S W)}" (is "_  {?lower..?upper}")
    unfolding approxcore_fail_def
    by auto

  have "List.find (λi. h  T i) [1..<card S] = None 
    List.find (λi. h  T i) [1..<card S]  None" by auto
  moreover {
    assume "List.find (λi. h  T i) [1..<card S] = None"
    then have "h  T (card S - 1)"
      unfolding find_None_iff
      by (metis T0_empty atLeastLessThan_iff diff_is_0_eq' diff_less empty_iff gr_zeroI leI less_one not_less_zero set_upt)
  moreover {
    assume "List.find (λi. h  T i) [1..<card S]  None"
    then obtain m where
      findm: "List.find (λi. h  T i) [1..<card S] = Some m" by auto
    then have
      m: "1  m" "m < card S"
      "h  T m"
      "i. 1  i  i < m  h  T i"
      unfolding find_Some_iff
      using less_Suc_eq_0_disj by auto

    then have 1: "h  T (m - 1)"
      by (metis T0_empty bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum diff_is_0_eq diff_less empty_iff less_one)

    have "2 ^ m * card_slice h m < ?lower 
       2 ^ m * card_slice h m > ?upper"
      using h unfolding approxcore_def findm by auto
    moreover {
      assume "2 ^ m * card_slice h m < ?lower"
      then have "card_slice h m < ?lower / 2 ^ m"
        using real_divide_pos_left
        by (metis numeral_power_eq_of_nat_cancel_iff of_nat_mult zero_less_numeral zero_less_power)

      then have "h  L m" unfolding L_def
        by (simp add: μ_def mult.commute)
    moreover {
      assume *: "?upper < 2 ^ m * card_slice h m"
      have "1 / (1 + ε) <  1"
        using ε divide_less_eq_1 by fastforce
      then have "ε / (1 + ε) <  ε"
        using ε
        by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_cancel_left_right div_by_1 divide_divide_eq_left divide_less_eq_1_pos mult.commute nonzero_divide_mult_cancel_left)
      then have "card (proj S W) * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))  ?upper"
        using linorder_not_less not_less_iff_gr_or_eq by fastforce
      then have "(card (proj S W) * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))) / 2 ^ m < card_slice h m"
        apply (intro real_divide_pos_right)
        using * by auto
      then have "h  U m" unfolding U_def
        by (simp add: μ_def)
    ultimately have "h  L m  h  U m" by blast
    then have "m{Suc 0..<card S}.
            h  T m 
            h  T (m - Suc 0) 
            h  L m  h  U m 
         h  T (card S - Suc 0)  False"
      using m 1 by auto
  ultimately show
      "h  (i{1..<card S}.
                  (T i - T (i - 1))  (L i  U i)) 
              - T (card S - 1)"
    by auto

(* technically not smallest, but doesn't matter for our use *)
lemma smallest_nat_exists:
  assumes "P i" "¬P (0::nat)"
  obtains m where "m  i" "P m" "¬P (m-1)"
  using assms
proof (induction i)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc i)
  then show ?case
    by (metis diff_Suc_1 le_Suc_eq)

lemma mstar_non_zero:
  shows "¬ μ 0 * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))  thresh"
proof -
  have "μ 0  thresh"
    unfolding μ_def
    by (auto simp add: thresh(2))
  thus ?thesis
    by (smt (verit, best) ε μ_gt_zero divide_pos_pos mult_le_cancel_left2)

lemma real_div_less:
  assumes "c > 0"
  assumes "a  b * (c::nat)"
  shows "real a / real c  b"
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) divide_le_eq of_nat_0_less_iff of_nat_mono of_nat_mult)

(* Instead of giving mstar explicitly, we'll select it implicitly by the properties below *)
lemma mstar_exists:
  obtains m where
    "μ (m - 1) * (1 + ε / (1 + ε)) > thresh"
    "μ m * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))  thresh"
    "m  card S - 1"
proof -
  have e1:"1 + ε / (1 + ε) > 1"
    by (simp add: ε add_nonneg_pos)
  have e2:"1 + ε / (1 + ε) < 2"
    by (simp add: ε add_nonneg_pos)
  have "thresh   (4::real)"
    using thresh(1) by linarith
  then have up:"thresh / (1 + ε / (1 + ε)) > 2"
    by (smt (verit) e1 e2 field_sum_of_halves frac_less2)

  have "card (proj S W)  2 * 2 ^ (card S - Suc 0)"
    by (metis One_nat_def S Suc_diff_Suc card.empty card_gt_0_iff card_proj(2) diff_zero less_one order_less_le_trans plus_1_eq_Suc power_0 power_Suc0_right power_add thresh(1) thresh(2) zero_neq_numeral)

  then have low:"μ (card S - 1)  2"
    unfolding μ_def
    using real_div_less
    by (smt (verit) Num.of_nat_simps(2) Num.of_nat_simps(4) Suc_1 nat_zero_less_power_iff numeral_nat(7) of_nat_power plus_1_eq_Suc pos2)

  have pi: "μ (card S - 1) * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))  thresh"
    using up low
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) divide_le_eq e1)

  from smallest_nat_exists[OF pi mstar_non_zero]
  show ?thesis
    by (metis linorder_not_less that)

definition mstar :: "nat"
  where "mstar = (@m.
    μ (m - 1) * (1 + ε / (1 + ε)) > thresh 
    μ m * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))  thresh 
    m  card S - 1)"

(* The main inequalities we need from mstar *)
lemma mstar_prop:
    "μ (mstar - 1) * (1 + ε / (1 + ε)) > thresh"
    "μ mstar * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))  thresh"
    "mstar  card S - 1"
  unfolding mstar_def
  by (smt (verit) some_eq_ex mstar_exists)+

lemma O1_lem:
  assumes "i  m"
  shows "(T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)  T m"
  using T_mono assms by blast

lemma O1:
  shows "(i{1..mstar-3}.
    (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i))  T (mstar-3)"
  using T_mono by force

lemma T_anti_mono_neg:
  assumes "i  j"
  shows "- T j  - T i"
  by (simp add: Diff_mono T_mono assms)

lemma O2_lem:
  assumes "mstar < i"
  shows "(T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)  -T mstar"
proof -
  have "(T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)  -T (i-1)"
    by blast
  thus ?thesis
    by (smt (verit) T_mono ApproxMCCore_axioms One_nat_def Suc_diff_Suc Suc_le_eq assms compl_mono diff_is_0_eq' diff_less_mono leI minus_nat.diff_0 subset_trans)

lemma O2:
  shows "(i{mstar..<card S}.
      (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)) 
    -T (card S - 1)  L mstar  U mstar"
proof -
  have 0: "(i{mstar..<card S}.
      (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)) 
    (T mstar - T (mstar-1))  (L mstar  U mstar) 
    (i{mstar+1..<card S}.
      (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i))"
    apply (intro subsetI)
    apply clarsimp
    by (metis Suc_le_eq atLeastLessThan_iff basic_trans_rules(18))

  have 1: "(i{mstar+1..<card S}.
      (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i))  -T mstar"
    apply clarsimp
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) ApproxMCCore.T_mono ApproxMCCore_axioms One_nat_def diff_Suc_1 diff_le_mono subsetD)

  have 2: "-T (card S - 1)  - T mstar"
    using T_anti_mono_neg mstar_prop(3) by presburger

  (* Note that the strict inequality is needed here *)
  have "thresh  μ mstar * (1 + ε / (1 + ε))"
    using mstar_prop(2) thresh by linarith

  then have *: "- T mstar  U mstar"
    unfolding T_def U_def
    by auto

  have "(i{mstar..<card S}.
      (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)) 
    -T (card S - 1) 
    ((T mstar - T (mstar-1))  (L mstar  U mstar))  -T mstar"
    using 0 1 2 by (smt (z3) Un_iff subset_iff)

  moreover have "...  L mstar  U mstar"
    using *
    by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma O3:
  assumes "i  mstar - 1"
  shows "(T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i)  L i"
proof -
  have *: "μ i * (1 + ε / (1 + ε)) > thresh"
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) ε μ_anti_mono assms divide_nonneg_nonneg mstar_prop(1) mult_right_mono)

  have "x  T i  x  U i  False" for x
      unfolding T_def U_def
      using * by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma union_split_lem:
  assumes x: "x  (i{1..<n::nat}. P i)"
  shows "x  (i{1..m-3}. P i) 
    P (m-2) 
    P (m-1) 
    (i{m..<n}. P i)"
proof -
  obtain i where i: "i  {1..<n}"
    "x  P i" using x by auto
  have "i  {1..m-3}  i = m-2  i = m-1  i  {m..<n}"
    using i(1)
    by auto
  thus ?thesis using i
    by blast

lemma union_split:
  "(i{1..<n::nat}. P i) 
   (i{1..m-3}. P i) 
    P (m-2) 
    P (m-1) 
    (i{m..<n}. P i)"
  using union_split_lem
  by (metis subsetI)

lemma failure_bound:
  shows "approxcore_fail 
  T (mstar-3) 
  L (mstar-2) 
  L (mstar-1) 
  (L mstar  U mstar)"
proof -

  have *: "approxcore_fail 
    (i{1..<card S}.
      (T i - T (i-1))  (L i  U i))  -T (card S - 1)" (is "_  (i{1..<card S}. ?P i)  _")
    using failure_imp .

  moreover have "... 
    (i{1..mstar - 3}. ?P i) 
    ?P (mstar - 2) 
    ?P (mstar - 1) 
    ((i{mstar..<card S}. ?P i)  -T (card S - 1))"
    union_split[of "λi. ?P i" "card S" "mstar"]
    by blast
  moreover have "... 
    T (mstar - 3) 
    L (mstar - 2) 
    L (mstar - 1) 
    (L mstar  U mstar)
    using O1 O2 O3
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Un_mono diff_Suc_eq_diff_pred diff_le_self nat_1_add_1 plus_1_eq_Suc)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (meson order_trans)

